What temperature should the mash be. How much mash should roam and how to influence the process? What to add for better fermentation

Alcohol preparation with my own hands has always been an exciting experience, especially since the result is a proven and excellent product.

When fermenting raw materials from sugar and yeast for a tasty and quality moonshine it is not enough just to strictly observe the proportions in the composition of a good “mash recipe”. Here, one of the most important points will be carefully maintaining the optimum fermentation temperature.

In order not to be mistaken with the temperature for comfortable fermentation of sugar and yeast mash, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of its maturation.
The most important fermentation catalyst is, of course, yeast.

After all, it is thanks to their vital activity that carbon dioxide is formed in the process of absorbing sugar, the wort is heated and alcohol is necessarily produced.

But Braga contains a lot of other microorganisms that can begin to actively multiply as soon as the yeast weakens its vital activity as a result of sharp jumps. temperature conditions. It is generally accepted that it must be maintained in the range from 24 to 30 ° C.

  • Lowering the temperature regime entails braking and a complete stop of the process. It is also fraught with an increase in the level of “the acidity of the mash,” which adversely affects its taste and strength. It usually takes no more than a week for the normal maturation of the wort from sugar and yeast, while hypothermia extends this period to several months. But if such passive fermentation is welcome in winemaking, then it is unacceptable in the manufacture of distillate. Therefore, if after a drop in temperature - the mash does not roam -, the situation will have to be urgently saved by moving to a more comfortable and warm place.
  • But if the hypothermia of the wort from sugar and yeast can really be corrected, then after overheating the yeast fungi can no longer be revived. That is why it is so important not to temperature regime reached a dangerous temperature mark of more than 40 ° C. At the same time, it must be remembered that the process of converting sugar into alcohol with the help of yeast is accompanied by an active release of heat and threatens with a sharp heating of the yeast raw materials. And in order not to disrupt the distillation process as a whole, it will be necessary to correct the mistake made only by preparing a new mixture for fermentation. Therefore, compliance with temperature conditions in the range from 24 to 30 degrees is considered the most optimal.

    It is desirable to maintain a temperature that is even and without sudden jumps, as this will adversely affect the quality of raw materials and ready drink. To lower the level fusel oils as part of a high-class distillate, fermentation is allowed up to a maximum of 32 degrees, but no more.

Do I need to stir the mash during fermentation

Considering that the wort heats up more during fermentation in the upper part, it is logical to assume that uniform heating can be ensured by periodically stirring it. Especially inexperienced moonshiners suffer from this, who at first are very concerned only with the speed of its maturation.

But they also often ask a counter question - is it necessary to mix the mash during fermentation. And since this is the result of a self-sufficient vital activity of yeast and sugar, it is worth listening to weighty arguments in favor of calmer fermentation conditions. The yeast fungus dies in a saturated alcohol environment, therefore, after working, it gradually sinks down and precipitates, giving way to the released less dense ethanol.

By moving live yeast to a more aggressive alcoholic environment, you only slow down the fermentation, and not vice versa. There is another important reason not to disturb the natural course of fermentation. After all, such an intervention involves, first of all, a violation of the tightness of the fermentation tank, and this is fraught with excessive souring of the raw materials.

That is, by accelerating fermentation in this way, you can turn a good wort into a mixture acetic acid and ethanol. Therefore, do not disturb natural fermentation by mixing in order to avoid negative consequences for the quality of the drink.

At what temperature is it right to drive moonshine

For cooking homemade moonshine it is necessary to bring ready mix to the boiling point of alcoholic vapors, in order to then condense them into a liquid.
But the evaporation itself is divided into several stages with different temperature conditions for the water, alcohol and fusel oils included in it. And in order to timely separate a quality product from harmful impurities, it is important to know at what temperature moonshine is driven at each stage. Basically, the physical processes during distillation are very similar and are within the power of any model of a standard moonshine still.

The distillation of mash into moonshine with or without a steamer is guided by strict adherence to the temperature indicated for a certain period.

