Make Easter from cottage cheese. Easter cottage cheese recipe with photos step by step at home

Easter is one of the brightest and most long-awaited holidays of the year, for which they mentally begin to prepare long before the holiday itself. What to say about the most different dishes preparing for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Undoubtedly, there are traditional dishes, which are prepared in almost every house on the eve, among which it is necessary to highlight Easter cottage cheese. It's extremely tasty and healthy dish, since its main ingredient is cottage cheese. Almost every housewife knows how to make Easter from cottage cheese.

What you need to cook Easter cottage cheese

- this is a fairly simple dish to prepare, because in addition to the ingredients, it does not require any special items. According to its method of preparation, Easter from cottage cheese can be similar to pudding for many, although this depends directly on the method of preparation.

All you need to make cottage cheese Easter is:

pasochnitsa in the form of a bucket or pyramid. It is best to use a wooden easter for these purposes, although the modern market for kitchen utensils offers cheaper options for pastors - plastic ones;

  • a sieve for wiping cottage cheese or a blender that will whip the cottage cheese to a uniform consistency, and also give finished product some airiness and lightness;
  • gauze for putting cottage cheese in a pastry box;
  • containers for whipping cottage cheese and kneading the base for Easter.

From the ingredients, in addition to the main ones, you can also choose the most various additives in the form of nuts, raisins, crushed marmalade, candied fruit, etc.

During the preparation of cottage cheese Easter, it is very important to follow the algorithm for preparing this dish so that it turns out tasty, light and beautiful, because this is still a festive dish.

How to cook curd Easter

There are several types of cottage cheese Easter:

  • custard;
  • raw;
  • boiled.

It goes without saying that the easiest way to make cottage cheese is to cook a raw passover. It is prepared as easy as shelling pears - the cottage cheese is ground with other ingredients, laid out in a mold and aged in a cool place for more than 10-12 hours.


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 5 eggs
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 400 ml 10 or 20% cream
  • various additives of 100 g - nuts, raisins, candied fruits
  • vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve or beat well in a blender.
  2. Soften the butter and add it to the curd.
  3. Separately, beat eggs with sugar, then add cream, vanilla sugar. This mixture must be heated over low heat until the mass begins to thicken. Turn off the fire and cool slightly.
  4. Grind the additives into the desired pieces and add to the curd. To this add a mixture of eggs, cream, sugar. Mix everything well.
  5. Line the pasochnitsu with gauze and put cottage cheese here, cover with gauze and press down with something heavy, you can use a full bottle of water.
  6. Place cottage cheese Easter in a cool place and keep under load for 10-12 hours.
  7. Before serving, turn the pastry dish over with curd Easter on a flat dish and decorate with additives if desired.

The method of cooking boiled curd Easter is very similar to the previous cooking method, but before adding sugar to the curd mixture, it is first brought to a boil over low heat. In principle, the egg mixture from the previous recipe is simply boiled without sugar, which is better to replace powdered sugar.

Custard Easter also does not differ much in the way of preparation, but in this recipe it is very important to consistently brew all the ingredients:

  • first you need to mix the egg yolks with sugar, add milk to the ground and brew the mixture over low heat until it thickens completely;
  • add to egg and milk mixture butter and all desired additives;
  • grate the cottage cheese through a sieve and add to the previously prepared mixture, it is better curd dough beat with a blender;
  • custard cottage cheese Easter also needs to be put in a pastry box and placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

In order for Easter from cottage cheese to turn out to be light and delicate in taste, it is necessary to choose the right cottage cheese - fatty and not grainy, preferably slightly not squeezed. If cream is used in the recipe, then it must be fat - at least 30%, and if cream is replaced with milk, then it must be whole.

Video: How to make Easter from cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter can be served as a dessert, although it is unlikely that any of the guests or family members will refuse it. It is necessary to store this dish under cover, such as stretch film, as it tends to dry out, which will spoil the taste of the dish itself.

Greetings, friends, and we continue to prepare for the bright day of Easter. This holiday has been loved for many centuries by all peoples, and in fact it is revered not only by Christians. Today I want to touch on the topic of the festive table, because after Lent, a lot of goodies were always put up on it, because people really wanted to quickly break their fast. And, of course, not only were present at it, but Easter cakes and Easter became the main kings of the table.

If you are surprised that I share these two concepts, then I will explain that Easter cakes are flour pastries, and Easter is made from curd mass.

In my childhood, no one made such desserts, but I already gave birth to a child when I tried this delicacy! So I was incredibly curious about how difficult this treat is to prepare, so I plunged headlong into this topic.

Now let's tell you what kind of curd Easter are. They are divided into raw, boiled and baked. according to the preparation method.

Raw is stored very little, so it is better to do it before a bright day at night, and you need to eat it within 3 days. Boiled preserves freshness for seven days, it is also called custard. But baked or “red” has the least demand, but I will give you recipes anyway.

