Rum or whiskey. Fight for survival

On the strong alcohol Russia accounts for 70-75% of all consumption. But if earlier vodka was the absolute leader, then in last years its share decreased slightly due to cognac, whiskey, rum and tequila. True, not everyone still knows the difference between imported alcohol and native vodka. To fill this gap, I propose to compare whiskey and vodka according to the most important indicators.

1. Technology. Vodka is a mixture of rectified (well purified) ethyl alcohol and water. Fortress 40 degrees. In some varieties of vodka, a higher strength and (or) the presence of aromatic additives is possible. Standardized technology has made it possible to establish production in many countries, but in the world vodka is considered a traditional Russian drink. AT pure form she only drinks on the territory former USSR. In Europe and the USA, vodka is considered an ideal base for cocktails, as it has neither smell nor taste.

Whiskey is an alcoholic drink made from barley, rye or corn, obtained by malting (germinating cereals), fermenting them, distilling the wort and keeping the finished distillate in oak barrels during several years. The fortress fluctuates from 40 to 60 degrees. The taste depends not only on the quality of raw materials, the skill of the distiller and the aging time in barrels are of great importance. Each region has its own requirements for production technology, there are no uniform standards. Whiskey is traditionally made in Ireland, Scotland, USA, Canada and Japan.

Whiskey production technology is closer to moonshine, it is made from only a few types of cereals, which increases the cost. In turn, alcohol for vodka is produced from any food starch-containing raw materials, for example, potatoes, sugar beets, peas, etc. can be used in a mixture with grain.

2. Organoleptic properties. This refers to the color, smell and taste of the drink. Depending on the aging time in oak barrels, the color of the whiskey starts light yellow and ends with brown. The taste varies from viscous thick to light floral, this is influenced by raw materials and the region of production. The most "heavy" are island scotch whiskey, their second name is "scotch".

whiskey color variety

Good vodka should be moderately strong, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Other requirements for its organoleptic characteristics are not provided.

3.Culture of consumption. In this aspect, vodka and whiskey are fundamentally different. In Russia, it is customary to drink vodka during a feast in large doses. Its taste is not important, the main thing is the result, a good snack and a cheerful company.

Whiskey is more suitable for alcohol connoisseurs who gather in a narrow circle in a calm, quiet place to spend time chatting or other interesting activities, such as playing cards. Whiskey is drunk from special glasses in small sips, trying to catch the peculiarities of aroma and taste. It is not customary to dilute or eat it, as this interferes with perception. After the tasting, whiskey is discussed, comparing the selected brand with others.

For big noisy companies whose members are not connoisseurs alcoholic beverages vodka is better. A narrow circle of friends-connoisseurs bottle good whisky will help brighten up the rest, giving new impressions of tasting.

4. Harm to health. There is no single opinion on this matter. One group of researchers believe that whiskey more harmful than vodka, since it contains more third-party impurities, for example, essential oils, not removed by distillation, and vodka is rectified, in which there is nothing but water and alcohol.

Their opponents refer to the work of Russian toxicologists under the guidance of Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Nuzhny, head of the Narcology Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Scientists have come to the conclusion that in excessive doses, any alcoholic beverages are harmful, but vodka is the most harmful. The problem is precisely in the absence of third-party impurities. Because of this, the body does not immediately recognize the danger, starting to react with a delay, when the functioning of vital systems has already been disrupted.

Vodka is addictive faster than other drinks

Some microimpurities of the distillate partially protect the body from the effects of pure ethyl alcohol and, in small concentrations, can even be beneficial. It is known that cognac dilates blood vessels, and whiskey raises the tone. Other impurities such as hydrocyanic acid and fusel oils in grappa (chacha), create an additional load on the body, they are harmful.

The same group of studies concluded that vodka has no equal in terms of the speed of development of physical dependence. With her regular use alcoholism develops several times faster than from cognac or whiskey.

The conclusion is supported by statistics. In countries where distillates are preferred (cognac, calvados, whiskey, bourbon, etc.), these are Ireland, France and the USA, the number of alcoholics per 100 thousand inhabitants is much lower than in places where drinks from rectified ethyl alcohol are popular. Most of all, pure vodka is drunk in Russia, Ukraine and Finland.

