How to make shish kebab from chicken legs. Shish kebab in mayonnaise marinade

My girlfriend and I love to barbecue. She is a super hostess and just the perfect picnic organizer. Usually we write a list of products in advance and make two types of kebabs - pork neck and chicken wings or drumsticks.

We buy the neck in advance and marinate the night, and before the picnic we go to the store and buy chicken. We pickle it right before the picnic in the clearing. The kebab is always excellent.

Here are some tried and tested chicken marinade recipes that will help you make a great picnic too!

In nature, people always eat more, especially if it's barbecue. Therefore, it is better to take meat or chicken for barbecue at the rate of about 500 grams per person.

There are a lot of marinades for chicken, perhaps even more than for. After all, chicken is tender meat, it does not need to be softened, but you can simply experiment with tastes. By the way, according to these recipes, kebabs can be cooked not only on the grill, but also marinate meat for baking in the oven.

In separate posts, I highlighted the marinades for chicken skewers with and.

Perfectly complements shish kebab pita bread, sliced ​​from fresh vegetables, fresh herbs and sauce. And if you also buy fresh seasonal fruits, such as cherries, then the picnic will become just a feast!

What part of the chicken is best for barbecue?

Personally, I love wings most of all - they turn out fried, crispy, juicy. They can be eaten indefinitely, like seeds. And all that is required is to briefly soak them in mayonnaise. Perhaps the simplest and most effective option.

Although, most people think that chicken legs are the part of the chicken that is most suitable for grilling. Because they have fat, and the meat will turn out juicy. The thighs and drumsticks, of course, are worthy of attention, it is no coincidence that when people ask for a piece of chicken, there is always a struggle for a leg.

True, if in pork neck fat layers inside the meat, then here they are thin and under the skin, so, ideally, some kind of enveloping marinade is needed so that they do not dry out. Kefir, yogurt, ayran - it was not for nothing that meat was soaked in the Caucasus in fermented milk products. Or vegetable oil and mayonnaise made on its basis.

Fillets are usually taken for children to feed with something dietary. It is dry in itself, so for delicious barbecue fillets must be marinated, and all the marinades from this article are great for this.

For the most the best picnic, I think it is necessary to combine two types of barbecue - chicken wings and pork neck barbecue.

How to marinate chicken skewers so that the meat is juicy

  1. Chicken is a tender meat, lean, so the purpose of soaking it in a marinade is somewhat different than for pork kebabs and other varieties of tougher meat. Here the task is not to make the meat softer, but to give taste and make it more juicy. Therefore, a greater variety of marinades is possible.
  2. Chicken skewers marinate quickly in 1-2 hours, but the longer the better. Someone keeps in the marinade for two days for the most tender and soft meat. But you just can’t do this if the composition contains lemon and, especially, zest - the kebab will start to taste bitter.
  3. If you are making chicken skewers with vinegar, then take apple or grape.
  4. When frying chicken skewers, fry only pieces from one part of the bird at a time - for example, first put only the wings on the grill, fry, and then the fillet skewers. Because the cooking time varies from part to part.
  5. If you bought frozen chicken, then defrost it in advance on the top shelf of the refrigerator, then room temperature. And only after complete thawing, proceed to marinating, otherwise the kebab will turn out to be tasteless.

How to cook chicken breast skewers at home or on the grill? Marinade with lemon and onion

I offer you a proven recipe for chicken skewers. This is a marinade with lemon and onion. It is easy to cook at home, it can be perfectly fried, both in the oven and on the grill. Such kebabs look spectacular both at gourmet receptions and at a picnic.


  • Chicken breasts - 5 pcs.,
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Salt - one tsp,
  • Seasoning for barbecue or a mixture of spices (this is suitable: coarsely ground paprika, mustard seeds, red pepper, dried dill),
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons,
  • Wooden skewers, wire rack or skewers, depending on where you plan to grill
  1. Remove the skin from the chicken and then the meat from the bones. Cut each fillet in half.

2. Cut the meat into pieces. Each fillet half into 10 pieces. In general, 20 pieces of barbecue will come out of one breast.

