Green tomatoes in a quick way. Recipes for quick green tomato snacks

Recipes for pickling tomatoes.

What housewife doesn’t want to please her household with delicious salted tomatoes in winter. Especially those that look like they came from a barrel. Yes, now, probably, no one has such wonderful dishes left at home. But you can do without it. Especially with today's abundance of recipes.

Barrel tomatoes in a jar under a nylon lid with cold brine for the winter

This recipe is very easy to prepare and does not require fancy ingredients. And most importantly, even a novice housewife can handle it. Moreover, you don’t need to bother with twisting, and you can try these tomatoes in just a few days.


  • Tomatoes – 2 kg (more is possible, it all depends on who, how dense the laying will be)
  • Dill - several umbrellas
  • Horseradish (root) – 10 g
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 10-20 g each (several pieces)
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves
  • Hot red pepper – ¼ of the whole
  • Salt – 120-150 g
  • Water – 2 l

Goodies from a barrel

Cooking method:

  1. The jars must first be steamed, so our twist will last longer.
  2. Arrange the washed tomatoes. You need to lay it tightly, but in moderation. So that they don’t get crushed or choke.
  3. Wash the necessary leaves and cut the horseradish and pepper into pieces. Peel the garlic, but there is no need to chop it. Some people insert the cloves directly into the tomatoes, but this is not necessary.
  4. During the laying process, periodically add spices. And don’t forget to put them on the bottom before laying.
  5. Pour salted brine over the yummy food and forget about it for a couple of days.
  6. Ready! Store these tomatoes in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Cold barrel tomatoes in a bucket for the winter

Of course, the taste of tomatoes in wooden barrels is simply indescribable. Does the wood affect the salting, or do you just need to follow the technology. I would like to immediately note that the composition of spices may vary slightly. After all, every housewife has her own recipe, which she arrives at through trial and experimentation. Below is a recipe that our grandmothers used.


  • Tomatoes - approximately 10 kg (this takes into account the fact that the bucket will be 10 liters)
  • Currant, cherry, oak and ashiritsa leaves - 7-10 pcs.
  • Garlic – one big head
  • Bay leaf - no more than 5-7 units
  • Peppercorns – 10-15 peas
  • Horseradish (root and leaves) – one medium size
  • Dill (umbrellas, leaves) – several pieces.
  • Salt – 2 cups
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Water – approximately 10 l (volume may vary depending on installation)

Salt in a bucket

Further actions:

  1. First, you need to cook the tomatoes. They don't have to be the same size. It is much more important that they are ripe, elastic and without blemishes.
  2. Place washed herb leaves, dill, Bay leaf.
  3. Next we are engaged in laying the tomatoes themselves.
  4. And don’t forget to periodically add more leaves, horseradish, pepper and garlic.
  5. Place the remaining spices on top too.
  6. Pour cool sweet-salty brine over cooked vegetables
  7. Cover the bucket with gauze and place a plate with some kind of weight on top. This is necessary so that the tomatoes do not float and are well soaked.
  8. Place in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. And then send it to a cool room.

Cold barrel tomatoes in a pan for the winter

In principle, the recipes themselves are similar to each other. At least in terms of composition and ingredients. But their number directly depends on the volume of the dishes. Below is a recipe that is often used when pickling tomatoes in a pan. It’s worth noting right away that you need to take a container slightly larger than the amount of tomatoes.

  • Tomatoes – 2 kg
  • Hot pepper (light is best) – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • Peppercorns – 5-7 peas
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves
  • Dill (umbrellas) – 4 units
  • Salt – 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Horseradish, cherry and currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – approximately 2-2.5 l

Appetizing snack

Salting method:

  1. Naturally, put some spices on the bottom.
  2. Then carefully place the tomatoes, periodically adding seasonings.
  3. Also place the remaining leaves, dill and garlic on top of the tomato.
  4. Prepare the brine, add vinegar and pour the resulting water (cold) over our tomatoes.
  5. Cover them with a lid and leave them in the room for 5-7 days. And then put it in the cellar or on the balcony.

