The culture of drinking martini bianco. How to drink different types of martinis and what to eat according to etiquette: recipes, rules, tips

Martini "Bianco" is a fairly common alcoholic drink, which is quite popular with a large number of people. Interestingly, this drink can be consumed in various variations. What is a Bianco martini? How to drink this drink? What is customary to serve it? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading this article.

Martini - what is this drink?

It is probably impossible to find such a person who has never heard of a martini, but not everyone has an idea of ​​​​what it is all the same. this drink and how it can be used. Even fewer people are aware of what is served with Bianco martinis and other varieties of such a wonderful drink.

At the moment, there are many stories about where the martini came from. Some believe that this drink appeared in the city of Martinez, others - that we all owe the appearance of martini to the bartender Thomas D., who allegedly invented it back in the 19th century.

Now martini is quite a popular drink all over the world. It is a brand of vermouth, which is produced in Italy. It can be used both in its usual form and as part of a variety of cocktails.

Varieties of martini

The most popular varieties of martinis are:

  • "Rosso" - it is characterized by a caramel-red color and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  • "Bianco" is a white vermouth with a vanilla scent.
  • Rosato is a pink vermouth containing various spices in its composition, and red and white wine is used for its production.

The Bianco martini is the most popular among all varieties. How to drink this vermouth will be described below. As a rule, representatives of the charming half of humanity prefer this drink more, however, there are also men who like the taste of Bianco.

Composition of martini

The composition of absolutely any variety of this drink includes only great amount various plants such as chamomile, orange, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, coriander and many others. One of the main ingredients of vermouth is wormwood, thanks to which the same "Rosso" has its own unique and slightly bitter taste.

Since the most popular type of martini is Bianco, it is further recommended to consider in detail the composition of this particular drink. The Bianco martini contains white dry wine with sugar, while herbal tincture and vanilla, in fact, give this vermouth an exquisite and unique taste.

How to Serve Bianco Martini

It should be said that on the Internet about the martini "Bianco" reviews can be found different. Everyone in their own way prefers to use this drink. In general, vermouth is ideal for various cocktail parties, romantic dinner or buffets, where the main thing is not drinking or food, but communication and a pleasant pastime. Martini of any kind, including Bianco, is recommended to be used as an aperitif, that is, before a meal.

Martini "Bianco" is recommended to be served moderately chilled, but in no case should you try to freeze it in such a way that the bottle begins to become covered with frost. Of course, there is no point in warming vermouth in the hands either. A suitable temperature for drinking this drink ranges from 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to drink a martini at this temperature, otherwise it will taste qualities and the aroma may simply not open.

Bianco martini can also be served with ice, pieces of fruit or berries. There is only one drawback of this method of consumption - along with Bianco, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, cheeses, olives, salted crackers and other light snacks can be served as snacks.

Martinis are usually served in small glasses with a slice of lemon or orange. Sometimes "Bianco" can be served in glasses that are intended for whiskey.

Martini "Bianco" - how to drink this drink and with what?

Vermouth can be consumed in various variations. Bianco martinis with juice or water are considered classic. Grapefruit or cherry juice - the perfect complement to Bianco. Representatives of the incomparable half of humanity like this combination, since for most of them the taste of the drink seems harsh. Plus, in this case, intoxication will not come immediately.

The other thing is men. To most of them, on the contrary, the taste of vermouth seems not saturated enough, so mixing this drink with liqueurs and rum is allowed. Of course, intoxication from such a mixture will come much faster, but you can get enormous pleasure from all this.

To date, there are a lot of cocktails, one of the ingredients of which is the Bianco martini. How to drink and how to make similar cocktails? We'll talk about this further.

Recipes for some cocktails with Bianco vermouth

The Orange Martini cocktail is easy enough to prepare, so you can easily prepare it even at home. To prepare a cocktail called "Orange Martini" you will need:

  • 100 ml of vermouth called "Bianco";
  • 200 ml of orange juice;
  • orange slice for decoration;
  • a couple of ice cubes.
  • 30 ml martini;
  • 60 ml tequila;
  • as a decoration - a slice of lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes.

