Eggplant slices in tomato sauce for the winter. Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic for the winter - harvesting

This season I have a lot of eggplant blanks, as we love them very much. I propose to cook eggplant with tomatoes for the winter. I really liked this simple recipe, a few years ago I closed eggplants in this way. Now, based on my experience, I reduced the amount of oil and vinegar in the recipe, in my opinion, it turned out even tastier. From the indicated amount of vegetables, 2 liters will be obtained. delicious salad with eggplant and tomatoes for the winter.

To prepare an eggplant salad with tomatoes for the winter, we will prepare the products we need, and there are very few of them.

Blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin.

Weigh 1 kg of tomatoes and interrupt them in a blender. If desired, you can chop all the tomatoes, but I wanted some of the tomatoes to remain in pieces in the workpiece. tomato juice pour into a saucepan and put on fire, cook it for 15 minutes, removing the foam.

While the juice is boiling, cut the eggplant into slices about 0.5 cm thick and finely hot peppers. Cut the remaining 500 g of tomatoes into large pieces.

Add salt, sugar and sunflower oil to the tomato, dip the eggplants there. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes, then mix the vegetables. We continue to simmer under a closed lid over low heat for another 20 minutes. Add chopped garlic and vinegar to the pan, mix and cook for another 5 minutes.

We lay out the salad in pre-prepared sterilized jars with lids, roll up and then turn upside down. Cover with a warm blanket and leave overnight.

After that, we move the eggplant salad with tomatoes for the winter for storage in the pantry. Can be stored in a city apartment.

Delicious preparations for you!

Preserving the summer abundance of vegetables for the winter is the care of the hostess. Processing the grown crop is a help to the family budget, a useful flavoring additive to traditional dishes during the cold season. The best eggplant recipes for the winter will not leave anyone indifferent. A variety of ingredients, processing modes allow you to choose winter snack for every taste.

Purple fruit - welcome guest feast at any time of the year. Unique taste qualities, combined with tomatoes, peppers, hot and spicy seasonings, herbs, made eggplant one of the favorite vegetable crops.

The pulp of a medium-sized eggplant will cover 1/10 of the daily requirement of the body:

  • in copper;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins B9, B6, B5.

Iron, magnesium, vitamins C, K, B1, B2, PP make up 6-7% in 200 grams of blue ones. The amount of cobalt, manganese, molybdenum approaches a third of what is needed. High percent dietary fiber(18%) and low calorie(2%) in a 200-gram serving - the basis for considering eggplant as a dietary product.

Preparing the necessary ingredients

The main requirement for food raw materials for blanks is freshness, the absence of signs of decay, mechanical damage, and ripeness. Eggplants are cut for canning in circles or slices. The rest of the vegetables are chopped through a meat grinder, blender.

  1. Blue: dark purple, evenly colored, elastic, with green tails.
  2. Tomatoes: firm, bright red, fleshy or thin-skinned.
  3. Sweet peppers: elastic, intensely colored, with dense tails.
  4. Bitter pods: elastic, with green tails.
  5. Onions, garlic: well dried, from the current year's harvest.

Recipes for harvesting blue with tomatoes for the winter

There are a great many variations of recipes for preserving purple and bright red fruits.

The taste changes in the ratio of salinity-sweetness, combined with spicy and spicy seasonings.

Eggplants, fried or raw, add character to the same dish prepared in the same way, with the same ingredients.

With pepper in tomato

Sweet peppers are the best complement to tomato puree with blue. Aroma and slight sharpness improve the taste of the snack.

Conservation consists of 4 stages:

  • preparation of the main ingredient;
  • cutting tomatoes and peppers;
  • preparation of tomato-pepper mixture;
  • blue bookmark;
  • capping.

Many recipes indicate the need to remove the bitter juice from the eggplant. There are two ways: put the chopped vegetables in salt water or add plenty of salt. Salt releases bitterness. The exposure time in water is 10 minutes, in dry salt - 20-60 minutes, depending on the number of fruits. After that, the vegetables are washed, slightly dried.

The tomato skin will not affect the taste, but it will make the dish less attractive. You can get rid of the skin by dousing the tomatoes with boiling water for a few minutes, and then placing them in cold water. To facilitate cleaning, you must first make a cross-shaped incision at the site of attachment of the stem. Peeled fruits are cut into 6-8-10 parts (depending on size).

