Keep hot peppers fresh. The best varieties of hot pepper for long storage

Method one

Method two

  1. by the most in a simple way is the usual drying of individual pods of hot peppers. After that dried hot peppers put in boxes, and in them it is stored until spring. Each dried pepper pod can be tied with a thread by the stalk and tied into bunches hanging from the ceiling in a cool place. Also, hot pepper pods are often dried along with the bush on which they grew. After that, the hot pepper dried in this way is hung from the ceiling in a dark, cool place.

    Dried peppers can be stored for a long period and can be used until the next harvest.

  2. Spicy Bell pepper very well and effectively preserved in vegetable oil. To do this, freshly picked pods of hot peppers with cut stalks are placed in sterilized jars. After that, warm vegetable oil (from sunflower or rapeseed) is poured into jars with pepper. Then the jars are tightly closed with metal lids. In order for the pepper to have less bitterness, before laying it in jars, you need to select seeds from each pod. For such storage, the best pepper pods are selected. This method requires the cost of vegetable oil, but it is the most effective in preserving hot peppers.

    How to store hot peppers

    Since the oil does not lose its basic properties and even enhances the taste and smell.

The storage conditions for bell peppers are influenced by how they were grown: on their own or bought in a store, as well as the degree of maturity of the pepper itself. In this article, we'll look at how to store bell pepper at home for the winter, we will analyze the storage methods and which variety of pepper is best suited.

How to grow peppers: infographic diagram

See our infographic for the key nuances of growing peppers in the garden.

Choice of peppers for storage

For long-term storage a healthy pepper, without cracks and rot, will do (Fig. 1). Home grown peppers last longer than store-bought ones.

According to the degree of maturity, peppers are:

  • technically mature;
  • biologically mature.

Rice. 1. Peppers with mechanical damage, wrinkled skin, signs of decay are not suitable for long-term storage.

Technically mature peppers include those fruits that have the weight and size of a mature pepper, but are still green in color. They are suitable for transportation and long-term storage (they can ripen within two months, subject to storage rules).

Biological maturity (physiological maturity) - full ripeness of the fruit. Such peppers already have a bright color. They are recommended to be used immediately, because these fruits are not stored for a long time.

During storage, they carefully monitor that all peppers are free of damage, mold, rot and other diseases. If such a fruit is among the general mass, then it should be removed, otherwise all the others will also begin to deteriorate.

Storing Peppers in the Refrigerator

Ripe bell peppers are suitable for storage in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen (Fig. 2). It is recommended to place the pepper in the vegetable drawer. If there is much more pepper than there is space in the refrigerator, then it is better to choose other places to store it.

Rice. 2. Sliced ​​​​pepper (or pepper with the inside removed) is stored only in the refrigerator, if it is not going to be cooked in the near future, then this vegetable is placed in freezer.

Ripe bell peppers are stored for six months at a temperature of 0 to +2 ° C and humidity not exceeding 80-90%. Under other temperature conditions, higher temperatures or other humidity, ripe peppers are stored for no more than 2–3 months.

Tip #1 To keep the pepper fresh longer, its surface is rubbed with vegetable oil, but this is only suitable for storing bell peppers in the refrigerator.

Technically ripe peppers are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, because they quickly begin to deteriorate from the cold.

When stored in the refrigerator, peppers are separated from each other using paper layers. This method is also suitable for storing peppers in boxes.

Rice. 3. Plastic bags are suitable for storing bell peppers in the refrigerator. To prevent condensation, ventilation holes are made in the bags. Suitable for the same purpose cling film, which adheres much more closely to the surface of peppers

Chopped bell peppers keep for a week in the refrigerator. Frozen peppers, when stored for more than six months, are modified and become too soft when defrosted.

Bulgarian pepper in the basement or cellar

For storage of bell peppers in the basement or cellar, they pick up suitable container. For this, boxes or boxes with a volume of 10 liters are suitable (Fig. 4). Paper is placed at the bottom of the box. To keep the pepper as long as possible, it should be sprinkled with sawdust or sand; paper is also used for these purposes.

Peppers of technical maturity are stored at a temperature of +8 °C. For mature peppers, the optimal temperature regime is from zero to +2 ° C in the cellar.

Peppers should be checked regularly to remove spoiled fruit. Rooms such as basements and cellars often have stale air. Which negatively affects the storage of crops. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the ventilation mode.

Tip #2 To avoid excessive humidity in the room, boxes with coal or salt are placed in the pepper storage room. These substances absorb excess moisture. The containers themselves, in which they plan to store the crop of peppers, are treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Rice. 4. Peppers stay fresh for a long time, which is stored in boxes in cool places such as basement, cellar, pantry

Bulgarian pepper varieties suitable for long-term storage

According to the taste characteristics, pepper is:

  • spicy (popular varieties are Fiery Bouquet, Dragon's Tongue, Coral, Spark);
  • peninsular (Vityaz, Red lightning F1, Hungarian yellow);
  • sweet (Apricot Favorite, Swallow, Gold Bar, Gingerbread Man, Winnie the Pooh).

Depending on the thickness of the walls, peppers are thick-walled and thin-walled.

Thick-walled bell peppers are valuable because they are juicy and fleshy. Their fruits are quite heavy, most of the varieties are high-yielding.

Among the representatives of thick-walled peppers are the following varieties: California Miracle, Orange Miracle, Agapovsky, Kubyshka, Rhapsody, Gingerbread Man, Sonata, Magician, Atlantic, Fat Baron, Winnie the Pooh.

Types of sweet pepper:

  • early ripe (Ivanhoe, Claudio F1, Seville, Orange miracle);
  • mid-season (Red Giant, Red Bull, California Miracle, Gingerbread Man, Anastasia, Veronica, Yellow Bull);
  • late-ripening.

Late-ripening varieties are suitable for long-term storage (Table 1).