Easy to prepare and a cocktail called "Jasmine". To enjoy its taste, you need:

  • 20 ml "Bianco";
  • 50 ml of chilled green tea;
  • 20 ml of vodka;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon and 5 grams of ginger.

Much more complex is the Marionette cocktail, since it requires enough a large number of alcoholic beverages, which are not always at hand. To prepare this cocktail, you need to mix:

  • 50 ml of Extra Dry vermouth;
  • 50 ml "Bianco";
  • 10 ml of white rum;
  • 10 ml banana liqueur;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • 30 ml orange juice.

Another wonderful and fairly strong cocktail is Vesper. To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 ml of vodka;
  • 40 ml of gin;
  • 5 ml of vermouth "Bianco";
  • 5 ml of vermouth called "Extra Dry";
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • as decoration - a small slice of lemon.

In principle, you can experiment with cocktails, there is no need to dwell on any one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Martini "Bianco" is a completely versatile drink that will appeal to both men and women.

Martinis are loved by everyone who is not indifferent to vermouth. Not a single bar is equipped with alcoholic drinks without it. James Bond himself prefers a vodka martini cocktail that should be shaken but not mixed. What do the rest of his fans drink martini with?

There are a great many varieties of this vermouth, and in last years ready-made cocktails based on it appeared on sale. The creators of the drink could not imagine that one hundred and fifty years later, the martini brand would conquer the whole world, but, of course, they dreamed about it.

The martini recipe was developed in Turin at a vermouth factory in 1863. Former manager Alessandro Martini, who later became the owner of the factory, teamed up with a skilled herbalist Luigi Rossi and accountant Teofilio Sola to expand the range. Rather, it all started with a real marketing research of the market, started by Martini.

He liked to visit restaurants and ceremonial events, where he, as a successful entrepreneur, was often invited. There he questioned bar patrons and their girlfriends about the shortcomings of various vermouths. Italians have always loved wines, but existing vermouth seemed too bitter to them.

After discussing the situation with Sol, Martini decided to recruit the talented herbalist Rossi to the team. He was given the task of coming up with a recipe for a more pleasant, sweetish-tasting drink.

The first type of updated vermouth was Martini Rosso. It contained 35 herbs and other ingredients besides a special grape variety. Not all of them grew nearby, so in 1864 the factory was moved from Turin to the village of Pessione, located near the railway station.

Alessandro Martini represented the drink at all more or less significant and major world exhibitions. Everywhere vermouth received medals and became a real discovery. Members of the royal families of Europe allowed martinis to be delivered to their courts. So their coats of arms appeared on bottle labels.

So, vermouth is a flavored wine infused with medicinal herbs.

The first vermouth of the factory in Pession - Martini Rosso - has held a high rating for three and a half decades. It had a slight hint of bitterness due to the presence of wormwood and aloe in the composition, but the addition of caramel made the taste softer than existing flavored wines.

Only in 1900 appeared the new kind with the name Martini Extra Dry and 18% alcohol. It was virtually sugar-free (2.6% of it) and was considered more of a cocktail base than a standalone drink.

Martini Bianco, the idol of girls and an indispensable attribute of bohemian parties, was presented to the public in 1910, after the death of the founders of the factory. The vermouth recipe was developed and implemented by their descendants, who continued the business. The familiar taste is based on two main components: wormwood and vanilla.

Seventy years later, in 1980, the people of Turin gave fans of the drink another kind - Martini Rosato. It was obtained from a mixture of white and red wines and had a pink color and a pronounced aroma of cloves.

In 1998, two new items were released at once: Martini D'Oro - for residents of northern European countries and Martini Fiero - for Benelux citizens.

In 2009 and 2013 Martini Rose and Martini Spirito appeared in succession. The last vermouth with a strength of 33% is considered the "male" version and is most often diluted with orange or pineapple juice.

Simultaneously with vermouths, sparkling wines were also produced. They are popular both dry (Prosecco) and semi-dry (Rose). Italian champagne Martini Asti has been present in many families on the New Year's table for many years.

