Easter in a slow cooker recipes with photos. How to cook delicious Easter in a slow cooker

Many owners of multicookers wonder: how to bake delicious Easter cake in a slow cooker? Today we will try several recipes for butter dough for holiday baking, prepared in a multi-cooker technique. The baked goods are no less tasty than from the oven; the dough is porous with many holes inside the finished cake. The technology for preparing and kneading the dough is the same as for the oven. You can use any dough of your choice - the usual classic one or the one now loved by many - Alexandrian.

The only difference between a multicooker Easter cake and a traditional one is its fairly large size (the size of the multicooker bowl).

So, let's move on to the recipe for making Easter cake in a slow cooker.

Easter cake in a slow cooker - recipe with photo

An airy, fluffy and very tasty Easter cake is obtained if you prepare it according to the recipe given below. The dough rises perfectly.

Ingredients: for 350 ml milk, 40g. live yeast, 200g. sugar, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 1-2 pinches of salt, 3 eggs, 700g. wheat flour or a little more (be sure to sift the flour!!), 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 150g. butter 82.5%, 2 tsp. lemon zest, ½ tsp. turmeric powder.

For protein glaze: 200g. powdered sugar, ¼ part fresh lemon.

First, the dough is prepared - this is the initial stage of kneading yeast dough. The dough determines what kind of dough you get at the end. If the dough rises quickly, then the dough will rise quickly and easily. The dough will be saturated with many air bubbles, ensuring the splendor of the finished product.

How to prepare dough

  1. Prepare warm milk (about 30 degrees). You cannot use hot, because under the influence of hot the yeast will be inactivated and your dough will no longer rise. In terms of fat content, it is better to use milk with a high percentage of fat content or baked milk. Then the baked goods turn out to be the most delicious.
  2. Crumble the yeast into half the milk with your hands, add 2 tbsp. sugar and 4 tbsp. l. flour to activate the yeast.
  3. Stir the mixture until smooth, it is important that the sugar is completely dissolved and there are no lumps of flour. The consistency of the mass itself should resemble medium-thick sour cream. For the dough to rise well, it should be neither liquid nor thick, about 20% sour cream.
  4. Cover the container with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place. How quickly the dough rises depends on how fresh the yeast you used and how warm your room is. On average, it will take about 30-40 minutes. If a “ball cap” appears on top of the dough and begins to fall off, then your dough is ready. While the dough is rising, so as not to waste time, you can start kneading the dough.

How to knead butter dough

  1. First you need to decide what you will cook with. holiday cake. Alternatively, you can use candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits, or just raisins (usually raisins of different colors are added to holiday baking). Although you can make Easter cake without fillers, it will still turn out very tasty.
  2. Break the eggs into a mixing bowl; separate the white from the yolk of one egg. Place the egg white in the refrigerator for a while. This will be used to make the glaze.
  3. Add sugar to eggs and vanilla sugar. Beat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. For whipping, you can use a mixer or a regular whisk.
  4. Then add softened butter, mix until smooth. Next, while stirring, add turmeric (to add a festive golden hue to the cake) and lemon zest (to create a natural aroma).
  5. Note: when grating the zest, make sure that the white part does not get in (it gives bitterness), use only the yellow one. Both turmeric and zest are added to the cake according to personal desire.
  6. Don’t forget to add salt and odorless vegetable oil (vegetable oil prevents the baked goods from getting stale quickly), the remaining milk and the suitable dough, mix everything.
  7. Now add the sifted flour in small portions. Wheat flour differs in gluten content, so the approximate amount of flour is written in the recipe. Then the filler (the one you chose) is added and the mass is mixed.
  8. The dough should be viscous, but not runny or thick. In your version, you may have to add more a small amount of flour.
  9. The prepared dough should be allowed to rest in a warm place for about an hour. This is done in order to allow the dough to increase in volume (2-3 times). It may take a little more time if your room is quite cool, and don’t forget to cover the dough cling film. A good rise in dough indicates this. that the baked goods will turn out very fluffy, airy and tall.
  10. Grease your hands vegetable oil, punch down the dough and place in the multicooker bowl. In terms of volume, the dough should occupy no more than 1/3 of the bowl (to allow the cake to rise during baking). If you get more dough, place the excess dough in other containers and bake in the oven.

