Lean vegetable cutlets. Homemade meatballs

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

When fasting comes, many housewives think through their menu to the smallest detail. Sometimes you don’t know what to cook so that the dish does not contain eggs, milk and other animal products. You just don’t want to cook porridge and sometimes it’s not as appetizing as we would like. In this case, vegetables help out. Dishes from them can be so varied that you are simply amazed. In fasting, you want to eat a cutlet, but in order for it to be without meat, you need to try to find the right ingredients. Rescues all the familiar cabbage. Simply amazing lean vegetable cutlets come out of it, which are rightfully considered lean. They keep their shape perfectly even without eggs, and their taste is simply incredible. Juicy cabbage cutlets will be a real full-fledged dinner dish for the whole family. Try cooking lean vegetables with me. A simple and delicious recipe with a photo of delicious lean meatballs, I described in detail for you.

Required products:

- 500 grams of white cabbage,
- 1 onion,
- 1-2 cloves of garlic,
- 2 tables. l. decoys,
- 1.5 tables. l. flour,
- 150 grams of breadcrumbs,
- salt pepper,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut white cabbage into large pieces. Finely do not chop, it is not necessary.

Blanch the cabbage in boiling, slightly salted water for 5-7 minutes.

Let the cabbage leaves cool, but it is better to put it on a sieve so that the liquid is all glass.

We make minced meat in a meat grinder: we twist cabbage, onion and garlic. Salt and pepper to taste.

We add semolina and flour. To knead a homogeneous mass for cutlets. Semolina will help cutlets keep their perfect shape and stay juicy.

Wet, slightly moistened hands with water, form cutlets and bread them in breadcrumbs.

We heat the frying pan with oil, spread the cutlets and start frying. Fry over medium heat so that the oil does not shoot in different directions.

When the bottom side is browned, turn over and continue to fry until both sides are cooked.

Ready to serve to the table. Lenten meals can be tasty and healthy. Help yourself to lean vegetable cutlets and feed your family with a wonderful dish. Bon Appetite!

Great Lent is a central phenomenon, involving the preparation of a Christian for the main holiday - the Bright Resurrection of Christ. This time is marked by special chants - prayers of repentance, the memory of the death and subsequent resurrection of Christ, as well as the prohibition of eating certain foods for a certain period. Eating during fasting involves following strictly established rules. This article will be about them and about Great Lent in general. In addition, we will consider the main recipes for everyone's favorite dishes (in particular, lean meatballs), which will help diversify the diet during this period.

Lent is present in all historical churches and many other denominations. In the spiritual sense, the essence of this phenomenon is purification, renewal of the human soul, abstinence from anger and evil. If we consider the everyday definition, then the believer must refuse to use certain products or food in principle during this period.

This religious phenomenon is a memory of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert for 40 days. And the duration of the post is somehow associated with this figure. In each individual denomination, the rules for calculating and the duration depend on many factors. But more on that later.

D To designate Great Lent, almost all over the world, words are used that one way or another indicate the number 40. In Eastern Europe, the term “Quetecost” is used for this, in many European countries the Latin term “Quaresima” and its derivatives are used.

As for when fasting began, according to some sources, this phenomenon took place already in the first centuries. Other scholars testify to its gradual development. In addition, there is evidence that in the first centuries the Resurrection of Christ was celebrated weekly, respectively, there was no talk of any fasting.

Preparation for Great Lent in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, preparation for fasting is an important stage, which implies a Christian's spiritual readiness for repentance. Preparation begins in four weeks:

great post

Fasting lasts 6 weeks and Holy Week. Lent should begin no earlier than February 15, and end no later than May 7.

In 2016, the Orthodox fast will last from March 14 to April 30, and from February 10 to March 26 - Catholic.

Eating in Lent involves strict adherence to certain rules:

  • the most severe period is in the first and last weeks;
  • fast foods are prohibited;
  • fish is allowed only on the feast of the Annunciation, if it did not fall on Holy Week and Palm Sunday;
  • Good Friday and Good Saturday are days without food, although the Charter allows one meal of raw food on Saturday.
  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - one evening meal;
  • on Tuesdays and Thursdays - one evening meal of hot food and only without oil;
  • on Saturdays and Sundays you can eat twice with vegetable oil and wine from grapes.

