Easter cake with raisins recipe. Delicious Easter cake with raisins

No Easter celebration can be imagined without Easter cake. This type of baking is very easy to prepare. It symbolizes the presence of God in our lives on the festive table. Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing such baked goods. In this article we will try to reveal them.

Baking recipes for the festive table on Svetloye Christ's Resurrection so many. Below we have tried to collect the best of them. These baked goods can be prepared traditionally or using a slow cooker and bread maker. But first things first.

Dough recipes

Alexandria. Beat eggs (10 pcs.). Cut the butter (500 g) into small cubes. Place fresh yeast (150 g) and warm milk (1 l) with the eggs. Mix this mass and place in a warm place for 12 hours.

Wash and steam raisins (200 g). We add it to the yeast and eggs. Add vanillin (to taste), cognac (2 tablespoons) and sifted flour (2.5 kg). Mix until it becomes a soft mass. Leave for an hour. Its volume should double.

Viennese. You need to mix eggs (3 pcs.) with sugar (200 g). We dilute yeast (20 g) in fresh milk (125 ml). Combine both masses, mix and leave for 12 hours.

Add soft butter (100 g), vanilla, zest (1 teaspoon) and flour (500 g). Mix and leave to rise again.

Easter cake with raisins

Recipe:Dilute yeast (50 g) in a glass of warm milk. Add flour (150 g) and salt there. Mix. Grind the yolks (6 pcs.) with sugar (2 cups). Egg whites (6 pcs.) need to be whipped into foam. Melt it down butter(300 g). Mix all ingredients. The mass must be thoroughly kneaded and sprinkled with flour on top. Cover with a towel and leave overnight.

IMPORTANT: The temperature in the room where such baked goods are prepared must be at least 25 degrees. In addition, you need to protect yourself from drafts in advance. They can greatly interfere with getting fluffy and airy baked goods.

  • Mix the remaining flour (800 g - 900 g) and vanilla sugar with the dough so that the mass is not very thick. We wait until its volume doubles and add raisins (150 g). Mix and place in prepared pans
  • Once the molds are filled a third of the way, place them in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough has increased in volume, you need to grease the tops. sweet water and put it in the oven
  • When the cakes are baked, remove them from the oven, cool and decorate.

Easter cake with raisins and candied fruits

RECIPE:Preparing the dough. Yeast (30 g) is diluted with milk (500 ml) and mixed with flour (300 g - 400 g). Place the dough for 3-6 hours in a warm place. After the dough has risen, add the remaining flour (600 g - 700 g), eggs (3 pcs.), sugar (200 g), butter (200 g), ground cardamom, saffron and candied fruits. Mix well.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that baking will be successful if, when kneading the mass, you “hit it 200 times.” That is, carry out this process very long and carefully.

  • Place the mixture in a warm place. When it rises 2-3 times, grease the molds with oil and fill halfway. We wait for it to rise, grease it with yolk and sprinkle with chopped almonds and candied fruits
  • Bake at 200 degrees for about an hour. Remove, cool and decorate the cakes

Homemade Easter cake recipe

  • Beat eggs (8 pcs.) with sugar (0.5 kg). Add sour cream (200 ml), cinnamon and vanillin (at the tip of a knife). Add softened butter (200 g). Dissolve fresh yeast (50 g) in warm milk (500 ml). Add to the mass. Mix everything and add flour (1.5-2 kg). Knead the dough
  • Grease the inside of a deep pan with oil. Place the dough there, cover with a towel and leave for 7-8 hours
  • Lubricate the table and hands with vegetable oil. Take out the dough and knead it. Leave for 1 hour under a towel. We repeat the procedure 3 times. Before the last kneading, add candied fruits (100 g) and raisins (100 g) to the dough.

IMPORTANT: You need to do Easter baking on Maundy Thursday. Before this, be sure to swim before sunrise and, with a clean body and thoughts, start preparing delicious dishes.

  • Grease the baking pans with oil and place the dough in them. Its volume should not exceed half the shape. Leave the cakes for 30 minutes
  • Turn on the oven to maximum and bake the cakes for about 10 minutes. Then you need to turn the heat to low and bake until a crust appears.
  • Remove the cakes from the oven, let cool and decorate

Lush Easter cake

  • Mix hot milk (1 cup), warm cream (2 cups) and flour (2.4 cups). Mix everything thoroughly and wait until the dough cools down until room temperature
  • We breed in small quantity milk yeast (50 g) and add eggs (2 pcs.). Mix and add to the dough. Mix it until smooth and put it in a warm place.

IMPORTANT: During cooking Easter dishes You can’t swear, quarrel or argue. All negative energy can be transferred to the dishes.

  • Divide sugar (2.4 cups) into two parts. In one half, beat the whites (8 pcs.), and grind the second with the yolks (8 pcs.). Mix both masses from top to bottom and add flour. Mix everything again. We are waiting for the dough to arrive
  • Knock out the dough. Divide into two parts and place each in a greased form. Let the dough rise and bake at 180 degrees until done

Easter cakes with nuts

  • To prepare such baked goods, we take raisins (100 g), almonds (100 g) and candied fruits (100 g). We sort through the raisins, clear them of twigs and other debris. Fill in hot water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water
  • Pour boiling water over almonds for 3-4 minutes. Then drain the hot water and pour in the nuts. cold water and peel the almonds. Dry the nuts for 2-3 minutes in the microwave, then fry them in a frying pan and chop them with a knife. A blender is not suitable for chopping nuts.

IMPORTANT: The Bible mentions only two types of nuts: almonds and pistachios. Therefore, only such nuts should be used in Orthodox Easter baking.