Variety name

Fruit shape and color


Gladiator Yellow pyramidal fruit The weight of one fruit is about 350 g.
AristotleF1 Cylindrical red fruit Weight about 200 g. A variety of thick-walled peppers, resistant to transportation conditions.
Black cardinal The shape of the fruit has the appearance of a truncated cone, the color is from red to black. At the stage of biological ripeness, the pepper has juicy pulp.
Bell The bizarre shape of the bell flower. The fruits are red. This variety belongs to perennial, high-yielding crops. Up to 2 kg of peppers are obtained from one bush.
Gorogled 6 Dark red color have fruits of botanical maturity. Technically mature fruits are dark green. The elongated shape of the fruit, sometimes triangular. A sweet variety of peppers used to make paprika. The weight of the fruit is about 45 g. This species is classified as a medium-yielding variety.
Bulgarian roundup The fruits of this variety have a flattened spherical shape. Technically mature peppers are green, with the onset of biological maturity, the fruits turn red. The average fruit weight is about 100 g.

How to save hot pepper for the winter at home

A high yielding variety of sweet pepper.

large yellow Fruits of biological ripeness are yellow-orange. Improved American grade Osh-Kosh. The bush has a standard shape with an average height (about half a meter).

Tab. 1. Types of late-ripening varieties.

Late varieties also include: Nochka F1, Hottabych F1, Ruby, Albatross F1, KaproF1, Paris F1.

All late varieties of peppers are highly resistant to cold and heat. Therefore, such plants give a harvest from August to October. The southern regions are well suited for growing late-ripening varieties of pepper, especially for open ground.

Selection of varieties of bell pepper for planting

When choosing varietal seeds, carefully study the conditions in which the pepper should grow. If for some species a greenhouse is needed, but only open ground, it is better to choose another variety (Tab. 2).

Tab. 2. Examples of bell pepper varieties for open and protected ground.

You should also study the timing of ripening and the possibility of planting plants of other growing seasons nearby. If you correctly grow peppers of early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties, then you can pamper yourself with fresh peppers even in winter. When buying seeds, the height of the bush is also taken into account. This parameter is especially important for greenhouse crops, where the area is limited.

Depending on climatic conditions, when choosing pepper seeds, preference can be given to hybrid varieties that are resistant to certain diseases and pests. At the moment, there is a wide range of such varieties: drought-resistant, cold-resistant and others.

An important point is the light regime, which must be observed when growing bell pepper in order to get rich harvests.

Gardeners' mistakes when storing bell pepper

  1. Ripe bell pepper is stored in the light. This is wrong, because rotting begins from exposure to light. It all starts with the fact that the pepper appears dark areas, which then become soft.
  2. Peppers rotted while ripening on the windowsill. The following mistake was made - they forgot to turn the peppers so that all sides of the pepper would ripen.
  3. The surface of the pepper was wrinkled (Fig. 5). This could happen if the time for storing pepper in the refrigerator was not observed, or the fruit was initially damaged. Wrinkled pepper contains less juice in its pulp. It is used as an addition to dishes, canned or dried.
  4. Each fruit was wrapped in paper, but some of the peppers went bad anyway. This reliable storage method has the disadvantage of making it difficult to visualize spoiled fruits. If you do not look at the peppers in time, then some begin to deteriorate.

Rice. 5. Peppers, the surface of which is wrinkled, are stored for a long time in fresh won't and will quickly deteriorate. It is frozen or dried if it is not possible to eat immediately.

Answers to frequently asked questions of gardeners

Question number 1. How long can bell peppers be stored at room temperature?

Ripe peppers are not stored at room temperature, because they quickly begin to deteriorate or become lethargic. Peppers of technical maturity can be stored for several weeks at room temperature, provided that the sun's rays do not fall on it.

Question number 2. How to speed up the ripening of bell pepper?

If the bell pepper is harvested in a state of technical maturity, then it is placed in a well-lit place so that it ripens. Another way to speed up the ripening of fruits: put unripe peppers with ripe other vegetables (for example, tomatoes) in plastic bag. Tie up the package. Ripe fruits (vegetables and fruits) emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening of vegetables and fruits (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. If you need to speed up the ripening of peppers, then store ripe vegetables along with unripe peppers

Question number 3. How to dry bell pepper?

Wash and rub the peppers. Then remove the core and cut (cubes or strips). Then, at a temperature of +50 ° C in the oven to dry for several hours.

Question number 4. What fruits of peppers are selected for seeds?

Even in the summer, they plan a couple of the most solid and healthy plants, then, when harvesting, several ripe fruits are selected from these bushes.

Store ripe fruits at room temperature. If this is a thin-walled variety of pepper, then 5-6 days will be enough for him. If the variety is thick-walled, then three days is enough. The next step is to separate the pulp. The seeds are then dried at 50°C.

Dried seeds are laid out in bags (or paper envelopes). Important condition when storing seeds - this is to prevent dampness.

The seeds that are selected should look healthy and large. The seeds will give such high germination, but not after two years. Even under all storage conditions, germination is lost over the years. This is because the seed is depleted of nutrients.

Question number 5. Which varieties of peppers are suitable for canning, and which for long-term storage?

Juicy fruits of large sizes are suitable for canning. The most popular varieties among peppers with the following characteristics:

  • California miracle and Anastasia (mid-early varieties);
  • Asti red (early ripe variety).

Such well-known varieties as Lilac Glitter, Chinese Lantern, Gold Bar and others are also suitable.

The long-term storage varieties or varieties include the following: Simeto, Winnie the Pooh, Novogoshary, Ox ear, F1 Comet, Victoria, AdigeF1, F1 Flame and others.

How to store chili peppers

Thrill-seekers don't represent meat or vegetable dishes without pepper. Moreover, preference is given to red chili peppers for its burning taste and bright color.

Of course, ground red pepper can be bought at the store. But can it be compared in quality with the chili, which is made from hand-dried fruits?

Also, chili peppers have good quality: unlike his "brother"? bell pepper - it is perfectly stored at home.

Chili peppers, like bell peppers, ripen during storage. If it is grown on own site, then for fresh storage it is harvested when it turns brown.

Ripe chili peppers can be harvested for drying or for seeds. By the way, if you dry brown fruits, then in the end they also turn red.

Select only whole pods, without flaws and signs of damage.

Fruits must necessarily have a peduncle about 2–3 cm long.

Method one. Chili peppers keep well in the refrigerator. Wash it first, gently pat it dry with a paper towel, put it in a plastic bag.

