How to prepare russula for frying. How to fry russula: win-win recipes and cooking time

Russula mushrooms belong to the russula family. The family includes more than 200 species, about 30 of them grow on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. Most of these mushrooms are suitable for human consumption, but some of them have a bitter taste, so they are subjected to prolonged heat treatment or soaking. These mushrooms can be found everywhere: deciduous forest, forest edge, young birch forest, and even on the roadside. Many of them emerge from the ground in mid-June. The current season starts in August-September. If you are lucky enough to go for a walk in the forest and collect a lot of mushrooms, you will simply need recipes for how to cook russula for future use.

What is the best way to cook russula

In fact, there are many dishes where these mushrooms can be put, but first of all I would like to note that russula is not at all suitable for making soup. This is due to the fact that some of them are bitter. The best solution in cooking is stewing or frying. They are in perfect harmony with vegetables and sour cream sauces.

Russula are good pickled and salted. Perhaps for this reason they are called "Russula". In fact, pickling happens so quickly that the product is ready for use in a day. Salted russula can be cooked at home in the company of other mushrooms, mixed with spices, vegetables, herbs.

Russula in batter turns out well, they are delicious with cheese sauce, boiled potatoes and fresh salads.

In general, recipes for cooking mushrooms are so numerous that even the most avid gourmet will find something for himself. And in this article we will consider several options for pickling russula in jars for the winter.

Pickled russula (video)

Russula cooking rules

  1. First we sort the mushrooms. Strong, healthy medium-sized mushrooms are suitable for cooking.
  2. We thoroughly wash the raw materials in cool water 2-3 times, put them in a saucepan.
  3. Pour clean water into the pan, based on 1 part of mushrooms 2 parts of water.
  4. Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low.
  5. Lightly salt, put laurel, allspice and bitter peppercorns.
  6. Cooking time after boiling is half an hour.

Remove the foam that forms during cooking with a spoon.

  1. Russula are known to mushroom pickers for their fragility. So that during cleaning they do not break, it is recommended to first pour boiling water over them.
  2. During cleaning, it is recommended, but not at all necessary, to remove the film from the hat.
  3. If the russula is caustic, that is, with a bitter aftertaste, sprinkle the mushrooms with salt before cooking and leave overnight in a cold place. Very often, the film on the caps of red mushrooms is the culprit of bitterness, try to clean them.

How to cook russula: pickling in jars for the winter

Hot salting of russula


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 240 ml of water;
  • 120 gr. coarse salt;
  • 5 carnation flowers;
  • 14 black peppercorns;
  • 6 cherry leaves;
  • 6 blackcurrants.

Salting process:

  1. We put the cleaned and soaked raw materials in a saucepan, put it on the stove, let it boil.
  2. After we reduce the fire, salt, put all the spices. Cook for 20-30 min.
  3. We send boiled russula to a colander, studim. We put them in jars, fill them with marinade, close them.
  4. The workpiece is stored in a cool dry place. The product is ready for use in 15-25 days.

Checking the readiness of russula is easy. When they sink to the bottom, and the broth becomes light, you can turn off the fire.

You can not close the russula tin lid, give preference to plastic. Contact of these fungi with such a metal can provoke the appearance of the causative agent of botulism.

Cold salting of russula


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 80 gr. coarse salt;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 14 peas of allspice;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

Salting process:

  1. We clean the raw materials, rinse twice with water. Soak for 6 hours before cooking slightly salted brine to eliminate possible bitterness.
  2. Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the dishes for salting, spread the garlic and some spices, cut into thin plates, on top.
  3. We put mushrooms. We spread the russula down with hats, sprinkle the layers with salt and spices.
  4. We cover the final layer with a cotton cloth, put a round plank of a suitable size or a flat plate on top, press it with a small load.
  5. On about 2-3 days, the mushrooms will begin to settle and secrete juice, then we report the mushrooms from above using the same technology. We do this until the container is full. The juice / brine should eventually cover the workpiece a couple of centimeters from above. If there is not enough juice, you can pick up a heavier load.
  6. Readiness for use occurs at 30-45 days. It is recommended to store in a cool place.

To prevent mold, it is necessary to periodically remove the load, rinse it with water and change the fabric.

Dry salting of russula


  • 2 kg russula;
  • 100 gr. coarse salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. dill seeds.

