Pear confiture is an unusual delicacy with various additives. Pear jam for the winter - a simple recipe for sweet preservation

When pears ripen in the orchards, housewives are lost in search of various recipes their preparations for the winter. fresh fruits stored poorly, so there is not much time for reflection and concrete action.

We offer you an overview of simple and quick cooking recipes. pear jam. Why jam? Because it dessert dish will suit anyone's taste. Children are very fond of the delicate puree-like consistency of jam and pear aroma with honey notes, and adults are delighted with jam with translucent tender pieces fruits. The cooking process itself does not require special knowledge and skills. After reviewing the materials in this article, you can easily make jam yourself, regardless of your culinary skills.

Fruit preparation

The variety of pears for making jam matters only in terms of determining the consistency and appearance ready meal. From fruits with delicate loose pulp, it is better to make a homogeneous jam from grated pears, but hard fruits can be used to make a dessert with pieces of fruit.

Pears are thoroughly washed, cleaned and freed from seed boxes before starting work. Peeling the skin is an optional step and depends on how the pears will be cut in the future.

If the fruit is crushed with a meat grinder or pureed with a blender in its raw form, then the skin is not a hindrance. If the fruit in the jam will come across large pieces, then it is better to clean the fruits. Some, on the contrary, prefer grated jams without interspersing pieces of peel, and a dessert made from hand-cut pears with a skin. In general, it is up to you how to process the pears at the preliminary stage.

cooking recipes

Homogeneous jam: the fastest and easiest recipe

For harvesting take 1 kilogram of pears. Fruits are freed from seeds and twisted through a meat grinder, putting sugar into the meat receiver along with pieces of pears. Be sure to grind sugar with pears - this is the basic rule for making delicious jam. The amount of sugar is taken in a ratio of 1: 2 to the net weight of pears. That is, if 800 grams of pears remain after peeling, then 400 grams of sweetener will be needed.

The resulting puree is immediately sent to the stove, without waiting for the juice to be released. First, the jam is heated over a minimum heat for 20 minutes, and then boiled over medium heat for 20 minutes. The mass must constantly seethe. To prevent the jam from sticking to the bottom of the cooking container, the pear dessert is constantly stirred. During cooking, a thick foam is formed. It must be removed with a wooden spoon.

The readiness of the dish is determined by dripping a small amount of jam on a flat plate. A drop holding the shape indicates the readiness of the dish.

If the plate test shows that cooking can be completed, then proceed to final stage. Add ½ teaspoon to a bowl of jam citric acid. The powder can be replaced with natural lemon juice. In this case, it will need at least two tablespoons. The acidified jam is boiled for 2 minutes, and hot packed in sterile containers.

Pear jam with pieces of fruit

Pears, with or without skin, are cut into small plates 5-6 millimeters thick. The cut is sprinkled with sugar and set aside for a couple of hours. Products are taken in a ratio of 1:1. If the fruits are very sweet, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

After the juicy pulp gives juice, the preparation of jam continues. If the pears are not very juicy and the juice did not completely cover the pieces, then 100-150 milliliters of pure water are added to the main products.

Saucepan with sliced ​​pear sugar syrup put on fire, and cook the workpiece for 45 minutes over medium heat. Readiness is determined by the viscosity of the syrup. When it starts to flow from a spoon in a thin, unbreakable stream, and not drip, the jam is ready.

FROM detailed description the process of making jam from pears with cloves you can find on the channel "EdaHDTelevision"

How can you diversify pear jam

When cooking, add to the main products vanilla sugar, cinnamon sticks or ginger root powder. You can also flavor the jam with a few dried cloves. All these spices are added based on their own taste preferences. Citrus notes can be added to the dish not only by adding lemon juice, but also, for example, pieces of orange or lime. Before unfolding finished product in jars for storage, cinnamon and fruit slices used to improve the taste are removed.

Two recipes for pear jam with chocolate and walnuts, presents to your attention the channel "CULINAR TV"

How long to store pear jam

The shelf life of the finished dish is 1.5 years. The storage location should be dark and cool. Perfect, for example, a basement, cellar or the main compartment of the refrigerator.

Pear Jam: delicious preparation for the winter - how to make pear jam quickly and easily - Suseki

Pear jam: a delicious preparation for the winter - how to make pear jam quickly and easily When pears ripen in the gardens, housewives get lost in search of various recipes for their preparations for the winter.

Simple pear jam

Pear jam - sweet thick, with a delicate velvety structure and a delicious aroma of cinnamon and vanilla will be - an ideal filling for your pastries or great addition to warm crispy toast for breakfast. I have been brewing it for more than a year and I am sure that you will also like just such pear jam for the winter. A simple recipe: peel pears, chop them, boil them and roll them up. No need to add water to it or wait until the fruit is infused and the juice is released before cooking. Everything is very fast and very simple. BUT main secret This method of cooking is that sugar is always taken half as much as prepared for cooking (i.e., already peeled) fruits. About 700 g of jam is obtained from 1 kg of pears. You can make such a jam from pears of any variety: soft and ripe ones make jam, more like jam; strong and not quite ripe jam comes out of a jelly-like consistency. The color of the finished product also depends on the type of fruit: from greenish to pale golden.

  • strong pears, preferably slightly unripe - 1 kg (net weight),
  • sugar - 500 g,
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.,
  • cinnamon and / or vanillin - to taste.

How to make pear jam

For jam, in general, any fruit is suitable. But the most jelly-like and thick jam obtained from firm and slightly unripe pears. So, if possible, we choose these, wash them and clean them from the peel, tails and seeds.

Before sending the peeled pears to boil, we will kill them with a blender. To do this, cut them into cubes or just medium-sized pieces of arbitrary size - so it will be easier for the blender to deal with them.

Pour the pieces of fruit with sugar and mix them so that the sugar evenly covers the pear.

Next, we arm ourselves with an immersion blender and interrupt the fruit with it. Achieving complete homogeneity of the mass is not at all necessary, small pieces quite acceptable. My assistant coped with this task in just 2-3 minutes. In the absence of a blender, you can use a meat grinder, it will be a little longer, but the main thing is that we will get the mass we need.