To prevent condensation from accumulating on the walls of the bag and the pepper to breathe, make small holes in the bag. But you need to remember that in this form the pepper still can not be stored for a long time. It can be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Method two. Some housewives use pepper to flavor vinegar. To do this, put a few pieces of pepper in a bottle of vinegar and insist.

  • Remove seeds from thoroughly washed peppers.
  • Fill a clean jar with pods. Add salt or sugar to taste.
  • Pour boiling vinegar over the pepper (not essence!). When the pepper has cooled, close the jar with a screw cap and refrigerate.

To add more piquancy to a jar of pepper, you can put Bay leaf, peppercorns, greens.

  • Dry thoroughly washed peppers with a paper towel.
  • Cut in half, remove seeds.
  • Put the pepper slices in a clean, dry jar, pour in slightly warmed sunflower or olive oil.
  • Close the lid. Remove to refrigerator. In this form, pepper can be stored for a very long time.

Large quantities of chili peppers can be dried or frozen.

Method one: drying in the sun

Sort the collected chili peppers, set the damaged ones aside, and scatter the rest in a layer of no more than 10 cm on a burlap or wire rack to dry. Quality drying obtained in the event that it is produced in the sun. If there is not much pepper, then it can be laid out on the windowsill or on the balcony. To prevent dust from falling on it, cover it with gauze or a thin cloth.

After about 1-2 weeks, the pepper will be completely ready for storage.

In rainy or damp weather, peppers are dried in a special dryer or oven. Wash the fruits, dry well from moisture. Arrange on a wire rack, place in an oven heated to 50–55 °. Door oven at this time, it should be slightly ajar so that air circulation is not disturbed.

Chili peppers can be dried as a whole or cut into pieces. In the second case, wash the fruits, cut the stem. Then cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds. Spread the chopped peppers on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the oven. Peppers should spend several hours in the oven.

Using a needle, fasten the pepper pods through the stem on a harsh thread or fishing line. To prevent the thread from bending, its length should be no more than two meters.

Hang these peculiar "garlands" in the sun in a well-ventilated place. Continue drying for about a week.

Dried chili peppers are kept hanging or put in canvas bags.

Dry pepper can be ground in a coffee grinder or in a blender into powder, poured into a dry glass jar and closed with a screw cap.

Ground pepper is stored in a dry dark cool place.

Chili peppers are frozen in the same way as bell peppers. It can be frozen whole or cut into pieces.

  • Pat thoroughly washed peppers with a paper towel, removing any remaining moisture.
  • Cut lengthwise, remove seeds. Cut the pulp into slices or strips.
  • Pack in portioned sachets, releasing air, close well. Remove to freezer. In this form, chili peppers can be stored for about a year.

Before working with pepper, be sure to put on latex gloves. The fact is that the composition of pepper includes the substance capsaicin, which gives it a burning taste. Moreover, the juice, once on the skin, is quickly absorbed and can cause a burn.

If you accidentally tried hot pepper and you have a "burning fire" in your mouth, don't drink water. To alleviate your condition, drink a glass of milk, kefir or eat a few tablespoons of sour cream (yogurt).

Seeds give pepper its spiciness. They have the most capsaicin. If you want to achieve more burning taste, dry, freeze or pickle chili with seeds.

Dried peppers can also be crushed with them.

How to save hot peppers for the winter

There are many fruits and vegetables that you would like to save for the winter. Some of them are preserved very well, some are hardly preserved. At the same time, some vegetables and fruits require some expenses to store them effectively in winter and spring. Hot pepper belongs to the category of vegetables that are well preserved for the winter without much cost. In general, in order to preserve hot peppers for the winter, you need to harvest them correctly and on time and prepare them well for storage. When storing pepper, there is rarely a loss of the harvested crop if all storage procedures have been followed. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly store hot peppers for the winter.

There are many storage methods, but all of them are based on several principles that allow you to store pepper for a long time. The main methods for storing hot peppers include:

  1. The easiest way is to simply dry individual pods of hot peppers. After that, dried hot peppers are put in boxes, and in them it is stored until spring. Each dried pepper pod can be tied with a thread by the stalk and tied into bunches hanging from the ceiling in a cool place. Also, hot pepper pods are often dried along with the bush on which they grew. After that, the hot pepper dried in this way is hung from the ceiling in a dark, cool place. Dried peppers can be stored for a long period and can be used until the next harvest.
  2. Another way is that the dried pepper is ground on a special device. After that, finely ground pepper is folded into plastic or paper bags. Also, ground hot peppers are well stored in glass containers.
  3. Hot peppers are very well and effectively preserved in vegetable oil. To do this, freshly picked pods of hot peppers with cut stalks are placed in sterilized jars. After that, warm vegetable oil (from sunflower or rapeseed) is poured into jars with pepper. Then the jars are tightly closed with metal lids. In order for the pepper to have less bitterness, before laying it in jars, you need to select seeds from each pod.

    How to store chili peppers

    For such storage, the best pepper pods are selected. This method requires the cost of vegetable oil, but it is the most effective in preserving hot peppers. Since the oil does not lose its basic properties and even enhances the taste and smell.

Each method of storing hot peppers has its supporters and opponents, it all depends on the purpose for which you need hot peppers. Therefore, each owner preserves hot peppers in a way that suits him and meets his needs and abilities. When storing hot peppers for the winter, the most important aspect is the selection of high-quality and ripe pods that have a sufficient amount of bitter substances. These substances act as preservatives that allow the pepper to be preserved for a long period.

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How to store chili peppers for the winter?

Fresh fruits can lie up to six months, depending on the environmental conditions and the chosen harvesting method. The only indispensable condition is the presence of an insulated cellar or balcony with high humidity and temperatures closer to zero degrees.

The easiest way to store peppers is in wooden boxes, pouring the pods with calcined river sand. Having calcined and cooled the sand, it is poured onto the bottom of a box covered with paper, peppers are laid out, sand is poured again, and so on until the very end.

An alternative to this method of storage is storage in paper bundles. Each pod is wrapped with a layer of craft paper and stacked on top of each other in wooden crates.

If you do not want to fool around with storing fresh peppers, then you can give preference to a much simpler and longer method of harvesting - freezing.

Before harvesting, the peppers are sorted, leaving only fresh ones, washed and dried, and then placed in plastic bags with a lock, trying to remove as much air as possible. After removing all the air, the pods are sent to the freezer.