By the way! If you don't want to use vinegar, add a little more salt and sugar. The calculation is this: for 1 liter of water you need 2 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Barrel tomatoes in a barrel with cold brine for the winter

If you find an old wooden barrel at home (and in a usable condition), then we can say that you are incredibly lucky. If it's new, then even better. Salting tomatoes in a barrel is as easy as shelling pears. Even if you simply pour salt water over them, the taste will be unforgettable. But every housewife wants to delight and surprise with her new and unusual recipes.

Required ingredients.

  • Tomatoes – 8-10 kg (the quantity depends on the volume of the barrel, but it is better not to take too large)
  • Cherry, currant, oak and grape leaves - 10-15 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas – 7-8 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2 heads
  • Horseradish root – 1 large or two medium
  • Horseradish and parsley leaves - several sprigs
  • Hot pepper – 1-2 pcs. (depending on taste preferences)
  • Salt – 700-800 g
  • Water – 10 liters (a little less if you take a 10 liter barrel)

Incredibly delicious

Cooking method:

  1. Cover the bottom with herb leaves.
  2. Then lay out two layers of tomatoes, and insert garlic, pepper and horseradish into the resulting holes.
  3. Add spices again and add tomatoes again.
  4. So alternate until the very edge. But, you need to leave 5 cm to the top.
  5. Cover the top with the remaining spices and herbs.
  6. Prepare saline solution and pour it over the tomatoes. Ideally, you should use cold well water.
  7. Tie the top of the barrel with gauze and place a plate with a load.
  8. Place in a warm place for 5 days, and then put in the cellar. Or another room, the main thing is that the temperature is no higher than 5 °C.

Helpful Tips:

  • The tomatoes need to be stacked tightly enough so that they are evenly salted and there are no over-salted ones.
  • Sometimes mold will appear in the barrel over time. Therefore, you can add a few mustard peas or a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • You need to place a tray under the barrel. After all, the liquid needs to drain somewhere.
  • By the way, it is best to store such tomatoes in a dark place. That is why the cellar has to be an assistant.
  • And yet, barrels made from pine trees should not be taken. The tomatoes may taste slightly bitter in them.

How to pickle red tomatoes with cold water without vinegar and mustard?

As they say, cold pickling of tomatoes means fermentation. They do not undergo any heat treatment, and everything happens thanks to fermentation. Many people do not want to use vinegar. And there are recipes that will help you maintain a beautiful appearance and will allow you to preserve the salting longer. For example, with mustard.


  • Tomatoes – 1.5-2 kg (depending on how many cans there will be and how dense the packing will be)
  • Allspice - several grains
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 leaves
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 4-5 units each
  • Horseradish – 1 small root
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • Dry mustard – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 liter (maybe a little more)

Spicy and spicy

Salting method:

  1. It's important to take brown tomatoes. Because with mustard overripe tomatoes may lose their shape or even disintegrate.
  2. Place the tomatoes in a jar or jars (depending on volume).
  3. Add spices in one or two layers. Or you can lay them along the edge of the jar, thus closing the holes.
  4. And don’t forget to put some greenery at the bottom and at the very top.
  5. Pour the chilled sweet-salty brine over the tomatoes. Don't forget about mustard.
  6. Fill the jars and close with nylon lids. Leave it in a warm place for several days, and then put it in the cellar, refrigerator or balcony.

How to pickle red tomatoes with cold water without vinegar and aspirin?

Aspirin is popularly used as a preservative. It is thanks to him that the starter lasts longer, does not become cloudy, and the taste and appearance of salted products is preserved. Now, however, it is considered a slightly controversial drug.

Because some argue that it is undesirable to use it for conservation. But our grandmothers also resorted to his help, and the tomatoes turned out very tasty.