So, since ancient times, every Easter was awaited with impatience and reverence, because with the advent of spring, milk, butter and sour cream began to appear among the peasants. Prior to this, the cows stood on a spree and waited for the calves. Now we are used to the fact that the stores are full of any dairy products, but before they were anxiously waiting for it. Most of the milk was given to the royal table, so for the peasants such a delicacy was a delicacy.

The recipe that I will now tell you is traditional with brewing a curd mixture. Today in the article I will talk about two options for brewing. The most common is this one, when the finished curd mass warms up. But, in order not to get ahead of ourselves, let's start cooking.


  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (250 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar (2 tablespoons with a slide)
  • 75 g butter
  • 2 tbsp thick sour cream
  • lemon zest

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks, combine the yolks with sugar and grind.

2. Now mix the cottage cheese with butter and sour cream.

3. Rub the zest on a grater. Then we combine all the ingredients and beat well with a whisk or mixer to make the mass more airy.

4. Now the cottage cheese needs to be cooked. To do this, put the container with the mixture in a pot of water on the stove and begin to stir so that the mass is completely warmed up.

The first ten minutes the mixture only melts, do not stop stirring it. Brewing goes on for another 20 minutes, at which time the base will thicken a little. Yes, this process is quite lengthy.

Once the mixture turns yellowish, the mixture is ready.

5. You need to put it in the cold for a couple of hours or put it in a saucepan with cold water, mixing to prevent separation of the mass.

6. We put the base in a mold on wet gauze and put oppression.

So it was left to infuse for two days, but now it lasts from 12 to 48 hours. Usually, the night is enough for all the excess moisture to come out, and the mass to become denser.

Now I’ll tell you about the form itself, or it is also called a sandbox. Since ancient times, these were wooden planks in the shape of a truncated cone, so they symbolized the Holy Sepulcher. On the sides, symbols were carved in the form of the letters ХВ, which means “Christ is Risen”, as well as a cross, an egg, birds or sprouted grains. which symbolizes new life.

Now on sale such forms are rarely seen from wood, they are hard food plastic, and there are soft silicone ones.

But, if you can lay out the symbolism, for example confectionery topping, then it is difficult to give a truncated shape without a shape. Therefore, I advise you to look for it or make it yourself.

Royal (custard) Easter from cottage cheese with raisins

This delicacy was nicknamed royal not only because in most cases it was present only on the tables of the rich nobility, but also because very expensive ingredients were used in the filling - raisins, dried apricots or dried berries, such as cranberries. And also spices were brought from overseas countries, which were so expensive that they were available only to the king, I'm talking about cinnamon and vanilla. Of course, for a simple peasant this was a luxury, but there is nothing to say about serfs.

In this recipe, we’ll take a non-standard approach to brewing, but the result will also be excellent.


  • Milk - 2 liters
  • 4 eggs
  • Sour cream - 400 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack (8g)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Dried apricots or candied fruits - 100 g

1. We find a container with a thick bottom, into which we pour all the milk and put it on the stove to boil.

2. While the milk is coming up, beat in the eggs, sour cream, lemon juice and mix until smooth.

3. As soon as the milk boils, pour our egg mixture into it in a thin stream.

4. Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. You will separate the whey and grains. Let the container cool for one hour.

5. In the meantime, let's deal with dried fruits, we have raisins today, pour it warm water.

6. Now let's discard the curd and get rid of the unnecessary whey.

Cover the sieve with gauze folded three times. Let's lay out our base. If you do not have the opportunity to hang the cottage cheese, then put a small press on it, so more whey will drain.

7. After an hour, we take out the cottage cheese and add simple and vanilla sugar and very soft butter to it.

8. Now we begin to grind this mass until smooth. You can do this with a spoon, crusher or blender.

See that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you wait for this process for a long time, then take powdered sugar.

9. Mix with dried fruits and candied fruits. You can add nuts, chocolate, cookies or orange peel who loves what.

10. Now we begin to form Easter itself. Someone will take a special form, but what if you don't have one?
Then take a flat plate, cheesecloth, a sieve and two sticks for sushi or barbecue.

We put the sticks on a plate parallel to each other, a sieve is placed on them. In a sieve we lay gauze in two layers, so that it is more convenient to get it.

It is better to boil gauze so that it does not smell like a pharmacy.

11. Then lay out curd base into this form. We tie the edges of the gauze, put a flat plate and oppress at least 1 liter. So there will be more excess serum, and the form will turn out to be more dense.

After an hour, you can get a treat. To do this, remove the oppression, turn the mass onto a plate. And carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate this beauty.

This dessert tastes a bit like ice cream.

Delicious caramel recipe with boiled condensed milk

Oh, and now there will be variations on the theme of Easter, because modern housewives have a lot of all sorts of additives and available spices. For example, let's take boiled condensed milk, it will add a caramel flavor to the cottage cheese, and also give a pleasant beige color.