You can cut the peppers into rings, freeze on a tray, and then pour them into all the same bags with a lock.

It is good to harvest fresh peppers using the preservation method, cooking from them spicy sauces and pasta, or just roll the pieces in jars, pour olive oil (this way you get spicy oil to boot). But if you do not want to spend energy on conservation, then you can dry the peppers and use them as a seasoning for your favorite dishes.

In the sunny season or in a dry room, peppers can be dried just like that, laid out on a wire rack or paper. After 3-5 days, or when the peppers are completely dry, they are placed in airtight containers or paper bags for storage.

It is also convenient to dry whole peppers by hanging them in a dry and well-ventilated area. After 3-7 days they can be packed for long-term storage.

You can quickly dry the pods in the oven or special dryers. Peeled and cut in half, the pods are laid out cut up and left in a slightly ajar, preheated to 50 degrees oven.

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Storing fresh peppers

Dry Pepper Storage

Storage of hot peppers in winter in fresh, dried and canned form

The best option is to use small glass jars that can hold a few hot pepper pods. They are opened as needed, because in winter the cost of this vegetable increases significantly, so advance purchase and proper storage allow you to save money.

how to store hot peppers usually does not occur.

Method 1

Method 2


Lady with a dog

hang dry only

Southern beauty

Dry it

Boris and Natalia

2) in a bag, and in the freezer

Elena T

Lika Mikhey

Anna Sergeeva


How to store hot peppers?

Lada Turbina


vladimir sh

Alevtina Novosyolova

Gulnara Ulmaskulova

Zhanna S

Wonderfully preserved.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

I marinate it. Great..

Elena Madyka Trukhina

We love hot peppers! Part goes to seasonings, salting. Here we hang such a bunch and dry it. He blushes at the same time. I also freeze whole. And in winter I cut off frozen pieces and into borscht! Yummy!

Your personal assistant and consultant in any situation!

How to store bell peppers at home: proper storage of peppers.

You can enjoy the taste of sweet bell pepper both in summer and in winter, and whenever you want. Unless, of course, it is first grown and then preserved. It seems that growing is not a problem, there are questions about how to store bell peppers at home. And there would be one problem, but there are two of them at once. First you need to decide how to save ripe fruits, and if unripe ones remain on the bushes, they must first be brought to maturity in some way, and then put into storage. How to do all this?

There is no storage without preparation

You can argue about this, but then the plucked ripened fruits in any of the storage facilities will lie no more than 2-3 weeks. And this is at best. The green ones will either never become fully edible, or they will rot.
If you want it to be as it was said at the very beginning, you must comply with some requirements.

1. Late varieties are grown for long-term storage.

2. During the harvest, the fruits are cut with the stalks, and the place of the cut must be dry.

3. If it happened and the weather is damp, the peppers are dried, but not washed.

At the end of the preparation, all immature specimens are set aside, they will be stored according to their own rules. Mature ones lay in the other direction, for them their own places of storage. The spoiled ones are processed and used for food. More about maturation.

Storing unripe bell peppers

Someone may ask why waste time, take care of green fruits, wait, worry and hope that they may turn red. Only there can be no experience if you know how to store peppers so that they turn red, and where to store them. But before laying the crop in the places of its winter maintenance, you need to know what is required for full ripening. According to climatic and not only conditions, these are:
- temperature as close as possible to plus 10 C;
— humidity 95%, ideally;
- lack of light.

There are several options for the storage location of unripe sweet peppers. But more on that a little further, but to begin with, about what is impossible. It is unacceptable to use a refrigerator as storage for ripening. At low temperatures, nothing will ever ripen. Rot - yes, and the whole result. For "green" is different.

Cellar. A universal place for holding the harvested crop. Why excerpts? Because the collected fruits are laid to ripen, and not stored. At this time, it is warm enough outside and the microclimate in the cellar is just right for the “transformation” of a green vegetable into a ripe red one.

How to store bitter capsicum: all ways

The classic version of the container for fruits is a wooden box. Peppers are laid in it either as is, or each pepper is wrapped in paper. And so, and so the vegetable will ripen, but there is a nuance. Without "packaging" ripening is faster, which means that the shelf life is reduced. In the package, the redness of the fruit will have to wait longer, but it will also be possible to eat them longer. But if you need to get a full-fledged pepper as quickly as possible, several ripe apples, the process of "turning" green into red is accelerated. In the case when the vegetable in the cellar both ripens and is stored further, its storage time in total can reach up to six months.

House or apartment. Few people imagine how to store Bulgarian pepper at home so that it both ripens and does not deteriorate. There is a question, and there is an answer. For aging in the apartment, the fruits are determined in the pantry or on the balcony, preferably not glazed, in the house on the veranda or in the pantry. The best place is where the temperature meets the requirements. Laying is done, as in the cellar. The vegetable, with or without paper, is put in a box, only the box is covered with rags so that light does not penetrate inside. Instead of a box, you can use another container, the main thing is that it be ventilated. The shelf life of green pepper in autumn on the veranda or on the balcony is about 2 months.

On the bush I mean not in the garden, but in the cellar or at home. The method of storage is non-standard, but effective. When the weather deteriorates thoroughly, the bush is pulled out with all the fruits and hung out in the cellar or in a cool room. If the place is cool, but bright, the bushes are tied with a thick cloth. The shelf life of a green vegetable at home or in the cellar is up to 2 months.

Storing ripe bell peppers

The problem is simpler than the previous one, since the question of how to store peppers so that they turn red has already been resolved. It remains to save the entire crop until spring. What to look for in terms of storage space? The storage can be equipped in any place where the air temperature either exists or can be “created” within plus 2 C.

Cellar. Of all the previously considered options, it is suitable in the first place, before winter it will be cold in it. For long-term storage, the fruits are also placed in a box, but already in dry sawdust, for lack of dry sand, or wrapped in paper. In the cellar, the vegetable is stored for about 4-5 months.

Balcony. The second place in terms of storage quality. Containers on the balcony or loggia use the same - a box with sawdust. The option is not the worst, but even in sawdust and in a box wrapped in rags, the fruits are stored until the outside temperature drops to minus 10 C, then the “storage” is brought into the room.

