How to get smoke at home. white smoke from paper

In this video tutorial, we will look at how to make a smoke generator for various effects. You can make it at home using improvised materials. Similar installations are used at discos, weddings and similar events. And to protect the trees in the gardens in winter time from frost.

So let's get started.

Here, by the way, is the answer to the question: “How to cut an aluminum can evenly?” First we need an aluminum can for drinks, which we will divide into two parts. To do this, we fix a stationery knife approximately in the middle of the can and rotate it around its entire circumference.

Next, we need a nichrome spiral. It can be purchased at any hardware store. Bite off a piece about 2 cm long and stretch it a little. Next, cut off a small piece of cotton fabric and wrap the spring in it. To prevent the rag from unfolding, fix it with a thread. This is approximately how the workpiece should turn out.

Now in the bottom half of the jar you need to make a hole, which should correspond to the outer diameter of the spiral. On the opposite side, we make the same hole and two more small ones nearby. We put two wires in them.

To prevent the wire from breaking, the author of the idea fixed it in the jar with hot glue. As practice has shown, it is better to do this with the help of a stationery stapler. We wind one of the wires on the edge of the spiral and with similar movements we screw the spiral into the hole in the bank. We fix the second end of the wire on the reverse side of the spiral.

In order for the generator to produce smoke, a cloth must be moistened with glycerin, cover the spiral and blow it with air. But after all the glycerin has evaporated, the rag will begin to burn through and such smoke will be hazardous to health. To avoid this, we will make automatic impregnation of a cloth on a spiral. To do this, take a test tube for blood, cut off the bottom from it so that we get a tube. In one of its sides, you need to thread the cotton wool so that a small part of it looks out. Under its diameter in the upper part of the jar, we drill a hole in which we fix the test tube.

Now the two halves of the jar need to be connected. To make this easier to do, we will make cuts in the lower part.

The next step is to moisten the rag with glycerin and fasten the two parts of the jar so that the cotton wool from the test tube is directed to the spiral rag. We place a small motor, which is used to supply air to the aquarium, on the top of the structure and lead the hose from it into an aluminum tube.

In order to heat the spiral red-hot, we need a powerful power supply. You can use the battery from this pump for 12 volts and 78 watts. For this purpose, you can try using a battery from a screwdriver.

To power the motor, a regular phone charger will be used.

If you are a practical person and not deprived of a sense of humor, then you probably know that a smoke bomb can be used in a variety of situations.

In this article, you will learn how to make a chimney for various occasions on your own from improvised means. Do you want to play a trick on a friend, arrange pyrotechnics for a photo shoot, or maybe teach a lesson to a neighbor whose car alarm keeps you up at night? Then be sure - this article is for you.

The simplest method

The simplest and effective way to make a chimney, is the use of some drugs that are in almost any home first aid kit. We are talking about analgin. With the addition of hydroperite, a good smoke bomb can turn out. The trick is that if you grind these preparations to a powder state, mix and heat the resulting mass, then a chemical reaction will begin, caustic white fumes will begin to stand out. The main feature is that the slightest increase in temperature, for example, a touch, will suffice. This method will help arrange an excellent prank of friends, but you must definitely remember the safety rules, which will be written below.

Second way

Also, the low-cost soap chimney can be produced quickly and safely. Rub the soap to the state of small chips and completely dissolve in water. One piece is enough for about ten liters of water. After that, take newspaper sheets and completely soak with the resulting solution. It will be better if you can submerge the entire paper under the water. impregnated soapy water newspapers should be taken out and completely dried. After that, they can be set on fire. This method is well combined with the following.

A smokehouse from a newspaper is made by banal crumpling of paper and wrapping the resulting lump with tape. Newspaper soaked in soapy water produces a lot of non-caustic, harmless smoke. Half burnt paper should be extinguished and allowed to smolder.

school pranks

Another simple way to make a smoke bomb. It is available even to a student. Probably, many people in their youth liked to play hooligans, making a smokehouse from a ruler, it was always possible to run away from lessons or just disrupt the hated control. How can you prepare an escape right in the classroom?

