Peach jam: the best recipes. Five-minute peach jam - a detailed recipe with a step-by-step photo

If you really love fragrant peaches and do not want to part with them on winter period, then cook jam from them. His unusual taste will make your tea drinking with friends and relatives just a holiday.

In addition, peaches have a mass useful properties. They contain vitamins such as C, B and A. They also contain iron, potassium, calcium and many other substances useful for the body.

They can easily be called natural "antidepressant" and remedy with diseases of the heart and kidneys, poor immunity, constipation and impaired digestion, pain of various origins and rheumatism. In addition to all this, peach is also a dietary product.

Peach and nectarine can be used to make a variety of treats. I will write some recipes for jam for the winter from these healthy fruits below.

Simple peach jam

To prepare this peach treat recipe, you will need:

  1. 1-1.4 kg of sugar;
  2. 2 kg of peaches (nectarines).

How to cook peach jam for this recipe? AND cooking method is as follows:

  • Remove the skin from ripe soft peaches (to make it easier to peel, pour over the fruits with cold and hot water successively several times);
  • Cut the fruit into slices and sprinkle with sugar. Leave them for 30 minutes to release some juice;
  • Put the peach mass on the fire and bring this delicacy to a boil;
  • After boiling, set the fire to a minimum and cook for another hour with constant stirring;
  • After this time, check the readiness of the delicacy on the drop (if the drop does not flow after it has cooled, then the delicacy is ready);
  • Spread the finished peach mass into pre-prepared jars and roll up;
  • Turn jars of peach delicacy upside down and wrap in something warm until completely cool.

Recipe for "honey" jam from peaches or nectarines

For cooking you will need:

How to cook jam from peaches (nectarines) according to this recipe?

  • Take hard juicy ripe fruits (unripe and soft ones do not fit) and cut them into small sticks;
  • Prepare syrup from sugar and water;
  • When the syrup has cooled down a little, pour it into it. lemon juice and wait until the syrup reaches a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • Pour the fruit with syrup and leave the peach mass for a day (do not forget to stir occasionally);
  • After a day, boil and again set aside the mass for a day, covering it (also stir);
  • Boil the jam again and reduce the fire to a minimum;
  • Simmer over low heat for approximately 7 to 10 minutes (until about 200 ml of liquid has been reduced);
  • Arrange the finished peach treat in pre-prepared jars and twist them.

Recipe for peach jam with cinnamon and almonds

To prepare this recipe, you will need:

  1. Sugar - 0.5 kg;
  2. Peach (nectarine) - 0.5 kg;
  3. Almonds - 0.1 kg;
  4. Cinnamon (ground) - 1 teaspoon.


Unripe peach jam - a recipe for the winter

For cooking you will need:

  1. Pitted peaches - 1 kg;
  2. Sugar - 2 kg;
  3. Water - 3 glasses.


  • Make a few punctures with a match;
  • Pour the fruit with water and boil;
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes and remove the peaches from the water;
  • Cook the syrup: pour sugar into the water. After the syrup is cooked, let it cool down;
  • Pour the cooled syrup into the peaches and put them on a minimum heat and cook for another 20 minutes;
  • Do not forget to remove the foam;
  • Wait until the peach mass cools down and boil it again;
  • Pour the jam into sterile jars and twist.

Peach jam five minutes - recipe

For this amazing jam you will need:

  1. Water - 3 cups;
  2. Peach (nectarine) pitted - 3 kg;
  3. Sugar - 4.5 kg.

Such a delicacy very easy to prepare. For this you need:

  • Wash the fruits and cut them into small pieces. Dry the skiffs;
  • Cook syrup: mix water with sugar and boil;
  • Pour the peaches into the hot syrup and boil the peach mixture for 5 minutes;
  • Ready jam pour into prepared jars, roll up and let them cool.

This recipe for peach jam is considered the simplest and most classic. In cold winter evenings its taste will remind you of a hot summer.

For making jam according to this recipe use the following ingredients:

How to make this jam:

  • Wash the peaches under running water and dry them;
  • Separate them from the bone and from the skin;
  • Fold the prepared peaches into a container in which you will cook a delicacy;
  • Prepare the syrup: mix sugar with water, bring the syrup to a boil and boil for a few more minutes;
  • Pour the peach fruits with freshly boiled syrup and put this peach mass on the fire;
  • Bring the peach jam to a boil and boil it over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave the jam to cool for about 6 hours (until it is completely cooled);
  • After this time, we again put the peach delicacy on the fire and boil;
  • Cook for 30 minutes with constant stirring (be sure to remove the foam so that the jam does not sour in the future);
  • When 5 minutes remain until the end of cooking, pour vanillin and citric acid into the jam;
  • we lay out the finished jam in jars (sterilize them in advance) and twist them;
  • We put the corked jam under some kind of warm robe until it cools completely and lower it into the basement.

