Italian coffee: varieties, varieties and methods of preparation. Italy is a country for coffee lovers

Italy's first coffee

As the story goes, for the first time the grain fragrant coffee came to Italy thanks to Genoese merchants at the end of the 16th century. It is worth saying that in all Mediterranean countries, coffee was worth its weight in gold, and Italy was no exception. The fame of coffee attracted the entire Italian beau monde to this drink, which at that time set the fashion in Europe. When the first Italian coffee beans were brewed in Venice in 1750, this drink became one of the most popular in the city. Then coffee began to be served at the tables of the Venetian, Florentine, Milanese nobles in tiny golden cups that looked like thimbles. Italy's first coffee was monstrously strong and served without sugar. Already 13 years later, more than 218 coffee bars were opened in Venice alone, and the drink was considered as a unique medicine. Pope Clement VIII himself, fascinated by either taste or healing properties drink, encouraged its use, calling coffee a medicine. It got to the point that Italian coffee beans were allowed to cook and drink even on fasting days. It was possible to buy Italian coffee in pharmacies, but it cost a lot of money, so not every Italian could afford such an expensive pleasure.

Why Italian blended coffee is considered to be the best? Part of the reason is that Italy was the first to sell roasted and packaged coffees and coffee blends, which were distinguished by a constant impeccable taste.
The traditions of making an excellent drink in Italy are passed down from generation to generation, which strengthens the already strong position of Italian coffee in the world market. In addition, the masters are spurred on by fierce competition, so Italian coffee producers are primarily chasing quality. finished products, and only best brands. Italian coffee in beans and ground Italian coffee have been market leaders for several decades now. In such a business as coffee production, not a single blender even tries to cheat and reduce the cost of his product by using any low-quality ingredients or to decorate the product with artificial flavors and other additives. Italian coffee producers, like no other, know that it is worth saving once, and it will be almost impossible to regain the trust of their fans. It is extremely difficult to earn a good reputation, and it is easy to lose it, so you have to keep your brand!
In order not to lose face, the creators of the invigorating drink buy only selected coffee beans of exceptional varieties, carry out a multi-stage system for checking raw materials for quality, as well as calibrating for color, weight and size using modern optical or laser devices. And only after numerous production processes, the grains go to roasting, which is also carried out in accordance with all norms and requirements. That is why, when buying another package of coffee from Italy, we are sure of its high quality and excellent taste. The highest quality of products from Italy is confirmed by the CSC and ISO certification marks, which mark each package of selected Italian coffee.

Italy - world coffee country

For Italians, strong and rich coffee is as important as pizza, cheese, pasta, wine or olive oil. It was here that these amazing varieties of coffee appeared, which today all Italians drink, young and old, at any time of the day or night. Mornings in Italy begin with a cup of freshly brewed natural coffee, and in the afternoon you can treat yourself to coffee with lush milk foam. At the same time, it is not customary to drink in this country. instant coffee- the subject of adoration for Russian office workers. Only natural Italian ground coffee, checked according to all the rules in a Turk or a coffee machine, can give you a few minutes of true pleasure.
Coffee for Italy is a special drink, the soft aroma of which beckons, makes you forget about business and problems, takes you to a magical land of dreams! The taste of this drink is beyond description, it is unique, balanced, it is devoid of dominant accents. In a word, it is perfect! According to generally accepted rules, strong natural coffe in Italy, it is served in a cup with a volume of 25 to 50 ml, shaped like a truncated ellipse. They say that just such a vessel can fully convey to the taster all the beauty of the flavor of excellent coffee.

Making coffee in Italy is a real art, which not everyone can comprehend. It is not enough just to roast the beans - it is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions of coffee and water, the temperature and duration of the preparation of the drink. In other words, to get to know the taste of true coffee, you should go to this mysterious country, the shores of which are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the lands of which are warmed by the rays of the hot southern sun.

