Delicious beetroot caviar for the winter - you can’t buy it in the store! Recipes for the most delicious beet caviar for the winter: boiled and fried. Which varieties are best to choose for winter preparations?

Beetroot caviar is an appetizer, a sauce, a dressing for borscht, and a spread for sandwiches. So many wonderful ways to eat simple, yet delicious... useful workpiece. There are even more recipes, the most interesting options are collected here.

Delicious beet caviar for the winter - general principles of preparation

Caviar can be prepared from boiled, baked or fresh beets. The root vegetable is cleaned, crushed, and combined with other ingredients. The preparation is boiled, stewed or fried. Several methods are often combined heat treatment.

What is usually added to beet caviar:



Since the appetizer is prepared for the winter, vinegar is often added to it, which can be replaced with lemon juice or dry acid. Sugar is added to improve the taste. To smooth, add vegetable oil. If all or individual ingredients are fried, then fats are added to the pan during pre-treatment. Any spices can be used; hot pepper and horseradish are often added to caviar.

Winter harvesting requires sterility. Not only jars with lids are processed, but also other utensils used. Cleanliness is the key to the safety of caviar.

Delicious beetroot caviar for the winter with tomatoes

The simplest and famous recipe delicious beet caviar for the winter. We choose the juiciest and darkest root vegetables to make the preparation bright and aromatic.


Tomatoes 300 g;

A kilogram of beets;

4-5 onions;

80 ml oil;

Head of garlic;

2 spoons of sugar;

20 ml vinegar 6%.


1. Soak the beets in cold water for a few minutes to soak in the dirt, rinse with a brush, and boil in the peel.

2. As soon as the root vegetables are easily pierced, drain the broth and pour cold water. Cool and peel.

3. Finely chop the onion, place in heated oil, and fry. Use a large saucepan or cauldron.

4. Boiled beets grind in any way, usually the root vegetable is twisted through a meat grinder.

5. Add beets to the onions and cook together.

6. Grate the tomatoes and remove the skin. Pour the resulting tomato over the vegetables. Boil the mixture until thick.

7. The head of garlic needs to be peeled, chopped, and added to the beetroot caviar.

8. Immediately pour in the vinegar and season the snack with sugar, salt to taste.

9. Simmer for about five minutes.

10. Place the boiling stock into sterile jars. Roll up immediately and cool.

Delicious beetroot caviar for the winter with carrots (grated)

Very interesting option caviar with bright taste and color. No meat grinder or blender is needed for cooking. Both carrots and beets can be prepared in advance by boiling the root vegetables in their skins.


A kilogram of beets;

Half a kilo of carrots;

Garlic 3-4 cloves;

5-6 tomatoes;

300 g onions;

120 ml oil;

15 g salt;

30 g sugar;

30 ml vinegar.


1. Cut the onion into cubes and place in a large saucepan with heated oil. Fry.

2. After a few minutes, add the chopped tomatoes. Cook the onion and pasta until the tomato is cooked through. It should become dark and thick.

3. Grate the carrots finely, add to the onions, cook for a couple more minutes.

4. Now add grated beets and fry together.

5. As soon as all the water has evaporated, you need to pour in 150 ml of boiling water, add sugar, and salt. Add paprika, hot pepper and any other spices to taste.

6. Simmer the caviar under the lid for 15 minutes.

7. Add vinegar and stir.

8. We wait another minute. Now you can put the workpiece into jars and screw it up.

Delicious beet caviar for the winter from baked root vegetables

A method for preparing healthy and tasty beetroot caviar for the winter without frying. Root vegetables are baked in foil. Apple vinegar is used.


2 kg beets;

1 head of garlic;

110 ml oil;

4 carrots;

4 onions;

2 spoons of sugar;

50 ml apple cider vinegar;

Salt to taste.


1. Place the washed beets in foil, wrap them, and place them on a baking sheet. We also pack carrots.

2. Place the baking sheet with vegetables in the oven. We bake the beets for 60-80 minutes at 180 degrees, remove the carrots earlier.

3. Cool the vegetables, peel and chop through a meat grinder.

4. We also twist the onion through a meat grinder along with peeled garlic cloves. Place everything in a pan, add vegetable oil.