Baking Easter cake

  1. To bake Easter cake according to this will suit the recipe multicooker of any brand. Read the instruction manual; the more power your machine has, the less time it will take to bake.
  2. Before baking, cover the dough in the bowl with a lid or towel and leave for another 40 minutes until it rises.
  3. Then turn on the “Baking” mode and set the time required for baking. Approximately 1 hour at a temperature of 130 degrees. Determine the readiness of the Easter cake wooden skewer.
  4. Remove the bowl from the multicooker and invert it onto a plate or wire rack. Now give the cake some time to cool down so we can start decorating it.

How to prepare icing and decorate Easter cake

Typically, egg white icing is used to decorate Easter baked goods.

Place the protein that was waiting for us in the refrigerator in a deep bowl and beat it into foam using a mixer. Now gradually introduce 200g in parts. powdered sugar, a little lemon juice (for flavor) and continue beating. The finished mass should be very dense and thick. You can even fill a pastry syringe with this icing and draw any design you like on the cake.

You can simply apply the glaze to the surface and immediately begin decorating, for example, laying out candied fruits. You need to spread the glaze and decorate the Easter bread right away, because the glaze dries out very quickly and further decoration from the frozen glaze will no longer be possible.

Let the Easter cake cool completely. If you want to cut it warm, the cake will crumble a little.

These Easter baked goods will perfectly retain their splendor and freshness for 3 days. And if you put the cake in a bag, the shelf life increases.

The glaze prepared according to this recipe does not crumble or stick, so it is convenient to carry such Easter cakes to church for lighting.

The Easter cake turns out incredibly tasty, I’m sure you will love this recipe and will come back to it again and again. And, if you don’t have a multicooker at home, then this recipe is perfect for the oven.

A simple recipe for Easter cake with dry yeast in a Redmond multicooker

Recipe using dry instant yeast. Before using, be sure to check the expiration date of the yeast. The use of prophesied yeast is not permissible.

Ingredients according to the recipe: for 200 ml of warm milk (30-35 degrees), 9 g. dry yeast, 3 large eggs, 700g. wheat flour, 150 gr. 82.5% butter, 150g. sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar (about 10g), two pinches of salt, 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice or cognac, 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil, 100g. raisins (or other dried fruits).

How to cook Easter cake with raisins

  1. Pour washed raisins orange juice and leave it for a while.
  2. Let's start preparing the dough. Pour warm milk into a deep bowl, add dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and 4 tbsp. spoons of sifted flour. Mix the mixture until smooth, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. Over time, it will begin to increase in volume and an air cap will form on the surface. When the cap begins to fall off, the dough will be ready and can be mixed into the dough.
  3. While the dough is rising, you can start kneading the dough: mix eggs, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar using a mixer. Mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Then add the softened room temperature butter and a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  5. Mix the prepared dough into the mixture and begin adding sifted flour. Stir in flour in small portions.
  6. It should be quite viscous, and at the same time elastic dough. It does not stick to your hands and easily gathers into a lump. And it doesn't require kneading with your hands.
  7. Place the dough into the greased multicooker bowl. Now you need to give time for the dough to rise. Set the “multi-cook” program, time 1 hour 20 minutes, temperature 35 degrees. Click the "Start" button. Volume ready dough should increase at least 2 times.
  8. Now it's time to add the raisins to the dough. Drain the liquid from it, dry it, sprinkle the raisins with flour.
  9. Sprinkle flour on a clean work surface and place the risen dough, and place floured raisins on top of the dough.
  10. Combine the raisins with the dough by normal kneading, remember that the dough should remain plastic, do not overdo it with flour.
  11. Place the dough back into the slow cooker and repeat the "slow cook" operation to rise the dough a second time. This time set the time to 35 minutes.
  12. Now open the lid and see how the dough has risen (the dough should take up half the bowl.
  13. Now you can start baking. Set the “Baking” mode, time 1 hour 40 minutes.
  14. Check the readiness of the cake with a wooden skewer. The cake itself should double in volume. Let the cake cool directly in the multicooker bowl and only then remove it (the multicooker must be turned off). Now you can start decorating the Easter cake.
  15. You can decorate with protein glaze with candied fruits, as in the recipe above, or just sprinkle powdered sugar.
  16. The holey, spongy and very tasty Easter cake is ready.