Not only dried apricots, which we will use in the recipe, but also prunes go well with condensed milk.

All products for the preparation of this delicacy must be room temperature.


  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • Dried apricots - 40 g;
  • Walnut - 40 g.

1. Put sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese and butter in one container. Beat this mixture well with a whisk or blender.

2. Dried apricots need to be poured with boiling water so that it becomes soft.

3. Finely chop the dried apricots and chop the nuts. And we put them in the base.

4. Mix everything and start preparing the form.

5. Put the gauze into the sandbox in two layers so that there are no folds, otherwise they will all be imprinted on the sides.
We put the form in a bowl so that the bottom of the form does not touch the bottom of the bowl and the mixture again does not absorb the whey that will stand out. Install oppression from above. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, periodically looking inside and draining the whey.

6. Then you need to carefully turn the mass over.

7. Remove the form and get rid of the gauze.

Such beauty can not even be decorated.

How to cook dessert in the oven?

Now it's the turn to give you the recipe for baked Easter. It is not so common, but also very tasty. In the process of processing with hot temperatures, the curd acquires a brownish tint, for which this method is popularly called "red".

I really liked this recipe, it seems that the delicacy turns out to be some kind of air.

A simple recipe for a regular Easter with gelatin for home

AT conventional recipes when cooking raw or custard easter we are always forced to put the form in a container, because the curd continues to give off whey, if it is not removed, then the dessert will not keep its shape and become too liquid. But this process takes time, usually from 12 hours. For those who count every second, I suggest adding gelatin to the mass.

With a gelatin mixture, you do not need to put any gauze and drain the whey, because it simply will not form. Therefore, you can use absolutely any form, both a symbolic sandbox and silicone options for baking.


  • Curd 600 g
  • Sour cream 125 g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Powdered sugar 1 cup
  • Vanilla
  • Cream 30 grams
  • Candied fruit to taste
  • gelatin 20 g

1. First of all, fill the gelatin with warm water so that it swells.

2. We begin to grind the curd grains, it is better to do this with a spoon through a sieve, then the consistency will be more tender and airy, but if you do not have time for this, then beat it with a blender.

3. Put sour cream, powder, butter and sour cream into the grated mass, beat this mixture well.

4. Now back to gelatin again. We melt it in a water bath so that all the grains melt. But do not boil, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

5. Pour the gelatin into the mass and beat again.

6. We take any form and lay out the base in it, if you have Silicone molds, then you don’t need to put gauze, but if it’s ordinary, then you need it so that later you can easily pull out the mass.

Gelatin hardens after two hours, so leave it to stand in the refrigerator for this time.

How to make a base without eggs?

Raw pasochki are mainly prepared without the use of eggs, some simply cannot stand them, and some are afraid to eat food that has not been processed at high temperatures. Therefore, there is a recipe for cottage cheese treats with sour cream and butter. Of course, we will add candied fruits and raisins, because our children love such desserts so much, and when they are also elegant, they simply sweep off the plates.


  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar
  • 150 g sour cream (20%)
  • 120 g butter
  • 60 g raisins
  • 60 g walnuts
  • 60 g candied fruit

1. Put vanilla sugar and sour cream into sugar. Stir well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. We wash and soak the raisins.

3. Now we begin to mix the sour cream mass with cottage cheese with a blender. Add softened butter to it and mix again.

The tastier your oil is, the tastier the end result will be.

4. Add raisins to this homogeneous mixture, from which all the liquid, candied fruits and chopped nuts were previously drained.

5. Then we take a deep bowl, put a form in it, which we cover with two layers of gauze.

In order not to spoil appearance and the letters XB, then try to put the folds of gauze into the corners of the form.

6. Fill out the form curd mass. We wrap the edges of the gauze and put a press of at least 1 liter.

And for a couple of hours, drain the whey from the bowl. It remains only to remove the form and decorate the treat itself.

Curd dessert in a slow cooker

So, I invite you to watch the video, which describes in detail which program you need to choose in order to brew the curd base.

It's great that now there are a lot of affordable household appliances that free us up a lot of time without affecting the taste of the dishes at all.

Raw striped curd easter of cream with candied fruit

I also liked the unusual serving of raw Easter with chocolate. In the recipe, you need to take exactly two tiles, but they can be replaced with cocoa. And for those who do not respect products from cocoa beans, just take syrups and jams. It will also turn out very nice.


  • 500 ml. cream 33-40%
  • 600 g curd
  • 2 dark chocolate bars 100 g
  • butter 120 g.
  • powdered sugar 200 g
  • 1 cup mixed candied fruits, dried fruits, raisins

1. Pour 125 g of cream into a separate bowl, into which we break both chocolate bars. We put this mass on the stove for water bath until the chocolate melts.

