Eight unusual jam recipes. Original jam recipes

Large green unripe gooseberries - 5 cups,
Sugar - 1 kg,
Cherry leaf - 2 cups
Water - 3 glasses,
Peeled walnut - 2 cups

Cooking method:
Release the gooseberries from the stalks, “flowers”, carefully cut and remove the pulp with seeds from the nick, trying to preserve the integrity of the berry. Pour 1 cup of cherry leaf with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes, making sure that the water remains green. Strain, pour over the berries, put in a cold place for 24 hours. Prepare the second glass of cherry leaves as follows - remove the rough parts, divide each leaf into 4 parts. Drain the cherry broth from the berries and put a piece of cherry leaf and a piece of walnut into each berry, sprinkle the berries with vodka. Add sugar to the strained broth and cook the syrup over low heat for about 15 minutes (make sure that it does not “turn pink”!). Pour the berries into the prepared syrup and cook for 15 minutes. IMPORTANT! - Chill very quickly! - to save green color.


First way

250 g of mint leaves, 1 kg of sugar, 2 lemons, 0.5 l of water.

Rinse mint leaves with stems, dry slightly and chop. Finely chop the lemons along with the peel. Put everything in a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for a day.
After that, squeeze the mixture, filter the infusion, add sugar to it and cook until tender. Pour hot jam into boiled jars and immediately roll up.

Second way

400 g of mint leaves, 1 kg of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 1 glass of water.

Wash the mint in cold water, put it in a colander, gently blot with a towel. Pouring into a saucepan, alternate with sugar, taken in the amount of half the prescription rate. Top with citric acid mixed in a tablespoon of water. Shake, cover and leave for 6 hours. In the meantime, boil the syrup from the remaining sugar and one glass of water, remove the foam and pour the mint juice into it. After the prescribed 6 hours, put the mint on the fire and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Hot pour the jam into sterile jars and roll up.


Mint jam is not only unusual and very pleasant in taste, but also good for health: it helps with colds and stomach diseases.

200-300 gr. mint
0.5 l. water (I poured more, I just thought of it and did it right)
1-2 lemons (better taste and smell)
1 kg. sugar (if more water and more sugar)

So ... collected mint leaves along with twigs and stalks (and I also with flowers), lemons, cut together with the “skin”, pour water and cook for 10 minutes. Infuse this magical brew for one day. After a day, squeeze the mass, and strain the infusion. Add sugar and cook until done. The word readiness frightened me, but ... I cooked for two hours on low heat, removing the foam. Then later ... after three hours I boiled it again and poured it into jars. It is better to put parchment in the lid so that mold does not appear due to condensation after a while. That's all ... In winter, God forbid you catch a cold, you will have a medicine or just a sweet "summer"


From raspberries:

For every 1 kg of raspberries
1.5 kg sugar
Sort the raspberries and put them in a cup. Cover with sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then mix with a wooden spatula in one direction. Stir the jam for a day until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the jam into sterile and dry jars, close with plastic lids and store in refrigerator for about 4-5 months.

From currant:

For every 1 kg of currant
1.5 kg sugar
Sort the currants, remove the stalks so that there are only berries, wash and put on a sieve to drain excess liquid. Transfer the currants to a cup. Cover with sugar and leave for 2 hours. Mix. Blend with an immersion blender until smooth. Pour the jam into sterile and dry jars, close with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator for about 4-5 months.
If you want to keep the jam for a short time, then you can reduce the amount of sugar by 500 gr.


Kiwi 1 kg,
lemon 1 piece,
juice of 1 lemon,
sugar 900 g

1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with a brush and cut into thin circles. Put in a saucepan along with 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
2. Peel the kiwi, cut into circles and put in a saucepan with lemon circles. Add lemon juice and the rest of the sugar. Boil. Pour into a ceramic dish and leave at room temperature for the night.
3. The next day, return the jam to the pan, bring to a boil again and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour into sterilized jars, let cool. Then close and store in a dark, cool place.


Orange - 3 pcs
Water - 400 ml
Sugar - 300 g
Citric acid (half of an incomplete tsp) - 0.5 tsp.
Ginger (root, optional. You can not add) - 10 g

Wash the oranges thoroughly, pour boiling water over them (in order to wash off the wax that is applied so that the orange does not deteriorate during transportation) and clean it in any way convenient for you. I cut the peel in the center so that I got two hemispheres. Then she cut each hemisphere in half and each part into three more strips.

If the orange is thin-skinned, the inside can be left, if it is thick-skinned, remove a little from the inside so that the curls are easier to wrap and they are neater. My oranges were thin-skinned, so I didn’t take off the inner white part - I photographed it for a sample.

Roll each piece of peel into a tight roll and string on a thread like beads. The thread must be pulled tighter so that the curls do not unfold. pour orange beads cold water. Change water two to three times a day. It is necessary to soak the peel for 3-4 days, until the crusts become soft and stop bitter. It's even convenient - you can add the peel as you eat oranges, so the soaking period can be extended by two to three days. After that, boil the crusts 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, each time changing the water. After each boiling, the peel should be doused with cold water. I did it very simply - I boiled the kettle and put it in a bowl cold water. I boiled it for the first time - I put the beads in a bowl of cold water, poured fresh hot water into a saucepan and put the peel back in. And so several times.

Now we need to weigh the peel. I took three oranges - it turned out exactly 200 grams.
The proportions for jam are as follows - 1.5 times more sugar, twice as much water. If you do not have scales, I give other proportions: for 10 oranges - 1 kg of sugar, 1-1.2 liters of water and 1 tsp. citric acid (or juice of half a lemon). I read such proportions in another recipe, but I did it myself as indicated above.

So - peels from 3 oranges (200 g), 300 g of sugar, 400 g of water, (as a gag - 10 g of ginger root cut into small pieces) put in a saucepan and cook until slightly thickened - the syrup should be quite liquid , similar after cooling to very liquid honey. Add citric acid before removing from heat. We remove the threads after the jam has cooled. Pour into a clean dry jar. The output turned out to be a little more than a 0.5 liter jar. How much is stored - I can not say. I had a jar of jam at room temperature for only a week.)) They ate it very quickly.))


250 g raspberries
Juice of half a lemon
2 tablespoons
500 g sugar
Vanilla (1 vanilla bean / 1 tablespoon vanilla)

Put raspberries, juice and 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Reduce the temperature and leave to cook for 5 minutes.
Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
Scrape off the vanilla pod and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.
Taste the jam and if it is not ready, leave to cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the jam into a jar and serve.



1kg blueberries
1.2-1 kg of sugar
2-3 grams of citric acid

Transfer the prepared blueberries to a cooking bowl, pour hot 70% sugar syrup (700 g of sugar per 300 ml of water) and soak in the syrup for 3-4 hours.

After that, cook over low heat until fully cooked, removing the foam. At the end of cooking, you can add citric acid.

Pack hot blueberry jam in prepared, heated jars. Pasteurize at 95°C: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.

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Jam - fruit and berry pastry, made by boiling raw materials in sugar or sugar syrup, while maintaining the shape of berries and fruits.

Jam differs from jams and jams in the absence of a jelly-like consistency. The product syrup must be liquid. Berries and fruits should be evenly saturated with syrup, make up 45-55%, they should not be shriveled and boiled.

Depending on the type of berries and fruits, jam cooking can be single or multiple.

Jam is one of the most popular types of homemade preparations. Exists great amount jam recipes to preserve the harvest.

Jam is a favorite delicacy of the sweet tooth, an indispensable winter dessert. It's nice to have a cup of hot tea with fragrant jam melt in your mouth! Jam is loved for a variety of tastes and a beautiful view - this is the amber-honey beauty of the color of the sun and summer.

What if usual jam, strawberry, apple or cherry, already tired and want something new, interesting, unusual?
Apparently, someone still got the idea to try to make jam from unusual ingredients. It is difficult to say who it was, but, undoubtedly, these people possessed original taste and love to experiment. The result of their efforts was a pleasant surprise. It turns out that a combination of seemingly incongruous ingredients can be incredibly tasty and, moreover, also healthy. There is such a jam that you need to dare to taste it. But those who dare will not regret: unusual jam is in no way inferior to the taste to which we are accustomed.

What can be jam?

Non-standard jam can be very different, combinations of components - the most unexpected. If we take into account the raw materials from which the jam is prepared, then it can be divided into the following types:
- non-standard components;
-familiar fruits and berries, but with unusual additives.

vegetable sweetness

Is it possible to cook sweetness from vegetables? Why not! No matter how strange it may sound, but vegetable jam is in no way inferior to fruit jam in taste. In addition, vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, so vegetable jam is also useful. The only thing to remember is that vegetables, unlike berries, usually do not have a sour taste. Therefore, acid must be added to vegetable jam.

What jams are made from vegetables:

Pieces of pulp are boiled in a thick syrup, the jam turns out to be a rich orange-amber color, with a pleasant taste and aroma. For sourness, at the end of cooking, add a lemon or orange, you can along with the zest. If you make jam according to a different recipe - fill it with sugar, and not pour it with syrup - then the pieces will not retain their shape, and we will get delicious pumpkin jam.

Zucchini jam
Who would have thought that an ordinary unleavened zucchini in jam would acquire the taste of pineapple? Surprisingly, it is. If you acidify it with lemon or cherry plum, you get an exquisite dessert - elastic, translucent cubes just melt in your mouth!

Eggplant jam
Surprisingly, such a recipe exists, it is traditionally used in Georgian, Armenian and Bulgarian cuisines. Eggplant has a very suitable structure for jam: they contain gelling agents. If the fruits are cut into thin petals and boiled in syrup, we get candied fruits, which can be successfully used to make decorative roses for baking. Lemon or citric acid, various aromatic spices are added to eggplant jam.

carrot jam
Beautiful, bright, fragrant, with a rich taste. You can chop the carrots or cut into larger ones - slices, circles. If the pieces are dried and sprinkled with powdered sugar, you will get delicious and natural candied fruits.

tomato jam, bell pepper, bow
These types of jam also have the right to exist, but their taste is so unusual that you can’t serve it with tea. But they are in harmony with meat and fish dishes. Caramelized onions and pepper confiture occupy a worthy place in modern haute cuisine.

Sweet healing exotic

Sometimes so unusual ingredients are used for jam that it can rightly be called exotic. I recall the words of a song from the cartoon about Masha and the Bear: “What is born in the garden, what grows on a tree, everything will come in handy for business and fall into jam.” The value of such jam is in its usefulness. Seemingly strange ingredients make it a truly healing product. In addition to its benefits, it is distinguished by its richness and intensity of taste.