To begin with, thick paper is taken and folded into a hollow cylinder. Inside, an officer's ruler and a little plain paper are finely chopped. Having placed such a chimney somewhere on the basement floor, set fire to it. After letting it burn a little, extinguish it so as not to cause a fire. A smoky chimney from the line will provide a thick column of fumes and panic in the room. However, it is strongly advised not to take this instruction as a call to action.

Insect protection

A safe and affordable option is a match chimney. If you are an experienced tourist, then you will definitely take special hunting matches, electrical tape and scissors with you on a hike. To make a checker, you need to wrap the match with electrical tape and cut off the rest. A hunting match burns better and is harder to put out. The resulting chimney will not burn for long, but it will allow you to drive away annoying insects for a while.

This option can be improved a bit. To make the product last longer, you need to put several matches together, overlapping, thus increasing its length. In this case, the chimney is suitable for fumigating bee hives in the apiary, since the smoke will remain harmless to insects.

Labor Reward

So how to make a chimney that will smoke for a long time and thickly?

  1. First of all, you will need a special solution. It is prepared from 300 grams of saltpeter per 1 liter of water. Saltpeter should dissolve well, so wait for a small foam to appear on the surface. To apply the resulting solution to the newspaper, it would be better to use a spray bottle.
  2. After preparing the solution, proceed to wetting the newspaper pages. Lay the first page on the floor and spray with a spray bottle so that the future saltpeter chimney is well saturated. Then lay the next page on top and spray again. Repeat this step until you run out of newspapers or mortar. There is enough liquid for 45-50 pages.
  3. The next step will take you quite a long time. You need to dry the impregnated sheets. To do this, you need to hang them on a clothesline. However, remember that they should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The total drying time can be up to 5 hours.
  4. After drying, you will need to roll the newspaper sheets into a roll. First, fold one sheet in half and roll it into a tight cylinder. Fold the rest of the sheets in half as well. And wrap them around the resulting cylinder. Be sure to straighten all the edges so that pieces of newspaper do not peek out. And for reliable fastening, wrap the cylinder with tape.
  5. It should be noted that a saltpeter chimney can catch fire even from a strong wind, therefore it needs a case. It can be made from an ordinary aluminum can. Cut off its bottom and top and insert the resulting cylinder there. To prevent the checker from falling apart, bend the edges of the container inward.

Add brightness

Once you figure out how to make a flue, you can experiment with different colors. At home, you can even arrange colored illumination. For manufacturing, you will need 60 grams of potassium nitrate, 40 grams of sugar, and also a little dye to your taste. Mix the ingredients and put in an aluminum pan on slow fire. Stirring constantly so that the substance does not burn, bring it to a semi-liquid state. When the mass turns brown, add a teaspoon of soda, stirring constantly. After that, you can add three teaspoons of dye. Depending on its tone, you can get colored smoke bombs in different shades.

Having mixed last time, let the mixture cool down to such a state when it can be touched by hand. Putting on gloves, transfer the mass to a previously prepared container (for example, a film case) and clog it tightly. With a pencil, we make a hole in the mixture for the wick and insert it there, tamping it tightly with cotton wool. We wrap the resulting structure with tape.

Colored smoke bombs can be used for a photo shoot, to give the right atmosphere to a rock concert, etc.

Using a flue

Once you have figured out how to make a flue, think about where and how you are going to use it. Firstly, it will be better for you to move away yourself in order to avoid poisoning by the released gas. Secondly, you should take care not to scare people and not get into the police for hooliganism. Therefore, a deserted wasteland, an abandoned building or a forest is suitable for arson. Just do not forget to put out the chimney behind you, preferably with water, so as not to start a fire.


