Kulich is the most delicious recipe with a photo for Easter. How to quickly and easily cook rich and fluffy yeast cakes

Having got to the master class of English confectioners, I was simply fascinated by their creation. And so I decided to reproduce it in my kitchen. And, it seems to me, I succeeded.🙂 My step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you knead very tasty, sweet and fluffy butter yeast dough for Easter cakes and buns with milk and yolks according to an English recipe.

To start the dough we need:

  • 30 grams of bakery pressed yeast;
  • 1 st. spoon ;
  • 400 grams of sugar + 12 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 5 yolks +1 egg (large D-0, or D-B);
  • ¼ tsp fine salt;
  • 700 ml milk (38°C);
  • 1.2 kg wheat flour i / s or extra (it took me about 1.4 kg);
  • 65 grams of butter 82%.

How to cook sweet yeast dough with milk and yolks

We start preparing the dough with preparatory work. That is, we separate the yolks, heat the milk and melt the butter. The next step is preparing the dough.

Beat sugar with vanilla, yolks and one egg until the whole mass is light, add invert syrup and keep on beating. The mass will become slightly denser and increase in volume, but not significantly.

In a tall and deep bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Then, add about 350-400 grams of sifted flour and mix.

We introduce the entire egg mass, continue to mix at medium speed. Next is the turn of butter, which by this time should already reach room temperature.

Continue kneading the dough with the rest of the flour. I needed a little more flour than the recipe says. It entirely depends on the quality of the flour used. The main thing is that the dough should be kneaded and, at the same time, slightly stick to the palms. We spread it out of the bowl on the work surface.

Check the dough for elasticity. As you can see in the photo, it is very loose and breaks when pulled up.

We begin to knead it in the working area. The dough, at the same time, sticks to the palms, but no more flour should be added. As you knead it, it will become elastic and will easily fall behind the palms.

15 minutes after kneading, the dough does not stick to the palms at all.

When checking for elasticity, it can be seen that it does not tear, which means that the batch is done correctly.

When cutting the dough, its texture should be smooth and uniform.

Lubricate the bottom of the bowl with oil and place our rich yeast dough in it. We tighten the film, send it to proofing for 40-60 minutes.

Easter cakes, and (Babka Knot). Details of the preparation of each baking will be issued as a separate step by step recipe with a photo, so you can bake everything yourself at home. 🙂

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Let's start cooking Easter cakes right after breakfast. First, take out the oil so that it has time to soften. Then let's start preparing the dough. On a low heat, warm the milk slightly. It should be warm, but not hot - about body temperature (we check with a clean finger), in too hot the yeast will die and the dough will not rise!

Take a large bowl for the dough - take it with a large margin, since the dough will still fit. Pour milk with yeast into a bowl and pour half of the flour into it (in this case- 1 kg).

We cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place to approach. The dough should double in size. It takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour - very dependent on the room temperature. Now we have time to wash and wipe the forms for Easter cakes, do household chores, drink tea.

When the dough rises, mix everything well.

Beat the yolks with salt, vanilla, cardamom. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until the yolks are slightly white.

Cover the bowl again with a towel and place in a warm place. The dough should double in size again. Now it will take more time - from 1.5 to 3 hours. You can have time to cook dinner and maybe even have lunch!

At the same time, you need to wash the raisins, peel them from the sticks and let them dry.

We check the dough. Oh, it really went up a lot! It's a wonderful yellowish color and it has an amazing aroma!

Leave the cakes to rise in the molds until the dough rises by 3/4 of the height of the mold.

(Here, for those who made a full portion of the dough, some difficulties arise - after all, such a number of Easter cakes will not fit in any oven at the same time! There are several possibilities:

  1. Instead of a large number small molds take a few large and tall ones. The area occupied by the forms will be less - everything will fit.
  2. Divide the cakes into two parts, preferably also in size. We leave one part to approach, put the other in the refrigerator to slow down the process. During baking of the first part, we take out the remaining Easter cakes and put them in the heat to rise. We bake after the first.

