Cheese is a dietary product. Principles of the cheese diet

Cheese is hearty and high-calorie product, which is nevertheless often present on the diet menu. Doctors also recommend not to refuse it, since with a depleted diet, minerals, trace elements and protein practically do not enter the body. And cheese will become their supplier. In order to enter this product on the menu without fear for the figure, you need to know which varieties and types of it are best suited for the diet.

Read in this article

The benefits of cheese

The beneficial qualities of the product are due to its rich composition: milk fat, animal protein, calcium and potassium, vitamins and minerals. Cheese is perfectly absorbed by the body, and even its protein is much more harmless to the body than the same from whole milk.

This product quickly saturates, and after eating 100 g of cheese, the feeling of hunger disappears. But we must not forget that it belongs to high-calorie foods: 100 g contains 250 - 400 kcal. This variability is due to the fact that cheese is produced in different varieties, enriched with spices and enzymes, so when losing weight, you need to be able to choose it correctly.

Selection criteria for weight loss

To a low-calorie diet and physical exercise did not become a useless exercise, you need to be extremely careful about the products that are included in the menu of a losing weight person. Nutritionists insist on “research” on the composition of cheese and take into account the following points when choosing:

  • what is the level of fat content of the product - you need to look for an indicator of fat per 100 g of cheese;
  • how many proteins are there in 100 g;
  • calorie content of the product;
  • taste qualities cheese.

Doctors recommend introducing low-fat cheese into the menu - a maximum of 17%, although you can also eat a 25% product, however, in small quantities (this is not even 100 g per day!). But there can be a lot of protein in it. This component takes an active part in strengthening the muscle tissue, and it needs it, as it is in constant tension.

Moreover, strong and constantly growing muscles "consume" a lot of calories for this process.

You need to learn how to evaluate the taste of the product. For example, too salty and sharp cheeses, with various additives and flavorings will be exactly contraindicated. Along the way, you need to control their calorie content. It's simple: the lower this indicator, the more useful the selected product will be.

About what cheese is best to eat when losing weight, see this video:

Popular types and their use for weight loss

On the shelves of shops you can find just an incredible amount of cheese of different varieties. And if a person is in the process of losing weight, he needs to navigate this range.


It is quite useful, as it contains a complete “set” of components necessary for the normal functionality of the whole organism. There is even a diet called "5 curds", during which it is proposed to eat only processed cheese and dry red wine. And doctors assure that it is in this case that the cheese variety in question can be safely consumed in the indicated amount.

In general, processed cheese has a very high calorie content (226 kcal per 100 g) and increases appetite - it is not worth including it in the menu of losing weight not on a specialized diet. This product is categorically contraindicated for people with diagnosed diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including liver pathologies.

Naturally, when using processed cheese, one should give preference to “pure” varieties, in which there are no spices, flavors, flavorings.


Such cheeses are characterized by low calorie content and fat content, they include tofu and ricotta, chechil and cheese (unsalted). Doctors claim that curd products less useful than hard cheeses, but you don’t have to choose much on a diet. Therefore, if there is a desire to diversify the menu, learn how to quickly satisfy bouts of hunger, then these varieties of the product are optimal.

Despite the low calorie content of curd cheeses and the low percentage of fat content, they cannot be entered into the menu uncontrollably. It is enough to eat only 70 g of the product per day in order to satisfy the desire to eat “something harmful” and not harm the figure.


Dietitians are categorically against the use of this type of product during weight loss. Firstly, it is too high-calorie - 350 kcal per 100 g of sausage cheese! And this indicator does not depend on what production the product was produced in, what flavoring or aromatic additives were used. Secondly, this product contains a lot of cholesterol. And it also causes just an unbridled feeling of hunger.

If there is a desire to diversify the menu on a diet with cheeses, then you definitely should not use sausage for this. In fairness, it should be noted that vitamins, trace elements and protein are still present in this product, but they are easy to replace.


Here, its experts strongly recommend including in diet menu. Low-fat varieties can be found, such as the well-known Russian cheese or Camembert. Eat hard cheese and low calorie. For example, such a characteristic of goat, aged in whey. Moreover, there is a special cheese diet: this product is present in almost every meal, it is supplemented with vegetables and fruits, drinks.