5. Place the caviar on the stove, cook for 30 minutes, stir regularly.

7. Add vinegar to the beet caviar, stir, boil for a couple more minutes and pour the mixture into jars. We seal it immediately.

Delicious beetroot caviar for the winter “Spicy”

For spicy caviar used Bell pepper. If it is not there or is small, then you can use hot ground pepper. In this case, add spices to your taste. Cooking recipe.


1.5 kg of boiled beets;

0.5 kg of tomatoes;

0.4 kg of onion;

0.3 kg carrots;

4 pods hot pepper;

2 heads of garlic;

20 ml vinegar;

40 g sugar;

A glass of oil.


1. Grate the onion and carrots, place them in hot oil, fry together for about five minutes. There is no need to bring it to full readiness; it is enough to give the vegetables a pleasant aroma.

2. Add grated beets, but you can also twist the vegetable.

3. Grind tomatoes and hot peppers. Pour over vegetables and stir. Cover and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to stir so the mixture doesn't burn.

4. During this time, chop the garlic, prepare all the spices and vinegar. We sterilize jars.

5. Add everything to the pan with caviar, mix, let the spices dissolve, adjust the taste.

6. Boil for another five minutes.

7. Now you can put the snack into sterile containers. Twist it and you're done!

Delicious beet caviar for the winter from raw vegetables

For this recipe for delicious beet caviar for the winter, you do not need to boil the root vegetables in advance. Everything is put in raw and cooked. Tomato paste is used instead of tomatoes.


1.5 kg beets;

300 g onions;

200 g carrots;

150 ml oil;

5 cloves of garlic;

3 spoons of sugar;

1 spoon of vinegar;

Spices to taste.


1. Peel all vegetables. Grate the carrots and beets, chop the onion into cubes or strips. We do it the way we like best. Chop the garlic finely.

2. Take a saucepan, preferably a large casserole or thick-walled pan. Heat the oil.

3. Add at intervals of 3 minutes: onions, then carrots, and finally beets.

4. After adding the beets, cook the vegetables for another five minutes.

5. Add a glass of boiling water.

6. Close the lid and cook until the vegetables are soft.

7. Open, add chopped garlic, followed by spices and sugar with vinegar.

8. Stir, add tomato paste. If the product is concentrated and thick, then you can put less than normal.

9. Boil for another five minutes and you can package the beet caviar into sterile jars.

Delicious beet caviar for the winter with bell pepper

It is not necessary to use only red pepper for this caviar; green pods can also be used.


1 kg of boiled beets;

0.5 kg pepper;

2 onions;

2 carrots;

1 tbsp. l. vinegar;

Salt to taste;

120 ml oil;

70 g tomato paste;

1 spoon of sugar.


1. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in oil.

2. Raw carrots twist through a meat grinder, transfer to the onion, fry until soft.

3. Add diced bell pepper, cook everything together for another five minutes.

4. Now it’s the turn of the beets. We clean the root vegetables, pass them through a meat grinder, and add them to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Fry the caviar over low heat for about ten more minutes.

6. Dilute the paste with 100 ml of water, add salt and pepper, dissolve sugar and vinegar in it. Pour everything together into the beets.

7. Simmer for five minutes, pack into sterile containers, and screw on the lids.

Delicious beet caviar for the winter with nuts

Another version of spicy beetroot caviar. For this preparation you will need a minimum set of ingredients. Everything is very simple, but delicious.


1.5 kg of boiled beets;

3 onions;

0.5 cups of oil;

A glass of nuts;

2 pods of hot pepper;

15 ml vinegar.


1. Chop the onion as finely as possible and fry in oil.

2. Grind the beets in a meat grinder along with hot pepper. Add to the onion. Fry over low heat. If the mixture starts to burn, you can add a little hot water.

3. Chop the nuts small pieces, put it in an empty and dry frying pan, fry it a little.

4. Transfer the nuts to the caviar.

5. You can immediately add salt. Add chopped garlic if desired.

6. Stir, continue to simmer over low heat for another five minutes, season with vinegar, stir well.

7. Place the caviar into jars.

To make the caviar more tender, mix all the ingredients with a blender or twist through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. But you can prepare a snack with pieces, it will work original salad, also tasty and bright.

