Indian spices: names and uses. Secrets of Indian spices

Publication 2017-11-03 Liked 11 Views 7462

There is no need to talk about the popularity of Indian spices today, they have settled so long and firmly in our kitchens. “Food without seasonings is not food at all,” the Indians themselves say, and no one is going to argue with them. , stalls and specialized departments in supermarkets, online stores ... Every day the supply of spices imported from India is growing, but it is not possible to satisfy the demand. And this is understandable: Indian spices not only add zest to ordinary food, but also act as natural healers.

In ancient times, spices played the same economic role as oil and gas do today.

Spices - a favorite of Indian cuisine

The homeland of most of the plants from which spices are produced is the Deccan plateau and the southern slopes of the Himalayas. Purely Indian origin in Ceylon cinnamon, basil, cardamom, black cumin, Indian bay leaf, black pepper, curry leaves, turmeric, ginger and long pepper.

Every year the world consumes more than 10 thousand tons of pepper of all kinds.

The cultivation of spices in India today is the same as it was in ancient times. Plants are sown in areas, sometimes in hard-to-reach places for machinery. They grow like a small ecosystem, almost independently, just like in the wild. The harvest is being harvested, which will then turn into excellent Indian spices, in the old fashioned way - by hand. Harvesting women dress in

Cardamom plantations look the same as they did in the last millennium

Spices are always present in Indian dishes. Both sweet and savory and spicy. traditional recipes without spices simply does not exist! Thanks to them, the food becomes incredibly tasty, fragrant and, of course, beautiful. And also very useful.

Spices are high in calories, but in one serving they are only 17-25 kcal

Spices in the concept of Indian traditional medicine

According to Ayurveda (Indian philosophy of healing), everything that surrounds us, the entire manifested Universe is divided into three gunas - Sattva (Goodness), Rajas (Passion) and Tamas (Ignorance). Including what we eat. Plant products that we use daily, according to Indian healers, are also divided into three types.

  1. Tamasic. These include parts of plants that grew underground and touched the ground - roots, stems, leaves. Food from them is suitable for workers engaged in heavy physical labor.
  2. Rajasic. These are leaves, branches, stems. Dishes from them are best consumed by people of moderate activity.
  3. Sattvic. This species includes only seeds. Such food is useful for leading a contemplative, measured lifestyle. All those who wish to strengthen Sattva choose special Indian spices - ginger, turmeric, saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander and fennel.

Some spices in Ayurveda began to be used before they got into dishes

8 most popular Indian spices

Do you want to diversify your diet, emphasize the merits of ingredients and add new notes to familiar dishes? Just for you, we have collected a must have for a demanding gourmet. These 8 spices from India are not only the hallmark of a cuisine guru. Indian Ayurveda specialists have been using them in healing for the past several thousand years. So, you can not only have a delicious dinner and surprise guests. But also take care of your health.

Spices were first mentioned about five thousand years ago.

Turmeric. Among the spice-drugs, turmeric is a recognized leader. This spice is considered a natural antibiotic. It treats arthritis and dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion. Indian experts in Ayurveda use it for skin inflammation and wound healing. But first of all, turmeric is a popular Indian spice that gives the dish a wonderful golden color and an exquisite, refined taste.
A mixture of oil and this spice is used when

According to Ayurveda, turmeric bestows prosperity, endows with divine energy and cleanses the chakras.

Ginger. Ground ginger root has a wide range of uses. First of all, it is appreciated taste qualities. The spice is added with might and main to soups and meat dishes, dough products and drinks. Ginger received another recognition from healers. After all, it is, in fact, a cure for many diseases. The spice stabilizes the work of the stomach and intestines, lowers cholesterol levels, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland. Ginger root is used both fresh and dried.

It is believed that the use of ginger relieves a person of negative character traits.

Coriander. Coriander grains in the cuisine of the peoples of India are used almost everywhere. They are valued for their mixed (lemon and pepper) taste. Used by Indian chefs in soups, bean dishes, fish and meat dishes, salads, curries. The spice is famous for its properties that balance the body and mind. Coriander is an excellent choleretic agent, it increases appetite and alleviates the suffering of allergy sufferers.