Hard cheeses can satisfy your hunger, they can be used as a snack or a late dinner. And if you learn how to correctly combine products, you can achieve an absolutely balanced diet. For example, the menu may include baked eggplant, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, boiled white poultry, broccoli and carrots, asparagus and radishes, and pears.

According to nutritionists, the most healthy cheeses for weight loss there will be not only solid ones, but also such as Adyghe and. In general, these types of product are recognized as unique - they can be used in pure form, fry, bake, combine with sweet ingredients. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the amount of salt in cheeses, since these products “ripen” in brine or salted whey.

How much cheese can you eat on a diet

If a person is not losing weight on a cheese diet, then this product can be consumed in limited quantities. The optimal "dosage" is considered to be 70 - 100 g per day and not in one piece, but by dividing the amount into 2 - 3 doses.

Is it possible to eat at night

Cheese is still a high-calorie product and must be digested before the body goes to a night's rest. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to use it at night. Although nutritionists allow the inclusion of the product in question in a late dinner and in an amount of not more than 40 g.

Cons of cheese for weight loss

All the beneficial properties of cheese specifically in relation to weight loss may be absent. And the reason for this is the dishonesty of manufacturers! Find the real one now natural cheese made from milk and enzymes is almost impossible. Each cheese (there are exceptions, but extremely rarely) contains palm oil, nitrite and phosphates - the enemies of health, even with a complete and high-calorie diet.

And if the body is already in a stressful state due to dietary restrictions, then the intake of harmful substances can lead to problems with the functionality of the liver and kidneys.

Cheese is an amazing and, of course, a healthy product. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and systems, normalizes the intestinal microflora and stabilizes the stool. If pick up for weight loss low-calorie product, then it can be used during snacks, and even in the evening. Cheese can satisfy hunger and reduce cravings for the “forbidden” against the backdrop of strict adherence to a low-calorie diet.

Useful video

On the benefits and harms of cheese, see this video:

Published/updated: 2013-10-12 09:13:40. Views: 19228 |
How much cheese can you eat in a week? On the shelves of stores you will find dozens of types and types of cheeses. They differ in color, type of manufacture or milk from which they were made. Usually, when choosing them, we are guided by taste or simply habits acquired in the family. Buyers rarely pay attention to the content of nutrients and their impact on our health.

Who can eat cheese in the usual volumes

Healthy man who does not suffer from hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, or certain diseases digestive system, has no barriers to eating cheese from time to time in moderation. People on a diet can also eat cheese, but in small amounts, only as an additive to improve the taste of food, but not as one of the main ingredients. Cheese is generally safe to eat 2-3 times a week, in small portions, in addition to sandwiches, casseroles and pasta.
Why is it so rare? Most of us eat a few slices of cheese almost every day. After all, cheese is a dairy product. Unfortunately, cheese has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Too Much Cheese

The main advantage of this product is high content calcium. One hundred grams of cheese (except cottage cheese) contains 400-800 mg of it. True, calcium, which is found in cheese, is absorbed worse than that found in milk or yogurt. Cheese also provides our body with the vitamins necessary for correcting vision, and also contains vitamin B12, which is often lacking, especially for people who rarely eat meat. Also important, of course, is the taste, aroma and texture of the cheese.

Despite the obvious benefits of cheese, not only in taste but also in nutrition, don't overdo it. People on a weight loss diet should be especially careful. One hundred grams of cheese, depending on the type, is from 215 to 380 kcal. Another disadvantage is the high cholesterol content - about 70 - 90 mg per 100 g, recommended daily dose less than 300 mg, and for those who are at risk or already suffering from atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia, less than 200 mg. But cholesterol also appears in many other foods that we eat every day - milk, cream, meat, butter, etc.

Excessive consumption of cheese can also Negative influence on the condition of our heart and blood vessels. This results in a high fat content (60-80 percent), most of which are saturated. fatty acid, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Cheese consumption should also be limited due to its salt content. 100 g contains 850 - 1100 mg of this element. Meanwhile, it is best not to exceed the dose - 2000 - 3000 mg per day (and this along with all foods and extra salt that we add to food). This is especially important and even necessary for people suffering from hypertension.