It is not necessary to cook the beets for several hours. It is enough to let small root vegetables simmer for half an hour, then pour them ice water and leave until completely cooled. The liquid must be periodically replaced with cold liquid. Large root vegetables are allowed to simmer for 40-45 minutes.

Table vinegar in winter preparations can be replaced with apple cider vinegar, but taking into account the percentage of acid. In any case, it is added at the very end of cooking beet caviar, otherwise the process can be slowed down and the vegetables will remain tough.

Winter preparations beets are always wrapped in a blanket and kept upside down until completely cooled. This technique avoids additional sterilization of the workpiece and increases shelf life.


Date: 09/24/2016


Hello my dear readers! I always thought that beet preparations were not the most popular. Although this year I strongly doubted it. My winter borscht dressing breaks all records for “readability” and “preparability.” I was inspired to write today's article by my mother. This year she prepared several types of beetroot caviar for different taste. I resisted, but my mother’s pressure was stronger. Heroine today— beet caviar for the winter in all sorts of different “guises.”

Beets are on sale now all year round. But only now, in the blessed autumn, our shelves are filled with local fresh, wonderfully burgundy root vegetables at the best prices. My hands are itching to take them and make caviar out of them with all sorts of variations. Fortunately, “vinaigrette prima” goes well with tomatoes, peppers, garlic, carrots, almost any greens and even mushrooms, zucchini and apples. Can you imagine how much space there is for our imagination? The combination of beets and horseradish is incomparable - many people are completely unfamiliar with the taste. Let's start with the simplest and move on to the more complex.

Beetroot caviar for the winter: my signature recipes

The simplest recipe for beetroot caviar with tomatoes


  • 1.2 kg of raw burgundy beets.
  • 3 large heads onions.
  • 120 ml vegetable oil.
  • 700 g red tomatoes with fleshy sugar pulp.
  • 60 ml table 9% vinegar.
  • Black ground pepper.
  • 1 medium head of garlic.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

How to cook

My comments

  • From the specified amount of products, two 0.5 liter jars are obtained.
  • Similar caviar is prepared from beets and carrots (for 1 kg of beets they usually take 500 g of carrots) - it turns out very delicious snack. Carrots should be boiled separately.
  • Add any greens at the end of cooking. Dill, parsley, and basil are suitable here - they harmonize perfectly with garlic and tomatoes.
  • To make the caviar spicy, add hot pepper twisted through a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Despite the fact that the recipe is simple, uncomplicated, the resulting product is incredibly tasty, just to lick your fingers! Caviar is good with (no worse than beets with horseradish), pate beef liver(recipe), and just with a slice of dried .

Recipe for spicy beet caviar with garlic and nuts for the winter


  • 1 kg of raw beets.
  • 150 g nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine).
  • 1 large hot pepper.
  • 150 ml olive oil.
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic.
  • Green basil leaves.
  • Juice of two large lemons.

Cooking technology

  1. Prepare root vegetables - boil them whole or bake in the oven. Caviar tastes better from baked beets.
  2. Cut the beets into cubes, put them together with peeled, lightly toasted nuts, basil leaves, peeled garlic cloves, and seeded hot peppers into a food processor or blender, pour olive oil, grind to desired consistency.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, heat to a boil with constant stirring, and pour lemon juice at the very end. Technological operation It is advisable to carry out it on a divider. If there is too little liquid in the mixture, add a little water to prevent burning.
  4. Pour caviar into sterile jars and cover with boiled lids. Set for sterilization hot water(50-60°C). Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 40-45 minutes, screw them on, turn them upside down, cool slowly, being careful of drafts.

Beet caviar with horseradish for the winter - Transcarpathian recipe


  • 1.5 kg burgundy beets.
  • 200 g of prepared grated horseradish.
  • 70 ml of regular 9% vinegar.
  • Cumin or cumin seeds (optional).
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

How to cook

  1. Make it at home (I already told you how to make it for the winter).
  2. Boil or bake beets (whole or in halves) in their peels, peel, grate coarse grater.
  3. Bring the beets to a boil over low heat, simmer for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, add water if necessary, make sure the mixture does not burn.
  4. Salt, sugar, ground cumin or cumin seeds should be added at the end of stewing. Try often to achieve a harmonious taste.
  5. IN last resort pour vinegar, add grated horseradish.
  6. Pack the caviar into prepared sterile jars, roll up the boiled lids, turn them upside down, wrap them in warm blankets, and leave them until they cool completely.