Peppers are freed from seeds, cut into 8-10 pieces.

AT enamel pan a bookmark is made of tomatoes, peppercorns, salt, granulated sugar, butter. The resulting tomato paste languishes for half an hour. It is necessary to stir from time to time so that boiling occurs evenly.

Then blue is added. The final stage lasts another 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Eggplant must be mixed for the best impregnation fragrant juice.

Packaging in ready-made, hot jars, with a capacity of 500-800 milliliters. Capping in an inverted position, cooling.

The composition of the snack (kilograms):

  • blue - 2;
  • tomatoes - 3;
  • peppers - 1;
  • salt - 0.03;
  • granulated sugar - 0.03.

The volume of oil is 100 milliliters.

eggplant recipe in tomato sauce

Preparation of tomato sauce begins with mashed potatoes. Tomatoes are peeled, passed through a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mass is added, sugar is added and put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a low boil. The puree should not turn into a paste. After 5 minutes, finely chopped sweet peppers, grated carrots are added. The sauce will be ready in a quarter of an hour.

The blue ones are cut into circles 1-2 centimeters thick, undergo salt treatment. Washed vegetables are put into the sauce. Avoiding a strong boil, boil the eggplant for 10 minutes. Pour in acetic acid (6%), bring to a boil and remove from heat. Expand into glass container, close with lids.

Composition (kilograms):

  • tomatoes - 3;
  • sweet red peppers - 1;
  • carrot - 0.3;
  • blue - 1;
  • salt - 0.03;
  • granulated sugar - 0.03.

Vinegar - 50 milliliters.

Salad with tomatoes

Salad appetizer is prepared from the ingredients:

  • little blue ones;
  • tomatoes;
  • sweet yellow peppers;
  • garlic bulbs;
  • parsley;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • refined sunflower oil.

To prepare 3 kilograms of salad, you will need 1 kilogram of blue, tomato, peppers, 8-10 garlic cloves, 100 grams of herbs, 60 grams of salt, 100 milliliters of vinegar, 500 milliliters of oil.

The fruits are ready for cutting. The size of the pieces of arbitrary shape, approximately the same. Parsley and garlic are chopped with a blender. All components are laid in a saucepan, salted, vegetable oil is poured. Salad preparation time - 20 minutes after boiling. Added at the end acetic acid. After 2 minutes, the snack is placed in jars, closed, put on cooling.

Sharp blue in tomato sauce

Composition of spicy appetizer:

  • blue ones - 3 kilograms;
  • tomato - 1 kilogram;
  • sweet peppers - 800 grams;
  • hot peppers - 8 pieces;
  • garlic heads - 300 grams;
  • salt 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 500 milliliters;
  • acetic acid 9% - 200 milliliters.

Eggplants are peeled, cut into circles, 200 grams of salt are added and left for 1 hour.

Peppers, garlic, tomatoes are peeled, cut, passed through a meat grinder. In hot peppers, the seeds are left for spiciness. The resulting suspension is poured into an enamel pan, put on the stove. Add oil and a tablespoon of salt, bring to a boil.

In blue ones, the resulting juice is drained. Vegetables are washed, strained.

Eggplants are poured into boiling adjika. Cooking time - 20 minutes after the mixture begins to boil evenly, and the blue ones are completely covered with liquid.

Adjika with blue ones is periodically mixed. At the end, vinegar is poured in. After boiling, the finished snack is removed from the heat and laid out in calcined liter jars. sunset finished product- 5 liters.

Canned with tomato juice

The variety of tomatoes is important. The fruits should be thin-skinned, juicy.

After processing, the output should be juice, not puree.

You can get rid of some of the pulp by rubbing the fruit through a sieve. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the tomato shell: it will remain on the sieve. The rubbed mass will have liquid consistency With a small amount pulp, with grains.

Peeled eggplants (up to 10 centimeters) are cut into longitudinal parts. Peppers are freed from seeds, ground through a meat grinder or blender, added to juice. Garlic cloves are crushed with a knife.

  • eggplant - 3 kilograms;
  • tomatoes - 3 kilograms;
  • sweet peppers, red - 1 kilogram;
  • garlic heads - 4 pieces;
  • salt - 80 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  • acetic acid 9% - 70 milliliters;
  • sunflower oil - 250 milliliters.

