Salting russula at home. Salted russula: recipe

Pickling russula is not a very difficult task, but it’s enjoyable tasty result. Any variety is suitable for pickling, but those varieties that are bitter should be thoroughly cleaned and soaked in cold salty water or boil. It must be remembered that russulas break very easily and can be seriously damaged when washed. The best way to clean mushrooms from soil and adhering dirt is to pour boiling water over them. After some time, you need to rinse in cool water, or in a colander and directly under the tap.

There are several ways to prepare russula snacks: pickling for the winter or for immediate consumption.

A quick way to pickle russula

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg mushrooms,
  • 2 tablespoons salt,
  • a few cloves of garlic.


Wash and peel the russula thoroughly. Place the mushrooms in a container, add garlic, spices and salt, and pour a liter of clean water on top. Leave the salting for 12 hours. After this time, you can enjoy the finished product. delicious dish watering it from above vegetable oil and serve with chopped onion rings.

Cold salting of russula

You will need:

  • 5 kg mushrooms,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 100 gr. salt,
  • spices to your taste.


This method is suitable for pickling for the winter. Mix water with salt, pour over the prepared mushrooms, put under pressure in the refrigerator for 3 days, changing the brine daily to remove bitterness. Periodically you need to change the water and wash the weighting agent, and the russula will be suitable for consumption and rolling only after 2 months. This way you can achieve a very pleasant and delicate taste.

Hot salting of russula (2 options)

Option 1

You will need:

  • 1 kg mushrooms,
  • 3 tablespoons salt,
  • 1.5 (one and a half) liters of water,
  • 7 black peppercorns
  • some cherry leaves or currant leaves.


The recipe will make the russula firm and elastic. Clean mushrooms need to be filled with water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat and stir constantly, adding salt and spices. It is necessary to remove the formed foam. In 20 minutes the mushrooms will be ready. Transfer the finished russula into jars, fill with brine and roll up. Finished product should be stored in a cool place.

Option 2

You will need:

  • 1 kg russula,
  • 50 gr. salt,
  • 1 head of garlic,
  • a few horseradish leaves and dill sprigs.


It is necessary to wash the mushrooms well. Boil water, salt it and pour russula into it. Cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring. WITH prepared mushrooms drain off excess water. Place them in a container, sprinkle with salt and add chopped garlic. Place the russula in sterile jars. Place horseradish leaves and herbs on top and add salt again. Roll up the cans. Keep refrigerated. The mushrooms will be ready in 2 weeks, but they can last a whole year.

When an unknowing person hears the name “russula,” most likely, he assumes that these mushrooms can be eaten raw. In fact, although there are types of mushrooms that can be eaten raw, this is not why russulas are called that. These mushrooms got their name because if you salt them, they will be ready for use within a day. For example, a simple way to salt russula at home will help you preserve the mushrooms for the winter or serve them to the table tomorrow.

Many varieties of these mushrooms have a bitter taste of the pulp. As soon as the mushrooms are soaked for a long time in salty cool water or evaporated, the bitter taste disappears. There are also inedible russulas, which are so unpleasant and bitter in taste (but they are not poisonous) that they cannot be eaten.

To accurately guess whether the russula you find is edible, you just need to taste it fresh. If it seems to you that there is no bitter aftertaste, you can cook it and use it as food. For example, you can salt or marinate.

Preparation: important points

Any recipe for making salted russula is quite simple, but, as with any preparation of delicious mushrooms, it requires some effort. After you have collected mushrooms, they should immediately be distributed by variety and size. Then remove dirt and grass, rinse well, and cut off problem areas.

Russulas belong to agaric mushrooms, so they are difficult to sort through - they break, and even after several washes, sand may remain. For this case there is easy way processing. It is necessary to pour the fruits into a container and pour boiling water over them. Once the water cools, dirt and sand will remain at the bottom.

Then you need to rinse the fruiting bodies in a colander under cool running water. This is more gentle, but no less effective method processing. No parts of the fruiting body will break, and not a trace will remain of dirt and sand. Then you can start the actual cooking.

How are these mushrooms salted?

Exist various recipes salting russula: cold, hot, quick. First, you need to decide on the time and purpose of preparation, namely whether you salt the mushrooms for the winter or for consumption within a day, whether you want to prepare the forest gifts “stronger” or more tenderly. After all, the taste, consistency, and spiciness of the finished dish depend on the cooking methods.