Coffee is the favorite drink of the people of Italy. Local gourmets are bright, emotional, passionate people, knowledgeable in good coffee. Interestingly, every Italian is firmly convinced that only he himself, as well as his mother and a friend of the barista, can prepare the best Italian coffee. However, a resident of Italy has every reason to believe so, because you will not find such coffee that is served in Italian bars anywhere in the world. One gets the impression that the Apennine Peninsula is the second homeland of coffee beans. In Italy, the coffee tree is considered a kind of "deity", he is worshiped, revered and associated with true pleasure.
It's no secret that Italians are great connoisseurs of coffee, but some tourists have noticed that they are also a very stingy people. For example, an Italian can come to a bar (by the way, a variety of coffee varieties in Italy can be found not only in the menu of a coffee shop, but also in the menu of any bar or cafe), order a cup of coffee for one euro and sit quietly at a table for half a day. However, this can be attributed to the ability of Italian gourmets to “catch” and “prolong” minutes of true pleasure. Nobody knows how to appreciate coffee as highly as the people of Italy! And confirmation of these words is one amazing Italian tradition. So, visitors to bars in Italy sometimes order and pay for much more coffee than they can drink at a time. For example, a company of three people comes to a cafe and orders five cups of coffee: three for themselves, and the remaining two remain “suspended”. “Hanging” in Italy are called coffee cups, which are paid by bar patrons to enable other people who can’t even afford a cup of coffee to enjoy it. magic drink. Therefore, cafes and bars are often visited by the homeless or the poor, asking the waiters if there is a "suspended" coffee. This tradition perfectly describes how Italians treat their coffee. By ordering an invigorating morning drink, the gourmet takes care of those who cannot afford such a small joy. After all, every person living in this beautiful country wants to meet the new day with a cup of amazing drink brewed from precious grains.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that such concepts as "Italy" and "coffee" are indivisible. thick, strong, rich drink, which can be with milk, ice cream, cream, cognac, sugar or lemon, has become part of the national culture of this country. You can also join the circle of ardent fans of one of the most popular drinks in the world by placing an order in our online store. To buy coffee from Italy, leave a request on the website or contact our employee. Brew a cup of Italian coffee for yourself, inhale its aroma, take the first sip, and you will feel how time has suddenly stopped its course so as not to “frighten away” the pleasure penetrating into every cell of your body! Happy coffee drinking!

Whether coffee grows in Africa, America or Asia, it can be Italian. The country, which does not grow beans, is famous all over the world for its coffee production. Italian coffee has become synonymous with excellent quality, inimitable taste and luxurious aroma.

Venice was one of the first countries in Europe where coffee beans were brought from Asia along the Mediterranean Sea in the 16th century. The famous botanist Prospero Alpini brought from Egypt a recipe for a wonderful invigorating drink. Initially, it was positioned as a medicine and was sold exclusively in pharmacies. Soon the Genoese merchants arranged the supply of coffee beans, along with tobacco and exotic spices.

The growing popularity of coffee caused an unprecedented stir among the inhabitants of Italy. Church officials suspected satanic machinations in this. But Pope Clement VIII blessed the noble drink, marking the beginning of the "golden age" of coffee.

In 1647, the first coffee house was opened in Venice, and soon establishments began to appear throughout the country and the world.

Features of Italian roasting

Italian coffee is recognizable all over the world thanks to unique methods roasting. Heat treatment carried out at t 245°C. The Italian style is characterized by a high degree of roasting, a pronounced bitter-sweet aftertaste with minimal sourness.

The longer the duration of processing, the less sour taste is felt, saturation is revealed, but bitterness increases. The main skill is to maintain the right balance.