Fridge. A small but reliable place for peppers for the winter. True, it is loudly said for the winter, the shelf life in such a “room” is about 3 months, and there is not much space. But the microclimate in the refrigerator never changes, the risk of damage to the vegetable is minimal. Paper is used for packaging, each pepper is wrapped with it, or a plastic bag with small holes for ventilation. To keep fruits as long as possible experienced housewives lubricate them sunflower oil. One more thing, if we talk about storage for more than 3 months, the freezer cannot be ignored. You don’t need to cook anything in it, you can even peel the pepper, put it as it is convenient, and calmly consume the product for six months, or even longer.

In conclusion, about the “non-standard” way of preserving a vegetable - drying. Although this is probably not storage, but more blank because it is about the processing of the product. But be that as it may, in addition to the rest, this method also has the right to exist. And who likes fresh juicy pepper more, can store it using traditional storage.

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How should chili peppers be stored?

Storing fresh peppers

The best thing fresh pepper Store chili in a dark, cool place or in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, folded into a plastic bag, and constantly eat for 2 weeks. If there are a large number of stocks of bitter pepper for the winter, it is necessary to carefully sort it and send it to the freezer.

Experienced housewives recommend calculating the approximate dosage of the product, which may be used for several days, and put it in trays or bags in order to draw out a small portion, and not separate the capsicum from the whole mass one by one and not re-thaw or freeze. This process provides Negative influence on nutritional properties vegetables and fruits and destroys half of the vitamins and minerals in foods.

Dry Pepper Storage

To keep for a long time hot pepper, experts recommend, after proper drying, decompose it into hermetically sealed containers and put it in a dark place at room temperature. The best option is to use small glass jars that can hold a few hot pepper pods. They are opened as needed, because in winter the cost of this vegetable increases significantly, so advance purchase and proper storage can save money.

Peppers should be red, ripe and fleshy: in such fruits there is a small amount of moisture and they dry quickly without losing their pungency. If it is necessary to save space, the hostesses take linen or paper bags, putting dried peppers there, some grind the product in a blender or coffee grinder, and pour the powder into a glass container. The use of such a seasoning gives soups, salads, sauces an exquisite and original taste, A canned foods acquire a pleasant crunch and a spicy aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to store hot peppers? | Life guide

In the kitchen, hot peppers are used both whole pods and ground.

The taste of the dried fruit is particularly pungent, although there is little or no odor.

Ground red pepper is commonly used as a spice to stimulate the appetite and enliven the appearance of the cooked dish. Whole red fruits are valuable as an indispensable spice for canning. But he himself can be preserved as a separate product. Therefore, special questions regarding how to store hot peppers usually does not occur.

Storage conditions for hot peppers

It is better to store red pepper in pods in a dark and dry room where there is good ventilation, and grind it as needed (ground one still loses its sharpness, color and aroma faster).

It must be handled with extreme caution: even when using the pods themselves, dust is obtained that has a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane (especially the eyes and nose should be protected) and the skin. It can easily cause intense lacrimation, swelling of the face and sneezing.

And if you uncontrollably eat a significant amount of it, you can get a gastrointestinal upset in an acute form.

Winter storage of hot peppers

For the winter, capsicum can be harvested raw in order to preserve as much as possible useful material, vitamins with minerals.

Yes, with this method, by the middle of spring, its sharpness gradually decreases, but the taste still remains wonderful, so the benefits are huge.

Any housewife has favorite recipes for storing hot peppers. It is important to use them correctly.

Method 1

For 1 kilogram of a spicy vegetable - half a glass of apple or wine vinegar(with a consistency of 5-6 percent), 1 tablespoon of salt (it is important to take non-iodized).

Choose a ripe pod (spicy can be green, yellow or red, but the latter is considered to be more burning).

Wash it, remove the stalks, but do not remove the seeds, then pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. Add salt, pour vinegar, mix everything thoroughly.

Fold in jars to the very neck, and then close with plastic lids. Store in a dry and dark place where the temperature is always low.

Method 2

Wash and dry the hot peppers on a paper towel.

Take a plastic bag, lay peppercorns in it and send it to the freezer.

How to store bitter capsicum for the winter? What are the ways?


there is no place better than a freezer, and soft and fresh and just as bitter.

Lady with a dog

hang dry only

Southern beauty

Dry it

Boris and Natalia

1) string on a wire - and in a dry place
2) in a bag, and in the freezer

Elena T

Dry. Dried can be stored whole, can be ground.

Lika Mikhey

Grow in a pot on a windowsill

Anna Sergeeva


How to store hot peppers?

Lada Turbina

It dries beautifully, but I make pepper oil for salads and 2 courses.
You need any vegetable oil with an unexpressed taste (rapeseed, refined sunflower, soybean), a container where we will make the preparation and pepper.
Pepper wash, clean from the stalks. If you want to be sharper, then you need to cut the pepper and do not pull out the bones, if you pull out the bones weaker. Then put the pods in a bottle, pour in warm oil and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. I sometimes add a mixture of 5 peppers (but not ground) or pink allspice to this oil for smell.
It turns out a killer thing! if you fill salads with this oil, it turns out not too spicy and tasty, in pasta, again, to fried meat or fish. Leaves quickly.


I have it hanging on the door of the cafeteria in the kitchen, as a decorative attribute ... don't risk eating it

vladimir sh

dry and put in a dry place.

Alevtina Novosyolova

So there is no problem to store it: first dry it and then either store it whole in a dry place, or grind it and store it in paper bags or in closed jars

Gulnara Ulmaskulova

You can cook adjika, or you can hang a beautiful bunch in the kitchen. Dry and keep for a long time.

Zhanna S

String on the tails on a thread and hang in a convenient place.
Wonderfully preserved.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

I marinate it. Great..

Elena Madyka Trukhina

We love hot peppers! Part goes to seasonings, salting. Here we hang such a bunch and dry it. He blushes at the same time.

Bitter red chili: how to keep hot peppers for the winter in the refrigerator and in pods?

I also freeze whole. And in winter I cut off frozen pieces and into borscht! Yummy!

Gardeners know that at the end of summer they ripen in the beds and in greenhouses different varieties bell pepper. Grow red, green, yellow, orange and other varieties.

