How to drink martini "Bianco" (martini bianco) and what to serve. What do the main types of martini drink with: the correct serving of the drink

famous vermouth Bianco and Rosso in many countries are a symbol of bohemian life and fashionable parties. The drink was first introduced to the world in 1863 by merchant Alessandro Martini and herbalist Luigi Rossi. The enterprising duo released the originally red Rosso vermouth. Only 50 years later, the beloved vermouth Martini Bianco appeared, which was made on the basis of white wine. Martini immediately fell in love with many for its subtle aroma of spices and wormwood, as well as a sweetish aftertaste with hints of herbs, fruits, and berries.

What is Martini Bianco

Vermouth Martini Bianco is a drink obtained on the basis of white grape wine with the addition of sugar, which is flavored with a variety of spices and herbs. An alcoholic drink of light straw color belongs to the classic aperitifs. It got its name from the distillery located in Turin.

The most popular vermouth is Martini Bianco, which stands out for its rich bouquet of herbs and spicy additives. Bianco differs from other varieties of drinks from this company by the grape variety from which the wine is made for the base of the aperitif, the percentage of sugar and the list of spices, herbs, fruits, berries. The fine drink company produces more than 5 types of vermouth, not counting sparkling wines.

Varieties of MARTINI:

  1. Rosso is a drink made on the basis of natural red wine, has a rich amber-brown color. On the palate, there are notes of caramel, ginger, mint and other local plants. It is drunk undiluted or in cocktails. Martini Rosso goes great with orange or lemon juice.
  2. Rosato - vermouth, which first saw the light at the beginning of 1980, combined red and white in its composition grape wine. Rose colored drink delicate aroma herb has notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, conifer bark extracts, Artemisia wormwood and other plants in the taste.
  3. Riserva Ambrato is a golden amber vermouth based on Moscato white grape wine. It has a rich bouquet, sweet taste and mild bitterness, characteristic of wormwood.
  4. Riserva Rubino - the drink is notable for its juicy ruby ​​​​color and unique aroma, rich in fragrance Italian herbs and berries. The taste of vermouth is complex with berry notes, in which the taste of raspberries, black currants, and strawberries is guessed.
  5. Extra Dry - straw-colored dry vermouth with bright aroma toffee, raspberry and lemon, introduced to the masses at the dawn of 1900. The drink is different low content sugar and a high percentage of alcohol. It is often used in cocktails, but can be consumed on its own with ice and olives.
  6. Fiero - has a bright color and aroma of red oranges. It was produced in 1998 specifically for citizens of the Benelux countries.
  7. D'Oro - vermouth with a golden caramel hue was made personally for residents of Denmark, Germany, Switzerland in the same year as Fiero. Rich citrus aroma intertwined with notes of vanilla, nutmeg, honey, coriander.

What are they made of

To obtain the legendary vermouth Martini Bianco, producers use grapes as a raw material. white variety Bianca, grown in the vast province of Piedmont in Italy. Dry wine, made by the classical method, which will later serve as the basis for white vermouth, is preliminarily aged from 7 months to 1 year in oak barrels.

Bianco vermouth production technology:

  1. Obtaining the wine base of an alcoholic beverage.
  2. Selection of components depending on the recipe. The composition can include up to 40 ingredients, including not only extracts of herbs and spices, but also fruits, berries, spices. Manufacturers keep the list of all components in the strictest confidence, about 10 main ingredients are displayed on the label.
  3. Grinding all the ingredients into powder and mixing with alcohol diluted with water, which is essentially vodka. The infusion process lasts 15–20 days at a temperature of 16 to 22 degrees Celsius.
  4. Continuous mixing is achieved by automated production of vermouth. At this stage, herbal extracts are formed in the alcohol part, and the water is saturated with sugars and salts. During the infusion period, the liquid acquires a very rich aroma, a translucent amber color and a bitter taste. spicy taste.
  5. Filtration is carried out by passing the wine through multi-layered paper filters in order to achieve perfect transparency of the drink.
  6. Thorough mixing of all ingredients of vermouth is carried out in large sealed containers with strict adherence to sequence. First, fine-grained sugar is added, which is stirred until completely dissolved. Then alcohol of multiple degrees of purification is poured in a thin stream in proportions to obtain a drink of the desired strength of 16-18 degrees. After that, herbal extracts are added to the solution by means of a special pump and everything is mixed until uniform consistency.
  7. The process of stabilization of vermouth combines 4 stages: freezing to - 9 degrees for a period of 10 days; cold filtration through cellulose; warm cleaning through membrane filters; "relaxation" ready drink approximately 7 days.
  8. Bottling Martini Bianco.