In China, they believe that coriander has magical love properties.

Caraway. Bitter cumin seeds "know how" to enhance the taste of food, which is why it is added to not large quantities X. Cumin is the second most popular Indian spice in the world. The first is black pepper. Ayurvedic experts believe that cumin can rid the body of digestive toxins. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver recede with the proper inclusion of this spice in the diet.

Herodotus found cumin while examining mummies in ancient Egyptian pyramids

Carnation. A small dried bud in company with another Indian spice - black pepper - gives aroma and spicy taste to dishes from any kind of meat. Cloves are also good in sweets and drinks. This Indian spice is a natural antiseptic, it relieves nausea from motion sickness, stimulates the appetite and is effective for colds. The spice perfectly interrupts odors and has spicy taste so it should only be used in small doses.

Roman legionnaires chewed cloves to freshen their breath.

Pepper red and black. These two spices are present in every kitchen, and not only in India. Thus, black pepper is the most demanded Indian spice in the world spice market. It is able to improve digestion and help with colds. Topical application of black pepper can stop the bleeding of small wounds. Red pepper perfectly copes with circulatory disorders and strengthens the skeleton. He "spurs" digestive system while getting rid of toxins. Due to the content of beta-cryptoxanthin, which neutralizes the effects of tobacco, the spice is strongly advised to smokers.

Red pepper keeps its properties longer in ground form

Cardamom. Due to its delicate and mild taste, cardamom is indispensable in many recipes in Indian cuisine. It is added both to main dishes and sweets, and to. Several centuries ago, healers believed that the king of spices, as cardamom is also called, is effective in treating almost all diseases. Modern scientists claim that this Indian spice reduces the risk of melanoma, stimulates the heart and digestive system.

Cardamom does not lose flavor for several months even in an open container.

Cinnamon. Probably the most popular sweet spice on the planet. Cinnamon is made from the bark of an evergreen tree. Bakery, confectionery and drinks become, thanks to her, much more aromatic and tastier. Many use cinnamon as a sugar substitute. This Indian spice has antiseptic and detoxifying properties. Used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon is also successfully used to restore blood circulation, with flu and colds. By the way, the best cinnamon in the world is grown on the island.

In ancient times, cinnamon was considered a gift worthy of kings.

Indian Spice Curry Powder Recipe

For a long time, the inhabitants of the Malabar coast (the modern state of Goa) ate mainly rice. Fortunately for them, the rice fields were surrounded by thickets of tropical fragrant plants. Resourceful ancient Indians mixed turmeric with cardamom and ginger, added black pepper and coconut. And now the rather boring rice, thanks to spices, is much tastier and more pleasant. This is how the world-famous curry spice was born.

Curry is unusual taste, bright color, delightful aroma and drug collection benefits

Modern curry recipes great amount. There are only four basic spices in the Indian recipe - turmeric, cayenne pepper, coriander, fenugreek or curry leaves. List additional ingredients much longer - 16 spices. It also includes such well-known ones as basil, mint, cardamom, as well as galangal root and Cambodian garcinia, little known to European housewives.

For better taste Indian chefs prepare seasoning before application

It doesn't take long to make curry powder. Unless, of course, you have all the Indian spices. Seasoning according to this recipe is soft, tender. If you want to make it spicier - increase the dose of red ground pepper. So, Ingredients:

  • coriander seeds - 3 tbsp. l
  • cumin seeds - 2 tsp
  • fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp
  • fennel seeds - 1 tsp
  • yellow mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • white peppercorns - 2 tsp
  • carnation - 6 buds
  • turmeric - 2 tbsp. l
  • ground red pepper - 2 tsp

Curry is not suitable for any European dish

Cooking: Place all spices except turmeric and ground red pepper into skillet. Then fry them over medium heat for 10 minutes. The mixture should darken. Cool down. Then everything needs to be ground in a mill to a powder state. Add red pepper and turmeric. Grind again and sift through the spices through a sieve.