Salting process:

  1. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed. The roots are cut off, the legs are wiped with a damp cloth, and the hats are cleaned with a brush.
  2. In a small bowl, thoroughly mix salt with dill seeds.
  3. We put the prepared raw materials in a container for salting down with hats in layers, pour each layer with a mixture of dill and salt.
  4. We cover the filled vessel with parchment, press it with a not too heavy load, put it in the cellar or refrigerator.
  5. 14 days after laying, the workpiece is ready for eating.

Russula mushrooms: cooking with onions


  • 1 kg russula;
  • 250 ml 9% acetic acid;
  • 250 gr. onion;
  • 3 laurels;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 3 carnation flowers;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 5 gr. (tsp) granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 tsp salt.

Salting process:

  1. Wash half-liter jars, dry, sterilize. Wash, sterilize nylon caps.
  2. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed, boiled in water with salt. Put in a colander to glass the water.
  3. Boil water in a separate container, put onion heads cut into 4 parts into it, salt, sugar and add spices. Cook for 10 minutes, pour acetic acid, cook for 2 more minutes. turn off.

We lay out the cooled mushrooms in containers, pour the marinade. Close with lids.

Russula mushrooms: cooking with bird cherry and juniper


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 20 gr. bird cherry berries;
  • 10 gr. juniper;
  • 1 tsp allspice peas;
  • 100 gr. salt;
  • water.

Salting process:

  1. We clean the russula, wash it, soak it in a weak brine for 5 hours.
  2. We put the mushrooms in a prepared clean jar in layers, pour each layer with juniper berries, bird cherry and salt. Berries can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. Pour the filled jars with boiling water, close the capron lid. After complete cooling, we put it in storage in the cellar.

Homemade cinnamon russula recipe


  • 6 kg of mushrooms;
  • 500 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 6 art. l. salt;
  • 26 peas of allspice;
  • 18 carnation flowers;
  • 6 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 6 tsp Sahara;
  • vegetable oil.

Salting process:

  1. We clean the raw materials, wash them.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add salt and vinegar to it. We put mushrooms in the brine, cook until tender.
  3. For 5 min. before the end of cooking, put spices in a saucepan.
  4. Ready mushrooms lay out in jars, add vegetable oil to each jar at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. per half liter container.
  5. We sterilize nylon lids, clog jars. We put away for storage.

Salted russula (video)

As you can see, preparing russula for the winter is not so difficult, the main thing is desire. Workpieces are stored in a cool place. In winter, they will delight you as a cold appetizer, an ingredient in a salad or pate.

Russula is the most common mushroom in Russia. Russula mushrooms grow in any forest - deciduous, coniferous or mixed. These beautiful mushrooms are undeservedly deprived of attention: mushroom pickers and culinary experts consider russula third-rate and take them only when they do not find other mushrooms. Of course, taste is an individual matter, and for each type of mushroom you need to find your own approach or style, if you want. Russula cannot be cooked in the same way as other mushrooms, and often this detail scares off cooks. In practice, russula girba are prepared even easier than white ones, and the taste of salty russula can surprise with its nutty hues and make you work. culinary fantasy to the fullest. There are many types of russula, it is worth understanding them in order to determine the cooking method for each type and cook these delicious mushrooms with confidence.

There are 13 main varieties of russula. They can be divided into 3 groups:
. Delicious (4 varieties)
. Edible (3 varieties)
. Inedible and poisonous


Or russula greenish(Russula virescens). The cap is from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, hemispherical in young mushrooms, then mushroom-shaped with a hole in the center and with inverted edges in mature mushrooms. The skin is light green or gray Green colour with white patches, often torn. The plates are white or fawn. The leg is thick, fleshy, dense. The pulp has a nutty flavor. Grows in deciduous forests in summer and autumn. This is very delicious mushroom, is considered the best among russula.

Attention! Russula scaly looks like a pale grebe - a deadly poisonous mushroom. Be extremely careful!

(Russula vesca). Hat 5-9 cm, pink or brown-pink, with a sticky surface (matte when dry). Young russula have hemispherical caps, mature ones are flat. The plates are rare, white or with red spots. The leg is white, fleshy. Food russula has a nutty flavor and is light mushroom aroma. It grows all summer and autumn in deciduous and coniferous forests. This is a very tasty mushroom, one of the best among russula. It has a slight resemblance to the fly agaric, in contrast to which it does not have spots on the hat and “skirt” on the leg.