The exact composition of Martini Bianco is known only to producers and family members of the creators of the drink. It is known for certain that alpine wormwood dominates the list of herbs, its share can reach 50%. It gives the aperitif the famous barely perceptible bitterness in the aftertaste and a tonic effect. The fragrant spicy-herbal base of Martini Bianco combines several dozen components that make up a luxurious bouquet of vermouth:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • angelica;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • elecampane;
  • ginger;
  • Carnation;
  • coriander;
  • immortelle;
  • yarrow;
  • juniper;
  • lemon balm;
  • orange peel;
  • nutmeg and other components.

How to drink martini bianco

Those wishing to observe the traditions associated with this drink should take into account that, according to the rules of etiquette, Martini Bianco should be served in classic Old Fashioned or Rocks thick-bottomed glasses. They are also intended for rum or whiskey, they differ from each other in shape. In the first case, the glass has straight walls, in the second - cone-shaped. The wide shape of the glass contributes to the disclosure of a rich bouquet of herbs and spices.

Those who are interested in how to drink Martini Bianco correctly, in order to fully enjoy the magnificent slightly tart taste of the drink, should know that noble vermouth is drunk slowly, savoring every sip. Due to the fact that Martini Bianco is an aperitif, it is ideal for cocktail parties and receptions that do not include lavish feasts. Such events are held in the afternoon in the late afternoon, so martinis are a frequent attribute of romantic dates.

Martini Bianco vermouth is served chilled, but it can also be cooled directly in a glass by adding a few ice cubes, frozen fruits or berries. The most acceptable temperature for drinking this alcoholic beverage varies from 10 to 15 degrees. With such a temperature regime, the exquisite taste and rich spicy-herbal aroma of the aperitif are revealed to the maximum.

What do you drink Martini Bianco with?

White vermouth is drunk neat, diluted or in cocktails. Vermouth lovers have checked the time with what juice they drink Martini Bianco to complement its multifaceted taste - it is orange, grapefruit, pineapple, cherry, pomegranate nectar. It is better if the juices are squeezed out immediately before drinking an alcoholic drink, so the benefits of vermouth will increase many times over.

How to dilute

To reduce alcohol levels, you can dilute Martini Bianco with natural or industrial juices, tonic, lemonade, soda or cold drinking water with the addition of a slice of lemon or orange. As an alternative natural juices sometimes there are berry fruit drinks or olive brine, which can be added to cocktails based on Martini Bianco.

With a unique aroma and long aftertaste. In every country in the world, this drink has its fans, both among the representatives of the strong half of humanity and among their weaker halves. But at the same time, few people know what this drink actually is and how it should be consumed correctly.

Martini Bianco is not just ordinary vermouth, that is fortified wine, it's natural, low alcohol drink. which is used as pure form, and as one of the ingredients in the preparation of a variety of cocktails.

Reference. The Martini brand is always primarily associated with this alcoholic drink. And such an association is the main confirmation of its popularity.

This alcohol was first born at the beginning of the last century and since then it has been original recipe didn't change. Therefore, fans of this vermouth can enjoy its true taste and aroma for many years.

What are they made of?

The manufacturer of this alcoholic drink positions its products as completely natural. Bianco martini is prepared from a variety of tinctures herbs, to which is added essential oils plants and fruits.

If you carefully study the composition of this alcohol, you can see that it really does not contain any artificial ingredients.


The main ingredient of this vermouth is dry white with a complex aroma and taste. Already during its preparation, various natural additives can be used, which make it possible to obtain a rich aromatic base for martini.

Bitter wormwood is responsible for the characteristic bitterness of this drink. It is on this plant that vermouth is insisted. And its essential oils are sometimes added to an already finished product. Mass fraction wormwood in the Bianco martini can reach 50% of the total volume.

Other ingredients include:

  • nutmeg - up to 3%;
  • yarrow - up to 20%;
  • chamomile - up to 2%;
  • mint - up to 15%;
  • St. John's wort and cardamom - up to 7%;
  • cinnamon - up to 10%.

These are the herbs in without fail are part of the original martini Bianco. In some modern varieties of this alcoholic drink, the composition may be supplemented with other ingredients. But a prerequisite is the predominance of wormwood in the composition.

Attention! For the manufacture of vermouth, plants grown only in the suburbs of Piedmont can be used. The same rule applies to dry wine, it must be made from grapes grown in the same area.

It is also noteworthy that Bianco martini, made from the same components taken in equal proportions may taste different. This is due to the exact sequence and at what production stage all the ingredients were laid.

How to drink?

All alcoholic beverages that exist today must be consumed in accordance with certain rules. The same applies to the use of Martini Bianco. Only by following certain rules can you fully enjoy its true aroma and a pleasant and long aftertaste.

