How to make good soapy water for bubbles. How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

Giving a special mood to a children's holiday is not as difficult as you think. Create soap bubbles with your own hands, get ready to launch them together with the guys at the right time according to the scenario, and then the brightest impressions for your child and his friends are guaranteed! The instructions and recipes below will help you organize this event.

How to make soap bubbles at home

To produce such fun fun at home, special skills and the creation of complex devices are not required. If the child has a box of purchased bubbles left, the task is simplified: you just need to prepare the solution and pour it into the bottle. In the absence of a special frame for releasing air-soap balls, it can simply be made from wire or blow bubbles from a straw. In the case when there are design skills, from a fan and several forms for bubbles rotating in front of it in a circle, at home you can even make a generator for blowing them.

Before choosing the right solution for the balloons you want to blow, it's important to know a few rules to help make blowing them fun:

  • It is better to make a solution with distilled water. If you have not bought such a purified liquid, at home you can replace it with boiled settled water.
  • Balloons are easier to blow out at high humidity, it is more difficult to do it in windy weather.
  • After preparing the foam solution, let it stand for 12 hours to a day before using.

Non-bursting bubbles

It is very disappointing when the ball quickly bursts, not yet breaking away from the frame. The answer to the question of how to make non-bursting soap bubbles at home will be recipes for solutions with glycerin and sugar. Such a mixture will allow not only to admire rainbow balls of different sizes for longer, but also to blow figures out of it on a smooth surface. Try this solution:

  • Make sugar syrup by adding 1 teaspoon of water to 5 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Combine the ingredients in the following proportion:
    • syrup - 1 part;
    • soap, grated - 2 parts;
    • glycerin - 4 parts;
    • water - 8 parts.

Another solution from which non-explosive spheres will turn out, you can prepare at home according to this recipe:

  • Mix Ingredients:
    • hot water (but not boiling water!) - 300 ml;
    • liquid glycerin - 150 ml;
    • washing powder - 25 g;
    • ammonia - 10 drops.
  • Let the resulting homogeneous mass brew for 72 hours, then filter if necessary.
  • Store this mixture in the refrigerator.

Giant soap bubbles

Huge and very beautiful rainbow spheres can be launched from the solution to create durable balls. How to make big soap bubbles at home? Design for this purpose a simple loop for blowing them.

  • Take:
    • two sticks 30-50 cm long - they should be small, not thick, but should not bend;
    • woolen thread or rope approximately 1.5 m long and not more than 3 mm thick.
  • Tie the ends of the rope, and then lay it out on a flat surface in the shape of a triangle.
  • Tie the sticks to the two corners of the figure, then spread them apart - between them you will get a loop.

The mixture to create large balls must be diluted at the bottom of a wide basin. Dip the rope into the solution, lift it into the air and begin to slowly move back. Large soap bubbles will form under the action of the air flow through the loop. The result will be especially good when there is no wind outside. Take note of another composition of the solution, which is suitable for blowing huge spheres:

  • In 500 ml of water, add dishwashing detergent - 200 ml, and glycerin - 100 ml.
  • The volume of the mixture can be reduced by observing the indicated proportions.
  • The solution must be infused for 1 day.

Composition of soap bubbles

With the knowledge of how to make soap bubbles at home, it remains only to collect the necessary ingredients and create a festive mood. Check out the list of ingredients you may need to prepare your sphere blowing solution.

Ingredient name


It is necessary to use distilled water, bought at a pharmacy, or from a water pipe, but boiled.

It is better to use a product with a minimum of flavors and additives, for example, laundry soap is perfect. This ingredient must be grated on a very fine grater and stirred in water until completely dissolved, and only then add other components to the resulting liquid.

Dishwashing liquid

It is very easy to dissolve in water compared to soap.

Baby shampoo

Due to the soft composition, it is suitable for use in the games of the smallest children.

Bath foam

With its help, you can make a liquid for blowing with different rich, bright odors.


This ingredient can be bought at a pharmacy. It is responsible for making the soap bubble solution produce strong and large rainbow balls.


Used in some recipes to give spheres durability.

Sugar or sugar syrup

Food colorings

In the nearest store you can buy such substances of different colors, and then, dividing the solution into parts, make a liquid for soap bubbles of various colors.

Bubble Recipes

You have already read some of the points explaining how to make soap bubbles at home. There is absolutely nothing complicated in this, but there are some points to consider. Try to do everything yourself before offering to play with the child. So you can see and correct possible errors or shortcomings in the manufacture of the composition, and then offer children fun fun without any annoying and unpleasant surprises.