  • Heat milk (500 ml) and dissolve yeast (50 g) in it. For this recipe, it is best to use fresh yeast. Add flour (500 g) and mix. The resulting mass should be placed in a warm place and covered with a towel.
  • Grind the yolks (6 pcs.) with sugar (300 g) and vanilla (1 teaspoon). Beat the whites into a foam with salt
  • The dough should come up in 30 minutes. Its volume will signal this. It should increase 2-3 times. Add the yolks and melted butter (200 g) to the dough and mix. Add the whites last
  • Sift flour (1 kg) and add to the total mass. This should be done in parts, each time kneading the mass until smooth. Be prepared that more flour may be needed. Its quantity depends on many factors
  • The dough needs to be placed in a pan and sent to a warm place. Depending on the temperature, it will be ready in 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Dip the raisins in flour and add to the dough. Then you need to add candied fruits and chopped almonds
  • Knead the dough well again and send to a warm place. We are waiting for it to increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Preparing the forms. Grease the bottoms with oil and place oiled parchment on the walls.
  • Place the dough on the table and cut into pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and place in the mold. You need to place the molds on a baking sheet and wait until the dough rises. After which we send the forms to an oven preheated to 100 degrees.
  • After 10 minutes of baking the cakes, you need to increase the temperature to 190 degrees and bake until done. Remove the cake pans from the oven and leave for 10 minutes. Then we remove them from the molds and decorate them

Simple Easter cake

  • Heat the milk (125 ml) and dilute the yeast (15 g) in it. Pour into a bowl with sifted flour (100 g). Mix and cover with a napkin. Leave for 30 minutes
  • Grind two yolks and a white with sugar (100 g) and pour in vanilla essence (1-2 teaspoons). Pour the mixture into the dough and add softened butter (50 g). Mix well

IMPORTANT: Quality Easter baking our ancestors determined the future. If it turned out nice and beautiful holiday bread, then the family was waiting for success. If the baked goods cracked and did not come out, then you should expect misfortune.

  • Add the rest of the flour (200 g). Knead, cover the dough with a napkin and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Wash the raisins (100 g) and fill them with cognac (30 ml). Drop the risen dough and add raisins. Knead the dough again and leave for 1 hour
  • Line the cake pan with baking paper. Grease with butter and fill with dough. The dough should occupy 1/3 - 1.5 of the mold. Leave the dough in the molds for 1 hour
  • Preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and after 10 minutes (when the dough has risen) increase the temperature to 180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes
  • After removing, wait for the cake to cool and cover it with glaze

Easter cake recipe without yeast

  • Wash raisins (100 g). Dry it and sprinkle with flour. Sift flour (300 g - 350 g) several times. Grate the lemon peel (1 piece) on a fine grater. Add soda (1 teaspoon) to kefir (300 ml) and leave for two minutes
  • Heat oil (100 g). Add turmeric (1/4 teaspoon), zest and sugar (150 g) to it. You can add vanilla sugar for flavor. Add kefir and soda and mix
  • Add flour and raisins to the resulting mass. The dough should not be very liquid. We check the consistency by eye. If necessary, add flour. Fill the prepared molds to ½ - 1/3 of the volume. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until done. Extract and decorate

Curd Easter cake recipe

  • Sift flour (1.2 - 1.5 kg) 2-3 times. Dissolve yeast (50 g) in milk (70 ml), add sugar (0.5 cup) and cover with a napkin. Move to a warm place
  • Separate the whites from the yolks (6 pcs.) and beat them with a pinch of salt. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar (2 cups) and vanillin (1 g). Grind cottage cheese (200 g) through a fine sieve. Wash raisins (100 g), dry and sprinkle with flour

IMPORTANT: In all Christian countries, special “heavy baked goods” are baked on the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. Such products include English muffin and Australian reindling. Very nourishing and high-calorie baked goods.

  • In warm milk (500 ml) we dilute the yeast. Mix and add the remaining ingredients: cottage cheese, yolks, sour cream (200 g), butter (250 g), vegetable oil (50 ml) and mix. Add the whipped whites at the very end. Mix everything thoroughly
  • Add flour in small portions, stirring constantly. The dough should not become tight. But also batter must be avoided. We leave it to rise for 2.5 – 3 hours. During this time, you need to knead it 2-3 times.
  • Then you need to grease the molds and fill them 1/3 full. Leave the completed forms for 30 minutes. After the dough has doubled in size, you need to bake the cakes at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.
  • Decorate in the traditional way

Chocolate cakes

  • Mix flour (200 g), water (100 g), dry yeast (1 1/4 teaspoons) and sugar (35 g). Cover with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Melt chocolate (100 g). For this purpose, you can use a microwave or water bath. Part of the chocolate (100 g) needs to be chopped into small cubes. Grate orange zest (1 pc.)
  • Mix flour (200 g), milk (55 ml), salt (half a teaspoon), yolks (3 pcs.), vanillin, sugar (70 g), butter (70 g), yeast (3/4 teaspoon ) and sourdough. At the end, add melted chocolate. The dough should be soft and homogeneous. The consistency needs to be adjusted by adding flour.

IMPORTANT: The first who began to add chocolate to baked goods were English bakers. Representatives of the Fry, Rounty and Cadbury families are still arguing about who exactly started doing this.

  • Add chocolate pieces to the finished dough and orange zest. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Then divide it into several parts, cover and leave for another 30 minutes. After this, you need to fill the molds and leave them for 3.5 hours in a warm place
  • Chocolate cakes should be baked at 180 degrees. When the crust turns golden brown, remove the baked goods from the oven, let cool and decorate.