To avoid irreparable consequences, remember that, like the handling of any chemicals, the manufacture of a flue requires great care. When working with saltpeter, be sure to use gloves. And in the manufacture of any chimney, in case of fire, it is better to wear a gauze bandage. Also, all experiments on creating a smoke bomb must be carried out in a well-ventilated room, away from carpets, wooden products (furniture, parquet) and other flammable objects.

The color of the smoke changes depending on what is burning. To produce white smoke, hydrogen-rich materials must be ignited. They will create smoke full of steam. You can get white smoke right in your own backyard with a few simple experiments. If you are a child, be sure to work only under adult supervision.


white smoke from paper

    Gather the required materials. For this experiment, take a large bucket. You will need water. Also take a lighter, a box of matches or a steel. Finally, don't forget to bring 5-10 sheets of printer paper.

    Find a safe place to start a fire. Fill a large bucket with water and take it outside. The suspected hearth should not be near wood, paper, or dry grass. For example, this experiment with fire can be done quite safely on a driveway to a house, a parking space for a car (if you live in a private house and there are no other cars nearby), or on a gravel path.

    Roll the paper into a tube. Roll several sheets of white printer paper as tightly as possible into one very thick tube. If you like, secure the tube at one end with a rubber band, leaving the edge about a quarter of the total length of the tube.

    • For extra precision, mark half and quarters of the length of the tube with a pencil. This way you will always know exactly how much paper to burn.
  1. Light and blow out the pipe. Take the paper tube over the bucket of water at the place tied with a rubber band. Ignite the farthest end of the tube. You will see flames but not smoke. Let the pipe burn to a quarter or half, and then carefully blow out the fire.

    • Beware of flying burning pieces of paper. If you notice this, trample or fill the sparks that have flown away so that a fire does not start.
  2. Watch the pipe begin to smoke. When you blow out the fire, the pipe will smoke white smoke for about a minute. White smoke is the result of burning cellulose, which releases water droplets and unburned resins contained in paper.

  3. Repeat the experiment if you wish. The tube can be set on fire and blown out until you get bored. Just do not burn the paper to such an extent that you can no longer hold the tube by the rubber band. Throw the paper into the bucket of water before the fire gets too close to your hand.

    • Be sure to soak the rest of the paper in water when you're done with the experiment to avoid a fire.
    • To get black smoke, set fire to the end of the tube that is tied with an elastic band. The smell will be terrible.
  4. Soak individual sheets of newspaper in the solution. Take a sheet of newspaper and dip it in the solution for 30 seconds to absorb the liquid. Then carefully remove the sheet and lay it out to dry.

    • Soak sheets of newspaper one at a time until you run out of solution.
    • Drying sheets will take several hours.
  5. Roll the paper. When the newspaper is dry, roll it up. The tighter the better. Secure the roll with tape or twine. This will be your smoke bomb.

    • You can make several small smoke bombs from individual sheets of newspaper, or you can make one large smoke bomb from a whole newspaper that will last longer.
  6. Take the smoke bomb outside. Find a suitable spot for the checker in a driveway or gravel area. Take a bucket with you plain water to douse a potential fire. Set fire to one end of your smoke bomb and immediately move a couple of meters away from it.

    • The checker will burn slowly, and the flame will not be visible through the smoke.
    • After completing the experiment, fill the remains of the smoke bomb with water.

Liquid smoke is used for cooking, as well as giving it a smoky taste and smell. It can be of natural or chemical origin, in the form of a dry or liquid concentrate. Let's learn about the ways to prepare this product with your own hands, as well as its use and about possible harm for the body.


The composition of this substance is different, but most often with a combination of the following components:

  • water - up to 92%;
  • phenols - 0.2-2.9%;
  • acids - 2.9-9.5;
  • carbonyl compounds - 2.6-4.6%.

Did you know? For the first time, a method for obtaining liquid smoke smoke was developed by the Russian scientist V. Karazin in 1814. But his contemporaries did not appreciate this invention, since in those days they only ate natural products. Therefore, the innovation was considered unsuitable for human nutrition.