(Russula cyanoxaniha). Hat from 5 to 15 cm, lilac, steel with a bluish tint or green with purple hues. In youth it is spherical, then flat in shape with lowered edges with a sticky surface. The plates are frequent, non-fragile, white. The pulp is white, dense in young mushrooms and curdled in mature ones. Grows in deciduous forests in summer and autumn. It differs from other russula in flexible plates.

(Russula integra). The cap is 6 to 15 cm long, globose when young and flat with raised margins when mature. Coloring from brown-red to chocolate-brown. The plates are milky white, and then yellowish. The pulp is white, dense and brittle in young mushrooms and yellowish, crumbly in mature mushrooms. It grows all summer and autumn in deciduous forests. Whole russula should be distinguished from purple-brown, which has a bitter taste.


It can be noted that mushrooms without a pronounced taste fall into this group, which should be taken and cooked only if you really want mushrooms. Nevertheless, these mushrooms are edible, they can be harvested: salted and pickled, give them some taste and aroma with the help of spices or used as fillings.

Russula marsh or float(Russula paludosa). Hat 8-15 cm, bright red, dark in the center. Bell-shaped when young, mature - with lowered edges. Adhesive film, plates are white or yellowish, often stick to the stem, in the context it can be reddish. The flesh is white and odorless. It grows mainly in coniferous forests in summer and autumn.

(Russula decolorans). Hat 3-10 cm, orange-red, with a sticky-mucous film in young mushrooms, dry and smooth in mature ones. The plates are frequent, white or buttery yellow in mature ones, and gray in old ones. The leg is long, even, white in young and mature, gray in old ones. The flesh is white, graying with age. Summer and autumn grow in coniferous forests. It is very important not to confuse the faded russula with the burning-caustic russula, in which the plates and spore powder are white, and the flesh is not graying.

(Russula daroflava). Hat 4-10 cm, dark yellow, spherical in young and flat in mature mushrooms. The plates are narrow, adherent to the stem, white in young, gray in mature. The flesh is tender, white, dense in young, friable and graying in mature ones. The smell is not pronounced or absent. It grows in summer and autumn on peat soil next to birches.

Inedible and poisonous

This group includes conditionally edible and poisonous mushrooms. Yes, among russula there are a couple of species that are dangerous to eat.

Conditionally edible mushrooms can be eaten, but they can either be tasteless or difficult to process. These include (Russula ochroleuca) with a specific color of the hat, similar to yellow russula. You can distinguish it from yellow russula by color: in ocher, the color is dirty, in yellow, it is bright, clean. Russula golden yellow(Russula risigalina) is also edible, but has an inexpressive taste. It differs from yellow in smaller sizes (cap 3-7 cm) and egg-yellow spore powder. Russula green(Russula aerguinea) with ugly hats of unpleasant green (marsh) color 5-10 cm in diameter. The mushroom is tasteless and, in addition, looks like a pale grebe. Russula is beautiful(Russula lepida), despite its name, has a bitter, tough and tasteless flesh. It is distinguished by a blood-red color of the cap 5-10 cm in diameter. Russula purplish brown(Russula badia) is purple-red when young. Hat 8-12 cm, ocher spore powder. It has a specific smell, reminiscent of a cigar box. The taste is unpleasant, it can be very bitter.

(Russula emetica) is truly inedible and even poisonous. It has a hat 5-10 cm, blood-red, which in rainy weather becomes ocher-yellow and slippery. The leg is even, white or pink, with brittle pulp. The flesh of the cap is white, reddish under the skin. It has an interesting fruity smell and a very pungent taste. Be extremely careful - the mushroom is poisonous!

Now that you've been warned and can tell the difference delicious russula from poisonous, don't be afraid to collect and cook them. Russula are very brittle. This is the most main feature this type of mushroom and its main disadvantage. Disentangling from the grass, freeing from twigs and transportation should be neat, without jerking or shaking.