Beetroot caviar with apples, zucchini and tomato


  • 1.3 kg beets.
  • 4 medium juicy apples.
  • 1 medium zucchini.
  • 1 small head of garlic.
  • 120 ml vegetable oil.
  • 1 chili pod.
  • 40 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • 250 g good tomato paste.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

How to do

  1. Boil the beets whole or bake in the oven, peel, cut into small cubes, and grind in a blender.
  2. Wash, peel and chop the apples in a food processor, blender or through a meat grinder.
  3. Wash, peel the zucchini (young ones can be left with the skin on), remove the core with seeds and fibers, and chop in any convenient way.
  4. Heat the oil in a wide, deep saucepan, add the prepared beets, apples and zucchini. Simmer everything together for 45-50 minutes over low heat.
  5. Add chopped hot pepper (without seeds), Apple vinegar, finely chopped or crushed garlic, salt, sugar. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Place in sterile jars, roll up with sterile lids, turn the jars over, and wrap. On winter storage send after complete cooling.

Beet caviar fried with mushrooms and onions for the winter


  • 1.5 kg beets.
  • 600-700 g fresh forest mushrooms(white mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletuses, aspen mushrooms).
  • 3 large onions.
  • 120 ml vegetable oil.
  • 30 ml table 9% vinegar.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • A bunch of dill or parsley.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

How to cook

  1. Grate boiled or baked beets on a coarse grater.
  2. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, fry onion cubes or half rings until golden brown with constant stirring, add slices of peeled fresh mushrooms. Simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add beets, cook everything together for 1 hour over low heat. Add salt, sugar (if you think necessary), ground black pepper
  4. We place the finished caviar in boiling form in prepared sterile jars, cover with sterile lids, roll up, and cover with plenty of warm clothes for dry sterilization. Let it cool completely under cover.
  5. For the winter we put it in a cool place.

Beet caviar for herring under a fur coat

Wonderful preparation for the winter! It acquires a special charm the day before New Year's holidays when every minute counts. For caviar, you need to mix boiled beets, grated on a coarse grater, with salt, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil, pack into sterile jars and seal with boiled lids. As usual, wrap it up and cool it wrapped up. God, how happy you will be to have such caviar during the pre-New Year bustle!
Finally, I suggest you, my dear readers, watch a rather informative video on the topic of preparing beet caviar.

Beetroot can be used to prepare preparations for the winter. This is also an excellent side dish for fried fish and cutlets, as well as great gas station for borscht. This snack is also used for sandwiches rye bread, decorating with fresh herbs and egg on top. If you have a lot of beets, use the Popular About Health recipes. From them you will learn how delicious beet caviar is prepared for the winter.

Caviar recipes

Beetroot caviar tastes very good

So, let's prepare the vegetables. We will need 800 grams of beets, take 2 large carrots, 2 onions, a head of garlic, 5-6 tomatoes or one spoon of ready-made tomato paste. You need about 100 ml of vegetable oil, maybe a little more, add salt, pepper and sugar to taste, 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Let's wash and peel the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Three root vegetables on a grater. Pour half the oil into the frying pan and add the onions. After 10 minutes, add carrots. Fry until soft. We put the carrots and onions out of the frying pan, now we will fry the beets. Pour oil, add beet pulp, fry, stirring, until semi-soft.

Now add onions and carrots to the beet frying again, add sugar, salt, ground pepper, mix. It's time to introduce the tomato. If you are using fresh fruits, then pass them through a meat grinder. If you have tomato paste at your disposal, add it to the vegetables, pour in a little water and vinegar. Cover the caviar with a lid and simmer it for 20 minutes over low heat. If necessary, add a little more water and oil. Before the end of stewing, add chopped garlic to the vegetables.

By the time the cooking process is completed, the jars must be sterilized along with the lids. Place the contents of the frying pan in a container and roll up. Place the upside down jars under a blanket to cool slowly.

