What to put in an ice cream blender. Caramel milkshake. Nutella milkshake preparation.

Hello readers of my blog. Today I want to share with you how you can prepare a milkshake in a blender. different ways. I will reveal to you my cooking tricks and favorite recipes for delicious milkshakes. If you know more interesting options, share your feedback in this article.

Milkshake is great healthy treats for kids. Usually babies who do not like milk drink a milkshake with pleasure. It is much healthier than many other sweets, as it contains a lot of calcium and other trace elements. filler in the form fresh fruit and berries - a portion of vitamins and microelements.

This refreshing drink is very easy to prepare. The easiest way is with a blender. It will only take 5 minutes. Classic variant involves two main ingredients - milk and ice cream. Milk is completely replaceable by another dairy product. For example, cream, yogurt, kefir. The basic version can be supplemented with various syrups, fresh or frozen berries, fruits, herbs, natural honey, chocolate. There are a lot of options, you just have to choose according to your taste.

Of course, you should not abuse such a dessert. Milkshakes are quite high in calories, contain a lot of sugar and fat. Therefore, they are not recommended to drink often if you are overweight.

Cooking features

There are several secrets that will allow you to make cocktails correctly and tasty.

  • use only chilled milk. Its temperature should be 5-6 degrees. Warm milk whips worse, and too cold milk loses its taste.
  • optimal fat content of milk - 2.5%;
  • ice cream is better to get out of freezer. It should be soft;
  • fruits or berries with seeds first pass through a sieve. Then the bones will not fall into the finished drink;
  • serve the drink immediately after preparation. Over time, it loses its airy consistency. And fruits and berries can react with milk. The use of such a product can lead to not very good consequences. This is especially true for children.
  • children should not be given drinks with exotic fruits use simple recipes. Here you can banana, it usually does not cause unwanted reactions.
  • weight watchers should not refuse a milkshake. You can use kefir or skimmed milk. An excellent end to the workout will be.

How to make a milkshake in a blender

More suitable for making a milkshake. Such a device is convenient in that it creates a large cap of bubbles and holds a large volume. Here's a perfect fit

But if you only have a submersible, don't be discouraged. I also make delicious cocktails. The consistency is not so airy. But still very, very tasty 🙂

The order in which you add the ingredients does not matter. But, if you are using fruits or berries, beat them first. Then strain the resulting puree through a sieve to remove small bones. Then beat the puree for up to 30 seconds. So air will get into the mixture, and the structure will turn out to be airy.

Then pour in the milk and beat at medium or high speed in a blender until the mass is smooth. A dense foam should form. It won't take more than a minute.

Berries, pieces of fruit, mint leaves, grated chocolate, whipped cream are well suited as decorations. It all depends on the ingredients.

10 most delicious milkshakes

There are a lot of milkshake recipes. This drink allows you to endlessly experiment and fantasize with tastes. I offer the best, in my opinion, milkshake recipes in a blender. Properly cook various options drink video and recipes with photos will help you.

Milkshake with ice cream

The simplest version of the drink without any additions. All you need is milk and ice cream. The ratio of ingredients can be different depending on your preferences. The more ice cream, the sweeter and denser the drink will be. Standardly, about 250 g of ice cream is consumed per liter of milk.

The cocktail gives coolness and refreshes. Drink in small sips and enjoy the taste of ice cream. 🙂

with banana

Such a milkshake can be prepared without ice cream. To do this, you need half a liter of milk, a couple of sweet bananas. You can also add sugar or cinnamon if you like. Banana milk drink is one of my favorites. It is quite nutritious, so it is quite possible to replace it with breakfast or a snack. In terms of calories per 100 grams, approximately 72.5 kcal comes out. My cocktail recipe.

By the way, I heard that a milkshake with a banana perfectly relieves the symptoms of a hangover. Admittedly, I haven't personally tested it. And you? 🙂

With banana and ice cream

Drink with ice cream is more high-calorie and thicker. There are 93 calories per 100 grams. Children will like this option more than the previous one. It is sweeter and more airy. Again, the amount of ingredients is up to you. A glass of milk usually takes one hundred grams of ice cream, one banana.