Blue ones are placed in a non-stick container, salted, sugar, vinegar are added, mixed. poured tomato juice with pepper. They put it on fire. The mixture is brought to a boil, avoiding high heat. Boil for a quarter of an hour, add garlic. Stir. Keep on fire for 10-15 minutes. The finished snack remains to be packaged in liter glass bottles and closed with lids.

Canned fried with garlic and onions

  • blue - 1200 grams;
  • tomatoes - 1500 grams;
  • sweet peppers - 300 grams;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • onion turnip - 200 grams;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pieces;
  • acetic acid 9% - 100 milliliters;
  • allspice peas - 6 pieces;
  • peas of black bitter pepper - 10 pieces;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste.

Blue ones are cut into circles up to 1 centimeter. Large ones are cut into 2 pieces. Put in a bowl, sprinkle well with salt, mix. The time for the juice to come out is 40 minutes.

Tomatoes, peppers, pod, garlic cloves, onions are prepared for chopping. The stalk is removed from bitter pepper, without touching the core. Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder. The resulting mass in a non-stick container is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes.

The blue ones are washed, squeezed, fried over high heat on both sides to a crust. Spread the fried circles in a boiling sauce and continue to cook for another 30 minutes. Pour in vinegar, stir, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Packed and rolled into half-liter hot jars. The inverted balloons are covered with a warm cape. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

How to store

Canned vegetables do not spoil and retain their beneficial features subject to temperature and light conditions.

To preserve vitamins, it is necessary to place ready-made canned food in a dark place. Jars that are not sterilized after packaging are stored in a cool, dry room. Optimum temperature- 6-10 degrees. High humidity will lead to the appearance of rust on the lids, and if the closure is not tight enough, the development of fungus in canned food.

We do not cut the peel from the eggplant, it will allow us to better preserve the pieces and give the finished appetizer a piquant spicy flavor. Cut the eggplant into medium-sized cubes, if small, then cut into circles and then into four parts.

Sprinkle large eggplant table salt. Stir, let stand for 10-15 minutes, so that bitterness leaves the eggplants along with the melted salt.

My tomatoes, cut off spoiled places. Grind with a blender in mashed potatoes or pass through a meat grinder. Let it boil over low heat. Boil the tomato for ten minutes, slightly reducing.

With a slight boil, the foam will gradually go away. As soon as the surface of the juice becomes clean, pour in the vegetable oil.

Add salt and sugar to the tomato sauce. Boil for another five minutes, the sauce should thicken a little, but it does not need to be cooked to the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Place the eggplant in a bowl cold water then rinse under running clean cold water. Squeeze and pour into the boiling sauce in portions. In order for the eggplants to soften faster, to be saturated with sauce, cover the dishes with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

After opening the lid, continue to simmer the eggplant until soft. The cubes will darken, become soft and almost fall apart. Pour in vinegar, add grated garlic. Keep on fire for another minute or two. We try for salt / sugar / acid, correct if something does not suit you.

Boiling eggplants in tomato are laid out in clean steamed jars and immediately twisted with lids or rolled up with a typewriter. Cover, leave to cool slowly for a day. We remove the finished snack for storage in the basement or pantry. Good luck with your preparations!

An eggplant appetizer in a tomato for the winter is a tasty and beloved dish by many. Tomato sauce, juice, paste or fresh tomatoes add more juiciness to blues, improve their taste and make them more long-term storage vegetables in winter time. pickled and canned vegetables served with baked fried meat, various side dishes or used in winter as an appetizing and very satisfying independent snack.

Eggplant in tomato sauce for the winter - a delicious recipe for the perfect snack

The tomato sauce makes the taste canned eggplant very juicy and tender. Such an appetizer can be safely served with festive table as as self-dish, and in combination with meat, baked fish or as a dressing for fresh side dishes.

To prepare one standard jar (per 3 liters), take the following amount of ingredients:

  • fresh eggplant - 1 kg;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic and spices to taste;
  • sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar.

First of all, the blue ones are washed with water, the tails are removed and cut into 4 equal parts.

Tomatoes are also washed, blanched and peeled, and then cut into quarters and sent to a blender or meat grinder. There they are ground to a state tomato puree so that the mass is homogeneous.