Italian panettone cake

In Italy, the festive table on this bright day is always decorated with Panettone.

  • To prepare it, you need to mix water with milk and add yeast (1 sachet). When a small “cap” appears, add flour (4 tablespoons) and sugar (1 tablespoon) to the mixture. Mix the mixture, cover with film and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  • Beat eggs (3 pcs.), sugar (100 g), vanilla, citrus zest. Then add the yeast mixture and mix everything again until homogeneous mass
  • Add flour (540 g), soft butter (70 g) and salt. To knead the dough, it is better to use a mixer at low speed with a special attachment. After the mass has acquired a homogeneous structure, add candied fruits (1/4 cup) and raisins (1 cup). Mix again

IMPORTANT: There are several versions of the origin of this recipe. According to one of them, Panettone was invented by one of the nuns of a monastery located near Milan. She gathered a small amount of the already meager ingredients and added lemon zest. Which predetermined the taste of the future pie. And his further success.

  • Sprinkle the table with flour, pour the mixture onto it and knead. Periodically you need to sprinkle the mixture with flour. The dough processed in this way is formed into a ball and left for 3-4 hours in a greased bowl.
  • Preheat the oven to 170 - 180 degrees. Place the mixture into the molds, brush the surface with yolk and bake. 20 minutes after the start of baking, the surface of the cake is cut crosswise to form a traditional “crown”

Butter cake recipes

Sugar, eggs, milk and other ingredients that determine the taste of holiday baked goods are baked goods. Traditionally, all preserved products were added to the baked goods for the first meal after fasting. That is why the baked goods turned out heavy and very satisfying.

The most delicious Easter cake

  • Melt the butter (600 g) and wait until it cools. Dilute yeast (100 g) in warm milk (1 l), add flour (600 g), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), salt and sugar (100 g). Place in a warm place for 1 hour
  • Beat the yolks (12 pcs.) and whites (10 pcs.) separately with brown sugar (350 g each). Add vanillin (2 sachets) to the yolks while beating.
  • When the dough rises, you need to add whipped yolks and melted butter. Mix the ingredients. Prepare raisins (400 g). Before adding to the dough, you need to roll it in flour.
  • Add flour (1.5 kg) to the dough. Stir until smooth. Add raisins and candied fruits (400 g). Mix again. Leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • When the dough rises, you need to add the whites whipped into a strong foam. Mix thoroughly and wait for it to rise again. Baking Easter cakes in the traditional way

Kulich with cherries

  • Prepare the dough and put it in a warm place. Pour saffron (1 pinch) with a spoonful of boiling water and let it brew. When the dough has doubled in size, you need to add salt, yolks (10 pcs.), ground with sugar (3 cups), cognac (35 ml), melted butter (500 g) and saffron infusion. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  • Beat the whites (10 pcs.) into a stiff foam and add them to the prepared mass. Add the remaining flour (2 kg) and knead the dough to the optimal consistency. Leave in a warm place. When it’s ready, add washed raisins (200 g) and candied cherries (200 g)
  • Mix, let it brew and place in molds. They need to be placed in a warm place and the mass should be allowed to increase in volume. Bake at 180 degrees. For the last 10 minutes, the temperature can be reduced by 20 degrees.

Custard Kulich

  • Pour sugar (1 tablespoon) into milk (50 ml) and mix. Crumble the yeast (40 g) and leave for 20 minutes. Boil milk (200 g) and add flour (1-3 tablespoons) into it. Mix the mixture with a wooden spoon
  • Heat the cream (200 g), add it to batter and mix. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour the yeast into it. Place the dough in a warm place
  • Melt butter (150 g). Separate the whites from the yolks (5 eggs). Grind the yolks with sugar (1.5 cups) and vanilla (1 teaspoon). Beat the whites before adding to a thick foam. Pour the yolks, butter into the dough and add salt. Mix and add the whites. Mix the mixture from top to bottom.
  • Add flour (700 g - 1 kg) in several stages, constantly kneading it with your hands. Ready dough grease with oil, place in a bowl and cover with a towel. The bowl should be placed in a warm place
  • Preparing the “filler” for custard cake. To do this, cut marshmallows (50 g) and marmalade (50 g) into small cubes. Wash dried apricots (100 g) and cut them into small pieces. Add these ingredients to the risen dough. Knead it. Leave in a warm place
  • We divide it into parts. Place them in molds and bake

Creamy Easter cake

  • Mix flour (3.5 cups), warm milk (1 cup), butter (200 g) and sugar (1 cup). Pour milk (0.5 cups) with yeast diluted in it (12 g-16 g) into the mixture. Mix. Cover with a towel and leave to rise
  • As soon as the dough rises, you need to add eggs (3 pcs.) and leave to rise again. After 1-2 hours you need to add raisins (2 tbsp.). Mix. Let it cook and divide into pieces. Bake in pans for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees

Kulich monastery

  • Dissolve yeast (15 g) in a small amount of milk. In another bowl, mix warm milk (0.5 cups) with melted butter (100 g), sugar (100 g) and salt. Stir and cool. Combine the contents of two bowls. Add flour (400 g), mix and send to a warm place to rise
  • When the dough rises, add one yolk and one whole egg. Mix and add raisins (100 g). Mix the dough again and send it to rise
  • Baking pans should be greased with butter and filled halfway with dough. We wait until the volume of the dough increases and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until done. The monastery cake is decorated with sugar icing