Rose petal jam
When tea roses and wild roses bloom wildly in May-June, it becomes possible to prepare a chic dessert. The petals are collected, ground with sugar or left whole and boiled in syrup until thick. This jam is a little sugary, but it has a magical aroma, the petals creak interestingly on the teeth. He has a lot healing properties, for example, it helps to calm down, improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.

Dandelion jam also known as dandelion honey. It is made from flower baskets of the plant, boiled with sugar. At the end of cooking, it is filtered and a thick yellow syrup is obtained. There are many recipes for dandelion jam: you can add lemon, orange, pectin, it will be delicious. This "honey" is good for coughing, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and liver.

Unripe jam walnuts
It is made from waxy nuts when their shells are still soft and the core is already formed. Such fruits are boiled whole, boiled in syrup, they become shriveled, similar to prunes. Its taste is very interesting, it is not for nothing that jam is held in high esteem by the most demanding gourmets. It is rich in iodine and other trace elements, useful for the thyroid gland, blood vessels, and supports immunity.

Jam from young pine cones
Green cones are suitable for harvesting, very soft, not having time to stiffen. This jam has a strong coniferous aroma. AT winter period it will help cure cough and strengthen the body's defenses, it can be given to children.

Jam from flowers of white acacia, elderberry or lilac
Prepared from freshly harvested raw materials. At the end of cooking, it is filtered, there are no flowers left in it, but the meaning is not in them - it turns out a thick, fragrant, rich syrup. This flowery delicacy can be eaten as a regular jam, or taken as a medicine: it will replace cough syrup and replenish vitamins.

Rhubarb jam- very tasty, slightly sour, with elastic pieces. It has a very rich vitamin and mineral composition, it has a slight laxative effect.

An old recipe in a new way

If you don’t like such bold experiments, then you can make the most ordinary jam become unique. To do this, you can add a new component to your favorite ingredients, with which the taste of jam will change beyond recognition. When cooking jam from fruits and berries, vanilla sticks, ginger, cinnamon, peppercorns, citrus zest will amazingly shade them.

For example:
In pear jam you can add poppy, ginger, cardamom or vanilla; AT pear jam - coffee and cognac;
Try boiling pears in halves in honey, rosemary and thyme syrup.
Add a bar of dark chocolate at the end of the boil in plum jam , or white - in strawberry.
Add almond marzipan and dark chocolate to cherry confiture.
Put nuts or kiwi.
In strawberry jam throw in mint leaves and a few black peppercorns.
Quince jam diversify with orange and cinnamon.
Weld Cherry jam with carrot slices.
Before cooking large apricot jam, carefully, without cutting into halves, pull out the seeds, chop them with a hammer, pull out the “nuts” and put them in apricots.
Do apple jam with orange peel and nuts, vanilla and star anise.

A little advice: if you decide to cook some original jam according to a proven recipe, cook more, do not be afraid - there will be no end to those who want to try something new and extraordinary. You will see how quickly it will end, because it is always a pleasure to treat your loved ones with something new, interesting and tasty, especially if it is made by yourself. So feel free to experiment!

As you understand, we can’t put all the recipes here, but we publish the most popular of the unusual ones:


1000 pcs. walnuts, 3 kg sugar, 10 g ground cloves, 10 g ground cinnamon, 5 pieces. cardamom.

Unripe walnuts are peeled, poured with cold water and left for 6 days, changing the water 3-4 times a day, until the nuts become dark in color. After that, drain the water, and immerse the nuts in lime water and soak in it for a day, stirring occasionally. Lime water is prepared from 0.5 kg of quicklime, which is poured into 5 liters of cold water, stirred and strained through cheesecloth. Rinse the nuts thoroughly with cold water, then lower them into boiling water with the addition of alum (75 g of alum per 5 liters of water). Boil the walnuts for 10 minutes, then put them on a sieve, transfer them to a bowl with cold water and soak in it for 1 hour. cook sugar syrup. Put nuts in hot syrup, add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom (in a gauze bag), boil, remove from heat and leave for a day. This operation should be repeated 3 times, then boil the jam until tender, removing the bag of spices.


This recipe is also called Bulgarian jam. It is very easy to make and the taste and texture are amazing. Nuts are “hardened” by alternating, then they will be soft inside, but will perfectly retain their shape.

1 kilogram of milky walnuts
900 grams of sugar
Glass of water
10 grams of citric acid.

Cooking method:
Wash the nuts, peel off the films and dip in a solution of citric acid for an hour. Solution - 5 grams of lemon per liter of water.
Then boil water and start hardening the nuts. Dip them in boiling water for five minutes, then return them to cold water for the same amount.
Repeat the manipulation at least seven times, the more the better.
In parallel, you can put the syrup to boil by mixing water and sugar.
When the solution boils and the nuts are sufficiently hardened, place them in syrup and cook for at least half an hour.
Check the readiness of the nuts - they should be soft inside. Add lemon juice, bring to a boil.
Pour hot into jars and cork with iron lids. You can also remove it under ordinary lids, then the jam in the jars should cool well, and only then you can close it.


This recipe can be considered basic. The composition of spices is not strict, you can change as you wish. The jam should turn out to be quite dark in color, the nuts themselves are almost black. A thick aromatic mass is an indicator of the readiness of a future delicacy.

100 walnuts milky ripeness;Sugar two kilograms;Five glasses of water;Five pieces of cloves and cardamom;A full teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:
Wash young nuts, peel off films, pierce the ends with a thick needle and pour water over.
Keep for 10 days, changing the water two to three times a day.
Then start making jam. First, prepare the syrup: boil sugar and water.
Slightly dried nuts are placed in the syrup.
When it boils, hold for five minutes and remove from heat. Cool down.
Repeat two more times. The second time, put spices in a container with jam - you can in a bag. Pull out a third time.
After the last cooking, pour the mass into clean jars and roll up. Turn over, leave wrapped for a day, put in the cold.


Lemon note diversifies the sweetness nut jam. According to this recipe, it will turn out to be thicker than the previous one, since less water is taken for the syrup.

Walnuts young 100 pieces; Sugar two kilograms; Two glasses of water; 1 large lemon; Cloves optional.

Cooking method:
Soak the nuts for ten days, after removing the skin and piercing each on both sides. Don't forget to change the water often. This is done to get rid of the inherent bitterness of walnuts.
Boil water and throw in the nuts so that they are completely covered. Cook until soft - should be pierced with a fork.
Drain and leave to dry slightly.
In the meantime, make syrup with water and sugar.
When the mixture boils, place nuts and spices in it.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the future jam.
Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, turn off, cool.
Repeat the process again and again. For the third time, cook until the nuts are fully cooked, that is, until dark in color.
Pack in jars, roll up, keep covered for a day and put in storage.


The essence of the preparation of this jam is that the syrup is cooked separately. It turns out the mass is very thick, and thanks to the spices - especially fragrant.

A kilogram of unripe walnuts; Sugar half a kilogram or a little more; Glass of water; A pinch of vanilla and cinnamon.

Cooking method:
Prepare the nuts - wash, peel, soak for ten days, changing the water.
Make syrup from sugar and water.
Put the spices in the syrup and pour the nuts, cool to a warm state, mix.
The next day, strain the syrup, boil it, cool, reconnect with nuts.
So repeat a total of four times, the syrup should be getting thicker.
On the last day, put the syrup with nuts on the fire, cook for about ten minutes, quickly pour into containers and close.


Lemon flavor and spicy clove aroma fill the walnuts boiled according to this recipe. It is prepared in several steps, but cooking does not cause any special difficulties.

Kilogram of nuts: Kilogram or slightly more sugar; large lemon; 7-10 cloves; Two glasses of water.

Cooking method:
Peeled washed nuts of milk ripeness are soaked for a week in clean water with the addition of citric acid. Change the water twice a day.
Rinse the nuts well, pierce with a thick needle and boil for 20 minutes in water.
Pull out into cold water, cool.
Make syrup by boiling water and sugar.
Put nuts in syrup, boil for five minutes, turn off.
After cooling, repeat the procedure, and then again.
For the fourth time, bring the jam to a boil, reduce the heat and keep until the fruits are ready. Check them with a fork - it should pass well.
Put hot jam in storage containers, roll up, keep warm for a day and put in a cold place.

1 kg of rose petals, 6 kg of sugar, 8 g of citric acid.

Tea rose petals are used for jam. Cut off the lower white part of the petals with scissors, remove the dried petals. By shaking and sifting through a sieve, separate the pollen from the petals. Rinse the rose petals prepared in this way in cold water, put in a bowl for cooking jam, pour 2 liters of cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. After that, add sugar and boil the jam until tender. In order to preserve the natural color of the petals and prevent sugaring, citric acid must be added during the cooking of the jam.

Plum jam with ginger in a slow cooker

50 ml of pure water; sugar - 750 g; ginger root - 9 g; 900 g ripe plums.

Cooking method:
1. Sort the plums, removing spoiled and unripe fruits, wash and put on a towel to dry.
2. Break each plum in half and remove the pit.
3. Put the plum halves into the multicooker bowl. Pour in water and activate the "Frying" mode for seven minutes. Cook plums with a lid.
4. Transfer soft plums and separated juice to a bowl. Blend everything with an immersion blender until pureed. If there is no blender, grind everything through a sieve.
5. Peel the ginger root, chop on the smallest grater and add to the plum puree. Add sugar and stir. Activate the "Steam" mode and cook with the lid closed for 25 minutes.
6. As soon as the mass boils, remove the foam and cook without closing the lid and stirring constantly. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars and seal tightly.

Plum jam with cocoa powder

2 kg plums; kilogram of sugar; 10 g vanillin; 100 g cocoa powder.

Cooking method:
1. For jam, elastic, not overripe fruits are needed. Rinse the plums thoroughly under the faucet. Lay them out on a towel and pat dry. Break the fruit in half and remove the seeds.
2. Transfer the prepared plums to a basin and pour in all 500 g of sugar, mix and leave for a day so that the fruit releases juice.
3. Mix the remaining sugar with vanilla and cocoa. After a day, pour the plums with this mixture, mix and cook, stirring regularly, over low heat, forty minutes.
4. Pack hot jam in prepared glass containers, seal it hermetically, turn over and cool completely. Store jam in a cellar or pantry.

Plum jam with spices and wine

Ingredients: 40 g almonds; 5kg plums; 2 kg 100 g sugar; cinnamon - 4 g; 1 g cardamom; white wine - 400 ml.