I recommend trying the banana-coffee milkshake. You will need milk, some strong brewed coffee, vanilla ice cream, a banana, and chocolate chips. As always - beat, pour and enjoy 🙂

With strawberry

For a strawberry milkshake, you need 200 g of strawberries per glass of milk, a few scoops of vanilla ice cream. If strawberries are sour, add powdered sugar. Berries are suitable and frozen. But be sure to defrost them beforehand so as not to damage the blender. The best decoration such a dessert will be whipped cream and a strawberry.

Mmm-mm-m.. overeating. Especially in the summer, in the country. Detailed recipe milkshake with strawberry .

Milkshake with cocoa

For 400 grams of milk, take 200 grams of ice cream, 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa powder. Add sugar or vanilla sugar taste. Whisk everything in a blender. Sprinkle with chocolate chips before serving. You can also add some berries to this drink. I love the combination with cranberries. It gives a little acidity. Just don't put too much on it.

With chocolate

Chocolate milkshake is one of the most popular. No wonder everyone loves chocolate. A glass of milk will require a couple of tablespoons of vanilla ice cream, about 50 g of chocolate.

If you like the taste of chocolate, you can add more, it will be more intense. It is better to take milk chocolate, but black is also suitable, this is not for everyone.

To dissolve the chocolate, heat the milk in a saucepan and add the chocolate pieces to it. Stir until the chocolate pieces are completely melted. Then let the mixture cool and blend in a blender along with ice cream and milk.

With protein

If you are actively involved in sports, you probably use protein mixtures for weight loss or building. muscle mass. This drink can be made at home.

To do this, you need 200 ml of kefir, 60 g of powdered milk or, a teaspoon of sugar, a spoonful of jam. The cocktail contains up to 60 gr of proteins. Sugar gives energy.

All cottage cheese milkshakes can also be attributed to protein. Their protein content is higher than in other types of drink. If you are using protein drinks to lose weight, then this option is perfect for you.

Mint coffee cocktail

This drink will require 150 grams of milk, 400 grams of vanilla ice cream. Add a tablespoon of mint and half a cup of mocha. Blend everything with a blender. Pour the finished cocktail into tall glasses and garnish with grated chocolate. This is freshness itself!

I hope you enjoyed my options on how to make a milkshake in a blender. Tell us how you make milkshakes. And do you have any favorite milkshake recipes? Don't forget to share on social media. blog will be interesting. Bon Appetit.

What do you associate with childhood? Favorite bear, a bedtime story, a heavy school bag or a violin that had to be tormented under the watchful eye of a mentor? And also a milkshake.

Yes, yes, it was he, this thick, sweetish drink with the taste of ice cream, that was considered the most exquisite summer delicacy, which was considered the highest award to receive. Now it has been slowly replaced by soda, energy drinks and other chemical analogues, and it is time to show your children a yummy that brings great health benefits. So, we propose to master all the subtleties of how to make a real milkshake at home, the taste of which will temporarily return you to your distant childhood.

Some secrets

Before you decide to make a milkshake with ice cream at home, consider the following nuances of the upcoming business:

  • Milk should always be chilled beforehand;
  • The blender must be set to maximum speed;
  • From fruits or berries (if any will be present in the dessert), it is worth removing the skin in advance and pulling out the bones;
  • To make the drink less high-calorie, it is permissible to replace the whipped cream in it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt;
  • No need to be afraid of experiments: add chocolate, compote, syrup, jam and other ingredients to the cocktail;
  • Fruits are recommended to be pureed in advance, so that later in ready drink their pieces did not float.

Products for self cooking milkshakes are almost always in the fridge. They just need to be properly mixed, although there is nothing complicated about it.

The simplest recipes

The basis is a single product set, consisting of:

  • liters of milk;
  • four servings of ice cream, 50 g each;
  • pairs of st.l. any jam: cherry, strawberry or plum. It can be replaced with fresh berries.