The vermouth logo has not changed for almost ninety years. The red circle means a top view of a glass with a drink, and the black stripe with the inscription means a bottle tilted above it.

How to serve a martini?

An important rule explaining how to drink a martini correctly says that the ideal drink temperature is 10-13 degrees. Tapered glasses with a long stem for making cocktails have been called martini glasses since they won a leading position among other vermouths.

Throwing pieces of ice at it is not entirely correct, as this will break the slightly viscous texture.

An olive is placed in an undiluted martini to set off its taste, and a short straw is inserted. You can also drink it in small sips straight from the glass.

Rules for the use of martinis of different varieties

Extra Dry was originally intended to be mixed with mineral water or other drinks. How do you usually drink a martini so that its taste is fully revealed? Professional bartenders add chilled soda in a ratio of one to three or juice in proportions of one to one to the drink.

You should know that Martini Rosso is mixed with red juices, such as cherry or pomegranate. What do they drink Martini Bianco with? Choose light varieties of juices: orange and pineapple. If there is no desire to dilute the drink, you can pour a few drops into the glass lemon juice. It will give freshness and piquant sourness.

Snack for a drink

As with any wine, a martini is served with assorted fruits. The drink is positioned as chic and fashionable, so pieces of fruit should be beautifully cut and laid out on a dish. It is also permissible to offer guests several varieties of cheese, decorated with a scattering of olives.

Martini has long been a classic aperitif, so there is no need to overload the table with snacks. If vermouth is served with dessert, biscuits, ice cream and white chocolate are added to fruit and cheese.

Remembering James Bond and his signature drink again, you can mix a similar strong cocktail by replacing vodka with gin. Juniper flavor will give it originality, and gin will increase the strength of the drink if you add one part of it to two parts of martini.

Bitterness lovers will love a cocktail of equal parts Martini Rosso and gin with half a share of Campari. The rich color will be an added bonus. This recipe is attributed to the Italian count Camillo Negroni, and the cocktail bears his name.

There are many variations of what else you can drink a martini with. Sweet cocktails are suitable for girls. The basic composition, which everyone will be able to change according to their taste: Martini Rosso, champagne and strawberry syrup. In a glass filled with ice, you need to pour these drinks alternately in equal proportions and do not stir. Their borders will smooth out a little, but the visibility of the stripes will remain.

Elegant cocktail " Bianco sunrise» prepared from Martini Bianco, cranberry juice and orange juice. Pour 50 ml of martini and 75 ml of juice and fruit drink into a glass with ice. The drink should be gently stirred so that closer to the bottom the color is more intense. You can attach an incised circle of orange to the edge of the glass.

According to the rules of winemaking, any wine should be stored in the cellar. For a modern apartment, this is difficult to achieve, so vermouth is kept in a bar or refrigerator, preventing it from hypothermia. The ideal temperature is from +5 to +15 degrees.

Sunlight should be avoided in every possible way, which will heat it up and spoil the contents. Best bottle position long-term storage- on the side. So u sparkling wines or Asti champagne, the cork will be wetted with wine and will not dry out.

An open bottle of martini will not change its flavor when stored in the refrigerator for a year. In a refrigerated, darkened bar, she will be able to stand without compromising the quality of the drink for up to three months.


Martini creates a festive mood with just its appearance. In recent years, the bottle has become more elegant, gaining a "waist". Different types of vermouth have red, pink, yellow and straw shades.

Hollywood stars and movie heroes are constantly advertising a drink that, over a hundred and fifty years of its existence, has already collected almost all possible awards at world exhibitions. Presentations of a new taste of vermouth are always held with pomp with a huge confluence of the secular public and are widely covered in the press.

The drink tastes so good that it has firmly occupied a niche in the entertainment industry and is liked by almost all people. How to drink a martini, everyone decides for himself, especially since there are plenty of types of vermouth. The most sophisticated gourmet will find a recipe for a fancy cocktail, while sparkling wines and champagne will decorate a reception or celebration. Thanks to its small strength, martinis can be drunk on the beach in the heat and in winter before a dinner party.