  • Tomatoes – up to 2 kg
  • Peppercorns and allspice - several grains each
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 leaves
  • Currant and parsley leaves - 5 branches each
  • Dill umbrella – 3-4 pcs.
  • Hot pepper – 1 small
  • Onion – 1 medium size
  • Aspirin – 2-3 tablets (depending on the number of cans)
  • Salt – 80-100 g
  • Water – up to 2 l

Add pickling tablets

Cooking method:

  1. Place leaves and dill on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Next, you need to pack the tomatoes tightly, periodically adding other spices.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings and sometimes add it to the styling.
  4. Pour cold brine with 1 tablet over the tomatoes.
  5. Close nylon cover and send to a cool place.
  6. These tomatoes will be ready in 2-3 weeks. By the way, fermentation occurs faster in large containers than in jars.

How to pickle green tomatoes with cold water for the winter?

Green tomatoes have a very piquant and unique taste. And most importantly, they perfectly retain their appearance during the salting process. There is nothing complicated about their preparation. In this case, it is only important that the tomatoes are the same in size and of medium size.

Required components:

  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Bay leaf - several leaves
  • Peppercorns and allspice – 5-6 grains each
  • Garlic – 1 small head
  • Dill umbrella – 3-4 pcs.
  • Currant, horseradish and parsley leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 l

Pickling greens

Method for pickling green tomatoes:

  1. As usual, wash the tomatoes and herb leaves and peel the garlic.
  2. Place some seasonings on the bottom of the jar, and then add the tomatoes. Tight, but very neat.
  3. Add more spices between layers or in the holes between tomatoes. And don’t forget to put dill and a few leaves on top, as well as garlic and pepper.
  4. Pour the prepared brine over the stacked tomatoes.
  5. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place.

Video: How to pickle tomatoes in jars at home?

It’s so nice to put on the table something that you have preserved for the winter with your own hands. Pickles and tomatoes are a great addition to every family dinner. Usually, novice housewives worry that canning may not work; few people want to experiment with green tomatoes. But there is win-win recipe, which will make green salted tomatoes your signature dish and you will return to it every winter. Moreover, pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan is a very simple process, accessible to every housewife.

Down with the banks!

Delicious green tomatoes can be used instead of cucumbers in Olivier salad and other similar salads; they can also be used in brine, which makes tomatoes more appetizing and aromatic. Of course, you can go the standard route and pickle the tomatoes in jars. But these preparations for the winter will turn out much tastier in a pan or bucket. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers often used this method.

First of all, you need to select good tomatoes. This is one of the main keys to success in this matter. Vegetables should be approximately the same size and always green. You should not mix them with tomatoes of a different color, otherwise the result will not please you. The fact is that tomatoes of different colors have different salt concentrations.

Let's start cooking

The ingredients for this dish are simply basic. Most likely, you won’t have to buy anything other than the tomatoes themselves. Prepare about ten kilograms of tomatoes.


  • 1 cup of sugar;

  • currant leaves;

  • dill;

  • hot pepper
To prepare the brine you will need about eight liters of water and half a kilogram of salt.

The amount of ingredients can be varied depending on how many tomatoes you have. IN in this case You don't need to be a great mathematician to calculate everything. Over time you will be able to pick up perfect recipe depending on your tastes and preferences.

After you select tomatoes that are suitable in size and color, you need to rinse them in cool water. The stalks can be removed, although you can leave them. Do as you please. Next, to make the dish soft, tasty and aromatic, the tomatoes need to be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes. This will prevent them from becoming tough. Sugar should be divided into three even parts. Pour the first into the pan, place the second in the middle of the pan on top of the tomatoes, place the third part of the sugar on top of the pan on the last batch of tomatoes.

It is better to prepare the brine in advance so that it has time to cool by this time. Next, fill the pans with tomatoes and spices with brine. You need to put some heavy object on top of the pan. You can periodically look into the pan and check that the tomatoes settle evenly. The pan with the future yummy food should be taken out to a cool place. There the dish will reach the desired condition for about two months. After just a month and a half, you can try the tomato and evaluate the result. Perhaps this period will be quite enough. Bon appetit!