Types of cheeses and their benefits and harms

If you love cheese and can't resist it, but at the same time want to keep your health, you can find out the characteristics of the types and varieties and choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

This type of cheese is relatively low in calories compared to yellow cheese, but has a low calcium content of less than 100mg per 100g of product. Contains less sodium, cholesterol and fat, making it the best choice for those who must avoid these ingredients. However, if you're already opting for cottage cheese, it's best to buy low-fat cottage cheese, which contains much less fat and cholesterol, but almost the same amount of protein and calcium. It is highly digestible and is recommended as part of the children's diet.

Smoked cheeses resemble typical yellow cheeses in their composition, but have a special composition of flavorings. They are smoked in the traditional way - in the smoke of a smokehouse, or seasoned with a special preparation that gives the smell and taste of smoked meats. The natural method must be limited because the accumulation of smoke components in the intestines has a toxic effect on the cells.

Unfortunately, processed cheese is most often a product that only contains cheese. It is highly processed, high in sodium, cholesterol and fat. In addition, this high-calorie product, and it is often added various additives not necessarily desirable in a healthy diet.

Probably the most popular in our country. It appears in a large number of species, contains a lot of calcium, but also sodium, cholesterol and fat. It can be used occasionally to enhance the flavor of casseroles, pasta, salads, and sandwiches. It is better to use grated cheese, then it seems that there is more of it.

Blue cheese (blue cheese)
In this case, the aroma and flavor compositions are created by mold growth. Unfortunately, these cheeses contain high levels of sodium and cholesterol and are therefore not suitable for people with hypertension or hypercholesterolemia. Besides. It does not digest well, so it should be avoided by people who have problems with the digestive tract or suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the frequent possibility of microbial contamination, blue cheese should be avoided by people with a weakened immune system, children and especially pregnant women, because listeriosis is dangerous for the fetus. It is better to eat such cheese only in rare cases.

It is white, salted cheese, typical of Mediterranean countries, especially Greece. Traditionally made from sheep's milk, sometimes with the addition of goat's. In our country, it is most often made from cow's milk. This cheese has the highest sodium content, so people with hypertension should avoid it. It also has less calcium than yellow cheese. The fat content usually ranges from 8 to 18 percent. Fat-free types can be used from time to time in salads and other vegetable dishes, to which it is most suitable.

Mozzarella comes from the Apennine Peninsula. Traditionally, it is made mainly from buffalo milk, but in our country it is made from cow's. This is a relatively soft cheese and it has its own nutritional values similar to feta cheese, but has about half the sodium, but, unfortunately, calcium. It doesn't contain as much fat as yellow cheese, so it's great for casseroles, pizzas, and pastas.

It is believed that goat milk easy to digest, due to the fine structure of fat. The most important difference, however, is the higher mineral content (calcium and potassium) in relation to cow's milk. However, not everyone likes the sharp, characteristic taste and unique aroma. As for sheep's cheese, it has a slightly nutty aroma and expressive taste. Compared to cow's milk, they have more minerals and protein, so goat's and sheep's milk cheeses have a higher biological value.

Sura Council (reading with translation of meanings into Russian with captions).


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Dietitians around the world tirelessly argue about the possibility of introducing cheese into the diet of a person who wants to lose weight. Opinions differ, but everyone agrees on the usefulness of such a product as a source of protein, lactic acid and macronutrients. To understand whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet, you need to know the basic selection rules - the percentage of fat, calories, the amount of animal protein and taste.

Cheese on a diet

The world is being created great amount varieties of cheese, but not every one of them is recommended to be consumed during weight loss, although it is not forbidden to enjoy a small piece of even fatty hard cheese. The main condition is quality, the composition should not contain harmful vegetable fats, because the beneficial properties of cheese depend on following right technology cooking. Often the cost good product much higher than the price of low-quality analogues. But the main question is not even in calories, but in the amount eaten.

Cheese classification table by production method:

Without maturation


Trou du cru, afidelis

"Fluffy" crust

Brie, Camembert

Semi-hard and hard pressed

Maasdam, parmesan


Gouda, cheddar, edamer


Feta, cheese, suluguni

with mold

Roquefort, bavaria blue


Rambol, viola


Chechil, sausage

The benefits and harms of cheese for the body

Very often, cheese products are used as an addition to salads, snacks and sandwiches. If you eat it during breakfast, lunch or a late dinner, problems with overweight will not be added. Due to the protein content and the ability to produce a hormone responsible for satiety, you do not need to eat a large number of to satisfy your hunger. In addition, different varieties are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, lactose, vitamins A and D, which helps maintain health. But the situation of emergence of individual intolerance is quite real.