2. We take two containers, into each of which we will grind equal amount cottage cheese.

3. Finely chop candied fruits and dried fruits.

4. Divide 120 g of soft butter in half and put half in each container with cottage cheese, we also divide candied fruits.

5. Now whip the remaining cream to strong peaks. Cream must be chilled.

6. Put three tablespoons of powdered sugar in each bowl.

7. Now pour melted chocolate and a third of whipped cream into one part. Put the remaining cream in a bowl without chocolate.

8. Beat each mass well until smooth and begin to lay in a mold.

We take a sieve so that excess whey drains, put wet gauze into it. Now we fill the sieve with curd bases in turn. First white layer, then chocolate, etc.

9. We put the press and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

10. In the morning we take out Easter, turn it over onto a sieve plate and carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate it.

To ensure that your actions always lead to the expected result, let's look at a few nuances. Following them will allow you to avoid unpleasant disappointments and always give a delicious treat on this bright day.

  1. So, we always take only fresh products.
  2. Curd must be dry. If you buy this product, then it does not need additional settling, and if you do it yourself, then it is better to hang it for 4 hours above the saucepan so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. To create a delicate and airy dessert texture, the base must be rubbed through a sieve. This will break up the lumps that could be felt in the delicacy.
  4. You need to take thick sour cream so that the spoon stands, then the consistency of the mass will please you, usually 20% of the product is used for this.
  5. You can cook cottage cheese from any fermented milk product and also from milk. By the way, it was previously valued from milk above the rest, because it turns out to be softer and less grainy.
  6. To give different shades, take home dyes: turmeric, beet juice, greens.
  7. For those who cannot eat sweet food, I can suggest making it with herbs and garlic. To do this, take any of the above recipes and remove sweet fillers with spices and granulated sugar. Instead, add salt, chopped herbs and garlic juice.
  8. In order for the dessert to get out of the mold well, before laying the mass in it, you need to lay gauze or a dense fabric.

What should you do if Easter turned out to be very liquid?

So, we made this wonderful dessert, and then I hear that someone turned out a cottage cheese Easter too liquid, even after brewing. Have you had such cases? This could be due to the fact that they took cottage cheese too "raw" or shifted butter and sour cream. But this problem is definitely solvable, it will only take a little more time, don't worry, we won't throw anything away.

Here are some tips on how to remove excess liquid from the curd mass:

  1. Add a spoonful of melted gelatin, put the mixture into molds and put it in the cold until the gelatin is completely solidified, and it will take in excess moisture. It can be replaced with agar agar.
  2. You can put the base in double gauze, tie the ends and hang over the container for half a day so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. Or place the already prepared mass in a mold under oppression until the morning. Periodically checking it and draining the unnecessary released liquid.

That's exactly how it should work.

For those who are preparing for this bright day, I suggest doing it with the children and using their example to explain why this holiday is so revered and joyful for people.

In addition to the Easter cake decorated with sugar sprinkles and colorful eggs Easter must be put on the festive table - air dish from curd.

Easter can be sweet and salty, raw and boiled. Unlike conventional cottage cheese desserts Easter is an expensive dish. Only the highest quality products are suitable for its preparation, and they are needed in large quantities.

You also need to be patient, because Easter is made slowly, adhering to the requirements that are indicated in the recipe.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Before you start cooking Easter, you need to purchase a pasochnik - a collapsible form, consisting of four boards that are fastened together. You can also buy a plastic bag in stores. When assembled, the forms for paskas are a truncated pyramid.
  • Easter can be done in regular saucepan. But in this case, it will be necessary to drain the serum that has come to the surface several times. You can also use a new ... flower pot. It is lined with a thin cloth, filled with curd mass and placed on a saucepan into which the secreted whey will merge.
  • For Easter, you need to take only the most good cottage cheese. It should be soft, uniform, dry. To get rid of excess moisture, it is placed under oppression before use.
  • Cottage cheese for Easter is rubbed twice through a sieve. Those housewives who grind it through a meat grinder are doing it wrong. Passed through a sieve, the cottage cheese is airy and soft. And the cottage cheese, chopped in a meat grinder, turns out to be crumpled and viscous. Of course, you can cook Easter from it, but its quality will be much worse.
  • Eggs must be fresh, as some Easter recipes call them raw. Be sure to wash them before using warm water so that a dangerous pathogen - salmonella does not get into the dish.
  • If cream is indicated in the recipe, then it should be 33 percent fat so that it whips well. Cream of lower fat content can be taken if during the preparation process they do not need to be whipped.
  • Butter in Easter must be only real, not spread.
  • On Easter they put candied fruits, raisins, nuts, zest. It is flavored with vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise. Spices should be carefully crushed and sifted through a sieve.
  • In all recipes, large proportions are indicated, since the pastry must be filled to the top with the curd mass.