5. Intoxication and hangover. Subjective indicators depending on individual characteristics human body, they are difficult to analyze. Theoretically, with the same amount of alcohol drunk, intoxication and the degree of a hangover are determined by the concentration of foreign substances in the drink. In this case good vodka can be taken as a starting point, since it does not contain impurities.

But we know that, depending on the chemical structure, impurities in distillates can be beneficial or harmful. This means that the hangover from good whiskey will be less than from vodka, since the substances in it partially block the negative effects of alcohol. In the case of bad whiskey, the situation is reversed - rapid intoxication with severe hangover the next day.

P.S. To drink vodka or whiskey, everyone decides for himself. In many ways, the choice depends on financial capabilities, the nature of the feast and the company. Both drinks in question have the right to be on your table. The purpose of this article was to show the difference between the two, not to determine which one is better.

There is in the world a large number of a variety of drinks, the exact amount of which is quite problematic to calculate. But it is known exactly what share falls on alcoholic products - 30%.

Alcohol differs in taste, alcohol content, production technology, region of origin, raw materials and much more. And yet it is interesting to know how, for example, whiskey differs from rum.

Aromatic qualities

  • Whiskey. The aroma is multifaceted and depends on several factors, such as the region of production, aging time, distillation conditions, the type of wood for the barrel, and the drying of the barley. Depending on all factors, alcohol can have a smoky and earthy smell, aroma with notes of vanilla, coconut, spices, citrus fruits, fruits, melon, peach, candy. Malt alcohol has aromas of cereals, roasted coffee, toffee, malt, honeysuckle, violets, mint, heather. When aged in European oak barrels, it acquires the smell of almonds, nuts, chocolate. There is also an odor cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, beeswax, tobacco and leather. Drinks that are produced on the coasts have salty aroma, with notes of algae and iodine.
  • Rum. Aromatic properties largely depend on the species to which it belongs. Light or silver sweet, fresh, fruity aroma. Gold and red have a smell caramel, exotic fruits, dried fruits and honey. Aged has a deep rich bouquet with fruity chocolate notes.


  • Whiskey. There are species that have no color and remain transparent. Usually the color varies from light straw to dark amber. The color of the drink acquires during aging in barrels.
  • Rum. In many cases it depends on additives, dyes and degree of purification. There is silver, gold, red and dark. Red, for example, gets its color from the addition of red banana juice.

Taste qualities

  • Whiskey. It differs in each region of production. has a taste of peat, smoking and smoke. light, with a floral and caramel flavor. - spicy, with a touch of pepper and oak. The Japanese drink has an unusual floral taste that complements the smoky and earthy aftertaste. American has a bright caramel-vanilla flavor.
  • Rum. Taste, like smell, has its own differences depending on the type. Light has a delicate nut-honey taste and aftertaste. Gold and red are pleasantly felt on the tongue and give a range of fruits, caramel and spices. Dark has a strong caramel-spicy and very strong aftertaste.

What is the difference between rum and whiskey production technology

What is the difference between the production of rum and whiskey? For the second, it is typical to adhere to traditional manufacturing technologies, regardless of the region of production, but the first does not have a single technique, and it depends on the traditions of the area where alcohol is made.

Raw material

The raw materials for whiskey are barley malt and barley, rye, corn, wheat. The main raw material for the production of a "pirate" drink is sugar cane.


The fermentation process is similar to adding yeast, but whiskey has difficult process preparation of the wort, which consists in the selection, soaking and subsequent drying of raw materials.


Braga for grain alcohol is subjected to double or triple distillation using copper stills - alambiks. Copper removes the unpleasant taste of sulfur and helps to carry out chemical reactions that give alcohol vanilla, chocolate and nutty notes.

Rum distillation can take place in two ways. The first is similar to the distillation of cognac, with cutting off the "heads" and "tails" and obtaining a concentrated alcohol that has a good aroma and deep taste. When using the second method, distillation takes place in a 3, 4 or 5-column apparatus. Thus, a lighter drink with a subtle aftertaste comes out.