Easter cakes in a Panasonic multicooker video - recipe

I suggest you visually see how you can prepare delicious, bright pastries for Easter in a Panasonic multicooker (Panasonic - 18). Here the author prepares not just one Easter cake, but several small Easter cakes. To simplify the preparation process, the dough can be prepared in a bread machine.

Cottage cheese cake recipe for Easter in a slow cooker

Another recipe for making a delicious cottage cheese cake in a Panasonic multicooker (however, you can use any multicooker, for example, a Polaris multicooker) You can cook one large holiday cake or make several small cakes, as in the previous video recipe. Kulich is baked at a temperature of 170 degrees. Ready baked goods It turns out moist, juicy, very tasty and airy, be sure to try this holiday recipe.

There are a great many holiday recipes for butter dough, and perhaps you have your own favorite recipe. Butter dough for baking in a slow cooker, it is prepared according to the same recipe as for the oven. You just need to follow all the successive stages of preparing the dough.
In conclusion, allow me to congratulate you on the upcoming Happy Easter. I would like to wish you and your loved ones health, happiness, prosperity, as well as successful and delicious baking for the biggest and brightest Christian holiday.
Bon appetit!

It’s hard to imagine the bright holiday of Easter in Russia without the traditional Easter baked goods - Easter cakes. I won’t say that making Easter cake is a simple matter. However, deciding to bake Easter cake is much easier if you have a slow cooker. We offer you several excellent Easter recipes in a slow cooker, adapted for cooking in this wonderful kitchen appliance. For those who have never tried to work with butter dough, a straight Easter meal in a slow cooker will do. The dough is kneaded liquid, it is not heavy, it rises easily. And to avoid any trouble with it, the recipe explains in great detail how to handle it. For more advanced multi-cook bakers - a recipe traditional easter on yolks in a slow cooker. Traditional way preparing dough on dough. The cake turns out to be very soft. As an addition, a safe glaze option without using raw protein. Although it does not harden into a glossy crust, it looks no worse than usual. For those who like to bake a lot of Easter cakes and give them to friends and family, we suggest you try baking five Easter cakes at once in a slow cooker.

Recipes for Easter cakes amaze with their variety. Try orange cake with zest and freshly squeezed juice.

Kulich - a festive Easter bread - turns out especially fluffy and airy in a slow cooker. Frosting without raw egg whites!

An old recipe for Easter cake with long dough and measured step-by-step preparation The dough was perfect for the slow cooker. Without exaggeration - this is the most best cake of all the ones I've ever tried.

A traditional recipe for custard cottage cheese Easter, which is usually served on festive table along with Easter cakes and other Easter treats. The process of preparing such Easter is not quick, but it is worth the time and effort spent on it.

This is a recipe for those who don’t dare spend the whole day in the kitchen, conjuring around dough with Easter cake dough. Or he has already made up his mind and has no desire to repeat the experience. Yeast-free Easter cakes are very easy to prepare. And we will tell you in detail how to brown them in a slow cooker.

Not a single holiday Easter table can't do without traditional fragrant Easter cake- Easter. Cottage cheese Easter is a traditional and symbolic sweet treat on the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

There are several types of cottage cheese paskas: raw, boiled, custard and baked. In general, the recipes are similar in composition, but their cooking principles are different. Not always wet Easter can be given to a child without fear due to the presence of raw eggs, and this product does not last long. The shelf life of custard, baked or boiled Easter is much longer.

In this issue you are offered different photos recipes for baked Easter from cottage cheese in a slow cooker.

Cheese baked Easter in a slow cooker

Cheese Easter, like the more familiar baked one, also symbolizes the Resurrection of Christ and is prepared from cottage cheese, mainly homemade. It should be soft, thick and moderately greasy, similar to clay. Choosing such cottage cheese on the market is quite simple - put a small amount in your mouth and mash it with your tongue. The cottage cheese should completely dissolve. You can also add dried fruits, nuts, seeds and dried berries, spices ( ground cinnamon, vanilla).
Semolina and starch perfectly hold Easter together, but the taste does not suffer from this at all; it will also save the situation if you use slightly runny cottage cheese.