For example, with a quick cooking method, you will get delicious food in just a day. nutritious dish. There are also longer methods that are more suitable for salting russula for the winter in jars.

These mushrooms are subject to only two types of long-term salting (recipes vary depending on spices and other additives):

  • Cold salting of russula, used mainly for those mushrooms that in their raw form produce milky juice with unpleasant smell. This can be easily eliminated by soaking or boiling them in water.
  • Salting russula using a hot method, when using which the mushrooms are cooked quickly, turns out to be more “strong”, that is, the flesh becomes firm and elastic.

So, when you have already decided what effect you want to achieve, you can start creating a culinary masterpiece.

Quick cold salting of russula

If you want to taste aromatic mushrooms, then the pickling recipe in a fast way will do.

What you need for cooking:

Preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse and clean the main ingredient well.
  2. Place in a pickling bowl, add spices and garlic, sprinkle with salt and fill with purified water.
  3. Let the mushrooms sit for about 10-12 hours.
  4. Serve ready dish with high quality vegetable oil. You can add onions to taste.

This recipe is very convenient. Having prepared mushrooms in this way in the evening, you can taste the resulting delicacy the very next day. But if you need to store the product long time, in the recipes described below you will learn how to salt russula for the winter. If you want to get more tender mushrooms, then perhaps the cold pickling method will suit you.

Cold pickling

Salted mushrooms prepared in a cold way - classic dish. They are served seasoned with sunflower oil and chopped onion feathers.

What you need to cold salt russula:

  • Russula – 5 kg;
  • salt (50 g when stored at 5°C, 100 g when stored at 6°C);
  • water – 1 l;
  • spices to taste.


In approximately 5-6 weeks, your culinary creation will be ready.

Hot salting of russula

Unlike cold salting, hot salting requires preliminary heat treatment. Due to the fact that the mushrooms are boiled during the hot salting process, the tender flesh is elastic and not brittle.

What you will need:

Hot cooking:

  1. Pour the forest harvest, cleaned and soaked, into an enamel bowl, cover with cool water and wait until it boils.
  2. After the water has boiled, turn it over low heat and add spices and salt. Gradually remove the resulting foam and stir the contents.
  3. When the russula have settled and the liquid has brightened, the mushrooms are ready. The fire can be turned off after about 20 minutes.
  4. Place the boiled mushrooms evenly among containers, fill with brine and cover with lids. They must be stored in a cool place - in the refrigerator or basement.

Hot salting

Before hot salting russula, let’s prepare all the necessary components:

  • main product – 1 kg;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • dill (inflorescences) – 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • horseradish leaves – 1-2 pcs.

Salting procedure:

All that remains is to seal the jars and, after cooling, put them in the refrigerator. You can open and eat salted russula within a couple of weeks.

Many young housewives are faced with the question: are russulas salted and is it possible to prepare them for future use? Our answer to novice cooks is that salting the rich forest “harvest” is not only possible, but also necessary! After all, pickling is the most effective and, most importantly, safe way to prepare mushrooms. How to salt russula? What spices and herbs should be used for salting? What are the best pickling recipes? You will find competent answers to the most common “mushroom” questions in the step-by-step instructions below.

Cold salting of russula, recipe with photo

Salted russula, prepared cold - a real classic mushroom genre. They are best served with aromatic sunflower oil and chopped green onions.

Required ingredients:

  • russula - 1 kg
  • coarse salt - 40 g
  • Bay leaf- 4 things.
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.
  • allspice - 7 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To begin, clean the mushrooms from small debris and rinse twice under running water. Soak the prepared russula in a weak saline solution within 5-6 hours - this will help eliminate their specific bitter taste.
  2. Next, pour a thin layer of salt onto the bottom of an enamel or glass dish, and place chopped garlic and some of the spices on top of it.
  3. Now is the time to put the mushrooms in the pickling container. Lay the soaked russulas in layers, caps down, and sprinkle with spices and salt.
  4. Cover the last layer of mushrooms with a clean cotton cloth, place a wooden circle or plate of a suitable size on top and place a weight. A couple of days after salting, the russula will begin to release juice and settle.
  5. Store the mushroom preparation in a cool place, for example, in a cellar or refrigerator. To prevent the appearance of mold, periodically rinse the pressure with clean water and change the cloth. The approximate pickling time is 35-45 days.