  • First, the wort is heated to a maximum of 60-63 ° C and a sharp decrease in heating is maintained with a smooth transition to the selection of the head fraction at 64-68 degrees. It is under such conditions that alcohol with fusel oils begins to evaporate. If this is not done, then part of the boiled liquid will enter the system, and the moonshine will be cloudy and with a sharp fusel smell. because of high content It’s definitely not worth drinking harmful impurities in Pervak, since after a quick intoxication, severe intoxication of the body occurs. Experienced moonshiners recommend cutting off the initial 8-10% of the distillate from the total volume and using it only for household needs.
  • Next, they proceed to the selection of the main, so-called body of the product after heating it to 78 ° C. To do this, continue to maintain the degree at the same level, trying not to exceed it above 83-85 ° C. The timely transition to the isolation of the qualitative component of the distillate is accompanied by a characteristic alcohol smell without unpleasant shades.
  • Toward the end of distillation, the temperature at which moonshine is driven rises to 85 degrees, and the remnants of the alcohol base are expelled along with the fusel. This negatively affects the quality of the product, therefore, at this key point, the collection of the body is urgently stopped and the selection of the tail part of the alcoholic beverage is started. As soon as its strength during distillation decreases to 20 ° C, this fraction is also stopped and moonshining is considered complete.

Boiling point table of alcohol in Braga

Only after understanding the nuances of preparing wort from yeast and sugar, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a comfortable fermentation temperature. Therefore, in order to end up with high-quality and soft alcohol, when preparing raw materials, it is necessary to be able to constantly monitor and regulate the temperature regime.

The moonshine process has a number of features, without knowledge of which good distillate cannot be obtained. Compliance with the temperature regime is one of the nuances that should not be neglected. In this article, we will talk about this in more detail.

Fermentation temperature

The principle of producing moonshine at home is based on the natural properties of yeast. Yeast is a fungus that in the process of life is able to produce heat, carbon dioxide and alcohol. Compliance with certain temperatures in the preparation of mash is aimed precisely at activating the vital activity of yeast.

If it is not warm enough, the yeast stops working and fermentation stops. Overheating of the wort is also dangerous, at a temperature of 40 ° C, the yeast simply dies. Most often used for home brewing are ordinary baker's yeast. The yield of alcohol when using them is 10%. Special alcohol yeast able to give a moonshine yield of 23%. Wine yeast is suitable for fruit and berry mash. Moonshine from grapes can be made without using yeast, fermentation will occur due to natural wild yeast found on the skin of grapes.

Initially, the water temperature for the mash should be 25-30 ° C. Yeast is introduced into the warm wort and their work begins immediately. This level of heat should be maintained for about two hours. This time will be enough for the fermentation process to start in full force.

Then the wort is removed to a warm place, you can put it near the battery. The temperature of the mash should be at least 18 ° C, but preferably 25 ° C. This will be enough for a full fermentation. After all, the yeast will already begin to emit carbon dioxide and the wort will warm itself on its own.

Important! Braga is heated from above, to ensure a uniform temperature, it must be mixed daily.

Thermometers and thermostats

Temperature measurement will need to be carried out at all stages of making home-made moonshine, so you can’t do without measuring instruments.

You can use a mercury thermometer, the scale of which reaches 120 °. Such a measuring device is glass, so using it, you need to be extremely careful.

In the presence of material resources, it is more advisable to use a bimetallic thermometer or multimeter.

Today a lot moonshine stills with built-in thermometer. However, the accuracy of such built-in devices is not accurate enough, so you still need to use a conventional thermometer.

Thermoregulators allow you to maintain the required temperature in the fermentation tank. Temperature controllers come in various capacities, which one to choose depends on the volume of the container. So, for a barrel of 50 liters, a device with a power of 50W to 100W is suitable. The device works cyclically, so the cost of electricity will be negligible.

An aquarium thermostat is perfect for constantly maintaining the required temperature, it is not expensive and you can buy it in almost any pet store. It is worth buying at the rate of 1W of power per 1 liter of liquid. You should not take a very powerful one, since the heating will not occur evenly and the yeast in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thermostat can burn and die.

If it is not possible to use a thermostat, and the temperature of the mash is insufficient, it can be heated in warm water. To do this, water is drawn into the bath and a container with mash is placed there. It should be kept in water until the required temperature is established.

