Round grain rice in a slow cooker. Rice in a slow cooker recipe “Grain to grain.

no more difficult than regular saucepan on the stove. Even much easier. After all, we do not need to constantly stir the rice so that it does not stick to the bottom and walls of the pan.

But to rice in a slow cooker it turned out crumbly and tasty, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of rice and water and the sequence of preparation. Rice is better to take long-grain, steamed. Round rice may stick a little. However, some people just love it.

Salt the rice before cooking. If desired, you can add your favorite spices at the same time. Which one is up to your taste. It is believed that saffron, turmeric, zira are in good harmony with rice, but you can do it even easier - buy a bag of special seasoning for rice or for pilaf (they are directly called that), which contain several herbs that, according to manufacturers, are best suitable for rice and matched in the optimal ratio.

By the way, you can add to rice and various vegetables, finely chopped: carrots, Bell pepper, green pea, canned corn or ready vegetable mix. However, it will be a completely different dish. Let's talk some other time. And now we are starting to cook the most ordinary rice, which will be an excellent side dish for a huge number variety of meat and fish dishes.

Recipe for making friable rice in a slow cooker.


  • rice - two multi glasses
  • water - four multi glasses
  • salt, spices to taste
  • butter 20 g (or 1 tablespoon vegetable: sunflower or olive)

How to cook rice in a slow cooker:

Rinse the rice with clean water. We fall asleep in a saucepan.

Fill with water. Add salt, spices and a piece butter(or a spoonful of vegetable).

Rice in a Panasonic multicooker cook in the "pilaf" mode until the end of the program.

A miracle saucepan called a slow cooker has already settled in any modern kitchen. Housewives increasingly trust the device to prepare hearty, tasty, healthy meals. In it, you can equally boil and fry, bake and bake, stew, simmer and steam.

Almost any dish of complexity with any set of ingredients and cooking technology can be easily made in a slow cooker. But what is most amazing: you no longer have to make sure that the food does not burn, you do not need to stir and count the minutes until the end of cooking. We threw the ingredients into the container, set the desired program and that's all - after the specified time you can eat.

Universal multi-cooker pots are produced by many popular brands - manufacturers of household appliances: Panasonic, Redmond, Kenwood, etc. How to cook rice in a Panasonic multi-cooker or other brands of appliances?

Rice can be used to make many delicious original dishes, the simplest of which is the usual rice side dish. All housewives thoroughly know how to cook porridge in the usual way. That is, how much water to use per amount of cereal, and how long the cooking process will take. The classic recipe for making crumbly rice porridge- 1 serving of cereal for 2 servings of liquid. And if you cook rice in a redmond slow cooker, what are the proportions of water and rice?

No matter what brand of multicooker you have, the process for making fluffy rice porridge is the same for all devices. You need to cook on the "cooking" programs (individual devices in the settings have indicators "porridge", "rice", "pilaf", "cereal garnish" and so on). The proportions of water and rice for rice in the Redmond slow cooker are similar conventional cooking. Before the "start" in the container we put water and cereals, salt and spices, a piece of butter.

The device will turn itself off after the time set on the timer has elapsed. At the same time, the miracle saucepan has some unique properties:

  • keeping food warm for 48 hours;
  • automatic settings program (switching on the multicooker offline, for example, in the morning while you are still sleeping);
  • food does not burn, does not stick to the bottom of the pan, it is not necessary to stir and monitor the cooking process, add water, etc.

Similarly, rice is prepared in a Panasonic multicooker. Note that before starting classic rice you can add vegetables, corn, beans, mushrooms and more. etc. And if you want to cook from rice not a simple side dish, but some full meal, say, pilaf, then this task is easier to cope with.

There are many recipes for pilaf. This dish is included in national cuisines some eastern peoples. The most famous - Uzbek pilaf with lamb. In addition to rice, pilaf must contain some kind of meat, as well as vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic), raisins, fragrant spices and spices.

Deviating from the classic recipe, you can use not lamb, but pork, veal, chicken or turkey. good lamb to find - it is necessary to try, and not everyone likes such specific meat. But buying pork or chicken is not difficult. And in cooking, these products are unpretentious.

The basis of any pilaf - zirvak - is a mixture of animal fat and heated sunflower oil. You can use lard or collected fat after frying meat. In the original, after frying the meat, so that it retains its juiciness, the pieces are temporarily removed from the pan, and the vegetables are fried in the same fat. Next, return the meat to the vegetables, add boiling water and simmer for an hour. Only then add rice to the container. But to cook classic recipe- it's a long time. delicious pilaf In a slow cooker, you can cook much faster.

Pilaf in a slow cooker proportions of water and rice: 2 tbsp. cereals 3 tbsp. liquids. Instead of water, you can use meat or vegetable broth in the same amount. Rice is better to choose long-grain.

Other Ingredients:

  • 400 g of meat;
  • 1 solid onion or 2 medium;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • salt, black pepper and Bay leaf or a mixture of spices for pilaf;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

The technology for preparing pilaf in a multicooker should be divided into stages: frying and boiling. We cut the meat into small pieces, chop the onion into cubes, and the carrots into strips. Wash the rice and set aside.

