How to speed up the metabolism in the body. Comments.

Hello, dear readers of our blog "Health without drugs"!
Everyone who is seriously starting to lose weight is faced with the same problem. First, the hated kilograms melt and this brings fabulous satisfaction. But after a while, the weight loss stops. It stays in one place and that's it! It is simply not clear - why is this happening and what to do about it?

Nutritionists say that at the beginning of the process of losing weight, the body quickly gets rid of excess fluid and toxins. Therefore, the first 5 kilograms lost, which make us so happy, still do not say anything. The main thing is to stay at this level and lose weight further. This is where many unpleasant surprises await.

Turns out it's all about metabolism! What is metabolism? This is the metabolism in our body, starting from the moment food enters the intestines, absorption into the blood, redistribution through the tissues. This is the renewal and construction of new cells. This is the neutralization of toxic metabolic products in the liver and the removal of waste toxins from the body.

When there is little food in the body, fat cells try not to miss even the slightest grain of fat. A person who is losing weight believes that they need to eat even less in order for weight loss to continue. But fat cells extract fat particles from even the smallest amount.
what you eat.

So it happened in the process of evolution, when primitive people often starved, because they simply did not always have enough food. Historical memory in fat cells preserved! “And suddenly HUNGER! Stock up, who can! - this is how fat cells react to our attempts to lose weight.

Weight loss during weight loss or PLATE, as this condition is also called, indicates that the metabolism has slowed down. Now the task is how to speed up the metabolism and say NO to excess weight.

In dietology, there are a lot of tricks to speed up the metabolism. Now we will look at each of them. Following these tips, you will overcome the PLATEAU step. The weight loss will definitely continue.

I will give you at least 12 tricks that help speed up your metabolism. Keep in mind that the fewer points involved in your personal weight loss program, the less likely it is that the melting of fat on the waist and hips will continue! Remove fat from the body by all available methods and methods!

Boosting your metabolism is the best way to lose weight

There are many people who neglect breakfast. Believe me! Among them, there are even fewer people for whom the refusal of breakfast is just a life habit. In many cases, you should look for the cause of such eating behavior. Perhaps there are problems with the liver, pancreas or intestines.

Usually at night, the processes of utilization of the food eaten the day before take place in the human body. Cells and tissues are updated, receive a portion of vitamins, minerals, protein, biologically active substances. In the morning, the body and its tissues are hungry. And our task is to recharge the body with food, to give it energy. Otherwise, how are you going to work productively during the day?

Moreover, in the morning breakfast should consist of protein-carbohydrate food: cottage cheese, yogurt, egg, cheese, buckwheat or oatmeal, raw vegetables and fruits, honey. Such food takes longer to digest. Having a heavy meal, you will be charged with a lot of energy and will not want to eat until the very lunch break. In short, overeating is not a threat!

Fractional nutrition - The key to weight loss. Sparse meals - the path to recruitment excess weight. What
happens in the body when you eat one to two meals a day. Usually in the evening after work! You have a brutal appetite and you fall off the table and say: “Fu!!! I ate like a boa constrictor!”

Normally, the feeling of hunger occurs in a person every three hours, as the level of sugar in the blood falls. If you eat on time, the sugar level will rise again and metabolic processes in a calm mode will be aimed at ensuring your work activity and work. internal organs. How much energy is produced, so much is spent. Fat is not formed and does not accumulate. You are not getting better.

Now imagine that you have no time to eat at work. The body has no choice but to restructure its work and dull the feeling of hunger.

To restore blood sugar levels, he spends his reserves from liver glycogen. Plus, the body thinks: “It seems hunger is coming! We urgently need to direct the metabolism not to the breakdown of adipose tissue, but to preservation.” Therefore, when you sit down for a late dinner in the evening, the body tells you: “Now you will not only eat, but also pay your debt!”

My friends! Eat small! Breakfast lunch dinner! Plus two or three light snacks. You will not feel hunger, metabolism is not disturbed. No weight gain!

Consider the metabolic rate during the day.
In the morning, the speed of metabolic processes is the highest. During the day it decreases. That is why in the morning and afternoon you need to eat foods that give a lot of energy. After all, we have work in the morning and afternoon, the most intense motor, mental and emotional-psychic activity. Everything will be spent! Not a drop of fat will be deposited for the future on the waist and sides.

