The benefits of black and green tea with honey, their possible harm to the body. Useful properties of tea with honey for humans

How can you breathe a little real flavors of summer in the winter cold? The only way is to drink a cup of tea with natural honey. This amazing drink will fill you with a good mood and give you confidence that after the cold weather, warmth will come again. Tea with honey benefits everyone, and harm from it happens in exceptional cases.

Benefit and harm

Understand what healthy tea with honey, you can only get drunk delicious tea with honey. And no matter what time of the year it is, it is always good. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that such tea must be prepared correctly. Otherwise from healthy drink it will turn into its opposite.


  • It has a lot of vitamins

The bees collect it and bring the living power of the plants to the hive. This, one might say, is a living extract of the flower itself. Thanks to this, tea with honey significantly improves immunity. And tea taste in combination with honey promotes the release of endorphins into the blood.

  • With a cold

Honey tea contains a large amount of enzymes and amino acids that act as a diaphoretic and diuretic, flushing out toxins from the body.

  • For athletes

Tea with honey is featured in sports nutrition, it is recommended during competitions.

  • For insomnia

Not hot tea with honey it acts as a mild, harmless sleeping pill, but you need to drink it no less than an hour before bedtime. It is also recommended for nervous disorders.

  • With withdrawal syndrome

Hot strong tea with honey and lemon will help relieve unpleasant symptoms, quickly begin to remove toxic products.

  • During PMS and menopause

It has a calming and analgesic function and is useful for women during this period. Any tea with honey is useful - black, green, herbal, with any additives.


Although from tea with honey undoubted benefit, the harm from this drink can be considerable. His beneficial features will be completely leveled if the tea is not properly prepared. So, when tea with honey can be harmful:

Honey can't stand heat

Honey should never be added to hot tea. Already at a temperature of 40 degrees in honey, its beneficial properties begin to collapse, vitamins are lost, and with continued heating or boiling, the carcinogenic substance oxymethylfurfural is produced in it. So the honey is very useful product almost turns into poison. In addition, this carcinogen is poorly excreted from the body.

Honey can't stand freezing

At low temperatures vitamins and minerals are destroyed in honey in the same way. useful material, while it becomes, though almost harmless, but just a sweet mass. Tea with such honey will definitely not bring benefits.

Honey is a strong allergen

It is produced from the pollen of flowers and can cause severe allergic reactions in children. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Honey is very high in calories.

100 grams of honey contains more than 300 kcal, it is not suitable as a weight loss product.


Unfortunately, honey is not for everyone. For many people it is contraindicated.

  • If you have an intolerance to bee products
  • With asthma - even the smell of honey sometimes causes asthma attacks. In this case, you must first do a skin test of honey each time. Even for honey of the same variety, but bought in different places.
  • With some pulmonary and cardiological diseases, honey inhalations should not be done.
  • It cannot be drunk on an empty stomach.
  • It should not be used for ulcers, acute conditions of the gastrointestinal tract disease.
  • It is not recommended for elevated temperatures.
  • With insulin-dependent diabetes.


The composition of honey, depending on the flowers from which it is collected, may vary slightly. But on average, it remains the same - it has all the necessary minerals, vitamins, useful substances.

Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.01 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.03 mg
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.13 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.1 mg
Vitamin B9, folate 15 mcg
Vitamin C, ascorbic 2 mg
Vitamin H, biotin 0.04 mcg
Vitamin PP, NE 0.4 mg
Niacin 0.2 mg
Potassium, K 36 mg
Calcium Ca 14 mg
Magnesium 3 mg
Sodium, Na 10 mg
Sulfur, S 1 mg
Phosphorus, Ph 18 mg
Chlorine, Cl 19 mg
trace elements
Iron, Fe 0.8 mg
Iodine, I 2 mcg
cobalt, co 0.3 mcg
Manganese, Mn 0.03 mg
Copper, Cu 60 mcg
Fluorine, F 100 mcg
Zinc, Zn 0.09 mg
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 5.5 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 74.6 g

