Rum Bacardi Black - worth a try.

Rum is relatively cheap drink for our country, but I think each of us, at least once in a lifetime, sooner or later will buy a bottle of rum to enjoy the taste of a traditional pirate drink. And since this is a re ordinary event, you need to know how to drink rum correctly. It does not matter which brand of rum you purchased: Bacardi or black or white. There are several main ways to drink this elite liquor.

Long gone are those distant days when dirty pirates drank this drink straight from the throat of the bottle. Since then, everything has changed dramatically, today, it is a drink of respectable people. And they drink it in a completely different way. And the old methods of drinking rum are no longer acceptable.

If you are a beginner and just want to try a pirate drink, then for the first time it is better not to skimp and buy a quality drink of world famous brands: Captain Morgan or Bacardi.

Method number 1 (Classic)

One of the best options drinking rum in pure form. In this case, you will fully enjoy the taste and aroma of this drink. Depending on the type of rum, it is customary to drink white or black (dark) rum before or after meals. For example, white or clear rum brands such as "Bacardi" or "Captain Morgan" excites the appetite, so it is customary to serve it before the start of the feast as an aperitif. They drink it in small doses from ordinary vodka glasses. The effect will be no worse than from wine or vodka. Meat dishes it's better than eating rum.

If you have dark rum (black or gold), then it is better to use it after a meal as a digestif.

Digestif is a generalized name for drinks served at the end of a meal. It is generally accepted that the digestif contributes to better digestion of food.

The culture of consumption in this case is significantly different, they drink rum from a one-third filled tall glass with a flat bottom, before taking a sip, the drink is slightly warmed up with heat own hand, inhale its aroma and only after that drink a little. In this case, it is not customary to have a snack; instead, rum is washed down with black coffee or a fragrant cigar is lit.

If you are your goal to enjoy the taste of "Bacardi", then drink it no more than 150 ml per evening. Because after so much drinking, the taste of alcohol doesn't matter anymore, if you want to get drunk, it's better to switch to a cheaper drink.

Method number 2

With ice. A couple of pieces of ice are added to a glass of rum, this method is very fond of women and those who do not really like the taste of strong alcohol. But at the same time, the saturation of taste and strength is slightly lost due to the melting of ice.

Method number 3

Rum with cola and ice. This cocktail turns out to be very tasty, the taste of alcohol is practically not felt, it is drunk very quickly and easily. There will be no fume and morning headache even if you drink more than a liter of such a cocktail. He is very popular among young people. It is prepared very simply, a quarter of a glass is filled with rum, the rest with Coca-Cola. If desired, a few more pieces of ice are added. But true connoisseurs of "Bacardi" do not recognize this combination.

Method number 4

In cocktails. Rum is drunk very well as part of various cocktails, although in this case it is almost completely lost. original taste pirate drink. For example, rum is best diluted fresh juice lemon or other citrus fruits in a ratio of 1:2 (juice:alcohol). You can watch another cocktail recipe in this video.

I hope we managed to tell you in detail about how to drink rum correctly. If you don't often have that luxury, then after buying one bottle of Bacardi, we advise you to try all the above methods and choose the best one for yourself.

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Bacardi black rum (black bacardi) is a well-known and popular drink. Let's figure out what rum is and how to use it correctly.


Many people associate rum with very romantic times. It is said that it first appeared in the 17th century. This drink is often mentioned in historical novels and stories related to ship travel. It personifies the era of colonizers, treasure hunters and pirates. At its core, it is a by-product of sugar production. It used to be known as "Barbados water". With him, the cycle of trade in sugar and slaves was carried out. For Africa, it was so valuable that slaves were purchased for it. And then these slaves were sold for sugar molasses made from sugar cane.

"Barbados Water"

Thus, the value of this drink was equal to the price per person. It is known from history that this drink was very popular with the pirates of the Caribbean. This is probably the very first association that occurs with the word "rum". In ancient times, he warmed sailors, entertained them during long wanderings on the seas, dulled the hunger of exhausted sea wolves. During sea voyages it was an indispensable drink. Her Majesty's British Navy consumed rum daily, and it was even part of the sailors' diet. This tradition continued until 1970.

After the introduction of Prohibition, the people still could not live without alcoholic beverages. And the Americans loved the rum so much that the smugglers who brought it from Cuba to America were known as heroes. The route along which the drink was transported was called the "Rum Road".

2 Beverage production technology


The heavy type has a pronounced taste and aroma. The color of such a drink can be from ocher, amber to dark brown. The coloring is due to the addition of caramel. In general, heavy rum is considered original, since light rum was invented two centuries later. The color is also explained by the type of wood from which the aging barrel was made. In general, such a drink is made according to traditional technology and aged for more than 5 years. The main producers famous for heavy rum are the islands of Trinidad, Martinique and Jamaica. The most famous is bacardi black.