The temperature of the mash during distillation

To produce a distillate from the mash, it is necessary to create conditions for the evaporation of alcohol. Already when the mash is heated to 65 ° C, the evaporation of the first fractions begins. In the people this alcohol is called "pervak". Experts say that the first and last fractions contain many harmful substances and such moonshine can only be used for technical purposes.

Braga is heated over high heat until the temperature reaches 63 ° C. Further, the heating of the mash to 78 ° C is carried out over low heat. If the fire is not turned on in time, the tobraga will flow into the cold part of the unit, and the distillation will need to be done again. At 78 ° C, the release of the product we need begins.

Gradually, the temperature of the mash will rise and reach 85 ° C. When this happens, the distillation process stops. At such a high temperature, fusel oils begin to evaporate, which affect the quality of the finished moonshine, it will be cloudy and with an unpleasant odor. "Tails" are also collected. Such moonshine can be used to increase the strength for the next portion of mash.

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Many people make alcohol at home. Braga preparation? an important matter that requires vigilance, attentiveness and scrupulousness. You will spend labor and time, but gain experience, an exciting activity and ready-made high-quality home product. It is important to observe the subtleties: fermentation temperature and recipe. The result will not keep you waiting.

Yeast? These are microorganisms, to be more precise, fungi. They live in water and eat sugar. At the same time, in the process of reproduction, they emit heat, carbon dioxide and alcohol. With their help, home craftsmen prepare moonshine.

Temperature readings: the importance of process compliance

Fermentation temperature? this is the indicator that must be followed with all rigor. By average standards, the norm is 24-30 ° C. But in this case, the need for yeast in future moonshine cannot be discounted. It should be noted at what temperature they will begin to ferment. Only in this case they will give off heat. And this? determining factor in the preparation of mash.

As soon as the yeast starts to work, the mash will heat itself up. Overheat? an unacceptable oversight that would jeopardize the entire operation. It is important that during fermentation, the thermometer does not have an indicator above 40 ° C. Once the temperature reaches dangerous levels, the yeast will die. Moonshine will not be distilled from anything and everything will have to be started anew.

How? hurry up? mash? We accelerate fermentation

Thermometer and thermostat. Features of operation in distillation

During the fermentation process, it is necessary to prepare the necessary technological attributes to help. At this stage, the temperature regime? the most important indicator that cannot be ignored. To support it, you need a thermometer.

We need a mercury unit, which has a scale of up to 120 0 C. As a rule, we are talking about a glass device, with which extreme care must be taken.

If there is a logistical possibility, you can mount a bimetallic thermometer. A multimeter is also suitable for our purposes. These devices can be used to determine the exact temperature at the distillation stage of moonshine. They make it possible to identify exact time collection of high quality product.

Under the thermostat, you need to understand the unit that allows you to maintain a stable temperature in a container with mash. The power of this device directly depends on the volume. If there are up to 50 liters in a barrel, buy a unit with a power of at least 100 watts. The operation of this unit is cyclical, so it does not require a lot of electricity.

Please note that the feedstock is mostly heated from above. In order for the temperature regime to be uniform throughout the volume, mash needs to be stirred from time to time.

Installing the thermostat is easy. You don't need to drill holes to mount it. Bend the wire over the edge so that the body of the device is dipped into the wash. There should only be a sensor on the surface so that you can monitor the temperature. Press the wire of the unit with a cover, but do this very carefully so as not to damage the wire. It is important not to twist the wire, in order to avoid breaking it.

The importance of temperature

Each moonshine has absolutely unique taste. The secret of this uniqueness lies in original recipe each individual mash.

In the classical sense, mash is prepared according to the following canons.

Distillation or boiling temperature

When the mash reaches a temperature of 65 ° C, the evaporation of light harmful fractions occurs. The resulting moonshine is called "pervak". Experts say that pervak? it is a dangerous poison. It must be collected in a separate vessel and disposed of or used for technical needs.

Until the temperature reaches 63 ° C, the future moonshine is heated and boiled over the highest heat. Then the heating rate is sharply removed to slowly reach 65-68°C. If this is not done, hot mash flow into the refrigeration part of the unit. The color of the drink will be fusel. The quality will drop. The only way to improve the situation is by re-distillation.