If during the season the gardeners properly took care of it, then the harvest is rich. Several tens of kilograms of these vegetables ripen at once.

It cannot be eaten fresh immediately. And summer residents face the question of how to store bell peppers at home.

For long-term storage, late varieties are best suited.

There are two harvest options:

  • Biological method- the fruit fully ripens on the branch, after which it is plucked.
  • technical way- the fruit is not fully ripe on the branch. It is recommended not to pluck it, but carefully cut it with scissors.

In order for a vegetable harvested by a technical method to ripen, it must be left at room temperature in a dry, cool place. It should lie as far as possible from light sources, then it will ripen, retaining its nutritional properties.

Technically harvested fruits are stored longer than biological ones. One of the safest places to store vegetables is the basement of a country house.

Before storing vegetables in the basement, prepare it:

  • The room should not be damp. High humidity can spoil vegetables.
  • Walls and ceilings must be free of mold and mildew. If mold is present, treat surfaces with antifungal paint.
  • The temperature should not exceed +5 C.

Peppers should be put in wooden boxes. Each new layer of vegetables must be sprinkled with dry sand, so they will keep their beneficial features. Place the boxes in such a way that the vegetables are well ventilated. Pepper can be stored in the cellar for 5-6 months.

Sometimes bell peppers are dug up along with the bush and hung in the cellar. Some gardeners believe that this method lengthens the shelf life of the product.

If it is not possible to store vegetables in the basement of the house, then you can put boxes of vegetables on an insulated balcony or loggia in the apartment. At a temperature not higher than +5 C and moderate humidity, the product will be stored for up to 5 months. Wooden boxes can be replaced with baskets or canvas bags.

The second way to store bell peppers in an apartment is to use a refrigerator. Vegetables should be well dried, put in a vegetable box so that there is a distance between the fruits. Peppers can be kept in the same compartment as tomatoes and cucumbers.

Also frozen bell peppers. Many housewives love to cook stuffed vegetables. But buying them in the middle of winter in stores is expensive. Therefore, peppers are often frozen from autumn.

Before freezing, it is recommended to wash the vegetables, cut off the tops and clean out all the grains. After that, fold them one into another in a pyramid and put in plastic bag, put it in the freezer. At what temperature should frozen peppers be stored? The temperature in the freezer should not fall below -17 C.

Peppers are often canned. Put the washed and dried vegetable in a sterilized jar, pour vegetable oil. Put spices and herbs. Close the jar tightly and keep in a dark room.

It is easy to make homemade seasoning from it. To do this, pass hot pepper through a meat grinder, dry it in the oven. When it cools down, transfer to a linen bag. This homemade seasoning is perfect for meat and vegetable dishes.

Storing hot peppers for the winter

Hot pepper gives a special taste to dishes. It is gladly added to various soups, meat, sauces, stewed vegetables. To within winter season he pleased the hostesses with his taste and nutritional qualities, you need to know how to store hot peppers for the winter.

It must be thoroughly washed and dried. How to properly store it for the winter? There are two ways:

  • Hang it by the leg in a dry place. In this form, the vegetable can be stored for a long time. It will dry out a little, but this will not lose its nutritional qualities.
  • Cut it open and remove the seeds with a knife. This will make it less sharp. Dry the halves of the vegetable in the oven and store in a dark and dry place.

Bell pepper

Rinse capsicum, chop and put in a glass jar. The jar is sterilized in advance steam bath. Put onion and garlic. Pour in boiling water, roll up the lid.

These canned foods keep in the refrigerator for several months. If the container is carefully sterilized, then canned food will be stored for a long time.


Most often, the hostess keeps the hot pepper in a warm room, hanging it by the stem. This is both aesthetic and practical. It retains its nutritional properties throughout the long winter.


From the chili variety, an excellent seasoning for fish and meat dishes is obtained. The recipe is extremely simple. Vegetables must be washed.

Place it in the oven and dry it to a dry crust. After it cools down, grind it in a blender. Get dry seasoning. It can be put in a pepper box or in regular bags.

At what temperature should it be stored and for how long?

Attention! To properly store peppers in the winter at home, carefully follow the storage recommendations. Don't overlook storage times. Otherwise, the product may be damaged.

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Right prepared pepper is perfectly stored in a city apartment until the next "pepper" season. And if it is dried and ground, it will enrich your food with its wonderful taste and aroma even longer, taking up a fairly modest place in one of the kitchen cabinets.

About the benefits of hot pepper

In Mexico and Chile, Thailand and India, no main dish is complete without hot peppers.

The inhabitants of these countries, located in different parts of the world, are united in one thing - this product is healing.

And they are not wrong.

Hot pepper helps to digest heavy food, cleanses the intestines from pathogenic bacteria, and strengthens the immune system.

It prevents the occurrence of thrombosis, has a wonderful hematopoietic and diuretic effect, has a beneficial effect on potency, healthy hair and nails.

Gathering a fragrant harvest

involves the collection of fruits that are not fully ripe.

Hot pepper for storage, unlike sweet, it is better to clean completely ready.

A hot ripe red pepper, which we usually call "chili", is stored longer than green, it has more vitamin C and carotene.

Exactly ripe pods contain a high concentration of unique substances, which are also a light preservative.

Only completely healthy peppers are stored well.

To "bring them to clean water", after harvesting, spread the pods in a shady, cool place in a single layer and leave for a week. After that, inspect and discard any damaged specimens found.

Seasoning Drying Methods

The best way to save hot peppers for the winter is to dry the fruits.

The simplest, "grandmother's" method of drying chili peppers is similar to drying laundry.

In a dry, ventilated, bright room, a clothesline is pulled.

Each pepper is pierced in the region of the stalk with a needle with a threaded thread and, using the same thread, is attached to a rope.

The fruits should not touch each other.

Fine dried peppers put in canvas bags or glass jars , covering them with parchment paper, and store in a dry place.

Peppers, not completely dried, but already hardened and beginning to “crook”, can be removed from the rope, strung with a “necklace” on a dense thread and hung up, decorating the kitchen interior with them. They will dry out and create a pleasant atmosphere, also disinfecting the room.