Immerse the form in the solution carefully, do not whip the foam, because it will affect the fact that the balls will burst. Also, before blowing the sphere directly, make sure that there are no small bubbles around the edges of the transparent film to be blown onto. If these appear, wait until they disappear, because because of them the balloon bursts before it has time to inflate. Try different options for recipes for solutions and choose the best one for you in terms of ease of preparation and quality. If you learn to do everything right, you will always be able to create a joyful atmosphere for children's leisure.

Perhaps each of us remembers how in childhood we loved to blow big and bright soap bubbles that were blown out of a straw.

How cool was it to run and catch them?

And then be upset that the bubbles ran out so quickly?

We even tried to make them ourselves then, but for some reason nothing worked out for us.

Why? Let's try to figure out how soap bubbles are made correctly, because sometimes you really want to return to childhood and enjoy all sorts of trifles so carelessly.

How to make soap bubbles at home: tricks of rainbow bubbles

Of course, the main "ingredients" for cooking are the solution itself and the sticks through which we will release soap bubbles. Below are the 5 most common recipes for their preparation, but they are not final, you can choose some points according to your capabilities and conditions. But first, some bubble making tips at home.

1. To create it is better to use boiled water, and the best solution would be to use distilled water.

2. The final result will depend on the total number of impurities (perfumes, etc.), the less they are in soap or other product, the better.

3. In order for the prepared solution to be denser and the bubbles to be of better quality, it is recommended to use sugar or glycerin dissolved in warm water. However, it is important not to overdo it with them, as excess sugar or glycerin can interfere with blowing bubbles.

4. If the solution is not dense enough, the bubbles will also be less stable. But there is also a positive point - they are easier to blow out, which is good for children.

5. For maximum end results, many people recommend letting the solution sit for about 12-20 hours before using it.

6. Before you start blowing bubbles, it is advisable to wait for a solid film (you will blow on it) without extra small bubbles at the edges, which can periodically occur. Ideally, it would be to remove the foam altogether: for this, the liquid needs to be insisted and cooled, this will help to get rid of foam formations as much as possible.

7. It is very difficult to blow bubbles in windy weather and dust in the air, but if the air humidity is increased, this is definitely a plus.

How to make bubbles as strong as possible

For the best strengthening of the mixture, you need mix water, glycerin and shampoo. For this, two tablespoons of glycerin and 100 ml of water will be enough. Such a small amount will in no way interfere with the creation of excellent bubbles, but, on the contrary, will strengthen them, and after blowing they will not burst for a long time.

Use a standard straw, which is in any home, for example, from a cocktail. Then dip its solution with soap or shampoo and blow a bubble. There is a great way to check if you did everything right. To do this, dip your finger into the solution and try to break through the bubble. If you managed to do this, then the solution is not yet ready, and you still need to add soap to it.

How to make soap bubbles at home: what tools to use

We have already dedicated you to some of the secrets of making cool soap bubbles, now you need to familiarize yourself with the correct technique for blowing them. Actually, for starters, take the most ordinary plate and some flower or figurine or any other small object, also prepare a watering can.

First you need to pour a little solution into a plate and put any object in the middle, cover it all with a watering can and try to blow a bubble. So you get a wonderful soapy hemisphere, in the very center of which the very object will be located. To be honest, it's a mesmerizing sight.

To create bubbles, you can use a regular ballpoint pen. If you have a desire to surprise your baby, try to prepare "viscous" bubbles. This is how large bubbles are made.

To make a solution for these gooey bubbles, prepare the following ingredients: dish detergent, water, and one tablespoon of sugar. We will talk about recipes a little later, because these and other ingredients can be combined in various proportions, depending on the desired end result.

Children for joy

If your house is always noisy and your kids are constantly asking for new things to do, you can give them a little competition to see who can blow the bubble the fastest and the biggest. Blowing soap bubbles has pleased children and their parents for many years, but not everyone can do them. In principle, the solution is made quite simply, and it is not at all expensive, so you can please your baby at least every day.

How to make soap bubbles at home: recipes

To blow the largest possible soap bubbles, you will need to prepare special equipment. In our opinion, the best option would be to build a large circle of strong wire. Thus, we get such a lasso with which we can dip it in a bucket of solution and inflate a large soap bubble.

In principle, you yourself can prepare the necessary device to your taste. The only thing is to be careful with soap bubbles, because they can easily get into your eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with water immediately. In fact, there are a large number of devices with which you can create soap bubbles. But even with such a harmless way of having fun, you need to be careful. Be careful not to get the bubble in your eyes. If this happens, just rinse it with water.

So, here we come to the main thing, directly to the recipes themselves. You can choose any to your taste.