Watch the video that shows how to drink Bianco martini to enjoy its unique taste:


One of the main conditions for the proper drinking of this alcoholic drink is the observance of the temperature regime, that is, to how many degrees it must be cooled before drinking. It is allowed to serve alcohol to the table chilled to 10 - 15 degrees above zero.

However, professional sommeliers say that cooling down to 13 degrees is considered the best option. At this temperature, martini fully reveals its true taste and aroma.

If Bianco's martini could not be cooled in advance, then it should be poured into glasses, in which several ice cubes were previously placed. Usually 3-4 pieces are enough. Both submission options are currently considered correct. But if alcohol is served with ice, then it should be drunk 5 minutes after the spill, then it will have time to cool to the required temperature.


It is also considered very important right choice containers that the martini will be poured for further use. The best option is to use special glasses designed for this alcohol. Such glasses have a conical shape and a high and thin leg.

In cases where there are no suitable glasses, it is lowered to pour Bianco martinis into low glasses with four sides. At the same time, they are filled only by a third.

Attention! It is strictly unacceptable to serve this alcohol in small glasses and piles. This utensil is intended exclusively for alcoholic beverages with increased strength, and martini is not considered as such.


not an unimportant role in taste qualities and their perception by a person also has the speed of drinking this drink. In order to reveal and feel its unique aroma and aftertaste, you should drink martini Bianco very slowly and in small sips.

Special connoisseurs of this alcohol insist that each sip should be slightly held in the mouth to help the drink open up more.

On average, a glass with a capacity of 150 ml can be drunk in 30 minutes.

Reference. Often women, using this vermouth in its pure form, use a straw. You should not do this, a straw is only appropriate when drinking martini-based cocktails.

Increasing or vice versa, reducing the proportions of any ingredient, as a result, you can get absolutely new drink. And in order not to spoil the true taste of Bianco martini at first, it is best to prepare cocktails with it according to already proven recipes.

"Cold Gold"

This is perhaps the simplest cocktail, which is immediately prepared in the same glass in which it will be served.


  • martini - 120 ml;
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • blackberry - 1 pc.


  1. Pour ice into a glass and pour 120 ml of martini.
  2. Juice from two lemon slices is squeezed from above, a tube is inserted into the glass, and its edges are decorated with blackberries.
  3. Serve immediately without stirring.

After the cocktail is drunk, it is eaten with a berry.

"James Bond"

Here the name speaks for itself, because it was in this form that this alcohol was always ordered by the eminent agent 007.


  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 15 g;
  • vodka - 45 g;
  • martini - 15 g;
  • green olives - 3 pcs.


  1. In a shaker, mix 15 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons crushed ice and 45 g of vodka.
  2. After 20 seconds, pour 15 g of martini into the shaker and shake everything thoroughly again.
  3. Put 3 green olives at the bottom of the glass, pour the cocktail strained without ice and serve with a straw.

"Bianco Lemon"

It's pretty strong alcohol with a rich lemon taste and aroma. It is served in a glass, the edges of which are decorated with thin shavings of lemon zest.


  • martini - 45 g;
  • lemon bitter - 145 g;
  • grapefruit - 1 slice.


  1. A serving glass is half filled with ice.
  2. After that, 45 g of martini and 145 g of lemon bitter are poured into it at the same time, juice is squeezed from one grapefruit slice on top.

Serve slightly mixed without a straw.


This is the lightest and most fruity cocktail of all. It is prepared quickly and is in special demand in drinking establishments during the hot season, as it allows you to quickly refresh yourself, relax and quench your thirst.


  • cranberry juice - 75 g;
  • martini - 50 g;
  • orange juice - 75 g.


  1. A square rectangular glass is completely filled with ice cubes.
  2. 75 g is alternately poured into it cranberry juice, 50 g martini and 75 g orange juice.

Served to the table with a thin tube, which the cocktail is stirred immediately before use. The edges of the glass before serving are decorated with thin orange slices.

By increasing the amount of martini in each recipe, you can easily change its strength, and adding or replacing juice with another alcoholic products gives you the opportunity to create your own unique drinks.


Below are photos of other Bianco martini based cocktails.

Prices in Russia

Martini Bianco is one of the most affordable vermouths today. The cost of this drink directly depends on the volume of the bottle in which it is sold.

On average, the price for 0.5 liters of this alcohol starts from 200 rubles. A bottle with a capacity of 0.75 rubles costs around 500 rubles. But a capacity of 1 liter reaches a price of 1000 rubles.

With what they drink and what they eat martinis with. martini brands

Alcoholic drinks have become a traditional part of feasts and festive events all over the world. They are served with desserts, appetizers, hot dishes, and also as an aperitif before the main meal.