List of ingredients:

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 100 g raisins, soaked in boiling water and squeezed;
  • 100 g toasted walnuts;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. potato starch.

If the cottage cheese is soft enough, then Preliminary processing will not need. It is advisable to grind too dry cottage cheese with grains through a strainer, gauze, or twist through a meat grinder. However, such cottage cheese is better used for other purposes. Take a suitable container for kneading the curd “dough” and transfer the curd.

Grind the cottage cheese with sugar.

Drive in chicken eggs and stir with a fork.

Add pre-prepared seedless raisins.

The nuts must be chopped with a knife in advance and fried in a dry frying pan. Pour them into curd mass with raisins.

Baked cheese Easter will be prepared with semolina, add it at this stage.

The second component that will help baked Easter thicken and keep its shape is starch. Mix it carefully with a spoon.

When all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, try raw Easter for sugar. Add a little salt, literally 0.5 tsp. – this will enhance the taste of the baked goods.

How to cook baked cottage cheese Easter in the oven

Suitable small and tall baking dishes must be greased and placed in a preheated oven. Baking lasts 40 minutes. Consider the nuances of your oven. If it happens that the baked goods burn from below, then place a metal pan with water under the baking sheet. If food burns on top, lower the pan to the lower level. By the way, you can buy a special disposable mold made of cardboard or foil - they are beautiful and you can put Easter cottage cheese on the festive table in it.

After the cheese Easter is baked, decorate it with traditional sprinkles, glaze and sugar figurines. Serve chilled the next day.

If your kitchen is also equipped with a multicooker, you can cook incomparable cheese Easter and the only difference in it is that it will not have the traditional symbolic shape of a truncated cone or cylinder, like Easter cake.
Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, transfer the curd mass into it and smooth it out.

Easter in a multicooker is prepared in the Baking mode for 60 minutes. After the sound signal, do not open the lid for some time, wait until it has completely cooled down - this will prevent the Easter from “falling off”.

Lubricate the top with protein or sugar icing, decorate with sprinkles.

Happy Easter and bon appetit!

Cheese baked Easter was prepared for the Notebook by Evgenia Khonovets.

Since the diameter of the multicooker bowl is about 24 cm, the cottage cheese Easter itself will turn out to be of small height. There are options - bake in small muffin tins.

In one of the episodes I told you about an old recipe.

There was enough mass, so I wanted to conduct an experiment and cook this Easter in a slow cooker. The dessert turned out very tasty and the children quickly stole it, because I prepared them in small silicone molds for cupcakes. Now I bake it not only for Easter, but also instead of cheesecakes or cottage cheese.

Easter cottage cheese in a slow cooker in molds

So, in order to cook cottage cheese Easter, baked in a slow cooker in the form of small Easter eggs you will need

When I purchased a multicooker, I began to actively master it, and my family ate a lot of goodies. Easter is just around the corner, so I decided to try baking Easter cake in a slow cooker, since it has a large bowl, 5 liters. I found a suitable recipe and took a chance. The result, let me tell you, exceeded expectations! There were 4 types of Easter cakes on the table, everyone definitely said that mine was better and tastier than all of them! Therefore, I am happy to share with you the recipe for Easter cake in a slow cooker, see below step by step recipe with photo.

When I started baking, I was afraid that it wouldn’t work, because there are so many nuances in baking Easter cakes, but the recipe is very simple, and you can definitely handle it. Therefore, without hesitation, let’s start baking, and God help you!


  • Flour - 4-5 glasses (the flour varies, so it’s difficult to say more precisely);
  • A glass of milk (I took regular store-bought milk, preferably homemade if available);
  • 4 eggs (also preferably from domestic chicken);
  • A glass of sugar (which is 250 g);
  • Half a stick of good quality butter (Kulich after all!);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable (which is odorless) oil;
  • A tablespoon full of dry yeast;
  • Raisin Guest;
  • A packet of vanilla.

All products were delivered to the table in a timely manner so that they were all at the same temperature. And let's go! Take a bowl (not plastic!), add yeast, literally a spoonful of sugar, and mix.

Pour in warm, heated milk, mix, let it sit, think, and the yeast will begin to ferment.