Preferably in the first half of the day to use complex carbohydrates, squirrels. You can even have a little sweets and fat ( butter). It's okay, everything will be quickly digested and completely utilized. From products, use dairy and vegetable, meat, poultry, fish, vegetable puree soups.

In the evening - light food. Vegetable stew with a piece boiled fish, herbal teas, kefir. Diet to speed up the metabolism must be scientifically sound!

Friday, February 11, 2011 03:35 AM + to quote pad

If you did not happen to fall into the group of lucky people who have an accelerated metabolism, do not despair and put an end to your own weight loss, turning all problems into an economical, slow metabolism in the body.

The rate of metabolism (metabolism) depends on various factors - human activity, age, gender, constitution, etc. (see)

Some people are lucky from birth: they are born with a natural high level metabolism and lean physique. This natural state of theirs does not require them to exercise much and count calories to maintain a slim figure.

Metabolic disorders depend on many factors.

Metabolic destabilization can be caused by: heredity, body type, hormonal levels. But maybe your problem is overweight is to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which has a very negative impact on the metabolism of your body and overall health. Perhaps in your case it will be enough to get rid of negative impact and the problem will be completely solved. In other words, if the slowdown in your body is not hereditary, and was not formed as a result of a hormonal failure, then the situation is fixable and it is in your power to normalize it following simple rules.

- "Yes, I knew about it myself!" - you say. Yes, and I knew, but neglected! Now I decided to bring all the recommendations into one post so that they are in front of my eyes. I'll try to follow them...

So, we summarize how to restore the metabolism in the body, according to the advice and recommendations of experts.

1. Proper nutrition

You can’t speed up your metabolism by starving yourself and exhausting yourself with low-calorie diets.

13. Finally, drink beer

Beer improves metabolism, and many doctors believe that it is better to drink beer more often (you can also every day), but in small amounts. in portions (100-200 gr), less often, but in large quantities.

In addition, beer has a lot of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus - an excellent prevention of myocardial infarction, hypertension and heart failure. And non-alcoholic beer and some dark brands reduce blood clotting and therefore reduce the risk of blood clots.

There are only 37 calories in 100 grams of beer.
For comparison, in 100 grams of fatty kefir - 59 calories. So, drinking beer in the evening, after work, is not at all harmful to the figure. And the so-called "beer bellies" are actually formed not from beer, but from sausages to beer.

14. Eat according to your metabolic clock

From 6 to 9 o'clock in the morning you can afford fats. At this time, they will be burned completely, and eaten in the evening will remain in the subcutaneous tissue.

In the middle of the day, protein is better absorbed, and it is better to eat dessert at 16 o'clock (at this time, the hormone insulin reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and dessert can be eaten without harming the figure)

Remember that breakfast and lunch should account for 75% of the daily diet. If most of it is eaten in the afternoon, then there is a high probability of putting off fat "in reserve".

15. Sound healthy sleep

It turns out that full and restful sleep helps us lose weight.

Deep sleep promotes the production of growth hormone in the body, which speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, burns calories and leads to weight loss. Deep sleep, first of all, promotes the renewal of brain cells, and this, in turn, leads to an acceleration of the metabolic process.

You should allocate at least 6-8 hours of sleep. If you sleep little, then stress and lack of sleep lead to metabolic disorders and slow down metabolism.

16. Reduce stress

It's not even that stress often "seizes", exacerbating the situation. Stress releases fatty acids, which are redistributed through the circulatory system and deposited in fat. During stress, the hormone cortisol rises in the body, which causes the body to retain accumulated fat deposits.

  • The following techniques will help reduce stress:
    Sit quietly for a few minutes with your eyes closed.
    Focus on a pleasant thought or word.
    Take a deep, slow breath several times and slowly relax your muscles, from your head to your toes.
  • Do a neck massage. Place your thumbs under your ears and the rest along the back of your head. Gently make small circular motions with all fingers for 5-10 seconds.

17. Be active

If you move little, then the metabolic rate remains low. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, at least

  • Fresh air

    Oxygen causes an accelerated metabolism, “burned” subcutaneous fat.

  • Sun

Sunlight increases human activity, speeds up metabolism, helps to synthesize vitamin D. Even the mood on a clear day is better. Sunlight can favorably influence the general condition, stabilize and activate the defenses. Do not sit at home on a sunny day!

  • Do physical exercise

To speed up the metabolism in the body, it is enough to do simple physical exercises at home for only 20 minutes 2 times a week! And to strengthen your muscles, do not be lazy to spend 40-60 minutes a week!