If we consider nutrition in general, then the food should be quite simple, not fatty and not of animal origin. Under a complete ban meat, dairy products, eggs, chocolate, fish (except for certain days). You don't have to limit yourself to vegetables and fruits. It is best to diversify the menu with protein products of non-animal origin (peas, lentils, beans, buckwheat, beans).

It is allowed to consume bakery products prepared without products prohibited at this time. It is also not recommended to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages during this period.

Cuisine and food

Lenten cuisine depends on the week of fasting. The first and last weeks are considered the most severe, the rest may offer some concessions. The lenten menu includes the following permitted products:

In addition, it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of water, which will help you survive the period of restrictions with dignity and without harm to the body. Remember that if you feel weakness or other discomfort, it is better not to joke with the body.

Below we give the most popular recipes that will help prepare lean meatballs.

Cutlets during Lent

If you decide to fast, then why not make it tasty? Moreover, if you use simple recipes, you will get even the most real lean meatballs!

Cabbage meatballs

The dish prepared according to this recipe is perfect for fasting. Its base is cabbage. So, for cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of white cabbage;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • half a bunch of dill;
  • salt and other spices, depending on preference;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil for cooking.

First you need to boil the cabbage. To do this, it must be cut into several pieces and boiled in water with salt for about 12 minutes. After that, the cabbage is decanted and passed through a meat grinder. Cabbage mince is decanted again to remove excess water.

Now onion and garlic are chopped on a fine grater, dill is finely chopped. All ingredients are mixed, and spices and salt are also added. Mix the resulting mass well, adding flour and semolina.

Cutlets are formed from the resulting mass. Before frying, they need to be rolled in breadcrumbs.

The last step is frying. In vegetable oil, lean cutlets are fried until tender. When you see a crispy crust, the patties are ready.

Indian meatballs

This recipe is considered Indian. Cooking cutlets on it will not be difficult. So let's get started. You will need:

  • four medium-sized potatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • a third of a tomato;
  • two tablespoons of canned peas and corn;
  • half an onion;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a few tablespoons of chopped parsley and dill;
  • salt, spices, water, flour, breadcrumbs, oil for frying.

First you need to boil potatoes and carrots. They boil in their skins. While these two ingredients are cooking, mix corn, peas, tomato, garlic, onion, herbs. Tomato, garlic and onion should be finely chopped. Ready carrots are cut finely and added to the ingredients described above. Crushed potatoes are also added there.

Now we prepare batter from flour and water, like for pancakes. A glass of such dough will be enough, we prepare breadcrumbs.

We form cutlets from the potato-vegetable mixture. These cutlets are first dipped in batter, then in breadcrumbs, after which they are placed in a frying pan with oil for frying.

Oatmeal cutlets

Another simple cutlet recipe is oatmeal. To prepare lean meatballs you will need:

  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • boiling water - half a glass;
  • potatoes - 1 piece;
  • onion - one head;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • champignons - 3 things;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings, herbs, oil.

First you need to prepare oatmeal. To do this, fill them with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, we are preparing other components. Potatoes and onions are grated, garlic is crushed, champignons and greens are chopped. The resulting mass is salted, oatmeal is added to it.

Cutlets are formed from a well-mixed dough. They should be fried in a heated pan with sunflower oil over medium heat until cooked.

Lentil cutlets

If you are tired of lentil soups and cereals, then you can cook lean cutlets from this product. To implement the recipe you will need:

  • a glass of lentils;
  • four small onions;
  • salt, spices, herbs, crackers and butter.

First, let's prepare the lentils. To do this, soak it for 10 hours in water. The onion is fried in oil until golden brown. In general, if you like onions, then you can add more.

When 10 hours have passed, the lentils should be thrown into a colander and passed through a meat grinder to get minced meat. The resulting mass is mixed with onions, spices and seasonings.