Recipe #1. Take some dish detergent (for example, Fairy), glycerin (it is sold in all pharmacies) and water, preferably boiled. Detergent is needed in order to give our bubbles brightness, and glycerin will make them stronger.

Manufacturing process: pour 200 g of detergent into the dishes, add 100 ml of glycerin to it and dilute it all in 600 ml of water. The resulting mixture must be mixed well and voila! .. you can inflate!

Recipe #2. This recipe is quite simple, you need to take water and dishwashing detergent. The ingredients must be selected in the following ratio: 30 ml of detergent per 100 ml of water. Then just mix the solution - and you're done!

Recipe #3. This recipe is more complicated than the first 2, so it will take a little more fiddling with it.

To prepare it, you need: 300 ml of glycerin, 50 g of washing powder, 20 drops of ammonia and 600 ml of hot water. Pour all the ingredients into one bowl, and even better in a jar and mix well. Next - an important point! The resulting mixture is left and insisted for 48 hours, and more. Then we filter everything through cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Despite the time costs, the result will pleasantly surprise you - the process is completed!

Recipe #4. This recipe is even more complicated than the previous one and all the others, although in truth the bubbles won't be any better, they will be about the same quality. To prepare it, you need to take: laundry soap (1 pc.), Hot water (400 ml), sugar (2 teaspoons).

It is prepared as follows: take a bar of soap and rub it on a coarse grater. Then pour shavings from the soap with hot water and put to simmer over low heat and leave to dissolve, from time to time not forgetting to stir. The resulting solution must be cooled and refrigerated for 6-7 days. After a week, add sugar to the mixture and mix. After dissolving the sugar, the soap bubbles are ready! To strengthen the blisters, it is also recommended to add a couple of drops of glycerin.

Recipe number 5. One of the simplest options. To prepare this recipe, you only need bath foam and boiled water. The strongest and most visually beautiful bubbles can be obtained from Little Fairy foam or other products of similar composition. All you need to do is mix bubble bath and water in a ratio of 3 to 1 - and go ahead, please the kids!

And finally, we offer you a list of tools that can be used to blow soap bubbles.

Cocktail tube or ballpoint pen, from which the stem and caps were previously removed. However, if you want to blow large bubbles, then these options are definitely not suitable.

For larger bubbles, make 4 small 3 cm cuts at one end of the cocktail tube. Next, expand the incisions in different directions to make it look like on flower petals.

It is also a good option to use a rigid wire, one end of which is bent in the form of a loop with a diameter of 4 cm.

However, if you want to get the largest possible bubbles, you simply cannot do without a funnel, through which you can blow bubbles up to 25-30 cm in diameter. However, do not forget that you will need to blow into the funnel several times, first plugging the hole into which you will blow, otherwise nothing will work out. Such a funnel can also be handmade from paper.

Blowing soap bubbles is a very interesting game, and your child will no doubt be delighted! As you can see, there are very simple recipes for making them, all it takes is a little time and some simple ingredients. Put in a little effort and you will see the eyes of a happy child - what else do parents need to be happy?

Soap bubbles are one of the most affordable and favorite summer activities for children of almost any age. Making analogues of store-bought soap bubbles is a wide field for joint experiments for children and parents and an opportunity to save money, because most of the components from recipes for making soap bubbles at home are in every home!

Soap bubbles recipe without glycerin

The most high-quality recipe for soap bubbles is using glycerin. But there are alternative recipes without this component, which must be specially purchased at the pharmacy. Soap bubbles are easy to make and from the resources available at any time in any household.

Unfortunately, "win-win" soap bubble recipes are difficult to prepare. However, all the presented recipes for soap bubbles from foaming liquids will bring the desired result- anyway, bubbles will blow.

Quality solution (and bubbles) is largely dependent on those used at home ingredients, thoroughness compliance with their ratio. Experiments in this area are guaranteed fun for children and adults!

Dishwashing Liquid Glycerine Free Bubble Recipe

Actually, any Fairy, Sorti and other dishwashing solutions are ready-made liquid for soap bubbles. Unlike the usual high-quality liquid from the store, it is more liquid, flows down the stick, the bubbles are fragile and not iridescent, but nevertheless, this is an easy and effective way to make soap bubbles at home. You can improve the quality of homemade soap bubble solution from dishwashing detergent using this recipe:

For 10 ml of dishwashing detergent, take 40 ml of water, in which dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of sugar. The easiest recipe for soap bubbles without glycerin!

Sugar is needed to make the bubbles stronger.

