Easter cottage cheese recipes Easter dishes. How to cook Easter from cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese Easter is a dish that is served at the festive Easter table along with colored eggs. This one is delicious sweet dessert prepared only once a year, using a pasochnitsa (a special shape in the form of a truncated pyramid). The cottage cheese is ground, mixed with sour cream and other ingredients of the recipe, supplemented with nuts or dried fruits.

According to the method of preparation, cottage cheese Easter can be raw or boiled. In the first case, the recipe does not provide for heat treatment - all components are immediately ground into a single mass and placed in a mold. In the second option, the mixture of ingredients is preheated over low heat. We will look at a step-by-step recipe for boiled cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins.


  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or higher - 600 g;
  • butter- 100 g;
  • sour cream from 20% - 200 g;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • raisins, colored candied fruits (or other additives) - 100 g each.

Easter cottage cheese recipe with photos step by step at home

How to make cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins

  1. The first thing to do is grind the cottage cheese, no matter how fatty and silky it is initially, through a sieve, or beat it using a submersible blender. It is extremely undesirable to neglect this point - in in this case It is very important to achieve the smoothest possible composition so that the finished Easter turns out tender and homogeneous, without curd grains.
  2. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, combine the already mashed cottage cheese with sour cream, vanilla and regular sugar, as well as soft butter, cut into small cubes. Separate the yolks from the whites and also add them to the curd mass.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, place the pan on the stove. Heat over low heat, thoroughly stirring the curd mixture. When exposed to temperature, the mass will gradually begin to become more liquid - this is completely normal, as it should be!
  4. When air bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, remove the curd mixture from the heat - there is no need to wait for active boiling. Cool until slightly warm.
  5. Add colored candied fruits and raisins to the curd mass (do not forget to rinse and dry in advance), mix. If desired, you can add other additives to Easter - any chopped nuts, a mixture of dried fruits, fresh berries.
  6. We moisten the gauze with water, wring it out, fold it in two layers and lay it inside the bean bag (the edges of the fabric should hang down on the sides). Place a plate underneath to allow the liquid whey to drain into it. If there is no special form for Easter, you can use a regular colander or take a large plastic bottle, making holes at the bottom for the liquid to escape.
  7. Fill the prepared container with curd mass (in our example, we use a pastry bowl designed for 900g of Easter).
  8. We lift the edges of the gauze hanging on the sides and wrap them, hiding the curd mass under the fabric. We place a load on top (for example, a container of water). Place in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  9. After a while, we remove the load and open the edges of the gauze. Cover the cottage cheese Easter with a plate and turn it over. We remove the bean bag and remove the fabric.
  10. If desired, we decorate the cottage cheese Easter with confectionery sprinkles or in another way. Cut into pieces and serve.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits and raisins is ready! Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese Easter is prepared only once a year, on Maundy Thursday, so that it can settle for Easter Sunday. Housewives do homemade cottage cheese and take out special springforms in the form of a truncated pyramid - a pasochnitsa, on the walls of which the letters ХВ and Christian symbols are carved. Then the drawings are imprinted on the finished Easter, and it looks very bright and impressive. It is interesting that Easter from cottage cheese is prepared only in the central and northern regions of Russia, and in the South they call Easter or Paska regular Easter cake. The shape of Easter is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, so it reminds Christians of the suffering and torment of Christ. There is an opinion that this dish is very difficult to prepare, but, as one Russian proverb says, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work. Let's talk about how to make Easter at home so that it turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful and appetizing.

The best products for royal Easter

When buying ingredients for this dish, it is better not to save money and choose the best and highest quality products. The cottage cheese should be very fresh, not sour, not dry, better homemade. To do this, pour kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream and, when the curd clots separate from the whey, turn off the heat, close the pan with a lid, and let the mixture brew and cool. After this, we place the cottage cheese on a double layer of gauze placed at the bottom of a colander, tie a gauze knot and hang it over the sink or pan for about a day. From 3 liters of milk and 3 liters of kefir (they are taken in equal proportions) it turns out about 1 kg of cottage cheese. But the weight finished product may vary depending on the quality and fat content of milk and kefir - the higher the fat content, the more cottage cheese you will get. Also for Easter you may need cream and sour cream 25%, unsalted butter 82.5%, fresh eggs, sugar, honey, condensed milk, chocolate, marmalade, poppy seeds, dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, berries, mint and spices - it all depends on the recipe.