Now you can form cutlets. Formed cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in sunflower oil until cooked.

Meatless are always popular for those who are on a diet or for some reason do not eat meat. These recipes are especially relevant during fasting, as now, when you want something hearty, tasty and lean. In addition, vegetable cutlets are very useful, and cheap, which also cannot be discounted.

Potato cutlets with mushrooms

Potato cutlets are a delicious dish, especially if you add mushrooms to them, in particular, champignons.


  • Potato - 700 g.
  • Champignons - 200 g.
  • Onion - 150 g.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.

How to cook potato cutlets without meat

Peel the potatoes, salt, boil and mash them.
Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
Mix fried onions with mashed potatoes. Chop greens, chop mushrooms and fry.
Then add it to the puree.
Add flour and mix everything well to get a thick mass.
Form cutlets out of it, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown

Carrot cutlets without meat

Carrot cutlets are suitable not only for diet food, but also for a regular table. Add an apple to them for flavor and they diversify the menu, becoming a light dinner or breakfast.


  • Carrots - 5 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 1/2 cup.
  • Flour - 1/2 cup.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - to taste.


Grate peeled carrots and an apple on a coarse grater.
Transfer to a saucepan, add a third of a glass of water, oil and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat.
Add semolina, sugar, salt and mix well. As a rule, a slightly watery mass is obtained, so a couple of tablespoons of flour should be added.
Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Eggplant cutlets with sweet pepper

Eggplant cutlets, spicy and unusual in taste, will diversify your Lenten table.


  • Eggplant - 2 pcs.
  • Red sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Lettuce leaves - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook eggplant cutlets

Roast whole eggplants and peppers in the oven. Bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
Cool and peel off the skin. Remove the seeds and stalk from the pepper.
Grind finely with a knife or in a blender, salt and pepper.
Put the minced vegetable in a bowl, add flour to thicken.
Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.
Serve with lettuce leaves.

Lentil cutlets

Lentils are a very useful and valuable product, which, unfortunately, is not very popular with us now. But it is a source of iron, B vitamins and complete vegetable protein.


  • Dark lentils - 1 cup
  • Breadcrumbs - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh herbs - to taste
  • Dry thyme - a pinch.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Pepper - to taste.

Cooking lentil cutlets

Pour 4 cups of water over the lentils, season with salt and boil until tender.
Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.
Mash boiled lentils into puree, add breadcrumbs, tomato paste, fried onions and carrots, spices and finely chopped greens.
Mix everything thoroughly, make cutlets and fry them on both sides.

Cabbage cutlets with onions

Cabbage cutlets are a classic vegetable dish. Easy to prepare, tasty, and to set off the taste, you will need small seasonings: onions, garlic and herbs.


  • White cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - ½ cup.
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g
  • Flour - ½ cup.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Greens - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g.
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook cabbage cutlets

Wash the head of cabbage, remove the damaged leaves and cut the head of cabbage into four parts.
Put the cabbage in a saucepan, cover with water, salt and cook for about ten minutes.
Transfer the cooked cabbage to a colander to cool and drain excess liquid.
Pass peeled onions, garlic and cabbage through a meat grinder.
Finely chop the greens and add to the minced vegetable.
Pepper, salt, add semolina and mix well.
Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in vegetable oil.

In fasting, many miss their favorite food since childhood. For example, cutlets. And the one who thinks that the Lenten table is boring, monotonous and tasteless has never fantasized about “lean meatballs”. After all, from vegetables and cereals you can cook incredibly delicious homemade cutlets, which are in no way inferior to meat cutlets.

Vegetable cutlets

What is the trick of lean meatballs?

We put egg yolks in traditional cutlets, which “bind” and prevent the minced meat from crumbling. During fasting, instead of eggs, we use ordinary semolina or small oatmeal "Extra" - these cereals hold together the minced meat of lean cutlets in exactly the same way.

It is advisable to add to lean cutlets for piquancy variety of spices and seasonings, fried onions and carrots, as well as tomatoes- all these "spicy additives" will unusually enrich the taste of lean cutlets. With such cutlets, every lunch will be not only varied, but also incredibly useful. The main thing - do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment with products and their combinations.