3. Fold in a deep dish.

4. Finely chop the onion, or better rub it on a grater. Add to meat.

5. Cut the lemon into small pieces, or even grate directly with the peel. Add onion and lemon to chicken. Add a teaspoon of salt, seasonings to taste, four to five tablespoons of vegetable oil.

6. Stir and leave for two to three hours. I do not recommend it anymore, as lemon can give bitterness.

7. Put the pieces on wooden skewers or on skewers. Five pieces for a barbecue.

8. If you are doing it in the oven, then put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and fry for about twenty minutes. If you do it on the grill, then literally 2-5 minutes on each side. It is very important not to overexpose this kebab, it should not become fried, as then the meat will become dry. As soon as the meat is ready, remove from the grill or remove from the oven.

Marinade on kefir. Making chicken skewers

If you do not like mayonnaise, but want to make a delicious juicy barbecue, then try kefir-based marinade - it also has an enveloping effect and will keep everything tasty inside the meat piece. For this barbecue, we take the most suitable part for frying - chicken legs or legs, as they are also called.

We'll be making chicken thigh skewers.


  • Kefir - 1 l.,
  • A bunch of herbs to your taste (cilantro, dill or parsley (about 80 gr.),
  • Salt - 2 tsp,
  • Black pepper - half tsp,
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves (25 gr.),
  • Onion - 2 heads (about 200 gr.),
  • Chicken legs– 2.5 kg
  1. Cut the leg, separating the legs from the thighs. Try to hit the joint, not the bone, then it will be very easy to cut.

2. We will cook together with the skin to get a crispy crust. But you can make a few cuts so that the marinade gets under the skin.

3. We prepare the whole chicken in this way and put it in a saucepan.

4. Pour 2 teaspoons of salt (without a slide) into a separate plate and squeeze 4-5 cloves of garlic.

5. Stir. It will turn out such a garlic gruel.

6. Take a bunch of herbs to your taste - it can be parsley, dill, cilantro. Cut up the greens.

7. Add black pepper, preferably freshly ground - 1.5 teaspoons.

To make it fresh ground pepper- take about 10 peas of black pepper, heat it in a pan and then simply crush it on the table with the flat side of a wide knife. If you cook the pepper this way, it will be more fragrant.

8. Pour yogurt.

9. Mix well. And send it to the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

10. Then we fry on the grill.

Classic chicken marinade with vinegar and onions. Vinegar kebab recipe step by step

Many people think that shish kebab must be with vinegar, such classic taste from childhood. I offer you step by step recipe cooking such a dish. For chicken skewers, take natural apple or wine vinegar. In this marinade, we will marinate various parts of the chicken.


  • Chicken (any part to your taste) - 1 kg,
  • Onion - 150 gr.,
  • Apple or wine vinegar 6% - 60 gr,
  • Salt - one tablespoon
  • Pepper - 1.5 teaspoons
  1. Cut the meat into large pieces about 3 cm each side. Or, as we have: divide the chicken into portions.

2. Cut the onion into rings or half rings.

3. Mix onion, chicken, add a tablespoon of salt, black pepper. Mix well.

4. Let marinate for two to three hours.

5. Then string on skewers and fry on the grill.

Marinade on mineral water

Mineral water chicken skewers turn out to be very tender, because carbon dioxide perfectly softens the meat.


  • Chicken legs,
  • Salt,
  • Black allspice,
  • Spices for chicken skewers (you can buy bulk on the market),
  • mineral water, highly carbonated.
  1. On the leg, make several cuts on each side so that the meat marinates better.

2. It will turn out like this:

3. Cut the onion into half rings.

4. Salt and pepper generously each leg. Also sprinkle with seasoning.

5. Put some onions in the bottom of the bowl. Then a couple of okrochki.

6. On top - another onion, and shake it well to give juice.

7. Then repeat - again legs and onions on top. Salt a little more on top. And add mineral water to hide all the meat with onions.

8. Slightly crush and leave for 2 hours. Roast on the grill.

Barbecue of chicken hearts on the grill in red wine (video)

shish kebab from chicken hearts- This is delicious. Check out this funny video made with a sense of humor and also great recipe marinade in red wine.