Easter cake on sourdough

  • Properly prepared dough will help activate the full potential of the yeast. Opara is a leaven that helps bake from heavy butter dough fluffy and airy cake
  • The dough is quite simple to prepare. You need to heat the milk to 28-30 degrees. Dissolve yeast in it and add flour. To prepare the dough, you usually take the full amount of milk and yeast from any recipe and half the amount of flour
  • The dough is diluted in a deep bowl. Yeast, milk and flour should not exceed 50% of the container volume. You need to be prepared for the dough to double in volume. The container with the dough should be covered with a napkin and sent to a warm place
  • When the dough is ready, add the rest of the ingredients.
  • The kneaded dough should be allowed to rise and bake sweet, fluffy cakes

Easter recipe in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an excellent kitchen appliance that will help you cook not only various cereals and other dishes, but also bakery products. For Easter, you can prepare a delicious orange cake in a slow cooker.

  • Sift the flour (450 g), add salt, vanillin and dry yeast (2 teaspoons). Mix the ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat eggs (4 pcs.) with sugar (1 cup). Using a fine grater, remove the orange zest (1 pc.). Cut it into two halves and squeeze the juice out of one
  • Add a mixture of eggs and sugar, orange juice and zest to the flour. Mix. Then add softened butter (100 g) and knead the dough again. Place it in a greased bowl. Cover with a towel and send to a warm place
  • While the dough is rising (usually takes 1.5 - 2.5 hours), you need to prepare the raisins. To do this, it needs to be cleaned, rinsed and steamed. Then dry and roll in flour. Lightly knead the risen dough and mix with raisins.
    Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place the dough in it
  • Turn on the “heating” for 2-3 minutes. Turn off and leave the dough to rise for 30 minutes. The multicooker must be closed. After half an hour, activate the “baking” mode. We set it to 150 degrees and wait 45-50 minutes.
  • This cake is decorated in the traditional way.

Easter recipe in a bread machine

A bread maker is another necessary appliance in the kitchen. If you want to bake delicious and aromatic bread yourself, then you cannot do without this device. You can also bake Easter cakes in a bread machine.

RECIPE: Pour peeled raisins (175 g) with cognac and let steep for 20 minutes. Pour whey (200 ml) into the bread machine container. Add in order: salt (6.5 g), egg (1 pc.), sugar (75 g), softened butter (100 g), raisins, cinnamon and cardamom. Sift the flour (½ kg of flour) and also add to the container. Make a place in the middle of the pile of flour for yeast (11 g) and pour it there.

Activate the “butter bun” mode and bake the cake.

Pies for Easter

Baking for Easter table is not limited to just Easter cakes and muffins. There are many recipes for Easter cakes.

Easter cottage cheese pie

  • Mix flour (200 g), baking powder (1/2 teaspoon), sugar (40 g), vanillin (5 g), eggs (1 pc.) and chopped butter (80 g). Egg whites (6 pcs.) need to be whipped into foam. Mix cottage cheese (1 kg), yolks (6 pcs.), sugar (90 g), starch (90 g), vanillin and grated zest of one orange. Add the protein mixture and mix
  • Grease the baking pan and place a layer of dough. Prick it with a fork and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Then we put it in curd mass, grease it with yolk and bake at 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, make a cut around the perimeter of the pie. Before serving Cheesecake need to be powdered

Easter raspberry pie

  • We dilute yeast (30 g) in warm milk. Add salt, a little sugar and flour. Leave the mixture in a warm place. Grind eggs (4 pcs.) with sugar (3/4 cup). Add butter (6-7 tablespoons) and lemon zest. Pour the risen dough into the container, mix and add flour (2 cups) and milk (1 cup). Knead the dough well and leave to rise
  • When the dough has risen, you need to knead it again and place it in the mold. Bake in hot oven within 35-40 minutes. Remove the hot cake from the pan and pour raspberry syrup (3/4 cup). Place it back into the mold and leave it for a few hours.
  • Heat the raspberry marmalade and brush the surface of the pie with it. Grind the almond cake and sprinkle it with crumbs raspberry pie. Decorate it with berries

Easter cupcakes

You can diversify your Easter table delicious cupcakes. Below are two recipes for this delicious confection. They can be baked in large muffin tins or small muffin tins.

Classic cupcake

  • We take the butter (250 g) out of the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Peel the raisins (0.5 cups) and pour boiling water over them. Sift flour (2 cups). Add butter and sugar (1 cup) to it. Grind the ingredients with your hands. Add baking powder (1 sachet) and mix
  • Eggs (6 pcs.) should be added to the dough one at a time. Add, mix and add the following. After adding the last egg, pour cognac (2 tablespoons) and raisins filled with water into the bowl
  • Grease the cake pan with butter. Transfer the dough into the mold and bake the cake at 200 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes. Then reduce the temperature by 40 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes.

Banana cupcake

  • Mash bananas (4 pcs.). Sift the flour (1.5 cups) and add sugar (3/4 cup), soda (1/2 teaspoon), baking powder (1 teaspoon) and salt (1/4 teaspoon). Make a well in the center of the mass and mix butter (1/2 cup), eggs (2 pcs.), banana puree and vanilla. Mix the dough until smooth. Place it in molds (it is better to use muffin tins) and bake

These cupcakes can be decorated with frosting and banana slices.

Easter bun

There are always a lot of baked goods on the Easter table. If you want to surprise guests who are accustomed to Easter cakes, diversify your menu with tender and fragrant Easter buns.