The energy value of bee honey is 328 kilocalories.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, honey is not only recommended to expectant mothers, it is shown to them. Of course, within reasonable limits - 2-3 teaspoons a day. In addition to the health benefits of the mother herself, the components of honey through the placental blood enter the body of the child himself and train him to perceive this product. It is also better for expectant mothers to replace artificial sugar. natural products, in which there are a lot of vitamins and useful irreplaceable substances. This tea helps to relieve discomfort during toxicosis at any time. It can be drunk to maintain strength during childbirth. But while feeding the baby, you need to be careful - so that the baby does not have an allergy if the mother uses honey. To control, simply grease the baby's heel with honey that you are going to eat. If after a day there is no irritation on the heel, then you can use such honey.

How to store

Tea with honey is consumed immediately after preparation, after a few hours it loses all its beneficial properties. If you take it on the road, the tea should cool almost completely - it can turn sour when hot. It is advisable not to pour it into plastic containers.

How to cook

You can’t cook honey yourself, but you can only eat it raw. If you add directly to tea, make sure that the drink is not hot - just check when you try, the tea should not burn your lips, you should not "feel its temperature". If you want exactly hot tea, then honey is eaten as a bite.

What is combined with

Tea with honey is a universal drink. It is good with any dishes, they can even be washed down with soups. But it is best to drink it with desserts, croutons and nuts. Ideally combined tea with milk and honey. An excellent combination is tea with lemon and honey. Drink tea with honey, and let this drink bring you only benefits and health.

Honey is one of the healthiest foods medicinal properties which have stood the test of time. But it turns out that we still know so little about him that we continue to retell funny and stupid myths to each other. It is worth figuring out what is true and what is fiction.

Honey loses its valuable qualities as soon as it is candied. Actually it is not! Honey in general is practically incapable of spoiling and, accordingly, losing its healing qualities. Therefore, the shelf life of honey, in principle, is unlimited. Interesting fact: small jars of honey have been found even in the tombs of the pharaohs. And when this honey was tested, it turned out that it still has all the medicinal properties and does not have any changes in its composition. And in the process of honey crystallization (what we call “candied”), not the properties of honey change, but only its physical state, that is, the consistency of honey and its color. At what any kind of honey crystallizes, but depending on the variety, honey is sugared from 3 weeks to 3 months.

By the way, in Soviet times there was even an official ban, according to which, after October 1, all liquid honey was seized from the bazaars. Because, in accordance with GOST, by this time the honey should crystallize. If this does not happen, then a counterfeit product has gone on sale.

"Health drink" - hot tea with honey Unfortunately, honey in hot tea is not only useless, but also dangerous! in the liver and soon become the cause food poisoning. And those who regularly drink hot tea with honey run the risk of getting cancer in the stomach or intestines. Therefore, honey can only be added to warm tea. Moreover, under the influence of boiling water in honey, all vitamins and enzymes are also destroyed.

Nutritionists, on the other hand, assure that diluted honey in a large amount of liquid acts very slowly, therefore, the healing effect that we count on during a cold does not come very soon. It is much more useful to eat a couple of spoons of honey and only then drink them with tea. Since there are many small blood vessels on the tongue, honey will be instantly delivered to all vital organs.


Store-bought honey is artificial! This is not true. If the bank says it is natural honey, then he is. Another thing is that manufacturers, in order to honey long time kept liquid and did not sugar, add preservatives to it.

In addition, thick honey is difficult to package, and for this, honey is subjected to special processing at the factory: passing through special filters, liquid honey is obtained. In this form, it is already easy to pour into a container. But this is the minus of "factory" honey. When heated in filters, honey loses almost all useful substances. Therefore, store-bought honey is tasty and safe, but the benefits for our health are very minimal!

Quenching thirst and being an important cultural component of many countries. Its historical past is especially significant in Asian countries, for example, China, Mongolia, India. In Russia, this drink also took root and left its mark on history.