We now describe how the procedure for obtaining liquid smoke natural:

  1. Natural wood chips are manually loaded into the industrial smoke generator (you can use different suitable wood: birch, bird cherry, beech, alder, apple tree).
  2. As a result of burning wood chips, smoke generation occurs, i.e. smoke is generated.
  3. The resulting smoke from the smoke generator through pipes enters special equipment through spark arresters, where it is brought under pressure to a certain concentration and passes through triple filtration from tar and tar.
  4. During filtration and settling, carcinogens from the smoke are deposited in a storage tank, and then removed.
  5. The next step is fine filtering, the smoke is analyzed for the presence of benzo(a)pyrene, and then the already cleaned one is fed through pipes for packaging.
  6. The resulting smoke is packaged in glass bottles, corked and sent for sale.


With the help of smoking liquids in cooking, they imitate the natural smoking of meat, fish and their products, as well as cheeses:

  • smoked cheeses - gruyere, gouda, suluguni, cheddar, processed sausage and others;
  • meat delicacies - sausages, sausages, pastes, chicken breast, salmon, brisket, etc.;
  • fish products - miscellaneous smoked fish, canned food (herring, smelt);
  • sauces for smoked products.

The main task is to improve the aroma and taste different dishes from the products mentioned.

Important! If you constantly eat foods prepared with substitutes for natural smoke, then in a few months this will lead to gastric problems - the destruction of the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach.

Benefit and harm

Experts warn against the use of liquid smoke when cooking. They argue this by saying that oncogenic substances are already formed in products during smoking, and smoking smoke will only enhance this process. During the debate on this issue, it was also concluded that some useful features this fragrance.

So, when smoking with liquid smoke, the following processes occur:

  • heavy substances like tar and ash do not get into the products, therefore, food smoked in this way is cleaner than with ordinary smoking;
  • food acquires a special aroma, taste and color;
  • the price of products processed in this way is much lower than products with natural smoking.

Despite these benefits, today there is no one hundred percent argument proving the safety of this dietary supplement. An unequivocal negative attitude towards this product has developed in the Medical Community of Europe, and the EFSA (European Department for Food Control) is now conducting tests on this controversial issue.

Therefore, while all useful arguments in defense of smoke concentrate are doubtful. In any case, buyers themselves must make a choice, weighing all the consequences for their health.

Important! Since 2003, most European countries have strictly regulated the use of smoke liquids in food production, and some even prohibit it.

How to make your own liquid smoke

Some lovers of smoked meats, when buying these delicacies in the store, may be afraid that they may contain a high percentage of resins and carcinogens. To avoid risk and avoid negative consequences, you can independently prepare a flavor in an apartment from improvised products and materials. Here are some options.

From foil and matches

To make smoke flavoring from foil and matches, you will need:

  • freezer-frozen glass beaker;
  • food foil;
  • a bunch of matches;
  • lighter.

Now the sequence of actions:

  1. Cut out a square from foil, the sides of which should be about 10-15 centimeters.
  2. Put 10 matches in a pile so that the heads look in the same direction.
  3. Lay the matches on the foil and roll it tightly into a tube.
  4. From the side of the heads, wrap the tube, and leave the other end as it is.
  5. Insert a tube into a frozen glass so that the twisted side is outside, and the free side slightly touches the side wall of the glass, without reaching the bottom. To facilitate the task, you can hang a tube with matches on an impromptu tripod made of copper wire.
  6. Heat the twisted end of the foil, in which the matches are located, with a lighter until they ignite. After the matches begin to burn inside the foil, the lighter must be removed.
  7. From the free end of the tube, placed in a glass, smoke from burning matches will begin to flow. Upon contact with a frosted glass, the smoke condenses and flows to the bottom of the glass. This will be the liquid smoke that we need to cook smoked products.
Video: how to make liquid smoke It may be necessary to repeat this procedure using several frozen glasses to obtain a sufficient amount of smoke.