In a second bowl with the rest of the sugar, beat the eggs not very intensively.

Melt the butter (just place it on something warm).

Now mix the ingredients of both bowls.

Slowly, in portions, add flour and knead. The dough turns out so warm and cozy, it doesn’t stick, it feels like it’s alive in your hands. Grease the multi bowl with butter and place our lump of dough there.

Turn on the heating and turn it off after 5-6 minutes. That is, we have already set the heat, let the dough rise there slowly (no need to rush). We repeat after half an hour.
Now we open the multicooker, look at the condition of the dough: if it has risen high, you can switch to “Baking”; if it has not yet risen enough, turn on the heating for another 5 minutes, and wait another half an hour. There is no need to rush when baking Easter cakes, we slowly catch up with the dough.

That’s it, our dough has reached the desired state, turn on “Baking”, I have a maximum of 50 minutes, so I turned on 50 and 20 minutes in 2 passes (unit power 700 W).
We open it and look: everything is fine - the top, of course, will not be ruddy, this is understandable, but we will cover it with glaze, so this is not important.

When I bake regular pies, I just take them out onto the wire rack, turn them over, and back into the pan, baking the top until golden brown. But Easter cake will not tolerate such blasphemy. Therefore, it will be as it is.

Basics Easter dish- This traditional Easter cake. It should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, it is so important for every housewife to try to knead the dough according to all the rules, and then bake the cake. If you have a multicooker at home, then this process is simplified, the cake will turn out fluffy and will never burn.

What could be tastier than sweet pastries? Not only children, but also adults love buns, cakes and muffins. When the most important Orthodox holiday, Easter, approaches, all people are looking forward to breaking their fast and trying delicious pastries. The main decoration of the Easter table is Easter cake; today we suggest baking Easter cake in a slow cooker. The set of products is standard, and any multicooker will cope with the tasks.

What ingredients are needed:

  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • milk - half a glass (200 ml);
  • sugar - half a glass or 200 g;
  • flour (only premium grade) – 4.5 cups;
  • butter – 150 g (can be replaced with margarine);
  • raw yeast – 40 g or 1 packet of dry yeast (11 g);
  • raisins - to taste, but not more than 100 g;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • vanilla sugar or vanillin powder - to taste.

For the glaze you will need:

  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • confectionery topping.
  1. First you need to soak in warm water raisins and leave for a while. While we are preparing the dough, the raisins will be thoroughly washed and can be added to the dough. But more on that later. We buy raisins without seeds, free them from debris and twigs.
  2. Heat the milk to a temperature no higher than 40 degrees (can be on the stove, in a slow cooker or in the microwave). We need warm milk so that the yeast can be dissolved in it. Add yeast to milk, stir and leave for now.
  3. The next ingredient is sugar, you need to weigh 200 g (use a kitchen scale or a measuring cup), pour only 2 tbsp into the milk with yeast, and mix.
  4. Place the bowl with milk, sugar and yeast in a warm place.
  5. After some time (it all depends on the temperature in the room and the quality of the yeast), you need to monitor the dough; as soon as bubbles begin to appear, the mixture becomes bubbly and “stirs,” you can start kneading the dough.
  6. Pour the dough into a spacious bowl. In a separate container, beat 3 egg whites with sugar and carefully mix the resulting thick foam into the dough.
  7. Now you need to sift the flour and add it into the mixture, carefully, in small portions.
  8. Mix our dough and leave for 20 minutes (if you use dry yeast) and 1 hour if you use raw yeast.
  9. After the specified time, you need to add another 1 glass of sifted flour to the mixture and knead the dough thoroughly. We are not lazy, because the final result depends on how well this part of the work was done.
  10. Now you need to take the butter and grind it with the yolks. If the butter is soft, then mixing the ingredients is not difficult, but if the butter has just come out of the refrigerator (or freezer), then you need to grate it on a fine grater, and then mix with the yolks and sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  11. Add the mixture to our dough, and also add a pinch fine salt and vanillin (or sugar).
  12. Sift the remaining flour through a sieve and also add to our dough. You may need a little more or even less flour, so don’t pour out all the flour at once, leave half a glass of flour in reserve.
  13. Let's start kneading the dough, this is a very important and responsible moment - you need to knead the dough so that it becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands. The whole process will take 15 minutes, so you have to try. Don't forget to put raisins in the dough (drain all the water, put the raisins on a paper towel to get rid of moisture, then roll in flour).
  14. The dough is ready, now you need to grease the multicooker bowl with soft butter or vegetable oil (only odorless) and immediately put our dough into the multicooker.
  15. Set the “Warming” program and wait until the dough begins to rise.
  16. Now switch the multicooker to the “Baking” mode, the time will be set automatically - 45 minutes. This is not enough, therefore, as soon as you hear the signal, the timer will work and the multicooker will turn off, you need to turn on the “Baking” program again for 45 minutes.
  17. After the signal, you can open the lid of the multicooker and admire your work - the Easter cake in the multicooker will turn out beautiful and fluffy.
  18. Very carefully remove the finished cake from the bowl of the appliance and place it on a flat dish.
  19. While the cake is cooling, let's prepare the glaze. We only need protein, add powdered sugar to it, mix well. Now you need to beat the egg whites and powder into a strong white foam. This is best done with a mixer.
  20. Our cake has cooled down a little and you can coat the top with the freshly prepared glaze. We cover the entire top and “climb” a little onto the sides. If you tried hard and beat the egg whites and powder properly, the glaze should turn out elastic and not spread.
  21. We have completed this job, there remains an equally interesting job - decorating the top of the Easter cake cooked in a slow cooker, confectionery sprinkles. This part of the work can be entrusted to the youngest members of the family.