Two ways to prepare Easter

Cottage cheese Easter can be made in two ways - cold and hot, which means Easter can be raw and boiled. For raw Easter, the cottage cheese is rubbed twice through a sieve or crushed in a meat grinder, then all the products are mixed and placed under a press. Boiled Easter is not actually boiled, but heated over a fire, then slowly cooled in a container with cold water. Since fresh cottage cheese does not last long, it is better to make raw paskhas in small sizes, while boiled ones can be placed in large forms - they retain freshness longer and pleasant taste. By the way, Easter cooked hot is more tender and sweet.

For the simplest raw Easter, take 2.5 kg of cottage cheese, rub it through a sieve twice, mix 200 g of butter with 1 cup of sugar until the mass becomes white and fluffy. Then add 250 g of fatty sour cream and continue grinding until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. By the way, this is the main sign that it’s time to mix the mixture with cottage cheese, add a little salt and fill the pan. We place a saucer with a load on top and put Easter in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

The simplest boiled Easter is made from 300 g of butter, 400 g of sour cream and 4 eggs. The mass is brought to a boil with constant stirring, then mixed with 2 kg of pureed cottage cheese. A little salt is added to Easter, it is kneaded well and put into the mold. For such recipes, it is recommended to take fresh eggs from healthy domestic chickens.

How to make Easter from cottage cheese: secrets and subtleties

If Easter is prepared from store-bought cottage cheese, it is better to first hold it under pressure to remove excess liquid. Housewives who prepare homemade cottage cheese leave it to hang for a day, since the whey remaining in the cottage cheese will prevent the mass from hardening in the mold. It is no coincidence that in Rus' this dish was called Easter cheese - the cottage cheese should be quite dense and easy to cut with a knife.

Liquid sour cream can be placed in several layers of gauze in a colander and placed in the refrigerator. The sour cream should be so thick that a spoon can stand in it - only in this case will Easter be stable. The butter should first be kept warm so that it becomes softer, the dried fruits should be sorted well, washed and dried, and the nuts should be peeled. If you replace sugar with powdered sugar, the raw Easter will be more tender and the sugar will not squeak on your teeth. For the same reason, all spices should be ground in a coffee grinder or purchased already ground.

By the way, cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve differs in consistency from cottage cheese passed through a meat grinder. In the first case, it turns out to be very tender, light and airy, in the second case, it turns out to be more viscous and dense.

Before placing the curd mass in the pan, cover the bottom with a linen napkin or gauze so that the edges hang out of the mold and the Easter can be easily removed. It is better if the fabric is damp, otherwise wrinkles may form that will ruin the surface of the Easter. Cover the top of the Easter with the edges of the fabric and a wooden plank, be sure to apply pressure and take the form out into the cold for about 12 hours.

Sour cream Easter with boiled condensed milk

Cooking boiled Easter at home

An unusually tasty Easter, which is soft and at the same time holds its shape perfectly, your family will certainly like it.

To 500 g of cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve, add 3 yolks, 100 g of sugar, 200 g of sour cream and a little vanillin, mix the mass well and beat in a blender until it becomes soft and airy. Then cut 100 g of butter into pieces, add to the cottage cheese and beat again until smooth.

Now put the saucepan on the fire and heat it very slowly, stirring constantly. Bring the curd mass to a boil and let it cool to room temperature in a large bowl of cold water, then put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Easter will thicken a little and acquire a pleasant consistency. At this stage we add 80 g of raisins to it, which are pre-washed and soaked for 20 minutes in boiling water.

Place the curd mixture in a mold, put it in the refrigerator for a day and serve with raisins and marmalade.

Lazy Easter for busy housewives

It happens that there is no time to cook a real classic Easter, but how can you leave your family without an Easter treat? Let's try to cook quick easter By unusual recipe- it turns out very tender and fragrant.

So, carefully grind 2.5 kg of sour cream with 10-15 tbsp. l. sugar, add vanillin, 150 g of any toasted nuts and 150 g of dried fruits, well washed and dried. Easter is especially delicious with dried cranberries and pine nuts.