Cooking method:
1. Wash ripe plums thoroughly, break them in half and peel them from the seeds. Transfer the plum halves to a wide bowl.
2. Pour the contents with sugar and leave for 12 hours so that they let the juice flow. Pour in wine and season with cinnamon.
3. Grind the cardamom grains. Add cardamom to the plum mixture. Put the basin on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until thick.
4. Shortly before the end of cooking, add whole almonds to the bowl. After about seven minutes, pack the jam in a small glass container. Roll up hermetically with lids, having previously doused them with boiling water, and put them in storage in the cellar.

Raspberries grated with sugar and currants

raspberries - 800 g; sugar - 1 kg 300 g; black currant - 200 g.

Cooking method:
1. Sort the currants, tear off the tails, put on a sieve and rinse under running water. Leave the berries to drain all the water.
2. Sort raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries. Pour the raspberries into a wide bowl with water and leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the water and put the berries on a sieve to completely get rid of moisture.
3. Smash the currants in a blender until puree. Mash raspberries with a crush. Combine the grated berries in one bowl, cover with sugar and leave for several hours, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Mix the berry mixture again. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator, spreading out in sterile, dry jars.

Raspberries with sugar and gelatin without cooking

dry gelatin - 7 g; kilogram of raspberries; half a glass of filtered water; one and a half kg of sugar.

Cooking method:
1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries, pour them into a wide bowl of water and leave for a few minutes. Carefully drain the water with the floating debris, and put the berries on a sieve. Wait until all the water has drained.
2. Put the raspberries in a saucepan and cover it with sugar. Remove the dishes with the berries in the refrigerator for four hours. During this time, the raspberries will give juice, and the sugar will dissolve slightly.
3. Then carefully grind the raspberries with sugar with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can do this with an immersion blender.
4. Pour a little water into a small saucepan, pour gelatin into it, mix and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
5. Put the saucepan on low heat and heat the mixture without boiling. Pour the gelatin mixture into the raspberry puree in a thin stream and mix.
6. Pour the washed jars with boiling water and wipe dry. Put the raspberries in the prepared container, tightly close the lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

"Drunk" raspberries with sugar for the winter

75 ml of vodka; sugar - kilogram; raspberries - kilogram.

Cooking method:
1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries. Pour them into a wide basin and cover with sugar. Stir, cover with a towel or lid to keep dust out. Leave for ten hours.
2. Raspberries will give juice, but all the sugar will not melt. Stir the raspberries every two hours and leave to infuse further, covered with a lid.
3. Wash the jars with soda, then rinse thoroughly and put upside down on a clean towel to dry. Then sterilize and wipe them dry.
4. When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour in the vodka and mix thoroughly again. Arrange the raspberries in jars to the very top. Hermetically roll them up with boiled lids and send them to the cellar for storage.

Jam - assorted cherries with garden berries

Sweet cherry - 1 kg Mix of berries (strawberries, red currants, etc.) - 1 kg; Sugar - 2 kg; Water - about 2 cups; Zest of half an orange

Cooking method:
Rinse all the berries very carefully, first in a bowl, and then with running water. Remove seeds, leaves, twigs.
In an enamel pan, heat water, into which then add sugar and chopped orange zest. Heat until it boils, stirring constantly to prevent the syrup from burning.
Place the berries in a bowl for cooking. Pour them with boiling syrup, put on medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil.
Let stand for at least 6 hours, then put on fire again and bring the jam to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and leave for another 6 hours, then repeat the procedure.
Arrange still hot jam in sterilized jars and close with lids. It is better to store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

pickled cherries

Cherries - about one and a half kilograms (as much as it takes to fill the jars); Sugar - 800g; Allspice - 2-3 peas; Carnation - 2-3 buds; Star anise - 1 star; Cinnamon - a centimeter piece of a stick; Acetic acid - half a tablespoon; Water - 1 liter and 1 glass

Cooking method:
The berries are carefully sorted and washed, cleaned of ponytails.
Grind all the spices with your hands or a rolling pin and pour them into jars.
Arrange cherries in jars.
Boil water in a saucepan (it is better to use enameled) and pour sugar into it. It is better to strain the syrup, then pour it into it. acetic acid and stir.
Immediately pour the jars with hot marinade, immediately place them in a large saucepan, the bottom of which is pre-lined with a napkin, add hot water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jars, and pasteurize the jars covered with roofs, but not rolled up, about 10 (for the floor -liter) or 15 (for liter) minutes at the weakest boil (so that the water only trembles a little).
Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and cover with a terry towel or blanket. Leave it like this until it cools down completely

Canned cherries in the form of marmalade

Cherries (it is better to choose red or black varieties to make the color more beautiful) - 2 kg; Sugar - 1 kg; Medium sized lemon - 1 piece

Cooking method:
Lemon must be thoroughly washed with a special brush.
Sort the cherries carefully, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
Free the berries from twigs and seeds (you can use a special device to extract the seeds, or you can simply cut each berry and shake out the stone with the tip of a knife).
Pour the berries with a glass of water, mix and let stand so that the berries give juice.
Pour literally a couple of tablespoons of water into a bowl for cooking jam, pour out the cherries and start cooking on the smallest fire, shaking the bowl every now and then or stirring its contents with a wooden spoon or spatula.
After five minutes, puree the contents of the bowl with a blender and add another glass of granulated sugar. Boil again, gradually adding the remaining sugar.
Separately grind the lemon with a blender along with the peel, but preferably pitted. Put the gruel in the marmalade and boil for some more time until the marmalade becomes quite thick.
Arrange marmalade in pre-sterilized jars and cover with sterilized lids.
This preparation must be stored in a cool place.

Canned cherries with spices

Water - 1 l; Sweet cherry - 1 kg (you can different varieties but be sure to select large berries); Citric acid - a teaspoon; Sugar - 2/3 cup (lovers of very sweet can have more); Vanilla - a fifth of a small pod; Cinnamon - a piece about 3 cm; Cloves - a pair of buds; Star anise - 1 star

Cooking method:
Rinse and dry the cherries, free from twigs and pits (you can simply cut and shake out the pit).
Arrange the berries in jars, filling them almost to the top.
Dissolve sugar in water, put spices and boil for 2-3 minutes. Add citric acid.
Bring syrup back to a boil. Pour the berries with boiling syrup, cover (but do not close!) With lids, put in a large saucepan with a napkin on the bottom and pasteurize for 10 (half-liter) or 15 (liter) minutes.
Roll up, put upside down and cover with a thick towel.

Sweet cherries without sterilization with honey

To prepare cherry compote according to this recipe, you don’t even need sugar. It is a wonderful substitute for honey. It also gives the preparation an unusual aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. But it is important that the honey is real, bought in a trusted place. Calculation of ingredients per 3 liters.

0.35 kg of cherries; 80 grams of honey; 1 tsp lemons.

1. We put the washed berries in sterile jars. You can throw in a cinnamon stick or a vanilla pod. With them, cherry compote is more fragrant.
2. Boil water with honey and lemon for at least three minutes to kill all microbes.
3. Pour the prepared berries with boiling water and seal immediately.
4. Turn over, send under a warm blanket.

Strawberry jam with whole berries in a frying pan

Calculation for a glass of strawberries - half a glass of sugar; citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:
1. Pour a glass of strawberries into a preheated wide frying pan. We pour sand here. Stir constantly and wait until the strawberry-sugar mass becomes more homogeneous.
2. As soon as the sugar starts to dissolve and the strawberries release juice, cut off for 5-7 minutes. Stir constantly and turn up the heat.
3. Add a little citric acid, it will enhance the color of the jam and keep the attractive appearance of the berries.
4. Pour the resulting jam into warm sterilized jars.

French strawberry jam with whole berries

Strawberries - 2 kg; granulated sugar - 1400 g; half a lemon; orange.

Cooking method:
1. On the eve of cooking, it is necessary to cover strawberries in a flat bowl with sugar, without stirring. Leave it to infuse overnight at room temperature so that it gives up its fragrant juice more generously.
2. We survive lemon juice, do not put lemon zest in jam. We also vigorously survive the orange. The presence of lemon will make the berries more dense. If, during the spin cycle, the pulp of an orange gets into the bowl, do not be discouraged, this will not harm the jam.
3. We send the juice to the berries. Carefully lift the strawberries with a silicone spatula to make it easier to pick up the sugar, and the berry is not damaged.
4. In the cooking basin over medium heat, warm up the mass. Help dissolve the sugar by pushing the spatula in a zigzag motion. Regulate the heat so that there is no intense boiling. Remove from gas after 5 minutes.
5. With a slotted spoon, carefully lay out the hot berries from the basin.
6. After extracting the berries, we light the fire again and boil the syrup so that the jam becomes thick. Adjust the cooking time yourself. If you want to make the jam thicker, then leave to cook for a longer time. You can check the readiness of the syrup like this: on a saucer with a white bottom, drip a tablespoon of jam. If it spreads, then the syrup is weakly boiled. If the syrup is pulled from a spoon in the form of a thread, this indicates the extreme degree of boiling of the syrup, when it can turn into sugar. If the drop stands and does not drain, the syrup is boiled down.
7. As soon as the syrup is boiled down, use a spatula to return the berries back, as they are not yet fully cooked. We forget about the spatula, we take the edges of the cooking basin with our hands and stir the berries in a hot syrup in a circular motion.
8. We return to the fire and detect 15 minutes.
9. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

Strawberry jam with white chocolate

freshly squeezed juice of a quarter of a lemon; 1 kg of strawberries; 200 g non-porous white chocolate; 50 g vanilla sugar;
a bag of gelfix; 1 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:
1. Sort the strawberries, peel them from the tails and leaves. Place the strawberries in a colander and rinse under cold running water. Transfer the strawberries to an enameled bowl and sprinkle with sugar and gelfix. Leave the strawberries for three hours to release the juice.
2. Gently mix the sweet mass and put the bowl on a slow fire. Bring the mass to a boil and remove the foam.
3. Avoiding intense boiling, remove the jam from the heat and cool completely. The next day, put a bowl of jam on the fire and cook from the moment of boiling for about 20 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking, add the broken pieces White chocolate and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
4. Washed glass container sterilize and dry. Pour hot jam into jars, close tightly with plastic lids, cool and store in the refrigerator.


100 g apricot flowers, 500 g sugar.

Sort out the apricot flowers, rinse and place in an enamel bowl, add sugar, pour water so that it does not cover the petals, and cook until tender (liquid consistency). The same jam can be made from any flowers, the technology is the same.


200 pcs. dandelion flowers, 1 kg of sugar, 1 lemon, 1 liter of water.