Rum can be aged in barrels. Light can be drunk already a few months after distillation. Previously, it is in metal vats, then diluted with clean water and bottled. Gold and dark are aged in oak barrels. The term of such exposure, despite the intense heat and the rapid evaporation of alcohol, can reach 12-15 years.

Whiskey is aged in oak barrels from sherry, bourbon or completely new, not previously used. The average aging is 3 to 5 years, but some remain and mature in barrels for 30 years or more. The longer the exposure, the greater the "angels' share", the evaporation of alcohol, and, accordingly, the higher the price.


Both drinks are blended. Rum can additionally be filtered for clarification, or vice versa, caramel can be added to saturate with color. The number of varieties for blending grain alcohol can reach up to 50, and they can be from different distilleries or different aging periods. In the first and second cases, blending helps to get a unique and inimitable drink.

What is stronger - rum or whiskey

Alcohol strength is one of the most important characteristics that directly affects the perception of aroma and taste.

Fortress whiskey can be from 40 to 65 degrees. Usually, when bottling, it is diluted with water to reduce the strength, but some varieties are not diluted with water - this is Cask strength or Barrel proof, that is, barrel-strength alcohol. The aging period of such alcohol is at least 10 years. An example would be instances such as:

  • Uigeadail, 54.2°.
  • 10 y.o. Vintage House Exclusive 2000, 58.2°.
  • 34 y.o. Platinum Selection 1974, 58.3°.
  • 10 years old Cask Strength, 58.3°.

Roma fortress varies from 35 to 75 degrees. contains 40 degrees, but it can be from 35 degrees. Stamps containing more than 70 degrees are intended for cooking punches and baking, since it is very problematic to use them in their pure form.

There is alcohol, which is marked 151 Rum and contains 75.5 degrees of strength. An example is Bacardi 151 and Cruzan 151 Rum. Naturally, the famous one should be mentioned, which is forbidden to be transported on airplanes due to its flammable consistency. There is a warning about this on the label itself.

How to serve and drink

For both drinks, it is important correct serving and use.


  • A calm, peaceful and even secluded atmosphere is better suited.
  • The taste is better revealed in ordinary wine glasses with a neck tapering upwards.
  • Serve chilled to a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  • Glasses with a drink are usually filled by a third.
  • The most important thing is good company, interesting conversation and good mood.
  • It is recommended to serve in thick-walled glasses.
  • Serve at room temperature, because supercooled alcohol will lose its aromatic "charm".
  • The glass is best filled by a third.


The list of whiskey snacks is quite extensive and largely depends on what kind of alcohol you are going to drink.

  • Fruit and cheese plates are considered a classic snack.
  • Scottish and Irish varieties go great with fish and seafood, smoked salmon, salmon and trout.
  • American ones are best served with sweet cakes, grapes, chocolate and marshmallows.
  • Japanese snack traditional Japanese dishes- sushi, sashimi, rice, tofu.
  • All varieties go well with different types of meat.

Rum also has its own bite nuances.

  • Light varieties are most often found at parties, and this suggests light snacks, for example different kind fruit.
  • It is customary to drink golden and dark ones without additives, like a digestif, which involves non-calorie snacks - light cheeses, nuts, a plate of fruits, oranges.

What is better and tastier - rum or whiskey, depends only on a person's personal preferences. Someone likes traditionalism and restraint, while someone likes a cheerful pirate disposition, and someone even likes to combine. And what do you personally prefer, to whom you would give the “palm”, whose taste excites more, be sure to write about it in the comments.

Every person working in the alcohol industry knows one truth for sure: "Alcohol can be made from everything, even from a stool." This approach explains the number of species alcoholic products depending on geographic location. Rice sake, grain whisky, cane rum, cactus tequila... It's interesting to see how these drinks collide indirectly in history. We bring to your attention the clash of "pirate" rum and the favorite drink of the sailors of Her Majesty's fleet - whiskey.


Rum- a strong alcoholic drink with a characteristic aroma and taste. The main raw material for production is cane syrup or molasses. There are several varieties, the main of which are: white, gold and dark rum. Obtained by distillation and aging. Roma originated in the Caribbean.