Now we put fabric in the pan - either 12 layers of gauze, or 4 layers of chintz, or 2 layers of calico. Pour in sour cream, collect the corners of the fabric and hang the mass in the refrigerator, using a stand for cups, a basket with a high handle or other devices - you will have to use your imagination and be smart. The sour cream should hang for a day, but every 6 hours it is necessary to untie the fabric and mix the contents, since the outside of the sour cream thickens, but the inside remains liquid. You can’t put it under a press, otherwise all the Easter will flow out along with the whey. You can decorate this amazing Easter dessert with grated chocolate, nuts, berries and fruits.

How to serve Easter

Cottage cheese Easter can be decorated with gelatin figures, pieces of chocolate, candied slices of berries and fruits. The simplest decor - cinnamon, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, poppy seeds and multi-colored coconut flakes. For decoration you can use nuts, dried fruits, roasted sesame seeds, rose petals, mint sprigs. Easter decorated with edible beads, flowers and mastic figures looks very beautiful. The dessert can be decorated with whipped cream, especially chocolate, M&M's, confectionery powder, melted chocolate or caramel. Or you can just put a church candle in the middle, because Easter is beautiful in itself. Easter should be cut with a warm knife, constantly dipping it in warm water and wiping with a napkin so that the pieces turn out smooth and beautiful when cut.

Now you know how to make Easter with your own hands, how to decorate it and serve it correctly. Do not be afraid complex recipes and get ready for a bright spring holiday, when not only nature, but also our hearts come to life. May your Easter table always be generous, rich and delicious!


You have already selected the recipes traditional dishes, Easter cake and Easter for the Day of the Resurrection of Christ?

Even if you haven’t chosen it yet, there is still time for this, and I will share with you my favorite proven recipes.

About the fact that it will especially appeal to those who love sweets and butter cakes. And today it’s time for delicious Easter and its recipe with step-by-step photos.

I have been preparing cottage cheese Easter for the holiday not so long ago as Easter cakes, about 8-10 years ago, and during this time I have tried not many recipes - only three, but I have been returning to one of them for several years now, it seemed to me and my loved ones the most delicious.

This is a version of “raw” Easter, which is not subjected to heat treatment. I tried both the custard version and the version with condensed milk, but this particular one seemed to have the richest taste, and it’s not for nothing that it’s called “Tsarskaya”.

“Royal” Easter, recipe with photos step by step, cottage cheese


  • Fresh cottage cheese – 800 grams
  • Yolks – 4 pieces
  • Cream - 1.5 cups (once I replaced it with full-fat sour cream, also delicious)
  • Sugar – 150-200 grams
  • Butter – 150-200 grams
  • Salt – ¼ teaspoon
  • Candied fruits – 1 cup (to taste: dried apricots, prunes, raisins. One or all together)
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar.


We wipe the cottage cheese.

Whip cream and half the sugar.

Beat the other half of the sugar with soft butter, yolks and salt.

Combine the butter and curd mixtures and knead well, add candied fruits and vanilla sugar/vanillin.

Add whipped cream at the end.

Line the Easter pan with damp gauze, add the curd mass, and cover with the edges of the gauze. Place a weight on top and put everything in the refrigerator for about 8 hours.

Remove from mold and decorate.

And, as usual, more detailed description with my recipe comments Have a delicious Easter with photos, step by step.

Detailed Easter recipe from cottage cheese, step-by-step recipe with photos

First, let's do the most uninteresting and difficult piece of work - rub the cottage cheese through a sieve with a fine mesh. I have this.

A great option is to delegate this work to someone at home, preferably your husband, because you will have to make physical efforts. I’ve been looking for a device for straining cottage cheese for a long time, but I haven’t found anything yet, maybe you can recommend something? Help))

While the cottage cheese is being pureed, beat the butter, previously softened (it is enough to remove it from the refrigerator 20 minutes before cooking) with the yolks and salt

and with half sugar.

Not a lyrical digression for those who are afraid to add raw eggs. I am also afraid. That's why:

My eggs warm water;

We put them in a soda solution.

It can be for a couple of hours, but I usually keep them there for half an hour or an hour;

To be completely safe, add a little lemon juice into the yolks.

You can do one thing - either soda or lemon acid, but I use everything at the same time to calm down))

Now whip the cream with the remaining half of the sugar.