Delicious recipe for beetroot caviar, moderately spicy

If you like spicy food, you will love this recipe. You will need vegetables - beets, Bell pepper, carrots (one kilogram of all), tomatoes - 4 kilograms, onions - 700 grams, a head of garlic, half a pod of hot pepper. Salt and sugar are added to taste, and you can also take a little for flavor Italian herbs. Prepare 150 ml of vegetable oil and 60 ml of vinegar.

Let's start cooking. Let's wash and peel the vegetables. Grate the root vegetables, chop the onion and pepper with a knife. You will need a fairly large saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour oil, add vegetables. They need to be fried, and since the volume is large, we continue frying for at least 20 minutes, stirring the contents with a spoon. In the meantime, let's skip the tomatoes and hot pepper through a meat grinder. Add spices to the tomato - herbs, salt and sugar.

Fill in tomato puree beet chips, cover with a lid. Simmer it for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, over medium heat. Chop the garlic, prepare the jars and lids (sterilize). Shortly before the end of the stew, try the caviar. If necessary, adjust the taste - add salt or sugar. Add vinegar and garlic to the caviar. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner and pour the beetroot caviar into a container and roll it up. Turn the blanks over and place them under a warm blanket for a day.

Beetroot caviar for the winter - classic recipe

If you want to prepare delicious beetroot caviar for the winter without adding other vegetables (carrots, peppers), use this simple recipe. To do this, prepare the following products: a kilogram of beets, 3 onions, a head of garlic, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 50 grams of tomato paste, 20 ml of vinegar. Take from the spices Provencal herbs(a teaspoon is enough), salt, sugar, ground black pepper.

Boil the beets, peel them using a grater. Peel and chop the onion small cube. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it. Add beet pulp to it and roll in oil. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt, herbs, and a laurel leaf if you like. Pour some water and mix. Simmer the vegetables, cover with a lid. 20 minutes. Be sure to take a sample - add salt, add sugar if necessary. At the end, add vinegar and garlic. Mix everything again and let the beetroot caviar simmer for another 5 minutes. Place beets in sterilized jars and screw. We insulate the inverted blanks. After 24 hours, we take the preparations away for storage for the winter.

Tips for housewives

Beet caviar is prepared from juicy beet varieties that are suitable for vinaigrette. To ensure that the caviar has a beautiful burgundy color, be sure to use vinegar. If you are against this ingredient, replace it lemon juice. Delicious finger-licking beet caviar is prepared with the addition of different vegetables– with carrots, zucchini, apples, onions, peppers. In each case you will get a unique and original taste. You can use any spices you like. But do not forget to remove from the vegetable mass before canning. Bay leaf. Be sure to sterilize jars. You can do this as you wish - in the oven, steamed, the main thing is that they are completely clean, which will prevent the risk of the lids swelling and spoilage of the preserved food.

We looked at three recipes for beet caviar for the winter, which are very, very tasty. They are all different, for every taste. While there are a lot of beets and other vegetables in the gardens, it’s time to make preparations. In winter, you can enjoy the fruits of your labors, treat your friends and family, using the preparation as a side dish or as a dressing for aromatic borscht.

Spicy sweet and sour beet caviar for the winter will delight every family member with its taste. The appetizer looks great on a slice of bread, goes well with any side dish, and even serves as an ingredient in other dishes. You can prepare it not only from the main ingredient - beets, but also add extra vegetables. Before cooking, beets are boiled, fried or processed raw; in any case, they are perfectly stored in jars until spring. Depending on the processing, the finished food acquires its unsurpassed, special taste. Recipes for beet caviar for the winter will help you choose the taste you want. Before you start, you will definitely need a regular hand grater, blender or meat grinder. Cooking the ingredients can be done in a saucepan, frying pan, or in a slow cooker.

The benefits of beets and dishes made from them

This root vegetable is brightly rich in appearance with a subtle sweetness in taste, and is also healthy for everything else. Beetroot betaine filters unnecessary substances in the liver, normalizes metabolism and prevents increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is useful for people suffering from liver disease and obesity to introduce this fruit into their diet. To treat atherosclerosis and hypertension, you also need to eat beets, because they are rich in magnesium. If you often consume beetroot dishes, the risk of experiencing problems with anemia is noticeably reduced. More positive property the fruit is the preservation of all useful components even during heat treatment. Like all other vegetables, beets do not grow all year round, so they need to be canned and stored until spring. The preparation of such provisions varies, for example, beet caviar preserves everything for the winter useful microelements until the moment of its consumption. The burgundy vegetable is considered low-calorie and is recommended in many diets. Also, thanks to the abundance of folic acid, it is prescribed for pregnant women.