How to pickle russula using a hot method

Unlike cold salting, hot salting requires a certain heat treatment Russula. Thanks to boiling, the tender and fragile flesh of the mushrooms becomes more elastic and elastic. You will learn how to salt russula in order to preserve their lamellar structure, natural taste and natural aroma as much as possible from the following recipe.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place peeled and pre-soaked mushrooms in an enamel bowl, pour cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  2. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and add salt and spices to the russula. During the cooking process, periodically remove the floating foam and carefully stir the mushrooms with a slotted spoon.
  3. Determining the readiness of russula is quite simple - as soon as they settle to the bottom of the container and the brine lightens, you can safely remove the pan from the heat. On average, the cooking process takes no more than 20 minutes.
  4. After this, put the cooled boiled russula into jars, fill with brine in proportion and close with lids.
  5. Pickles should be stored in a dry and cool place. The recommended time for keeping mushrooms in brine is 15-25 days.

Dry salting of russula, simple recipe

Traditional dry salting does not involve preliminary soaking and boiling of mushrooms, so for this type of preparation it is advisable to choose russulas with greenish-blue caps. They differ from their red-capped counterparts by their pleasant piquant aroma and rich, sweetish-nutty taste.

Required ingredients:

  • russula - 1 kg
  • coarse salt - 50 g
  • dill seeds - 2 tbsp.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mushrooms intended for dry salting are not recommended to be washed, so they require a special “prelude”. Cut off the dense roots of the russula, wipe the legs with a damp cloth, and carefully clean the caps with a brush.
  2. Next, start preparing the pickling mixture. To do this, combine salt with dill seeds in a small container and mix thoroughly.
  3. Now place the russulas upside down in a glass or ceramic dishes with a wide “neck”, generously layer each ball of mushrooms with the pickling mixture.
  4. After this, cover the filled containers with a cotton napkin or parchment, press with a light weight and place in the refrigerator. The pickling is ready for use 10-14 days after the mushrooms are planted.

We are sure that you have figured out how to quickly and deliciously pickle russula at home. After all, mushroom ambassador is a simple science, although it requires knowledge and adherence to certain culinary rules and subtleties. Happy mushroom pickles!

September brings a huge harvest of mushrooms every year. Russulas especially stand out in a forest clearing. They do not hide under the foliage like others and with their bright colors beckon and beg to be collected. These mushrooms are safe and can be eaten. And today we will tell you about how to salt russula at home.

However, there are caustic and non-caustic varieties. The two groups prepare differently.

  • Non-caustic - these are mushrooms with yellow, green and blue hats; they never taste bitter. Therefore, soups are made from such russula or simply fried as an addition to a side dish.
  • But the caustic ones (with a red, pink, purple cap) are most often pickled. When interacting with salt, russula give off bitterness and can be eaten after just a few days.

Salting russula is also easy, and this The best way save them for later processing. Canned mushrooms can be fried, stewed and marinated.

Before you pickle russula for the winter, you need to follow a few simple and effective tips:

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  1. At the beginning, experts recommend washing the mushrooms and clearing them of dirt. Mushrooms need to be soaked in cool water for at least 5 hours, sometimes you need to leave them for 24 hours. The water should be changed every three hours. To prevent russula from fermenting, you need to leave them in a cool place.
  2. Mushrooms that are too large are cut into 4-6 cm pieces, and small ones are left the same. Simultaneously with slicing, a check is made to see how well the russulas have been washed and all defects have been removed.
  3. Pickling mushrooms can be done in three ways: dry, hot, cold. When preparing, use only glass or enamel dishes. To prevent the russula from turning black, you should not use iron containers.

Recipes for the winter

Dry salting of russula

You need to take:

  • Russula – 2 kg;
  • Salt - 80 g.

Cooking process:

  1. In this method of pickling, the russula is not washed, but cleaned with a special brush and wiped with a wet cloth. If, however, the mushrooms were washed in advance, then you need to give them time to dry.
  2. Russulas are placed in barrels or jars with their legs up. Sprinkle dry salt every 5 cm of mushrooms.
  3. The container is covered with a circle or other utensils, and an object is placed on top that will act as a load. This is done so that the mushrooms release juice and become denser within three days. Then the dishes are filled to the top with new layers of mushrooms alternating with salt, and left for 10 days.
  4. The salting of the russula is complete, now you can serve it. There is no need to add too many spices; with this method of pickling, mushrooms acquire their own unique taste.
  5. If the mushrooms are too salty, they can be immersed in cold water for several hours.