From rice, sugar and tea

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 1 teaspoon unflavoured without additives;
  • 1 teaspoon, also without impurities;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • piece of foil.

The following actions:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Take the foil of such a size that you can wrap the finished loose mixture in it. Roll up the foil into a ball.
  3. Poke a few holes in the bag with a fork to let the smoke out.
  4. Put the prepared bag on a baking sheet, and place products that require smoking, such as meat, fish or lard, on top.
  5. Send the baking sheet to the oven, and bake the dish until cooked.
Video: making liquid smoke During the heat, the mixture wrapped in foil will heat up and emit smoke through the holes. This smoke will give your dish the aroma and taste of smoking.

Did you know? In Rus', the dish was popular"smoked matryoshka": a smaller fish was put into a large fish, then - even less and so - several times, and then it was all smoked.

How to identify foods cooked with liquid smoke

When choosing smoked delicacies in the store, first of all, you need to pay attention to their appearance and color. If they were subjected traditional way smoked, their color will be dull and dull.

If you see foods colored in rich golden or yellow-orange, bright colors, then you have food cooked with the addition of liquid smoke or other dye.

This is especially noticeable on fish and fish products. If the fish, one might say, directly shines and gilds, then this is a product processed with a smoke flavor. If the color is dull, then the fish was subjected to traditional smoking.
The same is true with other foods, such as smoked chicken or sausage. IN shop products, besides liquid smoke, for the most part there are many flavors that are not very healthy.

Now let's summarize the signs by which you can identify products prepared with smoke flavoring:

  • meat and fish are unevenly colored;
  • products of bright orange or golden colors;
  • unnatural gloss on products.
Video: products with liquid smoke

What to replace

In the two methods described above, smoke from the combustion of substances is used, in which combustion products may also be present, although in very small quantities. If you want to get a nutritional supplement that is not inferior in taste to the factory and completely devoid of such side impurities, then prepare the following mixture.

Did you know? Sometimes rather unusual products are smoked, for example, the Japanese smoke daikon, and in South America - jalapeno peppers.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 sachet;
  • 200 g;
  • 1 medium head .

Now cooking:
  1. In a separate bowl, mix garlic, curry, mayonnaise and soy sauce.
  2. Pour the resulting marinade over fish or meat and mix.
  3. Leave to infuse for 3-4 hours.

After this time, pickled foods can be cooked in the way you need. The taste of the dish will be as if it was cooked on the smoke.

one more in a simple way giving your dishes a smoky taste is the use of special smoked salt, which is available in stores. It gives food the flavor that liquid smoke has.

To do this, directly during the preparation of meat or fish, you need to mix them with such salt. Then they are sufficiently saturated with smoked aroma and taste. Products prepared with smoked salt will differ only in appearance: their appearance and color will remain natural.

How to use purchased

It is not difficult to process food with liquid smoke. To get started, please read the attached food additive instruction. Usually, to prepare a dish with a smoked flavor, it is enough to add 0.5 teaspoon of the substance to the marinade, for example, for barbecue, and fry the meat in a pan.

The output is a delicious kebab, which in appearance and aroma can not be distinguished from baked on a fire. It is also used in the preparation of herring, mackerel, capelin, as well as chicken meat and minced meat. Let's take a closer look at some dishes with a smoked taste.

Cooking chicken

To prepare smoked chicken Ingredients needed:

  • chicken carcass;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • black ground pepper(not necessary);
  • liquid smoke.

Cooking process:
  1. Thoroughly clean the chicken carcass from the remnants of feathers and rinse in warm water.
  2. Squeeze the garlic through a grinder.
  3. Mix chopped garlic, salt, mayonnaise, pepper and liquid smoke.
  4. Rub the chicken carcass with the resulting marinade.
  5. Marinate the chicken for no more than 3 hours, otherwise the meat will become too softened and acquire a strong taste of brine.
  6. Place the marinated chicken in the baking sleeve and put in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 250 degrees. It is necessary to periodically carefully turn the sleeve over so that the released gravy evenly lubricates the carcass.
Video: cooking chicken with liquid smoke

Cooking pork pastrami

For this you need to take:

  • 1 kilogram of pork neck;
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 40 g of liquid smoke;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of sugar;
  • ground black pepper and garlic - to taste;
  • food foil.