In ordinary stores, instead of "Curry" you can buy a mixture of unknown composition and origin

Indian vegetable stew recipe

For this delicious Indian dish, you will need vegetables and real Indian spices. Cooking Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 2 pieces
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • cauliflower- 1 small head
  • sweet red pepper - 1 piece
  • onions - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • ginger root - 3 cm
  • cashew - 50 gr
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • cream with a fat content of 20% - 200 ml
  • melted butter- 2 tablespoons
  • Bay leaf- couple
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • coriander - 0.5 teaspoon
  • a pinch of salt

Indian vegetable stew great dish and on festive table and for every day

Cooking Indian vegetable stew:

Rinse cabbage and disassemble into florets. Wash potatoes and carrots and cut into slices. Onions - in half rings, and Bell pepper- cubes. Finely chop the garlic and ginger.

Pour hot water vegetables. Boil 7-8 minutes. In a frying pan, heat the oil, in which fry the bay leaf with onions and cashews for about 3 minutes. Then add spices there - garlic, turmeric, ginger, salt. Fry everything for about a minute.

Pour the resulting mixture tomato paste and simmer for a couple of minutes, stirring. Put the sweet pepper into the pan. Fry for two minutes. Then add the vegetables to the sauce and mix well. Simmer until fully cooked.

Recipes vegetarian dishes amazing variety of options

Of course, the list of popular Indian spices is far from complete. I wanted to talk about curry leaves and basil, asafoetida and anise... If you are interested in the topic of spices from India, in any "special" store you will be happy to tell you in detail about each one - what dishes to add, what helps, what is incompatible with . Experiment! And bon appetit!

In this review, we will talk about popular Indian spices - we will give detailed description the most common types, we will tell you what their features are. We will also discuss where you can buy flavoring additives to diversify your usual dishes and expand your culinary possibilities.

What to choose?

Indian seasonings and spices are incredibly popular far beyond the borders of the state. This is not surprising, because they:

  • Possess bright taste and unique smell
  • They can change the taste of the dish beyond recognition;
  • Decorate cooked food;
  • They are famous for their medicinal and healing properties.

By the way, the Indians themselves claim that food without spices is impossible - they are in sweet, salty dishes, hot dishes or desserts. You can verify this by taking a short trip around the country. Or by visiting a specialty restaurant.

Spices and seasonings from India have become widespread, but not all of them grow in this country. Some representatives came from the Himalayas or Tibet, as well as from the Deccan Plateau. Some grow directly on Indian plantations - they are still hand-picked and processed by women and, sometimes, men.

Consider the main Indian spices and spices.


Distinctive feature- a bright yellow color that allows you to get a golden hue of the dish and a refined taste.

Beneficial features:

  • Helps with skin inflammation;
  • Used for wound healing;
  • Relieves stomach pain and intestinal disorders;
  • Serves as an excellent antibiotic.

Often turmeric is used as food and not food coloring. It is also the main ingredient in curry powder.


This Indian seasoning is added to almost all dishes. national cuisine. The value lies in unique taste- a mixture of pepper and lemon.


  • Increases appetite;
  • Has a choleretic effect;
  • Improves digestion.

Put in soups, hot meat and fish dishes, add to legumes and salads. Both whole seeds and powder are used in food, coriander leaves serve as an excellent garnish. More interesting information about that, you can learn from our other article.


Small bitter seeds with a pronounced pleasant aroma are a popular spice in India and European countries.

Features and properties:

  • Removes toxins;
  • Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Significantly enhances the taste of the dish, so it is put in small quantities. By the way, this is the second most popular spice, and black pepper is in the first place.

Cumin can be consumed in powder form, more often the seeds are roasted or calcined to enhance their taste. We also have an article about that - we advise you to read it!


When studying the spices of Indian cuisine, one cannot fail to mention cinnamon, one of the most popular sweet spices in the world. It is added to drinks, pastries and other confectionery products.

Basic properties:

  • Restoration of blood circulation;
  • Antiseptic action;
  • Improving metabolism;
  • Treatment of colds.