  • Mix flour (450 g), milk (210 ml), egg (1 pc.), salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (50 g), butter (50 g) and dry yeast (1.5 tsp) . spoons). Add cinnamon to the dough nutmeg, coriander and vanillin (optional and to taste). After stirring a little, add steamed raisins (75 g) and dried apricots (25 g). Knead until smooth
  • Divide the dough into several parts. We form buns from them and place them on a baking sheet. On each bun you need to make a crosswise cut with a knife. Leave the pan in a warm place for 40-50 minutes
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix flour (50 g) and margarine (2 tablespoons). Add more cold water until a paste-like mass forms. We place it in a cornet and draw lines in the shape of a cross on a previously prepared place on the buns
  • The buns need to be baked for about 15 minutes. When they are browned, remove from the oven and coat with icing sugar using a silicone brush.

Easter gingerbread

Gingerbread cookies are very tasty confectionery. They are historically associated with the holiday table. There is also an Easter version of gingerbread. They are prepared for this holiday in many countries around the world. Traditional Russian Easter gingerbreads are prepared like this.

  • The butter is melted (100 g) and honey (250 g) and sugar (250 g) are added to it. Constantly stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon, add a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Let the mixture cool
  • Beat the eggs until foamy (3 eggs + 1 yolk) and add them to the cooled mixture. There you also need to add flour (7 cups), cocoa (2 tablespoons) and soda (1.5 teaspoons). Mix the ingredients. You should get a homogeneous dough. Put it in the refrigerator
  • Roll out the dough to a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. Cut out gingerbread cookies of any shape. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 180 degrees.
  • When the gingerbread cookies are baked, wait for them to cool and cover them with glaze.

Easter glaze recipe

Icing is traditional way Easter cake decorations. Typically used for decoration protein version glaze. To prepare it, you need to separate the whites from the yolks and place them in the refrigerator.

  • Add a pinch of salt to the chilled whites and beat until a thick foam forms. You need to beat at low speed and gradually increase it. Without stopping the process of whipping the whites, you need to add sugar to the mixture. The glaze will be ready when the sugar grains dissolve in it.
  • Protein glaze is applied to the cooled Easter cakes. The top of the cake can be decorated with a variety of sprinkles. Chopped nuts, coconut flakes, grated chocolate, cinnamon are perfect for this purpose.

Curd Easter

Getting ready Curd Easter only once a year. Traditionally, this dish is prepared in a “raw” way. That is, without heat treatment.

  • To prepare this dish, cottage cheese (2.5 kg) must be passed through a fine sieve several times. Then add sugar (1 cup) and butter (200 g) to the mixture. Mix the curd mass and add sour cream (250 g). Mix until the mixture is homogeneous and the sugar crystals dissolve in it.
  • The consistency of the resulting mass should resemble thick cream. Add salt to it and mix again. Place the mixture in an Easter pan, place it under slight pressure and put it in the refrigerator.
  • In order for the cottage cheese Easter to turn out tender, instead of sugar you need to use powdered sugar

Easter lamb

Lambs are also often baked for Easter. These animals are a symbol of the Lamb of God. They are baked from butter, yeast dough. Add ground nuts coconut flakes and other ingredients. Sometimes such baked goods are decorated with white icing. It imitates animal fur.

  • To prepare this edible decoration For the table you need to dissolve a spoonful of sugar in warm milk and add yeast. When the yeast (7 g) begins to rise, you need to add flour (100 g) and knead the dough. Place the dough in a warm place. It should approximately double in size
  • Melt butter (90 g). Add sugar (100 g), mix and add egg (1 pc.) and vanillin. Mix everything well again.
  • Add the resulting mixture to the dough. Bring it until smooth and add flour (500 g). The dough should be soft and elastic. Leave it in a warm place for a while
  • When the dough has doubled in size, you need to roll it out and use a stencil to cut out a lamb figure. Roll out the rest of the dough into a rectangle, moisten it with water and sprinkle with poppy seeds and sugar. Gather the dough into a roll and cut it into small circles
  • Place the lamb figurine on a baking sheet. We place the “woolen” circles on it in the designated place for them. Bake the lamb at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. When the color of the baked goods turns golden, remove the pan from the oven and let it cool.

Easter Bunny

Another symbol of Easter is the hare. IN Western countries To decorate the Easter table, they make marzipan hare figures and bake cookies and buns in the shape of this animal. And even though this symbol of Easter is not so common in our country, surprise chocolate figurine hare to your children and guests of your home on this Bright holiday.

  • The most in a simple way Making a chocolate bunny involves pouring melted chocolate into a mold. When the chocolate has cooled, the figure will be ready. Buy today silicone mold a hare or other animals will not be difficult

Angela. When baking Easter cakes, it is very important that the dough is not liquid or, on the contrary, thick. Easter cakes made from liquid dough will become flat, and from thick dough they will become heavy and hard. And remember to only fill the mold halfway with dough. If there is more dough in the molds, it will “escape” from them.

Ksenia. Modern factory eggs do not always give baked goods a beautiful golden hue. That's why I always add a pinch of turmeric to the cakes. This spice not only gives a lasting color, but also improves the taste of baked goods.

Video: Easter cake with protein glaze

  • Wheat flour – 1 kg;
  • Dry instant yeast– 16 gr. or 6 tsp;
  • Cow's milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Chicken yolks – 10 pcs.;
  • Butter or margarine – 300 gr.;
  • Granulated sugar – 300 gr.;
  • Seedless raisins – 300 gr.;
  • Orange or lemon zest - optional;
  • Vanillin – 1 gr.

For protein fudge:

  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup or 150 g;
  • Egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Sprinkling for Easter cakes – 1 pack.