The most unpretentious way: spread parchment paper on the windowsill and place washed peppers on it in one layer. Within 3 weeks, the pepper will dry out, provided that you turn it over periodically. To speed up the process, you can cut each fruit in half.

Peppers are dried in gas and electric ovens. Before this procedure, the pods are thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel. The fruits can be dried whole, cut in half or smaller. The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper, the pods are laid out in one layer and sent to the oven (+ 50-60 ° C). The door should be slightly ajar so that the pods do not bake, but rather dry.

After a couple of hours, turn off the oven, but do not close the door. After a day, set the same temperature regime and continue heat treatment for another 2 hours. Cool directly in the oven, turning it off, and before storing hot peppers, place them in bags or glass jars.

It is very convenient to dry the pepper in an electric dryer. Usually the process takes about 12 hours, but it depends on whether the fruits are whole or fragmented. It is useful to look into the instructions for your unit. The fruits in the electric dryer are dried evenly, excellently retaining their useful and gustatory qualities.

We freeze correctly

Another great way to store hot peppers at home is to put the crop in the freezer.

This way it will retain its value as much as possible.

A nice addition - it won't even change the attractive color.

Rinse the pods whole cold water and pat dry with a towel.

If you need to reduce its pungency, immerse it in boiling water for 2 minutes, but keep in mind that some vitamins "do not like" such heat treatment.

Chili peppers can be frozen whole or chopped(bars, straws).

Place the whole pods in convenient portions for storage and further use in bags, remove air from them as much as possible, “seal” (tie, fasten with a paper clip) and send to the freezer.

Spread the crushed fruits on a pallet in a single layer and freeze (flash freezing). Then transfer to plastic bags and store in the freezer.

Frozen peppers can be stored in the freezer for 6-12 months.

Pepper in the bank

Canned hot peppers are a wonderful treat and a convenient way to store your crop, especially when placed in beautiful mini jars that don't take up much space.

Containers in which red and green pods coexist amicably are a real decor for the kitchen.

Whole or chopped (with the testis removed) fruits are preserved in a marinade (base: vinegar or lemon juice), salted or simply poured with vegetable oil.

It is customary to add horseradish, currant or cherry leaves, spices to taste (cloves, basil, garlic) to pickled peppers. The amount of acid in the marinade depends only on your taste; a very small volume of it is enough for storage itself (for liter jar- 1 tsp).

Salted bitter pepper will acquire an excellent taste if you choose garlic, dill and celery as companions. 50-60 g of salt is enough for 1 liter of water. At room temperature, the snack will be ready in 3 weeks. Before storing hot peppers in jars, it is advisable to rearrange them in a cooler place.

A delicious preparation is chili in vegetable oil, especially olive oil. But it takes a lot of oil. Pepper must be completely poured and put in a dark place. Spices are not added, salt is at your discretion.

Can hot peppers be kept fresh?

The easiest way to keep hot pepper fresh for the winter is to place it in a dry room where the temperature is kept within 0 ... + 2 ° C.

Organize healthy, ripe pods in crates or plastic bags.

So they can be stored for about 40 days.

In the cellar, basement, on an insulated balcony at 0 ... + 2 ° C, peppers can last almost 2 times longer if they are carefully dug out of the ground and hung by the roots to horizontal beams.

By the way, there are good indoor varieties of hot peppers - 1-2 bushes will not only provide you with excellent fresh fruits, but also decorate the windowsill.

  • Chile, although of overseas origin, is distinguished by a accommodating nature, grows wonderfully and bears fruit both in the garden and at home all year round.
  • Wear latex gloves when handling hot peppers to avoid skin irritation.
  • Considering the taste preferences (your own and those around you), when cutting the pods, remove or leave the seed (the most burning) part, thus “regulating” the sharpness of the fruit.

Useful video

An unusual and very way of harvesting hot peppers for the winter, which I will definitely try as soon as the crop ripens in the garden, is to pour it with simple vinegar:

Capsicum peppers are called red, hot, bitter and chili. However, hot peppers are not always red, and the sharpness depends on the variety and stage of maturity. Capsicum - delicious and healthy vegetable, demanded culinary spice and even medicinal plant. The pungent substances of hot chili peppers - capsaicins, act on pain receptors on the mucosa. In response, a person's pulse quickens, sweating increases, and endorphins (complex chemical compounds that relieve pain and cause a feeling of emotional uplift) are produced. That is why it is recommended to use red hot peppers in winter to make it easier to endure "winter longing".

Hot capsicum for storage is better to take biological ripeness. This pepper contains large quantity a burning substance that helps it to be stored for a long time. The riper the vegetable, the more burning substance in the composition. But hot peppers with technical ripeness can also be stored.


Drying hot peppers

Hot peppers are picked from a bush and hung from the ceiling in a warm, dry and well-ventilated area. You can simply tie the peppers with a thread by the ponytails, or you can string them on a string.

Storing Capsicum in Oil

Fresh hot pepper can be stored in oil. And the pepper is preserved, and the oil acquires a certain proportion of pepper. To do this, the pepper must be carefully pitted, washed, dried, put in small glass jars and poured with refined vegetable oil. Banks are closed with lids and cleaned in a refrigerator or cold cellar.

Freezing Capsicum

For freezing, peppers of any degree of maturity are selected. It is washed and dried well. Then the stem is cut off from large peppers and the seeds are removed. Small fruits can be frozen whole. Peppers are put in plastic bags and sent to the freezer. Frozen peppers can be stored without loss palatability about a year.

Bitter pepper - spicy, healthy, tasty and fragrant - will always be found in the bins of a good housewife. But especially outstanding qualities are in fruits grown and harvested with their own hands. Hot pepper is a very grateful vegetable: unpretentious in cultivation, very productive and not capricious during storage, because it contains preservative substances. So to the question of how to keep hot peppers for the winter at home, an addition is often appropriate: where would all this wealth be placed?

Hot pepper has the ability to resist the aging process of the whole organism. This vegetable can also prevent the development of cancer. Hot pepper is advised to use to prevent the development of cancer cells. Doctors recommend eating pepper to people who suffer from atherosclerosis. It will be useful to eat this vegetable for rheumatism, gout, polyarthritis and myositis. An ointment containing hot pepper is recommended for use during catarrh of the upper respiratory tract as well as frostbite. In addition, it will help in the treatment of sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism.