Gradually, the temperature of the distillation of the mash will increase, and the intensity with which moonshine is driven,? fall. The collection of moonshine is stopped when the mixture is heated to 85 ° C. From this moment, fusel oils begin to evaporate, making moonshine cloudy and deteriorating its quality.

When? Pervak? comes out, you should substitute a container for collecting moonshine. Gradually increase the heater power. This is necessary for the mash to reach a new temperature regime - 78 ° C. After a while, the output of the main product will begin.

Once the temperature has reached 85°C, the distillate is collected in a new vessel. The so-called? tails? add to a new portion of mash to increase the fortress.

Temperature is one of the main factors proper moonshine. The chemical reactions taking place in the mash will be slowed down or not start at all if you do not prepare for them optimal conditions. What temperatures are we talking about and how to maintain them correctly?

Note that rarely any reaction requires a strictly defined temperature. A spread of several degrees, for example, from 18 to 28, is usually assumed, at which the chemical reaction proceeds qualitatively. Not everyone at home has laboratories with a bunch of thermometers, so average values ​​are taken as the basis, which can be easily maintained at home.

To measure the temperature of the mash, use a thermometer with a probe

The temperature is generally accepted 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, yeast fungi of almost all types will actively work. When using baker's, dry, alcohol, wine, beer or turbo yeast, this heating environment will be optimal.

"Cooking" yeast is much easier than "freezing". Therefore, try to contain the heat, and not give it away.

  • At a temperature below +5 degrees kill any kind of yeast. If you accidentally froze the mash, then you need to warm it up and add the fungi again.
  • From +5 to +20 yeast exhibit extremely low activity, but continue to live. They are in a kind of hibernation. When the temperature rises, they wake up, and when they decrease, they die.
  • From +20 to +30 you will achieve maximum fermentation efficiency. This is the ideal to strive for.
  • From +30 to +42 you run the risk of spoiling the mash. The fact is that the ambient temperature is lower than in the fermentation tank. When the process is too active, a lot of heat is released and fungi may not withstand such "heat".
  • With an increase over +42 degrees, all yeasts that are used in the fermentation of mash die. It seems that it is very difficult to achieve such boiling water, but in practice this is a common occurrence.

It's safer to keep the temperature a little lower. No one can 100% say how the braga will behave in a given situation.

If it “plays” very actively, then due to the heat released, the liquid can heat up and destroy all useful fungi. It is very difficult to bring it up to +5, and up to +50 without problems.

At what fermentation temperature is more moonshine produced

An interesting study was conducted by measuring the efficiency of fermentation and the release of harmful substances at different temperatures. It turned out that at 30 degrees fermentation is 4 times faster, and the amount of fusel oils is formed 4 times less. Exhaust of alcohol this case less by 10%.

At 20 degrees"exhaust" alcohol is more, but mash costs longer. More harmful substances are also formed. double distillation with the separation of fractions, it completely solves the issue with the quality of moonshine, so if quantity is more important for you than speed, then it is better to keep fermentation at the minimum allowable temperature.

The results of the study are shown in the photo below.

What devices can maintain the optimal temperature of the mash

There are no specialized solutions yet, so we will use the ingenuity and experience of other moonshiners. Three of the most famous ways that will help you keep the contents of the fermentation tank under certain conditions will be described below.

Don't laugh, it really does work. We set the required degrees, lower it to the bottom of the fermentation tank and monitor the temperature of the mash itself. It will be slightly higher due to active chemical reactions, so it is better to reduce the power by 2-3 degrees.

The price is from 300 to 1500 rubles. You can order on Aliexpress or buy at a pet store.

Aquarium water heater with thermostat

Heating pad for belt

The principle of operation is as follows: we wrap the heating pad around the fermentation tank, set the required degrees and turn it on. In a cold room, it may not solve the whole problem, but the effect of it will be 100%.

The price is about 1000 rubles.

Heated mat

In this case, the fermentation tank is simply placed on a heated place and the heat comes from the floor. Considering that cold sinks and heat rises, heating the liquid from below is a very correct solution.

The price is from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Yeast is a fairly popular product, it is often used in various products that people consume every day. Many probably believe that they are only in bread, buns and other similar products. However, in fact, the range of their application is much wider than it seems to an ordinary person, they can be: in wine, beer, alcohol, moonshine. But if the product is used improperly, namely when overheated, the yeast dies. At what temperature this happens, not everyone knows.