We shift the pear blank into a container where the jam will be cooked, add cinnamon and vanillin, add lemon juice and, after stirring the contents, send everything to the stove. As for the amount of spices, here we focus only on our taste. I just love cinnamon madly, so I add a lot of it - a full teaspoon per 1 kg of peeled fruit. Vanillin, I put only half a bag and completely squeezed half a rather large lemon to the drop. However, if you prefer a natural, light, delicate pear flavor and aroma, just skip the spices. But lemon juice must be added, without it, even with such a small amount of sugar, the jam will turn out to be too cloying.

Jam cooks quickly. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil over medium heat, then switch to the maximum and cook, stirring constantly so that nothing burns. Jam during cooking should gurgle intensely, the time of such active gurgling is 30 minutes. After 2-3 minutes after boiling, remove the resulting foam.

In order to prepare pear jam for the winter, lay it hot in prepared sterilized jars and close with sterile lids. Ordinary nylon covers are not suitable for wintering.

We turn the rolled jars over, wrap them up and let them cool, after which we put them away for storage. The jam turns out to be quite thick, and besides the fact that it can be popped just like that, it is great for use as a filling for pies, buns, pancakes, etc.

Pear jam for the winter: a simple recipe, Easy recipes

Simple pear jam Pear jam - sweet thick, with a delicate velvety structure and a delicious aroma of cinnamon and vanilla - will be the perfect filling for your pastries or a great addition

Pear jam

Among the inhabitants of ancient China, the pear was considered a symbol of longevity and good health. And this is not surprising. After all, pear fruits have such a rich composition that you can’t count them on your fingers. Thanks to vitamins and microelements, this sweet fruit very useful in stomach ailments, diabetes, obesity. And pear jams and jams perfectly relieve cough. Therefore, in the summer - autumn period, it will not be superfluous to prepare a jar - another tasty, fragrant, thick jam.

To make pear jam for the winter, it is advisable to take ripe, soft, juicy fruits that boil quickly. It is useful to use pectin for a thick consistency, and citric acid for a brighter taste.

more varied and interesting taste add additives to the jam in the form of vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon and orange zest. But, even using a simple pear jam recipe, you can get a very tasty and healthy dessert.

pear jam

Yield - 1.3 liters of finished jam

In order to make pear jam for the winter, we need:

  • Pears - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 120 ml
  • Pectin - 10 gr.
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

How to make jam:

  1. Thoroughly washed and peeled pears are cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. We place the fruit in a container in which we plan to make jam. pouring right amount sugar, add water, send to the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. When the mass boils, remove the resulting foam.
  3. Cook pear jam over low heat for 40 - 45 minutes, stirring so as not to burn.
  4. When the pieces of fruit have become soft and transparent, grind them into a puree using a blender or pusher.
  5. Add citric acid and pectin powder to the pear puree. We place on slow fire and cook for 5 minutes with continuous stirring.
  6. Boiling jam is quickly poured into sterilized jars and corked.

Many housewives have already acquired a multicooker - a useful and versatile kitchen appliance. Thanks to this little helper, you can not only quickly cook soups, pilafs and cereals, but also cook delicious jam or jam. Moreover, pear jam in a slow cooker will cook much faster than in a regular one. gas stove.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

Cooking time - 40 minutes

Yield - 1 liter of ready-made jam

In order to make pear jam in a slow cooker, we need:

  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.7 kg
  • Water - 200 ml

How to make jam:

  1. We remove the skin from ripe pears, remove the core and seeds. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Put pear pieces into the multicooker bowl, add sugar and water. Close the lid, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 15 minutes. During this time, the pears will have time to give their juice.
  3. We switch the “Baking” mode and cook the fruit for another 25 minutes. You need to stir the jam with a wooden spatula so as not to damage the surface of the multicooker container. Stir the dessert especially thoroughly 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. It is by this time that the liquid will have time to evaporate and there is a risk that the jam will burn.
  4. Arrange thick jam hot in clean, dry jars and roll up.

By her own ripe pear very sweet, even a little cloying. But in combination with a citrus note, it turns out incredibly tasty! Therefore, it is very good to add lemon or orange to pear jam.

Pear jam with lemon

Cooking time - 1 hour (plus 3 hours for settling)

In order to make pear jam with lemon, we need:

  • Pears - 2 kg
  • Lemon -1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg

How to make jam:

  1. For jam, we take only the most ripe, juicy and soft pears. Remove the skin from them if it is dense. Cut into pieces of arbitrary size and shape.
  2. To remove the bitterness, pour boiling water over the lemon. We cut it into slices along with the peel. We shift layers with pear slices and fall asleep on top with sugar.
  3. We leave the fruits for several hours to let the juice go. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring.
  4. After the pear pieces are boiled, and the jam itself thickens, put it in sterile jars and close tightly with metal lids.

Very tasty, with a pleasant citrus aroma and a beautiful amber color, pear jam is obtained in combination with sweet oranges. Even the most capricious gourmet will not resist such a delicacy.

Pear jam with orange

Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes

Yield - 0.7 liters of finished jam

In order to make pear jam with orange, we need:

  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Water - 100 ml

How to make jam:

  1. Rinse the pears, remove the peel and grind into a puree with a blender.
  2. We remove the zest from the orange. To do this, it is convenient to use a grater with small holes or use a knife. Then remove the white skin from the citrus. It is she who gives the bitterness to the jam. The pulp is sent to a blender for grinding.
  3. Combine pear puree and orange. Add sugar, water and cook the jam over low heat until tender. How do you know when dessert is ready? You need to drop a drop of syrup on a saucer, and if it quickly froze and did not spread over the surface, then the jam is ready! Can be bottled and corked!

If you are not afraid to experiment in cooking, you can achieve exclusive, unusual and surprising mouth-watering dishes. For example, cook pear jam with the addition of plums. Sour plum pulp perfectly sets off the sweetness of the pear.