From all of the above, a cocktail can be prepared in several ways, namely:

  • Put everything in a blender bowl, mix at top speed. Pour into glasses and garnish with ice cream, berries or chocolate chips;
  • Mix berries and ice cream. Pour milk into the mixture, beat everything with a submersible blender. Pour the drink into high serving containers and serve;
  • It is possible to prepare a milk dessert even without electric kitchen appliances. It is enough to combine jam, melted ice cream or mashed berries in advance with a small amount basics. Then the workpiece is mixed with the rest of the milk using a hand whisk or even a fork.

Let's move on to how to make a healthy milkshake at home without cold ice cream, using only cream.

It will require:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • fresh and heavy cream- 2 tablespoons;
  • a glass of any berries;
  • crushed ice - optional.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • With half the norm of milk, you need to mix cream and berries;
  • All remaining components are introduced into the mixture;
  • The liquid is whipped, distributed in tall glasses.

The resulting foam should be decorated chocolate chips, grated nuts or one fresh berry crowned with whipped cream.

chocolate extravaganza

Among homemade cocktail recipes, it is chocolate ones that are in particular demand.

They are made from:

  • a couple of glasses of milk;
  • two servings of chocolate ice cream;
  • 2 tbsp grated chocolate;
  • cream, which will serve as a decoration.

You can make a drink according to this principle:

  • Everything is mixed in a container or bowl of a mixer until a thick foam is formed;
  • Dessert is poured into beautiful glasses;
  • The cream is whipped with granulated sugar, and a teaspoon is carefully placed in glasses.

Protein variant

If you do not want to add vanilla ice cream to your drink, then at home try to prepare a complete protein drink according to one of the following recipes:

  • In the blender bowl are mixed: crumbled proteins of three boiled eggs, 100 g cottage cheese, a few tablespoons jam and 300 g of milk;
  • In a bowl, a guest of crushed nuts, a spoonful of honey and one a raw egg. All this is poured with kefir, in the amount of 200 g, and whipped;
  • Options for preparing a drink with ice cream can be adjusted in the direction of increasing usefulness. For example, mix a banana, a glass of milk and 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with a blender.

Such a drink perfectly satisfies hunger after a long workout, gives strength, energy and improves the effectiveness of a carbohydrate diet.

Purchase of special equipment: how much is it needed?

If your mixer has died for a long time, and home-made milkshakes have come to taste, it makes sense to consider buying an immersion blender or its equivalent with a large bowl for whipping. We recommend choosing a stationary model, which will have an impressive glass with a sealed lid and several operating modes.

Do not forget to pay attention to the material of the bowl itself: a quality blender for homemade desserts and milkshakes should be made of high-strength food-grade plastic that can withstand long cycles.

The power that a mixer for home should have healthy drinks and milkshakes, can not be less than 500 watts. It is desirable to have the option "pause", spare attachments, large resealable glass/bowl and multiple beater/knife speeds.

In principle, a milk dessert can also be prepared the old fashioned way, using an ordinary hand whisk or the same fork. But you will not be able to achieve a high foam, and pieces of fruit and ice cream will definitely float in the drink.

If your family likes to “fall into childhood”, find the amount in the family budget to purchase appropriate kitchen appliances.

I use the immersion blender a lot, especially when my toddler refuses to eat anything but sweets. Then milk-based cocktails come to the rescue - recipes vary depending on the products in the refrigerator and the degree of hunger of the child. Those. - in this intricate way I solve the problem of saturating the nehochuha. I propose delicious recipes milkshakes in a blender - prepared in a minute, and pleasure - the sea.

The classic time for drinking milkshakes is summer. And you don’t really feel like eating, but a nutritious drink will satisfy both your thirst and hunger, and even, being prepared from chilled ingredients, will pleasantly refresh you. But I make cocktails all year round, using year-round bananas and summer freezing as a fruit supplement.