An interesting fact is that cinnamon is often used as a sugar substitute.

The product is a derivative of the bark of certain plants, used in the form of a powder or whole sticks. The world has known this seasoning for more than four thousand years.


The main feature is a sharp, spicy, but pleasant aroma. Taste properties allow you to add cardamom to sweet and savory dishes, as well as to the national tea - masala.

Scientists say that cardamom has a beneficial effect on all body systems, helps improve blood circulation, the work of the heart muscle and reduces the risk of developing oncology. More, about, read the link.

Black and red pepper

Indian herbs and spices include many exotic ingredients, but two of them are familiar to all of us - red and black pepper varieties.

Both of them give a spicy, spicy flavor.

Black pepper:

  • Improves digestion;
  • Helps heal wounds;
  • Helps with colds.

Red pepper:

  • Strengthens the skeletal system;
  • Eliminates circulatory disorders.


Small buds-inflorescences have bright aroma and are added to the second dishes, drinks and sweets.

It has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic action;
  • Improved appetite;
  • Anti-cold properties.

Please note that in order to reduce the sharpness of the smell and taste, it is worth putting cloves in small quantities at the very end of cooking.


Exotic spicy herb in powder form or finished pasta extremely popular in the south of the country. It is added to soups, often put in rice. The main distinguishing feature is a pleasant sourness.

Curry mix

Finally, we note a mixture of Indian curry spices. Curry- This is a separate spice obtained from dried leaves, and also a powder, which includes a lot of ingredients.

The basic version includes four components:

  • Red pepper;
  • Turmeric;
  • Coriander;
  • Fenugreek (curry leaves).

Additionally add:

  • Fenugreek;
  • Cumin;
  • Ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • Fennel;
  • Carnation.

Cooking options depend on the chef - everyone chooses a set of ingredients to taste.

Now you know what spices to bring from India if you or your friends/family go on a trip around the country. But this is only one way to get the desired mixtures - below we will talk about others.

Ayurvedic medicine has a deep knowledge of the effects of spices and spices on our health. Spices not only give even the most ordinary dishes a special taste, but also help restore health, for example, avoid problems with the heart and blood vessels, reduce the risk diabetes and so on..

Recently, many Russians are quite justifiably fond of Ayurvedic knowledge, and especially the part that is devoted to proper nutrition, including the use of quite a large number of spices and spices. What is only milk with ghee, turmeric, black pepper and honey (which is great for coping with colds).

But if earlier they spoke about the benefits of spices, citing examples, as a rule, from their own experience, now these conclusions are confirmed by numerous modern scientific studies, both in India and abroad. We will tell you more about this, based on the results of long-term research at the University of Pennsylvania (USA). These results cannot but please lovers of Ayurvedic medicine and Indian cuisine!

During the experiments, it turned out that the use of such common spices and seasonings as curry, turmeric and cinnamon has a beneficial effect on our body and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Or, for example, spicy and spicy foods with lots of spices can help reduce triglycerides (a type of blood fat) by 30%, even if the meals were high in fat. These studies used a formulation of garlic, oregano, curry, turmeric, and pepper, ginger, and rosemary.

While scientists continue their scientific research, finding more and more confirmation of Ayurvedic knowledge, which - for a moment - several thousand years old, you yourself can add a little variety to your standard diet with the help of spices and seasonings. The following is important information about the health effects of the most common spices and spices.

But first, let's explain the difference between spices, seasonings and spices, many people cannot distinguish between them.

Spices are various aromatic parts of plants, such as roots, stems, leaves, seeds, bark, fruits, etc., which are added to food in small quantities, as they have a fairly pronounced taste. In addition to the aromatic smell, spices give the dishes a special tart, bitter or burning taste and appetizing smell. Some garden plants (onions, garlic, etc.) and greens are also referred to as spices. Most spices have medicinal properties. They often inhibit the growth of bacteria and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.