Light rum has a mild taste and aroma, has a transparent or slightly golden color. It is aged in light wood barrels. The distillation is carried out in a continuous manner. Withstand it up to 4 years, mark with a light label. Sometimes the resulting rum is blended. It is produced in Latin America: Mexico, Cuba, Barbados and other places.

Rum aging in light wood barrels

The most popular and iconic drink among modern connoisseurs of rum is Bacardi. He won universal love thanks to his exquisite taste, as well as the original label design. As already mentioned, this drink is made on the islands of Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Martinique. Now there are many variations and varieties of Bacardi rum.

Some people wonder how to drink Bacardi rum. I would like to note that there are no strict restrictions and rituals. It all depends on personal taste sensations and preferences. Someone likes to use it in its pure form, and someone goes crazy with dizzying rum cocktails. Bacardi black is a heavy type. In addition, bacardi black is considered the most elite type of this brand. It has the deepest, tart taste and aroma. Knowledgeable people advise to use bacardi black with lemon juice and cinnamon. This cocktail can be preheated, which will make the sensation and aftertaste even more piquant. You can also drink bacardi with coffee.

The tradition of drinking rum in the form of a cocktail has come from ancient times. Only when there was no cola and other carbonated drinks, the cocktail was made with molasses. Punch has become very popular nowadays. It is made on the basis of rum, lemon, water, sugar and tea are added. V different countries drink the dark variety in different ways. At home, it is customary to use dark in its pure form, and in Russia cocktails are very popular. Light varieties of Bacardi rum are most often mixed with cola and sugar syrups.

When a person buys Bacardi rum, he may have a question, but from which glass to use it. Someone does not worry about this at all, and someone wants to follow the whole ritual of drinking bacardi black (bacardi black). Traditionally, it is drunk from thick-walled and thick-bottomed "old-fashio" (old-fashioned) glasses. Ice is placed at the bottom, bacardi black is poured over it, a slice of lemon is put in or cola is poured. Decorate with an umbrella on top, or you can hang a lemon on the edge of the glass. For many people, the culture of drinking rum is not fundamental; they drink it perfectly from ordinary glasses. Some people even think dark rum regular vodka. But this is a personal matter. It can be recommended to use rum in small sips.

In any case, dark rum can be called a cult alcoholic drink, the use of which from ancient times was a kind of ritual. It carries the breath of the sea winds, the strength of harsh sailors and many stories about the battles of pirates in the Caribbean. Such an interesting and picturesque drink, sophisticated technology production certainly deserves your attention. You should try this tart taste at least once in your life, you won't regret it!

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The title of the unofficial leader among all rum producers makes Bacardi, as they say, constantly keep the brand. The demands of modern consumers are incredibly diverse. Of course, in such a situation, please everyone by releasing some one variety strong alcohol, impossible.

That is why Bacardi produces so many types of rum. Among this variety, any person can find what he needs. In this regard, to answer the question: “Which Bacardi rum is better?”, Everyone must independently.

However, there is one point that unites all varieties of this alcohol brand. I'm talking about high quality products.

Most Popular Brands

Each company producing several varieties or brands alcoholic products, there are several that enjoy increased success with buyers. In this sense, Bacardi is no exception. The most famous brands of Bacardi are:

  • Carta Blanca;
  • superior;
  • Carta Oro;
  • Carta Negra;
  • Oak Heart;
  • Gran Reserva;
  • Castillo Spiced Rum;

Bacardi Carta Blanca

Carta Blanca is a classic white or light rum. Its strength is 40 degrees. It is a colorless, transparent and crystal clear drink. The bouquet is dominated by fruity, almond and vanilla notes. The taste has a well-known finesse and softness. If you "listen" to it, it will be easy to highlight fruit, vanilla, caramel and pepper accents. The aftertaste is practically absent.

The Blanca variety has an aging of 18 months, which it spends in large barrels made of white oak. Such a technological move allows you to age the alcohol, but at the same time preserve its original transparency and colorlessness.

Like any quality white rum, Blanca is the ideal alcohol base for mixing cocktails. In its natural undiluted form, it is rarely drunk.

Bacardi Superior

Bacardi Superior is also a white (light) brand of rum. His hallmark is a higher fortress of 44.5 degrees. In its color and aroma, this variety strongly resembles Carta Blanca. But there are significant differences in taste. First of all, they are expressed in its integrity and amazing balance. Those connoisseurs of alcohol who love to look for shades of taste will feel the weightless presence of fruits, vanilla and caramel.

