How to cook polished rice crumbly. How to cook rice for a side dish, sushi, porridge and pilaf? Is it worth salting rice

Round grain polished rice is one of the varieties of rice groats of rounded shape and snow-white color. Rice acquires this appearance due to its cleansing from bran husks. It belongs to the grass family herbaceous plants. By palatability this species rice is very different from other varieties of this cereal.

Rice is not picky about temperature changes. It is very common in all parts of the world. This type of rice is grown mainly in Japan, China, Italy and Russia.

Grains of polished rice are inherent in such distinguishing feature: they absorb a lot of water during cooking. It doesn't take long to cook this type of rice. In general, the cooking time for round-grain polished rice is 15-20 minutes. It will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen of a novice or busy housewife.

Initially, rice groats began to be used in cooking in Asia many millennia ago. Scientists conducted studies that revealed that on average, each Japanese consumes more than one hundred kilograms of round-grain polished rice per year. In Japan, there is a custom: they eat glutinous rice only with their hands, roll small balls out of it and put it in their mouths.

In European countries, this type of rice was learned only at the end of the Middle Ages. It immediately received great recognition and began to be widely used in culinary arts. In Russia and Ukraine, round-grain polished rice was known about 300 years ago.

Until the nineteenth century in Rus', rice was called "Sorochinsky millet" or "Saracen grain". And only thanks to the British and English language we know modern name- rice.

This type of rice is used mainly only in the culinary field of activity. Professional chefs due to the special stickiness of rice cereals, it is recommended to use it for making various puddings, milk porridges, soups, casseroles and various desserts. Also, it is perfect as a component of the first dish. In the process of preparing rolls, sushi and other Asian dishes Use only round grain rice. This product tends to absorb the flavors of all the ingredients that are cooked with it.

Round grain polished rice has amazing taste, is different the easy way preparation and in its composition there is a large number of various useful substances, whose properties are discussed below.

Useful properties and harm

Useful properties of round-grain polished rice are very diverse. It contains a large number of vitamins of various groups and beneficial trace elements. It is very rich in fiber, starch and carbohydrates. There is practically no protein in rice.

In the process of cleaning the grains from the husk, rice loses a lot of useful properties. But, despite this, it still contains all the substances necessary for normal human life.

Round-grain polished rice has such an effect on the human body:

  • beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • normalizes the work of the kidneys;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • contributes to the cure of urolithiasis.

This type of rice has a wide variety of useful properties due to the fact that it contains great amount chemical elements. Due to the fact that rice has the ability to absorb sodium, it is excellent remedy to cleanse the body.

Despite the many health benefits, rice can be harmful to your body if consumed in excess. A diet consisting only of rice contributes to disruption of the stomach, digestive system and can cause constipation. Also, the abuse of round-grain polished rice can lead to a lack of vitamins and the development of a disease associated with a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and water in the body. This is due to the fact that rice removes toxins from the body along with vitamins and nutrients.

How to cook round-grain polished rice?

How to cook round-grain polished rice? How long will it take and how much water? These questions are of interest to many housewives who want to cook this type of rice cereal for the first time. Although, according to statistics, not even all experienced housewives know how to properly cook round-grain polished rice. We will answer all questions and tell you the details of the preparation of this cereal below.

Instructions for cooking rice are usually printed on the packaging, but if you purchased rice by weight or accidentally threw away the packaging, then these tips are just for you. Before the rice cooking process itself, it must be properly prepared. For this you need:

  • Rinse the round-grain polished rice well several times in cool water. This will help flush out any excess starch that causes the rice to stick together.
  • After washing out the remaining starch, rice can be cooked: transfer it to a saucepan with cold water.
  • There is a very unusual way cooking friable rice: for this you need to put cheesecloth on the bottom of the pan so that the edges hang outside the sides, and cook the rice. After the rice is cooked, you need to pull it out of the pan with cheesecloth and squeeze it well. Using a colander, you will not get such a result as with this method.
  • If you want round-grain polished rice not to be too soft, then you need to cook it in chicken or vegetable broth.
  • When salt is added to boiling water, rice will not stick together so much into a single lump.

Depending on the dish for which you boil rice and the method of preparation, we offer you a few tips.:


Cooking method

Due to its soft texture, round grain polished rice is an excellent main ingredient for sushi. But you need to take into account all the features when boiling rice. So, we transfer the cereals washed several times into a colander and leave for one hour so that all the water is glass. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a large cauldron, add one glass of prepared rice, cover with an airtight lid and put on medium heat. After boiling, reduce the gas to a minimum state and boil for another half an hour. After this time, turn off the heat and leave the rice for 10-15 minutes so that it swells. Then open the lid and add dressing or sauce (at your discretion).

Rice in a slow cooker

Rice cooked with a slow cooker turns out to be very tasty and does not require much effort. First of all, we thoroughly wash the round-grain polished rice, pour it into a colander and let all the water drain. Pour the washed and dried rice into a slow cooker and add water (in a ratio of 1: 1). We turn on the "Rice" or "Cereal" mode for 25 minutes. After this time, add spices, salt and other ingredients, mix, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes to swell the rice. It should turn out crumbly, but if it sticks together, it means that you didn’t wash it well and next time you need to approach this procedure more carefully.