Recipe for jam from nectarines (peaches) with apples

This jam is very strong. similar in texture to jam. Jam, which was prepared according to this recipe, is perfect for any kind of dessert. For cooking you will need:

  1. Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  2. Nectarine (peaches) - 1 kg;
  3. Apples - 1 kg.

How to cook such a jam? Everything is very simple. Step by step preparation is described below:

Peach jam "Five Minute", the recipes of which will be described below, is very tasty and healthy treat. Making this dessert is easy. Therefore, it is very popular among modern culinary specialists.

Ready has a pleasant delicate texture and unsurpassed taste.

How to choose the main component?

To cook Five Minute Peach Jam, you must first choose the right fruit, and then process them carefully.

It is advisable to purchase peaches for such a delicacy in late August - early September. It is at this time of the year that fruits are sold in almost all stores at a very reasonable price.

In order for the “Five Minute” peach jam to turn out delicious, the main component should not be too soft. However, it is also undesirable to use hard fruits. Ideally, you should take peaches, which, when pressed, leave clear dents. It is this product that will contribute to obtaining a tasty and not sprawling jam.

Fruit pretreatment

Before peaches "Five Minute", they should be carefully processed. Fruits are thoroughly washed hot water by removing the existing stalks. Next, cuts are made on the peaches, broken in half ( better with hands, turning the halves in different directions) and take out the drupe. After that, the remaining pulp is chopped into slices. If you purchased medium-sized fruits, then they can be used in the form of halves.

By the way, some housewives cook Pyatiminutka peach jam only after the main component is peeled. However, we do not recommend doing this. This is due to the fact that in the hairy part of peaches there is a large number of vitamins. Moreover, it allows fruit pieces retain its shape, and do not transform jam into jam.

It should also be noted that some cooks make Pyatiminutka peach jam with drupe kernels. With them, the dessert turns out much tastier and more aromatic.

We make a simple and quick peach jam "Five Minute"

If you do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, then this peach dessert recipe will suit you the most. To implement it, we need:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.5 kg;
  • processed peaches, cut into slices - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 250 ml.

Cooking process

To make this delicacy at home, you will need large saucepan or enamel bowl. It is necessary to put all the processed peaches in it, and then add sugar and mix thoroughly with a large spoon.

In order for the fruit to begin to secrete its juice, the filled basin should be covered with a newspaper and left warm for 20-25 minutes. As time passes, the peaches again interfere from the bottom and put on a very slow fire. At the same time, drinking water is poured into them.

Re-mixing the components, they are brought to a boil. In this case, the jam should gradually become covered with a sweet foam. Some housewives clean it with a slotted spoon. We do not recommend doing this.

After the peach jam boils, note the time. From now on, delicious tender delicacy cook for exactly 5 minutes.

Where to store?

After the specified time, the peach jam should be fully cooked. It is laid out in small sterilized jars and covered with plastic lids. In this form, the containers are left at room temperature until completely cool.

Due to the fact that the jam we are considering was prepared with the help of a gentle heat treatment, it should be stored only in the refrigerator. Moreover, it is desirable to consume such a delicacy within 2-3 months.

Cooking peach jam for the winter

"Five Minute" ... A dessert with this name can be prepared for several minutes, and several days. If you decide to prepare this jam for the winter, then you will have to use another recipe. To implement it, you need to purchase:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.7 kg;
  • processed peaches, cut into halves - 1 kg;
  • drupe kernels - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • drinking water - 200 ml.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, to make peach jam at home, you will need a large enamel basin or deep saucepan. Put all the halves of the fruit in it and immediately cover them with granulated sugar.

Leaving the peaches under a newspaper for 1.5 hours, put them on the stove, pour in water and mix well. After the contents of the dishes boil, the jam is cooked for exactly 5 minutes. After the lapse of time, it is removed from the fire and again left under the newspaper for 5-6 hours. Such actions should be carried out 5 times. In other words, Pyatiminutka jam must be cooked for exactly 25 minutes. Moreover, on the 4th boil, drupe kernels should be added to it, and on the 5th - citric acid.