Is it possible to eat cheese on a diet

The question of whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet worries many who want to lose weight, because this product is used in the diet of almost any person and it is difficult to refuse it. Nutritionists recommend choosing low-calorie cheese for the diet, avoiding hard and over-seasoned varieties (especially salty and spicy), as well as varieties with fillers. The main selection criterion is quality and expiration date: you can not use moldy, even after cutting off places with mold, because this is fraught with serious poisoning.

How to distinguish a low-quality product:

  • carefully consider the composition on the package (not allowed as an impurity palm oil or other vegetable fats);
  • uniform color, without bright spots and traces of "revival" (soaking, cuts);
  • catch the aroma, the absence of foreign odors;
  • cannot be cheap.

cheese diet

A large number of weight loss programs allow the use of rennet products. Recently, a cheese and coffee diet is gaining particular popularity, because there is no need to constantly cook something, and this saves a lot of time. Its duration is 10 days. During weight loss, it is forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits, you can only eggs and fermented milk drinks(a glass of kefir or homemade yogurt no fillers). But there are other variations - a diet of cheese and wine or a standard cheese diet (it is allowed to add soup or salad with vegetables to the diet).

Ducan's diet

France, as you know, is the birthplace of cheese making, so this product was not without this product in the food system from the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. Given the peculiarities of the nutrition system, the question of whether cheese is possible on the Dukan diet cannot be answered unambiguously. The nutrition system is divided into 4 stages, the diet of each of them has its own characteristics, for example, at all stages (even on the attack) fat-free cheese, at the alternation stage, you can enter 30 grams, with a fat content of up to 6.5%. During fixing, fat content up to 20% is permissible, but in small quantities.

Japanese diet

One of the toughest but most effective nutritional systems for weight loss is the 14-day Japanese diet. Those who want to lose weight are forbidden to change the diet, confuse the sequence of days, consume salt, alcohol, sugar and sweets. A prerequisite is to drink 1.5 liters of mineral non-carbonated or boiled water. Cheese on the Japanese diet is allowed, but not more than 1 piece (15 grams) per day, as an addition to the menu. You can’t call such a nutrition program “hungry”, because it has a lot of dishes from fish, meat, vegetables and fruits (unsweetened). It is allowed to drink coffee and unsweetened tea.

Is it possible to cheese on the Maggi diet

Among those who want to lose weight, the so-called egg diet is gaining popularity. It does not need to count calories, as it is based on biochemical reactions in the body. Just be sure to strictly observe the diet. There are no contraindications to such a weight loss system; people of absolutely any age and initial weight can use it. It is allowed to eat meat and fish dishes, eggs, vegetables and fruits, but cheese for the Maggi diet is not suitable for everyone. For hard varieties, a fat content of 17% is acceptable, but they can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese, cheese or mozzarella.

With a protein diet

Low-carbohydrate diets (including protein ones) involve eating meat, fish and eggs. Is it possible to eat cheese on a protein diet? High level The protein and low carbohydrate content in this product allows it to serve great addition to such a system. True, it is allowed to eat only low-fat or low-fat varieties (Adyghe, feta, tofu). This method is very effective in losing weight, if you combine regular workouts with it, because proteins are a building material for muscle mass. It is forbidden to add pastries, high-calorie fruits and carbonated drinks to the menu.

What cheese can you eat on a diet

All weight loss programs are designed to burn safely excess weight, but often there are situations when only water leaves (with an abundance of salt) or muscle tissue (with protein deficiency). What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight? A good quality product will not harm the figure, it will even help to get rid of extra annoying kilograms, so you definitely need to eat it during weight loss, you can choose how independent dish or add to different recipes.

Calorie content - from 160 to 260 kcal, fat content - up to 20%, proteins - 20 grams.

Use as an additive to dishes and as an independent meal. Salty taste, made from goat's or cow's milk.

Calorie content - 172 kcal, fat content - from 8 to 24%, proteins - 11 grams.

In the composition - albumin protein, which promotes rapid absorption, is made from whey.