There are three main types of roasting coffee beans by region of Italy:

  • Northern Italian - the color of the beans comes out red-brown or chocolate. Grains without oil on the surface. Inside the fried fruits, all the subtle shades of taste inherent in nature are preserved. Bitterness is almost absent.
  • Central Italian - medium roast. Coffee color is dark brown. Droplets of oil appear on the surface. The drink is characterized by a slightly burnt aftertaste, sweetish smoky notes are felt.
  • South Italian - the highest degree of roasting. The grains acquire an almost black tint, a pleasant burnt smell, due to active caramelization. But under the influence of high temperature, they evaporate essential oils and lost taste palette. There is a significant bitterness, low content caffeine.

Another feature of Italian coffee is that only high-quality raw materials are selected for the preparation of blends or single varieties. Before roasting, the grains undergo a thorough selection and quality control, and then, using special technologies, they are sorted into groups. Berries different varieties must be processed separately, which will preserve their flavor and aroma.

See also: - why Switzerland is called the coffee country and its famous brands.

Varieties of drinks

Italy has its own culture of coffee consumption. The inhabitants of the country gave the whole world many variations coffee drink: strong or light, clean, with milk, cream, ice cream, cognac, lemon, spices.

Starting the morning with a cup of latte (emphasis on the first syllable, translated from Italian - milk) or cappuccino is a traditional feature of Italians. There is more milk in a latte than coffee. Cappuccino is traditionally served warm (60°C) in a heated cup. Adding chocolate makes a mocha.

Throughout the day - just caffè, espresso (Italian - urgently, quickly). The drink is poured into small cups, thimbles, in which its aroma is best revealed. The taste depends not only on the variety, but also on the sustained proportions of water, processing temperature. Served immediately, in the first minute after preparation, always with a glass of water. It can be a strong concentration - double or weak - long, diluted with boiling water.

It is not customary for Italians to drink instant coffee, only freshly ground natural coffee, brewed according to all the rules in a coffee machine or a Turk.

Popular coffee brands in Italy

Italian coffee producers have gained prestige in the world market due to the high quality and impeccable taste of the product. Companies value their reputation and keep each technology strictly secret. The nuances of roasting, grinding and blending are passed down from generation to generation.

  • The age-old dynasty gave the name to the brand. The company was the first to sell roasted coffee berries in formulated coffee blends. Raw materials in grains of selected varieties are delivered to factories from Central and South America, Colombia, Brazil, and India. Qualified specialists work on exquisite blends of coffee. The optimal balance of softness and moderate strength is the ideal basis for making drinks.
  • Considered to be a well-known brand Illy (Illy) releases best coffee in the country. The first factory was founded in 1933 by Francesco Illy. By the way, it is he who is the inventor of the espresso coffee machine. Arabica beans come from plantations in Brazil, India, Colombia, Ethiopia. Organoleptic characteristics surprise with their versatility. The drink is characterized by the presence of floral and fruity notes in taste and chocolate aroma. Illy coffee is suitable for brewing latte, espresso or cappuccino, both in a coffee machine and a Turk.
  • Coffee Turati (Turati) represents the premium segment of the coffee market. Unique combinations of Arabica and Robusta are popular with coffee lovers. There is a wide range to choose from, in which notes of cocoa, citrus and vanilla motifs are felt. Reliable packaging in the form of stylish cans or foil packs for a long period of time preserves the flavor bouquet of the product.
  • Corporation Kimbo (Kimbo) receives natural grains from Asia, Africa, South America, India, Ethiopia, Brazil, Kenya. Compliance with the best Neapolitan traditions of roasting guarantees the drink a rich taste and aroma with fruity and citrus notes. Available in vacuum foil bags.
  • Trademark Musetti (Musetti) known for multi-faceted blends, bouquets of only Arabica and decaffeinated product. Excellent fruit quality from the largest coffee producers in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil, Kenya, Ethiopia and other countries. Modern equipment and many years of experience work in tandem.
  • Flavor properties of the brand Caffe Italia (Coffee Italy) easily recognizable. Medium roast, strong rich aroma with chocolate-spicy notes and a long aftertaste do not go unnoticed by coffee gourmets. Thanks to several blends that differ in the percentage of natural Arabica and high-quality Robusta, every connoisseur noble drink will find a taste according to personal preferences.
  • One of the leading companies in the middle price segment - Italica. The drink is not inferior in its properties to expensive brands, combining a bright rich taste, aroma with a slight bitterness and subtle sourness. Produced in hermetically sealed bags of multilayer foil, which retains all the enchanting aroma of coffee beans.