Plum and pear jam

Cooking time - 1 hour 15 minutes

Yield - 1.2 liters of finished jam

In order to make plum and pear jam, we need:

  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 2 kg

How to make jam:

  • We sort the fruits, remove spoiled and rotten fruits, rinse under the tap. Remove the pits from the plums and chop into pieces. Peel the pears, remove the core with seeds and cut into slices.
  • Place crushed fruits in a container for cooking jam, add sugar and water.
  • Simmer over low heat until fruit is soft. Then, using a blender, grind them into a puree.
  • Boil the mass with constant stirring for 10 - 15 minutes, until the jam becomes thick.
  • Pour hot jam into prepared jars and close tightly with lids.

boil thick delicious jam it is possible not only in a metal basin on a gas stove. Many modern bread machines have a “Jam” or “Jam” function, which greatly simplifies the preparation of sweet desserts. It is enough to press a button and go about your business, the smart unit will do the rest for the hostess.

Pear jam in a bread machine

Cooking time - 1 hour 5 minutes

Yield - 0.2 liters of finished jam

In order to make pear jam in a bread machine, we need:

  • Pears - 0.5 kg
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg

How to make jam:

We cut the apples together with the skin into slices, put them in a bread machine. Add sugar and juice of half a lemon. Set the mode to "Jam". After the beep that the bread maker has finished delicious dessert ready.

Cook delicious jam from pears is quite easy. Having spent a little time and effort, even a novice hostess can surprise her family with a thick, mouth-watering pear delicacy.

Pear jam - recipe with photo step by step

Among the inhabitants of ancient China, the pear was considered a symbol of longevity and good health. And this is not surprising. ‘because the fruits of the pear have such a rich composition that it doesn’t ...

Pear confiture


Pears - 2 kg (peeled)

Pectin / gelling mixture - 2 packs

Lemon - 0.5 pcs. (zest and juice)

Ground cinnamon - to taste

Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

Nutmeg - 1 pinch

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (taste)

  • 156 kcal
  • 30 minutes.

Cooking process

Pear confiture is a simple and effective way to preserve pears for the winter. Minimum cooking time and minimal amount sugar in the composition allows you to preserve and emphasize the natural aroma and sweetness of pears. Supplemented with fragrant spices, pear confiture turns out moderately sweet, spicy and very fragrant.

Thick, viscous and glossy, in consistency it resembles a very thick jam or jelly. Such a blank is the perfect addition to a cup of hot tea and fresh buns, pastries and desserts. Try it!

To prepare pear confiture for the winter, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare lids and canning jars in advance. Thoroughly wash the soda cans, and then sterilize by steam, oven or microwave. Boil the lids for 3-5 minutes.

Wash the pears and sort. Sort half or 2/3 of the total pears, separating the larger ones.

Peel large pears and cut into small pieces. Pears with denser pulp should be cut into smaller pieces so that they have time to cook in the short time that confiture is preparing.

Cut the second half of the pears into large pieces, without peeling, but removing the seed box. You can, of course, peel all the pears, but this is extra work, because we will still grind half of them to the state of fruit puree.

Weigh the resulting volume of fruit and measure out the proportionate amount of sugar, according to the recommendations of the pectin manufacturer.

Grind half of the prepared pears (unpeeled) in a blender.

The resulting fruit puree place in a saucepan.

Add sliced ​​pears and pectin. Following the instructions on the package, I pre-mixed the pectin with 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Cut the zest from half a lemon into large strips and add to the pot.

Also add spices: vanilla sugar, 2 cloves, a little ground nutmeg and cinnamon.

Mix everything thoroughly and, stirring, bring to a boil over medium heat.

When the mixture boils, add sugar and 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

While stirring, bring the mixture back to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove the cloves and lemon zest.

Pour the pear confiture into sterilized jars. Close with prepared lids and roll up. Turn jars upside down and let sit for 5 minutes. Then return to its original position, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Pear confiture for the winter is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Pear jam for the winter

A simple pear jam with a subtle vanilla flavor will the perfect complement to crispy toast and a wonderful filling for home baking. It is sweet and thick, delicate texture, freezes well and is easy to prepare.

You can preserve a pear for the winter by gourmet recipes, with a bouquet of spices, the addition of lemon slices, alcohol, nuts, even poppy seeds or condensed milk. You taste such a sweet dessert solemnly, enjoying every spoon amber jam or saw. But if you prepare for filling and spreading pies and pies, and just for bread for tea, there is no better simple recipe pear jam for the winter: pears, sugar, lemon juice and, say, vanillin (or anise, cardamom, lemon zest).

The pear jam recipe is suitable for cooking any kind of fruit. You can use large and small, dense and overripe fruits. Depending on the variety, the jam will turn out amber or light golden, jelly-like consistency or like jam. But in any case, harvesting for the winter will be tasty and fragrant.

Cooking time: 50 minutes


  • pears - 500 g net weight
  • sugar - 250 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Cooking pear jam for the winter

If the pears are soft and very overripe, then it is enough to wash them and you can boil them with the skin on. But hard and dense fruits should be peeled, then the jam will turn out to be more uniform.

From each fruit, I cut the core, and then cut the flesh into small pieces. I put it in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar. No need to wait until the juice is released, all the same, all the pieces will be crushed into a homogeneous fruit mass.

I put the pan on a weak (very, very small) fire and warmed up until the sugar is completely dissolved - about 10-15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula.

As soon as a lot of juice appeared in the pan and the syrup began to boil, increased the heat to medium. Cooked for 30 minutes, without a lid, until the pears are fully cooked and soft, stirring with a spatula so that nothing burns. Remove the pot from the stove and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don’t have special equipment, you can grind it through a sieve or mash it with a potato masher (but then small inclusions of pulp will remain).

Added lemon juice and a pinch of vanilla. Returned to the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for another 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring, without a lid, to remove excess moisture. Be sure to add lemon juice! In addition to the role of a preservative and acidity regulator, it activates the production of pectin in the pear, which in turn helps to set the jam. The final cooking time can be increased if you are preparing a double or triple portion at once or the pears are very watery - in this case, check the readiness by dripping onto a plate, if it drains very slowly, then it is ready.