Cooking rice with a stove

This method will help you cook very fluffy and soft round-grain polished rice. Thoroughly wash the starch from the rice groats several times, then put it in a saucepan or cauldron with thick walls, add water (in a ratio of 1: 2), cover with an airtight lid, put on a small fire and wait until it boils. After boiling, add spices (to taste) or oil to the rice. Boil over low heat for another 20 minutes. It is not recommended to stir rice during cooking: it can turn into a mushy mass.

Rice in the oven

When cooking rice in an oven, it turns out to be very dense. Using this cooking method, you need to turn on the oven and set the heat to medium. While the oven is warming up, it is necessary to rinse the rice well, then transfer it to a special container for baking or cauldrons, pour boiled water so that the water level is 1 cm higher than the rice. Before sending rice to the oven, you need to salt it, add spices and put a small piece on top butter. After closing the airtight lid, put the rice in the oven for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven. If the rice turned out to be damp, you need to put it in the switched off oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Round-grain polished rice is very popular in cooking. It is used for cooking different countries. By adding this type of rice to your diet in moderation, you will saturate the body with many useful substances.

Rice groats are known and loved on all continents. It is impossible to find a cuisine that does not feature rice in one form or another.

In the countries of the Far East, this dish is so popular that, for example, in China, they ask as a greeting: “Did you eat rice today?”.

In Europe rice groats appeared relatively recently, during the late Middle Ages and the great geographical discoveries. When people began to actively explore the space. Very quickly gaining popularity, rice became national dish almost all European countries.

Rice groats do not contain gluten, the most allergenic vegetable protein. That is why it is included in children's menu as the first porridge.

In addition, rice is actively used for the preparation of mucous and cream soups with various therapeutic diets.

Types of rice groats

There are countless varieties of rice. In total, botanists distinguish 20 cultivars and several hundred varieties.

By appearance grains highlight rice:

  • Long grain- narrow and long, up to 2 cm, these grains practically do not stick together during cooking - they are ideal for crumbly garnish;
  • medium grain- semi-circular, short cereals of medium gluten, for example, the "risotto" variety, ideal for the dish of the same name, this also includes the famous "devzira" rice for cooking pilaf;
  • Round grain- rice grains are round and short, contain a lot of gluten, ideal puddings, casseroles, mashed and slimy soups are obtained from such cereals.

According to the processing method, rice can be distinguished:

  • Sanded. Grinding is the most common way to process rice groats, the grains are white, almost devoid of vegetable fiber and vitamins, but this rice is very nutritious and cooks quickly;
  • Unpolished or brown. The grains are minimally processed, retaining a maximum of vitamins and fiber, but they take much longer to cook and the finished side dish turns out to be too “coarse” in taste;
  • Steamed. The most optimal option for rice is that the grains are treated with steam before grinding, due to which a fairly large part of the nutrients from the shell enters.

Methods for preparing friable rice

Depending on the desired result, the most optimal method of preparing rice groats is selected. You can cook:

  • In water;
  • For a couple;
  • Mixed way (Chinese).

Any type of rice absorbs water quite strongly, this must be taken into account when preparing it, but the thicker the grain, the stronger its hygroscopicity. Before cooking, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the cereal, rubbing it with your hands, and at the end rinse it under running water.

In order to receive crumbly porridge in a saucepan, the rice is washed, put on a sieve and poured over with boiling water. Then they fall asleep in boiling salt water in a ratio of one to one and reduce the heat to a minimum.

During cooking, the grain is not stirred, but pierced in several places for better steaming. If all the water has already evaporated, and the cereal is not ready yet, carefully add a little boiling water. If desired, the finished rice can be washed, but only with boiled water.

Steamed rice cereal is the easiest to cook. It turns out invariably crumbly garnish. The grains must be washed and poured into the bowl of a double boiler, salt, pour water one to one. Steam until cooked through for about half an hour.

The Chinese cook rice in very large quantities. Several kilograms are cooked at once - it is the basis for many other dishes.

Groats are boiled in a large container with a ratio of one to five to water. Having brought it to half-readiness, they throw it on a large sieve, and then steam it in it.

We present you a video showing the Asian way of cooking rice:

How to cook friable rice for a side dish in a saucepan

Round-grain - from such grain it is most difficult to cook friable porridge. It contains a lot of gluten and absorbs liquid very strongly.

This variety should be washed only under running water, otherwise it will swell and stick together even before cooking. And be sure to rinse the finished side dish.

Long-grain polished rice is great for making crumbly side dishes.

Especially different varieties "jasmine" and "Thai". They have a delicate delicate taste and a pleasant creamy texture, while the finished grains do not stick together into an unpleasant lump.

Brown (brown) or unpolished rice is preferred by people who monitor their health and adherents proper nutrition. It is cooked much longer than polished, it must be pre-soaked.

But such a side dish will definitely be crumbly and healthy.

Parboiled rice cooks slightly faster than unpolished rice. Almost any dish can be prepared from it: both semi-liquid risotto and crumbly chinese rice. It is also ideal for pilaf if you could not find a devzira.

Regardless of which type of rice you choose, certain rules must be followed to get a crumbly side dish:

  • Check the expiration date of cereals. This is especially true of unpolished rice - it is stored for a very short time. Grains that are stored for a long time become brittle and stick together when cooked;
  • For a crumbly side dish, keep the water / cereal ratio - 1/1;
  • Rinse the rice before laying it, so you wash off the grain dust, which also contributes to the sticking of the finished dish;
  • Select the right dishes for cooking. A steel pot with a thick, layered bottom is ideal. In them, the heat is distributed evenly and the cereal does not stick to the bottom;
  • Observe the optimal temperature regime- first we cook on high heat, then reduce to a minimum, and be sure to let the porridge infuse, already without heating.

Steps to cook fluffy rice:

In the following video tutorial, you will learn how to cook rice so that it is fluffy in just 60 seconds!

The most common mistakes due to which the croup sticks together

  • Not suitable variety grains - it is quite difficult to cook a crumbly side dish from round-grain;
  • Too strong heating - in this case, it is very likely that your side dish will burn and not boil evenly;
  • Unsuitable cooking utensils;
  • Too much water - rice, regardless of the variety, absorbs liquid very strongly, and as a result, it boils and sticks together.

Often rice porridge served with gravy. Knowing these recipes, your rice will never be dry!

About useful properties balsamic vinegar and how it is used, read In the same article you will find a lot of other informative information about this essence.

If you are looking for appetizer recipes for festive table, then you Quick Recipes And detailed description cooking.

Choose a rice variety depending on what kind of porridge you want to get - viscous or crumbly. Long-grain, unpolished and parboiled varieties of rice do not stick together during the cooking process.

Get a steel thick-bottomed pan, it is much easier to cook crumbly rice porridge in it.

Rice strongly absorbs not only water, but also sauce, so they should not be mixed for further storage in the refrigerator.

Cooking a crumbly rice side dish is not difficult, you just need to practice a little and follow the rules.

Let's see how to cook crumbly rice grits in a pan:

Rice has always been rightfully considered and will be considered the most popular cereal crop on the planet. The main type of rice that is eaten is boiled. , our ancestors knew in ancient times, because this is a very ancient culture, with a long history and traditions. Its roots, in a figurative sense of the word, lead to China. More than six thousand years ago, people already knew about the existence of rice, we are told about this by the remains of rice in earthenware, which archaeologists find during excavations, there is evidence of this in the manuscripts of Ancient India and Ancient China. It is well known that this product is a kind of chameleon, which, adapting to different conditions becomes like them. Rice is excellent and therefore widely used as a side dish for many, sometimes completely. different dishes- and vegetables, and fruits, and meat, and fish.

Value in every grain

In ancient Asia, rice was the main product for culinary delights, and even became a truly important part of the traditions of culinary specialists in these countries. Do you know that in Russia this unique and irreplaceable cereal appeared not so long ago, only some three hundred years ago. However, he immediately, very successfully and therefore forever became a component of Russian culinary customs. Nowadays, everyone knows that rice is great for using it in the preparation of first courses, all kinds of side dishes, pilaf, an integral part of salads, and, of course, as independent dish. In addition, rice is extremely useful, it contains many trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, but there are practically no fats in it.

Rice has a simply unique ability not only to supply our body with a mass of useful substances, but also to remove harmful components from it. This property makes rice for those who want to lose weight and go on a diet, just a godsend!

How to cook rice

How to cook rice properly? To learn how to cook this, at first glance, a simple dish, it will be useful to know that there are several varieties of this grain product, and the recipe for its preparation depends on which rice you decide to use for your dish.

  • Long grain rice. Its grains are thin, mother-of-pearl, very beautiful and appetizing. The most popular. "Why?" - you ask? The answer is simple: when cooking, it has the peculiarity of not sticking together, therefore it is the best side dish for meat and fish dishes.
  • Medium grain rice. Grains are oval, matte. This haze indicates that it has a lot of starch, so such rice is able to absorb water more than long grain. It is ideal for making risotto, soups, paella, it has a peculiar, only inherent viscosity in the finished dish.
  • Round grain rice. Rice of the British and Japanese. English - because it is widely used to make traditional English puddings, Japanese - because it is the basis for sushi. Since round-grain rice sticks together well, it is also great for casseroles, desserts.

Depends on taste and culinary qualities rice also on its color. What does the color of a grain of rice tell us?

  • White rice - polished. When polished, he lost almost all the fiber so necessary for our body, a very large part of his useful qualities. Now you can buy yellowish parboiled rice, which has preserved many beneficial features However, not everyone likes the taste.
  • brown rice It preserves those shells, which contain many useful substances. Elderly people and children should definitely eat it.
  • Wild black rice. Have you noticed black grains in packages along with long-grain white rice? This is a very useful wild rice, with big amount minerals and vitamins. Contains such rice and a lot of fiber, it will be an excellent side dish for fish.

How to cook rice

There are no general rules to follow when cooking any type of rice. Each type of rice requires a separate recipe, separate techniques and tricks. As you already know, oval and round rice absorb a lot of water and are viscous when cooked, therefore, they will require more water. Further - there is such a technique as washing rice after bringing it to readiness, but it is not used for all dishes.

1. First of all, rice must be thoroughly cleaned of possible specks, then rinsed. You need to do this at least five times, making sure that the water becomes clear. Use only cold water, rinse the entire rice mass, stirring occasionally.

2. While the rice is being washed, put the water to boil. Use a saucepan for this, which should be of such a size that the rice after cooking, having increased in volume, does not “crawl out” to the surface. Take water at the rate of one part rice and two parts water. Salt.

3. Pour in the rice, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the fire to a minimum. Cover the pot with a lid.

4. Cook for 12 minutes. If the proportions of rice and water are observed, then the rice will not burn and will not boil.

5. After that, remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid and let it stand for another 10-12 minutes. Now you can remove the lid, add oil and spices to taste.

How to cook rice for rolls

For rolls - a variety of Japanese sushi - you need to take rice with round grains, and since it absorbs more water than usual, we will take not two glasses for cooking, but three.

You need to cook such rice until cooked, as a rule - until all the water is absorbed. If, after it seems to you, readiness has been achieved, and there is still water, it must be drained. Having cooled a little, a special rice vinegar by thoroughly mixing the rice mass.

Kutia is a traditional Russian dish that has been prepared for funeral and ritual tables since ancient times. To prepare it, you can take different kinds cereals, it can be wheat, and oats, and barley. But rice kutya is the most widespread, perhaps because of its ease of preparation and variety of recipes. The basis for kutya is boiled rice, which is brought to a boil and immediately washed with cold water. Then the rice is poured with the same cold water and only now it is cooked until tender.

What additive you want to add to the recipe of your kutya depends on its name - “With almonds and honey”, “With dried apricots and nuts”, and so on, it all depends on your taste and capabilities.

How to cook rice in a double boiler

Many housewives, having appreciated the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the kitchen, quite successfully adapted to cook rice in a double boiler. In general, you need to use a double boiler as often as possible - the products cooked in it retain their useful components, vitamins are not destroyed, the taste is softer and more pleasant.

How to cook rice in a double boiler? It is necessary to pour water into the lower container, then we place well-washed rice and water in a one-to-one ratio in a special container (which will then be at the top). You can immediately add spices, oil - everything to taste. Salt to taste. Set the timer to the "30 minutes" position. After the allotted time, carefully try, if necessary, add a little time.

How long to cook rice

When cooking boiled rice, remember one simple rule - the cooking time of rice depends on the quality of the water. The amount of time the food is cooked depends on how alkaline the water in your area is. Therefore, cook rice, constantly tasting it and determining the degree of readiness. It can be 15 or 20 minutes, as long as it takes.

Also, the time of cooking rice depends on your taste preferences, there are cases when someone liked undercooked rice, and they found a special charm in its crunch.

Bon appetit!

The benefits and popularity of rice are evidenced by the fact that more than half of the world's population has it on the table every day. This is one of the oldest cultures, domesticated more than 8 thousand years ago. In many Asian countries, this is the national cereal; the Japanese eat it three times a day. There are many dishes from this cereal, and each requires a certain type of cereal and cooking method. We have prepared for you complete guide, in which we will tell you how to choose rice and how to cook it correctly.

Are all types equally useful?

There are about 10 thousand varieties of cereal, of which only 20-30 are used in cooking. Grains differ in the method, degree of processing and varieties.

Method and degree of processing

Paddy rice - "unhulled" or unprocessed. Grains are sold in the husk and brownish bran shell, which retains all the vitamins and minerals given by nature. Popular with healthy eaters.

Paddy rice is not processed, retaining all the beneficial properties in the bran shell and husk

Brown (brown), like paddy, is not polished. The grains are freed from the husk, while the bran shell remains. This allows you to save all the nutrients, which makes the variety the most valuable for nutrition.

Brown rice retains the bran husk but removes the husk

White or polished - peeled from the shell, and with it from most of the vitamins and trace elements. In terms of usefulness, it loses to paddy and brown, but it is stored longer.

Polished rice is devoid of a shell, and with it most of the vitamins and minerals

Steamed (golden). The product is subjected to steam treatment, during which 80% of the useful substances from the shell pass into the grains, after which the cereal is polished. The steamed variety retains all the advantages and is devoid of the disadvantages of the raw product.

After processing, most of the nutrients from the shell pass into steamed rice

In cooking, a classification is adopted according to the shape and size of the grain.

Table: comparative characteristics of rice of different grain shapes

Photo gallery: culinary varieties

At round grain rice the highest starch content, suitable for making cereals Medium grain rice can also be brown, this variety has a medium starch content Medium grain rice is considered universal, used for cooking any dishes. Long grain rice has a long thin grain, best suited for making fluffy rice. Short grain rice is used for making sushi and rolls

Nutritional value and calories

They are determined by the composition of the grains. The cereal is almost 8% protein, while it does not contain gluten, which causes an allergic reaction. Content complex carbohydrates(starch) in some varieties reaches 78%.

There is little fiber in rice, in brown 4.5%, polished - 3%. Groats contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals. These are vitamins A, E, PP, group B (folic acid, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), zinc, calcium, iron, iodine, and rice surpasses other cereals in the content of potassium and phosphorus. Most of the vitamins and minerals are contained in the shell, so the unpolished look is much more useful.

The calorie content of the product depends on its variety and method of preparation, 100 gr. product contains 140-360 kcal. In brown groats 285 kcal, the calorie content of white round grains is 340 kcal. At the same time, 100 gr. boiled rice contains only 140 kcal, fried 150 kcal.

Despite the differences, all types and varieties of rice are useful, but to varying degrees.

Useful properties and their application

  1. Grass is widely used in diet food. The low fiber content makes the product easy to digest, and the starch provides energy for a long time.
  2. The high content of "long" carbohydrates helps diabetics maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood.
  3. The decoction helps with diarrhea and indigestion by coating the mucous membrane and absorbing toxins.
  4. B vitamins normalize the digestive and nervous system, increase resistance to stress, improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.
  5. The high content of potassium and the absence of salts helps to cleanse the joints, improves work of cardio-vascular system normalizes blood pressure and kidney function.
  6. The ability to remove toxins, the absence of salt and low calorie content allow the use of unrefined varieties for weight loss.
  7. Rice is applicable in sports nutrition for building muscles. In 100 gr. The product contains up to 8 g of protein necessary for this.

This is interesting! Japanese scientists have found that regular use brown rice improves memory and intelligence.

How to cook - the secrets of cooking the right rice

Cook right rice not so easy. To do this, you need to choose a suitable variety, take cereals and liquid in the right proportion, strictly follow the technology.

Cooking time

Cooking time depends on the variety, method pre-treatment cereal and the dish for which it is intended. The average cooking time for cereals is 25 minutes.

  • white is boiled for 15-20 minutes;
  • steamed - 20-30 minutes;
  • brown - 30-40 min;
  • wild - 40-60 min.

How much water and cereals to take

Table of the ratio of cereals and water

Rules for making friable rice

If every housewife succeeds in cooking porridge, then difficulties often arise when preparing friable porridge. There are a few simple rules so that the dish is guaranteed to turn out:

  1. Take long-grain varieties, experts recommend using Basmati and Jasmine.
  2. The classic ratio of cereals and water is 1:2.
  3. Rinse the grain several times before cooking to remove excess starch.
  4. Load the cereal into boiling water.
  5. Cook the dish over low heat.
  6. During cooking, do not open the lid and do not stir the cereal.

Advice! After washing, soak the cereal in hot water. This will release the enzymes and improve the body's absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. The taste of the dish will become more intense.

Cooking features

Cooking methods differ for different varieties, the utensils used and the purpose of the product. General rule for all methods: rice must be washed before cooking.

Rice must be washed before cooking

For garnish, salads

For these purposes, they take long-grain varieties and prepare friable rice, which has already been mentioned. Italians use this recipe:

If rice is intended for a side dish, put a piece of butter in the pan after cooking, or pour in 1 tbsp. olive spoon. For salads ready-made cereals can be rinsed to increase friability.

For sushi, rolls

Choose a round variety with a short grain, it contains a lot of starch and after cooking it acquires the necessary stickiness. For 1 cup of cereal, 1.5 cups of water are taken.

Video: how to cook the perfect sushi rice at home

For pilaf

Any variety is used to prepare pilaf: long-grain, round, medium and even short-grain, but connoisseurs recommend Uzbek varieties. But any rice requires pre-training so that during the cooking process the grains are saturated with zirvak (broth).

  1. Groats after washing are soaked in warm water with added salt. Water will remove excess starch, “open” the grains, salt will not allow them to stick together. Soaking time depends on the type of cereal, but should not be less than 2 hours.

    Rice is soaked before cooking

  2. After soaking, the water is drained and the cereal is loaded into a boiling zirvak. It is important that the rice is completely covered with zirvak. If there is not enough liquid, add water so that it is at least 2 cm above the surface of the grains.

    If necessary, water is added to the cauldron

  3. The fire is increased to the maximum, after boiling, the heat is reduced and the pilaf is simmered until cooked.
  4. The dish is not closed with a lid and the dish is not stirred until the liquid is absorbed. As the moisture evaporates, the floating fat will sink down, soaking the cereal. It will acquire the desired taste and aroma, and the fat will not allow the grains to stick together.

    Simmer uncovered until liquid is absorbed

  5. When there is no water left on the surface, rice is collected in a slide, the dishes are tightly closed with a lid and left to languish for half an hour.
  6. After that, pilaf can be mixed, put on a dish and enjoy.

    Put the finished pilaf on a dish


Porridges are prepared from starchy varieties - round and medium grains. The amount of water is taken depending on the desired viscosity of the dish, see the proportions of cereals and water in the table. This dish must be stirred during cooking, otherwise the porridge will burn.

Most often, milk porridges are prepared. To make the dish, the cereal is first boiled in water, and then milk is added and cooking continues.

How to cook milk porridge

Advice! Don't put the rice in the milk right away, the porridge will take longer to cook.

Video: how to cook milk rice porridge

If you cook porridge with water, pour into the pan immediately required amount liquid and cook, stirring, until tender.

Cooking different types of rice

Increasingly, when choosing a variety of rice, preference is given to brown (brown) because of its greater usefulness. But not everyone knows how to cook an unusual product. Some nuances should be taken into account.

Cooking brown rice

  1. After washing, the grits are soaked for 2-3 hours.
  2. During the cooking process, the volume of cereal increases by 3 times, so 2.5 glasses of water are taken for 1 glass of cereal.
  3. It is better to use wide and flat dishes for uniform heating of the entire volume of cereals.
  4. Cooking time is 30-40 minutes, until the liquid is completely absorbed. After that, the rice is left under the lid for another 15-20 minutes.

The cooking process itself is no different from the preparation of friable rice.

For inexperienced housewives, the easiest way to achieve a good result is to cook rice in bags.

How to cook rice in bags

To do this, you will need a large saucepan, water, salt and a bag of rice.

Rice in bags is easy to cook even for an inexperienced housewife

  1. Pour into a saucepan more water and boil it. At least 1 liter of water is taken per 1 sachet.
  2. Salt the water to taste, dip the bag into it. It is not necessary to open and pierce the package, it already has holes.
  3. Close the pot with a lid and cook over medium heat. Cooking time is indicated on the package. Usually for white it is 12-18 minutes, for brown 22-25 minutes.
  4. After cooking, remove the bag from the pan with a slotted spoon or with a fork.
  5. Let the water drain by placing the bag in a colander.
  6. Open the package from one end, lay out ready meal on a plate, add oil or sauce.

Groats in bags do not need to be pre-washed, they are already fully prepared for cooking and steamed. Steamed rice is sold not only in bags. Its cooking technology is the same as white, but it takes a little more time - 20-30 minutes.

Cooking in various kitchen appliances

All kinds of kitchen gadgets greatly simplify the cooking process. If your home has a slow cooker, steamer, microwave, or rice cooker, use them.

In a double boiler

  1. Pour in the grains hot water and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, put the cereal in an even layer in a special stand for rice.
  3. Pour water into the steamer tank, set the “cereals” mode, set the timer for 30 minutes.
  4. After the end of the cycle, leave the dish in the appliance for 5-7 minutes to ripen.

in the microwave

  1. Place the prepared cereal in a microwave-safe dish.
  2. Pour hot water in a ratio of 1: 2, salt.
  3. Close the dishes with a lid, put in the oven for 5 minutes, turning on the maximum power.
  4. Reduce the power by half and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Let the dish brew for another 15 minutes without removing it from the oven.

In a slow cooker

In a rice cooker

The easiest cooking method available. It is enough to lay the products, pour in water in the right proportion and turn on the device. He will do the rest himself.

Put the products in the rice cooker, it will do the rest

Advice! When choosing dishes for cooking rice on the stove, give preference to thick-walled pans or deep cast iron pan. They retain heat longer, and warm up more evenly.

The common joke about how the Chinese, who would be very surprised to learn that rice is a side dish, has a basis. This product is self-sufficient and tasty on its own, and skillfully prepared, it may well replace a full meal. Take advantage of the knowledge gained and enjoy the taste of this healthy cereal.

Rice is one of the most popular cereals. What is useful rice groats? How to cook rice so that it always turns out tasty and crumbly? How long to cook rice? From this article you will learn about the features of rice and the secrets of its preparation.

Rice is rich in healthy carbohydrates, it contains quite a lot of protein, vitamins (E, H, group B) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine). The composition of different varieties of rice, of course, is different, but these main components are always contained in it.

Due to its enveloping action, rice is useful for gastrointestinal diseases. Unlike other cereals, rice does not contain gluten, which can cause allergies, so rice is often used for baby and diet food.

The average calorie content of rice is 300 kcal per 100 g, but rice groats are successfully used for weight loss and unloading days due to the fact that it removes excess sodium from the body (we get it with salt), and water is also excreted along with it, which is useful for metabolism.

Many people are interested in questions about how to cook rice, how much to cook rice, how to cook crumbly rice, or how to cook rice boiled, squishy. To properly cook rice, you must first understand that the recipes proper cooking rice depends on the type of rice. That is, for a particular dish, you must first choose the right rice, and then cook it correctly.

There is a lot types of rice Let's talk about the most popular of them.

long grain rice- long, thin and transparent, does not contain a lot of sticky substances, so it does not boil soft and does not stick together. It is ideal for preparing side dishes and pilaf. This rice is grown mainly in Asia. The most popular varieties are Basmati, Jasmine.

medium grain rice shorter, slightly thicker and less translucent than long grain. When cooked, it sticks together a little, because it contains more starch. Its distinctive feature is the ability to absorb aromas and tastes. This rice is great for making soups and risottos. Medium grain rice is grown in Spain, Italy, Australia. The most popular variety is Arborio.

Round grain rice has an oval shape and is practically opaque due to high content starch. This rice has the highest calorie content. When cooking, it absorbs a large amount of water and sticks together. It is great for making cereals, casseroles, sushi. This type of rice is grown in many countries around the world. The most popular variety is Camolino.

Unpolished (brown) rice contains many nutrients and fiber due to the shell, which is preserved during processing. This rice takes longer to cook and has less delicate taste, like polished, but the protein in such rice is no less than in meat. Before cooking brown rice should be soaked, preferably overnight.

steamed rice It is considered more beneficial than polished because most of the vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the grain during the steaming process, rather than grinding along with the shell. Such rice does not stick together.

Separately, it is worth noting the Uzbek rice Devzira. Unlike other varieties of rice, it absorbs much more fat and spices, making it ideal for making pilaf.

Wild rice (water zigzag) - an unrefined product, due to which it contains a lot of protein and nutrients. Wild rice has a sweet taste and light nutty aroma. Boiled for 30-40 minutes. Used mainly for side dishes, it is often mixed with white polished rice. Grown only in North America, this explains its value.

The aroma and taste of rice largely depends on where it is grown. Do not rush to buy imported rice. While it appears to be of better quality, this is not necessarily the case. In some Asian countries (Thailand, India), for example, there is a state stock of rice. It is pre-preserved. And after a couple of years, after he loses most of the nutrients, they export it. While in Russia and Ukraine, rice is a seasonal product, because it is grown as much as needed for a year. True, not all varieties of rice can be grown in our conditions. We mainly grow round-grain rice.

When choosing rice, pay attention to the grains: they should be the same color and size, without fragments and pieces. If this is not the case, then you have a poor-quality mixture of different varieties.

How to cook rice correctly to make it tasty and healthy? There are some rules and secrets for this:

Use dishes with thick walls and a bottom (so the heat will be distributed gradually and evenly). It can be cast iron, glass or Teflon dishes, but not enameled - rice will burn in it;

To cook rice, use large-diameter dishes: the thinner the layer of rice, the more evenly it will cook. If the layer of rice is too thick, the top grains may be dry;

During cooking, rice can be mixed only once - immediately after boiling water. After that, you should not stir the rice;

If the rice sticks together, you can rinse it with cold water, close the lid, wrap it in a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. But in this case it is very important to let the water drain well, otherwise the rice will turn out watery;

If the rice has absorbed all the water but is still undercooked, remove it from the heat and leave covered for 20 minutes.

Fluffy round-grain rice that always turns out

A simple way to cook rice, following which you can cook even round-grain rice very tasty and crumbly.


Round grain rice - 100 g

Water - 150 g

Vegetable oil - 1.5 tsp.

Preparation of round grain rice:

To make round-grain rice crumbly, it is important to follow the proportions exactly. At this method cooking for 2 parts of rice is taken 3 parts of water.

1. Before cooking rice, it must be thoroughly but gently rinsed to get rid of excess starch, which makes our rice sticky. Rinse the rice with cold water at least five times until the water runs clear.

2. Then you need to dry the rice. To do this, pour the rice into a sieve with small holes and leave for an hour. We do all this in order to reduce the stickiness of rice.

3. If you don't want to wait for a long time, you can spread the rice on a paper towel in an even layer and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes. To speed up the drying process of the rice even more, you can blot it with another paper towel.

4. After the rice dries, put a pot or pan on a high heat. Be sure to take dishes with a thick bottom, because it distributes and retains heat better. Moreover, it is advisable to take dishes of the largest possible diameter, because the thinner the layer of rice is, the more evenly it will warm up and the more crumbly it will turn out. If you are brewing a small amount of rice, then a heavy-bottomed saucepan is sufficient.

5. When the saucepan warms up well, pour in vegetable oil(it can be sunflower, olive, sesame or any other that you like). Lightly oil the sides of the saucepan.

6. Pour rice into vegetable oil and fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes until translucent, stirring constantly. The fact that the rice is already sufficiently fried, you will understand by a pleasant aroma. If the aroma is unpleasant, then you overdid it.

7. Then very carefully pour in the water and wait until it boils. Close the lid tightly, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for 7 minutes. Then, without opening the lid, remove the rice from the heat, wrap and leave for another 10 minutes.

8. Salt rice should not be, so as not to increase the stickiness of the grains. Add spices to rice only at the very end of cooking. If desired, you can add butter to the finished rice.

If you remember how to cook rice in this way, and your round-grain rice will turn out tasty and crumbly, then no other rice is "afraid" to you!

An easy way to cook fluffy long grain rice

This is perhaps the simplest and fast way cooking long grain rice. The rice is very tender and fluffy.


Long grain rice - 100 g

Water - 200 g

Cooking long grain rice:

1. Rinse the rice with cold water until the water runs clear (at least 5 times). We do this carefully so as not to damage the grains. This procedure is necessary in order to remove excess starch from rice, which will stick it together.

2. Then pour the washed rice into a bowl with a thick bottom (this can be a saucepan, cauldron, stewpan or frying pan). The thinner the layer of rice is, the more crumbly it will turn out, therefore it is advisable to take a container of large diameter.

3. Immediately fill the rice with cold water, cover with a lid and put on a large fire. It is desirable that the lid be transparent, so we can observe how the rice is cooked and adjust the temperature in time.

4. After the rice boils, reduce the fire by half (slightly less than average), and open the lid. We leave the rice to cook until the amount of water decreases by a factor of three (for example: if the water was two fingers higher than rice, then we wait until its level is slightly less than one finger). For those who like slightly undercooked rice (“al dente”, as they say in Italy), wait until the water becomes 2 times less.

5. After that, remove the rice from the heat, tightly close the lid, wrap it with a towel and let it stand for 20 minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb all the remaining water. Resist the temptation to leave the rice on the fire until the water has completely evaporated, otherwise it may burn.

6. After 20 minutes, you can add, for example, 20 g of butter to the cooked rice and enjoy delicious crumbly rice!

rice for sushi

This rice is suitable for making rolls, nigiri or other Japanese dishes.


Rice for sushi (round grain) - 1 cup (200 ml)

Water - 1 cup (200 ml)

Kombu seaweed (optional)

For refueling:

Rice vinegar - 35 g

Sugar - 25 g

Salt - 6 g

Preparing sushi rice:

In order to cook rice for sushi, we need high-quality round-grain rice. It is best to take a special japanese rice for sushi.

Rice for sushi is cooked in the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 1 cup of water. It is worth noting that it is the volume of rice that is taken into account, and not its weight.

1. The first thing to do before boiling rice for sushi is to thoroughly rinse the rice with cold water at least 7 times until the water runs clear. This should be done carefully, in no case do not rub the rice with your hands so as not to damage the grains.

2. Then pour the rice on a sieve and leave for an hour to let the water drain. You can spread the washed rice on a paper towel, then it will take much less time to dry (about 20 minutes).

3. After the rice dries, pour it into the pan. It is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Then the heat will be distributed more evenly.

Tip: To prevent rice from burning to the bottom of the pan, you can use special kombu seaweed (not to be confused with nori sheets). One such sheet is left in cold water 15 minutes to soften it up. Then we take the kombu out of the water and cover the bottom of the pan with this sheet. Pour the rice directly onto the kombu sheet. Algae will not only prevent our rice from burning, but will also give it its flavor.

4. Pour the rice with cold water, cover with a lid and put on a large fire. From this moment we do not open the lid until the very end of cooking, even if we really want to see how our rice is.

5. Cook sushi rice over high heat until the water boils (7-10 minutes). After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for another 10 minutes (until the water is absorbed). After this time, turn off the heat and leave the rice for 20 minutes.

6. In the meantime, prepare the rice dressing. The amount of dressing should be about 1/6 of the amount of rice. That is, if we have 200 g of rice, then the amount of vinegar will be about 35 g. The amount of sugar is 2/3 of the amount of vinegar, the amount of salt is 1/4 of the amount of sugar.

Mix rice vinegar, sugar and salt and put the dressing over medium heat. Stirring constantly, heat the dressing until sugar and salt are completely dissolved (3-5 minutes). In this case, in no case do not let the rice dressing boil!

7. Now we take out the rice from the pan. We do this carefully so as not to damage the grains. With a wooden spatula, separate the rice from the walls of the pan, pour the rice onto a wide plate and carefully distribute it in an even layer. There is no need to scrape burnt rice from the bottom of the pan: dried grains will only spoil our dish.

8. Now pour the dressing over the sushi rice. We try to do it neatly and evenly. Gently mix the rice with the dressing, doing this carefully so as not to damage the rice grains. Let the rice cool for 10 minutes.

9. After 10 minutes, stir the rice again. We do this with "digging" movements: we bring the spatula under the rice and gently turn it over. This is necessary so that the dressing, which is glassed to the bottom, repeats its "heroic path" again and that each grain is covered with dressing. Leave the rice for another 10 minutes.

10. That's it, sushi rice is ready. Making sushi with rice room temperature by slightly wetting your hands in warm water.

By knowing how to cook sushi rice, you will get rice that easily takes the form you give it, but at the same time crumbles easily, and does not clump.

basmati rice

Bright and fragrant basmati rice with turmeric.


Basmati rice - 100 g (0.5 cup)

Water - 200 g (1 cup)

Vegetable oil or butter - 1 tbsp. spoon

Turmeric - 0.25 tsp

Preparing Basmati Rice:

The peculiarity of basmati rice is in its indescribable aroma, as well as in how rice is cooked: when cooked, its grains increase not in thickness, but in length by 3-4 times.

1. Rinse the rice gently with cold water until the water runs clear.

2. In a frying pan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil (or melt the butter).

3. Add turmeric to the oil and mix. Don't overdo it with turmeric, its purpose is to give the dish a beautiful sunny color and bring out the flavor of the rice, but not change its taste!

4. Pour rice into the pan and fry, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant aroma appears.

5. Pour the rice with cold water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively, cover with a lid and let it boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the rice for another 20 minutes.

Bon appetit!