In the early sunny morning, when the dandelion is full of fragrant and valuable nectar, collect the heads of plants (without pedicels), lower them into water, add a sliced ​​lemon without peel and simmer for an hour. Then strain the broth, add sugar and boil for another 1-1.5 hours. Ready jam appearance, taste and smell should resemble honey.


1 kg yellow plums, 1.3 kg of sugar, 200 g of water.

Rinse ripe but unripe plums in cold water, chop in several places with a thin wooden pin, put on a dish, cover with sugar (half the norm) and put in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Boil syrup from the remaining sugar and water, put plums into it (together with juice) and cook over low heat for 30-35 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 5-6 hours. After that, boil the jam until tender over low heat. At the end of cooking, remove the foam and remove from heat.


1 kg of grapes, 1 kg of sugar, 2-3 g of citric acid, 1 g of vanillin.

Soak fresh grape berries of the same size for 1-2 minutes in hot water (80-90°C). To add flavor and a pleasant color, add one teaspoon of dried cherry stalks to the water. Then put the berries in sugar syrup and leave in it for 3-4 hours. After that, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 50-60 minutes, remove from heat, leave for a while, then boil, with the addition of citric acid and vanillin, until tender.


1 kg of oranges, 1.5 kg of sugar, 700 g of water.

Boil oranges in their skins, cool under running water and leave in cold water for 12 hours. Then remove the oranges from the water, divide into 2 or 4 parts, pour over not very hot sugar syrup, leave for 6-8 hours, then boil intermittently 2-3 times until medium thick.


1.5 kg of plums, 2 oranges, 1.5 kg of sugar, 500 g of raisins, 250 g of walnuts.

Put peeled and minced oranges with peel, plum halves, sugar, raisins into a saucepan and cook, stirring, for about 1.5 hours to get a thick mixture. Then add chopped nuts, mix and cook for another 20 minutes. Arrange the finished jam in hot sterilized jars and roll up.


1 kg plums, 1 glass sea ​​buckthorn juice, 300 g sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of rum, 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons ground cinnamon, 5 g vanilla sugar.

It's vintage Czech recipe. Wash the plums, remove the stalks, remove the seeds, pour the sea buckthorn juice, put on fire, boil for 20 minutes, add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes. Then add rum, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly, pour the jam into hot glass jars, sterilize (half-liter - 20 minutes, liter - 30 minutes) and cork.


1 kg lemons, 2 kg sugar, 570 g water, vanilla stick

Cut the rind off the lemons with a sharp knife. Boil peeled lemons in boiling water for 15-20 minutes (use water to make syrup), rinse under running cold water and leave in cold water for 10 minutes. Then take it out of the water, divide it into slices, remove the seeds, put a vanilla stick, pour in not very hot syrup and leave for a day. After that, boil the jam intermittently until cooked.

NOTE: Because lemon zest is useful and gives piquancy to dishes, it is better to wipe the zest with a fine grater from the lemon and only then peel the lemon from white veins.


1 kg of physalis fruit, 700 g of sugar, vanilla stick. For syrup: 500 g water, 500 g sugar.

Release the physalis fruits from the cups, dip in boiling water and blanch for 2-3 minutes, then remove from the pan and put in a colander to drain the water. Prepare syrup, boil for 3-4 minutes, strain and pour hot fruits in a saucepan. Leave the fruits in syrup for 3-4 hours, covering the pan with gauze, then add 500 g of sugar, gently heat with stirring until all sugar is completely dissolved and cook at a low boil for 10 minutes. After that, remove from heat, stand for 5 hours, add another 200 g of sugar, vanilla and boil a second time for 10-15 minutes. By the end of cooking, a drop of syrup placed on a flat plate should not blur upon cooling, the syrup should flow from a spoon in a dense stream. After cooling, pour the finished jam into clean, dry jars, trying to distribute the fruits and syrup evenly, and tie with a film and parchment paper.

Ingredients: 1 kg. ripe intact figs, 1 kg of sugar, 10 pcs. cloves, apricot kernels, 200 g of water

Preparation: Rinse the figs, chop in several places. Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour the fruits, cloves, kernels with boiling syrup and leave, if in the evening, then until the morning. Then cook over high heat for half an hour, removing the foam. Pour hot into jars and seal. This is delicious!

1 kg of green tomatoes, 1.3 kg of sugar, 400 g of water, 5 pcs. cloves, 6-8 g cinnamon, 2-3 cardamom seeds.

Sort small green tomatoes, rinse with cold water, and then lower into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water, cool the tomatoes, put them in a basin, pour hot sugar syrup over them, let stand for 2-3 hours, then boil for 20-25 minutes, remove from heat and soak in syrup for 2 hours. Repeat the boiling of tomatoes in syrup three times, then cook the jam until tender. To flavor the jam, at the end of cooking, put a gauze bag with cloves, cinnamon and cardamom into the basin, and then remove the bag with spices. Very similar in taste to kiwi jam.

1 kg of zucchini, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 cups of water, 1 lemon.

Dissolve sugar and half a glass of water in a jam bowl. Boil the syrup, put in it diced zucchini, peeled and seeds. After the zucchini syrup boils, add the lemon, cut very finely along with the peel, and cook for 45 minutes. (Lemon can also be put at the end of cooking). To taste, this jam resembles pineapple, orange, but not zucchini. Store like any other jam.


1 kg carrots, 1 kg sugar, 1 lemon, 1 glass of water.

Wash the carrots, boil, peel, finely chop and sprinkle with sugar. Remove from lemon sharp knife zest, pour boiling water over it and drain the water. Cut the prepared zest and cook in sugar water 1 hour until soft. Lemon pulp, cut into thin circles, and boiled lemon zest, put in prepared carrots and cook until the syrup becomes thick and the carrots are transparent.

eating watermelon pulp we don't even think about fate watermelon rinds, but they make amazing jam and not only jam (look here - you will be surprised!)

1 kg of watermelon peels, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of soda, vanilla to taste.

Remove all edible pulp from thick watermelon rinds, remove the thin upper green rind, cut into small pieces (can be curly) and pierce each piece with a fork. Dissolve soda in a glass of hot water and mix the soda solution with 5 glasses of cold water. Put the prepared pieces of watermelon peels into this solution, close the lid and leave for 4 hours. Put 600 g of sugar in a bowl for jam, pour 3 cups of cold water, let it boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, remove the watermelon peels from the solution, rinse them several times in running water, then dip them into boiling syrup, bring to a boil again, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 12 hours. Then add another 600 g of sugar to the syrup with peels, put on fire again, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 hours. 2 hours before the end of cooking, add vanillin to the jam.


shaped like a spiral orange peels look amazing in baking and just in a transparent jar or rosette served on the table. And of course, the jam itself is also very tasty!

Orange - 3 - 4 pcs.; Water - 400 ml; Sugar - 300 g; Juice of half a lemon, 6-7 pcs. cloves

Wash the oranges thoroughly and pour over with boiling water to wash off the layer of preservatives from the surface. Cut the oranges lengthwise into 4 parts, each part in half again. Get "watermelon" slices. We remove the pulp, and then cut each slice of the peel in half again, as a result, rather thin strips are obtained.
Place the peel strips in a deep bowl and fill it completely with water. Soak for 3-4 days, changing the water regularly. Then, with a knife, remove the albedo from each strip (the white part on the inside of the peel). We turn each strip into a spiral and string it on a thread like beads. There is an option not to remove the albedo if the orange is thin-skinned. In this case, we turn the spirals before soaking and fill the finished beads with water.
After soaking, boil the zest 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, each time pouring water. After each boiling, the beads from the zest are poured over with cold water.
Then prepared beads (it turns out about 200 g), pour 400 ml of water, add 300 g of sugar, cloves and cook until the syrup thickens slightly. It shouldn't look like thick jam. It is better to cook in two doses for 15 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid. When the jam is ready, remove the threads from the crusts and lay them out in sterilized jars, close the lids. We store the finished jam in the refrigerator. (recipe).

Note: The same process can weld lemon peel jam. In this case, instead of lemon juice, we take orange juice. Highly healthy jam!

(with vinegar)

400 g melon, 800 g sugar, 1 glass of water, vinegar.

ripe melon peel and seeds, cut into small slices, pour table vinegar so that it covers the slices, and leave for 2 days. Then take the melon out of the vinegar and boil it in liquid syrup. As soon as the melon becomes soft, remove it from the syrup, put it in a jar and cool, and continue to boil the syrup until it thickens. Pour the cooled melon with hot syrup, but do not close the jar until the jam has cooled.


5 kg of melons, 4 kg of sugar, 2 lemons.

Wash melons, peel and core, cut into slices about a finger thick, put in water with lemon juice and boil. Then put on a sieve or in a colander to glass the water. Boil a thick syrup, dip a melon into it, bring it to a boil again and leave to stand for a day. The next day, carefully remove the melon slices, boil the syrup and pour it over the melon again. Repeat until the syrup thickens. Then put the melon with syrup into jars and close tightly.

1 kg pumpkin, 1.4 kg sugar, 500 g water, 1 lemon.

Wash pumpkin, peel, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Dissolve 800 g of sugar in water and boil the syrup, boiling it over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then put the prepared pumpkin into the syrup, bring to a boil and, after boiling for 5 minutes, leave to infuse for b-8 hours. Then again put the dishes with jam on the fire, boil, add the remaining sugar, lemon juice and zest, and after the sugar has completely dissolved, again put it to infuse for 10-12 hours. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil and arrange in jars.

1 kg of peeled rose hips, 1.5 kg of sugar.

Peel the ripe rose hips from the stalks, wash in cold water and put on a sieve. Cut the prepared fruits lengthwise into halves, remove the seeds and hairs, blanch in boiling water for 5-10 minutes (depending on the degree of maturity), cool with cold water, place in an enamel bowl and pour 70% concentration sugar syrup. Prepare the syrup in water, in which rose hips have been blanched. Dissolve sugar in water until the crystals disappear completely, filter through 3-4 layers of gauze, then heat to a boil and pour the fruits with the resulting syrup. Cook rosehip jam in one step without preliminary infusion, constantly removing foam. Arrange the boiled jam boiled until ready in dry heated jars, seal hermetically with boiled lids, turn upside down and cool.

1 kg of honeysuckle berries, 1 kg of sugar, 100-120 g of water.

Boil the syrup over low heat with constant stirring. Dip the berries into the prepared syrup, bring to a boil, remove from heat and keep for 6-8 hours. During this time, the berries are well saturated with sugar syrup and will not be boiled in the future. Then put on fire again and bring the jam to readiness, boiling it over low heat for 15-20 minutes. In the finished jam, the syrup should be clear and thick. Add vanilla stick.
Note. Honeysuckle jam has pleasant taste, and the color resembles cherry.