In addition to the constant presence of models and playboys in social life, vermouth is able to have a healing effect. It helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if used in small doses, up to 50 ml.

For a cold, a martini is drunk warm, mixed with lemon or orange juice. The first signs of the disease will quickly recede after a few applications. Some make tinctures from various herbs based on it.

Combining all the advantages of martini, we can conclude that in the century before last in Turin, enthusiasts of their craft created not just vermouth, but a magical elixir that gives health and fun.

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How to drink a martini to reveal all the notes of taste? What do they drink martini with and how to dilute it? More on this later.

Martini is a light wine infused with wormwood and other herbs. These components give the drink a bittersweet, refined taste. real martini are produced in Italy. It is this vermouth that is the most refined and delicious.

Not a single party can do without it, because it perfectly cheers up and encourages easy communication with friends.

In our country, the drink has gained great popularity not only among young people, but also among older people. Despite this, not everyone knows the specifics of how to drink a Martini in order to fully reveal all its notes and enjoy the herbal taste.

How to drink martini

There are 4 main types of drink. These are white, red, pink and yellow vermouth.

  • They are served in cone-shaped glasses with a long thin stem. Of course, you can try a martini in an ordinary wide low glass, but this will not be aesthetically pleasing and is not accepted in decent establishments.
  • Before use, the bottle is cooled for a short time, because the bouquet of vermouth is fully revealed at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. If the drink needs to be served urgently, a few ice cubes added to the glass can save the situation. Instead, you can use frozen kiwi slices or strawberries.
  • It is customary to drink a pure martini without a straw, which is inserted into the glass only when the drink is diluted with juice or refreshing cocktails are made from it.

Vermouth should be served before meals to increase appetite. The drink is drunk slowly, enjoying its taste and aroma.

This drink can be drunk on its own if desired. pure form), but it is usually diluted with natural juice. What is it customary to drink martini with, and what juice is suitable for this drink?

Most familiar option- mix it with juice, such as grapefruit, orange, cherry or pomegranate. True, there is one ambush - ideally, the juice should be freshly squeezed.

Best combinations:

  • All types of vermouth are ideally combined with grapefruit and orange juice.
  • Red and pink suitable for varieties cherry nectar with a few ice cubes.
  • Lovers of a high degree dilute the martini with whiskey or gin.
  • Young people make cocktails with Coca-Cola, tonic water and sweet water.

Recently, the drink began to be diluted with sweet juices, such as peach or mango nectar. This combination is not for everyone, because vermouth is already very sweet. But a lot of people like it original drink, and is often ordered in bars.

How to dilute a martini

  • To prepare classic cocktail from martini and natural juice, take 100 ml of vermouth and mix it with the same amount of juice. If you want to increase the strength, reduce the proportions of juice, and to reduce the degree, do the opposite.

Mix martini with juice in a ratio of 2: 1 or 1: 1: 1, if with ice.

The most popular type is white vermouth. Martini Bianco is drunk with orange juice. Some gourmets add ice, a slice of lemon to a pure drink, or dilute vermouth with soda one to one. This gives the martini a special original taste.

What to drink with martini (snack)

You can and even should have a martini snack.

Martini is alcohol, and any alcohol can be eaten. Despite the fact that there are few degrees in vermouth, it will not be superfluous to cook olives strung on a skewer, lemon slices, fresh berries and fruits.

If you want to snack on something more satisfying, cut it with a drink hard cheese or put a dish of salted nuts on the table. In Europe, it is also common to serve nuts or salty cookies(crackers).

Now you know how to drink a martini properly and you can fully enjoy the refreshing taste. Italian vermouth!

The most famous vermouth is enjoyed not only in its pure form. It is found in hundreds of cocktails, simple and complex, so that bartenders around the world quite rightly call him "the king of nightlife." Well, we suggest getting into the spirit of drinking this noble alcohol and considering what drinks Martini goes with: what to mix with, how to dilute it properly, and the like. Apply so useful knowledge in practice, and the rich bouquet of the most famous "wormwood wine" will sparkle even brighter, surprise you with new facets of its unique taste.