Sliced ​​eggplants are laid out in a deep saucepan and a little water (100-150 ml) is added, they are sprinkled with salt, sugar, ground pepper and other spices of your choice.

There you can also add dried lavrushka and 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Turn on the fire and cook the blue ones for 25-30 minutes under the lid.

15 minutes after boiling, pour the resulting tomato puree into the pan, gently mix the vegetable composition, add a little vinegar, chopped garlic and simmer the remaining amount of time on a timer over low heat.

Now spread hot salad in pre-prepared and sterilized jars, tightly cover with lids, turn over and allow to cool until room temperature about a day, after which the product is completely ready for winter storage.

Salad of blue with tomatoes "you lick your fingers"

Many people love the incomparable taste of such a salad. It is easy to prepare, and in winter, it will melt the hearts of even the most demanding gourmets with its aroma.

To prepare such preservation for one liter jar, ingredients such as:

  • eggplants and ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pieces each;
  • dill or parsley - 1/4 bunch;
  • onion, juicy - 1 pc.;
  • garlic, salt and spices to taste (pepper, cloves, etc.).

Eggplants are thoroughly washed with cold water, then sharp knife cut off part of the skin. After they are cut into small cubes, lowered into a clean, warm water and let it brew for 20-25 minutes.

This allows you to soften the dense structure of vegetables without additional cooking and reduce bitterness. On the stove, heat a frying pan with olive or vegetable oil, add finely chopped onion there and fry it until the first crust.

As soon as the blue cubes dry out, they are also poured into the pan and fried together with the onion or separately with new oil over low heat.

Tomatoes are cut into cubes, if the structure allows, or passed through a meat grinder, after removing the skin from them. Next, tomatoes are poured to the fried vegetables, salt, a little sugar, ground pepper and other spices are added.

A little dried cloves or coriander will not harm this dish. Spicy lovers can include cayenne pepper in the recipe, just a little, so as not to spoil the pleasant and delicate taste ready salad.

Stew vegetables mixed in a frying pan over low heat for 15-20 minutes. At the very end, add a little essence of table or wine (preferably the latter) vinegar.

As soon as the desired consistency of the salad is obtained, a unique aroma will appear. Everything is sorted into clean glass jars and rolled up with screw caps.

Baked vegetables in tomato sauce - a dish for real gourmets

This simple recipe will allow you to prepare delicious and juicy pickled eggplant in the filling, from which in winter you can cook fresh and fragrant caviar or chop and serve as an independent snack.

For cooking, you will need fresh blue, selected tomatoes, garlic, Bay leaf, salt and ground pepper. Additionally, other spices or herbs are used.

First of all, eggplants of the same size are selected, washed with water, then laid out on a baking sheet with olive or sunflower oil and sent to the oven for 30-50 minutes, depending on the mass of vegetables.

When the baking is over, take out the blue ones and carefully remove the skin from them. After that, the whole vegetables are placed in clean, sterile jars tightly to each other.

Finely chopped, but not chopped, garlic cloves, bay leaf and allspice are added to them (5-6 peas per liter jar).

After the tomatoes are washed, the stalk is removed, they are blanched and cut into quarters. Then pass through a meat grinder or in a food processor to obtain fragrant puree.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and cook together with salt and ground pepper for 15 minutes, so that the juice is slightly reduced. After that, eggplants in jars are poured with a hot mixture, immediately closing the containers with tight lids.

Fried eggplant in tomato - a fragrant and hearty dish for the winter

Another traditional recipe cooking delicious eggplant using tomato sauce. At the exit, they get a wonderful snack that can be served at the festive table. It goes especially well with hot meat dishes with a suitable garnish.

To prepare a snack, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • fresh eggplant, selected - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes with tender pulp, ripe - 0.5 kg;
  • salt, sugar, allspice;
  • vinegar, vegetable oil or olive oil.

First, the eggplants are washed, then they are cut into dense circles without removing the skin. You can pre-soak the slices in warm, slightly salted water for 20-30 minutes.

At this time, the tomatoes are peeled, blanched and cut into equal quarters. Next, the tomatoes are ground in a meat grinder, and the resulting puree is sent for cooking along with bay leaves, salt and ground pepper.