I poured hot jam into sterilized dry (!) jars, immediately corked. Lids can be taken any, both screwed and turnkey. Turning over and wrapping is not necessary, the jars will stand just fine anyway.

The yield from the indicated amount of ingredients is approximately 400 ml, but a lot depends on the variety chosen, so I advise you to prepare containers of different volumes, preferably a small displacement. Store a simple blank for the winter from pears in a cool and dark place, for a period of 1 year.

Pear jam for the winter, a simple recipe, Magic

An ideal option if you need to prepare pear jam for the winter for spreading pies and fillings for pies - an understandable, simple recipe.

Pear confiture - incredible delicious treat, which is prepared caring hostesses for their household for the winter. The recipes for this delicacy are varied, and each of you can choose the one that suits her and her family's taste.

As you know, a pear is a seasonal fruit, and it is practically not found in markets and supermarkets during certain periods of the year. A special "deficit" is observed in winter - at this time, pears do not appear in our country even as imports.

  • Treats for the whole family
  • Lemon-Pear Confiture
  • Confiture in a multicooker
  • Reviews and comments

Treats for the whole family

This fruit is rightfully loved by most adults and children, because it has a tender and piquant taste, breathtaking aroma and pleasant astringency. Pear confiture is one of the most popular preparations for the winter.

Many women vary the classic recipe at their own discretion, supplementing the jam with lemon, ginger, cinnamon and other auxiliary ingredients.

Also, some people prefer to make such dishes in a slow cooker, because it turns out quite quickly and not so “risky” - the device itself controls the readiness of the syrup and fruits, does not allow them to boil away or burn on the dishes. Therefore, this option is considered the most suitable for busy women.

There are many recipes for pear confiture, and they all differ slightly, but the technology for preparing this delicacy is, in essence, very simple. If you decide to stock up on delicious and useful blank for the cold season, we will be happy to tell you how to properly cook it for the joy of you and your household.

Classic pear confiture

The simplest, classic recipe for pear confiture for the winter does not involve the use of many components. However, you can enter them at your discretion. Like apples, pears go great with spices like cinnamon and cloves. Nuts will also fit perfectly into the jam, so if you like them, feel free to add them.

It should also be added that the consistency ready sweets likewise is up to you. Some housewives associate confiture not with simple jam or jam, but with a delicacy in the form of whole pieces of fruit in syrup. Others prefer to grind ready-made confiture to a puree state. This is purely a matter of taste, so we recommend that you don't deviate from your own preferences just because certain technologies require it.

So, to prepare a traditional pear confiture with gelatin, you will need:

  • Pears (preferably sweet varieties and ripe) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar (white or brown) - 1 kg;
  • orange peel;
  • "Jelfix" - 1 sachet.

Cooking instructions:

  • First of all, you need to carefully prepare the base ingredient. Select pears without scratches and wormholes, rinse them thoroughly with running water using laundry soap. You can remove the skin with a knife, but this is not always acceptable, because it will still boil in syrup, and will not be felt in the finished jam. Of course, you should remove the twigs and leaves from the fruit, if any. Cores with bones are also better to eliminate, but not everyone does this - many women like fruit confiture in its “original form”;
  • Cut fruit in any convenient way. We recommend that you cut the pears into uniform cubes. Grinding the fruits too much is irrelevant at this stage - if you want a pureed jam, make it with a food processor at the end of cooking;

  • Prepare a capacious container of any type in advance - it can even be a bulky plastic container;
  • Place the pears in it and sprinkle with sugar so that the layer is even. Leave the container overnight in the kitchen (pears with syrup should stand for about 10-15 hours, depending on their initial softness and juiciness);
  • You should notice that the fruit has released a lot of juice. If so, continue cooking;
  • Grate on a fine grater orange peel to make it as uniform as possible. Try not to touch the white layer under the zest - it can give an unnecessary bitter aftertaste;
  • Place pears with sugar in a fireproof container and put on low heat;
  • The pan must be dense, with a thick bottom, so that your future jam does not burn in any case, but warms up evenly;
  • Pour orange zest into the mass;
  • Bring the resulting mixture to a boil;
  • During the boil, pour "Zhelfix" into the container, and, constantly stirring the hot mass, wait for it to thicken (this will take about 10-15 minutes);
  • Pour the finished delicacy hot into a sterilized glass containers and roll up;
  • Confiture is ready!

If the process of seaming is alien to you, you can place the finished jam in any container and put it in the refrigerator. However, only if you want to eat confiture in the near future. You can also run the sweet mixture through a food processor or blender before bottling if you like the creamy texture of such preparations.

Lemon-Pear Confiture

Lemon is known to give a special piquancy to any dish. Here are the sweet ones winter preparations here is no exception. We advise you to try the fragrant lemon-pear confiture, which will not only become tasty addition for dessert, but also protect you from colds during the epidemiological periods of the year.

To make Lemon Pear Confiture, you will need:

  • Pears (ripe or tart unripe) - 500 g;
  • Sugar (white and brown) 400-500 g;
  • Saffron - 10 stamens;
  • Lemon - 1 large fruit;
  • Rum white - 100 ml.
  • Wash the lemon thoroughly with soap (no need to cut the skin). Boil a small amount of water in a saucepan and drop it there. Boil for 30 seconds, then remove and quickly pour over cold water. Repeat all of these steps twice. After that, cut the lemon into thin circles;

  • Pre-treat the pears, but do not peel them. Make sure that their sides are not dented or rotten;
  • Cut the pears in half, remove the cores, and chop the pulp into cubes of 1 cm in volume;
  • Put pieces of fruit and citrus fruits in a container and sprinkle with sugar. Stir, cover and leave for 10-12 hours;
  • Crush the saffron stamens with a mortar (or grind in any other convenient way);
  • Mix the resulting saffron powder with barely warmed rum and let it brew for half an hour;
  • Pour fruit into a fireproof container and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer the marmalade for 45 minutes. It should boil very "quietly", raising small bubbles to the surface. This foam can be periodically removed;
  • After 45 minutes, turn up the heat and boil the mixture for an additional 4-5 minutes;
  • Pour the saffron rum into the resulting mixture, mix gently and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up, cool completely and refrigerate, cellar or pantry.