You can choose the most different couples both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. First, we list the basic combinations, and then we will talk about little secrets that help make each combination perfect.

Here is what Martini interferes with in the general case:

  • —Vodka— (, —whiskey—) – the rich herbal taste of vermouth organically complements the fortress. Perfect option for cocktails with male character- rich, powerful, interesting - James Bond will not let you lie.
  • -Champagne - - the combination turns out to be playful in every sense. The taste is very pleasant, easy to drink, but, be careful, it gives a very noticeable effect! Therefore, it cannot be considered exclusively female.
  • Juice- a classic couple and just a huge field for experimentation, because there is something to interfere with. At right choice(which will be discussed in detail below) you will get a wonderfully illuminating drink with pleasant tart notes of herbal wine.
  • Mineral water- a very "smart" addition. Properly diluted, you will retain the unique organoleptic characteristics of alcohol, but at the same time make it less strong, and therefore prolong the pleasure of draining the bottle.
  • Tea- an exotic option for us, but a very popular option in many European countries. Served chilled and becomes a real salvation in the heat, as it refreshes and tones.

It is important not only to accurately choose a drink, but also to pour correctly. Naturally, such an elite vermouth will reveal all its feelings only if proportions are correctly maintained and other nuances are observed, which we are now considering.

How to Breed a Martini Properly

  • The temperature of the cocktail should be at the level of 10-15 degrees, then the "wormwood wine" plays its colors most fully. Keep this in mind when adding colder or warm drink, as well as ice, which is present in many recipes.
  • When it is necessary not to interfere in the shaker, namely to dilute, first pour the Martini into the glass and only then - another drink. This nuance is relevant for vodka, and for champagne, and for mineral water.

  • The stronger the dilution, the more important its role in the cocktail (generally). For example, gin in a glass should be 4 times more than vermouth, which acts as an interesting background. But mineral water, on the contrary, must be poured in an amount of 1/4 of the volume of alcohol, so that alcohol is felt clearly and brightly.
  • When adding juice, it is important to enhance the taste of a particular type of martini. The game of contrast this case inappropriate, as it can lead to far from the most harmonious combinations.

We propose to continue with the “juicy” topic. Let's see what pairs can be made with one or another type of "wormwood wine".

What juice do they drink Martini Bianco with?

White Italian vermouth is distinguished by its comparative softness of taste: herbal notes and sweet-tender vanilla are felt with every sip. It does not have a rich fruit and berry component, but spices, in particular cinnamon and nutmeg, stretch in the aroma.

  • citric- its sourness perfectly balances the inherent sweetness of alcohol;
  • orange– pronounced citrus taste elegantly harmonizes with the spicy smell of vermouth;
  • pineapple- tropical notes will provide an interesting flavor (but this is an option for those who are not afraid of cloying);
  • grapefruit- will make the taste intriguing, this is the closest option to the contrast.

As an exotic, you can try a combination with kiwi, just remember that you need to mix the juice with Martini in a ratio of 1 to 1, so you will have to squeeze a fairly large amount of tropical fruits. By the way, if you add fresh, keep in mind that in undiluted form it can irritate the gastric mucosa (especially lemon, lime, well, or other sour), so add mineral water or tonic - again, in the amount of 1/4 of the total volume.

If you have juice with pulp, it is also perfectly acceptable to interfere with the Martini, but only if you are making a cocktail for yourself. If you are preparing a drink for guests, ask in advance how they feel about such experiments. Because the taste and aroma of alcohol will not change from the presence of pulp, but here appearance the contents of the glass may not seem very neat to someone.

Martini Bianco and gin and vodka

It's time to move on to stronger cocktails, especially since they are popular all over the world. For example, to combine Martini with gin - this combination was brought into fashion by the British and picked up by the Americans. Men liked the tart pair of wormwood and juniper, enhanced by the strength of degrees, complemented by freshness and seasoned with some spicy note.