If only parts of plants are called spices, then other substances can also be spices and seasonings. Sugar, salt, vinegar, lemon acid, yeast, alcohol - all this can be called spices. They enhance the taste of food, making it salty, sweet, sour or spicy. Seasoning is a broader concept that includes both spices and spices and various flavors. Therefore, seasoning can be called all sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, sour cream, dry mixtures of herbs and spices.

Table of the influence of Indian spices and spices on health

Basil contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, K, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, as well as a large number of flavonoids that help protect the body from harmful effects all types of radiation.

Fresh vanilla beans are also expensive, especially in our latitudes. Vanilla is usually used in confectionery, added to cottage cheese, pancake dough, cookies, cakes, mousses, creams and other desserts. Vanilla improves digestion, neutralizes acidity and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Cloves are added to sweets, and mixed with black pepper, it is suitable for meat dishes from lamb and pork. Clove is an excellent antiseptic, it makes breathing easier for colds. So it can also be added to tea or hot milk. Just a little - don't forget that it's quite spicy!
Ginger is added to teas and pastries, it goes well with meat dishes and soups. Ginger is especially popular in Indian and Chinese cuisines. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it helps with arthritis, increases appetite, lowers cholesterol, and normalizes the condition of blood vessels.
Cardamom is a natural tonic and is great for helping us wake up in the morning, especially when added to coffee or tea. Cardamom is useful for physical activity, it improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Mixed with other spices, cardamom is used in meat and fish dishes.
Coriander improves appetite, promotes digestion and is good cholagogue. In the form of seeds, coriander is added to meat dishes, fish and pastries. The green part of the plant is the well-known cilantro, which is added to various kinds salads and other dishes.
Cinnamon helps fight colds and helps lower blood sugar levels (helps treat type 2 diabetes). Cinnamon is most often found in baked goods, added to coffee and tea. Cinnamon is sometimes added to the seasoning mix during the preparation of Indian and Chinese chicken recipes.


Turmeric is quite popular, it is part of many seasonings, the most popular of which is curry. Turmeric is a warming and immune-boosting spice and is often added to drinks to treat colds. It has also been proven that one of the substances that make up the spice, bisdemethoxycurcumin, is an immunomodulator that stimulates phagocytosis of beta-amyloid (the accumulation of which is the cause of Alzheimer's disease). And besides, turmeric has the ability to suppress the growth of malignant tumors.

It is better to be careful with this spice, because nutmeg It is a hallucinogen and acts like a drug in large quantities. It was used in their rituals by the South American Indians and the inhabitants of the Malaysian archipelago. In cooking, it is most often used in baking and as an additive to some vegetables, and is also added to coffee mixed with cardamom and cinnamon. But nutmeg can be used not only as a spice: before the coronation of Henry VI, nutmeg was burned for disinfection and flavoring on the streets. Amazing waste, because the spice was very expensive: 6 sheep or 2 cows were given per kilogram of nuts.

Chili pepper (cayenne)
The most in cayenne pepper high content vitamins C and A among all vegetable crops. It is often used for various shocks - heart attacks, fainting and bleeding. It dilates the vessels when they are constricted and constricts when they are dilated. Made from chili peppers alcohol tincture, which is used for pain in the heart instead of nitroglycerin.

Black pepper

Perfectly promotes digestion and improves appetite.

Parsley is very rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber and contributes to the normal functioning of peristalsis.

Rosemary improves digestion, increases blood pressure, perfectly tones the body. Great as a seasoning for meat or sun-dried tomatoes!

Cumin improves kidney function, promotes digestion, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Added to sauces and pastries, goes well with meat and fish dishes, pilaf and stewed cabbage.

Thyme (thyme)
Thyme in ancient times was considered a "divine herb", which was able not only to restore health to a person, but also life itself. Goes well with meat and vegetable dishes Well, you probably tried thyme tea yourself.

Shambhala (fenugreek)
Shambhala lowers blood cholesterol levels and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Real saffron is very expensive and hard to find. It is easy to confuse saffron with turmeric and in our markets they can sell it to you under the guise of saffron. One of the tests - take a small amount of saffron, put on your wrist and rub it hard - you should feel hot. Saffron perfectly cleanses the blood, helps with headaches and insomnia, helps cleanse the kidneys, has a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the entire body. In ancient Rome, a pouch of saffron was known as the best hangover cure, and the Greeks believed that when combined with wine, saffron causes bouts of euphoria. But in addition, saffron helps us maintain good vision, up to preventing blindness. It turns out that this spice is really “golden” and not only in color.