As soon as the blue ones are infused, they are transferred to a colander, the water is allowed to drain completely, and then the circles are laid out in a preheated pan with oil. Fry vegetables until golden brown on each side over medium heat for 10 minutes.

At the end of cooking, you can sprinkle them with a little wine or fruit vinegar.

Now the fried eggplants are placed in glass jars, the sterilization of which was carried out earlier, and pour hot tomato juice from the stove on top. Roll up lids. Winter will be decorated with another tasty and healthy seaming. Enjoy your meal!

Blue marinated with basil and garlic - a refreshing winter snack

Eggplants fermented in this way are very delicate in taste, absolutely without bitterness. And fragrant basil with garlic give them a unique flavor note.

To prepare appetizers liter jar take the following ingredients:

  • selected eggplants - 600 gr;
  • fresh basil and garlic;
  • cayenne pepper and other spices to taste;
  • salt and vinegar essence.

First of all, eggplants are thoroughly washed, then they are cut into several parts and sent to boiled salted water for 3-4 minutes. This is necessary so that excess bitterness leaves the vegetable, and they are more suitable for sourdough.

Now you can cut the blue circles or leave large slices so that the filling can fit inside, for example, from carrots with dill or fresh tomatoes. And after pouring with brine, put it under light oppression for several hours.

Regardless of the chosen method of filling, proceed to the preparation of the brine. Vinegar, salt, selected spices and a little hot pepper with lavrushka are added to a pot of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, stirring the contents.

At the end of cooking, they are sent to the marinade fresh, chopped small pieces basil and garlic, which is first passed through a press or also cut into small, thin slices. Next, the eggplants are sorted into jars and poured with hot brine.

Eggplant or everyone's favorite "blue" - great ingredient for winter preparations.

Especially if they are cooked with tomatoes, garlic and fragrant spices. Here are collected best recipes salads and appetizers of eggplant with tomatoes for the winter, which will fly out of the cellar very first.

Eggplant with tomatoes for the winter - general principles of cooking

For canning, young eggplants are used that do not have ripe and dark seeds. The skin should be tender, not hard. In most snacks, it cannot be removed, as it helps keep the pieces in shape. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cut eggplant finely for canning. If the recipe does not specify the form, then we shred arbitrarily.

How to cut blue ones:

Circles or their halves, quarters;




For appetizers, eggplants are boiled or stewed with tomatoes and other ingredients. Sometimes pre-roasting is required.

You can take absolutely any tomatoes for salads, the main thing is ripe, juicy, tasty. If they are crushed into a sauce, then they can be taken with cracks, crooked, overripe, but without rot and mold. If the tomatoes need to be cut into slices, then it is better to use dense fruits, you can slightly unripe. Snacks are tastier with meaty varieties, without water.

In addition to eggplants and tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs, peppers are added to preservation. different types, carrots, spices and vinegar. Pay special attention to the oil. It should be fresh, not have a musty smell, otherwise the unpleasant aroma will increase during storage.

All preservation is done in sterile jars, which it is advisable to prepare in advance so as not to be distracted from the process. There are several options for sterilizing containers: over steam, in the oven, in microwave oven or according to the grandmother's way - roasting washed cans in the sun. Choose any convenient. Covers can be simply doused with boiling water.

Recipe 1: Fried eggplant with tomatoes for the winter

Fried eggplant rings, drenched in tomato sauce with the aroma of garlic. What could be tastier? Great snack from eggplant with tomatoes for the winter, which is easy to prepare.


2 kg of eggplant and ripe tomatoes;

300 grams of sweet pepper;

A pod of hot pepper;

120 grams of sugar;

2.5 tablespoons of salt;

3 tablespoons of vinegar;

Head of garlic.


1. Cut the eggplant into rings, 5 mm thick. If the little blue ones are bitter, then soak in salted water, then rinse and wean.

2. Fry the eggplants in a frying pan in hot oil on both sides, put them in jars, without tamping tightly, so that the juice seeps through them well.

3. We pass through the meat grinder tomatoes, peppers and put on fire. Cook at a low boil for 15 minutes.

4. Grind the peeled garlic, add to the tomato mass.

5. Pour salt, vinegar and granulated sugar, boil everything together for another 5 minutes.

6. Pour prepared cans with blue ones with boiling juice, roll up and leave upside down to cool.

Recipe 2: Quick Eggplants with Tomatoes for the Winter

eggplant salad in tomato sauce, which is very quick and easy to prepare. Does not require frying, sterilization, pre-heat treatment of individual ingredients. It is enough to put all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil.