Any physical activity, such as walking or cycling, boosts fat burning.

Moreover, for almost an hour after its termination. In order to expend calories, you do not even need special exercises. Any movement will do, from climbing stairs to taking out the trash.

The best solution would still be a visit to the fitness club 2-3 times a week.

18. Sports life

Believe me, you can't do without sports here. You can choose any sport you like (running, swimming, shaping, fitness, yoga, martial arts and others). Try to expend the maximum amount of energy during training.

Remember e that physical exercise speeds up metabolic processes and, if you do it in the afternoon, then evening classes change the body's natural tendency to slow down at the end of the day.
Acceleration of metabolism lasts several hours, and you will burn fat even while you sleep. Finish exercising at least 3 hours before bedtime in order to sleep soundly.

19. Muscle versus fat

Muscle cells take more energy to work than fat cells. Therefore, it is important to be the owner of only a harmoniously folded figure, but also developed muscles. You can restore muscle tissue and speed up the metabolic rate by regular weight training. Run, lift weights speed up metabolism A pound of muscle tissue consumes 35-45 calories per day, and a pound of fat - only about 2. This means that the more muscle you have, the more more calories you burn every minute of the day, whether you're walking with dumbbells or just watching TV

Use power training to increase muscle mass. This does not mean that you need to strive for a bodybuilder figure, just make your muscles beautiful and elastic. The body spends much more energy on maintaining muscles, so even at rest, your metabolism will be more intense.

Remember that the number of calories that your body burns during the day directly depends on your muscle mass: the smaller the muscle mass, the lower the metabolic rate, and, consequently, the number of calories burned. In addition, muscle mass gradually decreases, being replaced by adipose tissue, especially with a sedentary lifestyle. On average, after 30 years, about 4.5 kg of muscle tissue is lost per year, can you imagine?

In addition to the above, to speed up the metabolism will help us:

20. Massage

Massage will help speed up the metabolism in the body. Try different types massage (vacuum, anti-cellulite).

  • Practice foot massage. It turns out that they have more than 500 different points of reflexology, which can help in the work of the liver and intestines.

21. Sauna and bath

The temperature of the skin of a person who is located reaches 40 degrees. In one such session, you can lose 1.5 liters of sweat! The bath will help you get rid of extra pounds, expel all toxins from the body and speed up the metabolic process.

Such procedures enhance cellular activity, speed up metabolism, increase heart rate, provide free breathing of the skin as an independent organ.

The steam, enveloping and warming the body, opens the pores, increases the circulation in the cells and stimulates the metabolism. Hot steam speeds up the metabolism, opens the skin pores and thus expels accumulated dirt. Bath soars and gives health!

Remember about Cold and hot shower

An excellent way to increase the metabolism in the body and maintain the elasticity of the body is a contrast shower or a shower with a gradual decrease in water temperature from 34 to 20 degrees. The most important rule is to start with hot water. The contrast shower always ends cold water.
Basic Principle: Slowly Lower Your Habitual Water Temperature

Make sure the water is warm enough before stepping into the shower. After staying at this temperature for 30 seconds, turn on cold water and stand under it for 15-20 seconds. Then again hot and so on. Each time you can stand more and more under cold water, the main thing is not to freeze! You can stay as long as you like. All you need to do is 3 cycles of water changes.

The beneficial effect of this procedure lies in the fact that it is "spurring" the central nervous system while stimulating the metabolism.

Contraindications. You should not take a contrast shower for people who suffer from hypertension, vasospasm, circulatory disorders of the brain, thrombophlebitis, blood diseases and of cardio-vascular system, malignant tumors. Also, do not take a contrast shower during an exacerbation of any diseases, and women during menstruation.

22. Essential oils and aromatherapy

Aroma oils of lemon, mint, patchouli help to stimulate metabolism.
To improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, remove toxins from the body, ylang-ylang, rose, rosemary are used.
Excellent tool to remove excess fluid are oils of cardamom, cypress, grapefruit, geranium.
The smells of jasmine, lavender, orange will help relieve nervous tension.
Juniper essential oil helps relieve muscle pain, dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and speeding up metabolism.
Many of these oils have not one, but several desired effects at once, which is very convenient to use.

The easiest method to use aromatherapy for weight loss is warm baths. You just need to fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, add the necessary oils to the water and lie down for 15-20 minutes. To improve the effect, you can light candles, turn on pleasant music, put a special inflatable pillow under your head.