Soap bubbles recipe without glycerin from shampoo

A very versatile recipe: to obtain a solution for soap bubbles for the smallest children, you need to use a children's shampoo that does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and for older, more capricious children who already understand a lot about bubbles, you can use an adult shampoo with sulfates and parabens. Not as safe, but good lather.

Soap bubbles: dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of granulated sugar in 50 ml of water, add 20-30 ml of shampoo.

If you replace granulated sugar with syrup, you can get a slightly different recipe, easier to perform and less whimsical when blowing bubbles.

Soap bubbles: mix 10 ml of sugar syrup with 70 ml of water, add 25 ml of shampoo or dishwashing liquid.

I wonder if it is possible to replace the syrup with jam? Another opportunity for an interesting experiment with children! The main thing is that the results can be seen immediately!

How to make "shop" soap bubbles

Almost all recipes for high-quality soap bubbles "like in a store" are obtained using glycerin (which is sold in any pharmacy). Sometimes the process of making such bubbles at home takes several days.

The recipe for a solution for soap bubbles at home from washing powder

The recipe for soap bubbles from washing powder is notable for the fact that the bubbles are large and iridescent. But, unfortunately, it will take several days to prepare the solution.

Recipe for soap bubbles from washing powder: 5 g of washing powder, 60 ml of water, 20 ml of glycerin, 1-2 drops of ammonia.

In order for the washing powder to dissolve well, it is better to use hot water, you can even boil water. The resulting solution should be infused for at least 2 days. After straining the solution, you need to put it in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning you can blow excellent soap bubbles of your own making!

How to make big soap bubbles

The secret to making giant soap bubbles at home is very simple: add gelatin!

Recipe for large soap bubbles: take 50 g of granulated sugar, 150 ml of glycerin, 200 ml of dishwashing detergent or shampoo, 800 ml of water for a bag of gelatin.

Perhaps the recipe will have to be finalized “by eye”, adding water if the liquid is too thick or adding sugar and glycerin if bubbles burst too easily.

To make large soap bubbles, soak the gelatin in a little water (similar to the instructions on the sachet for cooking purposes) and leave to swell. Mix the resulting gelatin with sugar dissolved in water. The resulting mixture can be filtered if the gelatin has not completely dissolved (with expensive gelatin of imported brands, such incidents usually do not happen). Then add the rest of the water, the total amount of which should be approximately 0.8 liters, then add the remaining components and mix gently.

Greetings, dear reader. What can please a child at any age? Bubble. This is what all the kids are fond of and are fond of. Recently, my son and I were sitting at home, it was cold outside, it was raining, it somehow became boring. But then my mother came and brought soap bubbles.

There was a lot of joy not only for the child, but also for my wife and I. Happiness was not long, because they usually sell a bottle of 50 - 100 ml. Not much, they run out quickly. And now we wanted to blow bubbles, to rage. Of course, you can go and buy more, but I wondered why not do it yourself.

The creative process has begun: I want a lot, so that they inflate well and do not burst for a long time. Of course, the first thing I used was what was in the bathroom, soap, shampoo, gel ... But everything was not right. And then I had to use the Internet, though I came across the fact that not all recipes worked.

What to blow soap bubbles from

In order to make soap bubbles at home, you should take care of what to blow them out of. There are no inherent restrictions here. Simply put, you can use everything that you see around you, for example:

In general, the list can be continued for a long time, but we can say that you can use any rounded objects (or oval, or square, whatever) to blow soap bubbles at home. It takes a little imagination and something will definitely work out.

How to make soap bubbles with your own hands

In order to make soap bubbles at home, you need to take care of the ingredients. Of course, it is not necessary to buy something special, almost always there is everything at home. We will need:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. It is better to use those where the least additives, impurities.
  2. Pure water. Distilled water is best, I take it in auto stores for batteries. But be careful! Do not give it to children! You can't drink it - it's poison. If you are afraid, you can take boiled water. It's just that when there are fewer impurities in the water, soap bubbles are better.
  3. Sugar. It gives elasticity to soap bubbles.
  4. Glycerol. Also for the strength of soap bubbles. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is not expensive, but the effect is noticeable.
  5. Bath product. It is desirable for children, which does not sting the eyes.
  6. Soap. More precisely, shavings, better household, or something else without additives and so that it foams well. If solid soap is not available, liquid soap can also be used.
  7. Shampoo. Preferably without impurities, or at least to have a minimum of them. It is better to take a childish one that does not sting the eyes, so that if it bursts and gets into the eyes, it would not hurt.

And so, let's move on to the recipes themselves, how to make soap bubbles at home.

Recipe number 1.