Easter raw


  • cottage cheese - 2.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Combine softened butter with sugar and rub until white.
  • Put sour cream and grind the mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Put the mixture in grated cottage cheese, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Moisten a large thin cloth or gauze folded in four layers with water, wring out thoroughly. Cover the form, making beautiful folds. The ends of the fabric should hang over the edge.
  • Fill the pasta box to the top with curd mass. Cover the future Easter with the ends of the fabric.
  • Place the form in a deep saucepan. Put oppression on top of it.
  • Place in refrigerator for 12-24 hours. During this time, all the whey from the cottage cheese will come out.
  • The next day, remove the oppression, remove the lid, unscrew the edges of the napkin. Turn the form over onto a dish, carefully release Easter from it.

Easter creamy excellent


  • dry cottage cheese - 800 g;
  • butter - 500 g;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cream 33 percent - 300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Pass the curd twice through a sieve.
  • Put sugar, yolks and softened butter in a bowl. Add vanilla. Thoroughly grind everything until smooth.
  • Combine this mass with cottage cheese.
  • Whip the cream with a blender and add to the curd mixture. Stir gently.
  • Put the prepared mass in a pastry box or in a mold lined with a damp cloth (gauze).
  • Put oppression on top and put in the refrigerator until the next day.
  • Turn the finished Easter on a dish and free from the form.

Easter custard


  • cottage cheese - 1.6 kg;
  • yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • cream - 300 ml;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • butter - 400 g.

Cooking method

  • Pour cream into a saucepan. Put sugar, vanilla and yolks. Using a whisk, mix everything thoroughly and put on fire.
  • Stirring constantly, bring to a boil over low heat, but make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise the yolks will boil.
  • Pour the mass into another bowl. Place the container in a bowl filled with cold water. Add butter cut into pieces. While stirring with a whisk, cool the mixture.
  • Rub the cottage cheese twice through a sieve and combine with the custard.
  • Stir the mass until smooth.
  • Cover the form with a damp cloth or gauze folded four times. Fill it with curd. Cover the future Easter with the edges of the fabric and put oppression on it.
  • Put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Transfer the finished custard Easter to a flat dish.

Easter chocolate


  • cottage cheese - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • butter - 400 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method

  • Pass dry cottage cheese twice through a sieve.
  • Add softened butter to it and rub well.
  • Pour in the cream.
  • Grate the frozen chocolate and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Put sugar and vanilla.
  • Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  • Prepare the form and fill it with curd mass.
  • Put down the yoke. Put in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Put the finished chocolate Easter on a flat dish.

Easter with candied fruits


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • 20% cream - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 230 g;
  • candied fruits - 200 g.

Cooking method

  • Pass the curd twice through a sieve.
  • Put soft butter and rub everything together.
  • Add the candied fruits cut into small pieces and mix.
  • Combine eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer.
  • Pour in the cream, stir and put on a small fire.
  • While stirring, heat the mixture until it thickens. But don't boil!
  • Place the saucepan with the cream in a bowl of cold water and cool, not forgetting to stir so that a film does not form.
  • Combine the cooled mass with cottage cheese.
  • Put it in the form prepared according to all the rules. Put oppression on top. Put in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Remove the finished Easter with candied fruit from the mold by laying it on a flat dish.

Easter with almonds and raisins


  • cottage cheese - 1.6 kg;
  • eggs - 9 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 800 g;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • raisins - 150 g.

Cooking method

  • Pass the curd twice through a sieve.
  • Add sour cream and stir.
  • Put soft butter into powdered sugar and rub until white.
  • Continuing to grind the mass, add the eggs one at a time.
  • Mix it with cottage cheese, chopped almonds and washed raisins.
  • Put in a pastry box, put oppression on top and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Carefully turn the finished Easter with almonds and raisins onto a dish.

Easter with cool yolks


  • cottage cheese - 1.2 kg;
  • butter - 400 g;
  • eggs - 15 pcs.;
  • cream 33 percent - 750 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Hard boil the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites and chop.
  • Rub the dry cottage cheese twice through a sieve along with the yolks.
  • Combine with soft butter and rub well.
  • Mix the cream with powdered sugar and beat with a mixer.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  • Put the curd mass into the prepared pastry box or other form. Put oppression on top. Put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Transfer the finished Easter with steep yolks to a dish.

Note to the owner

  • Almonds on Easter are put in a peeled form. To remove the skin from it, the kernels are poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Then the almonds are dried and crushed.
  • The finished curd mass can be beaten with a blender before putting it into the pastry box.
  • Easter can be prepared without adding sugar, adding salt to taste. In this case, vanillin is not added.

For the bright holiday of Easter. What to cook for the table, how to cook homemade Easter without baking - we will find out today.