Up to 90 kcal, 5% fat, proteins - 8 grams.

Made from soy low calorie, in the composition of a large number of amino acids and high-quality vegetable protein.


Up to 280 kcal, 17-24% fat, proteins - 28 grams.

It goes well with greens, baked tomatoes and peppers. Delicious and healthy.

290 kcal, 24% fat, 17 grams of protein.

Used as a food supplement vegetable salads), when buying, pay attention to the composition, name and expiration dates.


One of the most optimal varieties for weight loss is pickled cheese. It is made from different types milk (goat, cow, sheep). At proper cooking such varieties exfoliate, they are distinguished by the absence of a hard crust. In stores you can see mozzarella, suluguni, Adyghe. Brine types of cheeses often have a salty taste and are sold in vacuum packages, in brine. Then they will not lose their properties during storage. The calorie content of such a product is low, so it is allowed to eat it with almost any weight loss program.

Low calorie solids

For lovers of hard cheeses, the food system with their absence can be a real test, a blow to nervous system. Cheeses with a low percentage of fat content are difficult to find in stores, so losing weight often learns to cook the product themselves. There are a large number of recipes for making cheese at home on the Internet. Of the well-known low-calorie semi-solid varieties, you should choose Gaudette, Fitness (made in Russia or Belarus), Oltermani (fat content up to 17%). Foods with a calorie content above 20% can be consumed in small portions.

Is it possible to eat processed cheese while losing weight

Processed cheese of low fat content is not easy to find in stores. Often, foods with medium fat content (from 25 to 45 percent) fall under the arm. Processed cheese during a diet helps a losing weight person a lot, because it is tasty and healthy. Philadelphia with a fat content of 5% is also suitable, it goes especially well with dishes Japanese cuisine. Processed cheeses come in different types: chunky, pasty, sausage and sweet (with the addition of honey, nuts and dried fruits). Is it possible to eat processed cheese on a diet? Definitely, if it is low-calorie and high-quality.

  • the marking on the package must be PP, this indicates the possibility of its use for food products;
  • storage temperature - +3 degrees, you can buy only the one that was stored in the refrigerator;
  • packaging without deformation and damage;
  • uniform color, not too yellow;
  • the surface is smooth, shiny;
  • should not be present unpleasant odors, flavors.

How much cheese can you eat per day

If you use the product in reasonable quantities, you will not get better from it. It is best to eat at night, you can afford a piece up to 70 grams (about the same size as a matchbox). For hard varieties, the portion is halved, up to 35 grams. The lower the calorie product, the lower its fat content, the more it can be eaten. Is it possible to eat cottage cheese on a diet in unlimited quantities? Is that only fat-free cottage cheese (0 kcal), and even then it is better to pay attention to the size of portions.

Video: is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight

Cheese is a healthy product loved by many people. It contains a large amount of protein, amino acids and vitamins and is an indispensable element of the human table. Different varieties this dairy product have different calorie content and fat content, so the question will be natural, is it possible to eat it while losing weight.

What are and what are the benefits of cheese for the human body

Cheese is one of the oldest human foodstuffs for a reason. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. It is recommended for use by athletes, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it contains a large amount of mineral salts and calcium.


In order not to get lost in a huge variety of cheeses, you need to know by what principle and how they are classified.

The perfect cheese platter.

According to the method of production, the following varieties are distinguished:

    Fresh (cottage cheese);

  • Semi-solid;

  • Pickled;



Various raw materials can be used in the manufacture: cow, goat, sheep, horse milk.

Recently, it has gained in popularity soy cheese(tofu), nutritionally not inferior to dairy counterparts.

    Lean (less than 10%);

    Fourth fat content (10-20%);

    Bold (20-30%);

    Three-quarter fat (30-40%);

    Bold (40-50%);

    Creamy (50-60%);

    Double creamy (60-65%).

Depending on the presence of additives, cheeses with chocolate, herbs, mushrooms, ham and the like are distinguished.

Is cheese possible for weight loss?

It is better to give preference to low-fat varieties with a fat content of 9-17%.

Cheese is an extremely useful product, worthy to take a place on the table of any person. But can it be used by those who want to lose weight? The answer to this question can be found in the studies of modern nutritionists.