Bread yeast

There is enough a large number of yeast, which are used for baking bread, they all differ in their structure and living conditions. In most cases, housewives use fresh or dry yeast, but there are also granular and fast-acting ones. All of them affect baking in different ways and there is a certain temperature, after which they stop working. Therefore, it is extremely important to know at what temperature the yeast dies so that the flour products are not spoiled.

fresh yeast

This is the most popular type of this product for baking bread. In most cases, they are sold in small cubes of 50 or 100 g. Thanks to this yeast, baking is the perfect color and has a pleasant texture.

It is believed that such a product causes the strongest fermentation, due to which the pastries are lush and do not have a strong specific smell. The moisture content of this yeast is 70%.

This product is well preserved. It is worth noting that fresh yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for up to twelve days. should be no higher than 10 degrees, recommended 0...4 °C.

Yeast Data good quality should be creamy in color, and when the product is pressed with a finger, it should break and crumble. If they just smear, then this is not real yeast, but simply their fake.

Vital conditions of fresh yeast

This product is a living organism, and all living things must breathe. The same goes for yeast. The packaging is given special attention, it is strictly forbidden to close them in a sealed space. When air is not supplied to the product, it quickly begins to deteriorate, in just a few hours it becomes unusable.

As already mentioned, yeast should be stored in the refrigerator at a sufficiently low temperature. But if this is not possible, then you can use a fairly good folk method: Sprinkle the product with flour or fine salt, thanks to this, the yeast will not deteriorate in a couple of days, but will live another 3-4 days longer.

As for the direct use of yeast, here one must not overdo it and not overheat it, because yeast dies from high temperatures. At what temperature? The answer is quite simple - fresh yeast cannot be diluted in a liquid heated to above 42 ° C. Otherwise, the dough fermentation process will not be as effective, and if the temperature is greatly exceeded, then there will be no effect at all.

Granular yeast

This type of yeast is also intended for baking bread and other flour products, but their main difference is dehydration. In the manufacture of this product, it undergoes a special treatment, after which only 24% moisture remains. Due to this, it has the form of small granules. Many do not know at what temperature they die bread yeast granular type. Everything is quite simple, in fact - it's all the same yeast, only dehydrated, so you should not expose them to a temperature of more than 42 ° C.

However, the shelf life of this product is much longer than the previous one. the same (not higher than 10 ° C), but the shelf life is increased to six weeks.

The advantage of such yeast is that it does not need to be dissolved in water or other liquid. This product can be immediately mixed with flour, which results in an even distribution of the product throughout the dough.

Dry yeast

This product is even more dehydrated, leaving only 8% moisture. It is recommended to put much less dry yeast on the same amount of flour than ordinary pressed yeast. It is worth noting that the packaging does not indicate at what temperature dry-type baker's yeast dies. According to official data, such a product ceases to function at a temperature of more than 55 ° C.

Dry yeast granules are very undemanding to storage, they are already in vacuum packs. The shelf life increases dramatically to two years. At the same time, they need to be taken much less than ordinary pressed ones. For 100 g of ordinary live yeast, only 30 g of dry yeast is required.

It is worth noting separately that a fairly large number of people confuse this product with fast-acting yeast and mix it immediately with flour, but this cannot be done. This product must be spread on warm water(recommended temperature 30...45 degrees), then wait until bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, basically this procedure takes 10 - 15 minutes. After that, you can knead the necessary dough. The main thing - you need to remember at what temperature the yeast dies.

Fast acting yeast

This type of product is the latest development of the industry. Their shape is quite unusual (small vermicelli). Fast acting yeast do not need to be diluted in water, it is better for them not to come into contact with liquid, sugar and other impurities at all. This product is added directly to the dough. Therefore, the question of the temperature regime disappears by itself.

At what temperature does wine yeast die?

It is worth noting that in this case this product is very different from ordinary bakery products. wine yeast- the smallest microorganisms that feed on sugar, and the released alcohol is a by-product of their vital activity.

In this case, the optimal temperature for their action is 26 ... 30 degrees, in this state they can function normally. If the temperature is 30 ... 34 degrees, then they simply stop and do not ferment, but if the temperature returns to normal, they again lead a full life. When the temperature still rises, the yeast dies.