The aging time of the Superior brand is a secret of the Bacardi company. However, if we focus on a richer and more pronounced taste, and also take into account the increased strength, we can conclude that it is infused for much longer than a year and a half.

But with the use of this light alcohol there are no questions. First of all, it will be good in cocktails.

Bacardi Carta Oro

Also, this alcohol is often called Bacardi Gold (Gold) or Carta Oro. In both cases, there is a reference to the color of the alcoholic beverage. Oro is a golden rum with a strength of 40 degrees. It actually boasts a beautiful golden hue. The bouquet is refined and complex. It gracefully intertwines aromas of vanilla, oak, toffee and molasses. The taste is rich and intense. The main roles in it belong to apricot, plum and vanilla tones. Oro has a pleasant but short aftertaste.

Surprisingly, this golden alcohol is only aged for 2 years. If you do not know about this, then after tasting the drink it will be difficult to assume something like that.

Bacardi Carta Negra

Karta Negra is a classic dark rum. It is also called Bacardi Black (Black). The alcohol content in it is the usual 40%. It has a deep amber color with a reddish tint. The bouquet is permeated with woody notes. And this is not only a familiar oak. In the aroma of the drink, rarer tree species are distinguishable. The taste is rich and solid. It combines tropical fruits and spices. The aftertaste is quite long.

Variety Carta Negra has an exposure of 4 years. It is infused in oak barrels charred from the inside. As a rule, old containers are used, in which they were previously aged best brands American bourbon.

Bacardi Black is best drunk neat. It does not require pre-cooling. Optimum temperature feed is equal to 18-20 degrees Celsius. For those who want some spice, you can add a slice of lemon or lime to the glass.

Bacardi OakHeart

Bacardi Oakheart is also a dark rum that has several characteristics. First of all, its fortress is 35 degrees. However, all the fun begins with a bouquet. It's incredibly complex. Judge for yourself, it consists of oak, smoky, raisin, cherry, prunes, vanilla and caramel notes, which are mixed with pleasant accents of dried apricots and orange peel. On the palate, the main emphasis is on honey and vanilla notes, complemented by accents maple syrup. But the aftertaste can not be called very pronounced.

Rum Bacardi Oakheart has an exposure of 8 years. Such time spent in oak barrel, always speaks of the excellent quality of alcohol.

At one of the stages of the production process, honey is added to it, nutmeg and cinnamon. It is to this discovery that the drink owes its unusual taste and aroma.

It is best to drink such rum undiluted. However, if desired, you can add a little ice to the glass.

Bacardi Gran Reserva

Bacardi Reserva is an aged black rum with a strength of 35 degrees. The color of the drink pleasantly shimmers with orange and amber hues. The bouquet is complex, defined by a combination of cinnamon, clove and citrus aromas. The taste is pronounced and deep. It is based on spicy, oaky, vanilla, nutty and fruity shades. The aftertaste is rich and pleasant.

Grade Gran Reserva can be called premium. To a large extent, this is determined by the long exposure of the drink. Its aging takes place in white oak barrels charred from the inside for 8 years.

You need to use such rum only clean. It is an excellent digestif. It's hard to find a better end to a meal.

Bacardi Castillo Spiced Rum

This variety of Bacardi is a golden spiced rum. Its strength is 35 degrees. The color can be described as golden with pleasant honey tints. The aroma is quite strong and pleasant. It complements each other with floral and nutty notes. The taste is whole and unique. The main parties in this ensemble are pineapple, caramel and vanilla.

The aging of this spicy liquor is small. It is 12 months.

Traditionally, any spiced rum is considered a self-sufficient alcoholic drink that does not require mixing or dilution. So you can drink it clean. However, when adding it to any cocktail, the drink will undoubtedly sparkle with new rich colors. This opens up a large field for us to experiment.

Bacardi 151

This variety has a beautiful light amber hue, as well as a balanced fruity aroma with notes of oak and vanilla. However, lovers of the brand first of all know it as the strongest product produced by the company. Content ethyl alcohol in this rum is 75.5%.

Given such a high strength, few people dare to drink Bacardi 151 in its pure form. Much more often, this alcohol is used in bars and at home to make a variety of alcoholic cocktails.

The exposure of this alcohol is 8 years. It is thanks to this fact that it has a surprisingly pleasant taste for such a strong alcohol.

Which Bacardi rum do you like best - write in the comments after the article. Each of your reviews is a healing balm for the wounded soul of the alcohol portal editor.

Good day!

I am not a big fan of alcohol, because for health reasons, and in principle and not only, I am not at all pleased to use it in a very in large numbers. I generally exclude vodka, I have tried it a couple of times in my life. I have only one weakness, you can call it that. I love rum. I can’t say that I drink rum all the time, no, of course, it’s not. I can only afford it for the holidays or for festive table. And then I can’t drink much and I don’t drink to get drunk, but just to appreciate that refined taste. it is clear that I do not drink fake rum, but only one that is real and really good.