1 kg blue;

1 kg of tomatoes;

Oils 120 ml;

0.3 kg of pepper;

1 chili pod;

head of garlic;

70 ml 9% vinegar;

50 grams of sugar;

Salt 1.5 tablespoons.


1. Cut the eggplants into small cubes 1 × 1 cm. Put them in a saucepan in which we will cook.

2. Remove seeds from sweet peppers, also cut small cubes and send it to the bowl.

3. Pass the tomatoes, garlic, hot peppers through a meat grinder, pour the resulting juice into the rest of the ingredients.

4. We put the pan on the stove and cook for 20 minutes after it boils.

5. Pour salt, sugar, spices into the total mass, pour in oil and vinegar. Boil for 10 minutes.

6. Pour into banks and roll up.

Recipe 3: Eggplants with tomatoes for the winter "Spark" with honey

The secret of this recipe lies in the honey that is added. Eggplants have a sharp, rich taste. It is better to use small fruits so that the pieces do not fall apart when frying and fit better in a jar.


1.4 kg of young eggplants;

600 grams of tomatoes;

2 chili pods;

100 grams of garlic;

120 grams of honey;

70 grams of vinegar 9%;

Salts 2 tsp;


1. Cut off the tails of the eggplants, chop them into rings and fry them in oil on both sides.

2. Cooking a light. To do this, grind together hot peppers with tomatoes, garlic, add salt, honey, vinegar, mix vegetables. It is necessary that the honey is completely dispersed in the filling, so if it is thick and candied, then you can melt it first.

3. In the prepared jars, add the circles of ready-made eggplants, layering with a spark. Fill to the very neck. Cover with lids.

4. Put a cloth on the bottom of the saucepan, put our jars and pour cold water. Turn on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Recipe 4: Eggplant with tomatoes for the winter in Korean

From this amount of ingredients, 8 half-liter jars of eggplant with tomatoes are obtained. The recipe contains basic spices, but you can add to taste Korean condiments.


1.8 kg of eggplant;

500 grams of tomatoes;

250 grams of pepper;

450 grams of carrots;

200 grams of onion;

Head of garlic.

For marinade:

170 ml of oil;

90 ml of vinegar 9%;

A tablespoon of sugar and salt;

Pepper black or red.


1. Eggplants need to be cut into cubes 2 × 2 cm, dipped in boiling salted water and boiled for 4 minutes, drained into a colander, left to cool and completely drain the water.

2. Rub the carrots into strips, cut the tomatoes into slices, pepper and onion into half rings.

3. Finely chop the garlic and combine all the vegetables with the prepared eggplants.

4. Mix all the marinade ingredients and pour into the salad.

5. Lay out in jars, sterilize for half an hour and roll up.

Recipe 5: Bean and Eggplant Salad with Tomatoes for the Winter

Beans and eggplant are two fairly bright foods, but they harmonize perfectly together. And tomatoes favorably set off their taste. Prepared without sterilization and vinegar.


1.8 kg of tomatoes;

1 kg of dry beans;

1 kg of carrots, peppers and onion;

Half a liter of oil;

100 grams of sugar;


1. Soak beans in advance for at least 6 hours, boil until cooked and proceed to conservation.

2. Pepper, eggplant and onion cut into cubes, the size of boiled beans. We put everything in a cauldron.

3. We clean the carrots, three for any coarse grater.

4. Scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder or in a blender, add to the vegetables.

5. Pour the boiled and strained beans from the liquid, add oil, sugar, salt.

6. Mix everything, put on the stove and simmer for 40 minutes.

7. We lay out the boiling mass in the container, twist the lids.

Recipe 6: Harvesting apples and eggplants with tomatoes for the winter

Adding fruit to salads and snacks has long been the norm, especially if it's apples. Delicious preparation, in which it is better to use green apples of sour varieties.