Nutritionist and researcher at the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition Olga Grigoryan recommends limiting the consumption of high-fat varieties of cheeses in the daily diet.

She claims that the violation of this condition entails problems with being overweight and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When it comes to healthy and balanced nutrition, You don't have to give up cheese completely.

It is enough to observe some conditions when choosing suitable variety this product. It is necessary to pay attention to such points:

    Fat content per 100 grams;

    Protein volume;

    The number of calories;

    No flavor enhancers.

With proper nutrition in order to lose weight, it is better to opt for cheeses with low fat content (up to 20%) and low calorie content.

Ideal varieties for those who want to lose weight

There are varieties of cheese that in all respects are suitable for proper nutrition. They have a perfectly balanced amount of calories, protein and percentage of fat:

Huge harm to health can cause the use of only one cheese. Large intake of proteins human body can cause intoxication.

When choosing a method of losing weight, it is worth giving preference to balanced nutrition programs. or proper nutrition.

What should not be eaten so as not to get better? Cheese products, which are prohibited for those who want to find a slim figure:

Rules of use

In order to eat your favorite dairy treat and not be afraid to gain extra pounds, it is enough to adhere to several principles: eat cheese during breakfast or a snack, three times a week, no more than 100 grams per day.

Different types of cheese fit well into weight loss diets. If you correctly use this natural product, then there will be no harm to health. On the contrary, it will be possible to get a lot of nutrients. But in this matter, not everything is so simple, and therefore there is still debate about whether it is possible to eat cheese while losing weight, which varieties are better and how to use it correctly. This article covers the main aspects safe food fermented milk product. And at the end of the text, an interesting cheese diet is proposed. Learn to eat right and lose weight.

Cheese for weight loss

Does cheese help you lose weight?

It's safe to say that proper nutrition cheese promotes weight loss, and does not interfere with the process of fat burning. The product contains a set of amino acids - methionine, lysine and tryptophan.

Cheese is part healthy eating, athletes do not disdain them. The product supports the process of losing weight, nourishes useful substances, but it all works if you eat right in general, monitor the calorie content of the diet and do not overeat. Beneficial features cheese is fully manifested on the diet, so diet experts approve of it.

What kind of cheese is good?

Hard cheeses are much healthier than cottage cheese. Pay attention to the fat content of the product. It is this indicator that is decisive in the diet. Cheese varieties with a fat content of 9 to 17% are suitable for successful nutrition and weight loss. But don't limit yourself to this. It is also acceptable to consume cheese with a fat content of 18-25% in small portions. Here is a source of high-quality protein that is appropriate in dietary nutrition.

In high-calorie solids and soft varieties too much fat, it is better not to eat them. But not all high-calorie cheeses should be avoided. For example, Parmesan and Cheddar have a huge percentage of protein and nourish the muscles, and Camembert can be used for lactose deficiency.

cheese is natural protein product, useful for health

Cheese varieties

Adyghe cheese

Delicious low calorie dairy product Adyghe cheese includes B vitamins, sodium. It contains the essential amino acid tryptophan and calcium. The product contains beneficial enzymes to improve intestinal microflora.

Calcium strengthens bones. The product is prepared on the basis of Bulgarian sticks and cow's milk. Soft cheese suitable for salads and sandwiches, ideal for soups, casseroles and cheesecakes. The product will not interfere with the diet if it is used wisely, without overeating.

processed cheese

Despite the fact that processed cheese contains a lot of calories, it is still worthy of attention, as it is filled with fat-soluble vitamins. For example, these are E, A, D. There is also PUFA in the product. Processed cheese contains high quality casein protein. The assimilation of the product is problem-free, since it contains only 2% lactose.

IN processed cheese no carbohydrates. The product is quite neutral, does not leave an aftertaste, and is stored for a long time. On a diet, you can use a small amount sweet, spreadable, sausage and chunky processed cheese.

Mozzarella cheese

Popular Italian variety Mozzarella cheese is widely used in cooking, but is rarely found in Russian diets. And more in Europe. Eat this product instead of kefir or fat-free cottage cheese to make your menu more interesting.