1 kg of sea buckthorn, 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, 200 g of chopped walnut kernels.

Boil the ground walnut kernels for 20 minutes in sugar syrup, cool to about 80 ° C, then pour the prepared sea buckthorn fruits into the syrup, bring to a boil over high heat and bring to readiness over low heat. Cool the finished jam and pack it cold in sterilized jars.

1 kg of actinidia berries, 1.2 kg of sugar; 2 medium oranges, 10 cloves

Cut the actinidia fruits in half, put in a saucepan, add two cups of water and boil until they become soft. After adding sugar, cloves, juice and crushed circles of oranges, boil quickly to a certain density, then pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal hermetically. Note: The berry is similar to kiwi.

1 kg of barberry, 1-1.5 kg of sugar, 2-3 cups of water

Pour washed berries warm water and insist for 8-10 hours. Then drain the water, cook sugar syrup on it, pour the berries over it and cook until cooked (about 30-40 minutes). The finished jam should have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a light aroma.

1 kg of lingonberries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 3 cups of water, 3-4 pcs. carnations.

In order for the jam to turn out tasty and tender, the prepared berries must first be poured with boiling water and kept in it for 2-3 minutes. After that, put them on a sieve, then place them in a bowl for jam, pour over the prepared syrup and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, add cloves.

1 kg of pitted cornelian fruit, 1.5 kg of sugar, 400 g of water.

For jam, it is better to take unripe dogwood fruits, which should be dipped in boiling water and held in it for 5 minutes. In large-fruited dogwood, after blanching, remove the bones.

Pour the prepared dogwood into boiling sugar syrup, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, let it brew for 6-8 hours and cook again for 30 minutes, removing the foam and stirring all the time.


2 kg of gooseberries, 1 kg of honey, walnuts (how many berries will take).

Rinse strong, slightly unripe gooseberries and carefully remove the seeds with a hairpin. Crush the walnut kernels, fill the gooseberry cups with the resulting mass, pour the berries with honey and cook until tender. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

JAM from gooseberries "TSARSKOE" (emerald)

1 kg of gooseberries, 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, cherry leaves.

Select unripe, green berries, rinse them well, peel them from the stems, make an incision on each berry and remove the seeds through it. Then rinse the berries again, put in a suitable dish, layering with cherry leaves (to give a special flavor and preserve the green color), and pour cold water for 5-6 hours. Before cooking, dry the berries on a sieve (colander), pour over the syrup and let stand for at least 3-4 hours. Then cook until ready in 2-3 doses for 5-7 minutes in boiling syrup with breaks of 5-6 hours. After each cooking, the jam must be quickly cooled, in no case covering it.


2 hard pears, 2 apples, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 200 g grapes, 500 g plums, 1 kg sugar.

Wash the pears, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick, pour boiling water over it, bring to a boil, remove from heat, drain the broth and boil sugar syrup on it. Put plums, grapes, sliced ​​apples, pears into the syrup and boil. Cut the orange and lemon into slices 0.5 cm wide, remove the grains, add water, bring to a boil, put in syrup with fruit, put on fire and bring the jam to readiness. (Fruit should become translucent). Arrange the finished jam in glass jars.


Ingredients: 1 cup each chopped apricots, peaches and yellow cherries, 1.5 cups sugar, 1.5 cups water, vanilla stick

Boil the syrup, pour it over fruits, vanilla, let stand for 3-4 hours, and then cook the jam until cooked - a drop of syrup should not spread. Arrange the finished jam in clean half-liter jars and close them with lids (or tie them with parchment paper).


Remove the peel from citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons or grapefruits), dip it in water and soak for 2-3 days, periodically changing the water so that bitterness comes out. Then pass it through a meat grinder and cook with sugar (1:1), adding a little citric acid.


1 kg of raspberries, 0.5 cups of water, 2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of unripe pumpkin pulp.

Pour raspberries with water, boil over low heat under a closed lid for 5 minutes, squeeze out the juice, add 1 kg of sugar and boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Grate pumpkin pulp coarse grater, wring out, rinse in cold water and wring out again. Mix the prepared pumpkin pulp with the remaining sugar, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 10 hours. Then put on fire again, add raspberry syrup, cook for another 5-10 minutes, then put into sterilized jars and roll up.


1.5 kg blackberries, 2 kg sugar, 1/2 lemon, 500 g cranberry syrup, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 100 g of yeast, 1 glass of water.

Dry the washed blackberries. Grind the yeast, pour water for half an hour, then add to the berries along with sugar, bring to a boil, drain and let the syrup stand. Then put chopped lemon into it, pour in cranberry syrup, combine with berries and flour and, after boiling for 1 hour, pack in sterilized dry jars and roll up.
Note: Other berries can be prepared in the same process.


4 kg of quince, 1 kg of walnuts, 2.5 kg of sugar, 500 g of water.

Wash the quince and cut into medium-sized slices. Peel nuts from shells and partitions. Put the quince in a bowl for jam, cover with sugar, pour in water, put on fire, cover with a lid and stir so as not to burn. After 30 minutes, add nuts and cook until fully cooked. Pour the slightly brownish jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

1 kg of blackthorn, 1.2 kg of sugar, 2.5 cups of water.

Sort the blackthorn fruits, wash, blanch for 5 minutes at a temperature of 80 ° C, then chop or cut along the bone. Prepare a syrup from 800 g of sugar and 2 glasses of water, pour it over the turn for 4 hours, put on fire, bring to 90 ° C and keep at this temperature for 5 minutes (without boiling). Take the semi-finished jam to a cool place and leave for 8-10 hours to infuse. After that, boil the second part of the syrup from the remaining sugar and water, add this syrup to the basin with the fruits of the turn, boil for 3 minutes, stand for 6 hours and boil until tender with short breaks of 10-15 minutes.

JAM FROM UNripe Figs

100 g small green figs, 400 g sugar, 1 lemon.

Soak the selected and washed figs in lime water for 6 hours, then rinse well and boil in sweetened water, adding lemon. Then drain the water, cook sugar syrup on it, cool, dip the figs into the syrup and cook the jam until tender.


1 kg of white figs, 1 kg of sugar, 150 g of water, 2 g of citric acid, 1 g of vanillin or a vanilla stick (the norm is indicated on the package)

Peel not very ripe figs, boil a little in water, drain the water. Prepare sugar syrup, cool, dip the figs into it and cook until tender for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid, vanillin and, if desired, a few cloves.

Make this jam. You will not need to harvest mint for tea (dry). A spoonful of this jam. put in tea, will add flavor to properly brewed tea. And don't forget - mint is soothing. Relax with mint jam!

400 g of mint leaves, 1 kg of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, water.

Wash the mint leaves in cold water, put on a sieve, transfer to a towel and gently blot. Then pour them into a saucepan, pouring 500 g of sugar, pour a solution of citric acid on top, shake again, cover and hold for 6 hours. Pour the remaining sugar with 1 glass of water, boil the syrup, remove the foam and pour over the leaves that have already started juice. After a 6-hour exposure, put on a small fire, boil for no more than 5 minutes, then pour the hot jam into sterilized half-liter jars and roll up the lids.


Wash the quince fruits, pour over with boiling water, dry and grate on a coarse grater (do not use the core of the fruit with seeds). Mix the resulting mass with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, decompose into sterilized glass jars, close with lids and store in a cool place.
Note. The remaining cores with seeds can be used to make fruit vinegar or compote.


Rinse viburnum berries, separate from brushes, knead and mix with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. Place in glass jars, close with lids and store in a cool place. Note. Do not remove bones from the workpiece. During storage, they release healing substances into the juice, and the value of jam from this only increases.


Rinse, dry, unripe green gooseberries (when the seeds are still fragile), pass through a meat grinder or beat with a mixer, mix with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, put in boiled glass jars, close with lids and store in the refrigerator.


Peel currants from twigs, rinse with water, dry, pass through a meat grinder or chop with a mixer. Mix the currant mass with sugar (combine 1 part of the currant with 1.5 or 2 parts of sugar). Pack the jam in sterilized glass jars, close with sterile lids and store in a cool place.


Remove sepals from raspberries and blackberries after harvesting (do not wash!). Mix the berries with sugar (1 part of the berries is combined with 1.5 or 2 parts of sugar), put in sterilized glass jars, close with lids and store in a cool place.


aronia berries ( chokeberry) separate from the branches, rinse, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute, dry and chop with a mixer or meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with sugar (for 1 kg of berries -700 g of sugar), add 3 g of citric acid, put in sterilized glass jars and close with lids. Store in a cool place.


Rinse the plums, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry, remove the pits, chop with a mixer or pass through a meat grinder and mix with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Pack in small sterilized jars, close with sterile lids and store in a cool place. In the same way, prepare cherry plum jam.


Rinse the feijoa fruits, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry and grind with a mixer or pass through a meat grinder. Then mix with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, add chopped walnut kernels or hazelnuts (100 g of peeled nuts per 1 kg of jam), place in sterilized jars, close with lids and store in a cool place.


2 kg of hard sweet apples, 1.75 liters of water, 1-1.7 kg of sugar.

Wash the apples, cut into quarters, and each quarter - across in half. Apples do not need to be peeled from seeds and skins. So that the apples do not darken during peeling, put them in cold water. Boil prepared fruits over low heat. At the same time, you cannot interfere with them, otherwise they will boil. After 15 minutes, pour the broth through a sieve into another bowl, cover it with a sieve and pour apples. Keep the apples on the sieve for at least 30 minutes. . Strain the settled broth through gauze again. After that, take 1 kg of sugar for 1 liter of purified broth, dissolve it over very low heat and cook the pelt carefully over low heat so that it does not digest, otherwise the pelt will not thicken as it should.


1 liter of raspberry or blackberry juice, 1 kg of sugar.

Rinse the raspberries or blackberries carefully, then squeeze the berries in small portions through double gauze, making sure that the juice is clear. Let the juice stand and then, dissolving the sugar in it at the rate of 1:1, cook the pellet like jam, periodically removing the foam.


This is interesting: Kiev dry jam resembles the candied fruits we know. It was just being prepared old recipe. They say that the Austrian confectioner, Catherine's courtier, was the first to open it to the people of Kiev. When they were visiting Kyiv, the cook broke his leg and stayed longer. And in order not to be bored, I decided to teach my hospitable hosts how to cook such a sweet. But in fact, the people of Kiev knew the recipe for dry jam even before the 18th century - such a dessert was delivered to different places throughout Europe and to Russia. But later, this candied fruit jam began to be called "balabushki" - in honor of the dynasty of Kyiv confectioners, who "put the production on stream." Two factories and shops were opened in Kyiv.