Of course, I also have a favorite brand of rum))) This is Bacardi black. Honestly, for me, this particular rum is a weakness, it is real taste, tenderness, sophistication, even chic in some way.

The first time I tried this rum back in my student years, when the whole group of us celebrated the student's day))) It was then that I remembered this taste for a long time, or rather, for the rest of my life. Now I always have this bottle of chic rum at every feast -

Bacardi black: what is it?

Important feature this rum is that Bacardi black very Reviver. But right away I’ll say right away what the paradox is: despite the fact that strong rum, the drink is drunk easily and without any “fee” there. In this kind of drink, of course, the aftertaste is also important. In this drink it is pleasant, and this is its excellent feature.


Bacardi black is one of the most famous brands of rum. Even appearance, that is, a bottle, already says that it is noble drink. Roma symbol Bacardi black is a black bat that is depicted on a red background.


Taste Bacardi black, I would say quite tart. By the way, in its taste the taste of burnt is very well traced and felt. cane sugar. And in general, this unique taste of it is very often used in confectionery (rum is added to the impregnation of cakes, for example), but I also often make different cocktails. But I still prefer to drink it neat. I know that many people add rum to cola, or vice versa))) Everyone has it differently))) I can only add ice to rum, because it only emphasizes its chic taste!!! Well, I can also admit that I not only drink this rum at a feast, but sometimes I add it to coffee, because I am a big coffee lover. And then such a drink turns out to be simply delicious. They, again, only enjoy, enjoy it unsurpassed taste and aroma. When you drink rum Bacardi black, you feel the notes of taste of apricots, plums, bananas, tropical fruits.

By the way, rum Bacardi black has been aged for at least four years. Rum is stored in small barrels, which are made from white oak.


Rum Bacardi black has a very pleasant, alluring smell. And this contributes even more to drinking it, because this drink should not be drunk, but should be drunk slowly and enjoyed.

How to store?

a bottle of rum Bacardi black must be stored under certain conditions: it must be kept only in a dark and cool place, since the drink does not tolerate sunlight. and ONLY WITH CORRECT STORAGE YOU CAN feel all the subtleties of this drink.

The original or a fake?

There is only a drawback that fakes of this drink are often found. But the original can be easily distinguished: branded bottles have a symbol (bat), but there is also the name of rum squeezed out on the glass of the bottle itself.


The price, of course, for such a drink bites a little. Yes, for a bottle of rum Bacardi black you will pay 700 rubles. Too much, but worth it!!

Rum famous trademark We often recognize Bacardi by the single symbol of a black bat in a red circle. Rum Bacardi is very popular in different countries of the world. They love to drink it both in its pure form and in cocktails. But not everyone knows how to drink different varieties of this famous rum, namely how to drink Bacardi Black or Bacardi Gold.

How to drink Bacardi Gold

Bacardi Gold is a golden rum aged for at least two years with a mild pleasant taste. Unlike light rum, which is called Bacardi Superior, golden Bacardi has a stronger taste. Therefore, it will be perfectly combined with tonic as an aperitif, that is, before meals. Although it is good in its pure form with ice.

It is also recommended to try mixing and drinking Bacardi Gold rum with juice of your choice or with cola. Bartenders often lavishly decorate cocktails containing Bacardi rum with various umbrellas, pieces of fruit, sparklers. Bright decorations convey the perky mood of this Caribbean drink. As a snack, use a variety of fruits that will only emphasize the elegant taste of Bacardi Gold. How to drink: in its pure form or in a cocktail - it's up to you to decide, both options are acceptable.

How to drink Bacardi Black

Bacardi Black is an elegant rum of dark color and rich taste, which is suitable for a fun evening or even a night in a bar, nightclub. How to drink Bacardi black rum? Drink it neat or ask the bartender to make a cocktail with it, and you will feel the drive of a Latin American night!

By the way, the tradition of mixing rum with other drinks appeared a long time ago, since the beginning of rum production. Rum Bacardi black can be drunk by mixing it with orange juice or tonic. Club and bar goers really like to mix rum and cola in a ratio of 1 to 4, adding a couple of ice cubes there.

But still, most often Bacardi Black is drunk in its pure form after a meal, like whiskey or cognac. So it is served in old-fashion glasses - low wide glasses with a thick bottom. Adding ice to pure black rum is a must. You can decorate it with a slice of lemon.

In general, all varieties of Bacardi brand rum have a mild taste, so many people prefer to drink Bacardi Black and Bacardi Gold in their pure form.