The easiest recipe, quick and angry)))

  1. 0.5 cup detergent
  2. 2 glasses of water
  3. 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar

Mix thoroughly and you can blow bubbles.

You can change sugar to glycerin, then change the volume and it turns out like this:

  1. 150 ml. detergent
  2. 1 liter of water
  3. 3 tablespoons of glycerin

Mix thoroughly, and it is better to leave to stand for a day, then stir again and blow.

Recipe number 2.

For the smallest, so that the eyes do not pinch, this option is suitable.

  1. 1 cup baby shampoo that doesn't sting your eyes
  2. 2 glasses of cold water
  3. We mix it all up and let it stand for about a day.
  4. Then add 6 teaspoons of sugar
  5. Mix thoroughly and use.

Recipe number 3.

The easiest way, do it and use it right away.

  1. 3 parts bath
  2. 1 part water
  3. mix but do not shake so that there is no foam and use

Recipe number 4.

The most traditional recipe that is still popular today.

  1. 10 glasses of hot water
  2. 1/2 cup soap shavings
  3. 2 teaspoons glycerin
  4. mix everything thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, if the soap does not dissolve, then warm it up a little and stir. We do not allow boiling.

Recipe number 5.

Here is another original recipe with corn syrup (if you can find it in the store). It turns out a dense composition.

  1. 2 cups dishwashing liquid or shampoo
  2. almost a full glass of corn syrup and stir
  3. 6 cups of water, pour in gently and stir, then use

You can try another syrup, but this is already an experiment, try, create.

When making soap bubbles at home, you want variety, unusualness. You can then make multi-colored soap bubbles. To do this, take the usual food paint. Pour the final composition into different dishes (according to the number of colors) and add a pinch or a couple of drops of food coloring, mix and use.

How to make strong and big bubbles

Probably everyone wants to make soap bubbles that will not burst for a long time or will turn out to be very large. For such purposes, the following solutions were invented:

Durable soap bubbles:

  1. 1 part concentrated sugar syrup (you can make your own: 1 part water to 5 parts granulated sugar)
  2. 2 parts laundry soap shavings
  3. 4 parts glycerin
  4. 8 parts distilled water (extremely boiled, but not hot and clean)
  5. We mix all the components and insist for a day

Giant soap bubbles:

  1. 3 tablespoons of glycerin
  2. 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  3. 4 tablespoons of sugar
  4. 1.5 cups of water
  5. insist and cool a little

Such soap bubbles are difficult to blow, but spectacular. You need to use large rings to blow bubbles. For example, a racket without a net (you can also with a net).

It is advisable to blow soap bubbles outside, after rain. And at home everything will be covered with soapy water and you will have to wash everything again)))

That's all, enjoy, have fun, put on a show. Share the information received on social networks, with friends, leave comments, bye bye.

Do-it-yourself soap bubbles at home updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

This touching children's fun in the right hands can become a real art. After all, she is the embodiment of extraordinary beauty, exquisite sophistication and even a real miracle. If you don’t believe me, then watch the performances of professionals who create real miracles with soap bubbles. But here how to make soap bubbles, similar to the creations of masters, at home?

Golden autumn is now in full swing, when you really want to arrange a fun holiday on the alleys of parks covered with leaves, which will give everyone a sea of ​​​​unique joyful sensations. Creating such a mood for both kids and adults both on holidays and on weekdays will be a very simple and easy task if you approach it with skill. And at the same time, you don’t have to invent new games or go to entertainment centers. It is enough to remember the simplest, but such an exciting entertainment from your own childhood - soap bubbles that will easily cheer everyone up. Although, on the topic of soap bubbles, you can spend a whole informative evening with experiments or funny competitions for blowing bubbles. And even better - to start a stormy pampering for adults and kids with soap bubbles. After all, not every adult will be able to indifferently pass by the kids who blow soap bubbles without showing their own master class.

Soap bubbles are a favorite pastime for kids.

Interesting fun? And, by the way, the most important thing in this lesson is desire. And if it is not there, then you should not even start studying the technology (and it does exist!) To create this soap miracle. Well, when there is a desire, then you can safely delve into questions about such bubbles.

Soap bubbles are the cheapest, but at the same time unusual and insanely positive decoration and toy.

Of course, any research begins with a clear definition. So, a soap bubble is a ball obtained from a thin multilayer film, which forms soapy water due to filling with air. Its usual form is a sphere with a surface shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. The soap bubble usually exists only for a few moments and bursts either spontaneously or at the slightest touch to it.