Cooking: Boil prepared fruits (fruits or berries) in 65% sugar syrup (650 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and insist in it for 8 hours. Then separate the fruits from the syrup, sprinkle them with sugar, mix well, sift off the excess sugar and dry on a baking sheet in a hot open oven at 35-40 * C for 10 hours. Pack the finished dry jam in a plywood box or cardboard box, after lining them with parchment paper. You can also store it in a glass jar. And be sure to store it in a dry place.

Note: In this way, you can make dry jam from any fruit, only for plums you need to prepare 70% sugar syrup.


Boil the jam until cooked (for 1 liter of water 800 g of sugar), put the fruits on a sieve and let the syrup drain. Then place them in supersaturated sugar syrup and continue cooking until sugar crystals begin to form on the surface of the syrup. Then take out the fruits and dry them in the oven. Ready apricots should be transparent, covered with a thin sugar film. NOTE: Other fruits can also be glazed.


4 lemons, 1 liter of water, 750 g of sugar.

Cook a syrup of medium density from sugar and water. Lemons cut into slices 2 cm thick and boil in water until softened, then put them in cold water for 15 minutes, then remove, dry with a napkin, put in hot syrup and continue cooking until completely thickened. After that, remove the jam from the heat, cover the dishes with a lid and shake until the lemon slices cool and cover sugar crust. Put the finished slices on parchment, slightly greased. oil and dry. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples and other fruits can be candied in the same way. It is good to add vanilla, cinnamon or ginger sticks to the syrup. Feel free to experiment!


For cooking, it is recommended to take several varieties of ripe, but not overripe fruits. Peel the fruits, remove the core (for example, from apples) and put in an enamel bowl.
Prepare a syrup (for every 500 g of sugar - 250 g of water), bring to a boil, pour the fruit with syrup, cover and put in a cold place for 24 hours. The next day, drain the syrup, boil until thickened and pour over the fruit again.
Repeat until all liquid has evaporated. This procedure should last 8-10 days. After that, spread the fruits on parchment, slightly greased with vegetable oil and let them dry. To keep the sugar white, you can pour a little lemon juice into the syrup (for 1 liter of syrup - the juice of 1 lemon), and a stick, two vanilla.

Jelly and mousse will darken and take on the taste of aluminum cookware.

Jelly and mousse should not be stored at sub-zero temperatures, this worsens its taste and appearance.

Blanching of berries should be done in an enameled colander under a lid over boiling water in a saucepan. Blanching time for berries with delicate skin is 1 minute, with a tougher skin - 2 minutes.

Dried fruits and vegetables soaked in hot boiled water for one and a half to two hours will successfully replace compotes. They can also be used in fruit salads and as pie fillings.

Dried fruits at home are best stored in corked glass jars or paper bags placed in tightly tied plastic bags. So fruits can be stored for years.

If the jam thickens less due to the immaturity of the fruit, as described in the recipe, boil it again and check for readiness by slightly dripping on a saucer.

When preparing jams, it should be borne in mind that with a change in the weight of the components, the cooking time also changes.
Peaches and apricots for compotes are easy to peel. To do this, soak the fruit for 2-3 minutes in boiling water and then remove the skin. Compote made from peeled fruits is less likely to spoil.

Blackcurrants must first be blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then it will not be dry in jam.

If the puree from berries and fruits increases in volume, and bubbles appear, then it is urgent to digest it - fermentation has begun in it.

If you pick fruit yourself, then you should wash them as little as possible before cooking. If you buy in a store, then you need to wash as thoroughly as possible. Strawberries and raspberries without tearing off the stalks, after it must be laid out on paper to dry and only then sorted out.

Berries and fruits with hard skins (gooseberries and plums), it is better to prick with a sharp stick, then when cooking they will better absorb the syrup.

In order for the berries in the jam to retain their shape and natural aroma, you need to pour the washed and peeled berries for 3-4 hours with hot berry syrup and then start cooking.

If the jam is already overcooked and can be sugared, then this can be easily avoided by adding 1-2 grams of citric acid to it per 1 kg.

It is better to cut fruits for compote (jam) into identical slices, then when cooking they will reach at the same time.
Blanching of berries should be done in an enameled colander under a lid over boiling water in a saucepan. Blanching time for berries with delicate skins is 1 minute, with tougher skins - 2 minutes.

Glazed candied fruit can be prepared by adding sugar at the end of jam cooking and boiling it. Then you need to pour it into a colander with candied fruit, let it drain and then dry it.

Peaches and apricots for compotes are easy to peel. To do this, soak the fruit for 3-5 minutes in boiling water, and then remove the skin. Compote made from peeled fruits is less likely to spoil.

Aronia jam will not be fresh if you add a few apples, citric acid, or use redcurrant juice instead of water. Before this, the berries should be blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water.

Blackcurrants should be blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water beforehand, then they will not be so dry in jam.

Fruits and berries with stains and dented can only be used for making compotes. In jam, it is better to select whole and intact.

Plums and cherries for jam should be absolutely ripe, but pears, peaches, apricots, strawberries and raspberries are better unripe - they will be less boiled.

If you pick fruit yourself, then you should wash them as little as possible before cooking. If you buy in a store, then you need to wash as thoroughly as possible. Strawberries and raspberries without tearing off the stalks, after it must be laid out on paper to dry, and only then sorted out.

If the jam does not thicken for a long time, then you can add a little lemon juice or applesauce then it will thicken quickly.

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables not all are solved. But it is very simple, tasty and original. That's why we decided to give you...

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But not everyone decides to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables.

But it is very simple, tasty and original. Therefore, we decided to choose for you not quite regular recipes. Try and be surprised!

You will need:

  • 7 medium sized onions
  • 600 g granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. white wine and 5% vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


  1. Cut the onion into half rings and brown in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Pour in sugar, pour in 100 ml of water and heat over low heat with stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Simmer on low for about 30 minutes. Pour in wine and vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Let cool and put into jars.

You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1.3 kg sugar
  • 500 g carrots
  • 1 lemon


  1. Wash the cherries, put them in a colander, let the water drain. Remove the bones, add 700 g of sugar. Drain the juice, add another 600 g of sugar to it and boil the syrup.
  2. Peel carrots. Cut carrots and lemon into slices. Put cherries, carrots and lemon into syrup. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cool.
  3. For the next 3 days, bring the jam to a boil, remove the foam and turn it off after 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

You will need:

For 4 persons

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 melon (1.2 kg)
  • 400 g raspberries
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 200 ml water


  1. Wash the lemon and lime thoroughly and dry well. Remove the zest with a sharp knife and squeeze out the juice. Pour the zest with 200 g of granulated sugar and pour over the lemon juice and lime juice. Leave for 1 hour.
  2. Wash the melon, dry it, cut it in half, remove the seeds. Cut into slices and cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes. Sort the raspberries, wash and dry on a paper towel.
  3. Transfer the zest with sugar to a saucepan, add the remaining sugar, pour in 200 ml of water and bring to a boil. Put the melon and cook for 5 minutes. Add raspberries, cook for 5 minutes, skimming occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Put it on the fire again and cook over low heat until a test for a thick thread. Let cool. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

You will need:

  • 1 kg watermelon rinds
  • 1.2 kg of granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 pinch of vanilla


  1. Cut off the hard green part completely from the crusts. Cut the pulp into pieces (diamonds, squares, strips) 3 cm in size and pierce with a fork in several places.
  2. Dissolve soda in 250 ml of hot water and mix with 1.25 ml of cold water. Put the pieces of crusts, cover and leave for 4 hours. Then put in a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Pour 600 g of sugar into 750 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. Put the crusts and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours. Then add the remaining sugar and cook for 3 hours. Add vanillin, cook for 3 minutes. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal tightly.

5. Kiwi and lemon jam

You will need:

  • 900 g sugar
  • 500 ml apple juice
  • 1-2 lemons
  • 8-10 kiwi


  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with a brush and cut into thin circles. Put in a saucepan along with 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the kiwi, cut into circles and put in a saucepan along with a lemon. Add apple juice and remaining sugar. Boil. Pour into a ceramic dish and leave at room temperature overnight.
  3. The next day, return the jam to the pan, bring to a boil again and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, let cool. Then close and store in a dark, cool place.

You will need:

  • 1 kg carrots
  • 1 kg lemons
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar


  1. Wash and peel carrots. Peel the lemons. Scroll carrots and lemons through a meat grinder. Choose lemon pips.
  2. Transfer the carrot-lemon mass to a saucepan, cover with sugar, cook, removing the foam, for about 1 hour.
  3. Transfer to clean jars. Keep refrigerated.

You will need:

For 3 liter jars

  • 1.5 kg zucchini
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar


  1. Wash the zucchini, pat dry with paper towels and thinly peel with a sharp knife. Cut each fruit in half, remove the seeds, cut the flesh into small cubes.
  2. Wash oranges and lemons thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Without peeling, cut the fruit first into thin circles, removing the stones at the same time, and then cut each of them into quarters.
  3. To prepare the syrup, granulated sugar, pour 250 ml of water, stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. In the resulting boiling syrup, put the chopped zucchini and cook for 5 minutes after boiling again. Then add sliced ​​oranges and lemon, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Readiness is best determined by a drop released onto a cold saucer: if it does not spread, the jam is ready.
  5. When the jam has completely cooled, pour it into clean, dry jars and close with ordinary lids, laying tracing paper circles. Store in a dark cool place.

You will need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 cloves


  1. Cut the pulp of the pumpkin into equal cubes, cover with sugar and leave for 3 hours. Wash the lemons, scald, cut together with the peel, select the seeds.
  2. Combine pumpkin with sugar, put on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire, put the cloves and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the cloves from the finished jam. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close the lids. Cool down. Store in a cool place.

