Making apple wine at home recipe. Video recipe for making dessert apple wine

The trends of recent years show an increased interest in homemade drinks, because they have a lot of advantages over alcohol purchased in the store. First of all, this is confidence in the quality of raw materials, as well as good savings. In addition, the process can be creative and experiment with different recipes and types of drinks.

One of the most common types of homemade drinks is wine. Most people associate wine with grapes. But for the production of wine at home, grapes are a very capricious raw material. This is a whimsical plant, the fruits of which are very susceptible to external influences. This affects their taste and, consequently, the aroma of the future drink. Apples, in turn, can be an excellent raw material for a novice winemaker. They are quite affordable and allow you to get a rich bouquet of flavors. Any gardener or city dweller can make homemade wine from apples with their own hands.


As mentioned earlier, apples are good raw materials. They are suitable for all types of wines: table, dessert, liqueur and sparkling (cider). But, like any winemaking process, the production of wine from apples has its own nuances, the observance of which will positively affect the taste of the finished drink.

So, let's look at the most important ones:

  1. The choice of raw materials. First, you need to decide on the type of wine, it depends on what variety and degree of maturity to choose fruit. So, for dry wines, “carrion” (immature apples) that have fallen to the ground are quite suitable. Apples with high acidity and low sugar content are perfect for making table wines. Dessert types of wines, respectively, are made from sweet varieties and mature, but not overripe, fruits. Sweet and sour apples of “household” varieties are considered universal. Keep in mind which fruits or their combinations were used, this will allow you to adjust the wine from season to season until the desired taste is achieved.
  2. Before making wine, apples are not treated with water. Dirt is removed from their surface with a brush or napkin. When immersed in water, bacteria are destroyed, which subsequently participate in the fermentation process.
  3. When preparing apples, the core is removed and all rotten places are cut off.
  4. To get as much juice as possible, apples are not cut, but grated or chopped with a meat grinder.
  5. To avoid souring, the first three days, every 10 hours, the pulp is immersed in the separated juice. This way the yeast is evenly distributed.
  6. Experienced winemakers mix sugar into the juice gradually, this prevents the fermentation process from stopping.
  7. The wort container must be sealed in such a way as to prevent air from entering, but to allow the resulting gas to escape. For beginners, it is better to use a purchased water seal.

These are the main features of the technology for making apple wine, the subtleties may vary depending on the recipe.

Classic strong apple wine has a rich aroma and unsurpassed amber color. Few people know that fortified homemade apple wine has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Important! Before using any home-made alcoholic beverage as a remedy, you need to consult a specialist who will tell you about individual contraindications.

Both dry and fresh apples can be used as raw materials. So, for cooking you need the following ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Purified water - 0.8 l;
  • Sugar sand - 250 gr;
  • Alcohol 95% - 0.3 l (per 1 liter of wort);
  • Yeast starter - 0.3 ml (per 1 liter of wort).

First of all, you need to prepare the apples. For this recipe, a combination of sour and sweet varieties (about 1: 1) is perfect. To make the wine especially fragrant, you can add a little dry apples to fresh apples (100 g per 1 kg). Apples need to be cleaned of dirt with a brush or napkin. Then the core and rotten pulp are removed from the fruit and crushed.

Recall that apples can be cut or grated to get more juice. Crushed fruits are placed in a container and poured with water. The resulting mass is slightly heated (up to about 60 degrees) and left to languish at room temperature for two days.

The finished wort is carefully filtered through gauze, squeezed and poured into a clean container. The more layers of gauze, the more transparent the wine will be. Then a pre-prepared starter is added to the wort. Cooking it is very simple, for this we breed yeast in slightly warmed water and leave it for a couple of hours in a warm room. The sourdough is ready when signs of fermentation are visible on the surface.

After adding the starter, the wine is left in a warm place, without access to direct light, active fermentation begins. The liquid foams and releases carbon dioxide. At this time, the container must be closed with a water seal. You can make it yourself, but it's easier to buy ready-made. After about 1.5 -2 months, the wine will give a sediment, which means that it's time to strain it again and pour it into a clean container. Then alcohol is added and left for another couple of weeks in a cool room. Fortified apple wine is ready.