After clarifying the definition, the question arises about the constancy of the rounded shape of the bubbles. Everything is absolutely simple here: the soap bubble is so “lazy” that all the time it does only what it tries to take up as little space as possible with a minimum area. Well, the shape of the sphere is best suited for this.

And now specifically to the problem of how to make spectacular soap bubbles at home. Since there are quite a few of these methods, you can choose according to your taste. For everyone, there is sure to be the most convenient and suitable option from the many proposed methods. And this despite the fact that the size of homemade soap bubbles is practically unlimited.

We all understand that soap bubble recipe for home entertainment must be absolutely safe. Therefore, this issue should be discussed first. So, the water that is used to prepare the solution should be the cleanest, because splashes can get into the eyes or mouth of the child, so in this lesson the threat of infection of the body should be avoided. Soap and other ingredients included in the same bubble solution should be as safe as possible, from the “do not sting eyes” series, and even more so, do not cause allergies and irritation of children's skin. Any aggressive, and even more toxic components in this solution can not be included categorically. That's it - everything is simple and clear.

You can blow bubbles the old fashioned way, or you can arm yourself with a plastic gun and release a thousand bubbles per minute.

And now about what is important to consider for the successful blowing of soap bubbles at home. It is clear that the main thing in this case is the correct solution and good sticks, frames or tubes. And even after choosing the recipe of the solution that suits you best, you may have to adjust it to the existing conditions. Here are some simple yet very useful tips:

  1. For the solution, it is better to use distilled or at least boiled water.
  2. With a lower content, for example, perfume additives in soap or other used detergent, the result will be more reliable.
  3. To make the solution more dense, and, accordingly, the quality of the bubbles themselves is the best, either glycerin or sugar is used. By the way, it is better to dissolve it in warm water.
  4. It is also important not to overdo it with the amount of glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be quite difficult to blow the bubble.
  5. With a less dense solution, less persistent bubbles are formed, although they are much easier to blow out. This concentration is best suited for children's fun.
  6. Many experts in the "soap" business advise to withstand the solution for about a day before using it.
  7. Before blowing bubbles, it is important to wait for the cleanest and most complete film to appear, which will turn into a bubble. It is desirable that it does not have small additional bubbles along the edges that occur during the blowing process. They need to be carefully removed or wait until they completely disappear. In general, it is advisable to try to avoid the presence of foam: the solution must be infused and cooled so that there is less foam.
  8. Dust and wind are the opponents of a soap bubble.
  9. But the presence of high humidity is a real helper.

Of course, you can buy ready-made bubbles for your child, or you can make them together with your child. At the same time, he will learn chemistry.

There are many sophisticated recipes for how to make soap bubbles. But it’s worth starting with the simplest and most trouble-free. For example, you can try the creation of soap bubbles, the solution for which includes dishwashing liquid. So, a quarter cup of this liquid is taken, a glass of water and a teaspoon of sugar. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed - and you're done. Now all that's left is to blow and enjoy! Such a recipe is convenient not only for its simplicity, but also for its safe content. After all, often liquids for soap bubbles that are purchased in a store make you doubt their quality. That is why it is better to make them at home, which will also allow the bubbles themselves to be blown both strong and quite large.

The recipe for the same ordinary solution for making soap bubbles can be as follows: a quarter cup of water, a third cup of shampoo (baby!), A teaspoon of sugar. You can also add food coloring - just a little! This will make the bubbles sparkle brightly. Sugar can be replaced with glycerin sold in pharmacies. As mentioned above, both sugar and glycerin make bubbles stronger.

You can also try to inflate bubbles from a soap solution in the cold, when the air temperature is not higher than -6 ° C. Due to the fact that it will be cold outside, the bubbles will begin to freeze and from this become covered with fine patterns, like frosted glass from frost. For such homemade soap bubbles, you will need ordinary laundry soap, which will need to be cut into room temperature water, observing a ratio of one to ten. To speed up the melting of soap, the liquid can even be boiled. The soap solution will need to be stirred very carefully to avoid burns. The readiness of the solution is checked as follows: bubbles with a diameter of ten centimeters are blown out. If the bubble turned out, then this means that the solution is already ready. Otherwise, you can add a little more soap. Soap bubbles are also tested for strength. To do this, you need to dip your finger into the soapy liquid and gently touch the bubble: if it does not burst, then the solution is ready. To make the bubbles stronger, you need to add a little more soap. The result is a solution that is ideal for playing even in the cold.

The more soap in the solution, the stronger the bubbles.

You can also try this method how to make soap bubbles at home. To do this, you need to take three parts of soap, six parts of glycerin, twelve parts of water and two parts of sugar. It is important to use boiling water for the solution.