History of tea

Story this drink its roots go back to the distant past. That is why tea has become so popular that it is second only to water. In almost every country it is customary to drink one or another type of tea. In our country, it can be found on store shelves in a large assortment.

There are many legends about the origin of this drink. According to the Indian version, the first plant was discovered by Badhidharma.

The Japanese believe that Prince Daruma cut off his eyelids so as not to fall asleep during meditation, and a tea bush grew out of them. This is consistent with the fact that tea is taken as a tonic drink that helps fight sleep and fatigue.

In China, there are an order of magnitude more legends. The main legend says that tea was created during the creation of Heaven and Earth. According to another, the emperor wanted to drink hot water, and tea leaves accidentally got into the cup. The ruler liked the drink very much, and he decided to cultivate this crop throughout the country.

China is rightfully considered, since it began to be cultivated there around 300 AD.

The benefits of tea

The main effect of tea is to give vigor and diuretic, that is, a diuretic effect.

This tea is very helpful for fatigue. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. It is an excellent prophylactic against urolithiasis.

Tea tones the body, helps to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Vitamin C, which is part of it, helps in the prevention of certain diseases. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels. When comparing black, red and green tea, it is better to choose the latter, as it contains many trace elements and vitamins.

Benefits of honey

Honey is natural medicine. Most best grade, which has the maximum medicinal potential, is the May variety.

Vitamin and mineral composition of honey:

  • PP - 0.5 mg.
  • At 9 - 15 micrograms.
  • At 6 - 0.2 mg.
  • At 5 - 0.15 mg.
  • In 1 - 0.02 mg.
  • C - 3 mg.
  • Iodine - 3 mcg.
  • Potassium - 40 mg.
  • Calcium - 15 mg.
  • Iron - 1 mg.

The composition of honey is always different, as it depends on many factors, such as: the weather, the saturation of plants in the place where the bees live, the length of daylight hours, etc.

One of the beneficial properties is the ability of honey to fight fungi. It can be stored for thousands of years without losing its properties. Bacteria lose their viability as the potassium in honey draws moisture out of them.

Also, honey is not exposed to radiation, as bees are not exposed to it either. This discovery was made while examining bees after the nuclear reactor disasters in Japan. Bees were the only creatures currently not exposed to radiation.

Honey improves the condition of teeth, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Tea with honey is very beneficial for health. In this form, it is absorbed faster.

Benefits of tea with honey

The best option to add to tea is ordinary honey. It contains many useful substances that are also available in ginger and lemon, which will be discussed below.

This tea is useful for colds, during epidemics of SARS and similar ailments. Often, tea with honey is used to warm up faster after winter walks. Honey acts on some receptors that improve blood circulation.

Also, this drink can be used for headaches. Honey in the composition of tea contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, therefore, the blood saturates the brain much better and relieves poor health.

The properties of tea can be changed depending on the variety of inflorescences. For example, linden honey has the simplest set of substances in its composition. It is used in the treatment of stomach, cough, runny nose, etc.

If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to add small portions of honey to tea.

Buckwheat honey helps with anemia, strengthens blood vessels, reduces the negative effects of hypertension, is an antiseptic, improves the condition of the skin, joints and liver. It also strengthens the nervous system well.

Flower honey, the composition of which always varies, is more often used to treat atherosclerosis, liver diseases and irritability.

Also, tea with honey is used to invigorate the body, as this drink perfectly tones and stimulates the body for further activity. In some cases, it is taken as a hangover cure.

Harm of tea with honey

One of the most popular additives for any tea is honey. There are several rules that should be followed when drinking tea with a bee product.

Honey heated above 60 degrees can cause harm, as in this case harmful substances can be produced. Drinking a large amount of hot tea with the addition of honey, you can get a dose of carcinogens, and they, in turn, can lead to cancer.

Also, tea with the addition of honey provokes excretion a large number gastric juice. Therefore, after drinking such a drink, it is advisable to eat tightly. If this does not happen, then an excess amount of gastric juice will lead to heartburn and bloating.