Such processing will contribute to obtaining dark and thick jam, which can be stored in the cellar for quite a long time (up to six months).

Seaming process and storage method

As soon as the peach jam is boiled for the fifth time, it is immediately laid out in small sterilized jars, which are rolled up tin lids. In this form, the amber dessert is covered with a blanket and kept in it until it cools completely. In the future, peach jam is sent to a dark and cool room (for example, a pantry, cellar, underground, etc.), where it is stored for no more than six months.

How and with what to use?

You can use ready-made peach jam prepared according to any of the above recipes immediately after the end of the heat treatment. But it would be better if such a delicacy was previously kept in the refrigerator. In this case, it will become thicker and more tasty.

You can use such a delicacy with tea or some other drink. Many housewives make sweet sandwiches from it. To do this, thick peach jam is spread on crispy toast and immediately served.

How you want to keep a piece of summer and enjoy it on cold winter evenings! And what can best remind you of the brightness of the hot sun and the intoxicating aromas of ripe fruits? Of course, peach jam pleasing to the eye with shades of amber!

And if the fruits are still slices, then you can appreciate the magnificent dessert with a cup of wonderful tea just by biting fragrant pieces fruits in a gentle syrup, or as part of baking.

Today we will look at a few different recipes of this delicacy, so that everyone can choose their own taste and option. All of them are quite simple, and cooking a delicacy will not be difficult at all.

Sometimes it seems that peach jam is almost the same as apricot jam, it even looks almost the same, but still there are secrets and nuances in the process of its preparation:

  • It is advisable to remove the skin from fresh nectar, so that after boiling you get a pleasant beautiful texture without shaggy inclusions from a slightly harsh skin.
  • When choosing fruits for cooking, you should give preference to ripe ones. yellow fruit but make sure they are not too soft. Excessive softness indicates that our original ingredient is overripe and will boil. It's only good if you really feel like cooking thick jam. But if you like neat slices, then it is better that the juicy fruit is slightly elastic.
  • It is desirable, but not necessary, to maintain freshness and shelf life, add a pinch during boiling citric acid. She will save from sugaring and give an interesting, subtle note.
  • During cooking, it is desirable to remove the abundant thick foam that appears in order to ready dish there were no floating whitish clots.

Peach jam - a simple recipe for the winter

What could be easier than to combine two ingredients and boil them? This is the simplest recipe for any jam. Peach is no exception. Fruits with sugar are mixed measure by measure, they insist a little so that the juice dilutes the sweet sand to a liquid state, and then boiled down.

And so it turns out a delicacy that gives us many warm evenings over a cup of tea.

We will need:

  • Fresh peaches - 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.


1. First, rinse the fruit well and peel them.

Most easy way to do this: dip the fruits in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then immediately in cold water. Literally a minute later, with a knife, apply a cross-shaped notch on the tip, pick up the exfoliated skin and pull it off the juicy pulp.

2. The next important step is to remove the stone from the pulp.

To do this, you just need to cut the fruit in half to the middle and remove the hard core. Next, to get neat slices, cut the peeled halves into 3-4 parts each.

3. It is not necessary to be a perfectionist to understand a simple thing - pieces laid in an even layer in rows can be covered with sugar much more evenly. From this, the fruit will give juice faster and the sand will get wet faster.

In this regard, chopped slices should be laid out at the bottom of a wide basin or pan.

4. Pour everything with sugar and let it brew in a cool place for about 4 hours.

5. As soon as the crystals are completely dissolved, put the dishes on medium heat.

6. When the syrup boils, immediately reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer on it until fully cooked for about 2 hours.

When foam appears, carefully remove it, being careful not to damage the delicate slices.

7. Pour the finished joy of the sweet tooth into clean jars (preferably sterile) and close the lid or roll up.

You can store in the cellar, pantry or under the bed - as you prefer.

Serve in a beautiful vase with fresh tea.

Peach jam "five minutes" pitted

If you don’t want to bother with cooking for a long time or simply don’t have time for this, then the cooking option in just “5 minutes” will be the salvation. But there is one thing: it is desirable to store it later in a cool place.

If this is an apartment, then it is better to keep the jars in the refrigerator. In your own house, you can store them in a dark basement.

We will need:

  • Fresh peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 0.4 l.
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp.


1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and remove the skins and seeds. If there are any inclusions or parts that are too soft, it is better to cut them off too.

2. Chop the prepared pulp into slices.

3. In order not to wait for the fruits to release juice, you can immediately prepare a sweet syrup: combine water with sugar and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.