Inexperienced or novice mushroom pickers and culinary specialists, the name of the mushroom (russula) can be confusing. These mushrooms are not eaten raw, it is not accepted. If desired, you can eat raw russula - get poisoned and die if it was right kind, it is forbidden. For better taste Russula is marinated, salted, fried, stewed and boiled. The best are marinated and salted russula for which they got their name. After a day of salting, the russula can be eaten, just add the traditional mushroom dressing from oil and onion or garlic.


Mushrooms should be washed, coarsely chopped or left whole, poured with saline and put in a dark place. You can add a few peas of black pepper, currant leaves, dill or other odorous herbs.


It differs from salting in that vinegar is added to the solution. Usually used for canning, but in the case of russula it makes sense quick pickling without conservation. Thus, you can always have a ready-made cold snack in the refrigerator.


Mushrooms need to be cleaned, but not washed. Cut not too finely and fry in oil. Russula are fried quite quickly and it is very important not to turn them into coals, trying to get rid of the imaginary poison. Inedible or simply tasteless russula should be removed at the sorting stage and not bother with thoughts of poisoning during cooking. If in doubt - cook.


Russula is washed, cleaned, cut into medium pieces and boiled in two waters. In the first water, bring to a boil, cook for several minutes, then transfer the mushrooms to another container with boiling water and cook there for 15-20 minutes. For suspicious, pre-soaking can be recommended.


The best way to cook russula mushrooms. Combines cooking and frying, removes doubts from even the most suspicious. There are two ways: wash the mushrooms, peel, cut and lay in a layer in a pan. Simmer, stirring occasionally. The second way: boil and stew. More liquid will be released - you can make, for example, a broth or sauce based on a liquid that is poured into a separate container, or you can simply let the moisture evaporate. When stewing russula, you can add peppers (peas, whole chili peppers), Bay leaf or curry leaves, cloves and generally enrich russula different tastes. Although aesthetes claim that russula is already delicious and that their wonderful nutty taste should not be spoiled. Of course, there is no need to spoil, but you can strengthen it. If the nutty taste is not observed, then you can add sour cream and simmer in it.

Fans of potatoes with mushrooms can be recommended to fry the potatoes separately and add separately fried russula at the last stage of cooking - this way you can easily control the frying process of these fundamentally different ingredients. You can do the same with other products: cook them separately from russula and mix at the last stage of cooking. Or don't mix and serve separately.

All apply to russula traditional recipes cooking mushrooms, but salting remains the best cooking method. Russula can be salted even in field conditions, which is what experienced hikers, hunters or summer residents use. Garlic cloves and fragrant herbs are used as aromatic additives. For quick salting garlic is cut into plates, herbs are crushed, salt is taken a little more than for long cooking.

Salted russula

500 g mushrooms
2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (per 1 liter of water),
5 garlic cloves,
herbs (bilberry sprouts, mint, tarragon, dill).

Rinse the mushrooms, place in a container for salting, add garlic, sprinkle with salt, add herbs and fill with spring water. Leave for 10-12 hours. Serve mushrooms drizzled with butter. You can add onions.

Russula - very tasty, easy-to-cook mushrooms, excellent cold appetizer, great addition for potatoes and vegetables.

Alexey Borodin

Russula is one of the most common mushrooms that can be found in any forest. Unfortunately, in cooking they are considered third-rate, and many mushroom pickers do not collect them at all. But in vain, because you can cook from russula a large number of variety of dishes. This type of mushroom is somewhat different from others in the way of cooking, and therefore it scares away many housewives. One of the most common technologies for making russula is frying.

Fried russula: recipe


  • Russula - 500 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Peel the onion and garlic. Finely chop the onion, and pass the garlic through a press.
  2. Saute vegetables in a skillet with butter.
  3. Russula cut into slices, add to the onion and garlic, pour in the lemon juice.
  4. Salt and pepper to taste, mix well and fry over high heat.
  5. Serve fried russula with potatoes, pasta or a separate dish. In addition, they are advised to add to salads, soups, pies.