  • Chicken hearts - 1 kg,
  • Dry red wine - 100 g,
  • Salt pepper
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  1. Pour chicken hearts with 100 grams of dry red wine.
  2. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add two tablespoons of honey.
  4. Mix well. Leave to marinate for half an hour.
  5. Thread the hearts tightly onto the skewers.
  6. And grill on the grill.

about which one is the most delicious marinade for chicken kebab, you can argue endlessly. What do you think? Share your favorite recipe in the comments.

Chicken skewers This is a dish that cooks very quickly. And it turns out the food is tasty and appetizing. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, even a novice hostess can handle it. As a result, you can inexpensively and quickly feed a whole group of friends. Below we will analyze a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo, which will make it easy and simple to cook. delicious barbecue at home.

Shish kebab from chicken or duck legs is a dish that can be attributed to Ukrainian cuisine. But such a dish can be found in the cuisines of different peoples of the world, because who doesn’t love fragrant meat fried at home on the grill or even in the oven?

Many are concerned about the question of how to properly cut the meat to get the most delicious barbecue. It is enough to cut the legs along the bones, and divide the thigh in half again. In this case, you will get small pieces that will cook quickly.

As a marinade, we will use lemon juice, spices and salt. Try marinating the chicken like this and see that you can make the meat quickly and it will be very tasty. But if you wish, you can choose other types of marinades, for example, with mayonnaise, with vinegar. You can even soak the meat in kefir with chopped kiwi. And that would be right too. delicious dish you can do as you please. By the way, many decide to chop the meat before marinating, arguing that this way it is better soaked. Act in a way that suits you.

We wish you good luck in your culinary experiments.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



  • First you need to prepare the products that will be needed for cooking barbecue. These are chicken legs, lemon, spices, oil, onion and salt. Is everything in stock? Well, then you can proceed directly to cooking.

  • Let's start with the legs. They need to be washed and dried using paper towels.

  • Now take the lemons, wash them, dry them and squeeze the juice into a separate container. Add vegetable oil, black peppercorns and salt there. Stir the mixture until smooth.

  • In the resulting lemon mixture with spices, put the legs. Mix them thoroughly so that the meat is completely covered with the prepared marinade. Cover with a lid and send the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for one hour. From time to time, the container can be shaken so that the marinade completely covers the chicken legs.

  • After the specified time, you need to cut the legs into small pieces. Send them back to the container and set aside for now.

  • Now take onion, peel it from the husk, wash and dry. Now cut the vegetable into rings.

  • All preparations are made, and now you can start stringing meat on skewers. To do this, take a skewer and string pieces of chicken legs on it along with onions.

  • After that, you can go directly to frying the legs. We will do it in the oven. You can use gas or electric, a home electric barbecue is also suitable. And if you decide to cook a dish in nature, then a barbecue or barbecue are the best helpers. Fry the meat in any convenient way so that a golden crust forms.

  • That's all, tasty meat is ready. It remains to wash, dry and chop the greens. It can be sprinkled on meat. The legs with adjika will be incredibly tasty. In any case, be guided by your taste preferences. Here is such a simple photo recipe on how to marinate and cook chicken leg skewers in the oven at home. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken skewers have many benefits. Firstly, almost any barbecue recipe does not require much time: after all, it takes literally 15-20 minutes to cut and marinate chicken meat. Secondly, this is a fairly economical product, and you can buy it at any market or store, unlike the same lamb. And thirdly, you yourself can choose the fat content of the barbecue: if you prefer diet menu, buy fillets, otherwise chicken legs are perfect. We have collected for you best advice for butchering and marinating chicken skewers.

The first step in the recipe for such a barbecue: cutting. If you bought frozen chicken legs, you need to completely defrost them so that the fibers do not tear during cutting. Rinse under cold water, and cut into 2-3 pieces. Correctly make an incision at the junction of the bones between the lower leg and thigh. If you come across large pieces, the thighs can also be cut.

5 original chicken marinade recipes

Marinade with mayonnaise

Leg skewers do not require a complex marinade. It is enough to grate the chicken cut into pieces with salt, black pepper and garlic. Lubricate portions of skewers with mayonnaise on top, and put in a saucepan with a lid, put in the refrigerator, preferably overnight. This is probably one of the most simple ways marinade.

beer marinade

Beer marinade is prepared very simply: washed and chopped chicken must be salted, peppered, and seasoned with oregano. Add the peeled and chopped onion to the chicken legs, and arrange the pieces in a saucepan. Pour beer over chicken, and preferably leave overnight. This marinade needs at least 4 hours.