And this is how the bubble bursts when touched, although the human eye cannot see the process in such details.

And in order to blow giant bubbles, in addition to the solution, you will need a special device.

The solution itself in this case is done simply:

  1. glass of dishwashing liquid
  2. three glasses of not very hot water
  3. 100 milligrams of glycerin.

For greater strength of the bubbles, soft water is taken. Simple tap water is not quite suitable, as it contains a lot of different salts, from which soap bubbles become too fragile. And to give the water softness, just boil it and leave it to stand. At this time, a special device is being prepared for blowing huge soap bubbles. The nylon rope must be twisted into a loop and tied to two pins. The loop must be tied so that a triangle is obtained. To do this, you can use a small load. After that, you can start blowing bubbles. It is best to do them in calm weather outside. First, the solution is poured into the basin, a rope loop with all the equipment is lowered into it. Then the device rises and slowly retracts back. The action of the air flow leads to the fact that the bubbles will inflate by themselves and reach a meter in diameter.

If you need a way how to make soap bubbles without glycerin, which may not be at hand, without additional additives, then you can use this recipe: just combine soap and water. Soap, grated on any grater, is poured into boiling water and stirred until it is completely dissolved. If the soap dissolves rather hard, the liquid can be warmed up a little, remembering to stir it continuously, but do not bring it to a boil.

Homemade soap bubbles are usually made for kids, so the simplest and most unpretentious recipes are used for them. So, solutions for the smallest:

  • Take half a glass of baby shampoo, a glass of distilled, melted or boiled water. The liquid is infused for a day, then three teaspoons of sugar are added to it.
  • The next recipe is fragrant, soap bubbles which are made from bath foam. You will need bath foam and water in a ratio of three to one.
  • This recipe can be called original, because in it soap bubbles are prepared with syrup. To do this, take a glass of dishwashing detergent, three glasses of water and a third of a glass of corn syrup.
  • Another recipe, perhaps from the “cheap and cheerful” series, because it is made from the same laundry soap. A solution is prepared from 5 glasses of water, half a glass of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater, and two teaspoons of sugar dissolved in summer water - it is better if with gelatin.

Bubble in a bubble.

However, hints are more common how to make soap bubbles with glycerin. For example, if you do not want to rub soap on a grater, then you can use a solution with the following composition: liquid soap - 1 cup, distilled water - 50 milliliters, glycerin - 20 drops. Moreover, glycerin is added after the foam has settled, i.e. in about an hour. It is better to insist the solution in a cool place.

To make soap bubbles especially strong and suitable for various experiments, you can work with the following solution: concentrated sugar syrup - one part (prepared in proportion: sugar with water - 5 to 1), grated soap - two parts, glycerin - four parts, distilled water - eight parts. With the help of such a solution, it is possible, for example, to build different shapes from bubbles, if you blow them onto a smooth surface - a table or floor.

Another popular recipe is half a cup of dishwashing liquid, 3 cups of water, and 2 tablespoons of glycerin. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is removed in a cold place for a day.

You can also easily make a “matryoshka” out of soap bubbles. In this case, a ready-made solution for blowing bubbles is taken, poured into a flat bowl, the diameter of which is about 30 centimeters. With the help of a straw for a cocktail, a bubble is blown out, which remains lying on a plate. It turns out a bubble in the form of a hemisphere. The straw is carefully inserted into the bubble and another one is inflated, only smaller in size. This will result in several different bubbles that will be located one inside the other.

Many of us have repeatedly seen at circus performances how magicians inflate huge bubbles that do not burst for a very long time. They are so huge that a person can easily fit inside them. And these tricks are liked not only by kids, but also by adults. But the most interesting thing is that it is possible to make this miracle yourself. And there are no special secrets how to make soap bubbles at home blowing them to record sizes. Just a solution is being prepared: dishwashing liquid - one glass, warm water - half a liter, glycerin - half a glass and sugar syrup - a quarter of a glass. Glycerin and sugar, as mentioned earlier, tend to make the walls of soap bubbles much more durable and, due to this, they do not burst so quickly. Water should be chosen soft, without impurities of salts. It softens after boiling and settling. Everything is mixed together, settled - and you're done. To build an inflatable device, you can use the technology proposed earlier: two sticks with a rope forming a loop in the form of a triangle. Sticks can either be bought or adapted from ordinary wooden branches or thick wire. And to make the device more aesthetic, you can drill holes in the sticks with a drill and screw one special round hook into them, through which the rope will then be threaded. Although you can do without these tricks, just winding the rope around the sticks. As in another similar recipe that allows you to make big soap bubbles, a weight is added to the device, suspended at the bottom of the rope, to form a triangle loop. Bubbles are inflated on the street in calm weather.