Russula fried with potatoes


  • Russula - 500 g
  • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Wash and clean the russula well. Cut them into strips and pour over boiling water.
  2. Peel potatoes and onions. Cut the onion into cubes, potatoes into strips.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add russula and fry for 5-7 minutes, then add potatoes.
  4. Fry the ingredients without stirring until golden brown.
  5. Salt, pepper, stir and fry again until golden brown.
  6. Add onion and fry for 5 more minutes.
  7. Serve fried russula with potatoes along with tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Russula fried in sour cream


  • Russula - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Clean the russula by removing the colored film from the hats. Wash the mushrooms and chop coarsely.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes or half rings, finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a heavy bottomed pan and heat. When the oil is hot, add the onion and fry until golden brown.
  4. Add the russula to the onion and fry together for 10 minutes over medium heat. Mushrooms should be fried.
  5. V last turn add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Mix everything and add sour cream.
  6. Simmer the russula in sour cream over low heat for about 10 - 15 minutes.
  7. At the end of the stew, add chopped greens and chopped garlic.

Russula Chops: Recipe


  • Russula caps - 30 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Flour - 6 tbsp
  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


  1. Peel the russula, select wide and flat hats.
  2. Put the caps in salted water and leave for a while, then drain in a colander.
  3. In a clean and deep bowl, prepare the batter: mix eggs, flour, sour cream, salt and pepper.
  4. Dip the caps of russula into the prepared batter, then sprinkle breadcrumbs and fry on sunflower oil until ready.
  5. Put the russula chops together, pour over the remaining batter and fry over low heat for 15 minutes.

Baked russula: recipe


  • Russula - 50 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Ham - 150 g
  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Salted crackers - 7 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and spices - to taste


  1. Clean the russula from the films and cut off the legs. Salt and season each hat with your favorite spices.
  2. Boil the rice in salted water until tender. At this time, clean the vegetables.
  3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots coarse grater, mushroom legs cut small cubes, and pass the garlic through the press.
  4. Cut the tomato into cubes, grate the cheese on a medium grater, crumble the cracker into large crumbs, cut the ham into cubes.
  5. Fry onion, carrot, garlic and ham in a pan.
  6. Mix the prepared mass with rice and add a little grated cheese, crushed tomatoes and cracker crumbs. Salt the mass to taste.
  7. Fill the russula caps with the finished mass, brush with mayonnaise and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  8. Sprinkle the caps with oil, spread on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for half an hour.
  9. Baked russula are very tasty and satisfying, served as a separate dish or snack.

How much to fry russula?

As a rule, russula are fried for 15 - 20 minutes over medium heat without a lid. Before frying mushrooms, you can soak them in salt water for 1 hour, then peel and rinse thoroughly. This method will help get rid of the bitterness of russula, which can be after ordinary frying.

Russula - tasty, healthy and nutritious mushrooms, which many unknowingly compare with grebes. In fact, any dish can be prepared from these common mushrooms: salt, bake, fry, stew, cook soups, make salads, etc. Many housewives who have learned how to cook russula will say that they do not taste bad at all, and are more beneficial for the body, as they are easier to digest than ordinary mushrooms.

Finally, the long-awaited mushroom season has come, and the first harvest is, of course, russula. Such multi-colored mushrooms are very pleasant to collect, they are fragrant, tasty and quickly prepared. And also fried russula you can prepare for the winter, just freezing them!


  • Russula freshly picked
  • small onion
  • Sour cream
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter for frying

I take all the products by eye, if you like fried onions, then take a bigger head. As for sour cream, large frying pan fried russula I put 5-6 tablespoons. If you want mushrooms to swim in sour cream sauce, then do not spare sour cream - it will be very, very tasty !!!

1. Before frying, mushrooms should be prepared: sort, rinse and boil for 5-10 minutes in salted water. Surprisingly, even 15 years ago, we were not afraid to fry russula without pre-training, but now if they are not boiled, they can taste bitter.

2. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry it for butter to gold. Now we send coarsely chopped russula to the onion. Fry over medium heat until all the moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms begin to fry.

3. Put sour cream, salt and mix. Simmer for about 5 minutes and serve.

The best side dish for mushrooms is, of course, potatoes.

Bon Appetit!

I would like to clarify: the name of such a mushroom should not be interpreted too literally. Indeed, out of more than 30 species, only a few are suitable for eating raw. Other varieties need careful heat treatment. Admit it, it's worth it. Russula dishes are delicious both in terms of appetizing appearance and taste.