Vinegar marinade

This marinade is also quite simple, it is best suited for chicken fillet. Mix 2 tablespoons wine vinegar with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Pour the chicken with the resulting sauce, and soak for 30 minutes. It is best to mix such a barbecue on a skewer with cherry tomatoes and red pepper slices.

Nut marinade

Roasted nuts give a special taste, but if it is not possible to do this, it will be enough just to thoroughly grind your favorite nuts, such as peanuts. Grate chicken legs with a special mixture of nuts, garlic, vegetable oil. You need to marinate the meat near the meat, more is not required. Salt and pepper the marinated pieces before stringing.


An amazing marinade made from soy sauce and thick honey will give a special spicy sweetish taste to chicken skewers. For him, it is worth mixing 10 tablespoons of soy and 3 tablespoons of honey, add the juice of one lemon, and seasonings: curry and black before. Most often, this marinade is used for wings; in terms of duration, it needs 4 hours.

Marinating chicken skewers without errors

How to cook barbecue? Pick the right spices. Remember, not all spices are suitable for chicken meat, and if you decide to experiment, eliminate cloves. This spice gives a very persistent flavor; for chicken skewers, cloves are an overly bright seasoning.

Well, what could be easier than cooking chicken thigh kebabs?! And how to do it right with your own hands, we will tell later in this article.

Shish kebab made from chicken legs is very popular, as it is unusually tender, tasty, and when cooking it, you can save time and money.

For pickling, you can use several various kinds marinade.

Leg skewers have many different benefits.

It will take quite a bit of time to marinate, literally 15-30 minutes is enough. In addition, you can pickle the legs just before frying.

And the good news is that the chicken is quite inexpensive.

Chicken thigh skewers

Any barbecue begins with a marinade.

There are many interesting marinades for chicken legs.

Most interesting options are considered as:

Let's take a closer look at these recipes:

  1. Marinade with mayonnaise is the simplest. To do this, grate the portioned portions of the legs with any spices and garlic. Then grease them on all sides with mayonnaise, transfer to a saucepan. Place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator.
  2. Shashlik marinated in beer marinade, very easy to prepare. To do this, rub thoroughly washed chicken legs with seasonings. Leave overnight. If desired, you can add large onions to the chicken, as this will help give it more flavor and make it more tender.
  3. For cooking vinegar marinade should be mixed in 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and olive oil, seasonings. Pour the chicken legs with the prepared sauce and leave to brew for 30 minutes. It is advisable to fry it on skewers, mixing with cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers.
  4. Many recommend taking walnut marinade for pouring. Slightly toasted nuts give a special taste to the chicken. You can just grind them thoroughly. Grate the chicken legs with a mixture of garlic, any nuts and olive oil. Leave for 1 hour and then you can cook.
  5. special taste chicken meat gives honey. To make a honey marinade, you need to mix a thick natural honey and soy sauce. Season it all lemon juice as well as spices. Marinate the chicken legs for 4 hours, and then fry.
  6. To give the legs more juiciness, you can take natural kefir as a marinade. Mix kefir, lemon juice, chopped or grated onion and seasonings. Place in ready mix chicken and leave to marinate well. Mustard is a good preservative for meat, so it can be added to any composition.

Features of cooking shish kebab from legs

In order for the barbecue to turn out soft after frying, a sufficient amount of various seasonings, as well as onions, will be required for pickling.

  • Start cooking

Many people prefer to chop onions, however, this is not entirely correct.

Only juice is needed from the onion, so for better pickling, it is recommended to grate the onion on coarse grater and then transfer to the meat.

Divide the ham into pieces.

Then transfer the meat to a sufficiently deep pan, add various seasonings, and then the onion.

Add the composition chosen to taste, mix everything well and leave it to marinate well.

  • Prepare a brazier

The firewood must be well-burned so that a sufficient amount of heat remains, as this guarantees a more thorough and high-quality roasting.

When cooked over medium heat, its inside is well-fried and does not remain raw. Periodically, you need to water with a very thin stream of water.