So, Dry Martini, a cocktail invented in New York back in 1912, has survived to this day, albeit with changes. In its modern version:

  • 15 ml must be mixed in a shaker with 75 ml of gin;
  • pour into a glass filled with ice cubes to the mark of 300 ml;
  • garnish with an olive or onion.

James Bond (or rather, its creator, Ian Fleming) offered his own, more elite version. The recipe is as follows: 1 part vodka to 3 gin, 1/2 white vermouth and 6-8 ice. By the way, instead of Bianco, the agent ordered Kina Lillet, but over time, alcohol from cinchona bark began to be produced less, the rules began to be followed less strictly and began to interfere with a more common drink. 007 named his discovery "Vesper", after the girl he fell in love with, but that's a completely different story told in Casino Royale.

What else can be diluted with Martini Bianco is vodka, which has become much more popular than gin. Why? Because some people liked the combination of juniper and wormwood, while for others it was too tart, so the bartenders began to experiment.

So in America in the 50s of the twentieth century, Vodkatini appeared - a cocktail that is still popular to this day, for the preparation of which you need:

  • pour 6-8 ice cubes into a shaker and pour in 15 ml of Bianco;
  • mix it all with the back of a spoon for 8-10 seconds;
  • pour 70 ml of pre-chilled vodka;
  • mix the contents of the shaker again in the same way and at the same time;
  • pour the resulting drink through the strainer into a cocktail glass;
  • garnish with an olive (onion) or lemon zest (lime wedge).

Vodkatini should be drunk in small sips, appreciating the power of its taste and the attractiveness of pure notes of wormwood and citrus. And now back to less strong additives and other types of famous Italian alcohol.

What juice to drink martini rosso

Red vermouth falls in love with a sweet background, spicy bitterness and caramel notes. It is important not to lose this uniqueness, but to emphasize it and enrich, expand and refresh it. That's why best juices for is:

  • cherry- it will organically deepen the saturation original taste alcohol;
  • pomegranate- astringent notes will be an excellent final chord;
  • apple- his light summer the sourness is wonderfully refreshing.

The proportions of adding juice are the same as in the case of white vermouth, that is, 1 to 1. And the same story with the pulp: add if you or the guests you treat like it.

Rosato, that is, “pink Martini”, can be safely mixed with richly sweet juices, such as peach or apricot. Just be prepared for the fact that this is almost a liquor option with a not so pronounced alcoholic aftertaste, but still for those who love cloying.

Martini Rosso and champagne whiskey

It is with red vermouth that the signature Manhattan cocktail is prepared for the United States - according to the following recipe:

  • pour 150 ml of ice into a shaker, pour in 30 ml of Martini Rosso, 60 ml and 2 ml (Venezuelan bitter);
  • mix everything for 6-8 seconds;
  • pour the contents of the shaker through the strainer into the glass;
  • add a cherry for decoration, insert a straw.

It turns out very bright in taste, pleasant enough to please women, and strong enough to be appreciated by men. No wonder it became a classic in sophisticated America.

What else can be diluted with Martini Rosso is champagne, such an alcoholic combination will be rich in organoleptic impressions. The carbonated bubbles will provide an interesting texture, and the difference in degrees will make the drink intoxicating. As an example, we give the recipe for the Strawberry Champatini cocktail, for the preparation of which you need:

  • pour 100 g of ice (in cubes) into a glass;
  • sequentially pour in 100 ml of Martini Rosso, then - 150 ml of semi-sweet or sweet champagne, then - 30 ml of strawberry syrup;
  • without stirring, serve, garnishing with a slice of lime or lemon.

There are many more options, and the same green tea with ginger will be the basis for an excellent refreshing drink. So experiment, look for new favorite combinations for yourself, but when you interfere, do not forget that even the most delicious Martini is alcohol, the use of which should not be overly carried away.


"Martini Extra Dry" can be consumed in its pure form by adding a little water or ice to it. Professional tasters believe that this is how the taste of this vermouth is revealed more fully.