That's it, the Easter cake in the slow cooker is ready, it turned out very tender and tasty, every piece just melts in your mouth. This is a real masterpiece that cannot be replicated in a regular oven!

Airy Easter cakes in a slow cooker

It is impossible to imagine the Easter table without rosy and sweet Easter cakes. There's still time to bake delicious Easter cakes and please your family, and at the same time enjoy delicate taste this delicious baked goods. We suggest baking several Easter cakes at once in a slow cooker.

  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • butter – 175 g;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • flour – 600 g;
  • yeast – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • nutmeg– 0.5 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • candied fruits – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • multi-colored sprinkles – 1 sachet.

How to cook Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Turn on the multicooker in the “Heating” mode (the bowl should be clean and dry). Leave the device for 5 minutes.
  2. During this time we need to prepare the dough. We heat the milk to a temperature no higher than 40 o C and dilute the yeast in it.
  3. Place 4 tbsp in the dough. flour (pre-sift) and 1 tbsp. sugar, mix all the ingredients so that the dough turns out without lumps.
  4. Pour the dough into the multicooker bowl and leave it to rise.
  5. We make the second half of the dough - the butter half. We separate the yolks from the whites, put the whites in the refrigerator, we will need them a little later, when we need to decorate the top of the finished Easter cake.
  6. Mix the yolks with sugar and grind well, the mixture should lighten.
  7. Melt the butter on the stove and add it to the mashed yolks and sugar in small portions, stirring immediately.
  8. Add nutmeg, cinnamon and salt to the finished butter mixture, mix all the ingredients.
  9. While we were working on the buttery part of the dough, our dough came up in the slow cooker.
  10. We can start kneading the dough, but for this we need to prepare a spacious container, for example, a pan or bowl.
  11. First, you need to pour the rich part of the dough into a bowl, and then gradually mix in our dough.
  12. The most crucial moment of kneading the dough has arrived. Let's prepare a bowl and pour vegetable oil into it.
  13. Sift the flour and add a little batter. Attention, it is better to first add half a portion of flour and add more as you go, as the dough may turn out too stiff.
  14. Mix the dough first with a spoon, and then you will have to work hard and knead it with your hands. To prevent it from sticking to your hands, periodically moisten your hands with sunflower oil.
  15. While kneading the dough, you need to add candied fruits. Knead the dough for a long time, for 10 minutes or even more.
  16. The dough is ready, it is homogeneous and elastic. We need to grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, turn on the “Warming” program and wait a few minutes until the bowl becomes warm.
  17. The multicooker operates in the “Heating” mode for no more than 2-3 minutes. Then we turn off the device.
  18. Place the dough in the multicooker bowl. Don't forget to close the lid of the device.
  19. Leave the dough in the slow cooker for now until it rises. We note the time - 20 minutes.
  20. After 20-25 minutes, the lid of the device can be opened to thoroughly press down the well-risen dough on all sides. We do this several times, that is, close the lid, turn on the “Warming” program for 2 minutes, turn it off, leave the dough in the multicooker for 20 minutes, open it, knead the dough and again make the dough rise one more time.
  21. After the 3rd time, the dough can be spread into high paper molds(you will need 5 tall molds). Just first you need to grease the walls and bottom of each mold with vegetable oil.
  22. Fill each mold 1/3 full with dough.
  23. The multicooker bowl needs to be washed and wiped dry.
  24. Place the molds with the dough in the working bowl of the device (it should be warm). The lid must be closed.
  25. Turn on the “Warming” program again and wait for the dough to rise. That's it, now you can turn on another program - “Baking”, set the time - 1 hour.
  26. When you hear a beep, this does not mean that the Easter cakes in the multicooker are baked. You need to open the lid of the device, turn the molds upside down and put the baked goods on for another 30 minutes, in the “Baking” mode.
  27. You can not turn the Easter cakes in the multicooker, then immediately set the “Baking” program, time – 1.5 hours.
  28. After the signal, when the timer goes off and the multicooker turns off, we take out the finished Easter cakes from the multicooker. We leave it on the table.
  29. While the cakes are cooling, it's time to start making the glaze. We need to mix the whites with powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until you get a fluffy, thick white mass.
  30. At the end of whipping, add lemon juice.
  31. That's it, you can decorate the top of our lush Easter cakes egg white glaze and sprinkle with colorful sprinkles.