Readiness can be determined by puncturing a piece of chicken leg with a toothpick. A clear, clear liquid without blood should come out.

Potatoes and grilled tomatoes can be served as a side dish.

How to cook shish kebab from chicken legs in bacon?

To make this delicious and unusual barbecue, you need to thoroughly rinse the legs and cut into portions. W

then put the meat pieces in a pan, add spices, onions, as well as any marinade.

Mix meat with filling and leave in a cool place for several hours.

Cut the bacon into very thin slices.

Important! Bacon will give the meat a special taste and unique aroma, and will also help make it much juicier.

When everything is ready, you need to wrap each individual piece with strips of bacon. Thread it onto a skewer or place it on a wire rack.

You can add onions, if desired, so that it is completely saturated with the aroma of meat.

Then prepare the coals. To do this, it is important that the firewood burns well, and when ash begins to form, fry the meat.

During cooking, you need to turn the kebab several times to ensure even roasting.

Since from time to time the fat will drain onto hot coals, there will be a more enhanced kindling. To prevent this, you need to periodically spray the foci with water.

Take note of these points when cooking chicken thigh skewers:

  1. To make the kebab delicious, it is advisable to use fresh or chilled meat preparations.
  2. If the meat is used frozen, then you just need to defrost it at room temperature. This will preserve the normal structure of the fibers.
  3. It is recommended to cut the legs in portions into approximately the same size pieces, as this will ensure a uniform degree of roasting.
  4. It is not recommended to marinate chicken meat for a very long time, especially if sour starters are used for this.
  5. For coals, it is desirable to take firewood harvested with fruit trees or birch. Their smoke has a very pleasant and not pungent smell. It is not recommended to take pine or spruce, as the dish may acquire a bitter aftertaste.
  6. It is recommended to fry on hot coals. The heat must be strong enough for a quick roast.
  7. If the legs are on the coals for a very long time, the meat will dry out and become tough. If a fire periodically arises, then the dish will simply burn, and inside it will remain raw.
  8. In the process of frying, you need to be near the grill all the time, and also prepare a bottle of clean water in advance to periodically extinguish the flame. If the coals smolder slightly and the heat is not released enough, then you need to wave special devices over them.
  9. It is advisable at this time to remove the grate from the barbecue so that the ashes do not get on it. You need to fry the kebab for 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the prepared pieces.
  10. Given all these rules, you can cook a very fragrant kebab.
  11. The meat will be soft, satisfying and tender.

Ahead of the warm season and the time for picnic trips, which means that many are already thinking what kind of meat and how to marinate it in order to get a delicious and juicy barbecue. Below will be considered various ways cooking marinade, as well as some secrets of cooking meat on coals.

Pickling meat began in ancient times, various methods were used for this in different parts of the world. Nowadays, traditions have hardly changed, for example, in northern countries meat is put in salty sea water (sometimes even boiled in it), and vinegar is used in the south.

In Asia, various spices are actively used, in other words, all this is necessary in order to make the meat more juicy and soft.

Today, traditions have remained the same, and the main condition for pickling any meat for barbecue requires acid. It is she who softens the meat, thus allowing spices and spices to be better absorbed into it.

But acid is not only table vinegar, because other products can be used instead, for example:

  1. Wine or Apple vinegar(both one and the other are more natural and useful);
  2. Fruit juices such as lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, apple, or pomegranate
  3. Dry wines (white wine is ideal for chicken kebab);
  4. A combination of fruits such as pineapple and kiwi, which are cut into slices and stacked with meat;
  5. Soy sauce;
  6. Kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt.

But one acid will not be enough to get a delicious barbecue, so you will need to add spices to it:

  1. Garlic;
  2. Rosemary;
  3. Bay leaf;
  4. Dill;
  5. Coriander (cilantro);
  6. Fennel;
  7. Mustard;
  8. Juniper berries;
  9. Pepper black, red, sweet or hot;
  10. Special seasoning mixes for meat.

You can also add a little vegetable oil to the marinade, in which case, during frying, the meat juice will not flow out, and the meat will not be dry. Oil can be replaced with mayonnaise, the barbecue in such a marinade will turn out very tasty. In any case, it is in these products that spices dissolve best.