People with diabetes should not eat beets. urolithiasis and osteoporosis.

Beet caviar without carrots

Beetroot caviar for the winter according to this recipe involves boiling the beets initially. For the recipe you will need 1.2 kilograms of burgundy fruit. Additional Ingredients 15 grams will come out vegetable oil, half a teaspoon vinegar essence half a liter jar, 1.5 teaspoons each of sugar and salt, a head of garlic. Prepare 2 glass containers of 0.5 liters each. From the given proportions you will get 1 liter of beet caviar from boiled beets.

Preparation procedure:

Beetroot and carrot caviar

If pure beet caviar doesn’t please you anymore, then you should try a recipe for making caviar from beets and carrots. You will need 3 beets and 1 carrot. To enhance the taste, you can add 2 onions and about 6 pieces of garlic. The filling includes vegetable oil in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons, thick tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons, vinegar essence half a teaspoon. To taste, add a pod of red hot pepper and a mixture of any fragrant herbs. The provided components should yield two 500 gram jars fried caviar from beets with carrots.

Preparation procedure:

Beet caviar through a meat grinder

Beetroot caviar is easy to prepare for the winter using a meat grinder. Every housewife has such a kitchen appliance, so feel free to take 2 beets and the same amount of carrots to cook delicious preparation for the winter. For aroma and spicy taste you can take ground black pepper, and for dressing, 2 tbsp vegetable oil. spoons, half a spoon of vinegar essence for each jar. And, here, you will need only 1 can, with a volume of 0.5 liters. Don't forget about salt, you need to take it to taste.

Preparation procedure:

Instead of a meat grinder, you can use a blender or food processor. This will not affect the taste of the finished food.

Beetroot caviar in a slow cooker

The laziest ones will definitely consider the recipe for beetroot caviar in a slow cooker. Cooking using this technique significantly reduces cooking time, so you can quickly enjoy the fruits of your culinary labors. For the dish you should prepare half a kilo of beets, one carrot, 2 onions and 2 cloves of garlic. You will need tomato sauce for the dressing. thick paste- 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 100 grams, sugar - 2 teaspoons, salt to taste. As spices for beetroot caviar for the winter, you can use ground black and red pepper to taste.

Preparation procedure:

Each cooking point in a multicooker requires regular stirring of the ingredients to avoid burning.

Caviar for the winter, made in large quantities saves a lot of time later. This preparation is perfect as a component of borscht. There is no need to go through the trouble of grating and frying the beets. It is enough to open a can of preserved food and add a few spoons to the rich borscht. Such provisions help to maintain strength when preparing the “Herring under a Fur Coat” and “Stew” salads. Ready dish it turns out even better than with freshly prepared beets. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for beet caviar with apple

For many years in a row, in the summer, when the beets are still young and not hardened, I have been preparing a wonderful preparation for the winter - beet caviar. Juicy, moderately spicy beetroot caviar will perfectly diversify your diet in winter! Try my version of making beet caviar and I think you will return to this recipe more than once.


To prepare beet caviar for the winter you will need:
beets - 2 kg;
carrots - 1 kg;
onion - 1 kg;
tomatoes - 0.8 kg;
hot pepper - 1 pod;
vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide (salt to taste, you may need more salt);
sugar - 80 g (or 2-3 heaped tablespoons);
vegetable oil - 250-300 ml;
garlic - 1 head;
spices (bay leaf, allspice, dill seeds) - to taste.

Cooking steps

Peel fresh carrots and beets and grate on a coarse grater. Pass the tomatoes and hot pepper through a meat grinder. Remove the skins from the onions and finely chop. On a heated vegetable oil Fry carrots and onions in a frying pan over medium heat, stirring, until translucent.

Add twisted tomatoes to the fried vegetables, let the mixture boil and add the beets.

At the end, add the garlic passed through a press, pour in the vinegar and mix well.

Turn the twisted jars of beet caviar over and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. From these products, I rolled up 6 jars of 0.5 liters of beet caviar for the winter. Such preparations can be stored without a cellar.