Cooking process:

Dough for Easter cakes

The preparation of Easter cake begins with dough (liquid active dough with yeast). Therefore, first, prepare a bowl into which you should pour 350 ml of warm, but not hot, milk. Then you should gradually pour out the yeast and wait about 5 minutes so that it dissolves well in the milk.

Add 1 cup of sifted flour to the milk with yeast and immediately stir until smooth so that there are no lumps. Leave the future dough for about 30 minutes in a warm place. If the room is cool (as a rule, heating is turned off in apartments in the spring), to make the dough fit better, you can put it in a basin warm water and put a bowl of dough there. Be sure to cover the top of the dough with a lid or pull the bowl over the top cling film.

Butter dough for Easter cakes with raisins

While the dough is rising, you should start baking. The whites need to be separated from the yolks, then beat the yolks with a mixer or blender. After this, pour sugar into the yolks and beat well again until foam forms.

Remove butter or margarine from the refrigerator or warm it in the microwave long before preparing the dough. Then add soft butter or margarine to the yolks and beat again until the entire consistency is homogeneous.

As soon as the time for raising the dough is over, you should add the yolks with butter and mix, close the bowl with the dough again, and put in a warm place so that the dough doubles again, an hour of time will be enough for this.

It is better to choose seedless raisins for Easter cakes, pour hot water over them for a few minutes, rinse and dry. Then dust with flour.

When the dough has doubled in size, it should be kneaded very carefully, but without fanaticism, and again left to rise for 30 minutes. Then add the remaining flour and milk, mix, then add the raisins and knead. Vanillin and zest (optional) must also be added to the dough. The dough will be very soft and fragrant. It will need to be left in a warm place for another 1 hour. And to prevent the top of the dough from winding, it should be placed in a bowl and covered with a lid, then put in a warm place. It is advisable to grease the top of the dough with sunflower or olive oil so that a crust does not form.

Meanwhile, prepare the cake pans, grease the cake pans with oil, and line the cylindrical pans with oiled paper. IN ready-made forms You should lay out the dough so that it fills the mold no more than 1/3. Once all the dough for Easter raisin cakes has been poured into the pans, it will need to rise in the pans a little more before baking. This process will take about 20 minutes in a warm place; it is convenient to keep the cakes for rising on a warm stove from above.

The oven should be warmed up well and set to 180-190° C, but no more. Now that the dough has risen, the molds can be put into the oven. The raisin cake is baked for about 35-40 minutes, the cooking time depends on the size of the mold. Take out the finished cakes and check them for readiness with a wooden stick; if the stick is dry, without lumps of dough, they are ready. The baked goods should be covered with a towel on top for a few minutes to allow them to “cook”.

While the cakes are in the oven, you need to prepare the glaze for basting. To prepare the glaze, you need to beat two chilled egg whites until fluffy foam forms.

Gradually add powdered sugar to the protein foam and start beating again until the mass increases several times and is quite stable. Then pour in lemon juice and beat again. It is advisable to beat the egg whites while the cakes are baking in the oven. Because greased hot cakes dry faster.

Remove the raisin cakes from the molds and pour this sweet topping over them, sprinkle on top Easter sprinkles For decoration.

That's all, all you have to do is wait for Easter and take a sample!

Bon appetit and good recipes!

With all the variety of holiday baking, the recipe for Easter cake with raisins remains the most popular. They bake it with sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, rich or not, fluffy or dense, dry or fresh yeast. I make Easter cake with milk, using fresh yeast, a lot of baking so that it is rich, sweet, aromatic, tasty. Easter baking is very special, there is no need to skimp on products, buy the best and freshest.

How to make Easter cake with raisins


For the dough:

  • Warm milk – 500 ml;
  • premium wheat flour – 400 g;
  • fresh baker's yeast– 110 g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

For Easter dough:

  • Sifted flour – 1500 g;
  • eggs with bright yolks – 8 pcs;
  • sugar – 3 cups;
  • raisins – 250 g;
  • multi-colored candied fruits – 200 g;
  • butter – 350 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 sachets;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Protein glaze for Easter cakes:

  • Well-chilled white from one egg;
  • powdered sugar -
  • lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.
  • In addition: tin or paper forms, confectionery topping, baking paper, lard (the last two components are needed only for tin cans)

Recipe for Easter cake with raisins

Remove the butter and eggs from the refrigerator so that the food has time to warm up to room temperature. Sift the flour two or three times. Mash fresh pressed yeast and two tablespoons of granulated sugar with a spoon. Grind the yeast mixture until it becomes liquid and brownish in color.

Pour in warmed up to +40-45 degrees fresh milk. Don't overheat it! Too hot will “brew” the yeast and it will lose its potency. Try it with your finger - it will feel warm, but will not burn. Sift the required amount of flour into the milk and yeast.

Using a hand whisk, mixer or spoon, mix the flour and liquid. The result will be an almost homogeneous mixture, reminiscent of thick pancake batter. The dough for Easter cakes is ready. Cover it, put it in a warm place, but keep it in sight.

Don't be distracted by other things, keep an eye on the dough so that it doesn't run away. Fresh, strong yeast will very quickly raise it almost to the edge of the dish. In 20-30 minutes it will grow several times.

Break the eggs into a deep, spacious bowl. Set aside one white and keep it in the refrigerator for now. Whisk the rest into a foam.

You will need a lot of products for Easter cakes, the solution finished baked goods large, so you will need a deep, wide bowl for kneading and proofing. Pour granulated sugar and pour beaten eggs into it. Whisk until the mixture lightens a little.