When it’s time to clear out the tomato beds because the temperature has dropped, pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan- one of the solutions on how to deal with big amount remaining unripe fruits. Many salt in plastic barrels, and if food grade plastic is the way out, but somehow an enamel pan inspires more confidence. And the volume of pots, which can be up to 40 liters, completely allows this to be done. Of course, no one will stop you from going to the market, buying a kilogram or two of tomatoes there and pickling them in a small saucepan, because this preparation has excellent pungent taste. It is wonderfully good as an appetizer, as an addition to a side dish, and it’s just a pleasure to eat when you want. Such an appetizer will decorate a holiday table, just like it is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan recipes

There are a lot of recipes, at the end you will get tomatoes that are spicy and sweet, sour and scorching hot, with with different fillings and without. In general, whatever your heart desires. If you are preparing salted tomatoes for the first time, you can choose more than one recipe, pickling tomatoes in a saucepan not complicated at all. Take a sample from different blanks and for the future choose your most suitable method. If you already have one, it won’t hurt to try something new and maybe you’ll like it.

Let's start with the simplest and most uncomplicated. Let’s take medium-sized tomatoes in the milky stage of ripeness, that is, the skin of the tomato is no longer bright green, but seems to have turned a little white. When cutting such fruits, you can often find that the center is already turning pink. But even if not, they are still good. The fruits must be free from blemishes and signs of disease. Wash thoroughly and place in a colander. Place in a colander for 5 minutes in a pan of boiling water and then quickly cool under running cold water. If you have quite a lot of tomatoes, then repeat the procedure. Then put the blanched tomatoes in a saucepan, layering with fresh herbs and garlic. Don't skimp on the greens; the taste will be richer. When there is little space left to the top of the pan, pour in the cooled brine, cover with a plate, and put pressure on top. The entire structure can be covered with a clean towel on top. Place a sufficiently sized bowl or other tray under the pan, because the brine may leak during fermentation. After a week or two you can eat.

For 1 kg of tomatoes, take a large head of garlic, one hot pepper, a bunch of parsley and a bunch of celery. If desired, a few peas of black and allspice, bay leaf. The brine is prepared at the rate of 2 level tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water.

Harvesting green tomatoes requires quite a long time, since they contain harmful solanine, which is destroyed over time under the influence of salt and lactic acid formed during fermentation. What if you want tomatoes here and now? Possible pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan quickly, literally in a day if you use the following recipe. Because the natural process acid formation per day is impossible, then add table vinegar. But in order. Take as many green tomatoes as will fit in three-liter saucepan. Everything, of course, depends on the size, but it is approximately 1.6-1.8 kg. Moreover, it’s better not to take cream, but green table tomatoes. We wash them and cut them into slices, as for a salad, but not very finely. Grate a couple of medium-sized carrots. If you like it spicier, cut a large pod of hot pepper into pieces. Peel the head of garlic and finely chop the cloves. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan, layering with garlic, carrots and pepper slices. Fill with boiling water for 15 minutes. Then pour the water into another container, boil again, add a couple of level tablespoons of salt, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 100 ml of 9% table vinegar, 3-5 allspice peas, 2-3 bay leaves. Hot pickle pour into the pan, cover with a lid and leave for a day. The next day everything is ready. Salted tomatoes are quite appropriate for festive table, like others.

If you have a cellar and a large saucepan with a capacity of 20-40 liters, you can pickle tomatoes as if in a barrel. Green tomatoes are ideal for this purpose because they do not become deformed in large volumes like red ones. The brine for pouring is prepared at the rate of 700 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Coarse salt is dissolved in hot water and let it sit so that the sediment settles to the bottom. If you have good quality Well or spring water, then it is not necessary to boil it, and the salt is simply stirred in it. If desired, you can add 1.5-2 cups of sugar to the brine. For every 10 kg of tomatoes you will need 200 g of dill with umbrellas, approximately 100 g of cherry, currant and grape leaves. You can add some oak leaves. Horseradish leaves and fresh root 100 g, celery, parsley, tarragon 100-120 g, garlic 300-400 g. Spicy lovers can add hot red pepper at the rate of 1 pod per 1 kg of tomatoes. Spicy tomatoes and all that remains is to add your favorite potatoes.