You will need:

Per can 0.5 l

  • 5–6 oranges
  • 75 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g ginger root

For syrup:

  • 400 ml water
  • 400 g sugar


  1. Wash the oranges, pour over with boiling water and cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Then cut each piece in half again. Remove the pulp, and cut the peel from each slice in half again.
  2. If a orange peel thin, roll each strip into a tight roll and put on a thread, like beads. Place the "beads" in a deep bowl and fill with water so that it completely covers the peel. Leave for 3 days, changing the water regularly (about 4-5 times a day) to remove the bitterness. If the oranges have a thick peel, it should first be soaked, then the white part on the inside of the peel should be removed from each strip with a knife, and only then the strips should be rolled into spirals.
  3. After soaking the spiral from the zest, boil 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, draining the water each time. After each boiling, “beads” are poured over with cold water.
  4. In a wide saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar, dip the prepared "beads" into it, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Let cool.
  5. Add finely chopped ginger root to the zest in a saucepan, bring everything together to a boil, pour in lemon juice and cook for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the jam from the fire, cool.
  6. Remove the “beads” from the jam and remove the threads. Pour the jam into a clean, dry jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

10. Persimmon jam

You will need:

  • 4 cups diced persimmons
  • 3 cups sugar
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • grated zest of 1 orange
  • 4 tbsp. l. vodka


  1. Combine persimmon, sugar, juice and zest and cook over medium heat, stirring often, for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  2. Put it back on the stove, slightly knead the persimmon with a wooden spatula, pour in the vodka and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Pour into sterilized jars. Keep refrigerated. published

What can you make unusual jam from? Recipes inherited from mothers and grandmothers are not always the most original, but you want something unexpected. Well, in fact, you won’t surprise anyone with a jar of currant or you will not be proud to put such a treat on the table.

And then what to prepare for the winter, so that it would be interesting to cook it yourself, and it’s not a shame to show guests? In this article, we have collected the most amazing recipes. To be honest, not all types of unusual jam are listed here: after some thought, I had to abandon the famous onion confiture - after all, it is better not to prepare this delicacy in the winter, but to cook it in small portions, the famous sweet dish from unripe walnuts has not yet been included in the top - difficult to prepare due to lack of the right ingredients in most regions of Russia. Also, assorted fruit jams were removed from the list - unusual and surprisingly tasty, but inaccessible to most people because of the high cost of the necessary components even in season.

Oh jam

"Preserve" is an old Russian term for boiled food made from berries, nuts, fruits or flowers based on honey and molasses - there was no sugar then. Our ancestors were very good at stocking up for the winter, including sweets. In the absence of honey or molasses, the berries were simply boiled down heavily, and then used as a filling for pancakes and pies, or drinks were prepared - fruit drinks, broths and compotes. And when sugar appeared in Russia, they began to make jam from everything - carrots, radishes, pumpkins, green tomatoes, dandelions, etc. Candied fruits were served at the table only in rich houses, ordinary people such products were not available. Although noble gentlemen often used unusual jam - from cucumbers, nuts or hot red pepper. So those types of jam that seem original to us were actually well known to our ancestors.

What to roll in jars in spring

It is generally accepted that harvesting in the winter should be done in the fall, when stores and on their own plots are full of berries, fruits and vegetables. But in fact, you can cook a sweet delicacy in early spring, for example, from sorrel, mint or dandelions.

Unusual jam from mint and lemon

List of ingredients:

500 g fresh mint leaves without stems;

1 kg of sugar;

1.5 lemons;

1 liter of water.

Recipe. Chop the mint, cut the lemons along with the peel. Add water and boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat to avoid reducing the volume of the broth. Then cool, filter and add sugar. The resulting syrup should be simmered over low heat for about two hours.

The taste of this delicacy will turn out to be mint-lemon, while without cloying sweetness, since this recipe used half the recommended amount of sugar. The color will also be pale, so you can add a drop food coloring- green or yellow.

Assorted jam unusual

When housewives think about original preparations for the winter, they most often come up with the idea of ​​​​making assorted dishes. And not just an ordinary mixture, but something absolutely incredible. There are actually a lot of options: cherries stuffed with pine nuts, eggplants with walnut and cinnamon, a mixture of peaches, apples and lemon, blackcurrant with rhubarb, etc. But the most original of all this is not a small list is currant jam with almonds and hot peppers.

List of ingredients :

3 kg of ripe red currants;

400 g almonds;

1 kg of sugar;

2 large or 3-4 medium chili peppers

Recipe. We sort out and wash the berry. Grind through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass. Mix the berries and sugar and set to cook over low heat. Add peeled unroasted almonds and chopped dry or fresh hot peppers. Cook for 1.5 hours, after which the delicacy is ready.

List of ingredients:

1/2 kg of green tomatoes;

650 g of sugar;

1-2 grains of cardamom;

3-4 g cinnamon.

Recipe. Rinse small green tomatoes and boil for 12-15 minutes, then drain the water. Prepare sugar syrup and dip vegetables into it, let it brew for at least 3 hours - the tomatoes should be saturated with sugar. Then cook on low heat for 20 minutes, cool and let it brew for another 2-3 hours. These steps must be repeated 3 more times: impregnation, boiling, cooling, impregnation again, etc. At the last stage, cook until tender, and lower the bag of spices into the syrup (it is thrown out later).

How to surprise with ordinary strawberries

It seems that there is nothing more banal than But with this berry you can cook a lot original dishes with interesting flavor combinations. For example, you can weld sweet strawberries with vanilla and black pepper.

List of ingredients:

0.5 kg of strawberries;

0.5 kg of sugar;

1 st. l. lemon juice;

1.5 g vanillin (fresh vanilla is better, but this is a rather expensive component, so we use a substitute);

1/8 tsp ground black pepper.

Recipe. Sort the berries, wash and sprinkle with sugar and vanilla. Let it brew until the strawberries begin to release juice. Add the rest of the ingredients, while it is better to grind the pepper yourself from the peas or take it from a new pack (fragrant, not exhausted). Then cook as usual: either “five minutes” for those who like liquid jam, or about an hour for those who prefer a thick mass.

Unusual currant jam

Currant is the best berry for making “raw” jam, that is, the product turns out to be as natural, fortified and very fragrant as possible. But this recipe is too simple and obvious, so we will tell you how to make blackcurrant ginger jam. And it is unusual because an unusually large amount of ginger is used here, about 1/5 of the weight of the berries.

List of ingredients:

500 g of blackcurrant;

100 g of ginger;

300 g sugar.

Recipe. Boil like regular jam, but add thin slices of ginger at the beginning of the process. This is a very unusual jam for the winter - sweet and tart, not for everybody. But such a delicacy is a wonderful tool for the prevention of colds and flu.

Flower jam

From flowers you can make unusual delicious jam. Here, no one limits the imagination: in the East, a sweet delicacy is prepared from rose petals, in Asian countries - from lotus and chrysanthemums, and in Russia - from spring dandelions. But in this list, we left a place for interesting and unusual, but at the same time available recipes. So let's get to know original jam from lilac and grapefruit flowers.

List of ingredients:

300 ml of lilac flowers;

350 ml of lilac for infusion;

250 ml of boiling water;

1 cup of sugar;

1 st. l. pectin;

Juice of one grapefruit.

Recipe. Collect lilac flowers - only buds, without green parts. Divide into two parts, pour one with boiling water and let it brew for at least 7-10 hours. Then separate the liquid from the petals and, based on it, prepare a syrup with the addition of pectin. The syrup should be boiled for 15 minutes, after which grapefruit juice and the remaining lilac flowers are added to it.

It turns out surprisingly fragrant pink jam, sweet-sour and very tasty. This unusual jam for the winter will remind you of summer even in the most severe frosts.

delicious plum

According to most housewives, plum is very good on its own - in jams, compotes, salads, and adjika. In general, hundreds of delicious and useful blanks for the winter. But you can also make unusual plum jam.

List of ingredients:

0.5 kg plums;

5 g pectin;

1 st. Sahara;

1 st. l. Roma;

10 g fresh ginger;

- ½ bar of dark chocolate;

30 ml of water.

Recipe. Cook as usual, but when the mass boils, you need to add rum and grated ginger, and then stir in the melted dark chocolate. Boil over low heat until thickened.

it unusual taste and a light note of ginger will cheer up the whole family on long winter evenings. Fans of chocolate and fruit combinations will be delighted with such a filling for pancakes or pancakes.

amazing apples

Unusual apple jam is very easy to prepare. It's just that these fruits are versatile, and they can be combined with anything, for example, with kiwi.

List of ingredients:

4 things. kiwi;

5 pieces. medium apples;

600 g of sugar;

Juice of one lemon;

15 ml of water.

Recipe. We clean the apples, cut them into cubes and pour over the lemon juice so that they do not darken. We remove the skin from the kiwi and cut the fruit into cubes, add to the apples. Add water and sugar and let it brew for 2 hours. Then bring to a boil and cook for another 40 minutes.

The finished product smells very good, and the taste is just delicious!

original pears

Unusual pear jam with the addition of ginger is becoming more and more popular - the delicacy has a sweet and spicy taste and goes well with both meat and desserts.

List of ingredients:

4 things. dense pears;

0.5 kg of dense grapes;

Juice of one lemon;

- ½ st. l. fresh ginger;

1 star anise;

3-4 carnation flowers;

250 ml of water.

Recipe. Pears wash, peel, cut into halves or 4 parts. Seeds and tails can not be removed - with them the jam will look more interesting. Drizzle half of the lemon juice over the pears. Grapes and pears put in a container with thick walls, pour water and put on medium heat. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, after which the fruits are removed from the water, and the liquid is filtered so that there are no seeds, fallen tails, etc.

On the basis of pure fruit water, make a syrup with the addition of all seasonings, pour fruit into it and add the second half of lemon juice. Cook on the lowest heat for 20 minutes, then put to rest for 6-7 hours. Repeat these procedures 3-4 times: it takes 2-3 days to prepare an unusual pear jam, then the pears will become glassy, ​​and the syrup will acquire a rich, beautiful color.

Pine cone jam

Although this is a healing delicacy, we still included it in the top of the most original recipes.

List of ingredients:

200 g of a young pine cone (collect in May);

1 liter of water;

0.5 kg of sugar.

Recipe. We boil the cones for 15-20 minutes. We prepare sugar syrup and dip the boiled cones into it. Then cook on low heat for half an hour, and the jam is ready. Sometimes this dish is prepared without cones, on the basis of one coniferous decoction.

The resulting delicacy is used to prevent colds, treat asthma, fatigue syndrome and a number of other diseases.

The most unusual jam

Who could have come up with the idea of ​​making garlic jam? After all, this vegetable has such a specific aroma and taste that it cannot be imagined as a dessert! But still, such jam exists, moreover, there are many recipes for its preparation and recommendations on what exactly to eat it with. Here we will not write about medicinal garlic jam, which you need to eat a spoonful a day to prevent colds, but we will talk about a real sweet delicacy with an original taste that can be used as a sauce for meat dishes or as a regular jam for sandwiches.