Pastrami is prepared as follows:

  1. Cut the pork into rectangular plates along the line of the muscle bundle about 3 cm thick.
  2. Make cuts on plates sharp knife diagonally. This is necessary for the best salting of meat.
  3. Mix water with spices, add smoke liquid, mix and rub pork pieces with this.
  4. Put the meat with marinade in an enameled or glass container with a lid and put in a cold place for a day.
  5. After the allotted time, wrap the meat pieces in foil, put them on a roasting pan and put in the oven, heated to 270 degrees. Baking time - 15 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat without opening the oven door for 2 hours so that the pastrami is saturated with juice and aroma.
  7. The finished meat is cut into slices and served at the table.


It turns out very tasty sausage made from chicken or pork meat with the addition of smoke flavor.

This requires the following ingredients:

  • 700-800 grams of meat;
  • 200 grams of fresh lard;
  • 0.5 cups of rice;
  • one egg;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of smoke concentrate;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Now step by step recipe cooking sausage:

Important! For even baking, you need to turn the sausage occasionally. On a baking sheet, you can pour a little hot boiled water so that the sausages do not burn.

After baking finished product should be allowed to cool and then placed in the refrigerator to cool. When serving sausage on the table, the film must be removed.
Now the recipe:

  1. Defrost the fish, gut, wash thoroughly and cut into pieces.
  2. Transfer the chopped mackerel to a container of sufficient depth.
  3. Mix salt and sugar, add seasonings and smoke concentrate.
  4. Pour the mixture over the pieces of fish, mix and cover with cling film.
  5. Put the mackerel in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  6. After marinating, rinse the fish from the marinade and let the water drain.
  7. Peel the onion and cut into rings.
  8. Place the pieces on a dish, put the onion rings on them and pour over with oil.
Video: cold smoked mackerel recipe with liquid smoke

Whole smoked mackerel


  • 4 frozen mackerels;
  • 3.5 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • 50 ml of liquid smoke;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • spices - allspice, black peppercorns, Bay leaf.
  1. Free the fish carcasses from the head and tail and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  2. For the marinade, pour all the spices into the water and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  3. Cool the finished marinade to 25-30 degrees.
  4. Pour liquid smoke into the cooled marinade and mix.
  5. Pour mackerel with ready-made brine and leave for 4 days.
  6. After marinating, remove the fish from the marinade, carefully wipe its remnants with a paper towel and leave to dry for 1 hour.
  7. Then grease each carcass with oil and serve.

Did you know? Mackerel can be called a long-lived fish: in the wild, some individuals live up to 25 years.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that each of us must decide for himself which products should be consumed and which ones should be avoided. In any case, cooking smoked products with liquid smoke will diversify your diet and add a piquant zest to it.

What you need to know about liquid smoke

Before we get into cooking the goodies, let's take a closer look at liquid smoke. It was invented in order to cook smoked products without processing them.. This flavoring is an aqueous extract of the products of incomplete combustion of wood, which allows you to cook a dish with such palatability like it was smoked in a smokehouse.

As a rule, the concentrate is diluted with water, according to the proportion indicated on the label. In brine with this flavor, you can fish, poultry, then fry in a pan or bake in the oven, air grill. The taste of such dishes is not much different from those smoked from a fire. Interestingly, such liquids have been used for several years in the production of various smoked meats, since this significantly reduces the time heat treatment products. When buying ready-made smoked meats, you will most likely have a hard time determining how they were cooked: in a smoker for a few days or with liquid smoke in a few minutes.