This is not a complete list of the famous Italian coffee brands. Brands are also very popular: Gimoka (Gimok), Danesi (Danezi), Italo, Boasi (Boasi), Bristot (Bristot) and others. Blends and monosorts surprise with an intense smell and a velvety aftertaste.

You can taste the real one not only in his homeland. It is possible to prepare it for own kitchen, pamper yourself and loved ones with a fragrant cup of rich nectar.

Italy is one of the most "coffee" countries in the world. Here, coffee is drunk almost everywhere and at any time of the day. And not in vain! After all, it is in Italy that they really know how to cook. tasty coffee from the best varieties. And when you come to this country even for a few days, each time you involuntarily feel the atmosphere of universal love for this wonderful drink and gradually get involved in the daily Italian coffee ritual.

Nevertheless, when planning a trip to Italy, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the cultural traditions of drinking this drink in this country.

So, this article is dedicated to all coffee fans - about how they drink coffee in Italy.

The main types of coffee in Italy

Americano (americano) - is an intermediate version between coffee, accepted for consumption in America, and traditional Italian coffee. To prepare this drink, espresso is used, which is brewed in a significant amount of water (up to 450 ml), and is also served in a larger cup than espresso.

Caffe is a regular espresso. If you came to the bar for a cup of espresso, feel free to order un caffe. You will never hear an Italian ordering un espresso. This is the strongest coffee and is served without milk in small quantities.

Cappuccino (cappuccino) - coffee, consisting of three proportions: a third of espresso, a third of hot milk and a third of milk foam. It turns out very tasty! However, it should be remembered that in Italy they drink cappuccino only until 12.00, because Italians consider this coffee to be very high in calories due to a large number milk. Of course, as a tourist, you can order this drink, but this is contrary to Italian traditions.

Corretto (corretto) - coffee with the addition of a small amount of strong alcoholic drink, for example, liqueur, cognac or grappa.

Dietor (dietor). In Italy, it is customary to drink coffee with sugar or sweetener. Therefore, if for some reason you do not consume sugar, the dieter is just for you. It is served with a sweetener - a special Italian brand.

Doppio is a double espresso, served in a cup slightly larger than one shot of espresso.

Freddo (freddo) - iced coffee. Usually chilled espresso.

Latte (latte) - unlike latte, which is served in Russia, is big portion milk with a small amount espresso. Just remember that in Italy, when ordering this drink, you should definitely say - caffe latte, otherwise they will bring you an ordinary glass of milk.

Panna is cream that can be ordered with any type of coffee. When ordering coffee, simply say "con panna".

Ristretto (ristretto) or caffe stretto (caffè stretto) is one serving of espresso, prepared with even less water than caffe. This is a very rich coffee.

Shakerato is a kind of coffee cocktail. For its preparation, milk, sugar and ice are added to a portion of espresso, and the drink is served with foam in a long glass.

Moccacino (caffe moccacino) is a cappuccino with cream and chocolate.

Espresso Romano (espresso romano) - coffee with the addition of lemon.

As you have already noticed, Italian coffee differs in many ways from coffee that is prepared in other countries with the same name. So now you can safely go to an Italian bar and competently order exactly the coffee that you need.

Coffee Traditions in Italy

In Italy, coffee is not drunk in coffee shops or cafes. To drink this drink go to the bar. It is also not customary to sit in a bar for a long time, drinking coffee for hours. The classic Italian trip to the bar is as follows.

You walk up to the bar and loudly name the type of coffee you want to drink. At the same time, if you say just caffe, then you will be served espresso. Conversely, ordering "espresso" is not accepted in Italy - you also need to say "caffe" for this.