By the way, about the spices themselves. Experienced chefs it is advised to put no more than 3 types of herbs in the marinade, otherwise they will interrupt the smell of each other, and the barbecue will not get all their aroma and taste.

Poultry meat does not tolerate aggressive marinades, so you can prepare a dressing for it not from vinegar, but from fruits or fruit juices. In addition, it will not be necessary to marinate such a barbecue for a long time.

The marinade does not need to be salted. The product itself is salted directly and only in finished form. If you add salt to the marinade, the meat will turn out dense and tough.

Quick Recipe on kefir

Chicken meat marinated in kefir is considered one of the most delicious dishes.

How to prepare the marinade:

Marinade for chicken fillet based on vinegar

Vinegar is classic ingredient in the preparation of kebabs, be it pork, lamb or chicken. What is required here:

The time allotted for pickling meat takes 1 hour. The calorie content of such a dish will be approximately 53 kcal per 100 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, wipe them with salt and pepper, set aside in a special deep dish;
  2. Peel the onion and cut into large rings, put it to the chicken;
  3. Vinegar mixed with water (proportions should be 1 to 2), add sugar there and stir it well;
  4. Pour the resulting vinegar-sugar solution into a bowl with chicken, mix the meat well so that each piece is well marinated;
  5. Put the meat in the refrigerator for 1 hour;
  6. Thread meat and onions on skewers, alternating these products;
  7. Lay the skewers over the coals, fry on each side for 3-5 minutes.

Recipe for shish kebab marinated with honey and soy sauce

Another way to prepare a tasty and rich chicken dish is to marinate it in soy sauce with honey. What is required here:

Pickling time - 2 hours. Calorie content per 100 g of product - about 67 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook the dish:

  1. Pour soy sauce into a deep bowl, add ground pepper, honey and vegetable oil to it, beat all the ingredients well with a whisk;
  2. bow and bell pepper cut into large cubes, pass the garlic through a press. Add all products to the marinade;
  3. Pour a small part of the marinade into a separate container (it will be needed to lubricate the meat during the frying process);
  4. Cut chicken breasts into small pieces, put them in a bowl with marinade, mix everything well and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours;
  5. Alternately string meat, onion and pepper on skewers, fry them on coals;
  6. During cooking, brush the skewers with marinade.

Chicken skewers in beer marinade

Chicken meat is very tender and spicy when marinated in beer. Here you will need the following ingredients:

The time during which the meat will marinate should take no more than 2-3 hours. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is approximately 110 kcal.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rinse the legs, divide each into 2 parts, put in a deep bowl, salt, mix;
  2. Pour beer into a container with meat, add mayonnaise there, mix everything thoroughly;
  3. Cut the onions into medium rings, and the lemon into small slices, put them into a container with meat, add ground pepper and seasoning, mix everything thoroughly with your hands;
  4. Put the bowl of marinade in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  5. Grill the chicken, turning occasionally.

How to make barbecued chicken in the oven

To cook delicious chicken kebab, it is not necessary to leave the boundaries of the home, because the whole procedure can be done using conventional oven. For such a delicacy, you will need the following:

Marinating time - 1 hour. Caloric content of the product per 100 g - no more than 60 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Mix rice vinegar and rice wine together in a deep bowl, add honey and soy sauce there, mix everything well;
  2. Finely chop the ginger and garlic, add to the marinade;
  3. Chicken fillet (or breasts) cut into small pieces, put in marinade, refrigerate for 1 hour;
  4. In the meantime, coarsely chop the onion and mushrooms, prepare the skewers;
  5. When the meat is ready for frying, alternately string chicken, mushrooms and onions onto skewers;
  6. Grease the grate lightly vegetable oil, preheat the oven to 180 °, put the skewers on the grate and fry them on each side for 6 minutes;
  7. Brush chicken with marinade while cooking.

Experienced chefs strongly advise observing the meat marinating time, which depends on what exactly the marinade is prepared from. Chicken meat is a very delicate product, so it does not need to be marinated for a long time, especially if it is vinegar. If you do not calculate the time, you can get tough meat.

The remaining marinade should not be thrown away, as it can be periodically lubricated with barbecue during frying.