Cooking recipes do not press the cook into strict limits, on the contrary, they open the way for any experiments. Despite the fact that russula is common in our area, it is too underestimated. Sometimes such an ingredient can become a decisive touch in a delicious culinary work or an overseas wondrous dish.

Warm salad with russula and chicken giblets: recipe with photo

If you don't know how to make russula, start experimenting with salads. Recipe warm dish with mushrooms and chicken liver - what you need. Such an unusual salad can easily replace a full breakfast or dinner, leaving behind light notes of distant Italy.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 300 g
  • fresh russula - 130 g
  • large bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • small pasta- 1 handful
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • parsley
  • basil greens
  • olive mayonnaise- 3 tablespoons
  • salt and pepper mixture

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. If you have collected or bought russula mushrooms in advance, cooking will not be difficult. Rinse them well, remove small specks and cut into thin slices (or quarters).
  2. chicken liver rinse, dry, cut into small pieces. Fry the giblets in vegetable oil (under the lid) for 10 minutes.
  3. Boil small pasta until tender in salted water.
  4. Fry a whole bell pepper in a hot, lightly oiled pan on all sides. Then remove the core and root, and cut the fruit into strips of any convenient thickness.
  5. Fry the prepared russula mushrooms in the remaining oil for at least 20 minutes, salt and season them with a mixture of peppers.
  6. Mix all hot and cooled ingredients together. Season the salad with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, garnish with basil sprigs.

On a note! In such a salad, they often use long-boiled chicken ventricles instead of the liver. It's all about taste.

How to cook russula: pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Just the name of this dish instantly causes a brutal appetite. Imagination draws a combination of flavors of soft mushrooms, tender cream and spicy garlic. And the incredibly appetizing view of fresh spaghetti nests excites everyone taste buds. Pasta with mushrooms is one of the best way cheese making. Roasted or stewed, they can be used as a dressing for any side dish.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To prepare russula mushrooms, wash them, cut into pieces and fry in vegetable oil over moderate heat.
  2. Boil durum wheat spaghetti in salted water. Be careful, overcooked pasta have an unpresentable appearance and not too pleasant taste.
  3. Add chopped garlic to the skillet with mushrooms. After 2-3 minutes, send the cream there.
  4. To make the sauce more silky, add a little milk to it 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  5. Drain the spaghetti in a colander, and then place it on a plate in a neat nest.
  6. Pour the base of the dish with the liquid part of the sauce, and put the mushrooms in the middle. Powder everything Italian herbs and grated cheese.
  7. As soon as the cheese is melted, serve the dish to the table.

On a note! If you do not know how to cook fried russula, check out this process in more detail. Poorly processed mushrooms can cause minor stomach troubles. Edible russula, the recipes of which are presented with us, can be slightly boiled before cooking.

How to fry russula: roast with mushrooms at home

It would seem, what else can be prepared from russula? The recipe for the good old grandmother's roast in pots immediately comes to mind. Popular Russian dish it used to be cooked in an oven, thanks to which it acquired a delicious taste and smell. Today, the roast is stewed or baked in ovens, giving it an unusual flavor. additional ingredients and herbs. If you love russula, the recipe for a dish with a rich taste and mouth-watering aroma, look further.

Required Ingredients:

  • pork pulp - 400 g
  • russula - 400 g
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • potatoes - 800 g
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.
  • black pepper
  • solid salted cheese- 200 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • meat or vegetable broth- 600 ml

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Rinse the pork pulp, dry it and cut into cubes of 3x3 cm. Fry the meat in vegetable oil, salt and pepper it.
  2. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, carrots into circles, potatoes into the same cubes as pork.
  3. Wash the russula and boil over moderate heat for at least 20 minutes. Next, throw the mushrooms into a colander and fry in a pan in a small amount of oil.
  4. Mix all prepared ingredients in a large bowl and arrange in clay pots. Pour 100 - 150 ml of broth into each container.
  5. Sprinkle the future roast with grated cheese on top and place in a preheated oven. Bake the dish at 220C for at least 1-1.5 hours.
  6. After the allotted time, check the potatoes for readiness. If it is soft, the pots can be taken out.
  7. Serve roast with mushrooms in the same clay pots hot.

Cooking russula dishes is not particularly difficult. In many ways, they are similar to mushrooms. Such a versatile mushroom will find its place in any culinary masterpiece: from savory sauces to savory pies.