Those who bake half or quarter portions will not have such problems).

So, the dough filled 3/4 of the form. Preheat the oven to 160-180 degrees and bake the cakes for about an hour. In no case do not open the oven before the Easter cakes are browned, otherwise the dough may fall from the temperature drop!

We check the readiness of the Easter cakes by piercing them in several places with a long wooden knitting needle. If the dough doesn't stick to the needle, the cakes are ready!

Let them cool and decorate with frosting. Ready Easter cakes are stored in a sealed container or in a bag without staleness, up to a week!

Here is a day in pleasant worries and has come to an imperceptible end!

Description: ... for Easter cakes, rolls, buns and pies. This dough is not well cooked. in the usual way, which allows products from it not to become stale for a long time, Easter cakes turn out to be airy, and not "heavy"! Bepa recipe with Djazzed Cook,

Ingredients for "Yeast dough (simply incomparable)"

Milk (2 cups) - 0.5 l
Chicken egg - 3 pcs
Sugar - 1.5 stack.
Margarine - 50 g
Butter - 50 g
Vegetable oil - 1/3-1/4 stack.
Yeast (Dry - 2 tsp with a slide) - 50 g
Salt - 1/4 tsp.
Flour (approximately, you need to focus on appearance test) - 7 stack.

Recipe "Yeast dough (simply incomparable)"

So, take the eggs and beat until a strong foam

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat until steam appears. Remove from heat and add a little milk to beaten eggs, mix well. After this manipulation, we send all the eggs into milk and put them back on the fire, literally for 1 minute, so that the mass warms up to 50-60 C, stirring constantly. Further, I quote the author: “Do not overheat, otherwise the eggs will boil and the dough will rise poorly, the pastry will turn out to be heavy, not airy. It is better to underheat than overheat the eggs! stop heating. This moment scares off many, but in fact there is nothing complicated and "terrible" here - the main thing is to be careful. But this heating procedure will allow you to get pastries that do not go stale for a very long time, your pastries will be fresh for a week." Remove from heat and add margarine, butter, half vegetable oil, vanillin, sugar and salt to the still hot mass, mix until butter and sugar dissolve. If the mass is not hot (we take a pen and try it)), add yeast (pre-soak dry in 2 tablespoons of milk), stir and add flour so much that the dough has the consistency of pancakes. If the yeast is good and you haven't overcooked the eggs or put the yeast in too hot a mass, then these wonderful bubbles will appear on the surface. Cover and put the whole thing for 2 hours in a warm place. This is our steam.

After 2 hours, we get just such a risen and bubble dough

Then add a little flour and knead a very soft, not tight dough. I quote Vera: “Knead the dough well, adding a little the remaining vegetable oil. When I knead the dough, I don’t add flour so that it doesn’t turn out cool. I add the next portion of butter only after the previous one has completely interfered with the dough.I pour a little oil - so it interferes more easily and the dough does not slip on the table.Gradual mixing of the oil will allow us to get a layered dough structure - if you pinch off a piece of crumb from the finished bun and pull it, then you will have a thin piece of dough in your hand.

If the dough is poorly kneaded, then the result will be just delicious rich pastries, and a well-kneaded dough will give a fibrous, layered dough structure, the holes will be oblong, stretched upwards. Knead for 10-15 minutes, the dough loves hands. The finished dough will be soft, homogeneous, slightly sticky, but not leaving marks on the hands. Flour for Easter cakes must be taken of the highest quality! The flour must be sifted 2-3 times so that the flour is enriched with oxygen. Since the flour is different everywhere, it is difficult to know the exact amount, you need to focus on the appearance of the dough. The dough should not be steep, and should not spread. It should be very soft, but not reach for your hands, then the baking turns out to be airy and not very dense. Somewhere I read that if you cut with a knife ready dough and there are no marks left on the knife, then there is enough flour in the dough. The dough should be soft, elastic and pliable.