This delicious confiture will warm you in cold weather, and will not let you get sick with viral colds during epidemiological periods. By consistency, it resembles quince jam, and you can use it in any form - in particular, adding sweet homemade pastries to the filling.

Confiture in a multicooker

It would seem that it could be easier cooking confiture in general? Probably only pear confiture cooked in a slow cooker!

For cooking you will need:

  • Pears - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Natural lemon juice - 3 tbsp.

We prepare confiture in a slow cooker in stages:

  • Prepare fruits in the standard way described in the first and second recipe;

  • Cut them into uniform small cubes or slices;
  • Pour the mass with sugar and let stand for half an hour;
  • Thoroughly but gently mix the sugar-fruit mass and place in the multicooker bowl. Enter freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix the mass with a silicone spoon and set the kitchen appliance to the “Extinguishing” mode. Simmer for 20 minutes;
  • Turn off the device, open the lid (it must be immediately wiped from condensate), and let the pears soak in the syrup;
  • After an hour, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode again for another half an hour;
  • Next, open the lid again and clean it, let the fruit brew for 2-3 hours;
  • At this time, sterilize the container - wash and pour over with boiling water (both jars and lids). Dry the jars;
  • Stir the jam and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode again for 45 minutes;
  • After the signal, pour the boiling jam into the jars and roll up.

May your efforts bring you wonderful summer memories. cold winter. Enjoy your meal!

You can preserve jam from amber pears in a variety of ways. interesting ways: with the addition of a whole bouquet spicy spices, nuts, citrus or other fruits. Simple recipes do not require special skills or abilities, but they can be used to cook favorite treat and an excellent filling for home baking.

Pear jam should be boiled for at least two hours, since these fruits give a lot of juice. At the preliminary stage, the fruits will need to be ground, and hard pears can be cut into cubes. Raspberries or strawberries are not the best addition to pears. These berries have a distinct aroma, so they will kill the valuable taste.

Selection and preparation of pears

The variety does not really matter - the selected fruits will only affect the consistency and external color of the finished jam. Fruits with loosened pulp are better suited for a homogeneous preparation of grated pears.

And hard fruits, as a rule, go to the manufacture of desserts with pieces. To peel the skin or not is the decision of everyone.

Methods for making jam from ripe pears

Pear blanks are a whole space for imagination and experimentation with recipes. Cooking methods may be different, but the technology remains simple and fast.

Easy winter recipe

Following the traditions, you can cook the jam familiar to everyone according to a simple recipe. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe fruits;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • freshly squeezed lemon or apple juice;

How to cook: first you need to prepare the main fruit: peel and cut into slices. Prepared pears should be thoroughly rubbed with granulated sugar. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for a day - during this time the fruits will give juice. Add lemon or apple juice (optional) to fruit. Boil on fire for about an hour - the liquid should be half as much. Roll the prepared jam into jars and wrap in something warm.

"Five Minute"

For busy people, the best option would be to make jam according to quick recipe. Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of pears;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 300 grams of sugar;

How to cook: the selected fruits must be cut into cubes and placed in a selected container for cooking jam. Pour water there, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then the fruit should be taken out, and sugar should be added to the pan with water.

Cook over low heat for a few minutes. Pears need to be placed back into the sweet syrup and simmer a little more on the fire. This is enough to start rolling jam into jars.

In a slow cooker

Do fragrant confiture in a slow cooker - it means to save a maximum of useful substances and vitamins. Ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of pears;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • half a liter of water;
  • lemon juice;

How to cook: peeled fruits should be cut into slices or cubes, put into the bowl of the device and pour boiled water. Add sugar, lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Select the appropriate mode - it can be "Extinguishing" or "Jam". If there is no automatic timer, cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Pour into clean jars and roll up.

In a bread maker

Surprisingly, even in a bread machine you can make delicious jam. On the palatability and the aroma of cooking will not be affected in any way, so you can safely make blanks according to personal preferences. Ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of pears;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;

How to cook: wash the fruits, cut and compactly place in the bowl of the device. Add sugar, citric acid and cinnamon. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Activate the "Jam" mode for 1.5 hours. Stirring is not required. After the time has elapsed, roll into a clean container.

with gelatin

Thickening ingredients give the jam a special consistency. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • one teaspoon of gelatin;
  • lemon juice;

How to prepare: gelatin should be diluted in 50 grams of water and left for 10 minutes. Cut the peeled fruits, mix with sugar and crush. Add to the pan, pour in 500 milliliters of water and lemon juice. Cook over low heat. Finely chop the lemon and add to the container along with the gelatin. Mix and boil for a few minutes. Pour into banks.

With gelfix

Gelfix can be used as a gelling agent. At the same time, the jam will retain its natural taste and color. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of pears;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • gelfix package.

How to cook: peeled fruits should be crushed well with the help of improvised means: a meat grinder or a blender. Then place in an aluminum cooking pot and light a slow fire. The Gelfix thickener must be thoroughly mixed with half of the sugar taken and added to the pear puree. Boil. Throw in the remaining sugar and cook for half an hour. Pour into containers.


Spices emphasize refined taste ripe fruit. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of zest;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

How to cook: Place chopped fruit and lemon zest in your chosen cooking container. Melt sugar in boiled water, add cinnamon to it. Pour the resulting syrup into a container with fruits. Boil and cook for 10 minutes. Leave for half an hour, then boil again for 5 minutes. Repeat two more times. Roll into banks.

With lemon

Citrus will fill pear jam with freshness and a pleasant sour aftertaste. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fruit;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • one lemon.

How to cook: Sprinkle chopped lemon with sugar. As soon as it gives juice, place in a saucepan and add the main fruit. Cook for at least an hour, stirring constantly. Leave for 2 hours. Then boil again and cook for half an hour. Add to containers and roll up.

with orange

An interesting component will be a sweet and juicy orange. Ingredients:

  • 600 grams of pears;
  • two oranges;
  • 700 grams of sugar.

How to cook: peel the zest from an orange and squeeze the juice. Put everything in a bowl for cooking, add pears and sugar. Cook after boiling for 20 minutes. Let cool and repeat. Then pour into containers.

With plum

An incredible note of taste will add a plum to pear jam. Ingredients.

Or condensed milk. You taste such a sweet dessert solemnly, enjoying every spoonful of amber jam or marmalade. But if you prepare pies and pies for filling and spreading, and just for tea bread, there is no better simple pear jam recipe for the winter: pears, sugar, lemon juice and, say, vanillin (or anise, cardamom, lemon zest).

The pear jam recipe is suitable for cooking any kind of fruit. You can use large and small, dense and overripe fruits. Depending on the variety, the jam will turn out amber or light golden, jelly-like consistency or like jam. But in any case, harvesting for the winter will be tasty and fragrant.

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Yield: 400 ml


  • pears - 500 g net weight
  • sugar - 250 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Cooking pear jam for the winter

If the pears are soft and very overripe, then it is enough to wash them and you can boil them with the skin on. But hard and dense fruits should be peeled, then the jam will turn out to be more uniform.

From each fruit, I cut the core, and then cut the flesh into small pieces. I put it in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar. No need to wait until the juice is released, all the same, all the pieces will be crushed into a homogeneous fruit mass.

I put the pan on a weak (very, very small) fire and warmed up until the sugar is completely dissolved - about 10-15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula.

As soon as a lot of juice appeared in the pan and the syrup began to boil, increased the heat to medium. Cooked for 30 minutes, without a lid, until the pears are fully cooked and soft, stirring with a spatula so that nothing burns. Remove the pot from the stove and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don’t have special equipment, you can grind it through a sieve or mash it with a potato masher (but then small inclusions of pulp will remain).

Added lemon juice and a pinch of vanilla. Returned to the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for another 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring, without a lid, to remove excess moisture. Be sure to add lemon juice! In addition to the role of a preservative and acidity regulator, it activates the production of pectin in the pear, which in turn helps to set the jam. The final cooking time can be increased if you are preparing a double or triple portion at once or the pears are very watery - in this case, check the readiness by dripping onto a plate, if it drains very slowly, then it is ready.

I poured hot jam into sterilized dry (!) jars, immediately corked. Lids can be taken any, both screwed and turnkey. Turning over and wrapping is not necessary, the jars will stand just fine anyway.

The yield from the indicated amount of ingredients is approximately 400 ml, but a lot depends on the variety chosen, so I advise you to prepare containers of different volumes, preferably a small displacement. Store a simple blank for the winter from pears in a cool and dark place, for a period of 1 year.

Pears even after heat treatment retain most of the nutrients. Ripe fruits are saturated with potassium, calcium, vitamin C. Jam from these fruits can be eaten with tea, cereals, sandwiches, curd cheese, even with meat. Any dish will become healthier with a fragrant dessert.

Cooking features

You can make jam from any pears, but it is better to take summer, sweet varieties. Overripe, "departing" fruits are also suitable. Pay attention that there is no dirt, rot, mold on the fruits. Throw away blatantly damaged copies.

The amount of sugar can be varied, regardless of the recipe. It all depends on personal preferences and the variety of pears. Sour, astringent, dense fruits are best generously covered with sugar. So they will soak faster, give juice. Sweeten juicy fragrant fruits moderately. The same goes for water. Watery pears do not need additional liquid. "Dry" fruits are recommended to be diluted with water.

If everything is calculated, taken into account, you can start cooking. You will need the following fixtures and fittings:

  • pot;
  • wooden or silicone spatula;
  • sharp knife;
  • vegetable peeler;
  • cutting board;
  • pusher or automatic kitchen chopper;
  • scales;
  • beaker;
  • seaming key;
  • containers with lids for storage;
  • towel.

Before seaming, the jars should be washed, dried and sterilized. After the end of cooking, the lids must be tightened, and the containers turned upside down until completely cooled. It is enough to cook jam for an average of one hour, then you can store a delicacy for one and a half to two years. For aroma and taste, you can add to the recipe:

  • almond;
  • zest;
  • vanillin;
  • alcohol (cognac, brandy, liquor);
  • fruit;
  • sour berries;
  • ground confectionery spices.

Unlike jam, which allows solid elements, dense pieces, whole berries, jam should turn out tender, melting in the mouth. Therefore, before slicing, the peel is removed from the pears. Use only the pulp, cut into cubes or slices.

Recipe selection

Dessert according to the following recipes is prepared without sterilization. Sugar, lemon juice, alcohol, thickener play the role of natural preservatives. Before laying out the jam, it is enough to scald the containers with water several times and dry them. In order not to doubt the long-term delicacy, it is recommended to sterilize the container in any convenient way.


Description . Traditional jam is made from fruit and sugar with lemon juice or acid added. To taste, you can add a pinch of vanilla or zest.

What you need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruit, cut off the skin.
  2. Cut into four parts, cut out the cores.
  3. Boil water.
  4. Put the fruit slices in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it.
  5. Set to cook for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Add sugar, mix well.
  7. Reduce the heat, mash the mass with a spoon or pusher.
  8. Leave to boil for approximately 20 minutes.
  9. Pour in the lemon juice.
  10. Boil for another 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  11. Arrange in containers, cork.


Description . Apple and pear delicacy is prepared quickly and simply. The fruits complement each other well, creating a jam of perfect consistency. A thickener is added if necessary to make the mass thicker. If desired, finely chopped nuts or candied fruits are poured into the dessert.