1.2 kg of eggplant;

Half a kilo of apples, tomatoes, peppers;

30 grams of garlic;

70 grams of sugar;


1. Cut the eggplant into arbitrary pieces, you can just cubes and quickly fry in a pan for a couple of minutes.

2. Cut apples, tomatoes, peppers into pieces, peel the garlic and chop everything together in a meat grinder.

3. We combine the fried eggplant with vegetable mixture, put on the stove and cook for 20 minutes, salt, add sugar. You can put any spices to your taste.

4. Boil for another minute, stir and pour hot billet by banks.

Recipe 7: Eggplants with tomatoes for the winter "Teschin language"

Mother-in-law's tongue is one of the most popular eggplant-based snacks, which has great amount recipes. We present the basic version, in which you can make your own changes and put any spices to taste.


Eggplant 4 kg;

1.4 kg of tomatoes;

3 hot peppers;

10 sweet peppers;

0.1 kg of garlic;

200 grams of sugar;

250 grams of butter;

50 grams of salt;

30 ml of vinegar 70%.


1. For blue ones, remove the tips from both sides and cut the vegetable into 7 mm rings. If the eggplant is large, then each ring can be cut in half or quarters.

2. Pour the eggplants with salt, let stand, then rinse and squeeze.

3. We clean the garlic, free the peppers from the seeds, cut the tomatoes and chop everything together in any convenient way.

4. We combine all the ingredients, add spices, oil, vinegar. Cook over low heat for 30-35 minutes.

5. Pour into jars and immediately roll up.

Recipe 8: Eggplant Salad with Tomatoes for the Winter "Lick Your Fingers"

Fried eggplant slices are layered with tomatoes, herbs and all this is languishing in own juice. The salad turns out beautiful, rich, the pieces of vegetables keep their shape well, as they are cooked directly in the jars.


3 kg of eggplant;

1 kg of tomatoes;

200 grams of garlic;

Parsley for pouring layers;

For marinade:

200 ml of vinegar (9%);

Half glass of water.


1. Cut eggplant rings and fry in oil.

2. Cut the tomatoes into rings.

3. Chop the herbs and garlic, mix and add some salt.

4. For the marinade, mix water with vinegar.

5. We moisten each eggplant in the marinade, put it in a jar, layer with tomatoes, sprinkle with herbs and garlic. We lay out all the vegetables, tamp down on top. If there is oil left after frying, then pour it into jars.

6. Sterilize for 35 minutes and roll up.

Recipe 9: Eggplant with tomatoes for the winter "Manjo"

Bulgarian recipe eggplant blanks with tomatoes for the winter. All vegetables are cut large pieces, the appetizer is bright, with a pronounced tomato flavor.


3 kg of tomatoes;

2 kg of eggplant;

2 kg sweet pepper;

300 grams of carrots;

A kilogram of onion;

head of garlic;

100 grams of salt, vinegar 9% and sugar;

200 grams of butter.


1. We cut the eggplants into circles, if necessary, soak them from bitterness.

2. Chop the pepper into thick strips, add to the blue ones.

3. There we also put the onion cut into half rings and chopped into Korean grater carrot.

4. We pass tomatoes, peeled garlic through a meat grinder, you can add spicy to taste capsicum.

5. Pour the tomato mass into the vegetables, add spices, vinegar, oil, mix and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.

6. Lay out in containers and cork.

Many eggplant recipes call for pre-roasting pieces, which tires the housewives. But you can do it much easier. Put the rings on a greased baking sheet, brush each slice with oil on top with a brush and bake in the oven for 20 minutes, until a light crust appears. Use further according to the recipe.

When laying hot salads in jars, you need to mix the workpiece well from the bottom up each time so that the rising oil is evenly distributed and there is not a lot of thick at the bottom.

For many housewives, the percentage of vinegar leads to a dead end. In some recipes it costs 6%, in others 9%, and at home most often a bottle of essence with 70%. Of course, you can look at the label and dilute in proportions. But in fact, most eggplant salads are boiled in jars, so they do not require a preservative. Vinegar is added for flavor, so use as much as you need.

If carrots go into salads, then it is better to chop them into strips on a Korean grater. So the appetizer turns out to be more beautiful, the carrot retains its shape and does not boil soft.

Are tomatoes sour, tasteless and watery? Add more sugar to your snack. It will make the taste of vegetables richer, brighter. You can also add spices, for example, dry adjika or just a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste.