How to take whey protein - instructions. How to properly take protein - a complete guide.

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Timko Ilya- lord of all site and fitness trainer | more >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Whey athletes produce nutritional supplements. The most commonly used are: natural pasteurized whey, tanned whey, champagne whey, pecan and gel. Serum treatment is one of the oldest and completely forgotten in Lithuania. It has already been prescribed by doctors Giprocrates to remove toxic substances and waste products from the body; This contributed, in particular, to the poisoning of low-quality food products or chronic liver disease. Already in Ancient Greece the positive effect of serum treatment on constipation has been known.

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Protein is taken in two cases:

1. To gain muscle mass.
2. To keep muscles while losing weight.

I am often asked: how much, how and when to drink protein? I must say right away that there are quite a lot of opinions on this matter. And I don't think my opinion is the only right one. So let's get started.

In ancient Rome, there were several spas where the serum was used externally and internally, with skin diseases, but increasingly - for healing and rejuvenation of healthy skin. In the last century, in the Alps, there were at least 160 flourishing resorts where the goat and cow's milk processed. The serum was swallowed, swallowed and mixed with salt-saturated water used for gargling. The serum is also used to treat chronic constipation, liver and pancreas, blood, skin and whole body.

By the way, whey has always been combined with vegetable juice. In ancient times, even cows fed on certain herbs to have their active ingredients in their milk and whey. The main areas of serum treatment. Activation of intestinal activity in case of chronic constipation; To improve the life of intestinal bacteria, to eliminate decomposition products from the digestive tract; Reduce the load on the liver to prevent hepatic reabsorption; Due to the metabolism of waste products from the body; very positive effects of serum in the following risk factors: high blood pressure, uric acid, fat and cholesterol in the blood, overweight. In addition, serum treatment has a very positive influence on the skin. . For wheat, make whey wheat - so-called whey champagne because it contains 2-3 percent. alcohol.

How much to take?

Physiologists have long found out that for muscle growth a person must consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. It's minimum. And in a good way - 2 grams (). This is what we will deviate from.

It's no secret that the food we buy in stores is rich mainly in fats and carbohydrates. But not proteins. That is, often, even with a normal diet, a person may not have enough protein for muscle growth.

It is made from acid whey. From whey, they are digested for about 10 minutes, the protein is removed. The whey is filtered through a dense cloth and diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 1. The color is used to produce burnt sugar. Harness the power of whey and buttermilk in an ingenious way.

Cow's milk is used to produce whey proteins. During the manufacturing process, two products differ from milk: casein and whey. Whey proteins are filtered by separation of lactose and fat. Protein rich in protein low content fats and lactose, is considered the best - isolate and hydrolyzate. Milk whey proteins obtained by microfiltration, ultrafiltration, cross-flow filtration are preserved intact protein molecules and all milk protein fractions, which are of great importance for our health and immunity.

As a rule, if you weigh 70 kg, then you consume about 70 grams of protein per day with regular food. That is only 50% - 66% of the amount of protein that you need. Of course, this is a very average value. But let's get rid of it. In other words, the amount of protein you should be consuming per day depends on more than just your weight. But also on the amount of protein consumed with regular food. And on the amount of protein in the protein itself.

Why You Should Use Whey Protein

Milk whey protein helps to get rid of fat. Grab a whey protein shake for breakfast to boost your metabolism by 30%. Protein is used to build and renew our body proteins. This process also requires energy, which will be generated by burning internal and external fats.

Diet with high level Easily digestible protein increases the amount of albumin in the blood. In the absence of albumin, the body accumulates fluids, tin, cellulite. Albumin collects excess fluid from cells and connective tissues. In other words, it acts like an albumin diuretic: less processing. The lower the water retention in the body, the greater the absorption of nutrients.

Let's say if you weigh 70 kg, then you should take about 100 grams of 70% protein per day. If someone did not know, then there is no 100% protein in proteins. Maximum 90% - 95%. And on average - 70% - 75%. That is, taking 100 grams of 70% protein, you consume 70 grams of protein.

If you weigh 100 kg, then it will be 150 grams per day. And you need to take it every day the same amount. Regardless of whether you have a workout today or not (). Well, these are all approximate numbers. Below you can more accurately calculate how much protein you would like to take per day in the form of a sports supplement. I emphasize that the results of the calculator show the amount of intake of sports nutrition, and not the amount of protein in general.

Studies have shown that whey protein reduces the feeling of hunger. Just 50g of protein lowers clay, the hunger hormone, within three hours. Reduces the need to snack. Milk whey protein, due to its fast and good absorption, helps to grow muscle mass and increase strength. Using 30g of whey protein twice a day can increase muscle mass and reduce fat.

For example, Laktofer plays important role in protecting the body from pathogenic microorganisms. Milk whey protein increases the amount of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress in cells and allows us to stay healthy, increasing senile dementia, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease.

Quantity daily allowance protein (grams) Your weight (kg):
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
The amount of protein in the protein (%): 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Number of workouts per week: No workout 1 workout 2 workouts 3 workouts 4 workouts 5 workouts 6 workouts 7 workouts

Table of the average daily protein intake per 1 kg of weight (grams)

weight loss weight maintenance weight gain
The male 2 1.2 - 1.5 2
Woman 1.5 - 2 1 - 1.3 1.5 - 2

How and when to take

Usually the protein is mixed with water, milk or juice. The amount of liquid does not matter. The only thing is that it should not be boiling water. AT hot water the protein denatures (coagulates) and loses some of its properties.

Stores very protein shake. Everybody wants best product. However, how to choose the right one, in such a plentiful supply on? The main purpose of protein - protein diet supplements to help development muscle mass, and even more muscle mass, like fat, cellulite and swelling of the abdomen is needed than medal-seeking athletes than ordinary sports goers. And it looks very simple. In today's market basically agree whey concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate less. Various proteins and prices: isolates and hydrolysates are more expensive than concentrates. the time of protein absorption is also different: most likely the hydrolyzate is absorbed, the concentrate is the slowest.

Your daily dose is best taken in two divided doses. Since it is difficult for the body to absorb such an amount of protein at a time. It is usually taken between meals. I recommend drinking it between breakfast and lunch and right after your workout. And if there is no training on this day, then between breakfast and lunch and before dinner.

In principle, you can divide at least ten receptions. But it will already be superfluous and unnecessary troubles. You can drink everything at once. But there is a chance that some of the protein is simply not digested.

These proteins are smooth, obtained at low temperature without the use of acids and other chemicals. Whey proteins derived from whey. Whey protein is a protein complex molecule consisting of the protein fraction of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulin and a small peptide of glycomacropeptides: lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase. In order to obtain high quality protein, manufacturers try to damage the delicate protein molecule. High quality protein is extracted at low temperature, low acid conditions, avoiding protein denaturation.

If you want to lose weight and take protein for this purpose, then you should not drink it in addition to regular food, but instead of food. What does it mean? This means that you need to replace part of your regular food with protein. Let's say you drink it as a snack between meals. You can also replace dinner or breakfast with protein. This is done in order to increase the amount of protein per day, without increasing the total caloric intake. Read more in the article. Or you can use the selection below, where I chose the best ones from inexpensive ones (in my opinion):

Various compositions of whey milk protein. Whey concentrates are extracted from the concentration of whey protein, that is, by removing water. If a concentrated solution is obtained at a low temperature, the protein molecule remains unchanged. Concentrates another 10 g of lactose, about 6 g of fat and 150 g of cholesterol. 100 g concentrate for 400 calories. Concentrates are suitable for those who are lactose intolerant and allergic to dairy products.

Isolates are derived from whey protein isolate. Strains produced, very few residues of lactose, fat and cholesterol. Isolates have about 90 percent. With high content squirrel biological value. Isolate 100 g - 340 to 370 calories. Isolates are produced in several ways.

  • BioTech: Protein Power (76% protein)
  • Syntrax Trophix (75% protein)
  • Your Trainer: YOUR Yoghurt Protein (68% protein)
  • Syntrax Whey Shake (77% protein)

Expert opinion

Potnikov S.N. - chief consultant for sports nutrition store GOLD - STANDART (training experience 30 years)

The hydrolysates are smooth, made from ultra- and micro-filtered whey isolate using enzymes. The process of saponification, protein molecules are exposed to enzymes, degraded into smaller components di - and peptides. It is easily and quickly absorbed protein. Hydrolysis almost no fat, milk sugar, cholesterol. For this reason, hydrolyzed proteins can be used in all those who want to grow muscle mass and diet. Hydrolyzed proteins suitable for seniors who want to supplement their diet with high quality protein and are easily digestible.

The author almost completely revealed the topic of the rate of protein (protein) consumption for a complete diet. Quite conveniently, a table for calculating the required amount of protein is also given.

I would like to add a little to what the author said, in the place where we are talking about mixing protein with liquids. I recommend to my customers to mix the protein with the least amount of liquid, just enough to better mix the shake. Because a large number of liquids will impair the digestion and absorption of protein. Whey proteins require less liquid as they the cocktail turns out to be quite liquid, more for caseins, because. the cocktail is much thicker. I think the most suitable option for stirring a cocktail is water, because. water does not slow down the process of protein digestion, unlike milk.

Women take hydrolyzate, will not collect water. The high quality hydrolysates are suitable for people with lactose intolerance. You should not buy hydrolyzed proteins that have been made using acid and heat. This product may cause stomach and intestinal disease.

Weight gain supplements are one of the most popular protein supplements. These are some of the most versatile supplements out there and can come in different levels of protein, carbs, and fat. And some of them also have special ingredients: creatine, digestive enzymes, betaine, amino acids. Choosing the right weight gain supplements can be quite a challenge because the offer is really great. In addition, everything is very individual and depends on your desired achievements, body composition, intensity of training, etc. Of course, you can grow a healthy diet and exercise, but if you need a faster, more effective and healthier effect, then a nutritional supplement is definitely worth choosing.

But immediately after training, I recommend that my athletes use whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate, because. only when taking these types of protein, you can achieve the most rapid recovery of muscle tissue. Other types of proteins will not give the desired result, and if it is not possible to buy an isolate, then it is better to start with complex carbohydrates, to replenish energy, and only then drink protein.

Here are 9 really effective supplements for weight gain. They are necessary for proper protein synthesis in the body, are quickly absorbed and help muscles grow quickly. Therefore, it is best to use them half an hour before training and one hour after training. They are very slow to digest, so they are great at bedtime because they protect the metabolism at night. By using casein proteins, you will not experience any aggravation. It is recommended to use them in combination with whey protein, as this will have a greater effect than using these supplements alone. You should take it before bed, after your workout and between meals.

  • Whey is also a peptide that increases blood flow to the muscle.
  • If you need an even greater effect, it is recommended to drink the powder every morning.
The composition includes several sources various proteins that are absorbed at different times.

I absolutely agree with most of the author’s conclusions, it really matters how much protein you get in your diet, and not when you drink it. Moreover, the general consumed amount It is better to count protein not for a day, but for a week, as well as counting calories. Because this figure cannot be constant from day to day, and may vary, according to the needs of the body. But as a result, we get the desired 1.5-2 grams. protein per 1 kg of weight, as recommended by the author of this article.

Additional amino acids and glutamine. Added blend of nutrients and digestive enzymes. And we also ensure that the cocktail is tasty and easy to mix. Special diet food for athletes. Bulk serum. Sweeteners: sucralose, sodium chloride, acesulfame-K. There may be traces of milk, eggs, wheat, fish, shellfish, fats, nuts.

For best results, use at least 2 times a day daily. After training, take 1 or 2 scoops. You can also take it in the morning for a quick dose of energy and protein, or during the daytime between meals. Please consult with your athlete or trainer before use. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Tatyana Rebenchuk - CCM in basketball, sports nutrition specialist at

Of course, for an ordinary person, the optimal proportion of protein intake per day is 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. But do not forget that during active training, for example, during preparatory camps for competitions, athletes need to increase the amount of protein consumed up to 2, or even up to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Since during such periods the body works at its maximum and it requires all the energy of the human body, which can lead to muscle catabolism.

There are several types of heavy proteins. The name of the protein reflects its source. There is a very nutritious milk protein. To better understand where whey protein comes from, we will remember how cheese comes from milk. Milk is made up of two proteins: casein and whey protein. When cheese is made, the whey is separated from the casein. The whey protein, separated from the whey fluids, is then purified into different concentrations of whey protein. This protein is made up of various smaller protein components.

Discontinued amino acids are needed immediately after training to restore the body and muscles as much as possible. The different whey proteins depend on which milk source was used, which cheese was made, and which separation method was used in production. Protein stimulation has been proven to be effective when you want to lose weight and increase muscle mass.

You will achieve the best results if you consume half of the required protein from regular food, and the other from specialized sports nutrition.

Regarding the time of protein intake - here everyone chooses for himself. It is important to know that there is a so-called "fast protein" - which you can consume half an hour before a workout and be sure that it is fully absorbed. And “slow” - it is absorbed much longer, suitable for evening reception, for people gaining weight, and morning reception for those who wish to lose weight, thus replacing meals and providing themselves with the necessary complex of amino acids for the whole day.

Along with creatine, various gainers, energy drinks, amino acids in capsules, protein isolate is perhaps the most popular supplement in the diet of everyone who is seriously involved in sports.

The uniqueness of protein shakes is that not only are they taken to gain muscle mass, they can also be drunk for weight loss. To get the desired result, it is very important to use this supplement correctly and with a certain regularity. Let's see how to take Whey Protein.

Protein is a dry concentrated protein in the form of a powder. Its main role in our body is the construction of muscle tissue and its regeneration. It also promotes the synthesis of certain essential amino acids and plays an important role in maintaining right balance vitamins and minerals.

During intense physical activity our muscles are injured and destroyed at a micro level with great speed. Ideally, the destroyed tissue should be quickly restored due to the growth of new muscles. Thus, there is a process that athletes call "a set of muscle mass."

But in conditions of a shortage of high-quality natural protein at a certain level of load, it becomes impossible to get the required dose with food. It is for this purpose that people who are involved in weightlifting take protein isolate - a protein in the form of a concentrated dietary supplement.

If you correctly calculate the load and the daily dose of protein intake, then instead of gaining muscle mass, it will contribute to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat. Thus, protein is also an effective food supplement for weight loss.

Types of Protein Blends

All protein powders, which are used in sports nutrition, are divided according to the rate of absorption into the blood and according to their composition into the following types:

  1. Casein.
    It is a slow protein derived from milk protein. It is broken down in the body for a long time and nourishes the muscles for a long time.
  2. Serum.
    A fast milk protein that is absorbed into the blood in a very short time.
  3. Complex.
    It is a mixture of "fast" and "slow" proteins. It nourishes the muscles for a long time due to the different absorption rates of its components.

At the moment, whey protein is considered the most useful protein, as it has a very high breakdown rate and does not slow down the absorption of other nutrients by the body.

In turn, from existing species whey protein highest nutritional value isolate differs - a purified protein concentrate, the protein content of which is not lower than 97%. It is mixtures based on protein isolate that are recommended to drink both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight.

Protein intake for muscle gain

Depending on the goals and the expected result, the frequency and dosage of whey protein intake should be correctly calculated.

The amount of protein for gaining muscle mass is calculated based on the recommended daily intake of protein.

They depend on the lifestyle, gender and age of the person and are as follows:

  1. Ages 14-17: 105/93 grams per day - boys/girls.
  2. Ages 18-25: 113/96 grams per day - men/women.
  3. Adult person after 25 years old, leading a sedentary lifestyle: 0.8 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.
  4. Adult with an active lifestyle: 1 to 1.5 g/kg.
  5. People involved in sports: from 1.2 to 1.8 g / kg.
  6. Athletes during muscle building: 1.4-1.8 g/kg.

Based on these numbers, you need to correctly determine how much protein isolate you need to take daily. After that, divide the resulting amount by 5 - it is with such regularity that athletes are recommended to take whey protein.

The optimal schedule for taking protein shakes for gaining muscle mass is as follows:

  1. In the morning immediately after waking up.
  2. 30-60 minutes before training.
  3. Immediately after the end of class.
  4. Half an hour before lunch or before dinner.
  5. Right before bed.

But remember that our body is not able to absorb more than 30 grams of protein at a time. Therefore, regardless of body weight, the daily dose of the protein mixture should not exceed 150 grams.

Whey protein for weight loss

While performing strength and aerobic exercises for weight loss, it is recommended to follow a certain diet, eat right, limit the amount of carbohydrate and high-calorie food. Therefore, muscle weakness and increased fatigue can often be observed.

Especially often these symptoms are manifested in women who begin to sharply limit themselves in food. In this case, they are advised to introduce low-calorie foods into their diet. protein shakes. The correct dose of protein will not affect the increase in body volume. On the contrary, your muscles will gain relief, and fat will be burned faster.

If you are taking protein isolate for weight loss, then its daily dose is calculated in the ratio of 1 gram of the mixture per 1 kilogram of weight. It is better to take protein 3 times a day: in the morning, before and after training.

How to Consume Whey Protein

Protein isolate is usually produced as a medium granular powder. Therefore, theoretically, you can take it as you like: add it to salads, cereals, yogurts. But practical experience hundreds of thousands of athletes showed that the most convenient form of protein intake are protein shakes. They are ideal for both weight loss and mass gain.

The easiest cocktail recipe: mix with water required amount powder. But due to the absence of sugar in protein mixtures, such a drink turns out to be tasteless, and it is not very pleasant to drink it. Therefore, most often milk is used instead of water, natural yoghurts, juices, fruit smoothies.

It should be noted that the absorption of protein occurs much better if it is consumed together with a small amount carbohydrates. That is why trainers recommend adding fruits, sweet syrups or honey to such cocktails. And even if you are taking whey protein for the purpose of losing weight, these supplements should not adversely affect the rate of weight loss. After all, if you take cocktails correctly in the morning, before or after training, then you will almost immediately get rid of all these calories.