If suddenly you didn’t know, let’s clarify: the classic cottage cheese Easter is a special dish made from cottage cheese, which is prepared only once a year - on the Easter holiday. The custom of preparing curd Easter without baking is known in the central and northern regions of Russia, while in the south of Russia and Ukraine they call Easter or paska. By the way, one of the most popular recipes there is the option of cooking at home.

The original form of Easter is a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher. Traditionally, for the preparation of curd Easter at home, according to the very first recipes, a special collapsible wooden form was used - a pastry box. Today, bean bags can be found on the free market and from different materials.

The classic recipe for "Royal" Easter (curd)

The most important dish of the festive Easter table is Easter. The recipe for the classic cottage cheese Easter "Tsarskaya" read on

What we need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • egg yolks - 3-4 pcs (or 2-3 eggs)
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • butter (room temperature) - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
  • raisins - 80 g
  • nuts (almond petals or chopped peeled almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.) - 50 g.

The classic recipe for "Royal" Easter (curd): how to cook

To prepare the classic royal Easter: rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water and dry the raisins on a paper towel. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (you can pass it through a meat grinder twice or rub it with a blender).

Add yolks (or eggs), sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar to cottage cheese and mix everything well. Add the diced butter and beat the curd mass with a mixer until fluffy and smooth. Pour cottage cheese into a thick-walled saucepan. Put on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles (i.e. until boiling).

Tip 1. At first it will be thick, but the more it is heated, the more liquid it will become - this is normal.

Tip 2. You should not boil the curd mass for a classic Easter, you just need to bring it to the boil.

When the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan from the heat, put in a bowl of cold water (you can add ice cubes to the bowl) and stir until completely cooled. Remove the cooled curd mass for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator so that it thickens.

Add raisins, nuts to the chilled cottage cheese base of the "Royal" cottage cheese Easter and mix well. Cover the pasochnitsu with gauze soaked in water and folded in 2 layers. Put the curd base for the recipe in a pastry box.

Tip: Instead of a pasta box, you can put the curd mass for Easter in a sieve or use a new flower pot (with holes in the bottom of the pot).

Bend the edges of the gauze, press down on Easter with oppression and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. The pastor needs to be placed on a plate so that the whey can drain into it.

Recipe for a classic cottage cheese raw Easter

  • cottage cheese - 500g
  • butter - 200g
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • cream - 1/2 cup
  • egg (yolk) - 2-3 pcs.
  • raisins (pitted), almonds (chopped) - 1 tbsp.
  • candied fruits, cardamom (ground), vanillin - to taste

So, how to cook cottage cheese easter: Grind butter with sugar until white, adding yolks one at a time. Rub the mass until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, flavor with vanilla or finely ground cardamom and sifted through a fine sieve. Add cottage cheese, raisins, almonds, crushed candied orange or grated orange, rubbed through a sieve twice. lemon peel.

Mix thoroughly, add whipped cream, mix from top to bottom, fill with a mass of pasochnik, covered with slightly damp gauze, close with a saucer, load with a slight oppression, put in the refrigerator. Also among our readers is very much appreciated, which will undoubtedly decorate your Easter table even more.

Recipe for a delicious cottage cheese Easter without eggs (with strawberries)

  • cottage cheese (fat content 9%) -450g
  • sugar - 120g
  • butter - 100g
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • lemon (zest) - 1/2 piece
  • dried strawberries- 130g
  • vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp

To cook cottage cheese Easter without eggs: fresh cottage cheese fold into gauze, tie a knot and hang over the sink to glass the whey. After that, rub the curd through a sieve so that the finished curd mass is softer.

Grind dried strawberries in a blender. You will get a homogeneous viscous slurry. Grind the softened butter until the density of sour cream, add sugar, salt, lemon zest and vanilla essence. Knead a homogeneous light mass with a mixer.

Transfer the butter whipped with sugar into a bowl with cottage cheese. Gently, moving the spoon from the bottom up, mix the cottage cheese with the butter. Now you can add strawberries, mix again so that the berries are evenly distributed in the curd mass.

Transfer the curd mass for Easter to a pasochnik lined with gauze, put it under a press and refrigerate overnight. If liquid forms on the plate with Easter, drain it. In the morning, turn the bean bag onto a plate and remove the gauze. Look also at for relatives and friends.

Of course, it is hard to imagine a festive table in an Orthodox family without an Easter treat. Cottage cheese Easter turns out very tasty, you will find their recipes with photos below. the day before Happy Easter all housewives try to prepare carefully, think about how to set the table. It has already become traditional to paint eggs and cook Easter cottage cheese. How to cook cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos can be found in the article.

They paint eggs in different ways: someone uses purchased paints, and someone organic products. In any case, you will get multi-colored testicles. After painting, they should be rubbed sunflower oil so they will shine. You can buy Easter stickers in advance and stick them on each egg. With that sorted out, now is the time to prepare Easter. You can cook ordinary Easter cakes, or you can make cottage cheese Easter. So, the topic of our article is cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos, how to cook this festive dessert will be described below.