There are many alcoholic drinks, which, according to the rules of etiquette, are intended for female and male guests. There are many ways to present them. They are usually served with canapes, chocolate, fruit or a cheese plate with those varieties that neutralize the effects of alcohol as much as possible, and also emphasize the taste of the drink. Today we will talk about a very popular alcoholic drink - martini.

What is a martini, what do they drink and what do they eat: brands, rules of etiquette

Martini has become indispensable in the list classic treats. For the first time, its production was patented in the North of Italy in 1847. Today, the company has several hundred factories around the world and is the leader in terms of sales.

Vermouth is commonly called alcoholic tinctures aged on aromatic herbs with the addition of sweet syrups.

  • They were first prepared by the ancient Greeks, whose recipes have survived to this day.
  • Martini is a type of vermouth. It began to be produced by 4 Italian entrepreneurs in 1847 in Turin, who founded a small company
  • And in 1857 they expanded production and created the company Martini, Sola & Cia. However, the range of products was very modest, so the management increased the staff by hiring Luigi Rossi. It was he who invented classic recipe Martini Rosso, which is used by modern technology in the manufacture of the drink.

It included:

  • cinnamon
  • Cassius
  • Thyme
  • Cardamom
  • Coriander

The sweet taste and herbal aroma quickly gained fans throughout Europe. Therefore, all subsequent variations of the drink with similar ingredients are called vermouth, since they were developed and produced outside the factories under the Martini, Sola & Cia brand. Since 1900, the range of the company began to expand. The most popular of the new types of martinis are:

  • Extra Dry (produced since 1900, the lack of a sweet taste allowed the drink to be used as the main ingredient for many famous cocktails)
  • Bianco (produced since 1910, vanilla was included in the recipe, as well as other sweet herbs and spices)
  • Rosato (became revolutionary in the production of vermouth, since both red and white wine were included in the composition, produced since 1980)
  • Rose (produced since 2009 from grape varieties typical of the Piedmont and Veneto regions)
  • Spirito (developed for men in 2013, a feature is a reduced amount of sugar, as well as a high strength - 33 degrees)

Traditionally, martinis are usually served with the following products:

  • Olives
  • strawberries
  • Lemon
  • Peach
  • green apples
  • Orange
  • A pineapple

However, a snack is an optional attribute, since the drink has a low percentage of alcohol. V classic version It is customary to serve a martini with an olive, which is dipped on a skewer into a glass. But this tradition does not apply to the rules of presentation.

An important part of the serving is the glass into which the martini is poured. It is generally accepted that a cone-shaped glass with a long stem was intended only for this drink. However, it was previously used for all cocktails, including vermouths. If you do not have this dish, then the martini can be served in a liquor glass. It should be remembered that the drink is offered to warm up the appetite before the main feast; when serving, the temperature of the drink should be 10 degrees. Martinis are not served with the following dishes:

  • Salads
  • Potato
  • Paste

How is Bianko martini diluted and drunk: names of juices, recipes, proportions?

Martini Bianko is often used to make a variety of cocktails. After all, its sweet taste, as well as the aroma of vanilla and spices, goes well with most classic ingredients. Martinis are also combined in equal proportions with the following types of juice:

  • pineapple
  • grapefruit
  • Citric
  • Orange

They are usually served before the main meal or as a separate drink for events where it is not provided. Buffet and serving meals.

There are also many variations of drinks with a combination of martini and juice. We will consider the most popular cocktail, for which you will need:

  • 100 ml sparkling wine
  • 50 ml Martini Bianko
  • 1 tbsp lemon syrup
  • 20 g ice

The recipe looks like this:

  • Put ice in a cocktail glass
  • Mix wine, syrup and martini in a shaker
  • We recommend using lemon as decoration.

What is diluted and how they drink red martini Rosso vermouth: names of juices, recipes, proportions

Martini Rosso has a strength of 16%. It is traditionally served in combination with chilled fresh juices in equal doses, as well as with fruits, berries or ice. The most successful drink is combined with such juices:

  • Cherry
  • Cranberry
  • From wild berries
  • From Sicilian orange
  • grapefruit

Since this vermouth has a pronounced taste, it is served as an appetizer:

  • strawberries
  • Olives
  • Olives
  • Salmon Canape
  • Hard cheeses
  • nuts
  • crackers
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • A pineapple

One of the most popular cocktails containing martini Rosso, is a classic "Manhattan". For cooking you will need:

  • 60 ml whiskey
  • 30 ml martini Rosso
  • 2 ml balm
  • 100 g ice

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, then filtered and decorated with cocktail cherries.