4. Being careful not to burn yourself, lower the slices into the boiling syrup with a slotted spoon and boil.

5. Reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for only 5 minutes. Literally half a minute before the end, pour in the lemon and mix well.

6. As soon as the jam has cooled down, you can already enjoy it. Or pour into a glass dish and store in the refrigerator.

In such a delicacy, due to the small amount of cooking, the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved. And it's incredibly delicious too!

How to cook a thick tasty delicacy of peaches with slices

Sometimes you want either jam, or slices stewed in sugar ... And sometimes both at the same time! You can boil overripe fruits with ripe ones for a long time, or you can cook something original and no less tasty!

Peaches combined with melon! You will get a completely new taste aromatic combination that will appeal to your guests and loved ones.

We will need:

  • Peeled pitted peaches - 1 kg.
  • Peeled melon pulp - ½ kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.


1. Grind the melon pulp with a blender until puree. She will give our sweets just an incredible aroma and a completely new taste.

2. Cut the washed and dried fruits into identical slices and send them to the dishes in which the cooking process will take place.

Pour granulated sugar there, pour melon puree and throw a small cinnamon stick.

3. Boil 3 times on minimum heat. The first and second times, as soon as the boiling process begins, turn off the heat and let it cool to room temperature.

For the third time, it is necessary to let it boil for a quarter of an hour, and immediately pour it into pre-sterilized glass jars.

4. Roll up and, turning them upside down, let cool without additional wrapping. Then you can store it in any room convenient for you in the dark (ideally in the cellar, but you can also in the apartment in the pantry).

If you have never tried such a wonderful combination with melon, then be sure to try it. You'll like it!

Peach jam with nuts (step by step recipe)

How I love hazelnut jam! The combination of tenderness with hardness, sweetness with astringency! And it's always great to combine business with pleasure while drinking tea!

At long-term storage fruit slices are saturated with a nutty flavor, and they, in turn, are saturated with juicy syrup and become more transparent. You can take any favorite nuts and even several types at once, but with walnuts you get the most delicious, in my opinion, delicacy.

We will need:

  • Purified kernels walnuts- 1 glass.
  • Peeled peaches - 0.6 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg.


1. Kernels walnut rinse and clear of partitions. Let dry and cut into small pieces with a knife.

2. Cut the peeled fruits into identical cubes or triangles and send them to the bowl in which you will cook the delicacy.

3. Pour granulated sugar, mix well and leave to infuse for at least 1 hour in a cool place. During this time, the sugar will partially melt, and the juicy fruits will release juice.

4. Put on a slow fire and, after boiling, cook for half an hour, periodically removing the foam and stirring. Do this very carefully, trying not to damage tender pieces fruits.

It is best to use a wooden paddle, spoon or spatula for mixing.

5. Add chopped nuts, mix and let it simmer for another quarter of an hour.

6. Ready dessert begins to exude a nutty peach aroma. Can be consumed as soon as it cools down.

7. But if you plan to enjoy it in winter, then still hot ready mix it is necessary to distribute in sterilized jars and roll up.

It is advisable to store the cooled sweetness in a cool dark place.

Enjoy your meal!

How to cook peach jam in a slow cooker

For those sweet tooth who do not want to mess around at the stove for a long time, a variation of cooking using a slow cooker is ideal.

Not only can you go about your business for almost the entire process, but you will also get a rather thick jam. True, for this it is desirable to add pectin. Without it, the substance will not be as thick, but still much thicker than in a regular saucepan.

We will need:

  • Fresh peaches - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.7 kg.
  • Pectin - 1 pack.


1. Selected fruits must first be washed. Then pour over boiling water and dip into ice water. Remove the skin, and also cut and remove the hard bone. Then crumble the resulting pulp into small pieces and put in a multicooker bowl.

2. Pour pectin and granulated sugar. Mix well so that the sugar evenly coats all the juicy pieces.

3. Select the special mode "Jam", if it is not there, then you can also use "Extinguishing", and set half an hour for cooking.

4. After ten minutes from the start of cooking, remove the foam that appears and continue cooking.

5. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, transfer the finished delicacy to pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Storage preferably in cool places.

Eat with hot fragrant tea.

Video on how to make thick jam (jam) with lemon

And according to this recipe, you can also cook delicious thick jam, or jam. A feature of this option is that we cook it with lemon juice and a cinnamon stick. The flavor of the delicacy is truly magical.

And we will achieve density with the help of starch. Never prepared like this? Try it! The chef shares tips and recipes.