Cold salting of russula

You need to take:

  • Russula – 2.5 kg;
  • Salt – 250 g;
  • Water – 500 ml;
  • Garlic – 5 cloves;
  • Currant leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • Dill.

Cooking process:

  1. For two days it is necessary to soak the mushrooms in cold water, the water should be changed at least 2 times a day, and preferably every 3 hours. Then place the russula in salted water for 5 hours (2.5 liters of water - 50 g of salt).
  2. Divide the dill in advance and cut the garlic into cubes;
  3. Currant leaves are placed at the bottom of a jar or barrel;
  4. Divide the mushrooms into 5 equal parts and lay them in layers with the stems up, add salt (1 tbsp) between the rows, and distribute some of the dill and garlic evenly. I fill all this with 0.5 liters. clean water and cover with gauze. A plate and a circle (smaller in diameter) are placed on top, and a weight is placed;
  5. Lowered into the cellar or placed in another cool place;
  6. After 10 days, new russula are placed on top;
  7. You can serve it after 14 days of salting.

How to hot salt

You need to take:

  • Russula – 2 kg;
  • Salt – 100 g;
  • Garlic – 2 heads;
  • Water – 1 l.;
  • Seasonings: tarragon (tarragon), horseradish, dill.

Cooking process:

  1. First, the mushrooms are washed, chopped and soaked in cold water for 2 days;
  2. IN enamel pan pour in water and add 2 tbsp. salt. When the liquid has boiled, add the russula and cook until tender. Cooked mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan; this happens 30 minutes after the start of cooking;
  3. Then the mushrooms are placed in a colander and washed with water;
  4. Mushrooms are laid out in layers, caps down, in a previously prepared container, salt, garlic and seasonings are poured between the rows;
  5. A plate is placed on top under pressure. They are lowered into the basement or hidden in a cool place;
  6. You can try it in a week; the russula should be ready by this time.

Extra salting in a jar

You need to take:

  • Russula – 1 kg;
  • Salt – 90 g;
  • Garlic – head;
  • Dill, horseradish.

Cooking process:

  • First, wash, cut and soak the mushrooms;
  • Then throw the russula into boiling salted water for 20 minutes. Place the prepared mushrooms in a colander and allow the water to drain;
  • Chop the garlic in advance, divide the dill into inflorescences;
  • Place mushrooms in a clean bowl, sprinkle with salt and add garlic. The whole mass is mixed;
  • Mushrooms are placed in a jar, horseradish leaves and dill inflorescences are placed on top and sprinkled with salt;
  • Cover the container with a lid, place it in a cold place (cellar or refrigerator) and leave for 14 days.
  1. Russulas are very sensitive to the material from which the dishes are made. Therefore, glass or enamel dishes are chosen for pickling mushrooms. This will help avoid blackening and bad taste mushrooms Previously, wooden barrels were used. However, they are too much trouble. After pickling the mushrooms, the tub must be soaked for 14 days in cold water. Then you should steam the barrel with a soda solution (for 20 liters of water - 100 g of soda). Instead of lye, you can use juniper branches. After this, it must be dried well. Instead of wooden barrel You can take plastic containers.
  2. If during cooking it was discovered that all the mushrooms will not fit in one container, then you can divide them several times. The only condition is that the russula must be immersed in clean salted water each time. This will help remove the bitterness and make them lighter.
  3. It is recommended to store pickled mushrooms in a cool place (temperature does not exceed 4 degrees).
  4. Before further use, russula must be prepared: rinse with water to get rid of excess salt; prepare soup; fry, stew and serve with a side dish.

So, there are several ways to salt russula and everyone chooses which one suits their taste. By doing several simple recommendations By pickling mushrooms you can achieve unprecedented taste masterpieces.

Slavic peoples, like no other, are careful and attentive to their supplies for the cold season. From time immemorial, the harsh climate forced our ancestors to work for the winter during some warm periods. It was in this context that so many answer options emerged to the question: “how to salt russula?” There is no recipe for preparing these mushrooms correctly, but there are many options that will allow you to achieve the best flavor for you.