Baths with essential oils have a double effect. Firstly, penetrating through the skin, they work directly with the deep layers, removing fluid, activating the lymph flow and the process of splitting fat cells, thereby accelerating metabolism and sweating. Secondly, the inhaled aroma helps you calm down, relieve tension and fatigue, and clarify your thoughts.

23. Sex

It also speeds up metabolism. Orgasm - has not only a physical, but also a physiological meaning: the blood is intensively saturated with oxygen, tissue nutrition improves and metabolism accelerates.

I hope that these simple rules will help me, and maybe you, forget about all these newfangled diets! And they will help you lose weight for your own pleasure, without torturing your body with the exceptions of one or the other elements that are so necessary for it to function normally (whether it be fats, proteins or carbohydrates!), As well as starving yourself on low-calorie diets!

Metabolism 4 users

Often the cause of excess weight is a slow metabolism. Today, this is a completely solvable problem.

There are several methods for effectively accelerating metabolism and solving problems of excess weight:

1. Eat often, but in small portions.

The main condition of many diets is the crushing of food. Up to 10% of the calories consumed per day are consumed in order to process the nutrients entering the body. Thus, food speeds up the metabolic process.

2. Physical activity.

Regular strength exercises with weights, walking, running, cycling contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue, as well as the acceleration of the metabolic rate, the effect persists for an hour after training. It is known that the metabolic rate slows down at the end of the day, evening workouts prevent this. In addition, the effect of them lasts up to several hours after the end. Thus, fat is burned during sleep. It is worth remembering that training is best done at least three hours before bedtime.

3. Increase in muscle volume.

Muscle tissue burns many more calories to function than adipose tissue. Half a kilo of muscle tissue consumes about 35-45 calories daily, and the same mass of adipose tissue consumes only 2 calories. And this means that the more developed the muscles, the more calories are burned in the process of life.

4. Massage for weight correction.

As a result of anti-cellulite massage, blood circulation increases, and therefore metabolism is accelerated.

Honey massage promotes self-healing of muscles, improves blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate.

Vacuum massage improves blood microcirculation in muscles and tissues, speeds up metabolism, helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

5. Bath.

The bath increases the level of metabolism several times. Steam opens the skin pores, expels accumulated toxins, increases the heart rate. Bath accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and cells and restores the body.

Infrared sauna also helps to speed up the metabolism. Infrared radiation ensures free breathing of the skin and enhances cellular activity.

6. Water.

Water is the most important participant in the body's metabolic processes. This is the basis of metabolism! It is able to involve stored fats in metabolic processes and suppress appetite. The lack of water significantly slows down metabolism, since the main task of the liver is to restore fluid reserves in the body, and not burn fat.

7. Hot baths with the addition of oils.

Baths with the addition of juniper oil will help relieve muscle pain, improve blood circulation and sweating, as well as metabolism. But remember that hot baths with the addition of juniper oil are recommended to take no more than 5-10 minutes.

8. Sleep.

The growth hormone responsible for renewing brain cells, accelerating metabolism and burning calories is produced in the body during the deep sleep phase. Thus, a healthy sleep of at least 8 hours contributes to weight loss.

9. Sunlight.

Sunlight activates and stabilizes the body's defenses, positively affects the general condition of a person.

10. Oxygen.

Oxygen speeds up metabolism, due to which subcutaneous fat is burned.

11. No stress.

Fatty acids during stressful situations are released and redistributed throughout the body, deposited in fat.

12. Sex.

The orgasm received during sex improves the nutrition of tissues, saturates the blood with oxygen and speeds up the metabolism.

13. Contrast shower.

A contrast shower helps to maintain the elasticity of the body and increase metabolism. It is recommended to take such a shower with a decrease from 34 to 20 degrees and always end with cold water.

14. Apple vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, which normalizes the nervous system and organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalo-acetic and others. It slightly reduces appetite, as well as cravings for sweets, accelerates the breakdown of fats and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

How to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss: in a glass of water - half a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The drink should be taken before meals. Apple cider vinegar is useful for rubbing in the area of ​​stretch marks and cellulite: it will give the skin smoothness, freshness, and help reduce volume.

15. Fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids regulate leptin levels in the body. This hormone is responsible for the metabolic rate, as well as for the processes of burning and accumulating fat.