If you think that making soap bubbles is only fun with children, then I will tell you one more fact: dogs love bubbles to death and play with them with pleasure.

It's really, really cute!

Do you want to please your four-legged friend? Make a solution and go straight to the park.

Yes, yes, dogs really do hunt for bubbles.

Of the many varieties, the bubbles called “Hand” are very interesting, which you can whistle and pop, and “Spongebob” - allowing you to whistle, squeak, knock with them, and also, of course, blow a lot of bubbles at a time.

Soap bubbles in the form of a cube are often shown in video experiments. It is clear that for their preparation you will need a square frame. And the recipe can be the above, or you can use this: glycerin - a quarter of a glass, dishwashing liquid - half a glass, sugar - 4 teaspoons, water - one and a half glasses. Such a solution is prepared in a basin and bubbles are blown out using a frame specially twisted from a flexible material, or a huge hoop (if you need to make a cylinder). Here you don’t even have to blow, you just need to wave this frame if it is round, or you can slowly pull a strong large bubble from the pelvis if the frame is square and you need a cube.

As for sticks for blowing soap bubbles, you can use tubes of different diameters, a frame, cocktail sticks (especially those in which the tip is cut crosswise or in the form of a fringe and the “petals” are bent), a hollow blade of grass or pasta, a cutting mold test, funnel. You can also buy soap bubble guns in stores, as well as blow them between your fingers. For a big celebration, sticks can be replaced with original wire rods with colored beads. And you can have fun with a banal plastic bottle, which will allow you to create truly giant soap bubbles. Such a primitive device can be replaced by an instrument in the form of the same frame, wrapped in a dense cloth that absorbs moisture well. Also, for example, you can use hoops and circles from a regular telephone cable. Its ends are connected with electrical tape. But the hoop is wrapped with a strip of fabric, for example, denim. The use of fabric is explained by the fact that without it, the film will not have a place where a soap solution can accumulate, and this will cause the bubble to burst very quickly.

And here is another original way to create a soap miracle. A lot of it depends on the solution itself. In this case, when preparing it, you can get by with half a glass of dishwashing detergent and a liter of warm water. To improve the quality of the solution, it must be allowed to brew overnight. And to increase the strength of the bubbles, 10 grams of glycerin is added to the solution. A device for blowing such soap bubbles is made of a woolen thread tied to two small sticks or, for example, to knitting needles. How giant bubbles are made according to this recipe at home can be seen in the video show of the artist - bubble specialist Ivan Savchenko.

But according to the comments of the doctor Alexei Bezymyanny, this solution for blisters is absolutely harmless. Even if it gets into the eyes, it must be washed off with a small amount of ordinary water from the tap. Traces of soap on clothes or on the floor can be simply wiped with a cloth.

We all dream of learning how to make non-bursting soap bubbles. Unfortunately, this is not entirely realistic. Although some of the wisdom in the recipe above will help give this ephemeral creation a certain degree of strength. But it is not for nothing that they say about everything unstable: it burst like a soap bubble. This transparent ball, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, flying through the air, can be captured, perhaps, by a photo or video camera. But it turns out that this fun was loved even in ancient times: for example, at the excavation site of ancient Pompeii there were frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And in the age of nanotechnologies, this fun has not become less popular, but on the contrary, it attracts both children and even adults even more. And if the child is given a soapy solution and a straw in his hands, then at least half an hour of quiet time will be provided to parents.

Of course Lady Gaga just does it handmade soap bubbles it is unlikely to, but once again the singer managed to surprise the audience with a shocking outfit in this style. So at a party in a trendy club in London, she appeared in a suit ... soap dishes! At the same time, the star amazed everyone with iridescent soap bubbles blown out of her plastic white outfit. The pop diva owes this engineering and design masterpiece to the stylists of the Versace fashion house. To this outfit, Lady Gaga picked up shoes with high heels. True, like fragile soap bubbles, the singer did not always succeed in standing at such a height on her own, so two assistants helped her. The stars completed the ensemble with conceptual pink kaleidoscope glasses worth one hundred euros, through which the whole world is seen in psychedelic colors, as if from a soap bubble. Say what you like, but the image turned out to be solid and thoughtful!

But for each of us there is no need to put on a show of soap bubbles. After all, these magic balls themselves are already a spectacle. So why not please yourself with such a simple, but such a bright and real holiday? Moreover, for its implementation, no frills are needed.

Giant soap bubbles are blown only in windless weather.

Soap bubbles video