The barista prepares coffee very quickly and serves it to you. You drink coffee right there at the bar, leaf through the local newspaper, eat a croissant if it's morning, pay the bartender and go about your business.

By the way, coffee in which milk is present (cappuccino, mochaccino, latte, etc.) in Italy is drunk only in the morning, since it is considered the most high-calorie, and never after 12 noon.

Coffee in Italy is also not customary to take with you. You just drink a quick espresso at the bar.

It also matters when to drink coffee during a meal. Coffee in Italy is always drunk after meals and separately from it, and not at the same time with any dessert or before a meal.

Thus, Italian traditions coffee consumption suggests that coffee is a sort of separate meal and cannot be mixed with any other food.

So, drink coffee with pleasure and in Italian traditions!

Italian coffee - the best moments of your day

Fragrant, like the air of the Mediterranean Sea, saturated, like the colors of southern nature, hot, like the look of a black-eyed senorita - all this is it, the unique and unforgettable best Italian coffee. It is impossible not to fall in love with him. Who ever tried this drink, forever captivated by its taste.

A tradition of daily enjoyment

Italy is a state where the secrets of making coffee are carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation. For the inhabitants of the country, this is not just a drink, it is a delight that Italians pamper themselves with at any time of the day.

Today, the Apennine Peninsula is considered a coffee state. But it was not always so. Unusual grains brought from distant countries did not find demand among residents. However, since light hand a local scientist who at the end of the 16th century published a treatise on the benefits of a drink from such overseas seeds, it began to be sold as a medicine.

But due to the high cost, the product was available only to the local elite. An average-income Italian could not afford such a “medicine” even after the coffee trade was approved by Pope Clement VIII. It only became more accessible when coffee plantations began to be grown in the American colonies.

The first institution where this divine drink was served opened in the middle of the 17th century. A lot has changed since then. The delicacy began to be prepared on automatic equipment, and a great variety of coffee compositions appeared. Each family has its own recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation and has its own unique flavor that distinguishes the drink with its unique refinement and aroma.

Perfection in every cup

In Italy, food and drink are elevated to a kind of cult. There is hardly a person who would not elevate such things as pizza, spaghetti, wine, coffee to the ranks of the sacred. The most popular drink among the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula is espresso. Fragrant, invigorating, not a single meal can do without it. The Italians believe that the cup strong coffee helps to digest food better. In every cafe, restaurant they make several recipes for this drink.

The most popular types of Italian coffee:

1. Espresso Romano. This drink is served with lemon.

2. Cappuccino. famous recipe with milk.

3. In ghiaccio. Popular composition with ice.

4. Frappuccino. This delicacy is consumed cold. In addition to coffee, it contains caramel syrup and fresh cream.

5. Macchiato. Very Reviver with frothed milk.

6. Nocholla. Coffee with cream, cream and nuts.

7. Corretto. Drink with alcohol.

8. Look. famous recipe with ice cream.

9. Lungu. Espresso diluted with hot water.

10. Mochachino. Freshly prepared drink with milk and chocolate.

11. Bicherin. The composition includes freshly brewed coffee, liquor, cream, chocolate.

Each of the drinks has a rich unique taste and an extraordinary aroma that captivates with its perfection. Anyone who has ever tasted Italian coffee will never exchange it for any other.

The most famous varieties and producers of Italian coffee

Although on the Apennine Peninsula coffee trees do not grow, the country is considered one of the leaders in the processing of this product. Grains are imported from other states, and on the peninsula they are processed and packaged. Italian varieties coffee is known in almost all countries.

This was the production of such companies:

1. Illy. Coffee from the best views arabica. The drink of this brand has a unique taste and aroma. The manufacturer offers products in grain, ground and portioned form.

2. Lavazza. There are many blends with different roast levels. The brand offers consumers ground coffee, grain, in pods, capsules.