Cutlets from carrots, potatoes, lentils, cabbage, beets, pumpkins, beans and mushrooms, as well as from buckwheat and oatmeal.



1 kg cabbage (both broccoli and cauliflower can be used)
½ cup semolina

Cumin, dill, salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

    Finely chop the cabbage and simmer with the addition of olive oil and water for 20 minutes until half cooked.

    Slowly pour the semolina into the cabbage, stirring constantly to avoid lumps, and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

    Remove the pan from the heat, salt the cabbage and add spices and herbs. From the chilled mass, form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a pan.

Sauce for meatballs: tomato juice, parsley, garlic.

Potato and cabbage cutlets



1 kg carrots
½ cup semolina
½ glass of water
1 bulb
Dry paprika - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

    Peeled carrots cut into slices and stew with water until tender.

    Sprinkle the prepared carrots with semolina, mix well (in mashed potatoes) and cook over low heat for another 8-10 minutes.

    Fry the onion until golden brown in vegetable oil.

    Add the onion to the carrot mass and refrigerate. Form cutlets with your hands and roll in breadcrumbs and fry in oil.

Sauce for meatballs: honey, mustard, crushed walnuts.



1 kg pumpkin
2 onions
1 large potato
Greens (dill, parsley, green onion, basil)
½ cup semolina
1 glass of water
3 art. spoons of olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

    Grate the pumpkin on a medium grater. Put the pumpkin in a deep frying pan, add olive oil, finely chopped onion and potatoes. Add water. Simmer vegetables for 20 minutes until tender.

    Sprinkle the stewed vegetables with semolina and mix everything thoroughly. Simmer another 10 minutes.

    Add spices and finely chopped greens to chilled vegetables. Form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Fry cutlets in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Sauce for meatballs : garlic oil.

How to prepare the sauce:

In a saucepan over low heat, heat the olive oil with grated garlic. The garlic should dissolve in the oil.

Cutlets with greens

OAT CUTLETS RECIPE (slightly reminiscent of chicken)

Boiled rice can be used instead of oatmeal. It also turns out delicious.


1 cup oatmeal
200 grams of champignons
1 PC. potatoes
1 bulb
Salt and pepper to taste
Special seasoning "For chicken cutlets" or curry

How to cook:

    Pour oatmeal 1/2 tbsp. boiling water. Let them swell. Squeeze out excess water.

    Grate potatoes, onion and garlic on a fine grater. Finely chop the mushrooms.

    Mix vegetables and mushrooms with cereal. Mix and add spices and parsley.

    Form cutlets (it can be pancakes) and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.

Sauce for meatballs : tomato basil sauce

How to prepare the sauce:

Stew tomatoes with basil leaves. At the end, add some balsamic vinegar.

(you can use lentils instead of beans)


400 g beans
Potato - 1 pc.
Carrots - 2 pcs
Onion - 1 pc.
Garlic, vegetable oil, salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook:

    Boil potatoes and carrots in salted water, cool slightly.

    Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil.

    Pass boiled vegetables and boiled beans through a meat grinder, add salt and pepper.

    Add fried onion and garlic to bean mince.

    Roll minced meat into patties, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Sauce for meatballs : tomato sauce with dry herbs.

How to prepare the sauce:

Stew tomatoes with dry Italian herbs.

Cutlets with carrots



1 cup buckwheat
200-300 grams of mushrooms (champignons)
1 bulb
1 carrot
100 grams of rye bread
Garlic, herbs, salt, spices "For minced meat"

How to cook:

    Cool boiled buckwheat. Mushrooms fry in vegetable oil with onions and carrots.

    Combine buckwheat and fried mushrooms, add soaked bread, spices and herbs, mix (you can use a blender).

    Make cutlets out of minced buckwheat and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in vegetable oil.

Sauce for meatballs : lean "Bechamel"

How to prepare the sauce:

Dilute 50 grams of wheat flour in a small amount of water and fry the flour mass in a pan until the flour changes color. Add salt, nutmeg and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the sauce.