Easter cakes in a slow cooker turn out very tasty, the dough is airy and tender. Help yourself!

Alexandria Easter cake in a slow cooker

Many housewives have heard about the unique “Alexandria” test, but not everyone managed to find real recipe. It is unknown where the name of the dough comes from, but the cakes turn out simply delicious. Try it and you will see for yourself.

Products for cooking:

  • flour – 600 g (highest grade only);
  • baked milk – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh yeast – 35 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • raisins and candied fruits – 100 g.

For fondant:

  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Step-by-step preparation of Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. We make the dough: knead without flour, leave to “ripen” for as long as 8 hours (this is the minimum, in a cold room – 12 hours).
  2. To prepare the dough, beat 1 yolk and 2 more whole eggs with a whisk, pour in the entire portion of sugar, mix well.
  3. Cut the soft butter into cubes or slices and mix into the sugar-egg mixture.
  4. Heat the milk on the stove to a temperature no higher than 40 degrees, pour the milk into the prepared mixture, stir.
  5. The last ingredient in the dough is yeast. Add the yeast, mix and leave the dough overnight in a warm room. It is advisable to cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel. By the way, choose a spacious container for mixing products.
  6. In the morning you will be surprised, as you will find that the dough has risen and fallen several times during the night (you will see the marks on the bowl). Pieces of butter will “float” on the surface, this is normal.
  7. Now you can add the rest of the products, first add salt and vanilla sugar.
  8. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the dough. Mix well.
  9. The raisins had to be prepared in advance: steamed in warm water and then dried on a paper towel. To prevent the raisins from settling to the bottom of the pan when baking Easter cake in a slow cooker, you need to roll them in flour.
  10. Add raisins and knead our dough thoroughly. This process is not easy, so we are in no hurry and try to knead the dough thoroughly. Mix in a bowl. Periodically wet your hands with vegetable oil. The dough should be soft and sticky.
  11. You need to allocate about 10-15 minutes to knead the dough, this is of course a very long time, but the taste of Easter cake cooked in a slow cooker will be excellent.
  12. The finished dough should be left to proof in a warm place for about 1 hour.
  13. During the proofing time, the dough should increase in volume; it should be kneaded with your hands and placed in the working bowl of the device. Don’t forget to grease the walls of the container with vegetable oil.
  14. Now the dough will rise right in the multicooker bowl. Close the lid of the device, turn on the “heating” program for only 2 minutes, maybe 3, but no more! Turn off the device and keep the Easter cake dough in the slow cooker for 45-50 minutes. The dough will rise again and double in size.
  15. We bake Easter cake in a multicooker in the “Baking” mode, set the time to 45 minutes (for multicookers with regulation, set the temperature to 150 o C).
  16. After the signal, we extend the cooking mode for another 20 minutes, but set the temperature a little lower - 120 o C.
  17. We take the finished cake out of the appliance right along with the bowl and leave it on the table. After the cake has cooled slightly, it can be easily removed from the bowl and transferred to a flat dish.
  18. You can do it differently and bake several small ones instead of a large cake, but then you need to buy paper molds.
  19. Let's do protein glaze from chilled egg white, powdered sugar and lemon juice. First, beat the egg whites with powder, and at the end of the process, when the mixture becomes fluffy and stable, add lemon juice.
  20. Decorate the top of the Easter cake prepared in a slow cooker with icing and immediately sprinkle with multi-colored confectionery powder. By the way, if you want the glaze to not dry out or crumble, add a spoonful of potato starch while whipping the egg whites with powdered sugar.