Tomatoes are washed and cut if the fruits are large. The greens are washed and cut into pieces, the garlic is peeled. If the cloves are large, you can cut them into 2-3 parts. Place some greens on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of tomatoes, again greens with garlic and pepper, all the way to the top of the pan. The top layer is dill sprigs. Fill the pan with cooled brine, place a wooden circle or lid, and bend it on top. You can cover the workpiece over the brine with a piece of clean cotton cloth and sprinkle with several spoons mustard powder so that mold does not appear, and only then apply pressure. The tomatoes will be ready in about a month and a half. If you don’t have a cellar, you can salt the tomatoes in a 10-15 liter pan at room temperature. After 7-10 days, place the salted tomatoes in glass jars, close with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator to ripen.

Pickling green tomatoes in a pan for the winter It’s convenient because it doesn’t require as much space as when pickling in jars. If the volume of the vessel is correctly selected, the brine will not overflow. Even in the absence of a cellar, it can be kept on the balcony as long as the weather permits, and if the balcony is insulated so that there are no sub-zero temperatures there, but it is still cool enough, then all winter.

Choose the best, most interesting and proven recipes green tomatoes with garlic on the website site. Try variations with a variety of fragrant herbs, bell and chili peppers, and carrots. Create an amazing snack from a seemingly waste product. Appreciate the beauty of various marinades.

When choosing green tomatoes, sort them by degree of ripeness, as well as by size. It is not advisable to mix brown and green tomatoes in one container. Ideally, fruits of medium size, greenish-milky in color, without damage and stalks are suitable. Hot, sweet, spicy, pickled, pickled, stuffed - there are quite a few ways to prepare green tomatoes. The result, in any case, will be magnificent.

The five most commonly used ingredients in green tomato and garlic recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Make “minced meat”: puree the herbs, garlic, and pepper in a blender.
2. Add salt and stir.
3. Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half or make a cross-shaped cut.
4. Carefully stuff with the spicy salty mixture.
5. Place “umbrellas” of dill, several peas of bitter and allspice, cloves, horseradish leaves and root, and bay leaf at the bottom of a clean bowl.
6. Pack the tomatoes tightly.
7. Pour in warm brine.
8. Leave in a cool place for a couple of weeks.

Five fastest recipes for green tomatoes with garlic:

Helpful Tips:
. It is better to clean containers before preparing preparations. baking soda, rinse thoroughly with water and sterilize. After this treatment, the jars will not explode.
. It is convenient to sterilize jars for preservation in the microwave (10-15 minutes). You just need to pour half a glass of water into each.
. Very small, less walnut, it is better not to use green tomatoes. They can impart a bitter taste and green tops, which will significantly deteriorate the quality of the final product.

Pickling is one of the ways to preserve vegetable products. This is a special type of homemade preparation that allows you to store pickled vegetables for a long time. Also, pickling is considered the most ancient method of canning. It gained its popularity in the twentieth century, when seasonal products stored for the winter were the main food.

If you are using a bucket

The quantity depends on the volume of the bucket green tomatoes. Tomatoes can be different, but it is not recommended to ferment them at once, as they will turn out to different degrees of salinity. The riper the tomato, the faster it salts out.. Therefore, before fermentation, vegetables need to be sorted according to their state of ripeness.

ATTENTION: Red tomatoes are the softest after fermentation. Brown ones are more elastic. Green ones are the hardest.

It is very important that the tomatoes are whole, without dents or rot.. Otherwise, the taste will be spoiled and the vegetables will not be stored for long. Tomatoes must be washed well. To make them better salted, each tomato can be pierced with a fork in several places.