The most delicious milkshake recipes in a blender

The ice cream in milkshakes not only adds a subtle flavor note, but also thickens the texture. If you follow a gluten-free diet, be sure to pay attention: cocktail ice cream must be in a package that has a special icon - a crossed spikelet. Either this ice cream must be laboratory tested (see lists of tested and approved products).

For two servings of milkshake with ice cream in a blender you will need:

1 glass of strawberries;

1 glass of milk;

70 g vanilla ice cream;

1 tsp Sahara.

If you're making a frozen strawberry smoothie, you don't have to thaw the berries before making the drink. In hot weather, fresh strawberries can be supplemented with a few ice cubes.

We put all the components in a bowl for whipping, the order of the bookmark does not matter.

Break down until smooth.

This cocktail is prepared just before serving.

Banana milkshake (in a blender)

This is perhaps one of our favorite recipes, which, moreover, can be prepared all year round. A banana milkshake is the perfect way to dispose of darkened, overripe fruit.

To prepare it, take:

600-800 ml of milk;

sugar - to taste, depending on the ripeness of the banana, from 2 to 4 tsp

We clean the banana, randomly break it into pieces and put it in a blender bowl. We fall asleep with sugar. Top up not a large number of milk and beat until smooth. Then add the rest of the milk and beat again.

To prepare two small portions you will need:

cherry - 100 g;

milk or kefir - 300 ml;

sugar - 1 tbsp.

This time I used kefir. Cherries can be taken any: fresh, canned or frozen. There is only one requirement for it: that the cherry be pitted, otherwise you will have to spend time cleaning it.

We spread the cherries in a blender bowl, pour kefir or milk, add sugar and mix the milkshake until smooth. Pour into glasses and treat yourself and loved ones.

Milkshake with raspberries in a blender

Prepared according to the same principle as a cherry cocktail.

a handful of fresh or frozen raspberries;

milk - 500 ml;

sugar - 2 tbsp. or to taste.

You can add a spoonful of ice cream, it will be even tastier. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend well.

Blackberry milkshake

a handful of blackberries;

milk - 500 ml;

sugar - 1-1.5 tbsp. or to taste.

Pour blackberries with sugar with a little milk. Blend with a blender until smooth. Then pour in the remaining milk and turn on the blender again. We got not a drink, but rather a dessert- Pretty thick and flavorful. Therefore, I recommend serving it to the table with a spoon, and not a drinking tube.

Blueberry milkshake

Milkshake blueberries are absolutely amazing! And its main value for me was that you can not add sugar to the cocktail - the blueberries themselves turned out to be very sweet and pleasant, so much fewer berries got into the cocktail than originally planned.

100 g fresh or frozen blueberries;

milk - 500 ml.

We put all the ingredients in a blender and beat with joyful anticipation.

Pour the berries with a little milk.

Break it up with a blender.

Add all the milk and beat well again. Foam is formed.

It's good to try here. I immediately poured a glass for myself, but for the child I decided to sweeten it a little and added a teaspoon of sugar.

How to make a milkshake in a blender

Not every blender will take freezing as a fruit and berry filler. If you are not sure about the power and strength of your technique, leave the cocktail ingredient infused with a little milk for 5-10 minutes, and only then beat.

I recommend whisking the fruit with a little milk first - this way you will crush the filling faster and better. If you beat in a large amount of liquid, it is likely that pieces of berries or fruits will remain.

In the finished cocktail, you can add ice chips or ice cubes, fresh mint leaves and lemon balm.

If the cocktail contains yogurt, mix all the ingredients except for it in a blender, and then stir in the yogurt with a spoon. Otherwise, it is likely that the yogurt will lose its density.

What else can be added to milkshakes

Ice cream. A spoonful of ice cream added to the ingredients of a milkshake in a blender will pleasantly enrich the taste of the finished drink. White ice cream is ideal, but if you're on a gluten-free diet, be careful to choose ice cream that's gluten-free (specially labeled or listed on lab gluten testing lists).