16. Protein.

The body needs 2 times more time to digest protein foods than easily digestible fats and carbohydrates. According to Danish scientists, a 20% increase in protein in the diet increases energy costs by 5%.

17. Vitamin B 6.

Taking vitamin B 6 helps speed up metabolism.

18. Folic acid.

Folic acid, found in large quantities in carrots, strengthens immune system and speeds up the body's metabolism.

19. Caffeine and EGGG.

Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the metabolic rate by 10-15%, promotes the release of fatty acids.

According to Canadian nutritionists, a three-time intake of caffeine with 90 g of EGGG will help get rid of 25 kcal per day even in the absence of physical activity. A cup of morning coffee improves endurance and blood oxygen saturation for several hours. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate, while speeding up the burning of calories. EGGG excites the nervous system, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the level of [b]metabolism by 10-16%, and also promotes the release of accumulated fatty acids.

20. Capsaicin.

Capsaicin is the substance that gives pepper its spiciness. It increases heart rate and raises body temperature. A serving of spicy food speeds up metabolism by 25% for three hours.

You can get rid of 305 kcal per day by eating seasoned with red hot pepper light snacks. But it is also worth remembering that spicy food stimulates the appetite.

21. Chrome.

Chromium is responsible for regulating the flow of sugar into the blood, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and, therefore, speeds up the metabolism.

22. Calcium, fiber, carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are rather slowly absorbed by the body. If the level of insulin in the blood is unstable, the body begins to store fat, perceiving this as a dangerous signal. When the level of insulin is normal, the metabolic rate increases by 10%.

Calcium can also speed up metabolism. According to the observations of British nutritionists, by increasing calcium intake, overweight people lost weight much faster.

23. Grapefruit.

Grapefruit is widely known for its ability to improve digestion and increase metabolic rate. That is why it is a hit of many weight loss diets.

24. Lemon.

Use during exercise still water with the addition of lemon will help activate the metabolism and the fat burning process.

25. Fruit acids.

Most fruit acids allow you to lose extra pounds by speeding up your metabolism. This, for example, is facilitated by substances contained in apples.

26. Iodine.

The thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism in the body. Iodine activates its work. Its daily value is found in just six apple seeds. Seaweed is rich in iodine.

In simple words, metabolism is the process that turns the food you eat and the liquid you drink into energy. Calories from food give us energy for normal functioning organism.

Very often, the cause of excess weight is called a slow metabolism. This is not entirely true. Although overweight people do have a slow metabolism, the main reason for weight gain is a calorie surplus.

Nevertheless, you can and should speed up your metabolism. And today we will talk about ways that will help speed up your metabolism.

1. Eat enough

To weigh less, you need to eat less, right? Not this way! If you will consume too few calories, then you will begin to lose muscle mass, which will lead to a slowdown in metabolism. Plus, with an excessive calorie deficit, your body begins to burn less of them in order to conserve the "fuel for the body" that you received from food. Nutrient deficiencies occur and in the end you will get the exact opposite effect. At the slightest overeating, your dropped kilograms will return, adding new ones. Therefore, you do not need to exhaust yourself with strict diets. Proper nutrition and physical exercise will help you lose weight much faster and safer, as well as increase your metabolism.

2. Drink green tea

Green tea improves metabolism. Study participants who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day and spent 25 minutes exercising lost more weight than participants who did not tea drinkers. Magic? Not at all. Green tea contains catechins - antioxidants that trigger fat burning processes.

3. Use unrefined olive oil, Extra Virgin.

Our body must receive fats, especially those found in olive oil. The Right Fats help suppress hunger and improve metabolism. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil will really help you burn calories. olive extra oil Virgin can increase blood levels of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel full. Also olive oil contains polyphenols and antioxidants that prevent cancer, osteoporosis and depression of brain functions.

4. Eat egg yolks

Many neglect the yolks, preferring egg whites, for their low maintenance calories and high content proteins. However, the yolk will be good for your metabolism. It contains many nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and choline (vitamin B4), which improves liver function. But what about cholesterol, you ask? Recent studies have shown that eating two eggs a day will not have any negative effect of fat on your body.

5. Don't Skimp on Fatty Milk

Skim milk contains less calcium, which helps the body burn fat more efficiently.

6. Eat enough protein per day

The bigger your muscles, the more calories your body burns to support them, even if you're not exercising. The gym will help you build muscle, and protein will improve this process. Try to include protein in every meal throughout the day.