If you have a desire to make homemade apple wine, but there were no fresh apples on hand, then this recipe is for you. This drink is very easy to make and does not require additional costs, while it is not inferior in its taste and aroma to wine made from fresh fruits. For this recipe you will need:

  • Apple jam - 1 l;
  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Yeast - 25 g.
  • Purified water - 1 liter.

Jam is placed in a clean three-liter jar. Pour rice (unwashed) there and add fresh yeast. Pour everything with a little warm water, so that there is room for foam in the jar. We cork the jar with a lid with a water seal or a glove with a pierced finger and leave the resulting mass to languish in warmth, without access to light.

Few people know that ordinary apple compote can be an excellent basis for making homemade wine. Therefore, if you find a jar with last year's compote, do not rush to throw it away. It is better to please your friends with an unusually fragrant and tart drink. What is needed to create it:

  • Apple compote - 3l;
  • Sugar sand - 2-2.5 kg;
  • Fresh apples - 9 kg.

Handle fruits carefully. Remove the remaining dirt, leaves and branches. Next, you need to cut the core and remove the remaining bones. Juice must be squeezed out of processed apples. To make this easier and faster, it is best to use a juicer. If there is none on the farm, then the apples are passed through a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out with the help of gauze. In a large saucepan, compote is mixed with the resulting juice.

1.5 kg of sugar is poured into the resulting liquid and left in a darkened warm room. After three days, the liquid will ferment, and the finished wort is placed in a jar and sealed with a cotton plug. Leave the jar in a warm and dark room. The cotton plug is changed to a water seal after three days.

A week later, after you have made sure that the wort has fermented well, you can add the remaining sugar and leave for another eleven days. To complete the fermentation process, the wine is placed in a cool dark room for 40-45 days. The finished wine is well filtered with the help of gauze folded in several layers and bottled.

How to properly store homemade apple wine

It is possible to pour wine into bottles only after making sure that all fermentation processes have been stopped in the must. Only after that the drink is considered ripe and ready for long-term storage. Let's consider the most important points:

  • Tableware. At home, the best containers are glass jars or wine bottles. The container must be thoroughly washed and treated with soda.
  • blockage. You can close the bottles with wooden corks or wax paper. You can also use paraffin. The main thing is to prevent air from penetrating.
  • bottle position. Wine bottles are stacked so that the liquid touches the cork. And, preferably, leave as little air gap as possible. The optimal distance is 1 cm.
  • Room. Usually a cellar or basement acts as a place for storage. The room in which the wines are stored should be dry, dark and cool without sudden temperature fluctuations when weather conditions change.
  • Temperature. The optimum storage temperature for apple wine is 10-15 degrees.

Now you are familiar with the basics of making and storing homemade apple wine. You could be convinced that it is absolutely not difficult and accessible to everyone. Try ready-made recipes, choose your favorites or develop your own and surprise your family and friends with wonderful drinks.

Apples are an excellent raw material for making delicious wine on your own. The result is a wonderful alcoholic drink without the addition of alcohol and yeast, only from natural products - apples and sugar. Wine, with a strength of 10-12%, retains the beneficial properties of apples.

Apples of various varieties are suitable for making wine. The main requirement for them is ripeness and juiciness. Varieties can be green, yellow, red, early or late, they can also be mixed in one piece.

Read also:

Some recipes recommend diluting apple juice with water, but wine made from pure juice is much better and richer in taste. In our opinion, it is so tasty and convenient. Dilution with water is possible when using unripe or too acidic fruits. Excessive acidity is reduced with a small volume of water - 100 ml per 1 liter of juice.

Apple wine at home a simple recipe


  • Apples - 20 kg
  • Sugar - 150-400 g per 1 liter of juice

Cooking technology

  1. Preparing apples

Fruits picked from branches, picked up from the ground, damaged are suitable for wine. Harvested fruits are not recommended to be washed with water, because. special yeast living on the skin of apples is necessary for fermentation. Too dirty apples should be brushed or wiped with a dry cloth.

You can prevent the appearance of bitterness in the finished wine if you first clean the apples from seeds and spoiled parts.

2. Extracting juice

The method of obtaining juice is arbitrary. If you have an electric juicer, things are much easier. A mechanical juicer also works. If there is nothing resembling these mechanisms, then you will have to use a grater for chopping apples or a meat grinder. And then squeeze the juice with gauze or a press. As a result, you need to get at least a semi-liquid puree.