Unprocessed green tomatoes should not be eaten. They contain a toxic substance called solanine, which causes poisoning.

What kind of container should I cook in?

Pickled vegetables were traditionally prepared in oak barrels . But in modern times barrels can be replaced enamel pan, bucket or glass jars. The taste of green tomatoes will not become any worse.

The main thing is to properly prepare the selected container. Wooden barrel is filled with water. After a few hours, the wood walls swell. If there are small cracks in them, they tighten. Next, the barrel is treated with an alkaline solution.

Metal utensils are washed with a special cleaner and doused with boiling water.. Glass jars sterilized.

The volume of the bucket or pan for fermentation will depend on the number of green tomatoes. Usually, housewives try to ferment as much salty delicacy as possible, which means that the appropriate container must be chosen.

ADVICE: If there is nowhere to store the container or there is no goal to ferment a lot of tomatoes, then a bucket or pan of 5 liters or more will do. You shouldn’t take less, as there won’t be room for all the ingredients to fit.


Pickled green tomatoes

To ferment green tomatoes you will need:

  • 8 kilograms of unripe green tomatoes;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • dill in umbrellas (10 pieces);
  • 5 pieces of bell pepper;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 20 peas each of black and allspice;
  • 10 pieces each of horseradish leaves and bay leaves;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • a glass of salt;
  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 12 liter bucket.


  1. Peeled onions are cut into half rings.
  2. The garlic is peeled, but the cloves remain intact.
  3. IN bell pepper The stalk is cut out and the seeds are shaken out.
  4. Spices and tomatoes are laid out in layers in a prepared container. First comes a layer of spices:
    • Bulgarian pepper;
    • garlic;
    • dill;
    • bay leaves;
    • horseradish;
    • currant and cherry leaves;
    • peppercorns.
  5. Then the tomatoes are placed. So you need to alternate to the edges of the bucket.

    IMPORTANT: There is no need to skimp on spices, especially currant and cherry leaves. This affects the taste of pickled tomatoes.

For the brine you will need half a bucket of chilled boiled water, a glass of salt and half a glass of sugar. The tomatoes are filled with brine, and the bucket itself is covered with gauze so that mold can be removed. The gauze is changed as needed. A plate with a weight is placed on a bucket of tomatoes. After all the preparations, the bucket is lowered into the cellar or taken out onto the balcony.

Watch a video about pickling green tomatoes in a plastic bucket (barrel):

Tomatoes stuffed with garlic and herbs

We'll tell you how to ferment tomatoes with garlic and herbs without seaming.

For cooking you need:

  • 4-5 kilograms of green tomatoes;
  • red pepper in pods (5 pieces);
  • a bunch of fresh parsley, dill and celery;
  • head of garlic;
  • salt.


  1. Washed vegetables are cut into a cross to the middle.
  2. Greens are washed in cold water and is crushed.
  3. The seeds and core are removed from the pepper.
  4. Peeled garlic is passed through a press.
  5. All components are mixed and salted.
  6. The prepared fruits are stuffed with the prepared mixture.
  7. Then they are laid out in a saucepan and covered with a lid.
  8. The dishes are left for two weeks in a warm place.

Watch a video about harvesting green tomatoes, stuffed with herbs with garlic:


There should not be any difficulties during the fermentation process. It is enough to be careful, maintain cleanliness when working with ingredients and follow the recipe.

Storage conditions

Ready pickled tomatoes need coolness. The refrigerator is the ideal place for pickled vegetables in a saucepan. For green tomatoes in a bucket, a cellar or an open balcony is suitable.


Pickled tomatoes are an excellent snack on their own and do not require additional preparation. However, they can be used for cooking various dishes such as: kvass soup, rassolnik and winter salad.

Pickled tomatoes – great addition To winter table . They will add piquancy to many dishes and will delight your spicy taste. Each good hostess should have at least a little of this delicious salty snacks.