Easter cake in a slow cooker will turn out sweet and airy; its structure is more like a cupcake, a little juicy, but it won’t go stale for a long time.

Cottage cheese Easter cake in a slow cooker

If you adhere to traditions, then Easter cake must be baked from cottage cheese, and you can add raisins and candied fruits to the dough. Our grandmothers baked Easter cakes in Russian ovens, but since we don’t have this opportunity, we will cook Easter cakes in a slow cooker. This device can handle any task.

Ingredients for making Easter cake:

  • instant yeast – 1 sachet (9-11 g);
  • warm milk – 110 ml;
  • cottage cheese 5% - 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • flour – 500 g;
  • vanillin (half a teaspoon) or vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • raisins and candied fruits – 100 g.

How to cook delicious Easter cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Dry yeast needs to be dissolved in milk. The temperature of the milk should not be higher than +40 o C.
  2. Put 1 tsp in milk. sugar, 3 tbsp. flour and leave the mixture (after stirring) for 30 minutes.
  3. The dough has already arrived, you can add yolks (3 pieces) previously ground with sugar to the mass, then add salt and vanilla sugar (or vanillin powder). Stir the mixture.
  4. We have a few ingredients left: it's time to put in the cottage cheese (it should be soft, you can rub it through a sieve) and add soft butter.
  5. In a separate bowl, you need to beat 2 egg whites with sugar (100 g), leave half, and put half in the dough, only in small portions so that they do not fall off.
  6. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the dough. Knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands until it becomes elastic.
  7. Turn on the multicooker in the “Heating” mode, time – 3 minutes. Let's turn off the program, you can open the lid and put our dough into the multicooker bowl (don't forget to immediately grease the bottom and walls of the mold with vegetable oil). You can close the lid of the device and leave the dough alone for 40 minutes. The multicooker is distinguished by the fact that it retains heat very well, so this device is simply irreplaceable for dough.
  8. After 40 minutes you can open the lid. You will see that the dough has risen well and increased in volume, just what we need.
  9. Knead the dough with your hands (you can transfer it to the table), mix in the raisins (washed and rolled in flour) and candied fruits.
  10. We put our dough into the multicooker bowl again, turn on the same “Warming” program, but set the time to 15 minutes.
  11. You will see that the dough will rise well. Now we switch the device to another mode and set the “Baking” program, the cooking time for Easter cake in a multicooker is 1 hour plus another 30 minutes.
  12. There is no need to open the lid during baking! If you don’t listen, the dough will fall and the cake won’t be as airy.
  13. After the sound signal, leave the cake in the multicooker to cool (you cannot make sudden changes in temperature for yeast baking).
  14. Carefully turn the finished cake over using a steaming container, and then transfer it to a flat dish.
  15. We are waiting for the Easter cake cooked in the slow cooker to cool a little so that we can decorate the top with the finished glaze and, if desired, add candied fruits and confectionery powder.

Easter cake in a slow cooker turns out very tasty and beautiful not only on top, but also in the cut, because we added multi-colored candied fruits to the dough. And since we also put cottage cheese in the dough, the cake turned out to be very tender. You should definitely prepare the cake according to this recipe. By the way, you can bake in a slow cooker not only Easter baking, but also whatever you want. Good luck!

Easter cake in a slow cooker. Video