What is diluted and how they drink pink martini Rosato: names of juices, recipes, proportions

Martini Rosato was first released in 1980. It differed significantly from the already known vermouths with its fiery red color, as well as a special recipe that included both red and white wine. The most successful drink is combined with such juices:

  • Pomegranate
  • grapefruit
  • Cherry
  • Orange

Before serving, the vermouth must be cooled to a temperature of 10 degrees. The drink is mixed with juice in a ratio of 1:2. Traditionally served in martini glasses.

When preparing a cocktail, glasses of the same name with a low stem are needed. The most popular of the cocktails is the Cranberry Crush. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml Martini Rosato
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 st. l. frozen cranberries
  • 200 g ice

All components must be mixed in a blender and poured into a glass, where you first put ice.

What is diluted and how they drink green dry martini Extra Dry: names of juices, recipes, proportions

Martini Extra Dry has a pronounced aroma of lemon and raspberries, as well as a moderate sugar content (only 3%). This vermouth is suitable both for use in cocktails and as an independent drink.

The combination of Extra Dry with lemon juice is most successful. Also exists great amount cocktails, where this species martinis are used as a base. One of the most popular and simple is the "Very dry martini". To prepare it you will need:

  • 80 ml vodka
  • 1 tsp Martini Extra Dry

All components are mixed in a shaker and served with an olive.

The Campari-Gin-Martini cocktail is also in great demand. We take the ingredients:

  • 50 ml gin
  • 50 ml martini Extra Dry
  • 100 ml pineapple juice without sugar
  • 50 ml campari

All ingredients are mixed and served in a glass with large quantity ice.

Is Asti champagne diluted and how is it drunk?

Asti is a sparkling wine produced under the Martini brand. It is served as an independent drink, and is also used to prepare various cocktails. The wine has a pronounced sweet taste, as well as a fruity aftertaste. Therefore, as a snack use:

  • strawberries
  • Peaches
  • Grape
  • Mango
  • sweet cherry
  • Apples
  • A pineapple

Like all sparkling wines, Asti is served chilled in a flute glass. Among the most popular cocktails, Tintoretto is distinguished. For its preparation, the following components are needed:

  • 120 ml Asti sparkling wine
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar
  • 30 ml pomegranate juice

Pour into a glass powdered sugar, pour juice and champagne, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.

The Golden Velvet cocktail also deserves special attention. It consists of:

  • 100ml light beer (Kronenbourg Blanc 1664 is ideal)
  • 100 ml Asti sparkling wine
  • 25 ml pineapple juice

All ingredients are chilled and mixed in a beer glass and served with a straw.

Asti is also used to make desserts. One of the traditional ones is Champagne Ice. You will need:

  • 4 large strawberries
  • 100 g ice cream
  • 50 ml Asti sparkling wine
  • 3 mint leaves

The step by step recipe looks like this:

  • Cut strawberries into slices
  • Finely chop the mint
  • Put strawberries and ice cream in a cocktail glass, sprinkle with mint
  • Pouring dessert with champagne
  • Serve with a straw

Leftover ice cream can be eaten dessert spoon. Deliciousness is usually served after the main meal.

Is it possible to drink a martini in its pure form?

There are several rules for serving martini, as well as the culture of drinking it, depending on the type of vermouth and general factors.

  • First of all, it is worth noting that in its pure form, the drink is served either in a classic cone-shaped glass on a long stem or in a glass for liqueurs.
  • The martini is also pre-cooled to a temperature of 10°C. Otherwise, the vermouth will be bitter or burn the throat with an alcohol taste.
  • When serving a drink in its pure form, a straw is not used as a presentation
  • To enhance the taste, you can dip a ring of onion into an Extra Dry martini glass, but after 2-3 minutes. they take him out
  • It is customary to add pieces of chilled berries to Bianco drink: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
  • Martinis are also served with ice cubes, but more recently this has been considered mauvais ton. In addition, during the melting process, excess water spoils the taste of the drink, so it is enough just to cool it.
  • Vermouth can be drunk without any additives. But in this case, they are served with fruits, olives, olives, a cheese plate and other dishes that enhance the taste of the martini.

Why is a martini drunk with an olive and how to drink a martini with olives?

Serving martinis with olives has become a tradition. For the first time this method of presentation began to be used in 1849 in the state of California.

Bartenders served olive vermouth to gold miners who wanted to show off their luck to other patrons. Later, this method became a classic and quickly spread to the United States and Europe.

Today it is considered correct to use only olives. Olives in vermouth are completely inappropriate. Since the product is stored in brine for a long time, when it comes into contact with alcohol, it reveals other facets of the taste and aroma of the drink. The variety of olives does not matter, as well as their filling. You can use those stuffed with the following ingredients:

  • Anchovies
  • Garlic
  • Cheese
  • almond
  • Herbs

However, it is worth remembering that olives are served only with dry types of martinis.

The right way submission looks like this:

  • A pitted olive is strung on a skewer and placed in a cone-shaped glass.
  • Topped with chilled vermouth
  • It is up to the taster to drink the drink before or after eating the olive.

There is another way to present a martini:

  • Chilled drink is poured into a martini glass
  • 3 olives are strung on a skewer and placed on the side of the dish.
  • The guest himself decides how to eat, if he is not a fan of olives, it is considered correct to leave them in a glass after emptying

How to make martini cocktail with vodka: recipe

Martini and vodka cocktails became especially popular after the release of the James Bond movie. Dry vermouths are perfectly complemented by a burning taste, while the degree of alcohol is not high. One of the most popular cocktails is the Vodka Martini. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Vodka - 75 ml
  • Martini Extra Dry - 15 ml
  • Pitted olive - 1 pc.
  • Ice - 200 g

The step by step steps are as follows:

  • Ice is crushed and strained
  • Put ice in a glass, pour vermouth and vodka
  • All ingredients are mixed with a spoon.
  • The resulting cocktail is poured into a martini glass and garnished with an olive strung on a skewer.

Also popular is the Vesper drink, which consists of:

  • 5 g lemon
  • 200 g ice
  • 1 tsp martini Extra Dry
  • 3 ml martini Bianco
  • 2 tsp vodka
  • 45 ml gin

Prepare like this:

  • Gin, vodka, 2 vermouth and ice are mixed in a shaker
  • All ingredients are filtered
  • Pour into a chilled cocktail glass
  • Garnish with a slice of lemon

How to make a champagne martini cocktail: recipe

Martini and champagne cocktails are traditionally served as desserts, as well as an aperitif at special occasions. We propose to adopt some of the most simple and available recipes. For example, to prepare classic cocktail from vermouth you need to take:

  • 100 ml martini Rosso
  • 50 ml dry sparkling wine
  • 1 tsp cherry syrup
  • 1 ice cube

Step by step preparation is as follows:

  • Putting ice in a glass
  • Pour the cube with syrup
  • Martinis are poured down the wall
  • Next, pour sparkling wine in the same way.
  • The cocktail is served chilled with a straw.

A drink called "Martini Royale" deserves special attention. It consists of:

  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 150 g ice
  • 75 ml sparkling wine
  • 75 ml Martini Bianco
  • 2 mint leaves
  • 10 g lemon

Follow these steps to prepare:

  • Pour ice into a glass and fill it with martini and wine
  • Lemon juice is added to the mixture and everything is mixed.
  • Garnish with mint and a slice of lemon.

How to make a martini cocktail with cognac: recipe

Some types of vermouth complement the taste and aroma of cognac, so this combination is often used in the preparation of a variety of cocktails. One of the most popular is the Cognac Martini. It needs:

  • 20 ml cognac
  • 25 ml martini Bianko
  • 20 ml peach juice
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 olive

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, filtered and served in a glass. Decorate with an olive on a skewer.

No less popular is a similar cocktail, which has a more pronounced taste and strength. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 20 ml cognac
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 20 ml grapefruit juice
  • 25 ml martini Rosato

The preparation steps are the same. All components are mixed and served chilled.

How to make a whiskey martini cocktail: recipe

lovers strong drinks note good combination whiskey with martini, so there are many variations of their serving, as well as cocktails based on them. One of them is "Malt Gold". It consists of:

  • 25 ml martini Bianko
  • 50 ml whiskey
  • 1 tsp raspberry syrup
  • 5 g carob
  • 300 g ice
  • 1 PC. cookies
  • 1 ml balm
  • 10 g lemon

The step by step recipe looks like this:

  • Cookies are crushed to crumbs and mixed with carob in a shaker
  • Balm, whiskey, Bianko martini and ice are added to them.
  • All ingredients are mixed
  • Served in a cocktail glass with ice
  • Decorate with lemon

How to make a martini cocktail with rum: recipe

Rum and vermouth help bring out each other's flavors and are also good for mixing them with juices and various fruits. One of the famous cocktails based on them is Thea. For cooking you need:

  • Absinthe - 1 tsp
  • Strawberry syrup - 1 tsp
  • Raspberry syrup - 1 tsp
  • Pineapple juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Ice - 200 g
  • White rum - 15 ml
  • Martini Rosato - 35 ml

Following the next steps, you can make a cocktail yourself:

  • Pineapple juice, rum, absinthe, martini and syrups are mixed with a shaker
  • Crush the ice in combination with the rest of the ingredients
  • Strain all ingredients and pour into a cocktail glass

How to Make a Sprite Martini Cocktail: Recipe

There are hundreds of recipes for making sprite-based drinks with the addition of vermouth. They are refreshing in the hot season, and also do not have a pronounced aftertaste of alcohol. We will consider one of the most popular. For cooking you will need:

  • 15 g cucumber
  • 10 g lemon
  • 50 ml sprite
  • 100 ml martini Rosato
  • 30 g ice

The step by step process looks like this:

  • Martini and sprite are mixed in a shaker
  • Ice is crushed
  • At the bottom of the glass put a slice of lemon and cucumber
  • Put the ice
  • Poured drink
  • Garnish with a slice of cucumber and serve chilled.

How to make a martini cocktail with ice and lemon: recipe

All over the world, the combination of martini and lemon with ice has already become a classic. Based on these ingredients, many cocktails are created. One of the most popular and simple is Bianco Tonic. For its preparation, the following components are required:

  • Ice - 180 g
  • Tonic - 100 ml
  • Lemon - 30 g
  • Martini Bianko - 100 ml
  • Putting ice in a glass
  • Squeezing lemon juice
  • Pour martini
  • Next, the whole mixture is mixed, and topped up with tonic
  • For decoration, it is recommended to use a slice of lemon or mint.

The Bianco Lemon Ice cocktail is also popular. It consists of:

  • 120 g ice
  • 30 g lemon
  • 60 ml lemon juice
  • 100 ml Bianko martini
  • Lemon slices are placed in a glass
  • Spread ice on top
  • Pour lemon juice and martini
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed
  • Served chilled
  • Garnish with lemon and lime slices.

Whenever serving a martini, it must be remembered that its temperature can significantly spoil the taste. Laconic presentation, seasoned temperature regime, as well as the current serving time will help you enjoy the aroma of vermouth, as well as experience its flavor palette.

It is also worth remembering that martinis are traditionally considered female lung alcohol. It is served as an aperitif with fruits, cheeses and olives. Therefore, for family feasts with hearty meals, as well as abundant fatty foods, it is worth opting for stronger drinks.

Video: How to drink a martini?

Martini Bianco is the world's most popular brand of vermouth, that is, white wine with the addition of sugar, herbs and spices. It is believed that this drink is mainly drunk by women, although it was the favorite drink of the famous movie character - James Bond. Not everyone likes weak alcohol, because it has a peculiar taste and aroma, so it is often consumed not in its pure form, but in all sorts of combinations.

How to drink martini bianco

The famous vermouth is associated with luxury and social events. It is an aperitif that is drunk before meals to increase appetite or to eliminate thirst. It is not recommended to make it the main alcohol at a friendly feast. This alcohol will be more appropriate at a party that involves communication rather than food.

Before serving, the Martini bottle should be kept in a cold place. The optimum temperature for vermouth is 10-15 degrees. A warmer or icier option is a miss because it won't allow guests to experience the special taste and aroma of the liquor.

It is customary to drink Martini Bianco slowly, savoring every sip. Guests of a secular party take one glass of alcohol and spend the whole evening behind it. Drinking a lot of vermouth is considered bad form.

The classic serving of the drink is in old-fashion glasses with ice and lemon. Sometimes frozen fruits are added to alcohol, which emphasize its exquisite taste. It can also be garnished with olives on a skewer - this is one of the classic combinations.

In nightclubs, bars and at social events, another serving option is more common - in a cone-shaped glass with a long stem, which the bartenders jokingly dubbed "Martinka". Some ladies like to drink vermouth through a thin tube.

Martini Bianco is usually eaten. It is served with light food: non-solid mild cheeses, salted crackers, nuts, olives and black olives.

Cocktails based on your favorite vermouth

Martinis are often drunk in cocktails. Many vermouth aficionados find that it is more palatable in its various variations than in its pure form.

To prevent alcohol from immediately hitting the head, it is customary to drink it with orange, grapefruit or cherry juice. As a rule, the ingredients are mixed in the following proportions: 1/4 alcohol and 3/4 juice. The resulting mix is ​​served in a cone-shaped glass with a couple of ice cubes.

In American bars, Martini Bianco is diluted with soda in a ratio of 1: 1. Another interesting option mix drink - alcohol with Sprite.

The famous vermouth is part of many popular cocktails, where it is mixed with strong alcoholic drinks: rum, gin, vodka and even cognac. Here are some recipes:

Dirty Martini

This is one of the most famous mixes in the world. Take 60 ml of gin, 10 ml of vermouth and 2 ml of olive juice. Mix in a shaker, strain into a pre-chilled glass, garnish with an olive on a skewer.

Vermouth with vodka

Mix 30 ml of vodka, 60 ml of Martini Bianco and orange juice in a shaker. Strain into a glass, add a few ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of lemon or orange.

Light Martini

Pour into a glass of 50 ml original product, 20 ml of vodka and 80 ml grape juice(do not change the sequence). Put 2-3 ice cubes and mix with a cocktail tube. Garnish with a cherry.

Martini is not just a drink, it is a way of life. It is customary to drink it in a good mood, at secular parties or in moments of pleasant friendly communication. This exquisite vermouth is able to give everyone a moment of harmony and pleasure.

When it comes to drinking alcohol, there is always a question about the culture of drinking it. After all, not everyone knows how, when and how much you can drink this or that drink. This also applies to martini, which, unknowingly, some even separate into a separate group of alcoholic beverages. So, now we will tell you about how to drink a martini properly.

Rule one. Place and time. To appreciate all the nobility of a martini, you must create the appropriate atmosphere. The process should take place without haste and fuss. But that doesn't mean you have to be sad. On the contrary, this drink creates a holiday. For example, his presence will spice up and enliven a cocktail party with friends, or give a special charm to a romantic evening with a loved one.

Rule two. Tableware. You will not be able to fully enjoy the martini and enjoy it if you do not use special glasses to drink it. Their shape is easy to recognize - it is a cone on a long and thin stem. If trouble happened, and you didn’t have suitable glasses at hand, then the most correct decision would be to take wide and not tall glasses. But in no case do not use other glasses, or, even worse, glasses. This is considered a sign of bad taste.

Rule three. Drink preparation. For such an event as drinking a martini, you need to prepare in advance. In addition to the festive table setting, alcohol should be cooled to 10-12 degrees and ice should be frozen in advance.

Rule four. drinking process. So, a glass of martini in your hand, and the party is in full swing. Remember that the main thing in a martini is the pleasure, which, as they say, must be stretched. Therefore, drink the drink slowly, taking small leisurely sips, savor it. If you have chosen a martini-based cocktail, then it's time to use a straw. This way of drinking was especially fond of the ladies. So we gave you the answer to the question: how to drink a martini.

Rule five. Snacks. Most often, martinis are sipped "solo", that is, without eating anything. But if they drink it “clean”, and not in a cocktail version, then olives, lemon slices, fruits, berries, or onions will become a worthy frame for it. It all depends on personal preferences, and what kind of martini you choose. On this issue, perhaps, it is worth dwelling in more detail.

What to drink martini with

Knowing what to drink a martini with, you will not be considered a bearer of bad taste or a person who is not worthy of high society.

A key point to remember when putting the martini at the head of the table is that it doesn't tolerate the standard "vodka" snacks. It is not drunk with jelly and with smoked fish. Snacks should be light and unobtrusive.

From fruits, you can serve chilled pieces of peaches or citrus fruits, among which berries will casually recline.

But you can limit yourself to just a variety of juices. But there are rules here.

How to drink a martini with juice

Firstly, juices served with martinis should be freshly squeezed and chilled, and not poured into a decanter from a tetra bag.

Secondly, the best juices for this purpose will be orange, grapefruit, cherry and pomegranate juices, that is, with a minimum sugar content. But do not try to serve peach juice, apple juice or a “multivitamin” with a martini, they are simply contraindicated for such cocktails.

Thirdly, alcohol is not washed down with juice, but mixed with it. Add 1 part juice to 2 parts martini. If ice is involved in this process, then alcohol, juice and ice are taken in equal proportions.

Now you know how to drink a martini with juice. However, the varieties of this alcohol have their own taste, which means their own ways of drinking and their own snacks.

How to drink martini bianco

Martini Bianco is an alcohol loved by millions and highly valued by bartenders. It is from it that most of the finest cocktails are made. Its taste is combined with many drinks, sometimes even extremely unexpected ones. It can be lemonades and tonics, coffee and cream, various juices, vodka and even tequila. Chocolate, olives, lemon and onions are perfect with it. Ice and pieces of fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, strawberries are added to it.

If you decide to experiment with onions, then you should know that you should not “extract” juice from it. You just need to lower the slice into the glass and take it out after 2-3 minutes. If you like the taste, then you will never drink martinis differently.

How to drink martini rosso

Regarding this martini, the female and male genders have their own differences. Ladies prefer to use cherry or orange juice as an addition to it, while men mix it with vodka and snack on lemon. It was in this form that James Bond loved him.

It goes without saying that the above two types of martini are not all of its range. However, both Martini Rosato (pink) and Martini Extra Dry (dry) are drunk according to the same rules and with the same snacks and juices that we have already named for you.

However, cocktails with the addition of lemon are most often made from pink martini, then dry ones are mostly drunk separately from everything and without ice. If you decide to experiment, then remember that Martini Extra Dry will give a special shade pear juice or gin, which is taken 2/3 of the glass. For a snack in this case, an olive or lemon slice would be appropriate.