7. Eat Whole Grains

Our body spends more effort to digest and break down whole grains, for example, pasta from durum varieties wheat or whole wheat bread. You will improve your metabolism by consuming these foods. Brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread - all this should be included in the diet.

8. Eat garlic

Garlic maintains blood sugar balance and improves fat metabolism. Add garlic to your meals, especially those rich in fats and carbohydrates. We have known since childhood that garlic boosts immunity.

9. Don't drink soda, even if it contains "zero calories"

Yes, yes, diet cola and other diet sodas can play tricks on you and become a real obstacle to a flat stomach. The artificial sweeteners used in soda can mess with the body's normal metabolic response to sugars and increase appetite. Today, diet drinks are already directly linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases.

10. Eat chocolate

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate will lower stress hormones and improve metabolism. All this is achieved thanks to the flavonoids contained in cocoa, which play important role in regulating metabolism and relieving stress. If you think that this is a green light for uncontrolled consumption of chocolate, we dare to stop you. First, you should eat no more than 40 grams of chocolate per day. Secondly, we are talking about dark bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content (at least 70%).

11. Drink oolong tea

This traditional Chinese tea rich in antioxidants and helps not only maintain normal cholesterol levels, but also promotes digestion and helps to accelerate metabolism. Like green tea, oolong contains catechin, which improves metabolic processes. Thus, oolong is one of the the best views tea for weight loss.

12. Eat lentils

Iron deficiency can be directly linked to being overweight. After all, with a lack of iron, your body cannot run all the resources that help burn calories. A cup of lentils is one-third of your daily iron intake. This also includes other legumes.

13. Eat nuts

Especially almonds, which can be included in any diet. Nuts contain healthy monosaturated fats and make you feel full.

14. Eat salmon

There are many types of marine and river fish, but it is salmon that are the best choice to speed up metabolism. Salmon is rich in omega-3s fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the functions thyroid gland which produces iodine-containing hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism.

15. Eat apples

Eating apples every day can help prevent metabolic syndrome (an increase in visceral fat mass). Apples are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber.

16. Avoiding alcohol will increase fat burning by 73%.

If you cannot completely give up alcohol, then you should at least reduce its consumption. Drinking alcohol slows down your metabolism. Why? The body begins to spend energy on removing toxins, and not on the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates received from food. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, which stops muscle growth.

17. Snack on yogurt

Probiotics in foods like yogurt improve bowel function. Yogurt is also rich in protein and calcium.

18. Eat oysters

Of course, this is not the most common and by no means the cheapest product. But if you have the opportunity to eat oysters - do not refuse. Oyster is one of the best dietary sources of zinc, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland, which is involved in metabolism.

19. Eat an avocado

Avocados can safely be called the oil that grows on trees. But instead of cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats, avocados contain monounsaturated fats that improve metabolic processes.

20. Eat cheese

Cheese contains calcium and vitamin D, as well as protein. Calcium, as we have already found out, contributes to weight loss, and protein will help maintain muscle mass, which helps maintain a normal metabolism.

21. Eat beans

Not only is it an excellent source of vegetable protein, but it is also rich in coarse fiber. Digestion process coarse fiber together with proteins will improve your metabolism.

22. Eat Broccoli

Calcium and vitamin C work together to boost your metabolism. Broccoli also contains many nutrients and coarse fiber.

23. Eat hot peppers

Cayenne pepper, chili, jalapeno and just spicy sauce help increase the metabolic rate.

24. Drink more water

Fluid intake is the cornerstone proper nutrition. Just drink more water. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. Follow this recommendation, and you will see how the extra pounds go.

25. Make a cup of coffee

In addition to green tea, coffee is also one of the the best drinks for weight loss and metabolism. People who regularly drink coffee have a 16% higher metabolic rate than those who neglect this drink. It is enough to drink 2-4 cups a day. No more! A large number of caffeine will start to strongly suppress your appetite, which slows down your metabolism.

26. Add mustard

Add mustard to your meals. One teaspoon of mustard can boost metabolism by 25% within hours of eating. It's all about the capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanates found in mustard.

27. Eat Lean Meat

Iron deficiency can slow down metabolism. Where is a lot of iron? AT lean meat. Plus, you get a high protein content for your muscles.

28. Drink water after waking up

This is one of the best and cheapest ways to get your metabolism going. During sleep, your body's metabolic functions slow down. Drinking a glass of water after waking up gives your metabolism a boost.