Meat masterpieces with liquid smoke

Chicken wings

They can be cooked in an air fryer or oven. Whichever option you choose, the pickling steps will be the same. First you need to wash thoroughly, soaking them for 15 minutes in cold water. After that, you can marinate.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Mayonnaise (3 tbsp. L);
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp liquid smoke.

If you want to make the dish more spicy, you can add your favorite seasonings, spices or spices. Place all the ingredients together with the wings in a convenient bowl and mix, marinate (ideally leave for a day or at least a few hours). Cooking the wings is easy: put them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven (at 200 degrees), bake for half an hour. Ready liquid smoke wings can be served cold or hot - they are delicious in any form. There are many other recipes for liquid smoke wings. Experiment and share yours unusual recipes, the main thing to remember is that you can’t get carried away with such food. Liquid smoke is not useful product and serves only to give the products the smell of smoked meats. It can be used for festive dishes when you want to surprise guests or on rare occasions to treat yourself to something delicious. In some countries, liquid smoke has long been banned, but as long as it is allowed in our country, we will sometimes take it from the kitchen shelf and prepare the next masterpieces.

appetizing chicken

Liquid smoke chicken delicious masterpiece, which is also extremely easy to prepare. You will need a well-fed, which must be carefully prepared, gutted and only then cooked.

It must be cut along the ridge so that it is convenient to process the internal parts, rinse and marinate well, namely: rub with salt, pepper, spices, garlic and leave alone for half an hour. To make the chicken really tasty, rub it with this sauce before sending it to the oven:

  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 30 g of liquid smoke;
  • 4 cloves of crushed garlic.

The chicken is being prepared in a baking sleeve for 1–1.5 hours in an oven heated to 200–250 degrees, while it must be watered with the released juice. How do you know the chicken is ready? To do this, you need to make an incision on the leg: if the discharge has a pinkish color, continue to bake until the juice is clear. This elementary recipe is useful for all occasions, and depending on the spices, it will always be unique and tasty.

For those who love smoked lard

Very much with the help of liquid smoke. First you need to prepare a brine: take 6 tbsp per liter of water. l. liquid smoke and salt, mix everything well. To give the dish a pronounced taste, add your favorite spices, as a rule, these are peppercorns, bay leaves, onion peel. By the way, it is the husk that gives the finished bacon a characteristic smoked color and notes of spicy aroma.

When the brine is ready, half a kilogram of lard is put in a saucepan, brought to a boil, and cooked over low heat for a little less than an hour. After cooking, the fat must be dried, rubbed with red pepper, crushed garlic, and cooled. Store in refrigerator or freezer.

smoked rabbit

You can smoke with liquid smoke not only chicken, pork and lard, but also rabbit, geese, ducks and other carcasses. It is not difficult.

The rabbit must be well soaked in water, cut into medium parts, put in an enamel pan, pour warm water so that it barely covers the meat. After boiling, remove the foam, salt, add carrots, onions, parsley, cilantro, pepper, bay leaf, and liquid smoke (5 tablespoons per kilogram of meat). Boil 50 minutes. The finished rabbit can be sprinkled with a mixture of garlic and white wine.

Fish - lick your fingers

Versatile cooking method for many types of fish

Favorite dish of millions. This is a first-class snack for beer, and with its help you get delicious sandwiches. However, not everyone has the opportunity to buy such fish in a store or smoke it in home smokehouse. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure - the option of smoking fish with liquid smoke comes to the rescue - the most popular artificial flavor, which we are talking about today.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Fish (you can take your favorite variety);
  • salt;
  • additive "liquid smoke";
  • 1 potato;
  • 2 deep containers.