Peeled nuts- a great addition to milkshakes, and they grind perfectly with a blender. Some prefer to pre-soak the nuts - in this case, they are almost mashed, although hard grains, of course, are found in the finished drink. But the cocktail itself comes out thicker. Or you can just chop it up and sprinkle it on top. Today, when my child is on a dairy-free diet, I make her drinks with nut milk or nut mass.

coconut flakes Perfectly combined with the components of a milkshake. Be sure to sprinkle the drink with shavings if I cook it from.

chocolate chips - it can be sprinkled on top, or you can mix it with a cocktail: you get melted droplets. Delicious and interesting.

Cottage cheese. Yes, yes, it is him! The perfect choice for breakfast. It’s just that drinking such a cocktail or dessert through a straw is unlikely to come out.

Eva Casio, Elena Volosevich, Marisiya and Evgenia Honovets specially for the site


There are many varieties of milkshakes in the world. Personally, I love cooking them. They have a lot of uses. Ranging from simple pleasure to satisfaction of hunger. I use it in sports. Especially in bodybuilding, because cocktails have a high nutritional value. Huge protein content.

Cook them well for children. After all, cocktails are made mostly sweet. Various ingredients can be included in the composition: fruits, nuts, dried fruits, etc. This results in a wide variety of flavors.

If you analyze all the types, you get a very very large article. Therefore, today we will analyze several recipes, namely:

Milkshake with banana

This option is the most common. Bananas are perfect. They are relatively cheap and available at any grocery store. And also very satisfying. Our first cocktail will be without ice cream.


  • Milk - 300 ml
  • one banana
  • Sugar to taste. So we will put 2 tablespoons.


1. Prepare bananas. They need to be peeled and cut into pieces. Always choose fresh fruits. Should not be rotten and black spots. Next we need a blender. We put all our ingredients in it: chopped bananas, milk and sugar.

Other dairy products can be used in place of milk. For example yogurt or ryazhenka.

2. Close the blender. We turn it on to maximum speed. Mix for 2-3 minutes.

Sugar is best adjusted to taste. Children still love it sweeter.

3. Now pour the resulting drink into cups and serve. You can add a tube. It turned out to be airy and sweet. Well satisfies hunger. It has a high energy value.

If you like to drink it cold, you can add a couple of ice cubes.

Milk drink with ice cream

Let's improve it now. Let's add ice cream. It turns out even tastier. Children will be delighted. I want to note that instead of bananas, you can take any other fruit: strawberries, apples, kiwis, etc.

We will need:

  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Banana - 2 pieces
  • Ice cream - 6-8 tablespoons


1. Prepare the ingredients. To do this, peel the bananas and cut. Then we put them in a blender.

3. Whisk until homogeneous mass. It is necessary to close the lid tightly so that the spray does not fly out. We turn on the maximum speed. Grind for 3-4 minutes until the milk mass is homogeneous.

4. It remains only to pour into a glass or cups. Now you can serve. Happy enjoyment.

Chocolate cocktail

Sharing with another delicious option. An amazing drink will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. Ideal for breakfast because it is very quick to prepare. And it especially helps out mothers whose children do not want to eat anything for breakfast.

It will also surprise your guests. It pours in layers, so it turns out very beautifully. I have detailed the process below.


  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Ice cream ice cream - 6 tablespoons
  • Two bananas
  • Dark chocolate - 60 grams


1. Peel bananas and break into pieces.

2. Divide milk and ice cream into halves. First, beat the bananas and the first halves of milk and ice cream for 3-4 minutes until smooth. We pour into glasses.

3. Beat the chocolate and the second halves of milk and ice cream a second time until smooth. This is our second layer. Pour the resulting mass into the glasses.

4. Milky chocolate cocktail ready. Now you can serve.

Now you can quickly surprise your guests with a beautiful and delicious drink. Be careful, guests may ask for supplements. So better prepare more.

Cooking a cocktail at home: video

Watch a video on how to cook milk drink with ice cream, banana and kiwi. It turns out very tasty. One delight!

When I wrote this article, I was itching to make a wonderful cocktail. So I had to take a break. Made a third recipe.

Thank you for reading to the end. This is very important to me. If you liked at least one recipe, please put a class or like. So I will know that the article was not written in vain. All the best!