Add all the dough from the bowl. Stir until you get a liquid, homogeneous mixture.

Crush soft butter into the dough and mix. To soften it faster, you can use the microwave, heating the butter until soft, but without making it liquid.

Sprinkle in half the flour. Half because the volume is large and it’s hard to mix it all at once. Add this in parts, bringing the dough until it thickens. When the spatula can no longer knead it, grease your palms with sunflower oil and knead with your hands.

The dough for Easter cakes will be soft, homogeneous, and will not stick to your palms or the sides of the dish. Cover the dishes with cling film and place in a warm place for about two hours.

When proofing, observe the dough, but do not disturb it, do not shake the dishes or move it from place to place. I have an oven set up for this purpose - I heat it up to +50, turn it off, put a bowl in, and be sure to cover it. Periodically I turn on the burner for a minute to warm it up a little. After two hours the dough will rise and grow three times in size.

By this time, you need to wash and dry the raisins and cut the candied fruits into cubes. Knead the dough with your fist, pour in the raisins and candied fruits and knead again.

It is more convenient to re-knead in the same bowl, knead for about five minutes, evenly distributing the raisins and candied fruits by volume.

Preparing tin molds for Easter cakes

Place the mold on baking paper. Trace with a pencil, cut out circles in the right amount- they will be placed on the bottom so that the cakes do not stick and burn. Melt lard, cool. If there is no lard, render the fat from the pieces lard- it will be the same lard. Lubricate the walls and bottom. Place the cut out circles on the bottom. Fill the molds halfway with dough - for denser cakes. Or for a third - for air. If you have a kitchen scale, measure 160-170 grams for small shapes (cans of condensed milk, peas) and 190-200 for taller ones (cans of olives).

Proofing and baking Easter cakes

Place the completed forms in a warm place, somewhere near a radiator or stove, covering kitchen towel. It will take about an hour to proof again, provided the kitchen is warm. The dough will grow two to three times, you can’t put it in the oven before, the cakes will be heavy and won’t bake.

Turn on the oven in advance, warm it up to 180-200 degrees, taking into account the characteristics of the oven (I have a strong one, it produces heat well, I bake at 180). Carefully transfer pans to wire rack. Bake small cakes for 30-35 minutes, for larger ones increase the time to 45-50 minutes. After baking, leave the cakes in the molds to rest and cool a little. Remove, place on its side and cover with a thick kitchen towel. They will cool for several hours.

Protein glaze for Easter cakes

Take one chilled egg white, pour in lemon juice and beat with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed to the highest. Pour powdered sugar into the resulting foamy mass, whisking continuously. As you add powder and beat, the mass will acquire a snow-white color and thick consistency.

You need to apply the glaze to the cakes with a brush, but not before they have cooled completely. Immediately, before the glaze hardens, decorate with colored sprinkles or fondant flowers. After an hour or two, the glaze will dry and will not be sticky.

Well, that's it! The process itself is not that long and not very complicated; the main time is spent on proofing and baking. From the total amount of products I got 18 small cakes and two larger ones.

This is what the cake looks like in cross section: the center is fluffy, with a small hole, interspersed with raisins and bright candied fruits. I hope that this is proven and simple recipe Easter cake with raisins will also become your favorite. And I also festive table I cook very tasty , with garlic and herbs. The meat turns out to be the most tender!

The finished baked goods must sit and gain flavor. Therefore, Easter cakes are always baked in advance, two or three days before Easter.

Tips for making Easter cake dough

Yeast. For Easter baking, I always use only fresh yeast, the kind that is sold in cubes and packets. Before kneading, check the expiration date; the yeast must be strong so that it can lift and fluff the heavy butter dough.

Flour. If possible, use flour marked "000" - three zeros. It has a fine grind, excellent quality, and has a high gluten content. Or take wheat flour top quality. It needs to be sifted several times to enrich it with oxygen - this will ensure better rise of the dough.

Milk. I have the opportunity to buy fresh cow's milk with a high percentage of fat content. Take pasteurized with a fat content of 3.2-3.5%.

Butter. I prefer to buy at the market, homemade. I choose meticulously and carefully: without any foreign taste, well-knit, dense, so that whey does not come out when cut. It is advisable to take 70-72% butter in packs, unsalted.

Eggs. I buy homemade or at least farm-made ones so that the yolk is bright. Of course they must be fresh.

Flavorings and other additives. To the baked goods Easter dough you can add lemon zest (no one likes it, so I don’t add it), cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, candied fruits, dried fruits. We have enough vanilla sugar, raisins and some candied fruits.

Molds for Easter cakes. Now on sale you can find a variety of thick paper with patterns. It is more convenient for me to bake in homemade molds made from tin cans with a volume of 0.4 liters to 2 liters. In principle, you can bake in any heat-resistant container, even in a cauldron with a flat bottom, in glasses, mugs.

Glaze and decoration. I will write the recipe for making glaze for Easter cakes below, at the end of the article. It is quite thick, does not run down and hardens quickly. I usually decorate in color confectionery sprinkles. You can buy ready-made mastic decorations, sprinkle with crushed nuts, chocolate chips or leave it with a snow-white cap made of protein glaze.

Have a good mood and Happy Easter!

To prepare the dough, add sugar to warm milk, crumble the compressed yeast, add flour, mix well and leave to rise in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.

After time, the dough will look like in the photo.

To prepare the dough, whisk in a saucepan chicken eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Then add 150 ml of vegetable oil and sour cream, stir.

Add the appropriate dough to the resulting egg mass and mix well.