Knowing the dangers mushrooms sometimes pose, you should carefully study the product before eating it. This variety is a plant belonging to the Russula family. It is logical to assume from the name that you can eat these gifts of nature without any processing. This is true; in an ecologically clean area you can easily afford to eat a well-cleaned mushroom.

Please note that the effect of eating will not be the most pleasant. Although this will not be considered poisoning, it will burn the delicate mucous membranes and most likely make you sick, so try to eat these mushrooms only as a last resort.

Russula consists of the following parts that look characteristic for this family:

  • cap (comes in different colors, depending on the variety, spherical shape, then prostrate)
  • plates (thick and brittle under the cap)
  • leg (cylindrical, can be either dense or hollow inside)
  • pulp (initially white, but may change color)
  • spore powder.

Be careful if you pick mushrooms yourself. There are some varieties that can be harmful to your health. You should also be careful when buying russula from the hands of other people, it is not a fact that they are well versed in this product, but poisoning is a very painful process.

An ancient recipe for pickling russula

A recipe that is still relevant today, which our ancestors used for many generations when preparing food for the winter. Sometimes, immersing yourself in history is not only interesting, but also very tasty.
To implement this recipe at home, you will need the russula themselves, containers, oppression, and a circle of oppression.

Additional Ingredients:

  • garlic
  • dill
  • leaves from black currant, horseradish and fern.

The cooking sequence will be as follows:

The first step is to clean the mushrooms from excess, clogging elements. After removing all the debris, put the product in a bowl and fill it with slightly salty water. Thanks to this, they will soak, and the milky juice will leave them. This variety must be kept in liquid for about three hours. Please note that if you have other mushrooms, you need to check the settling time.

Everything else is very simple. It is necessary to place the mushrooms in the prepared bowl, caps down, and season them with all the listed spices and salt. This recipe is not made in jars. A large saucepan or similar container is required. Like this, laying row upon row, you need to place all the russula, at the end lay out the fern leaves and press them down on top with a wooden circle and something heavy, for example, a stone.

If you decide to use this salting, the russula will be ready in 40 days. All this time, you must ensure that the top layer does not dry out and, if necessary, fill it with a 4% salt solution. Remember, prepared mushrooms should be kept exclusively in the refrigerator!

If you need it very quickly: hot recipe

When you don’t have the time or desire to wait forever, you can quickly and correctly prepare mushrooms for the winter using heat.

Hot way in fact, it is very similar to any other, as, indeed, to all marinades. Marinate correctly in in this case very simple and completely doable at home. The difference is that the mushrooms need to be boiled.

Hot salting:

You will need mushrooms, bay leaves, garlic, allspice, dill and sunflower oil.

The recipe is:

Russulas need to be boiled in a saucepan with a small amount of slightly salted water. This should take you about 20 minutes, maybe a little more. You can determine readiness by noticing that the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom of the container.

After this, we will need sterilized jars, that is, scalded with boiling water, in which we will pickle the mushrooms hot. Here the sequence of actions is the same as dictated by the previous recipe. The first layer is mushrooms laid out with their caps down, you need to put them on a small amount of spices and again mushrooms. After you reach almost to the top (guide by the shoulders of the jar), the russula should be compacted, just not too much, so as not to damage the structure, and placing a couple of bay leaves on top, pour about 0.5 cm of sunflower oil.

This recipe is well suited for making russula in the apartment. In this case, there is no particular opportunity to put a huge saucepan for forty days and stumble through it for a whole month. This recipe fits perfectly into jars, so cooking mushrooms hot is a simple and subsequently delicious task.

Very important. Prepared mushrooms should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Before choosing one of the methods for preparing mushrooms for the winter, decide on the resources you have. Consider whether you have enough space to place a large container for cold marinade or whether it would be better to place small jars with a hot version.

It is also important to remember that while the mushrooms are cooking, better process During fermentation, they should be kept in a warm, dry place. As soon as the salting for the winter is ready, it doesn’t matter whether it’s cold or hot, you must put the dish in the refrigerator, because if this is not done, they will turn sour and ferment.

Don’t be afraid to try pickling mushrooms yourself, at home. Is not difficult process, if you look at it. With a little experience, all your guests and family will demand this dish from you more and more often.