The above describes only those popular spices that are used most often in the kitchen. We hope that this "concise explanatory dictionary of Indian spices and spices" will help you to diversify the most regular meals and will give you health and energy.

It is very popular in almost all countries of the world. This is not surprising, since Indian dishes are special, no matter what. similar taste. One of distinguishing features Indian cuisine are seasonings that can decorate the taste of almost any dish.

Indian spices have been valued at all times. At one time in Europe, they cost crazy money, and many kings supplied entire expeditions to India in order to bring these wonderful spices to the west. At one time, for Europeans, their taste was so new and unexpected that a lot of money was given for them.


Masala is one of the most popular Indian spice mixes, it does not have a clear recipe, so it can be used in various dishes and have different composition. It is traditionally used both in India and in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Masala is used in Indian salads, appetizers, along with rice, fish, as well as fruits, tea and pastries. Masala seasoning is different for cooking and. The market price in Goa is 50 rupees per 100 g.


This spice has a bright yellow color. Turmeric belongs to ginger and grows in almost all parts of India. The plant that became the source of this spice is called long turmeric, and the spice itself is made from its roots.

Most often, turmeric is used in Kashmiri cuisine, it can give any dish not only a special taste and aroma, but also affect its color. One of the main components of the well-known curry seasoning is turmeric.

Used in dishes: curry, biryani pilaf, chapati, pakora, vegan tandoori, alu gobi, khichari from mung bean sprouts, etc.

mustard seeds

Well, who does not know about such a beloved and already dear to many of us mustard. Not everyone knows, but she is also of Indian origin. Seed collection is from herbaceous plant and originally they have no taste at all. Only after roasting mustard seeds acquire their unique taste and aroma.

Mustard is used not only in Indian cuisine. Many European dishes, including Slavic dishes, also actively use this wonderful seasoning. It goes especially well with meat. Mustard is also included in mayonnaise.

Used in dishes: fish and potato curry, pea soup, Bengali eggs, Indian pickles, vegetable cutlets, dhansak with shrimp, Achar gosht, cottage cheese rice, etc.

Herbs and spices on a market in India

coriander seeds

Coriander is one of the most commonly used spices in Indian cuisine. In the manufacture of this spice, coriander seeds may or may not be burned, it all depends on the preparation method.

Most often coriander is used in bean dishes, with various soups and sambar, coriander is also often used in conjunction with curry.

Used in dishes: chicken and beef curry, battered pumpkin, mint chutney, biryani pilaf, Alu Methi, Dimer Dalna, etc.

cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon is one of the most popular sweet spices in the world. Essentially, cinnamon is the dried bark of the Cinnamomum Verum tree.

Cinnamon is very popular not only in Indian cuisine, but also in many European dishes. It is especially actively used in confectionery industry. All kinds of pastries, cakes and much more with the use of cinnamon becomes much tastier and more aromatic. Also, tea and some other drinks are often drunk with cinnamon. In India, almost every cafe can bring you tea, where there will be a whole cinnamon stick in a glass: very unusual and tasty.

Used in dishes: chicken korma, cherry chutney, lentils with spinach, dhansak, Indian cutlets, chicken masala, masala chai, etc.

star anise

It is the dried fruit of an evergreen plant from India called star anise. The plant grows not only in India, but throughout Southeast Asia. The spice itself has a yellow-brown color, and also has a very strong aroma.

In most cases, star anise is used in the confectionery industry, it is used in baking pies, making cakes and cakes, and it is also great for puddings, cookies, jams and many other confectionery products.


Tamarind paste is made from the fruit of a certain type of tree. Initially, such trees grew only in Africa and Madagascar, however, for several thousand years they have been actively cultivated in India, where there are very favorable conditions for them.