The post should be tasty and healthy - watch our video recipes!

On the eve of Lent, do not deny yourself your favorite dishes. Recipes for cooking vegetable cutlets are very useful for those who follow the fast. Do you want meatballs? Get ready! To date, there are a lot of recipes for such dishes and for every taste. And do not think that the Lenten table is boring and tasteless. On the contrary, it is very diverse, because it is possible to cook delicious meatballs from vegetables, which are not inferior to meat dishes in the slightest.

Lean beet cutlets

Please your family in the post! Fry beet patties that do not contain a drop of meat!


  • Semolina - one tablespoon
  • Beets - 200 gr.
  • Lean oil
  • Breading

Boil beets

Clean and grind in a meat grinder.

Add vegetable oil and semolina

Mix all.

Place on fire to heat until the mass becomes thick and dense. Then cool it and stick cutlets.

Dip each cutlet in breadcrumbs.

Fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Semolina cutlets with milk and raisins

With this dish, we plunge into memories from childhood. I remember that we ate these cutlets in the garden with jelly! Today I wanted to plunge into childhood and cook semolina cutlets myself and treat my children!


  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Sugar - one tbsp. l. (taste)
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Semolina - three tablespoons
  • Eggs - one pc.
  • Dark raisins - 15 gr.
  • Tangerine zest - 2 gr.
  • Vanilla - 1 gr.
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to cook ordinary semolina porridge.

Cook until it thickens

It needs to be very, very thick.

Add vanilla, raisins, tangerine zest

Now egg and flour, mix well. Can this be done with a mixer?

A homogeneous mass will come out

We make meatballs with wet hands

Wrapped in breadcrumbs

Grease the pan with butter

Fry meatballs over low heat

Close the pan with a lid

Cook until browned

It can be served with jam - it's very tasty

The children liked the cutlets, today such cutlets are not cooked in kindergarten. In order for them to come out more dietary, you can dip in coconut flakes and bake in the oven. Try it!

Carrot-apple cutlets

Such cutlets are one of the most useful, low-calorie, sparing dishes, they are also in the diet for children, they meet the requirements of various therapeutic diets.


  • Milk half a glass
  • sunflower oil
  • six carrots
  • Apple three pieces
  • Semolina two tablespoons
  • Sugar, salt
  • One egg
  • Flour to taste

Milk needs to be warmed up

Grate carrots on a coarse grater

Simmer with milk for five minutes

Grate apples. Add to carrots.

Add semolina, salt, sugar.

Stir and simmer for another five minutes.

Cool and add the egg

Mix everything thoroughly and make meatballs.

Wrapped in flour

Fry for three minutes on all sides

Serve with sour cream

Onion cutlets with semolina and eggs

We love onion cutlets very much, it's simple, very appetizing and budget!
I make them often for guests and for family dinner. They look like meatballs. Cutlets come out delicious and crispy. And I love them for their pleasant sweet aftertaste. If you have never had to try onion cutlets with semolina, it's time to correct this mistake!


  • Onion - three hundred grams
  • Semolina - two tablespoons
  • Flour - two tablespoons
  • Tomato paste - three tablespoons
  • Chicken egg - two pieces
  • Salt and black pepper - according to your taste
  • vegetable oil

We clean the onion and grind it, it is possible to use a chopper. Add salt, ground black pepper and sweet paprika powder.

Separate two tablespoons of chopped onion, and transfer the rest to a deep container.

Add eggs and stir.

Salt and season with spices, add flour, semolina

Mix thoroughly and set aside for fifteen minutes.

In a frying pan, fry the remaining onion until translucent.

Add tomato paste and pour half a glass of vodka, mix

It is possible to use tomato juice (2 cups), but it should be boiled until it thickens.

When it boils, add salt, add a little sugar (half tsp), vinegar (1 tbsp) and season with spices

If you like, you can add garlic.

Heat vegetable oil and spoon the onion mixture into the pan

Fry on each side until the crust is golden brown.