A large amount of honey is dangerous because it contains a high amount of carbohydrates. 100 grams of honey contains about 80 grams of carbohydrates. This is very high-calorie product, and its use without measure will lead to a set excess weight. Most often, a large amount of carbohydrates enters the body with liquid, so you need to be careful when drinking tea with honey.

Honey is a strong allergen. If a person has any allergies, then it is better to consult a doctor, since even a small amount of this sweetness can lead to disastrous consequences.

An implicit problem is that not all honey presented on store shelves is real, so it is almost impossible to find out the real composition of the product. And this is a certain risk, since without knowing the composition of the product it is impossible to guarantee its usefulness.

After tea with honey, it is advisable to brush your teeth, as microbes living in the oral cavity feed on carbohydrates, which are abundant in honey, and their active development can lead to caries.

Tea with ginger

This drink is traditional in the East. It invigorates the body, reduces drowsiness, improves metabolism. Very often it is used to lose weight. Ginger is useful because it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Mostly useful action tea with this spice is aimed at:

Ginger in black tea is additionally invigorating with an intensity comparable to coffee. Therefore, such a drink can be taken by people who are allergic to coffee.

Also ginger tea improves the condition of blood vessels and removes bad cholesterol.

A good combination is tea with ginger and honey. It is able to resist certain bacteria, remove phlegm and improve the production of digestive enzymes. Such a composition will give not only cheerfulness, but also help in recovery. You can also add lemon to this tea, then its effectiveness will increase even more.

This is an incredibly useful mixture that strengthens the immune system, relieves different kinds pain and helps to get rid of toxins and waste products.


  1. Peel the ginger root and cut into thin layers.
  2. Squeeze out all the juice from a whole lemon.
  3. put ginger in teapot, pour juice and add boiling water.
  4. Infuse tea for more than half an hour.
  5. When the drink has cooled to a temperature below 60 degrees, add honey.

Such tea with ginger, lemon and honey can quench your thirst, help in the treatment of diseases and give extra energy.

honey and lemon

It's no secret that honey is very affordable and tasty way defeat the common cold, but it is much more effective to use it together with lemon. It is much more pleasant to drink tea with honey and lemon. The recipe for the drink will be listed below:

  1. Add tea leaves to the teapot.
  2. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Cool the drink to a temperature below 60 degrees.
  4. Add 30-40 grams of honey and a slice of lemon to it.

During an illness, such a drink will help get rid of a sore throat, nasal congestion and improve overall well-being. Sometimes tea with honey and lemon has a sedative effect.

Cinnamon for tea

It is often noted that cinnamon added to tea is used as a weight loss aid. For these purposes, it is best to take a variety of green tea, since with it the efficiency will be much higher. The drink has not only useful properties, but also a pleasant sweet and spicy taste.

It can be drunk in unlimited quantities, as it promotes weight loss, and at the same time improves the condition internal organs especially the kidneys and gallbladder.

Tea with honey, the recipe of which was indicated earlier, differs slightly from the recipe with cinnamon. For delicious and fragrant drink all you need is tea leaves and a few sticks of dried spices.

A small part of cinnamon sticks is added to hot tea and insisted a little. The drink can be consumed throughout the day. It should also be remembered that it is not recommended to put a lot of spices in tea, as this can lead to irritation of the esophagus.

A few years ago, doctors began to sound the alarm about the large amount of sugar consumed by people. At the same time, it became fashionable to add not all the usual white grains to tea, but honey. But here's the dilemma - the doctors are outraged again! It turns out that honey is incompatible with hot tea. Is there any justification for the tradition we love so much, let's find out together.

Our ancestors from time immemorial unraveled the healing properties of bee sweets. Moreover, for about a thousand years this product has been considered a panacea for all sorts of ailments. Many of us remember from childhood when mother and grandmother gave Herb tea with honey. This product was added to when a sore throat or sore throat, to raspberry tea, if a person got his feet wet. In a cold winter, this combination of products was generally irreplaceable.