Tamarind is a spice that is widely known in many tropical countries. It is actively used in most different dishes, has sour taste, often used in conjunction with rice.

Used in dishes: fish curry, spicy soups and rice dishes.


Don't fall, but saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It is made from the dried flowers of the Saffron plant. The cost of one kilogram of saffron reaches about 2 thousand dollars. Such a high price of this spice is explained by the fact that the process of its cultivation is extremely time-consuming. The spice is obtained from the stigmas of a saffron flower, one flower gives only three stigmas, so to make 1 kilogram of such a spice, it is necessary to process about 200 flowers.

Saffron gives dishes a golden yellow color. It is used in soups, pilaf and many other Indian dishes. One of the features of this spice is that in large quantities it is deadly poisonous to humans, so saffron should be used in small quantities.

Used in dishes: jalebi, Indian kheer, saffron plov, milkshakes, Sabji (vegetable curry), etc.

Black and green cardamom

One of the hallmarks of cardamom is its pungent, smoky flavor, which has made it very popular in Indian cuisine. Cardamom is made from dried fruit tree of the same name. The Queen of Spices is what people called it because of its incredible aroma and taste. Cardamom grows best in western India, where it is most cultivated.

Cardamom is actively used both independently in various Indian dishes and as part of other spices. For example, cooking curry dishes is simply impossible without the use of cardamom. Also actively used and cardamom oil, which is part of many Indian drinks. It is also customary to use cardamom oil in perfumery, due to its exquisite aroma.

Used in dishes: fruity apple salads, korma, dhansak, Indian biryani, ladu, tea and coffee, etc.

Nutmeg flower and walnut

Produced from the fruits of trees belonging to the Muscat family.

It is actively used in baking and in the confectionery industry. Muscat is also used to season meat dishes in Indian cuisine.

Used in dishes: lassi, cherry chutney, masala chai, halava, etc.

Indian spices not only enrich various dishes shades of unique taste and wonderful aromas, but are also very beneficial for health, improving digestion, work of cardio-vascular system, stimulating immunity, etc.

Most of us are well aware of such popular Indian spices as bay leaves or black peppercorns, but there are many other equally worthy seasonings.

Indian spices: the history of the use of the first spices

It is not known exactly when exactly spices began to be eaten, since it was a very long time ago - according to some sources, the beginning of the use of spices dates back to the Stone Age. Scientists say that seasonings began to be used by people even before salt.

Even two thousand years BC. the main food of the population of the Malabar coast was rice. In order to somehow diversify food, people began to add herbs to it that grew nearby. They mixed cardamom and black pepper, turmeric and ginger, added to the mixture coconut milk. The resulting fragrant yellow mass was seasoned with rice. This ancient recipe became the prototype of the famous and popular mixture of spices, called today "curry".

Papyrus scrolls found by archaeologists contain ancient Egyptian recipes describing dishes with anise and coriander, cumin and mustard seeds, as well as mint, garlic, saffron, cardamom and other spices.

Spices have found great use in Greece, India, Rome and Persia. The famous Charlemagne made a serious contribution to the cultivation of spices in the beds. He issued a decree according to which Europeans were ordered to grow about 73 types of various herbs and vegetables. Among them were fenugreek, sage, celery, tarragon, onion, cumin, lovage, parsley, dill, etc.

Spices were also used in Russia, but in a smaller assortment and more modest quantities. Saffron, black pepper and ginger were delivered to Moscow from India and Iran, cinnamon, galangal and star anise were brought from Asia. In total, it was customary to use about 10-15 types of spices for food, which, against the background of many other countries, made Russia inexperienced in matters of Indian seasonings.

Indian spices today

In the modern world, the popularity of Indian spices is constantly growing. They are used by chefs of luxury restaurants and ordinary housewives in various countries, including Russia. In various cities - large and small, you can see an Indian spice shop.

The most popular Indian spices are:

All these Indian spices have rich shades of taste: from delicate, barely perceptible, to tart and very fragrant, and are widely used in first, second and third courses to give them a perfect taste and unique aroma.