By setting the frying program, you can proceed to direct cooking. Timer for 25 minutes of the frying program, pour in a little oil and put the meat. We press start, do not close the lid of the multicooker, periodically stir the meat. After 15 minutes after the start, add chopped onion, and after 3-5 minutes - carrots. Stir and fry until the device turns off.

The next and last step is boiling. In addition to what we already have in the saucepan, add spices, rice groats and hot water(bouillon). In the multicooker menu, select the “pilaf” command, set the timer for half an hour. We close and start. Ten minutes before the end, you can check how our pilaf is doing. Leave the lid open until the device is turned off to evaporate the remaining liquid.

If your multicooker does not have a “pilaf” mode in the menu, but there is a “rice” mode, you can also easily cook delicious fragrant pilaf on such a program.

During frying meat with vegetables, set the mode "frying - meat". Then the dish will have a characteristic aroma. After pouring the rice and adding water so that the liquid covers the entire contents of the pan for a couple of centimeters. Don't forget spices and seasonings. Select the "rice" mode. After half an hour, we place a whole unpeeled head of garlic in a container, close all this yummy and wait for the end of the program.

The consistency of pilaf may depend on how the meat and vegetables are cut. The quality of the meat also affects the fat content, dryness and richness of the dish. If, for example, you use chicken breast, then the pilaf may turn out to be dryish. Rich pilaf with chicken is best cooked from thighs.

We clean the meat from the bone, remove the skin.

Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips.

We turn on the multicooker in the "frying" mode, pour a little sunflower oil into the container.

We fall asleep chicken pieces and chopped vegetables at the same time, fry for 15 minutes. Further actions: seasoning, adding cereals and boiling water, cooking in the "pilaf" or "rice" mode.

Serving to the table, you can decorate with chopped green onion and other herbs (for example, cilantro). Spicy lovers use spicy hot peppers and other savory spices.

Cooking rice in a slow cooker is easier than in a regular pot on the stove. After all, a slow cooker deprives us of the opportunity to control the process, stir the rice so that it does not stick to the pan, etc. And the cooking process crumbly rice looks like this in a multicooker. First you need to rinse the rice well, until the water is clear. Then this rice is placed in the bowl of the apparatus, salt, spices are added and filled with water. The smart technology is switched on to the "rice" mode and after a specified time, the rice is ready. This is a scheme and it can be complicated by adding different ingredients and creating new dishes. So, rice with vegetables in a slow cooker is wonderfully prepared, rice with meat in a slow cooker. Among vegetable options the most popular are rice with pepper in a slow cooker, rice with zucchini in a slow cooker. From meat - rice with chicken in a slow cooker, rice with minced meat in a slow cooker.

Since childhood, everyone is well known stuffed pepper. With rice in a slow cooker, this traditional treat is especially good and tasty. Such a dish is always desired on the table, it is prepared most often during the pepper season, in the fall, but it can be repeated throughout the year, having previously prepared some peppers in the freezer.

As a side dish for any meat dish rice is perfect, in the slow cooker the recipes for preparing such a side dish are well described and easy to prepare. And it should also be emphasized that rice looks very good on a dish; with its presence, it adorns any meat and fish products. Therefore, to cook rice in a slow cooker, recipes with photos need to be worked out first of all in order to clearly understand how it will look in ready dish your rice.

Several Yet useful tips how to cook rice in a slow cooker:

First you need to thoroughly rinse the rice under running water for at least a minute, after which you can start cooking rice only after 10 minutes;

When cooking rice in a slow cooker, the proportions of rice and water, as well as the sequence of cooking, must be strictly observed. Water should be twice as much as rice;

For a slow cooker, it is better to take long-grain, steamed rice. Round rice often sticks together. But, if you like this one, cook, the choice is yours;

It is better to salt the rice before cooking;

At the same time, you can add your favorite spices to the rice. Experts believe that saffron, turmeric, and cumin go well with rice;

Rice is also good with vegetables, add any to your taste, but finely chopped: carrots, sweet bell pepper, green peas, canned corn, ready-made vegetable mixture;

Straightaway a large number of the rice will not cook well. Cook rice in portions up to 400 grams;

Rice can only be stirred once, when you put it into boiling water. There is no need to touch it further;

The cooking process must be carried out on a minimum fire;

It takes about 20 minutes to cook rice. If you keep the rice on the fire longer, it will no longer be friable.

Cooking with a slow cooker is a real pleasure, and every “cook” can handle it. Cooking delicious and appetizing friable rice in a slow cooker will be as easy as shelling pears! These cooking tips and rules will help you properly cook friable rice without much difficulty.

Loose rice in a slow cooker: the easiest recipe

All cereals have useful properties and rice is no exception. The multicooker retains all the benefits of the products. Therefore, we will learn how to cook healthy friable rice in a slow cooker.