What you need:

  • pears - 500 g;
  • apples - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • liquid pectin - 150 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash and clean fruits.
  2. Cut into random pieces.
  3. Heat until boiling, remembering to stir.
  4. Add spice, juice, thickener.
  5. Boil after boiling for about half an hour over low heat.
  6. When you reach the desired consistency, remove from heat, pour into containers.

Apple juice can be used instead of a thickener. Fall asleep pear slices sugar, leave for a day in the refrigerator. Pour in the juice squeezed from apples (a glass per kilogram of pears), cook over low heat. Excess liquid will boil away, and a jelly-like jam will remain in the pan.


Description . The apple-pear union is perfectly complemented by quince fruits, which are usually not consumed raw. Fruits have a delicate aroma, ideal for making jams and preserves.

What you need:

  • pears - 500 g;
  • green apples - 500 g;
  • quince - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the skin.
  2. Cut into large cubes.
  3. Place in a saucepan, add water.
  4. Pour in half the sugar.
  5. Cook over low heat until fruits are soft.
  6. Add the remaining granulated sugar, mix.
  7. Wait until it boils, boil for another five minutes.
  8. Grind with any household appliance to a puree state.
  9. Boil the mass, pour into prepared containers.

If a meat grinder is used to grind the fruit mass, it is recommended to scroll the mixture twice to achieve a mushy consistency. You can also rub the fruit through a fine sieve.

With banana and kiwi

Description . Thickeners, depending on the type, give the dessert a consistency of different density. To make the jam resemble jelly, the easiest way is to add gelatin granules. Cooking will not take much time, and the jam will acquire the necessary density.

What you need:

  • pears - three pieces;
  • banana - three pieces;
  • kiwi - three pieces;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • gelatin - 10 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the banana skin, cut the pulp into circles.
  2. Put in a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour in the juice.
  3. Peel the pears and kiwis.
  4. Cut into cubes.
  5. Pour sugar, set to boil.
  6. After boiling, add gelatin granules.
  7. Stir, cook until excess moisture has evaporated (the process may take an hour).
  8. Pour into containers.


Description . Plum fruits are great for making jam, marmalade, preserves. Dessert acquires a pleasant burgundy color. You can take it on request different amount fruits.

What you need:

  • pear - 500 g;
  • plum - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit, cut out the cores, remove the seeds.
  2. Put the plums in a saucepan, pour in the water.
  3. Cook after boiling for five minutes over low heat.
  4. Remove the skin from the pears, cut into slices.
  5. Add to saucepan, stir.
  6. Bring to a boil, stirring the fruit mixture occasionally.
  7. Pour in the sugar.
  8. Boil for a minute after it dissolves, stirring constantly.
  9. Switch off the burner.
  10. Stir for about five minutes, removing the resulting foam.
  11. Put in containers, close, leave the roll to cool.


Description . Beautiful "sunny" jam is different delicate aroma, pleasant taste. Ripe nectarines and sour pears are suitable for the recipe.

What you need:

  • pear - four pieces;
  • peach - four pieces;
  • sugar - 400 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears, cut out the cores.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Remove the pits from the peaches.
  4. Grind fruit in a food processor or any other kitchen appliance.
  5. Pour sugar, put on the stove.
  6. Cook after boiling over low heat until the jam thickens.
  7. Distribute to banks, roll up.


Description . You can do just zest or juice. The delicacy will turn out fragrant, light, with a pleasant sour taste. But real gourmet he is not looking for simple ways, so it is recommended to make jam with lemon pulp.

What you need:

  • ripe or overripe pears - 1 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • sugar - two glasses.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruits, wipe with a napkin.
  2. Carefully remove the skin from the lemon with a vegetable peeler or any other convenient method.
  3. Cut the fruit into slices.
  4. Cut each slice lengthwise sharp knife, remove the film.
  5. Remove seeds.
  6. Put the separated pulp into a saucepan.
  7. Sprinkle with sugar.
  8. Remove the skin from the pears.
  9. Cut into random slices.
  10. Add to the lemon pulp with sugar, mix.
  11. Put the pan on the stove, cook over low heat until boiling.
  12. Without ceasing to stir, boil the pear pieces to a mushy state (this takes about an hour).
  13. Turn off the stove, leave the open workpiece for three to four hours.
  14. Put on fire again, cook, stirring constantly.
  15. Having achieved density, put the jam in jars, roll up.


Description . The recipe can be called "Five Minute", as confiture is prepared easily and quickly. Depending on the variety, the softness of the fruit, preparation and cooking takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

What you need:

  • pear - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - one;
  • sugar - 500 g.

How to cook

  1. Skinned pear pulp cut in half.
  2. Cut out the cores.
  3. Chop into thin slices.
  4. Cut the zest from the orange, finely chop.
  5. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  6. Place the pear slices in a bowl.
  7. Pour sugar, add zest and juice.
  8. Put to cook on a small fire.
  9. After boiling, boil for 15 minutes.
  10. Arrange in containers, roll up.

mint lime

Description . There are several options for preparing a dessert with a subtle mint smell. You can boil the fruit mixture along with green branches, use dry crushed leaves, or prepare mint decoction in which fruit slices will be cooked. Pears can be ground into porridge, left in slices or chopped with a crush. You can also add a thickener to give the jam a jelly-like consistency. Below is the easiest way to make a mint dessert.

What you need:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • lime - five pieces;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • mint leaves;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears, clean out the seeds.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Put in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. Pour sugar, leave for a while so that the juice stands out.
  5. Grate lime zest on a fine grater.
  6. Cut off the white layer with a thin knife.
  7. Remove the film from each slice, remove the seeds.
  8. Chop mint leaves.
  9. Add lime, zest and herbs to pears.
  10. Let it boil, stirring gently.
  11. Cook over low heat until fruits are soft.
  12. If foam forms, remove it.
  13. After reaching the desired consistency, pour into containers.

In order not to peel the lime for a long time, chop the whole lime with a food processor. Add the resulting green gruel to the pears.


Description . Ginger jam will harmoniously complement winter tea especially during colds. You can use dry seasoning, but the fresh root is more juicy and aromatic.