3. Juice settling

Freshly squeezed juice or semi-liquid puree should be poured into a large bowl (pot, barrel, bucket). Do not close the lid, but cover with gauze to protect from flies and midges. Juice with pulp remains to ferment for 2-3 days. During this time, wild yeast will enter the liquid, and it will naturally begin to separate into pure juice and pulp, which will come to the surface. At first, for a couple of days, you should mix the pulp with the juice with a wooden spatula or stick - this contributes to the penetration of yeast into the juice.

On the third day, remove the dense cap of pulp from the surface with a colander. As a result, pure juice with a thin film will remain in the dishes. In the wort (fermented juice) foam should appear, a slight hiss and a peculiar acetic-alcohol smell - this is evidence that the fermentation process has started.

4. Sugar dosage

The volume of sugar varies from 150 to 400 g per liter of prepared juice. It depends on the sweetness of the apples. To avoid stopping fermentation due to excess sugar, you should add it in small portions.

The first time, sugar is poured in right there, after removing the pulp - 100-150 g per liter. It is mixed with juice, which is then poured into bottles and a water seal is installed (more on this below).

Read also:

Add the second portion after 4-5 days - 50-100 g per liter. To do this, remove the water seal, pour juice into a separate bowl with a volume of half the amount of sugar to be added. Then mix the juice with sugar and pour the solution back into the bottle, install a water seal.

Adding sugar can be repeated a couple more times every 4 days, 30-80 g per liter of juice.

Sugar norms: for dry wine - 150-220 g per liter of juice, for sweet and dessert wines - 300-400 g.

5. Fermentation

After the pulp has been removed and sugar has been added to the juice, it should be poured into bottles (glass, nylon, plastic from under the water). A water seal is immediately installed on the bottle. This useful device can be purchased at a hardware store or built by yourself.

A water seal is necessary so that the carbon dioxide released during fermentation is removed from the must tank, otherwise the wine will go rancid. This blocks the access of oxygen, which will turn the wine into vinegar.

A homemade water seal or water seal is made from a flexible tube, a sealed lid and a glass of water. Make a hole in the lid so that the tube fits snugly into it. Close the bottle with a lid with a tube inserted into it so that the end of the tube is significantly higher than the surface of the wort, in order to prevent it from clogging with foam. Lower the free end of the tube into a glass of water. Thus, carbon dioxide will freely exit the bottle, and oxygen will not get there.

You can simply put a medical glove on the neck of the container with the wort, after piercing it in your finger with a needle.

Dishes with fermenting juice should not be filled to the top by 1/5. The best fermentation will occur in a dark place at 20-22°C. Leave the must there for a couple of months. The end of the process can be tracked by the sediment at the bottom of the transparent dish and by the cessation of bubbles in the water seal for a long time. If fermentation continues after 50 days, then the wine should be filtered from the sediment into a clean dish and a water seal should be installed.

6. Ripening

After the cessation of fermentation, the wine is quite suitable for drinking. But it has disadvantages - a sharp taste and not a pleasant smell. They can be eliminated by aging the wine.

For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare clean, dry dishes with a sealed lid (bottles, jars). Using a flexible tube, carefully drain the wine, starting from the top layers and gradually deepening the tube without touching the sediment. Pour clean containers almost to the very top and seal. In this form, store the drink in the dark at 6-16°C for 3-4 months. This exposure will significantly improve the taste of wine.

But you should not leave the wine unattended, every two weeks the wine must be separated from the sediment, pouring into a clean container. The wine will be fully ripe when the sediment stops. Now it can be finally corked into bottles and sent for long-term storage.

The result is a drink of a dark amber hue with the aroma of ripe apples and a strength of 10-12%. The excellent quality of the wine is preserved for 3 years if kept in a dark and cool place, hermetically sealed.

Before the final corking, sugar can be added to the wine, or reinforced by adding vodka 2-15% of the volume of wine. Fortified wine will be harsh in taste, but will last longer.

Apple wine recipe for cooking at home, as you can see, is quite simple, if one of you cooks differently, tell us about it in the comments.

Making wine from apples- this is a very wise decision, especially if the harvest exceeded all your expectations. The main thing is not to bring the situation to the point of absurdity. In particular, on the Internet, you can stumble upon dubious advice on how to make wine from dried apples.