This is another simple and wonderful way to prepare delicious treat for winter.

In such simple ways, you can preserve a piece of summer for a pleasant pastime, both with friends during tea drinking, and for personal use with your favorite hot drink or for breakfast with butter sandwiches.

Peaches are delicious - you can't argue with that! Moreover, you can put jam on the table as an independent dessert, or you can add it, for example, to ice cream, porridge or pies as a topping.

For lovers fruit layers in baking, you can grind it with a blender and use it instead of cream between biscuit or sand cakes.

It will not be difficult to catch the slices and decorate the top of the cake with them or “stick” them into batter and bake as one of the main ingredients of the cake. They also turn out amazing. air buns stuffed with this candied fruit.

Bon appetit and interesting experiments with peach jam!

Summer is the time delicious berries and fruits. Cherries, cherries, raspberries, apricots, plums, peaches can appear on the table every day. The list of listed fruits can be huge, but I would like to suggest focusing on peaches. Peaches are everyone's favorite fruit. Its delicate, juicy taste will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth. It is a pity that they bear fruit only in the summer, but you really want to eat this yummy in the middle of the winter, sitting by the window, and admiring the snowdrifts on the street. The simplest and fast way prepare great amount peaches is to make jam from them, fragrant, sweet, reminiscent of summer with its rich taste.

I offer a fairly simple recipe that does not take much time - Pyatiminutka peach jam. Literally in a short period of time, you can process a large number of fruits and prepare a sweet treat for the winter. Jam according to this recipe is obtained with peach slices, which did not have time to boil for 5 minutes of boiling. As they cool, they are saturated with syrup and become more transparent. After minimal heat treatment, most of the vitamins are preserved in the fruits, due to which the sweet delicacy becomes not only tasty, but also healthy.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Peaches 1200 g;
  • Sugar 600 g

How to make peach jam "Five minutes"

Before you start preparing a magical delicacy, you need to carefully select peaches. For jam, both soft and dense fruits are suitable. First of all, the fruit must be thoroughly washed. From soft specimens, you can remove the skin. If there are spoiled places, they need to be cut out, leaving only the healthy part of the fetus. Then the selected peaches must be divided into halves and the stone removed. By the way, if you clean the kernels, they can be used as additional ingredient, they will give a special piquancy to the finished jam.

In the next step, sprinkle the fruit with sugar, alternating a layer of peaches and granulated sugar. Leave the container with the workpiece for 6-8 hours, covered with a lid. It is most convenient to fill in the ingredients in the evening, and continue cooking in the morning.

After the specified time, the peaches will release a lot of juice, especially if the fruits are very juicy. In this case, it will take much less time. Place the container with the prepared ingredients on moderate heat. Arm yourself with a wooden spoon and stirring to dissolve the grains of sugar, bring the fruit mass to a boil.

As soon as the mass boils, foam will begin to form. Take the slotted spoon and remove it. Boil contents for 5 minutes. Prepare jars ahead of time. We will need 2 containers with a volume of 500 g each. Boil the lids separately and sterilize the jars. You can use the oven or microwave for this. The second option will significantly reduce the time to prepare for the finished jam.

For 5 minutes of boiling, fruit slices will retain their integrity and will not boil soft. Pour the hot Pyatiminutka peach jam into sterile jars and seal tightly.

Turn upside down, wrap and leave to cool to room temperature. Then store in a closet.

Peach jam is perfect for any dessert, it will be especially tasty with pancakes or pancakes. Delicious preparations for you!

Very tasty and fragrant jam obtained for the winter from nectarines. Try with lemon, plums, orange!

Saturated nectarine slices in a clear red-orange syrup are so tasty that you can not tear yourself away from them. You can also use boiled fruits as a filling for cakes or pies.

  • nectarines - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • boiled water - 1 glass.

Cooking sugar syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar in a saucepan, put on moderate heat, bring to a boil.

When sugar is completely dissolved in water, add lemon juice. If you want, you can throw in a slice of lemon and boil the syrup for a couple more minutes, this will add some sourness to the jam.

We wash the fruits, remove the seeds, cut them arbitrarily. I prefer jam with slices.

We shift the fruits into a saucepan with syrup, stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the flame and cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, and leave to cool completely at room temperature. We put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then bring to a boil again. We do this process so that the jam is infused.

We put the boiling jam in sterilized jars, twist it with boiled lids and put it away to cool under the covers. Our nectarine jam with lemon for the winter is ready.