But today there is a different opinion - you can’t add honey to tea. This is justified by the fact that all the beneficial properties of bee sweets are reduced, or even completely disappear. Moreover, modern researchers say that honey becomes hazardous to health in hot tea. It produces harmful substances - hydroxymethylfurfurals. Is this really so, decided to tell one of the famous Ukrainian beekeepers, candidate of sciences Vasily Alekseevich Solomka.

Vasily Solomka about honey

In his next book about the healing properties of a unique bee product (“Word about honey. Technologies. Properties”), Vasily Alekseevich Solomka cites the following facts:

  • at 45 degrees in honey, invertase is destroyed;
  • at 50 degrees - diastasis;
  • at 60-70 degrees - aromatic substances disappear;
  • 70 and above - there is a destruction of proteins, enzymes and other biologically active substances.

These same figures were confirmed by more than one researcher in the field of beekeeping. However, as it turns out, not everything is so literal. First of all, V.A. Solomka asks the question: "How do you make tea?". And we begin to tell the whole procedure and preparation for tea drinking. This is precisely the whole secret.

We drink tea not 60 degrees

So, most of us brew tea in a teapot with boiling water (100 ° C). Then, according to technology, we wait about 5-7 minutes until the drink is infused. Note that during this time its temperature drops to 80-90 degrees. Then we pour the drink into a cold cup and the temperature is already around 70 degrees. But that's not all.

Since our pain threshold of sensitivity is 60 degrees, then we cannot drink it hot. Usually we expect until the temperature reaches 50-55 degrees. As a famous beekeeper says, at this point we start adding honey. But its usefulness never goes away!

long decay process

Research by V.A. Straws of 1993 showed:

  1. In honey, the amount of nutrients (diastasis) is halved in 200 days at 30°C, in 1 day at 60°C, and only in 1.5 hours at 80°C. Of course, none of us drinks tea for that long.
  2. Hydroxymethylfurfurals are released in the product only at a temperature of 80 ° C, and then in very small proportions.
  3. Aromatic substances from a cup disappear at 60°-70°, but where? In the air next to the cup. It turns out that all these useful pairs we just breathe in through our nose and mouth.

As you can see, tea with honey can and is useful to drink if bee sweetness is added to the drink immediately before drinking. By the way, this is how the beekeeper himself drinks. And if you want your tea drinking to bring you a therapeutic effect, then do not forget to drink herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, it is an opportunity to quickly and without complications overcome a number of complex ailments.

Video "Tea with honey or sugar nutritionist's opinion"

In this video, another version of how you should drink tea with honey for benefits. Only in this case for the figure.

Many people are used to tea with honey to treat a beginning cold or cough, because this method has been experienced by more than one generation of people.

But not everyone knows that this useful qualities the drink does not end, its potential is much greater than the banal treatment of a cold or an increase in immunity.

The healing properties of tea with honey: the benefits of the drink for the body

If honey is used correctly when brewing tea, then even in a hot liquid, the product will retain all its beneficial properties. Its main benefit lies in such effects on the body:








Tea with the addition of honey has a pronounced tonic effect and is an excellent antioxidant. The composition of the drink includes the most important micro and macro elements for the body, vitamins, a substance that actively eliminates microbes and bacteria - tannin. The combination of these elements enhances the health benefits of each individually, while the drink turns out to be quite tasty and has a rich pleasant aroma.

The use of tea with honey in various directions:

1. Drink for colds. Pollen from flowers, carefully collected by working bees and transformed by them a little later into honey, has a composition saturated with numerous biologically active substances that the human body needs. Such a product of bee prey stimulates immune system, increases vitality and strengthens the body as a whole. Therefore, honey tea is so often used to prevent and eliminate colds. And give even more usefulness, taste and magical aroma to the elixir, rose hips, lemon slices, currant leaves.