Sift the flour twice and, gradually adding it to the mixture of dough and eggs, knead the dough. The dough turns out sticky. At the end of kneading, add the remaining 50 ml of vegetable oil and knead the dough again. The dough will come away from your hands well.

Place the dough in a warm place to rise for about 2-3 hours.

During this time, it rises perfectly, you need to knead it twice, it is advisable to moisten your hands slightly with vegetable oil. The photo shows the height of the test 1 hour after the start of the approach.

And so the dough will rise in 1.5-2 hours.

Pour boiling water over the raisins for 5 minutes, then drain the water. Dry the raisins on a towel, adding a pinch of flour.

Grease the work surface with vegetable oil, place the dough, and place raisins on top.

Knead lightly so that the raisins are distributed throughout the dough. The dough for Easter cakes with fresh yeast is ready.

As molds for Easter cakes, I use enamel mugs, muffin tins, and sometimes glass glasses with a flat bottom. You can use tin containers from canned food or paper molds purchased at the store. Grease prepared cake pans (I use baking grease homemade based on lard, vegetable oil and flour), our grandmothers always greased the molds with lard. You can simply grease the molds with vegetable oil.

Remove the prepared raisin cakes, mixed with fresh yeast, from the oven, place on a barrel, and after 2-3 minutes remove from the molds (if cooked in paper molds- you don’t have to remove them), leave them in this state until completely cooled. In total, about 15 small Easter cakes are prepared, cooked in enamel mugs.

To prepare the glaze, pour instant gelatin into a plate, add 2 tablespoons of cold boiled water, stir and leave to swell for about 15 minutes. Pour 1 cup of sugar into a saucepan, pour in 4 tablespoons of water, place on slow fire and cook, stirring continuously, until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the sugar is completely dissolved, immediately remove from heat, add gelatin and beat with a mixer for 2-3 minutes. The mass will immediately turn white and the consistency will be thick. Immediately spread the glaze over the baked goods. This glaze dries quickly, so you need to work with it very quickly. Immediately sprinkle cakes with frosting on top. The prepared glaze is enough for all the cakes baked according to this recipe. The glaze applies very well, does not crumble, does not crack, does not stick, does not crumble when cutting, and is easy to transport. Easter cakes made with fresh yeast and raisins are amazingly delicious. The photo shows that in cross-section they are simply perfect.
I wish you all the best! Happy Easter!

This recipe makes 4-5 medium ramekins. Easter cakes turn out very tender and airy. The main thing is to knead the dough correctly. The recipe is very similar to this recipe for Easter cake, only a little simpler and the Easter cakes turn out more loose and tender.


  • 0.5 l. milk;
  • about 0.5 kg (we will look at the consistency);
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. odorless vegetable oil;
  • 3 eggs (1 white for glaze, the rest for dough);
  • 6 tsp dry yeast;
  • 200 g raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. with a heap of sour cream;
  • a pinch of vanillin or 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • powder for Easter.

Easter recipe with raisins

1. Preparing the dough for Easter

Heat the milk to 30-40 degrees (it should be warm, but not hot, pleasant for the yeast). It is better to take a glass or enamel container. Pour the yeast into the milk and stir thoroughly until the yeast dissolves.

Add 1 tbsp. flour and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Mix. Rub the lumps with your hands until a homogeneous mass is formed. At this stage I usually add a couple of drops of holy water. They also say that the dough loves classical music and good mood, so let's start getting ready for the holiday :).

Cover the container with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for 1 hour. In such cases, I place a bowl of dough or dough on a stool next to the heater or radiator.

2. Prepare the necessary ingredients

Wash the raisins and soak them in hot water.

Separate the whites from the yolks, pour 1 white for the glaze into a mug and put it in the refrigerator.

Grind the yolks with sugar, add 1 tbsp. sour cream, mix.

3. Preparing the dough for Easter

When the dough rises, transfer it to a warm pan.

First, add 3 cups of flour, add the yolks mashed with sugar and begin to knead the dough. The consistency of the dough should be slightly thicker than for a sponge cake and without lumps. If necessary, add more flour. Kneading the dough is the longest step, usually taking 30-40 minutes, so make yourself comfortable. At the same time, your hands must be warm so that the yeast continues to do its job.

When the mass becomes homogeneous and without lumps, it’s time to add vegetable oil. Continue kneading the dough.

Leave the dough for a couple of minutes while we beat 2 egg whites with a mixer into a fluffy foam.

Add the whites to the dough and knead the dough again. The finished dough should be soft, elastic and slightly behind your hands and pan.

Dry the raisins on a paper towel and roll in flour so that they do not settle during baking. Drop a little vegetable oil onto your hands and rub. Pour raisins into the dough and mix gently with your hands 2-3 times.

Cover the pan with a towel and leave the dough to rise in a warm place. After about 1-1.5 hours, knead the dough soaked in vegetable oil hands. We repeat the procedure after another 1-1.5 hours.

Sprinkle the molds with flour. We spread the dough up to about half the height of the molds. Place in a warm place again for 30 minutes until the dough rises to the edges of the molds.

Place the risen eggs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick. If after piercing the toothpick remains clean, the Easter cakes are ready.

4. Preparing glaze for paskas

We take the separated protein out of the refrigerator and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed. Add the powdered sugar and continue beating with the mixer at low speed until peaks form.

We take the Easter cakes out of the molds, grease the top with glaze and immediately sprinkle with the prepared powder. Leave the beads until the glaze hardens (at least 1 hour). That's all. Our most delicious easter ready! Bon appetit and happy bright holiday!