Hot pepper is used for cosmetic purposes. For example, you can prepare a mask for aging skin or a tincture to improve the condition of your hair.

Hot peppers have been shown to promote the production of endophrins, which can reduce pain and stress.

Harvesting a fragrant crop of peppers

Usually the collection of peppers is carried out selectively, once or twice a week, as they are ready. Total harvesting is carried out only with the threat of frost, which this crop does not tolerate at all. The calendar dates for the start of harvesting largely depend on where the plants are grown - in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open field.

Cut off the finished fruits should be extremely careful, with the stalk, so as not to damage the very fragile twigs. It is best to use a special pruner or scissors for this purpose.

To store sweet peppers, it is necessary to select healthy fruits that do not have damage. The easiest way to do this is to spread the pods in a thin layer in some cool and well-ventilated area, such as a basement. After about a week, sick and weakened specimens will definitely manifest themselves - they will begin to rot.

Healthy peppers for disinfection are recommended to be treated with copper sulfate - just dip in a one percent solution and then dry directly in the air. It is most convenient to store them in boxes with a capacity of not more than 10 kg, which can be either wooden or made of other materials. The walls and bottom can be lined with wrapping paper, or you can wrap each pod individually in it.

If the temperature in the basement does not exceed 10 ° C, and the humidity is between 90 and 95%, the fruits will ripen within a month. Then you should lower the temperature to zero degrees - this will extend the storage for another two months.

How to store hot peppers in the freezer

If you do not want to fool around with storing fresh peppers, then you can give preference to a much simpler and longer method of harvesting - freezing.

Before harvesting, the peppers are sorted, leaving only fresh ones, washed and dried, and then placed in plastic bags with a lock, trying to remove as much air as possible. After removing all the air, the pods are sent to the freezer.

You can cut the peppers into rings, freeze on a tray, and then pour them into all the same bags with a lock.

Ways to dry pepper seasoning for the winter

In the oven. Having gained patience and having a margin of time, you can dry the pepper well in an ordinary gas or electric oven. The collected pods need to be washed and dried. Some cut the pods lengthwise into halves or quarters, removing the stalks, while others dry them whole. Spread the prepared pepper in one layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Put in an oven preheated to 50 ° C, leaving the door slightly ajar. With such ventilation, the pepper will not bake, but will dry.

On a string. This is a simple, "old-fashioned" way to dry peppers. Similarly, you can dry mushrooms and apples. The main thing is to choose a warm, well-ventilated place where the air is not at all humid. Wash the peppers, dry them, and then, using a needle, string them by the stem onto a thick and strong thread. Then fasten both ends of the thread in the chosen place (this can be a balcony, loggia, etc.) and at the desired height. The pods must be distributed on a string so that they do not touch each other. This will dry them evenly on all sides.

On the window. This simple drying method is suitable for those who have wide window sills. They need to be covered with clean paper (parchment), washed and dried hot peppers are laid out (can be cut into slices), covered with thin paper on top (to protect from dust) and the pods are left to dry for 2-3 weeks, stirring / turning them from time to time.

Freezing hot peppers for the winter

How to freeze bitter pepper for the winter? One of the main conditions for the success of the whole process is considered proper preparation hot pepper to freeze. To begin with, it must be carefully examined to prevent spoiled pods from entering the workpiece. After that, the peppers are washed entirely in cold water and dried on a towel.

For some reduction in sharpness, the product can be held in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Such processing will practically not reduce the content of fat- and water-soluble vitamins, but will significantly increase the shelf life with shallow freezing. Cutting the pods into strips or stringing them on top of each other will save a lot of space in the chamber. When working with the product, it is advisable to protect your hands with ordinary medical or household rubber gloves.

Ways. There are several ways to freeze capsicum. First you need to determine the depth of freezing and temperature regime storage. The fact is that chili is 88% water and the processes that occur during its crystallization play a decisive role in its preservation.

For maximum safety appearance bitter pepper is frozen to a temperature of 0 ... +2 ° C and stored in a refrigerator in the appropriate zone.

Under such conditions, all its properties remain unchanged for 40 days.

If priority is given to duration, then deep freezing should be done and kept in the freezer at -12 ... -18 ° C.

Marinating hot peppers for the winter

This is the most tasty way save hot pepper for the winter. There are a lot of pickling recipes, but the principle is the same for everyone - pepper is laid out in sterilized glass jars, poured with marinade prepared on the basis of vinegar and salt with spices, and corked with sterile lids. Depending on the recipe, pepper jars are either sterilized in boiling water or cooked without sterilization before being sealed.

There are a few tricks to help avoid embarrassing mistakes during pickling:

hot pepper billet, unlike other vegetable spins, does not need a lot of spices, it is enough a small amount cloves, peppercorns, ginger and garlic;

use only coarse salt, not iodized;

for spin, choose small jars up to 1 liter;

you can store pickled peppers for 12-18 months in a dark, cool room;

to soften the taste of pickled peppers, they are cooked with pieces of sweet peppers, carrots or onions.

Hot peppers in a jar for the winter

Before making pickled hot peppers for the winter, its pods are washed, dry tips are cut off. Seasonings and pepper are laid out in prepared jars, which are previously scalded with boiling water. It is necessary to fill the container up to the shoulders. Then the water is brought to a boil, salt and sugar are added and the contents of the jars are poured, closed nylon lids and leave the container to cool. Then the brine is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and the jars are poured again. They are also closed and left for five minutes. Then the brine is drained again, boiled and the jars are poured into last time, after pouring vinegar into them. The container is corked, turned upside down and cooled.

Is it possible to keep hot peppers fresh for the winter?

It is best to store fresh chili peppers in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, folded in a plastic bag, and eat continuously for 2 weeks. If there are a large number of stocks of bitter pepper for the winter, it is necessary to carefully sort it and send it to the freezer.

Experienced housewives recommend calculating the approximate dosage of the product, which may be used for several days, and put it in trays or bags in order to draw out a small portion, and not separate the capsicum from the whole mass one by one and not re-thaw or freeze. This process has a negative impact on the nutritional properties of fruits and vegetables and destroys half of the vitamins and minerals in foods.