Before serving, keep the bottle in a cool place. It's better to drink Martini chilled to 10-15 degrees. Too cold or warm drink loses its exquisite taste.

In its pure form, "Martini Extra Dry" is usually poured into whiskey glasses. For cocktails, it is better to use the famous "triangular" glass.

With "Martini Extra Dry" they create all kinds of. You can take almost any as a basis. With dry vermouth, everything that is mixed with its other varieties is excellent. The result is cocktails with a higher degree. Feel free to mix vermouth with white, whiskey or gin. With "Martini Extra Dry" such domestic products as cognac are good.

In our country, martini-based cocktails are preferred with. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. An example is the Trinity cocktail: 20 ml Martini Extra Dry, 20 ml Martini Rosso, 20 ml gin.

As an appetizer for martini use solid mild cheese, salted crackers and nuts. Dry vermouth is often drunk with green olives strung on a skewer and dipped into a glass of drink. Classic snack for a dry martini - lemon. It can also be served with sliced ​​fruit.


  • dry martini
  • Martini at home - recipes

The history of martini is not exact, so it is difficult to say with certainty where this famous alcoholic drink first appeared. Some even say that it is one of the most popular drinks of all time.

Even if this statement is not true, one hundred percent, there is still some truth in it. This drink has gained popularity in almost all countries of the world. And most of all it gained its distribution at the beginning of the twentieth century. This drink could be produced in large quantities, and at the same time it did not lose its quality characteristics.

What is a martini made of? Hippocrates originally spoke of "wormwood wine". Today, in order to properly use wine, extracts from various herbs, caramel and other ingredients. Today, major producers of this drink are countries such as France and Italy. However, the leadership in the production of martini still belongs to Italy.

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  • Becherovka, official website of the manufacturer

Martini is a drink that has conquered the whole world, since almost no worthy party can do without good Italian vermouth. There is a list of rules for combining a martini with other ingredients that will help you get the highest pleasure from its taste.

Martini Bianco is a sweet aromatic vermouth made from white wine, herbs and spices. It seems to be specially invented in order to serve as the basis for bright and sophisticated cocktails.

Martini Bianco - perhaps the most famous and most beloved (especially fair half mankind) vermouth in the world. It is good both in its pure form and as a base in various cocktails. Martini Bianco is so versatile and so harmoniously combined with a variety of ingredients that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of cocktail recipes with the famous white vermouth.

Martini with tonic

This cocktail is very easy to make. You will need a tall cylindrical highball glass, about 200 g of ice, a whole circle of lemon, 50 ml of Martini Bianco and 150 ml of classic Schweppes tonic. All you need to do is fill the glass to the top with ice, pour in the martini and tonic, and then serve the drink, garnishing the glass with a slice of lemon.

Martini with orange juice

Martini Bianco goes well with fruit juices. cook delicious cocktail based on Martini Bianco, you can take 150 ml of orange juice (not nectar!) And 50 ml of vermouth. You need to do the following: fill a highball glass with ice, pour vermouth and orange juice into it, stir and serve with a straw. The glass can be decorated with orange chips.

"Bianco Sunrise"

A charming light and bright cocktail is obtained on the basis of white vermouth and a mixture of fruit and berry juices. To prepare it, you need to take a highball glass and fill it to the very top with ice. Then it is necessary to pour 50 ml of Martini Bianco into the glass and 75 ml of orange juice and cranberry juice. Now the drink must be stirred, and then served with a straw, decorating the glass with an orange slice.

"Brain Explosion"

This insanely effective and delicious cocktail is easy to prepare for those who already have some experience in the cocktail industry. The most important thing is when preparing it, make sure that the drop layers do not mix, but neatly lie down with the topmost transparent layer. Otherwise, the visual effect will not be achieved.