I will give an approximate amount of flour for the corresponding amount of milk, but I repeat once again - be guided by the appearance of the dough!

2l. - 4600-4800g

1l. - 2200-2400g

0.5l. - 1100-1200g

0.25l. - 550-600g"
We put the dough in a warm place and during the rise we knead 2-3 times

If you want to get more rich pastries, then the recipe will be like this

0.5 l. milk,

1.5-2 cups of sugar

2 yolks,

75 g plums. oils,

75 g margarine,

1/3 cup (~80g.) rast. oils,

2.5-3 tsp dry yeast,

Vanillin, spices, raisins, candied fruits to your taste,

1/4 tsp salt.

Approximately 7 cups flour (based on the appearance of the dough)

For Easter cakes, the number of eggs must be doubled !!!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Mandatory attribute - Easter cakes. Traditionally, the dough for Easter cakes for Easter is made on dough, rich, with big amount eggs, sugar, butter, adding spices, dried fruits or candied fruits for a special taste. All products must be of high quality - fresh and strong yeast, eggs, if possible, from homemade chicken, flour tested, and butter without flavorings, with a high percentage of fat content. Eggs and butter are introduced into the dough at room temperature, the flour must be sifted several times. It is recommended to soak raisins overnight in cognac, but this advice is not necessary. Easter cake will turn out to be no less tasty if you simply steam the raisins in a water bath or pour boiling water for a couple of minutes.
In order for the dough to infuse, become lush, soft, it must be allowed to approach well. Due to the large amount of baking, the dough for Easter cakes ripens for a long time, several hours, so it is better to free the day for which baking is planned from other things.

For steam:

- warm milk - 1 glass;
- flour - 130 gr;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- pressed yeast - 50 gr.

For test:

- flour - 800-850 gr;
- butter -230 gr;
- egg yolks - 6 pcs;
- sugar - 2 cups;
- vanilla sugar- 2 sachets;
- vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
- raisins - 200 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To prepare dough and dough, mix salt, sugar and fresh yeast.

We heat the milk, but do not boil it. The temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature, 25-30 degrees. Pour warm milk into the yeast mixture and stir, dissolving all grains and lumps of yeast.

Pour the flour, be sure to sift before adding. Mix with a spoon or whisk, kneading the lumps.

The dough for the sourdough will turn out to be medium in density, about like pancakes or a little thicker. Cover the dishes and put in heat for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is ripening, prepare everything for the test. Steam the raisins in a water bath, leave to dry on a towel. We will get the oil in advance (if this is not done, soften it in the microwave), separate the yolks from the proteins. Add two types of sugar (white and vanilla) to the yolks, grind until thick, almost homogeneous mass cream color.

Ripe dough will rise, covered with bubbles. Stir it and pour the yolks with sugar.

Add soft butter. Stir until all the products are combined, the mass should turn out to be liquidish, without oily lumps.

Sift the flour two or three times. Pour half into the dough, mix until thickened. By consistency, it will turn out like sour cream or a little thicker. Add another half of the flour from the remaining, along with it, pour the raisins.

Mix with a spoon as long as possible. As soon as all the flour is moistened, put it on the table.

Sprinkle the remaining flour with your hands and knead into a soft, smooth dough. At first, the dough will be sticky, heavy, rough. You need to knead it for a long time, at least 15 minutes, but it is better to take a break and knead again, also for 10-12 minutes. Lubricate hands if necessary vegetable oil, the dough will be less sticky to the palms. Well-kneaded dough will become soft, very plastic, will be slightly springy and easily roll into a ball.

We cover the dishes with the dough and put in heat for two to three hours. After about 1.5 hours, we crush once and leave to rise again. The dough rises very well, during proofing it increases several times, becomes soft and fluffy. Cakes from it are wonderful!

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