This variety can definitely be called dietary, it has a lot of vitamins. Eat mozzarella along with herbs, pistachios, tomatoes, olives. In this cheese, calories are mainly represented by proteins. Mozzarella is not full, it is well absorbed.

sausage cheese

In a minimum amount, you can eat sausage cheese on a diet. Although some experts urge to abandon it due to its high calorie content. IN sausage cheese some vitamins. Perhaps this is not the best option for weight loss, but if you really want to, you can eat a little without getting carried away.

Sausage cheese is produced from recycled materials, namely from substandard rennet raw materials. IN best case this variety is produced in a smoking chamber, where the sausages are kept for several hours.

Ricotta cheese

Diet curd cheese ricotta is much better than many fermented milk products thanks to its low fat content. As part of healthy fats and a whole range of vitamins important for health. Ricotta cheese helps to recover quickly after exercise, suitable for nutrition of athletes.

The product is recommended to everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Ricotta is a great source whey protein. unsalted cheese appropriate for obesity, disorders of the digestive tract, it can be added to casseroles, soups, mousses.

Chees Feta

Semi-hard feta cheese came to us from Greece. The traditional basis of the product is a mixture of goat and sheep milk. Feta is usually made according to old recipe in the form of a single piece weighing 1.5 kg. There is cheese, where sheep's milk predominates, salted cow's milk cheese, as well as a modern modification according to a new recipe.

The product is put into the famous Greek salad, is an essential component. Powerful source of calcium and phosphorus. Low calorie content allows you to freely use cheese in different diets and not harm the figure. Eat feta cheese when losing weight and for cleansing on fasting days.

Sulguni cheese

Taste of Georgian pickled cheese wonderful, it contains a huge range of vitamins and minerals. The product is consumed fresh, fried, smoked and baked. It is suitable for cilantro, basil, sesame.

Put suluguni in a salad of fresh vegetables and get great light dish. natural product used in healthy and clinical nutrition. Suluguni strengthens blood vessels and bones, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, smoothes the skin, provides a feeling of satiety - all this is most welcome for losing weight.

Cheese Tofu

Tofu is a fermented milk product made from soy milk may be soft or hard. Soft is closer to cottage cheese, and hard is cheese. Tofu can be actively used on home kitchen, in the composition different dishes and everywhere it will harmoniously complement the taste.

Cheese can be smoked, fried, pickled, seasoned with a salad. Tofu helps to lose weight, contains amino acids, calcium and iron. It is a powerful source of vegetable protein. Some say that this type of cheese is a complete meat substitute.

Cheese calories

  • ricotta - 11 g of protein, up to 24% fat and 172 kcal;
  • sausage - 23 g of protein, up to 20% fat and 300 kcal;
  • Adyghe - 19 g of protein, 14% fat and 240 kcal;
  • suluguni - 20 g of protein, 45% fat and up to 290 kcal;
  • cheese - 20 g of protein, 20% fat and up to 260 kcal;
  • brie - 21 g of protein, 23% fat and 291 kcal;
  • tofu - 8 g of protein, 5% fat and up to 90 kcal;
  • feta - 17 g of protein, 24% fat and up to 290 kcal;
  • mozzarella - 28 g of protein, up to 24% fat and up to 280 kcal.

When is the best time to eat cheese on a diet?

Cheese for breakfast

A healthy breakfast will be more harmonious if you add 2 pieces of cheese to it. A delicious protein product consumed in the morning will bring many benefits. It is worth eating cheese often, even during a diet, as it provides a lot of vitamins, nourishes with minerals, creates a rich supply of energy for productive work or enhanced training.

Until 10 am, cheese is useful, as it is quickly absorbed. It is acceptable, but not so useful to eat it at lunch. Perfect option without risk to beauty and health is the use of cheese in the morning. Luckily, there are many food options.

Cheese for the night

It is advisable to give up cheese in the afternoon (or minimize it). Eating cheese at night is unhealthy, as it has a milk base, which can harm the digestive tract. Moreover, at any time of the day, except in the morning, the correct assimilation of the product is a big question.

Some varieties of cheese are high in calories, it is undesirable to eat them in the evenings so as not to gain excess weight. In short, don't eat cheese at night, whether you're on a diet or not. There is no need to risk your health and figure, it is better to be patient and put the cheese aside for the morning or lunch of the next day.

moderate consumption of cheese on a diet helps to lose weight and reduce hunger

Diet recipes with cheese



  • cheese - 10 g (Edam variety is suitable);
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • a mixture of peppers, herbs and salt - any amount, to your taste.