White Rum Bacardi

Whiskey- a strong alcoholic drink based on cereals. It is obtained as a result of the processes of malting, distillation and aging. It has a characteristic aroma and taste. Homeland - a region of Scotland or Ireland.


The main difference between these two drinks is a different raw material base. It is the aromatic substances contained in sugar cane and cereals that give them a characteristic, recognizable taste and aroma. On the whole technological schemes are similar.


For rum, sugar cane by-products are used - molasses or syrup. By adding yeast to them, manufacturers start the fermentation process (some firms use "wild", that is, natural yeast). The resulting mash is distilled. Again, the type of distillation apparatus used is not regulated. Both regular cubes and vertical columns are used. The resulting raw alcohol is laid for aging. Once again, there are divergent opinions about aging containers. It can be metal barrels, and oak, and barrels from other types of trees. light rum after exposure it is filtered for complete clarification. Dark - tinted with color.

Whiskey is a product that reflects the stiffness inherent in the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. Strictly prescribed technology, established traditions and steadfast adherence to the rules. Depending on the region, it is customary to use barley, wheat or rye. After germination and drying, the grain is crushed and poured hot water, add yeast. After fermentation comes distillation and aging in oak barrels. The resulting drink is bottled.

As you can see from the above, rum and whiskey are very different from each other in many ways. The same applies to taste indicators.

Findings site

  1. Rum is made from sugar cane, while whiskey is made from cereals.
  2. In the production of whiskey there is a process of malting and drying.
  3. Rum is not necessarily aged in oak containers.
  4. Whiskey and rum have different flavors and aromas.

We are accustomed to boasting to each other about drunk expensive and trendy drinks And it has to do with culture. Give a try to any of these two drinks with a request to determine "What did you drink cognac, brandy, rum, armagnac, calvados?" or "YOU" drank whiskey or gin? and 90% of those who try will not be able to tell them apart. see below.

This is due to the fact that they are all aged in oak barrels. long time. Oak gives these drinks a specific taste and golden color. Moreover, before pouring a new batch of drink into the barrel, it should be planed or sanded at least 1 mm in order to remove the smell of the previous batch.

So they do with barrels as high as two human heights and costing many thousands of dollars. We can achieve similar taste and aroma, insisting moonshine ( double distillation) mixing it with finely chopped oak twigs.

I want to note here that oak leaves give the drink a brighter color, but they also add bitterness to the drink.

And now about the differences between all these drinks:

Gin- a strong alcoholic drink with a strength of at least 45%. Made by distillation grain alcohol with the addition of vegetable spices, usually juniper berry, coriander, angelica, orris root, almonds and others.

Whiskey(English) whiskey or whiskey) is a strong aromatic alcoholic drink obtained from various kinds grains using the processes of malting, distillation and long-term aging in oak barrels.

Scotch is a popular alcoholic drink, namely, scottish e whiskey. Scotland does not own the exclusive right to make whiskey.

As you can see, it's practically the same.

Now for the other group.

Cognac(fr. cognac) - a strong alcoholic drink, made from certain grape varieties. I wonder if many people can distinguish moonshine (chacha) from different varieties grapes, and even if they are blended.? And of course it is aged for a long time in oak barrels.

Brandy- alcoholic beverage, a general term for products of distillation grape wine, fruit or berry mash (usually with a strength of 40-60% vol). Unless otherwise stated, brandy is made from grape wine. Naturally, it is also aged for a long time in oak barrels.

Armagnac - drink Gascons. Of all brandy, produced in France, only Armagnac can rival cognac. The distillation of wines is traditionally carried out with the help of an Armagnac distillation apparatus, i.e. continuously."Sweep" distillation is used for small production volumes.

At the outlet of the distillation apparatus, the alcohol composition is colorless and has an alcohol content of 52 to 70 degrees. It is immediately placed in oak barrels, where it acquires a subtle aroma and absorbs the tannins and aromatic substances of the tree.

The second step after aging is dilution, i.e. combination of a number of alcohol solutions of various origins and ages in order to obtain a homogeneous harmonious product. "Armagnac", going on sale, must have an alcohol content of about 40 percent.

In order to reduce the strength of alcohol solutions, a mixture of distilled water and Armagnac is added to them in several steps.