There is no cream without milk. (Proverb)

Well, if at home there is such a useful device as a blender. Being an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, it also allows you to prepare delicious airy cocktails that are not inferior in taste to expensive yogurts. Have you tried making a milkshake with ice cream? If not, now is the time to fill this gap. Let's find out about simple recipes its preparation.

How to make a milkshake at home in a blender?

No expensive products are required for cooking. Your favorite fruits, juices will do just fine. You can add other products in the desired proportion - honey, vanilla sugar, cocoa, jam. It is best to use plain ice cream without fruit fillers for a cocktail (they can spoil the taste). It will take no more than 5 minutes to prepare the delicacy.

With ice cream and banana

Let's find out the recipe classic cocktail with ice cream and banana. There is nothing difficult - it is done in just two minutes. And his delicate taste the whole family will like it. If you haven't done it before, we recommend giving it a try. Almost 750 ml of the drink comes out of these components, which is enough for 2-3 people.

  • Ingredients: 2 medium-sized bananas, 2 regular ice creams in waffle cups and 350 ml of milk.
  • After peeling the bananas, break each one into 4-5 large pieces.
  • Remove the ice cream from the cups, cut each of them into 4 pieces. Put together with bananas in a blender.
  • Pour in the milk and beat for 10-15 seconds.

If you are a sweet lover, we suggest trying to cook another delicacy. We need a little more ingredients than in the previous recipe. Caramel will add sweetness to our drink (it can be replaced with condensed milk). The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for 600 ml of drink - 2 full servings. Let's go step by step.

  • You will need: 1 banana, 100 ml peach or orange juice, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of condensed milk (caramel), 250 ml of milk and 2 ice creams in cups.
  • Divide the banana into 4-5 pieces, transfer to a blender.
  • Pour in milk and juice, add sugar. Beat no more than 15 seconds.
  • Before pouring the drink into glasses, apply caramel or condensed milk to their inner walls (as in the photo). Pour in the drink carefully, being careful not to mix the contents. Try garnishing each glass with a small banana slice.

From strawberries and ice cream

Milkshake with vanilla ice cream and strawberries is another delicacy beloved by adults and children. Delicious and nutritious, it is perfect for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day or recuperating after a hard day's work. Let's look at the simplest and quick recipe cooking:

  • Ingredients: 200 ml of milk, 200 grams of fresh strawberries, 2 vanilla ice creams in a waffle cup, vanilla sugar.
  • Separate cups from ice cream, divide it into small pieces, put in a mixer. Sprinkle strawberries on top.
  • Pour milk, add 2-3 teaspoons vanilla sugar. If desired, pour in another 100 ml of peach juice.
  • Beat until foamy, then pour the liquid into chilled glasses. Top each glass can be decorated with a strawberry or orange slice.

Let's talk about the recipe strawberry smoothie with cream and ice cream. Sweet, satisfying, beneficial for the body, it has been loved by many of us since childhood. Its calorie content will help satisfy the need for sweets - for example, confectionery. Harm, unlike them, he does not bear. From the indicated number of components, 3 servings will come out.

  • You will need: 250 ml of milk, 100 ml of cream, 2 ice creams in a glass, 350 grams of fresh strawberries (raspberries), 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • Divide the ice cream into pieces. Transfer to a blender along with strawberries.
  • Pour sugar, add cream, pour milk. Beat for 15 seconds, serve.

With fruit juice

The simplest milkshake is prepared with the addition of juice. To prepare one serving, you will need a glass of cold milk, one ice cream in a waffle cup and 50-60 ml of your favorite fruit or berry juice (for example, cherry). Pour ice cream with milk, juice, and start whisking.

Video: ice cream and chocolate cocktail

If you want the drink to be cold, put a few ice cubes along with the ingredients. Adding an egg will help make it healthier. Another little tip: to have a lot of bubbles, beat the cocktail at maximum speed. Finally, we offer you to see how to quickly prepare a refreshing chocolate cocktail.