In fact, you will be told how to make yeast brew from apple dust diluted with water. In our opinion, you will win much more if you do not succumb to such provocations, but use the available dried fruits to make fragrant and tasty uzvar.

But, to complete the picture, Vzboltay still offers to get acquainted with this recipe.

How to make wine from apples: a question of raw materials

The most difficult and crucial moment in our case is the issue of selecting wine material and determining the amount of sugar. In principle, all known categories of apple varieties are suitable for our purposes: sour, sweet and sour, sweet and bitter (they are also tart). However, there are subtleties and preferences here. So, to get a light table drink, it is desirable to use sweet and sour fruits of autumn ripening. If we are talking about strong table, dessert and liqueur wines, we should focus on sour and sweet and sour winter varieties; for example, put wine from Antonovka apples.

However, aerobatics in apple winemaking is the blending of different varieties. At the same time, to facilitate the task, you can use the classic proportions, proven for centuries:

  1. 37.5% sweet, 37.5% bitter, 25% sour;
  2. 40% sweet, 40% bitter, 20% sour;
  3. 25% sweet, 25% bitter, 50% sour;
  4. 25% sweet, 75% bitter;
  5. 66% sweet, 34% bitter;
  6. 66% moderately bitter, 34% sweet.

When preparing raw materials, the degree of fruit ripening should also be taken into account. So, if we are talking about summer varieties, then they can be put into action immediately after harvest. Autumn varieties need to be kept in a dark place for 4-7 days for full ripening. Winter apples, on the other hand, need to rest in a dry cellar for 3-4 weeks to reach final ripeness.

An equally important issue is the proportional calculation of sugar and apple juice. It depends both on the level of acidity of the fruit, and on the type of drink planned at the exit. Experienced experts in horticultural winemaking recommend adhering to the following ratios:

  1. Light table wines - 150-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  2. Strong table wines - 200-250 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  3. Dessert wines - 300-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  4. Liquor wines - 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.

If your crop consists mainly of sweet fruits, then in order to avoid too much sugar content (and, as you know, it should not exceed 20%), it is necessary to increase the acidity of the future wine by adding 10-20% blackthorn or rowan juice to it.

Basic Apple Wine Recipe

Before sealing the container with the drink being sent for maturation, make sure it is full to the eyeballs. This precaution is necessary so that the wine does not sour from contact with air. Otherwise, you will have to creak your heart to process it into apple cider vinegar. The aging period of the drink ranges from 2 to 4 months, but it will be better if you endure up to six months. Wine maturation takes place in a cool dark room at a temperature of 8-15°C. After that, the drink, if necessary, is once again removed from the sediment, bottled and consumed.

Frozen apple wine

In principle, if necessary, a quite tolerable drink can be prepared from frozen apples. However, it should be borne in mind that as a result of freezing, the fruits will be less juicy, and in addition, they will lose wild yeast, which is so valuable in this case. As a result, some changes will need to be made.

Firstly: apple juice, or rather, applesauce obtained from thawed apples, will need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Secondly: at the pre-fermentation stage, add a handful of unwashed raisins to the wort (200 g per 1 liter of liquid).

And thirdly: reduce the amount of added sugar to 100-150 g per 1 liter of wort.

Apple jam wine

If the apple jam prepared for the winter is candied or fermented (but not sour) and the toad presses to throw it away, try turning it into wine.

Cooking method

Well, and, of course, do not expect a stunning result. You will get a drink, frankly, for an amateur.

Easy Apple Wine Recipe


  1. Apples - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 700 g
  3. Water - 2 l
  4. Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the apples, cut into small pieces and pour into a container, add water and cinnamon and cook until the mass softens.
  2. Then rub the mass through a sieve and leave to ferment.
  3. After fermentation, strain and add sugar, let the wine stand and strain again.
  4. Pour the finished homemade wine into bottles and store in a cool place.

Wine from apples with pears


  1. Apple juice - 10 l
  2. Pear juice - 1.5-2 cups
  3. Sugar - 2 kg

Cooking method

Apple wine with rowan juice for better clarification

Proportion: for 9 parts of apple juice, 1 part of rowan juice.