List of ingredients:

300 g of baked garlic;

- ¾ cup sugar;

300 ml of water;

ground nutmeg;

Recipe. Peel and cut the garlic in half, and then bake in the oven at 180-200 ° C. Cooking time - 18-20 min. Then make syrup from water and sugar, add spices to it and lower the baked pieces. You need to cook until the syrup begins to thicken, but not until caramelized.

Harm and benefit

Is it good to eat jam? Everything is not so clear here. On the one hand, in jam, even boiled many times, some vitamins (groups B and E) are preserved, there is fiber, so such food is useful for the body as a whole and for the stomach in particular. But on the other hand - extra calories, damage to teeth and, in some cases, increased acidity. So you can and should eat, but not liters.

But jam improves mood - this is noted by all doctors. Raspberry is the most useful: it treats colds, contains useful folic acid, cleanses the circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines after stormy feasts, improves complexion and helps maintain skin elasticity. This is how it happened raspberry jam- unusual, although it seems that it does not happen easier.

Cooking jam has long ceased to be both a necessity and a way to save money. Now it is rather a kind of culinary hand-made with a retro touch. And also a way of self-expression and pleasant leisure, which is becoming more and more popular. Small elegant jars, signed and equipped with multi-colored "caps" of crawling, then delight the eye, like the quintessence of summer, country abundance,.

Secrets for excellent results

To enjoy boiling jam, you need to cook it a little bit, on the hunt, and not in huge basins. After all, the goal is to make just a few jars of exclusive treats. In addition, try to choose recipes with a twist so that the process is accompanied by an element of expectation of what will come of it. Even favorite and long-tested recipes can be diversified with aromatic herbs, spices, lemon slices, orange peels or nuts. It is very cool to add cardamom, vanilla, star anise and cinnamon to the jam, as well as different combinations these spices with coffee beans.

Prepare everything you need in advance: pick up interesting recipes, prepare washed sterilized jars and lids, an enameled bowl or basin. Cooking utensils should be wide and spacious so that berries and sugar occupy about half the volume in it.

Sugar can be used the most common, white. And you can special, mixed with pectin. It's called "jam sugar". It needs to be added half as much as regular sugar, and the jam is less sweet. At the same time, the pectin that it contains binds the components when heated and the jam thickens easily. There is also sugar for marmalade, to get jam it is put even less - only 330 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries. The delicacy is even thicker and even less sweet, but dietary. Yes, and you need to cook it in one go, no more than 5-10 minutes after boiling. But pectin has a slightly noticeable aftertaste. We encounter it, for example, when we try Finnish jams. Since this is an amateur, in our recipes all proportions are given for ordinary granulated sugar.

Apricot jam with almonds and thyme

Apricots - 1 kg

Sugar - 600 g

Oranges - 2 pcs

Fresh thyme - 1 bunch

Almonds, peeled - 1 cup

Sprinkle pitted apricots with sugar. Add grated zest from two oranges and Orange juice. Pluck the leaves from 4-5 sprigs of thyme and set aside, tie the rest of the thyme in a bundle with a thread, put in a bowl with apricots and leave for several hours until the apricots give juice.

Put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil, pour in the same almond kernels and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, removing the foam. Then set the jam aside for three hours. Bring back to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Repeat the same for the third time. At the end of cooking, add thyme leaves, and, on the contrary, remove the bundle tied with threads. Pour hot jam into small sterilized jars, making sure that each gets approximately equal parts of almonds, apricots, and fragrant thyme syrup.

It's exquisite amber jam so nice to open winter evening when you almost can't believe that summer really happens!

Spicy plum jam with star anise and cloves

Plums - 1 kg

Sugar - 0.5 kg

Carnation -2pcs

Cinnamon - 1 stick

Badyan - 2 stars

My plums, divided into halves, freed from stones, placed in a saucepan or basin. We break the cinnamon stick into several parts, leave the anise and cloves whole, add to the plum and all together we fall asleep with sugar. We leave to start up the juice - for about 2 hours. Then we put the basin in the oven, heated to 150 degrees and heat until the jam boils. We take it out, remove the foam, return it to its place. We simmer for an hour and a half, occasionally stirring and removing the foam.

Pour the jam into sterilized jars. We make sure that the spices get into each. It does not matter if the set of spices is different and star anise and cinnamon fall into one jar, and cloves and star anise into another. Thanks to this, you will feel a slightly noticeable difference in flavor when you open the jars. In any case, the spices in this jam additionally guarantee its excellent storage.

Cherry jam with lemon slices

Sweet cherry - 1, 3 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Lemon - 1 pc.

Cherry is better to choose white or pink. It must be washed and the bones removed. Then, putting the berries in a basin, cover with sugar and leave for a while to let the juice flow. Now we heat them, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for five minutes, removing the foam, and let them rest. From time to time we shake the basin with jam so that the berries are evenly immersed and soaked in the cooling syrup. After cooling, add the lemon, cut into circles directly with the crust, bring to a boil and cook again - five minutes. For the third time, we cook longer, for 10 minutes, and immediately lay it out hot and roll it up. This is an unusually elegant jam, because lemon circles look very attractive among amber berries! In addition, it is not as cloying as other varieties of jam with cherries.

Cherry jam with nuts and vanilla

Cherry white or pink - 1 kg

Nuts to choose from (hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds) - 0.5 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Water - 350 ml

Lemon - 1 pc.

Vanilla - 1/3 tsp

You will have to tinker with this jam, since you need to get the seeds from the berries, and put a piece of nut in their place. For jam, it is better to take dense, fleshy white cherries. Jam from it turns out transparent, amber-pink! We wash and sort the berries, leaving only those that are not damaged. Cut the nuts into pieces the size of a cherry pit. Any will do: hazelnuts, cashews, cedar, almonds. They shouldn't be fried. We put the stuffed berries in a basin in which we will cook jam.

Now in a separate enamelware prepare a syrup of sugar and water, stirring it so that the sugar does not burn. When the syrup boils, set it aside, cool a little and fill it with cherries. They should stand for 3 hours in syrup and soak in it. Then put the bowl with berries on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook, periodically shaking the basin so that the berries are covered with syrup, over a very low heat. We remove the foam as soon as it forms. We do not give jam to boil strongly. It will be ready when the syrup thickens a little and the berries become almost transparent. At the end, add lemon juice and vanilla, bring to a boil again and, removing from heat, immediately pour into sterilized jars.

Strawberry orange jam

Strawberries or wild strawberries - 1 kg.

Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Orange - 1 pc.

It is better to choose small strawberries, or at least select the same size. Any strawberry will do, strong. Sprinkle it with sugar and leave for 3 hours. My orange, cut into rings, and then into segments (along with the peel).

Add pieces of orange to strawberries with sugar, put everything on low heat, bring to a boil, remove foam, cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, let rest for 6 hours, then bring to a boil again and cook again for 5 minutes. Let stand again and cook again.

After the strawberry-orange jam is boiled for the third time, pour it into jars. Such triple warming is necessary so that the berries remain whole, not boiled, and the syrup is not too liquid. And the orange segments give an interesting citrus note and make the jam unusual.

Chocolate coffee cherry

Cherry - 1 kg

Sugar - 0.5 kg

Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.

Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.

Chocolate - 100 g

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Cherry liqueur - 3 tbsp. l.

Pectin - 20 g

You will definitely fall in love with this version of cherry jam as soon as you try it. He has the most exquisite taste!

Cherry must be sorted out, washed and cleaned of sticks and seeds. This can be done with a special tool or use a hairpin or paper clip. Grind the peeled cherries a little, but so that pieces remain. I do this in blender, with a short press. Now we fill the cherry with sugar and leave it to let the juice go.

After an hour, we begin to heat the cherries, stirring gently so that all the sugar dissolves. When the berries with juice warm up, gradually add grated bitter chocolate, coffee and cocoa powder there, stirring. We strive to dissolve everything in the juice, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes. At the end, without removing from the heat and stirring, we successively add pectin, which will give the jam a jelly-like consistency, then lemon juice is a preservative and acidifier. Cook for a couple more minutes, turn off the heat, pour in the liquor and, after mixing thoroughly, immediately lay out the jam in sterilized jars. We roll it up, turn it upside down, as we did with strawberries in their own juice, and wrap them tightly in a blanket. We leave it like that for the night.

Raspberry five-minute with cognac

Raspberries - 1 kg

Sugar - 0.8 kg

Cognac - 50 gr

Gelatin - 1 tbsp.

Raspberry jam is especially capricious. This beautiful and tender berry is easier to spoil than to cook from it. good jam. But this recipe is great!

We sort out the berries, relieving them of the stalks, twigs and leaves. Don't wash! Pour the berries with sugar, grind with a blender, pour in the cognac and mix with it. AT warm water soak the gelatin until it swells (the proportions are written on the package). Then bring the water to a boil, stirring so that the gelatin dissolves without residue. Put the raspberry mass in a high enamel pan. Then put it in a large pot of water. The water level in the outer pot should be about the same level as the jam in the inner pot. We heat the raspberry jam in a water bath. Bringing the water to a boil, heat for 5 minutes, removing the foam, then add the dissolved gelatin, mix and heat for another 2 minutes. Then we take the pan out of boiling water and put the jam in sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over with a lid, wrap it up. It must be stored in a cool dark place.

Gooseberries on a decoction of cherry leaves, fortified with vodka

Gooseberries - 1 kg;

Sugar - 1 kg;

Cherry leaves - 100 g;

Citric acid - 1 tsp;

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;

Vodka - 50-60 ml.

Gooseberries for this jam are better to take hard and unripe. Wash the berries thoroughly, cut off the tips. Carefully cut the side of each berry and remove the seeds with a hairpin or paper clip. Put the gooseberries processed in this way in a spacious bowl, fill with cold water and refrigerate overnight. Then drain the water and let it drain, throwing the berries into a colander.

Wash the cherry leaves, put in a saucepan, pour in a liter of water, add citric acid and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat, let it boil for another 5 minutes and strain the broth. cherry leaves will give a green color, as well as a subtle flavor nuance to jam, make it fragrant and completely different than traditional jam from gooseberries.

Pour sugar into the cherry broth, return the pan back to the fire and, stirring until the sugar dissolves, bring the syrup to a boil. Add vanilla sugar, vodka and stir until sugar dissolves.

Pour the gooseberries with this syrup and let them brew for about 15 minutes. Vodka will not allow the berries to boil. They will stay intact, very beautiful! And all the alcohol will evaporate when boiled.

Bring the berries in syrup to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Pour hot jam into dry sterile jars and seal tightly.

Experiment and give jam to friends. This is so nice!