Separate the whites and yolks, grate the cheese finely, chop the greens. Beat the protein in any way, salt, grease the form with oil, pour and level the protein. In the protein, you need to make 3 holes, into which carefully pour the yolk. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, put butter on top.

Heat the oven to 150 degrees, place the omelette in it. The hardening of the yolk is a signal of readiness. Cooking time can be varied as you wish. Get nutritious and delicious diet dish which is perfect for breakfast.



  • Russian cheese - 100 g;
  • a set of fresh vegetables - 300 g (you can include onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, etc. in this set);
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • water - 1 l;
  • seasoning and herbs - for every taste.

Boil water, cut all the vegetables into cubes and cook until tender. Next, pour grated cheese, herbs and eggs into the soup. You can choose the cooking time yourself.

Incredibly lightweight and low calorie soup ready with cheese. There are approximately 31 kcal in 100 g of soup.

Chicken breast


  • cheese - 40 g (choose your favorite variety);
  • skinless chicken breasts - 2 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • to prepare pesto sauce - 30 g of hard cheese, as much basil, pepper, salt, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. l olive oil.

Process all the products for the sauce in a blender to get homogeneous mass, add oil little by little. The finished sauce is stored tightly closed in the refrigerator. To prepare the main dish, cut the breast. Each of them can be divided into 4 long fragments.

We spread the meat on the foil, pour seasoning and salt. Soak the meat with sauce, each piece should take a large spoon. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, place the chicken in it, bake for 15 minutes. After all, lay the circles of tomatoes on the meat, sprinkle with cheese, bake for another 5 minutes in the oven. Melting cheese is a signal to complete the cooking process.



  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs;
  • eggplant - 3 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, parsley, cilantro and dill.

Cut the washed and peeled eggplant into 1 cm slices. Fry the eggplant on both sides. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into strips, chop the greens.

We lay all the products in layers, pour a little salt on each of them. Below eggplant, then garlic, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, then herbs. Eat cold salad.

Cheese diet for 3 days

Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Also good drinks on a diet - it's unsweetened tea and coffee. Eat up to 300 grams of cheese per day, no more. Hard cheeses are best. Some suggest eating cheese up to 17% fat, but it is difficult to find it on sale.

Try to include in the diet for weight loss creamy, Russian, sour cream, dutch cheeses and their analogues. Low-calorie varieties are good - mozzarella, cheese, ricotta. Note that there are diets that involve a combination of cheese and wine. It is believed that these two products have a good effect on the body.

In total, the cheese diet has up to 6 meals, at least 5. It is useful to drink water 15 minutes before meals. In the best case, thanks to this diet, 3 kg of excess weight will go away. To speed up your metabolism, you need to drink between meals.

It is advisable to choose purified water. Proper drinking speeds up fat burning. You don't have to suffer from hunger. If you really want to eat, then it is not forbidden to use light yogurt or drink a portion of biokefir. The menu can be anything based on useful products without overeating. Below is approximate diet for 3 days.

Day 1

There are 5 meals in total:

  • breakfast - 2 baked apples(it is good to bake apples with nuts and honey in the oven);
  • lunch - green tea, cheese (30 g);
  • lunch - the same as breakfast;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat hard cheese (20 g);
  • dinner - tea, 2 baked apples.

Day 2

The power scheme is as follows:

  • breakfast - 2 fresh apples;
  • lunch - green tea, mozzarella (100 g);
  • dinner - cabbage salad with olive oil;
  • afternoon snack - rosehip broth, 2 eggs, low-calorie cheese (50 g);
  • dinner - 2 baked apples.

Day 3

The final menu looks like this:

  • breakfast - green tea, low-fat hard cheese (50 g);
  • lunch - 2 apples;
  • lunch - tea and unsalted salad with lettuce, peppers, cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack - ricotta (50 g);
  • dinner - mineral water and an apple.

If you eat very little carbohydrates, then you should not engage in intense sports, it is better to choose walking and yoga. You should not sit on a cheese diet for a long time, severely restrict yourself in nutrition, otherwise you can harm your body. Wrong practice of diets leads to malfunctions in the brain and metabolism.