Rum(English rum, Spanish ron, French rhum) - strong alcoholic drink, made by fermentation and distillation of by-products of sugar cane production, such as molasses and cane syrup. Aged for a long time in oak barrels. It has a pronounced caramel flavor.

Since childhood, I remember that there is such a "pirate" drink rum and "cowboy" tequila. But I would never have believed that all these "cowboy-pirate things" would become popular in a country where moonshine comes in two varieties - good and very good, and the best snack was, is and will be fat.

I believed! Indeed, many people, if not become admirers, then at least tasted these drinks, the list of which does not end with rum and tequila. Whiskey, gin, absinthe, grappa, perry... The only drink that I heard about, but did not find it in any store, cafe, restaurant, was the Far Eastern mystery - sake.

But the drink of the Mexican "macho" - tequila, I met everywhere. Many have already heard that agave, a plant of the Central American semi-deserts, is somehow connected with this drink. It turns out that tequila is different!

Those quila "blanca"(white) is pure product,tequila "gold"(golden) tinted with sugar, and there are also aged in oak barrels: "reposado" keep from three months to a year, "anejo"- from a year to ten years, which is why this tequila acquires a peculiar aftertaste.

The most popular alcoholic drink in the world is rum. Its production is mainly concentrated in countries where sugar cane is grown, since cane molasses is needed to make this drink.

Unlike 40-degree tequila and rum, gin has a "degree" of 47-48. And this drink is obtained by distilling alcohol through juniper branches and, as it turned out, more than one plant. The origin of the gin and tonic mixture is said to be linked to malaria. To combat this disease, quinine was used, but it was very unpleasant to take it - it seemed to bind the tongue, after its use no one could eat. One of the sailors threw quinine into a gin, drank it and... started eating after that. Surprise passed, but the recipe remained. The composition of the tonic just includes quinine.

Whiskey made from alcohol produced from cereals. According to one of the legends, delivering communion wine to Ireland was an expensive pleasure, so the monks, having borrowed distillation technologies for the production of alcohol, tried to perform the same “miracle” with beer. As you can see, it worked. Now whiskey is produced mainly in four countries: Ireland, Great Britain (specifically - in Scotland), the USA and Canada.

Another drink, which, like gin, is essentially a tincture, is absinthe. Herbs are used for its production, and wormwood has always been one of the main ones in the “bouquet”. Interestingly, absinthe is a very strong drink: up to 60 degrees - red, up to 80 - black absinthe.

Recently, the Italian drink "Sambuca" has been especially popular in Chernihiv. In essence, it is a liquor, but 40 degrees.

Surprisingly, despite the strength, they say that women love exotic drinks more. Some bartenders claim that women are bolder in experiments. I will add that they drink mainly cocktails, and not a “clean” drink. The variety of cocktails is simply unimaginable!

Professional advice

Bartender Dima mixes a cocktail

The secrets of drinking exotic drinks revealed to us bartender Dmitry from the cafe with at least exotic name "Mamma Mia".

Tequila. In the use of this drink there is a rule: "Lick - knock over - bite." It's done like this: first lick the salt, then drink a glass of tequila and snack on lemon. And although it is more correct to have a bite not with a lemon, but with a lime, in many places you will be offered a lemon. Drinking tequila room temperature. "Golden" tequila is eaten with lemon and cinnamon.

Rum. This drink is consumed both in pure form and with ice, and as an integral part of cocktails. The most common mixture is rum and cola, the exact name of such a mixture, where lime is included as an integral part, is “Free Cuba”.

Gin. For most, it is not a very pleasant drink in its pure form, so it is most often drunk as part of cocktails. It is best to drink gin and tonic.

Whiskey. Whiskey is traditionally drunk in thick-bottomed glasses, although other variations are possible. They drink it in its pure form, with ice, diluted with melt water, soda, cola. In its pure form, they drink mainly Scottish and Irish, but Canadian and American are tougher - it is better to breed them.

Absinthe. Strong drink, but there are lovers who drink pure absinthe. Pure drink from small glasses, and mixed - from large glasses. Absinthe goes well with juices. It is also diluted with melt water.

First of all, all these drinks are good ingredients for cocktails.