Yeast in Braga

A very large number of people prefer to use moonshine instead of store-bought alcohol. The process itself is quite interesting, but at the same time quite complicated, it is necessary to take into account many different factors, for example, at what temperature the yeast in the mash dies.

It is worth noting that during sourdough, the water temperature may be slightly higher than the fermentation process itself. The maximum allowable temperature is 40 degrees, if it is higher, the yeast will die. At what temperature the mash should be infused, almost every experienced brewer knows, it should be about 24 ... 30 degrees. Approximately the same as in wine, if the temperature is slightly higher, then the process simply stops, if it rises to 40 ° C and above, the product will be spoiled, and the fermentation process itself will not be fully completed, which will seriously affect the quality of the product.

Thermophilic yeast

The industry every year invents new products that have a lower cost and at the same time have nothing to do with the natural origin of the ingredients. Thermophilic yeast is a prime example of this. The technology of their manufacture has nothing natural - it is a purely chemical mixture. Therefore, answering the question about the temperature at which thermophilic yeast dies, we can say that they are the most stable and produce a fermentation process even at 95 ° C. However, they are very harmful to human body.

At what temperature does yeast die in bread?

Conducting many experiments, scientists have proven that when bread or other flour products are baked, the yeast is not destroyed, they remain in the product, only they are overgrown with gluten capsules.

It is worth noting that even at high temperatures, fungi cannot be completely destroyed; they can withstand up to 500 degrees. However, this only applies to thermophilic yeasts. They also do enough great harm body. AT finished product, in 1 cubic centimeter of it, there are more than 120 million yeast cells that survived after baking.

All of them negatively affect health, when fungi get to a person, they begin to actively develop. Due to this, active destruction of cells occurs, which leads to a fairly frequent formation of benign, and sometimes malignant tumors.

As for ordinary live yeast, the situation is completely different here. When baking flour products inside the crumb, a temperature of approximately 95 ... 98 degrees is formed. Ordinary yeast cannot withstand such temperatures and simply die, leaving only a small percentage of the fungus, which practically does not cause any harm to human health.

Brewer's yeast

The optimum temperature for yeast activity in beer is approximately 32°C. But at what temperature does brewer's yeast die? In this case, they are very heat resistant, they are completely destroyed when the degree in their habitat rises above the 38 mark.

It is worth noting separately the factor that brewers do not infuse their product at the optimum temperature for yeast of 32 degrees. The thing is that at 32 ° C this product actively ferments, due to which a very large number of complex substances appear, and they have very bad smell. At the optimum temperature, a large amount of acetaldehyde is produced, which makes the beer undrinkable (very pungent and unpleasant smell).

alcohol yeast

This type of yeast is quite tenacious and has a very wide temperature range suitable for their vital activity. At what temperature alcohol yeast dies, not everyone knows, it is about 50 degrees, only after overcoming this mark, the production of alcohol becomes impossible.

For this product to function properly, the temperature of its environment should be around 29...30 degrees. This is considered the ideal temperature. However, they can also develop at temperatures from +5 to +38 °C. In the range between 38 and 50 degrees, the yeast is still alive, but they simply stop their activity, if the degree drops, they become active again and will perform their function. Therefore, it is highly desirable to observe the temperature regime so that the quality of alcohol is not extremely low.


A large number of people are faced with products that would not be made if there were no such simple microorganisms as yeast. Therefore, it is extremely important to know when yeast dies, at what temperature they can exist, and when they simply stop their vital activity.

In most cases, baking yeast survives at a temperature of 42 ... 48 degrees, when this indicator is exceeded, they do not continue to exist. If a person makes wine, then he should know that for normal fermentation, the temperature should be 26 ... 30 degrees, and when it goes beyond 34 degrees, the yeast dies.

The same applies to brewer's yeast, only in this case they survive at temperatures up to 38 degrees and are more stable.

Separately, it is worth noting thermophilic yeast, they are very harmful to the human body, so it is highly advisable to simply exclude products made using such an ingredient from your diet. In most cases, this product can be found in bread and pastries, which are industrially produced and have a very low cost compared to other products in the same category.