If you have never cooked yourself, then thanks to the recipe for cottage cheese Easter without eggs, you will create a real cooking masterpiece. This method is the easiest, suitable even for novice cooks. And if you really want to surprise your family, prepare cheese Easter. Find out the preferences of each family member and, based on this, prepare a real treat for festive table. Cottage cheese Easter as a dish turns out to be very tasty and tender. On this day, Easter must be on the table. How to cook them at home? This is what we will deal with now.

Easter from cottage cheese (royal)

There is a time-tested recipe for cooking Easter. A photograph is also attached. From such a delicacy you can’t drag it by the ears.

Required products:

cottage cheese (it is desirable to choose fatty, 1 kg);

sour cream (fat, 210 grams);

a couple of eggs;

sugar (half a cup, choose according to your taste);

butter (with a high% fat content, 110 grams);

vanillin (a couple of sachets);

raisins (100-150 grams);

candied fruits (100-150 grams).

The first step is to pass the curd through a sieve. It is advisable to do this several times so that the dough is airy and not clogged.

2 eggs are driven into the curd, sugar is poured in and soft butter is added. Immediately send sour cream and vanillin to the ingredients. Now beat all the ingredients thoroughly. For these purposes, use a mixer. If there is no such device in the kitchen, beat with your hands for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, you need to remember, it is better to do this in advance, rinse the raisins. After it dries, it will go into the curd mixture along with the candied fruit. Mix well again.

Next, moisten a piece of gauze and cover the form with it. If there is no beekeeper, you can take a flower pot or a colander. Spread the curd mass on cheesecloth. Wrap with gauze and place a plate on top. Serum will flow through the bottom of your mold, so substitute something under the bottom too. Put everything in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, remove the plate, remove the gauze and turn the Easter on a dish. Flip in the same way as you would the jellied meat. The finished delicacy can be decorated with candied fruits and written in capital letters "XB". The most delicious cottage cheese Easter (classic) is ready. Treats can be brought to the Easter table.

Baked Easter (recipe with photo)

Not a single Easter holiday is complete without Easter. Food should be appropriate for the holy day. Instead of bread, Easter is eaten on this day. Easter from cottage cheese is considered the most delicious, tender and melting in the mouth. All food on the table is exclusively Easter. But how to make Easter at home? We will now provide a simple recipe.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (700-800 grams);

chicken eggs (6 selected pieces);

sour cream (250 grams);

sugar (250 grams);

cinnamon (a couple of small spoons, you can one);

zest of any citrus (grated, 6 small spoons);

baking powder (sachet);

wheat flour (half a cup);

a piece of butter.

Easter treat preparation:

Now you will see how to make a delicious baked Easter. First, separate the whites from the yolks. We need the yolks. They will need to be ground with sugar and mixed with cottage cheese. This is where all the ingredients on the list go. But the flour will need to be sifted first.

Grease the prepared baking dish with a piece of butter. Put the mass there and send it to the oven. Readiness can be checked with a match. If the dough does not stick to it, then you can get it.

Lubricate the finished cake with whipped protein with powdered sugar. This is optional. If you don't like it, don't do it, and without it it will turn out very tasty. Here is Easter cottage cheese ready. The recipe turned out to be very simple. Easter must be put on the Easter table, and you already know how to cook it at home.

Easter recipe with chocolate flavored cottage cheese

How to do delicious easter? This question is asked by many housewives on the eve of the great holiday. After all, food should correspond to this day. Do-it-yourself Easter cake will be especially appreciated. Cooking Easter is very easy at home. There are recipes where the egg is added, and there are where it is completely unnecessary. You can cook a very tasty Easter with the taste of chocolate. Now we will offer you the easiest recipe (step by step).

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (550-600 grams);

butter (210 grams);

sour cream (110 grams);

milk chocolate (bar);

sugar (250 grams);

vanillin (sachet).

Easter preparation:

Before you start cooking, pay special attention to the cottage cheese. It must be properly rubbed through a sieve, if possible several times. Then send it to the prepared bowl. Put some soft butter in there. Next, mix both ingredients with a blender.

Beat sour cream separately and slowly spread to the curd-creamy mass. Mix everything again. After that, sugar and vanillin are added to the prepared composition. Mix everything. Grate the chocolate with small holes and pour into the mixture.

Cover the mold with cheesecloth and put the prepared mixture there. Cover the top of Easter with the ends of gauze, and place a plate on top. Also place a plate under the bottom of the mold, where excess liquid will drain. Put everything in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning your curd paste will be ready. There is no need to decorate her, as she will be beautiful because of chocolate chips. Now you know how to cook a curd treat quickly and tasty.