Required Ingredients:

  • Water 2 glasses;
  • Rice 1 cup;
  • Salt and turmeric to taste.
  1. Rinse the rice well until the running water runs clear.
  2. We put it in a bowl from a multicooker, pour rice with water, salt and sprinkle with turmeric.
  3. Now select the “rice” mode and wait until our dish is ready.
  4. You can add butter to cooked rice.

There are no difficulties with such a dish, the main thing is to know the proportions and everything will certainly work out.

How to cook friable rice: the main rules

The basmati rice variety cooks well, tastes good and turns out crumbly, but soft. To know how to cook friable rice correctly, you need to follow these rules:

  1. You can not cook a large amount of rice at once. To make it crumbly, it should be boiled in portions up to 400 grams.
  2. Water should be 2.5 times more than rice.
  3. Rinse rice thoroughly under running water for less than a minute and cook it only after 10 minutes.
  4. Do not salt rice during cooking. You can after cooking, but not before.
  5. Rice interfere only when it was poured into boiling water in a pan. It no longer needs stirring.
  6. The cooking process should take place on minimum heat.
  7. 20-22 minutes is enough to cook rice. If you cook longer, the rice will no longer be crumbly.

How to cook rice for a side dish

Rice is a good approach to the role of a side dish on your table. To make it the most successful, you first need to do right choice. Great for garnish long grain rice. Other types of rice are also good, but long rice is better for garnishing. So how to cook rice for a side dish so that it turns out friable.

  1. Washed rice is poured cold water and cook over medium heat.
  2. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes, during which the rice is allowed to stir. The ratio of rice to water is 1:2.
  3. And we complete the process by washing the finished rice. To do this, pre-boil water (about 2 liters) and cool it.
  4. When the water drains, add butter and delicious side dish ready!

Rice is considered a side dish, but it is used for cooking variety of dishes, including for milk porridges and casseroles, as well as puddings and pilaf. This human-friendly culture is very popular in the most different countries peace. So, scientists have calculated that annually humanity consumes about 700 million tons of rice.

Earthlings are very fond of dishes from such a culture, and there are many of them. The most common dish is porridge. To make it tasty, you need to figure out how to cook rice correctly?

How many minutes to cook?

There is no single answer to this question, because the cooking time will directly depend on the variety of the crop. It is known that today more than 30 types of rice varieties are grown on the planet. If the rice has been pre-cooked, this will also affect the cooking time. On average, the entire procedure takes 25-35 minutes.

How to cook rice properly?

in a saucepan

For cooking, you need a glass of rice and salt. The very technology of cooking rice in a pan is as follows:

  1. To cook a steamed crop, you need to put a pot with two glasses of rice on the stove, for a round one - with three glasses.
  2. The water is brought to a boil.
  3. The product is washed under water until the used water becomes clear.
  4. The washed culture is poured into the var and mixed well.
  5. As soon as the water boils again, you need to cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat, while there is no need to stir the rice anymore.
  6. You need to cook rice over low heat like this: steamed for 20 minutes, round - 25 minutes. All water should be absorbed by the porridge.
  7. After turning off the gas, the porridge should still stand for some time.

In a double boiler

There are several recipes for cooking rice in a double boiler. The simplest one is this:

  1. The product is washed.
  2. Washed rice will need to be poured into a special tray of the device.
  3. Water is added to the same tray in a 1: 1 ratio with rice.
  4. You need to salt the porridge.
  5. The timer is set to 30 minutes.
  6. There is a secret that will help make the product crumbly. It is necessary to add butter to the porridge 5 minutes before full cooking.

In a slow cooker

Cooked porridge will be tasty and healthy if you use modern technology for cooking, including a slow cooker. The dish is prepared like this:

  1. There are several programs for cooking the product, while the multicooker independently calculates the time required for cooking.
  2. Rice will turn out crumbly if you use the “pilaf” program. At the same time, 1 glass of rice is added to three glasses of water or broth.
  3. cook tasty dish You can use one trick. So, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you will need to turn off the “pilaf” program. Instead, another mode is switched on for 10 minutes - “heating”.
  • To remove dirt and dust from rice, you need to wash it. To do this, pour water into the pan and add rice in a ratio of 3: 1. I interfere with the grits several times, after which all the rubbish is collected.
  • Kupa is washed before cooking 2 or 3 times, each time with clean water.
  • It is necessary to wash the culture with water at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, and last time- 65-70 degrees.

How to cook rice for sushi

For cooking, you need 0.5 cups of round or special sushi rice. Wine is also used Apple vinegar(2 tablespoons) and salt to taste.

The product should be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Washed rice grains are poured into a bowl, filled with water. Rice remains under water for half an hour so that the grains swell.
  2. Water drains, rice leans back on a sieve.
  3. The product is poured into a saucepan, poured with a glass of water.
  4. Under the lid, the product is cooked for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. After cooking, you will need to add salt to taste, as well as vinegar.
  6. Rice cools down, after which it is suitable for use.

Here are some simple recipes that will allow you to get tasty and healthy dish, which contains fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

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