For a cocktail you will need a 50-gram shot, 15 ml of any vodka, 10 ml Irish Cream(Baileys liqueur), 20 ml of white Martini Bianco vermouth and 5 ml of Grenadine syrup. In addition, you will need a cocktail spoon and. First you need to pour Bianco into a stack of Martini, and then carefully, literally drop by drop, pour in the Baileys liquor. In a martini, the liquor is in drops and in fact begins to look like a brain. For a “bloody” effect, “Grenadine” is added to the cocktail (again with the help of a straw). Finishing touch- vodka. It must be very carefully laid out with a cocktail spoon or poured over the knife with the topmost layer.

Martini is one of the most famous drinks not only in Russia, but all over the world. In fact, martini is a high-quality and not the cheapest vermouth. This drink has gained particular popularity among women.


Vermouth is a wine that is diluted with alcohol and sugar. Extracts of various plants are added to it, wormwood is an obligatory component. The composition of martini is kept secret, but it is known that all the additives in it are of vegetable, natural origin. Interestingly, the basis of all types of martinis is white wine, therefore, coloring agents are present in the composition of red and pink drinks. In an ordinary white martini, of course, there are no dyes.

Vermouth is made quite simply. White wine aged for a short time is taken as the basis, then plant extracts in the form of tinctures or distillates, sugar and alcohol are added to it. The mixture can be kept for some time, after which it is filtered, bottled and sold.

It is impossible to determine any significant difference between the products of "Cinzano" and "Martini". These are long-time rivals and occupy a leading position in the world in the production of various vermouths. Both companies keep the recipe and production technology of their drinks a secret. The basis of production in both cases is correct use spices, herbs and various extracts. Recipes are developed in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy.

Secret Recipes

It is believed that the company "Cinzano" in the production of vermouth uses significantly large quantity herbs, spices and extracts added to the wine, which allows them to complicate the aroma and taste of the drink. Despite the fact that "Cinzano" produces less various kinds vermouth, real fans of this drink prefer the products of this particular company because of the more complex recipes.

The company "Martini" is famous for its unique, inimitable line of sparkling wines, which have repeatedly received awards at international exhibitions, these drinks are valued for their complex bouquet of aromas and exquisite taste.

This drink is classified as vermouth, and for its production, red or red wine material is used. white variety grapes. It is believed that martini is good as an aperitif before a meal. It is often used at events where the main goal is friendly communication.

Drink glasses

Martini requires specific glasses designed specifically for this drink. They have a long stem and a conical shape. If there are none at hand, then you should take low quadrangular glasses. But do not use glasses or shot glasses - this is considered bad form.

Beverage temperature

Martini must be served chilled. The ideal temperature of the drink is 10-15 C, at which the taste of vermouth is revealed in the best way. If it does happen that the martini bottle is warm, then do not forget to add a few ice cubes or a frozen berry, such as a cherry, to the glass.

Drinking rate

Martini does not like to rush, so it should be drunk in small and slow sips. Very often, the fair sex use a straw. However, it is better suited for drinking cocktails, but not martinis.

Combination with products

Pairs perfectly with this drink. fresh fruits and berries. In its pure form, martinis are rarely drunk. In this case, olives or lemon slices should be used as an appetizer. In many ways, everything will depend on the type of vermouth that you choose to drink.

To Bianco martini(white) you should add a couple of ice cubes, a slice of lemon or kiwi, a cherry or strawberry, and a piece of pineapple. These ingredients soften the alcohol, reducing its strength. For the same purpose, it is good to use a little tonic or soda, which should be diluted with a drink.

Martini Rosso (red) goes well with cherry or orange juice. Alcohol and juice should be diluted in a ratio of 2:1. By diluting the vermouth, it is possible to soften its slightly bitter taste.


If a small martini strength does not suit you, then you can make a cocktail. In this case, vermouth is mixed with more strong alcohol. A 4:1 ratio of gin or 2:1 ratio of tequila is ideal for this.

Positive mood for drinking a drink

Without a good mood and a positive inner mood, drinking a martini will not bring you the proper pleasure. Therefore, one should be disposed for fun and celebration. The drink is ideal not only for a romantic evening, but also for a friendly party, especially if it is a bachelorette party.