2. Honey tea to fight insomnia. Many people are used to drinking a mug of tea or a glass of warm milk at night in order to fall asleep faster. In some cases, this helps, but, from a scientific point of view, the effectiveness of this method is extremely small. Rather, the placebo effect works here, the main thing is that there is no harm to the body.

3. Saving honey elixir from a hangover. If the characteristic symptoms of a hangover appear, you can brew a mug of tea in the morning and add a spoonful of honey to the liquid. A few minutes after drinking, the condition should improve. This is due to the content of caffeine in tea, which improves the functioning of the kidneys, tones the body and more actively removes the breakdown products of alcohol from it. And honey contains glucose, the role of which in this process is the acceleration of metabolic processes.

4. Tea and honey for weight loss. By itself, honey does not contribute to weight loss, but on the contrary, it adds extra pounds. But using it as an ingredient in a drink can brighten up the course of the diet a little. Taking honey with tea in moderation will not affect the figure in any way.

5. Tea against stress. For those who have a new day starting with stress or anxiety accompanying everywhere during the day, a calming cup of tea in the morning will be a good way out. Aromatic liquid will quickly remove irritation and aggression, will allow you to look at the world from a positive side.

6. Honey liquid and vision. It is surprising, but regular drinking of tea with honey increases the sharpness of vision and concentration. Therefore this delicious drink recommend drinking to people who spend a lot of time driving or working at a computer. You need to drink at least three cups of tea with honey daily.

How to drink tea with honey, the benefits and features of the elixir

One of the common misconceptions is the fact that drinking hot tea is supposedly able to increase the usefulness of the drink. In fact, when heated bee honey more than 60 ° C, not only useful substances begin to volatilize, but also a harmful element is released - hydroxymethylfurfural, which is toxic to human body. Under its influence, cancer cells begin to grow more actively in the body. Therefore, in too hot tea additional ingredient honey turns from a useful product into a poisonous one.

To drink the drink correctly, you need to follow these recommendations:

1. Boiling water and honey are incompatible components of tea. Optimum temperature drink should be within 40 ° C so that tea does not become a source of carcinogens.

2. It is best to drink tea before eating in the morning, but it is imperative to have breakfast half an hour later so as not to harm the stomach due to the active production of food enzymes.

3. After such tea, it is advisable to rinse your mouth so as not to provoke the appearance of caries.

4. Abuse of honey elixir leads to the accumulation of excess weight on the sides, hips, abdomen and other parts of the body.

5. It is not necessary to treat colds in children under the age of 3 with honey tea. fledgling children's body may react differently to a strong allergen.

Green tea with honey: is the health benefit of losing weight harmful?

All described benefits honey drink are black teas. But in the case of green, the situation is slightly different. Green tea leaves contain much more vitamins and various useful mineral elements than black ones, therefore their health benefits are much higher. When honey is added, the amount of useful properties will only increase in green tea, subject to the same rules for taking all types of tea. Beneficial features green tea:

Effective thirst quencher;

Accelerated removal of harmful substances and toxins from the body;

Improving the function of digestion;

Normalization of cardiac activity;

An increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

Separately, it should be noted the ability of green tea with honey to quickly satisfy hunger. No wonder this drink is often included in the menu of various diets. Usually many of them include protein foods, fruits and vegetables, green tea with the addition of a spoonful of honey. When comparing black and green varieties of tea leaves, the advantage remains with the latter, and honey only reinforces this victory.

Possible contraindications for use: can tea with honey be harmful?

The harmfulness of honey tea can be encountered in the first place if it is used improperly. Also, the use of low-quality products negatively affects the body. To get good real honey, it is better to go to apiaries for these purposes.

Overweight people;


Small children under the age of 3;

Those who have problems with the stomach and pancreas;

People with individual intolerance to the product.

Allergy sufferers should be careful with honey. It is advisable to pre-test for an allergic reaction, since the product acts as a strong allergen and, if incompatible, can give out not only external signs, but also significantly worsen the internal state

For the rest of the people, it is advisable to simply monitor the dosage of honey in order to avoid the appearance of excess weight.