3. Kimbo. Available for sale in grain and ground form. The difference between the products of this brand is a special roasting with hot air. As a result, the grains acquire a unique aroma and taste.

4. Trombetto. It can also be found in portioned, grain and ground form.

Our online coffee shop from Italy offers the best products from the most famous producers. If you, like us, value quality, delicious, flavored drink call the above number. We will help you make the best choice and quickly place an order.

For Italians, coffee is not just a drink, it is part of their culture. Italy and coffee are two inseparable concepts. In no country in the world do they drink as much of this drink as the Italians drink it. It has many varieties. We will talk about the types of Italian coffee in our article.

Italian coffee roasting

There are four degrees of roasting coffee beans. The lightest of them is "Scandinavian", then comes "Viennese" - with this roasting, the grains come out darker. After that comes the "French" roasting - the grains are even darker and acquire a characteristic luster due to the released oils. And the strongest roast is the Italian coffee roast.

Grains prepared in this way have the darkest color. This coffee is used in southern Italy. In the CIS countries, such grains have not become widespread, although there are still lovers of this degree of coffee roasting. Southern Italian roasting even allows for some burnt beans. Coffee from such grains has a bitter taste that only a real gourmet can appreciate.

Italian coffee lavazza

Lavazza is an Italian coffee brand that has existed since 1895 and is the epitome of the best Italian coffee. If you want to make a real Italian drink, then it is better to prefer this brand. This type suitable for various kinds coffee machines and for cooking at home. Choice of coffee given trademark huge: in grains, ground, in capsules, in monodose tablets. In Italy, 3 out of 4 Italians prefer this brand of coffee. Popularity and success is dictated by the fact that manufacturers use only the best coffee blends to create their product. For some varieties of Lavazza coffee, for example for lavazza Tierra Intenso, the beans are harvested by hand, so this coffee is produced in limited quantities. It consists of 100% elite Arabica and is considered the most environmentally friendly. Companies supplying grain for it undergo the strictest testing and certification of compliance with environmental standards.

Lavazza Top Class- the most sophisticated blend among all varieties of Lavazza coffee, this coffee belongs to the premium class. The uniqueness of the taste is created by combining the sweetness of Asian Robusta beans with the softness of South American Arabica. This type of coffee is perfect for making Italian espresso. In addition, it is used in coffee cocktails.

Coffee Super Cream- one of the most complex formulas of Italian coffee. It consists of coffee beans from the plantations of Indonesia, Brazil, Central and South America. A feature of this coffee is a persistent taste and creamy structure. Decaffeinated coffee is also produced in Italy. These are Lavazza Decaffienato and Rombouts Decaffienated. In these types of Italian ground coffee caffeine is removed by washing the beans in special facilities. At the same time, the rest of the properties of coffee remain unchanged.

We have told you about only a few types of Italian coffee, but there are still many others and you are sure to pick up the one that you like.

Italian coffee with milk

Coffee with milk in Italy is called coffee latte and it is they who are so famous all over the world. Preparation consists in the fact that hot milk is poured into espresso. Proportions 1:1. Topped with a layer of frothed milk.

Cappuccino is also Italian coffee with milk. It is similar to latte, differs only in the ratio of proportions: 3 parts of milk foamed with hot steam go to one part of espresso. Sometimes coffee is sprinkled with foam, creating patterns, this is called latte art. Cappuccino is always served with a spoon - first you need eat foam, and then drink coffee.

But besides the usual latte, they also prepare latte mochiato. The fundamental difference of which is that here espresso is poured into milk, and not vice versa. In coffee terminology, latte mochiato means a cocktail consisting of 3 layers - espresso, milk and milk foam. When preparing, you need to use a ratio of 1: 3, that is, 3 parts of milk go to one part of espresso. Whipped foamed milk is carefully poured into a tall glass, and then espresso must be poured very carefully in a thin stream. The idea is that the layers should not mix. Latte mochiato is served in an Irish glass or in an ordinary tall glass.