Recipe 2, simple: how to make nectarine jam

In the summer we enjoy the taste fresh fruit and berries, and we so want to stretch this pleasure, to keep a piece of summer as long as possible. I will tell you how to make nectarine jam. It's delicious and fragrant preparation for the winter, which will appeal to both adults and children. The recipe for making nectarine jam is very simple, so buy fruit and sugar and start preparing delicious jam. Good luck!

  • Nectarines - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Vanilla - 1 Pinch

For jam, it is better to take not quite ripe fruits - they will not boil in jam. My nectarines.

Cut into small pieces, preferably the same size.

We fold into enamelware and sprinkle with sugar. We put in a cold place for 6-8 hours, let them give juice.

Cook the jam for 15-20 minutes after the moment of boiling. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla. Can be cooked in two stages. In the first boil the jam for 5 minutes and set aside for 6 hours, and the second time boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour the finished jam into dry sterilized jars and wait for winter.

Recipe 3: simple nectarine jam for the winter (step by step)

  • nectarines (1 kg.);
  • granulated sugar (1 kg.).

Wash nectarines and let dry. Cut into slices, getting rid of the bone.

Sprinkle nectarine slices with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours, until the fruit gives juice.

And then everything is simple - put on a small fire, bring to a boil and gently stir, cook until tender. Readiness is defined differently. For example, you can drop syrup on a saucer, and if it does not immediately spread, the jam is ready. Another way to determine readiness is to look at the “behavior” of the jam. If it seems to sizzle bubbles, then you can also shoot. Honestly, I don't know how to explain it, you just have to see it.

Yes, do not forget to remove the foam. This is best done not from the very beginning, but towards the end. Then she conveniently gathers around the edges.

That's it! We cool and lay out the jam in jars (a kilogram is just enough for 2 half-liter jars) and close with a paper lid. And we are waiting for winter to enjoy the sunny taste of a wonderful dessert on a cold evening! Or we don't wait.

Recipe 4: five-minute jam from plums and nectarines

  • Nectarine - 500 g
  • Plum (varieties "Hungarian") - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.

Wash the nectarines, dry them, remove the stone and cut into slices.

Wash the plums, dry, remove the stone, cut into slices.

Put the prepared fruits in a saucepan for cooking and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours to extract juice.

Squeeze juice from lemon and orange and add to fruit. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes removing the foam.

Pour hot into prepared jars. Roll up. Turn lid down. Cool down.

Recipe 5, step by step: nectarine jam with nuts

  • 1 kg. nectarines
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 1 orange
  • 0.5 lemon
  • almonds to taste

My nectarines and cut into slices.

We fall asleep with sugar and leave until the juice stands out.

Add finely chopped orange and a little lemon (you can limit yourself to zest).

Add dried almonds.

We put it on the stove, as it boils - we reduce the fire, the sugar should melt, the jam will need to be mixed, remove the foam, and let it cook until fully cooked (when it comes, it's up to you).

We lay out in sterile jars, close.

Recipe 6: Seedless Thick Nectarine Jam

This nectarine jam is made in the image and likeness of the idea of ​​the famous culinary blogger Venera Osipchuk. True, for the long winter she boiled apricots with sugar and coffee. I want to assure you: this idea played very, very well with nectarines. If you want to breathe a little fusion into the usual and ordinary preparations for the winter, go for it. This nectarine jam will please, impress and will not leave you indifferent to tea drinking!

  • Nectarines 500 grams
  • Sugar 300 grams
  • Natural coffee 1 tsp
  • Agar-agar 1 tsp

Wash nectarines, pat dry and remove pits.

Cut some nectarines into cubes.

Puree the rest with a blender.

Combine both cuts of nectarines, cover with sugar and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature. Put the jam on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 5 minutes.

Add ground jam natural coffe, stir, bring to a boil again, immediately remove from the stove. Cool down completely.

Return the nectarine jam to the stove again, bring to a boil again and boil again for 5 minutes, spray agar-agar on the surface.

Pour the finished nectarine jam into sterile jars, roll up if necessary. Store in refrigerator or other cool place until serving.

Recipe 7: Delicious Nectarine Jam with Oranges

  • 600 grams of nectarines;
  • 1 orange;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

I cut the nectarines into slices to keep their shape in the future. The main thing is to remove a large bone, and then I make thin slices.

I thoroughly clean the oranges with a brush and rinse with water, since the peel is very porous and needs to be washed well before being added to the jam. Then I cut them into small triangles.

I transfer fruit to a bowl.