  1. Apple juice - 6.3 l
  2. Rowan juice - 0.7 l
  3. Sugar - 2.5 kg sugar
  4. Water - 1.5 l

Cooking method

  1. To obtain the wort, you need to take apple (preferably from late varieties of apples) and rowan juices, add sugar and water.
  2. After thoroughly mixing the juices with water and dissolving the sugar, pour the wort into bottles and put on fermentation.
  3. Fermentation lasts 7-10 days. The result is a wine with a strength of 5-11 degrees.

If there is a desire to make the wine stronger (16 degrees), the wine must be alcoholized. For 10 liters of wine, take 0.5 liters of alcohol or 1 liter of vodka, evenly distribute among the bottles, mix thoroughly until a uniform strength of wine is obtained. Aged wine for 5 days. Then filter and bottle.

Alternative Apple Wine Recipe


  1. Apples - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 4.5 l
  4. Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Yeast - 20 g
  6. Lemon - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the apples and cut into small slices, pour boiling water over and put the mass under the press.
  2. Keep under pressure for 4 days, then strain and add lemon juice, cinnamon and yeast.
  3. Place the container in a dark place for fermentation. When the fermentation process is over, mix the mass and stand for 2-3 days.
  4. Then strain again and pour into a barrel. In it, homemade wine is aged for six months, and then bottled and stored in a cool place.

Dried apple wine


  1. Dried apples of sour and sweet varieties - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 100 g
  3. Water - 1.73 l
  4. Yeast (preferably wine) - 1 tsp
  5. – 500 ml

Cooking method

  1. Take dried apples of sweet and sour varieties, put in a wooden or enamel bowl, pour hot water at 80–90 ° C and insist for a day (take 800 ml of water per 1 kg of apples).
  2. Then press the apples, pour the resulting liquid into a bottle, add 10% sugar syrup (for 1 liter of syrup, take 930 ml of water and 100 g of sugar) and yeast, close the bottle with a fermentation stopper and leave for fermentation.
  3. After 5-6 days, the wort can be alcoholized by adding 500 ml of alcohol 70 ° per 1 liter.
  4. Pour the mixture into a clean bottle, close and let it brew for 3-5 days.
  5. Then the wine is carefully removed from the sediment and left to mature in a tightly closed vessel for 6-8 months. At the same time, make one or two transfusions using a tube (depending on the amount of sediment).
  6. Remove the finished wine from the sediment, pour into bottles, cork and store in a cool place.

One of the most common fruit trees in our area is the apple tree. It grows in almost every garden, and the fruits are used in any form: fresh apples, preparations for the winter, cooking, dried and soaked apples. This sunny fruit has not been without this fruit in winemaking - homemade amber wine made from Antonovka has long won the hearts of winemakers. The aromatic and taste characteristics of such wine are much better than other alcoholic beverages.

At the exit, lovers of homemade alcohol will receive a pleasant-tasting and healthy (without abuse in quantity) drink, the strength of which will be 10-12 °. In addition to a pleasant taste, it has useful and healing properties. An additional plus is that the preparation of such a delicious wine from juicy crispy Antonovka apples in ordinary home conditions is within the power of not the most experienced winemaker. It can be cider, or table wine, dessert or liqueur. Organoleptic properties depend on the correct selection of raw materials and the accuracy of technology.

How to make apple wine from Antonovka with your own hands: preparation of raw materials

The main point in the manufacture of alcohol from apples is the selection of raw materials. Fruits differ from each other in maturity, time when they are ripe, sugar content, acidity. Dry wine will come out of sour unripe Antonovka apples, while dessert ones will sour.

Overripe and summer-ripened apples will give a drink that will not keep for long. And varieties ripening in winter or autumn will give a wonderful bouquet and are especially good for winemaking. The most versatile sweet and sour apples for different wines, they are also called household varieties. The combination of sweet and sour fruits will be successful - this will give a more interesting blend. Autumn varieties have a lot of juice, which makes them an excellent material for home winemaking.

In late August - early September, they are harvested, let them lie down for about 2 weeks, bringing them to final ripening, and put to work. It is important not to let them become flabby or spoil - if they overripe, the amount of juice will decrease. Delicious homemade wine is made from the varieties Antonovka, Bely Naliv, Anis gray and striped. Antonovka is in the first place due to the fact that it contains a lot of juice, is fragrant, it is characterized by a clean taste, and serves as an excellent basis for making homemade cider.