You can eat like regular cutlets, but it tastes much better when they are stewed in sauce.

Simmer over low heat for five minutes, after boiling.

You can stew in the microwave: high mode - two minutes, medium - three.

Pea cutlets with garlic

For gourmets! Very easy recipe for tender cutlets! Pairs very well with vegetables.


  • Carrot one piece
  • one bulb
  • peas 200 gr
  • sunflower oil three tbsp
  • two cloves of garlic
  • ginger to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • dill to taste
  • salt to taste
  • flour 50 gr
  • in ode 0.5

Leave yellow dried peas in water overnight. In the morning, you need to drain the water, and grind the peas in a meat grinder.

Grind the onion and carrot, fry in sunflower oil and also through a meat grinder.

Garlic needs to be ground with salt and dry spices, mix.

The mass that turned out should stand for about thirty minutes.

Then we make cutlets and fry on all sides in vegetable oil, as usual.

They bake well in the oven.

Carrot cutlets with semolina vegetable and lean

Carrot goes well with various vegetables and some fruits - it can be combined with cabbage - and carrot cutlets with cabbage will come out. Carrots are not bad and unusually combined with pears, raisins or dried apricots, but in this version it is more useful to bake them.


  • two large carrots
  • two apples
  • two tablespoons of semolina
  • one teaspoon of sugar
  • salt according to your taste
  • one teaspoon of cinnamon
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • flour or breadcrumbs for breading

I wash and clean blocks and carrots. Grate the carrot grater and put in a container.

Add half a glass of water and simmer over low heat until half cooked.

Rub the apples on a grater and send to the carrots. Until the apples are soft, cook a little more.

Pour semolina into the gruel that turned out and add sugar (it is possible to add a pinch of salt). Cook for another five minutes, stirring all the time.

Cool the resulting mixture, add ground cinnamon. We make cutlets from it and dip in breading or flour.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the carrot cutlets on each side until they become ruddy.

Before serving, it is possible to supplement with honey or jam. If you do not adhere to the post, then you can offer with sour cream.

Vegetable cutlets are very well combined with sour cream. From lean sauces, it is possible to use mayonnaise without eggs. A dish purely from carrots or with fruits can be offered with honey, jam, ice cream - with what your imagination is enough for.

Meatless cutlets "Indian style"

If there are vegetarians among your friends and relatives, I recommend meatless meatballs. This is a very tasty, vegetable dish that is considered one of the worthy of Hindu cuisine. Imagine: the most delicate vegetable filler, covered with a ruddy crust, a unique fragrant aroma and taste - well, who will remain indifferent here?


  • four potatoes
  • One bulb onion
  • one carrot
  • one tomato
  • Two tablespoons canned peas
  • Two tablespoons of canned corn
  • One clove of garlic
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Two tablespoons of parsley
  • Two tablespoons of wheat flour
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt according to taste
  • Ground black pepper according to taste
  • vegetable oil

We wash all vegetables. And then we cook potatoes with carrots. Salt according to your taste.

Carrots should be almost ready, and potatoes continue to cook until tender.

In the meantime, take a bowl and mix the peas with corn, not coarsely chopped dill. Chop the tomatoes, garlic and onion into pieces, add to the bowl. We also chop the carrots and adjust to these products.

We clean the boiled potatoes from the skin and grind in mashed potatoes, add a little and add spices. Cool down.

Cooking cutlets

Mix all vegetables. Pour the flour onto the first plate, add a little water and mix thoroughly until smooth, pour the crackers into the second.

On low heat, heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil.

We make cutlets, then dip them first in the flour mixture, and then in the breadcrumbs.

Fry on all sides until golden brown

- Boil potatoes with carrots with a skin, so they save their nutrients and do not boil soft.

- Buy small peas and corn.

— Such cutlets are suitable with a light vegetable salad and semi-sweet white wine.

Lean cabbage cutlets

Cabbage cutlets are a real lean dish. They are prepared by those who should be on a diet. Also, the dish is known among those who adhere to fasting. And there are vegetarians too.