Cooking instructions

  1. First you need to wash, clean and gut the fish. It is better to cut a large one along the spine into two parts. To make it well salted, make deep cuts from the inside. small fish, such as roach, perch, crucian carp, you can not even gut, rinse well enough. With the help of liquid smoke, you can smoke as many fish as you like, the main thing is to choose the dishes for salting in size;
  2. Then you can start preparing the saline solution, and there is a trick here. Dip a medium-sized peeled potato into a saucepan, cover with water and start gradually pouring salt, stirring it constantly. Pop-up potatoes are a sign that the solution is ready for pickling. Place the fish tightly in the prepared container, fill it with a solution and put it in a cool place (cellar or refrigerator) under oppression;
  3. The fish should be well salted, then it should be washed and dried for two to three hours in a draft. Now you can proceed directly to smoking: pour the diluted liquid smoke into a container so that all the fish is submerged, and it can be mixed. big fish put in the flavor for three minutes, for small enough 60 seconds. If you smoke a fish disassembled into two parts, dip it in the solution for 10-15 seconds, then hang it by the tail in a cool place for a day;
  4. If there are a lot of fish, and there is no large capacity in the house or there is not enough liquid smoke, sprinkle the suspended fish with it using a spray bottle - it will turn out no less tasty.

In order to make smoked herring effortlessly, you will need:

  • 1 kg of frozen herring;
  • 50 ml of liquid smoke;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Gut the thawed herring, rinse it several times in cold water;
  2. Rub the fish on all sides with a mixture of salt and pepper with liquid smoke. Place in enamelware, put oppression on top, set to marinate for 48 hours;
  3. Remove the fish from the refrigerator, rinse with plenty of water, dry with paper towels, dry for five hours at room temperature- the skin of the herring should shine with a characteristic sheen.

The deliciousness of cold smoked

To prepare the next one, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of small fish;
  • three-liter jar;
  • salt;
  • ground white and red pepper;
  • dried dill;
  • 5 st. l. liquid smoke.

It's easy to cook. First you need to prepare a jar: scald it with boiling water and dry it. Then mix white and red peppers, dried dill, pour this mixture on the bottom of the jar, 1 cm thick, put the fish on top in one layer, pour liquid smoke. Next, pour another layer of seasonings, put the fish, pour liquid smoke - so you need to fill the jar. In three days the fish will be ready, however, in order to get really delicious snack The jar needs to be turned over every 12 hours. After three days, the fish must be removed from the jar and dried: first with paper towels, then at room temperature for 24 hours.

Video about the pros and cons of liquid smoke

How to make liquid smoke at home

As mentioned above, liquid smoke is banned in many countries, so in Russia every year it is less and less common. However, you should not be upset, because you can cook liquid smoke yourself. We warn you that it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a 100% factory-made additive due to the complexity of its manufacture (in production, smoke, as a product of combustion, is treated with a special aqueous solution, while removing harmful impurities), however, everyone can make an analogue.

Recipe 1

From natural cigarette smoke. For this method, we need a cigarette, a smoking person and a frozen glass. You need to smoke a cigarette, and release thick smoke into a frozen glass. Harmful resins and impurities will remain on the walls of the frozen glass, and the smoke will be thick enough. It can be immediately poured onto the products that need to be smoked, or into a prepared container.

Recipe 2

The second option is fundamentally different from the first, but it allows you to achieve the taste of factory liquid smoke. It is a mixture of mayonnaise, curry seasoning, garlic and soy sauce. By soaking fish or meat in this marinade, you can do without flavoring. In addition, this is a great idea for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Recipe 3

To taste, this method is closest to the original additive. To prepare it, you will need rice, a mixture of green and black tea, a little sugar. Everything needs to be wrapped in two layers of foil and, when stewing or frying, simply put it under meat or fish. At the same time, thick smoke is formed, it is he who perfectly smokes the meat and gives the dish a completely new taste.

Bon appetit

As you can see, liquid smoke is a panacea for lazy cooks and those who do not have a smokehouse. It is worth noting that if you really like smoked meats, but often buy them in a store with the hope that they were smoked in a large factory smokehouse, we are in a hurry to disappoint you - 50% of smoked meats that come to us from store shelves were prepared using liquid smoke. So why not try to create your own smoked masterpiece, while also saving money?! If you have already cooked something with this flavoring, we are waiting for your comments and wish you bon appetit!