The size of the fruit is also important: medium or small fruits give the best quality, because. contain more sugar, they have moderate acidity.

You can't wash apples. To prepare the fruits before making fragrant apple wine from crispy Antonovka yourself, you need to wipe them with a napkin, remove the dirt with a brush. However, in no case should you soak in water: it is important to keep the living bacteria that are on the skin of the apple and will help to process sugar into alcohols when the fermentation process begins.

Fruits should be taken whole, without worms, not rotten, damaged places, cleaned or cut. Remove the core - so the wine will not become bitter.

Preparation of Antonovka juice manually or through a juicer for wine at home

To get the most juice for wine from Antonovka fruits, it is worth passing them through a juicer. In the event that it is not available on the farm, a meat grinder will help. In the absence of it, apples are rubbed by hand.

Infuse the juice for 3 days, then begin to separate the resulting pulp from the liquid. These days, after 8-12 hours, the pulp needs to be melted - this way the yeast will spread evenly, which will prevent souring. For ease of further pressing, 6 hours before the start of this process, put in a room with a low temperature. Press by hand or press.

In order for the wine from the juice of ripe Antonovka to be prepared correctly even at home, all the ingredients, including sugar, are added before the juice is placed in a vessel, where it will then ferment. It is better to fill in sugar in portions: half must be introduced first, a quarter later, on the 4th day, and the rest in a week. This is most important when the apples were taken sweet: with excess sugar, fermentation will stop.

The vessel left for fermentation must be covered so that the air does not come into contact with the wort, but the gas that is formed in the process must come out. This will help water seal (homemade or factory). At home, a rubber glove is used, the finger of which is pierced with a needle.

When the fermentation is completed, the wine must be settled in another bowl. Alcohol is poured into it, alcohol, sugar are added (in case the drink does not seem sweet enough). A water seal is on the tank for a week, then it closes tightly. The wine is bottled when it becomes transparent.

Equipment for making wine from Antonovka apple juice

From the equipment you will need the following set:

  • Gang (made of wood);
  • Equipment - for squeezing juice;
  • Glass bottles (for 10 l);
  • Rubber gloves);
  • Cover with a hole and a pipe made of plastic;
  • A jar of water (1 l).

Everything should be washed and dried before use.

Technology and recipe for making homemade wine from the juice of sour apples "Antonovka"

There is a classic recipe for fragrant homemade wine made from crispy antonovka apples.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of apples (the same household varieties);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.6 kg of sugar.

Production of wine from apples.

Sort the fruits, prepare them for processing, removing rot, bruising. Grind through a meat grinder, juicer, you can manually grate. Leave the resulting mixture in a container (for example, a saucepan or bucket), tie it with gauze at the top or, in its absence, with a thin cloth. Put indoors for 3 days. Every 8-12 hours the contents should be thoroughly mixed during these three days.

Remove the pulp, leave a layer of about 0.3-0.5 cm.

Further, according to the recipe for self-preparation of homemade apple wine, namely from Antonovka as the most fragrant variety, you need to add water, sugar (0.8 kg), pour everything into a container, and there fermentation will begin in the wine. Install a water seal. Open it after 4 days, drain 0.2 l of wort with a tube. Dilute 0.4 kg of sugar in wine, drain back. Reinstall the shutter.

When 3-4 days have passed, do the same.

In accordance with the technology for the production of homemade wine made from the juice of the popular Antonovka, the temperature most favorable for the fermentation of apple must to begin is 20-20 °. Should fluctuate not lower than 18 ° and not higher than 24 °. The water seal will tell you if the process is finished - it will stop gurgling. A glove used in place of a factory water seal will lose air and fall off in this case. This may not be for quite some time. When 50 days have passed and the fermentation has not ended, you need to drain the wort, pour it into a new container, also with a water seal, this should help complete the process.

Next, the drink is poured into another (clean) container, closed very tightly and settled. Every 2 weeks, drain the wine from the sediment. It should become almost transparent, then drain it, for the last time, bottle it.

The preparation of home-made wine from fresh apple juice of delicious Antonovka will give excellent table alcohol, a strength of 10-12 °.