What you need:

  • pear - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • fresh ginger - root 3 cm long;
  • lemon - half a fruit.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears, cut out the seeds.
  2. Cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the ginger root, finely grate.
  4. Peel the lemon, squeeze out the juice.
  5. Place pear slices, zest, ginger shavings in a saucepan, pour in juice.
  6. Sprinkle with sugar, leave for six hours.
  7. Put on the stove, after boiling, cook for 15 minutes.
  8. Cool, boil two more times after cooling.
  9. Pour into banks.


Description . Chocolate confiture from pears will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Despite the different nature of the products, this perfect combination. The amount of sugar can be reduced to your liking. Instead of chocolate chips you can use cocoa (50 g per kilogram of pears). It is recommended to use ready dessert cold. It turns out a kind chocolate paste with pear flavor.

What you need:

  • sweet pears - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • 60% dark crushed chocolate - 250 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove skin from fruit.
  2. Cut, cut out the seeds.
  3. Slice thinly.
  4. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Pour in the lemon juice.
  6. Put on fire, wait for it to boil.
  7. Turn off the stove, add chocolate chips.
  8. Mix well until smooth.
  9. cover up parchment paper, refrigerate for 12 hours.
  10. Bring to a boil, boil over high heat for five minutes.
  11. Reduce the heat, cook for ten minutes, remembering to stir so that the mass does not stick to the walls and does not burn.
  12. Pour into jars, seal.

Try adding citrus to the recipe. Cut the zest of the orange, chop. Squeeze the juice from the pulp, mix with lemon. Add along with the zest before cooking.


Description . Autumn dessert of beautiful scarlet color. Pears can be cut large slices or small cubes- depending on the desired consistency. If you grind the fruit and berry mass through a sieve and add a thickener, you get a dense jam that resembles marmalade. If desired, you can enhance the taste with spices.

What you need:

  • pears - 3.5 kg;
  • lingonberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skins and seeds from the pear.
  2. Cut into random slices.
  3. Rinse the berries, add to the fruits.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Pour in water, bring to a boil over high heat.
  6. Boil for five minutes, remove the foam.
  7. Leave for six hours to infuse.
  8. Boil the mass and, stirring, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Leave for a few hours, boil again for 15-20 minutes.
  10. If the density suits, pour into jars, if not, repeat the procedure.


Description . fragrant jam, similar to fruit oil, suitable for breakfast, cheeses and meats. You can add any thickener or do without it if the fruits are sufficiently viscous, non-watery.

What you need:

  • pears - 2.5 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • rosemary - branch;
  • sugar - 550 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • gelfix thickener - 40 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears, cut out the seeds.
  2. Cut into random pieces.
  3. Place in a thick bottomed saucepan.
  4. Pour in water, put to boil over low heat.
  5. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater.
  6. Stir softened pears.
  7. Add rosemary branch and zest.
  8. Wait until it boils, boil for five minutes.
  9. Pour in 500 g of sugar, mix well.
  10. Take out the green branch.
  11. Mix the remaining sugar with a thickener, add to the total mass.
  12. Grind the mass with a blender.
  13. Bring to a boil, pour into jars.


Description . You can reduce the calorie content of jam by removing sugar from the recipe. The delicacy is less sweet, but retains a fruity aroma. It is recommended to sterilize the jars before packing, as the dessert is prepared without the main preservative.

What you need:

  • pears - 0.9 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

How to cook

  1. Remove skins and seeds from fruits.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Put in a saucepan, pour in water.
  4. Simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  5. Grind with a food processor or with a pusher to a smooth puree.
  6. Boil for another five minutes.
  7. Pour into containers, seal.

With alcohol

Description . Original preparation of jam or marmalade. The consistency of the treat depends on the amount of thickener. For density, just put a teaspoon. To cook jelly, add two spoons, marmalade - four spoons. Alcohol is not only an additional flavor, but also an excellent preservative. Pears soaked in alcohol acquire a tart taste. The more aromatic the wine (you can take semi-sweet), the tastier the jam will turn out.

What you need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • white dry wine- 75 ml;
  • vanilla pod - one;
  • cinnamon stick - one;
  • agar-agar - two or three teaspoons;
  • liquor or rum (optional) - three tablespoons.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the pear.
  2. Cut into four pieces.
  3. Pour the wine into the pan, add the vanilla pod, cinnamon stick.
  4. Put the fruit in the wine, boil for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Pull out the fruits with a slotted spoon, arrange them in prepared containers.
  6. Remove the pod and stick from the wine broth.
  7. Add thickener.
  8. Cook until boiling, and after - one minute.
  9. Add liquor.
  10. Remove from heat, pour over pears.

Jam "for adults" can be prepared with vermouth. Pour pear pieces sprinkled with lemon juice, sugar with a thickener (you can take 25 g of gelfix "2: 1" per kilogram of pears). Boil until thick, add 200 ml of alcohol. Boil for two to three minutes, pour into jars.

In a slow cooker

Description . The device will cope with cooking on its own in the set mode. It remains only to prepare the fruits. If the jam turned out to be liquid, you need to open the lid, re-set the program for a few minutes.

What you need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook

  1. Peel the washed pears from the skins and seed pods.
  2. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  3. Put in a bowl, pour in hot water.
  4. Sprinkle pear pieces with sugar, stir until dissolved.
  5. Close the multicooker.
  6. Set the "Extinguishing" program for two hours.
  7. Every 20-30 minutes, open the multicooker, mix the contents.
  8. At the end of the program, pour the finished jam into containers.

It is easy to cook a dessert in a bread maker if the appliance has the "Jam" function. Load the pear slices into the container, sprinkle equal amount sugar (or take a little less, to taste), add a teaspoon of citric acid. Set the appropriate mode for about an hour. Take it out, put it in containers.

Any recipe for pear jam can be improved at your discretion. Experiment with spices, fruit additives, thickeners. Boil in small batches. If the harvest is large, you can make a dessert according to different recipes and then choose the best one. Seal in small jars to quickly eat the treat without causing mold.