  • One head of cabbage;
  • Two carrots;
  • One beam;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Seasonings for vegetables - packaging;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Breading - a bag.

We remove the upper leaves, remove black spots. We cut the cabbage into pieces with a large knife, remove the stalk, put it in boiled water and sauté for ten minutes.

All other vegetables are cleaned and cut into slices. We take out the cabbage and let it cool a little. Grind all the cooked ingredients in a meat grinder.

Add flour, salt and seasonings. We mix everything thoroughly and form small semi-finished products with our hands.

We heat the butter in a frying pan, wrap in breadcrumbs and fry for five minutes on each side.

Minced meat can be supplemented with fresh herbs and garlic, but this is if you wish.

All is ready. Be healthy!

Lean rice patties with mushrooms

During fasting days, it is not necessary to give up tasty dishes, you can cook excellent mushroom cutlets! This dish is flawless and will bring variety to your everyday table. Nutritious and very fragrant mushroom cutlets will appeal to everyone!


  • Half a kilogram of champignon mushrooms.
  • One glass of white rice.
  • One bulb onion.
  • Flour or breading.
  • Lenten oil.
  • Salt according to taste.
  • ground black pepper according to taste.
  • Pure distilled water liter.

Round-grain rice is great for this dish, it cooks well and does not lose its shape. Rinse the rice through a sieve with cold water. We leave the rice so that excess water comes out and then put it in a container.

We wash the vegetables, dry them finely, grind them, try to cut slices no more than one centimeter. We mess up

chopped vegetables on different plates.

Cook the rice while stirring for forty minutes. We need viscous porridge. After the porridge is cooked, let it cool down.

While the rice is cooling, pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan, add the chopped onion to it and simmer for about three minutes until we see that it has become transparent and browned. Next, add mushrooms to the onion and simmer everything together for another fifteen minutes until it is ready.

When the vegetables and rice have cooled, we shift everything into a capacious container, add salt, ground black pepper according to taste and mix them with a tablespoon so that everything is evenly distributed. Cover and refrigerate the mince for 20 minutes until completely cooled and thickened.

At the end of time, we take out the minced meat and begin to make a cutlet, wrap it in flour or breadcrumbs.

We fry our cutlets in a pan on all sides until golden brown. We put the finished products on a large plate. Great for both dinner and lunch.

These meatballs are best served hot. They can be eaten separately and with a side dish.

The dish can be covered with lean mayonnaise or sauce and sprinkled with chopped dill, parsley, green onion or cilantro.

- In order to add the most expressive flavor to a lean dish, it is possible to supplement the minced meat with various spices that are suitable for vegetable dishes.

- Instead of rice, it is possible to use wheat groats.

- It is also possible to add minced meat with chopped herbs or finely chopped garlic.

Cabbage cutlets from white cabbage without flour

I remember such wonderful cabbage cutlets from my childhood and most likely your grandmothers also cooked them. Here I want to offer my method of cooking such white cabbage cutlets without flour and semolina, but with oat bran.


  • 1/2 head white cabbage
  • Egg one piece
  • Onion one little thing
  • Garlic one clove
  • Oat bran two tablespoons
  • Breading
  • Salt according to your taste
  • Ground black pepper
  • sunflower oil

First of all, you need to cut half of the cabbage head into large pieces and boil it in salted water. Keep an eye on the water so that the cabbage is covered all the time. When it has boiled, throw the leaves into a colander and pour out the excess water. Cool down.

After the cabbage has cooled, it should be crushed with a blender so that not large minced meat comes out.

In the resulting minced meat, put the chopped onion and garlic, egg, oat bran, salt and pepper according to taste. Grind again so that a uniform mass comes out.
Add a bit of breading at the end, so the minced meat will come out dry and will hold its shape more firmly.

Form patties with wet hands. Fry them over low heat for two, three minutes on all sides, until browned.

It is possible to offer with a side dish, and with sour cream. We got a light, appetizing, tasty and healthy meal.
Have a nice lunch!

– You can cook steamed cabbage cutlets.

- It is possible to put fresh or fried onions in minced meat.