Custard Easter: how to cook

We are all preparing for Easter in a special way. This holiday is famous for all kinds of pastries and colored eggs. But have you ever tried custard Easter? Now we will tell little secret how to cook it. To give taste and aroma, it is desirable to add citruses.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (1 kilogram);

chicken eggs (8-9 pieces of the second grade);

butter (pack);


sour cream (210 ml);

cream (fatty 210 ml);

raisins (50 grams);

chopped almonds (50 grams).

Easter treat preparation:

Today we will get not just boiled Easter, but custard. As usual, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add softened butter to it. Now put the saucepan on a small fire and bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir the composition.

When the mixture has cooled, beat in the eggs one at a time. If you have cottage cheese lying around somewhere, you don’t need to cook from it. Take a fresh product.

Add lemon juice, sour cream and cream to the prepared mass. Stir again well. Immediately add chopped almonds and raisins. Important! When you rub the zest, do not touch the white skin, otherwise bitterness will be felt in the dish.

Now put the bean bag in front of you and cover it with gauze. This is where the curd paste will go. Put everything under oppression and send it to the refrigerator overnight. The Easter egg recipe was very simple.

Cottage cheese Easter in a slow cooker

Exist great amount Easter recipes. There is cottage cheese Easter with candied fruit, cottage cheese Easter without eggs, but few people know what it is. Easter treat can be cooked in a multicooker. How to cook cottage cheese Easter? What are the recipes in the multicooker? In fact, the methods for preparing Easter sweets are quite simple. You will be convinced of this now.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (fatty, 750-800 grams);

butter (155 grams);

dried apricots (155 grams);

raisins (100 grams);

cream (250 ml);

sugar (half a glass);

a pinch of salt;

vanilla sachet.

Easter treat preparation:

The first step is to thoroughly rub the curd through a sieve. Put softened butter on it. In order for it to become soft, it is enough to pull it out of the refrigerator 2 hours before cooking. Add vanilla to this and mix.

Take the whites and beat with a mixer with sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.
The next step is the washing of dried fruits. Clean fruits will need to be crushed.

Mix the whole mass with cream and salt. Homogeneous mass pour into the slow cooker and leave for 10-15 minutes, setting the "heating" mode.

In the meantime, prepare the form and cover it with cheesecloth. When the signal sounds on the slow cooker, add cottage cheese and set the "porridge" mode. Set a timer for 5 minutes and don't forget to stir.

The mixture must then cool down. After that, dried fruits are added there and everything is mixed. Now the prepared mass should be laid out in a mold. Place plates on top and bottom and place in the refrigerator. The next day, Easter should be turned over onto a dish, and the gauze should be carefully removed. So our cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots is ready. This recipe is loved by all housewives. It is simple, and the delicacy turns out so tasty that it scatters from the Easter table in a matter of seconds.

Recipe for boiled Easter

It is difficult to imagine a bright Easter day without Easter cakes. But they can be prepared not only from flour, but also from cottage cheese. We are going to talk about the second option. Now we will tell you how to make Easter from cottage cheese (boiled). Everyone chooses a recipe for themselves, who knows, maybe this is the way you will like. Easter is brought to your attention cottage cheese recipe.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (fat about a kilogram);

chicken eggs (2 pieces of the highest grade);

sour cream (310 grams);

butter (155 grams, about half a pack);

sugar (210 grams);

a pinch of vanillin;

raisins (110 grams).

Easter treat preparation:

Get the curd first. It must be rubbed through a sieve several times. This will help him stay airy. Add sour cream and melted butter to this. Yes, you heard right, it was melted, and not just softened. Mix everything well until smooth.

Beat eggs with a mixer together with sugar and vanilla. Combine the resulting mixture with curd mass and raisins. Put the saucepan with the prepared composition in a water bath for half an hour. Remember to stir the mixture regularly.

Then proceed as usual. Take a mold for Easter and cover with gauze. If you don't have a bean bag, a colander or flower pot will work. The most important thing is that there is a hole at the bottom through which the whey will flow. Fill the form with gauze, prepared mass. Lay the edges of the gauze on top and cover with a plate. Place a plate down as well, as excess liquid will flow out there.

Place everything in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the frozen Easter can be turned onto a plate and decorated as desired. For design, you can take multi-colored candied fruits. Lay out the letters "XB" with them or just sprinkle on top. The treat is ready!

After you paint the testicles and prepare Easter, they must be dedicated. This is the meaning of all preparations. On this day, all Christians go to church. They light candles and pray. Then they come home and break their fast. On this day, Easter is eaten instead of bread. For a change, along with the curd delicacy, you can bake Easter cakes.

Whichever recipe you choose, you will not regret it, as Easter cottage cheese melts in your mouth. It is such a bliss that it is beyond words, you have to try it. Not one Easter holiday is complete without Easter. Get ready for this day in a special way, because it happens only once a year. This is not just a holiday, Easter means a lot to believers.