This is such a thick, beautiful mass.

It doesn't even drip off a spoon.

The first time I did Easter was when heavy cream We didn’t have any trace of them in the store, so we had to replace them with sour cream with the highest fat content that I could find - 32%. And, you know, I liked the “sour cream” version even more, because the cream, yes, is gentle, but for my taste it’s “not good” and at the same time seems fattier. And sour cream has a characteristic sourness, so Easter tasted more interesting. I want to make it again with sour cream, check or it’s not my imagination)

The pureed cottage cheese must be kneaded well with the oil mixture. I mix with a spoon.

Gradually add vanillin or vanilla sugar. I prefer to add vanilla sugar, since the vanillin must be scattered very evenly and mixed well, otherwise it will taste bitter.

Stir in the prepared candied fruits.

Of the candied fruits, I like to add dried apricots, prunes and a little almonds, which I cut into thin slices. Raisins seem unnecessary to me, because they are already in large quantities in Easter cakes)

In general, the additive options can be anything: dried cherries, dried cranberries, candied mango, a mixture of candied dried fruits... choose according to your taste. In the photo I have dried apricots and dried cranberries.

Into the resulting homogeneous mass Gently stir in the cream.

Now we line the inner surface of the bean box with gauze soaked in water and wrung out, lay out the cottage cheese mixture, and cover the top with the free edges of the fabric.

We put everything in a deep bowl and place a weight on top. And put this whole structure in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

I will dwell on the design in more detail. I only bought a bean bag two years ago, and this is what I have.

Before this I made Easter in suitable containers. But since my bean box is not very spacious, I continue to use additional containers, which are well suited for these purposes:

Colanders, but not flat, but rounded, although in the absence of any, a flat one will do));

Clean plastic flower pots, they must have holes for liquid drainage;

Paper coffee filters. I haven’t tried it, but I read about this option.

I use a jar of water as a load; I always close the jar with a tight lid.

Since the surface for pressing in a colander is quite wide, it is good to make a load from plastic bags. We pour water into them, let out the air and tie a knot; to be safe, we place it in a second bag, I do this all the time - it turns out to be a wonderful load.

After the required period of time, we take out the Easter, it turns out dense, holds its shape, and does not fall apart.
And we decorate it to your taste.

That's actually all about it , how to cook Easter cottage cheese at home, I think the preparation will not cause you any difficulties.

Bon appetit and Happy Easter you 🙂

Greetings, friends and guests of my blog! If you, like me, are preparing for the holiday in advance, then it’s time to make a list of dishes for festive table. Just like Easter cakes and colored eggs, curd Easter is one of the traditional Orthodox dishes. Easter table. Today we will look at some of the most delicious recipes this dessert.

By classic recipe Easter is raw and made without baking. However, this is not important. They prepare both Tsar's custard Easter and Red Easter baked in the oven. The main products are cottage cheese and sour cream or cream. Cottage cheese must have at least 9% fat content, and sour cream must have at least 20%. Still, this dish is not dietary, but festive.

Be sure to add various dried fruits during production: raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, dried cherries. You can add nuts and grated chocolate. For decoration use colored confectionery sprinkles or glaze. In our family, we usually eat Easter raw and bake Easter cakes.

It is better to cook in a special Easter mold with the letters XB. It’s just as easy to compact it in a colander and make it round like a cake. And the letters can be laid out with raisins. Easter decorated with raisins and candied fruits always looks beautiful on a plate. You can place colored eggs around. Previously, we looked at how original they are.

In this article we will look at different variants making cottage cheese paskas at home. I will be glad if they are useful to you. Choose the ones you like best and cook with pleasure.

All products should be removed from the refrigerator an hour before cooking and left on the table. We need cottage cheese and butter warm and soft. Then they are evenly mixed into a homogeneous, smooth, curd mass.

Easter cottage cheese according to the classic recipe without baking

Traditional Easter, the so-called raw Easter, is prepared from the freshest ingredients. That is, we will not brew anything, so cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and butter must be very fresh. My cottage cheese is homemade. It's greasy and comes in big flakes. I grind it in a meat grinder.

If the cottage cheese is from the store, then it is already crushed and you can simply mash it with a fork.

I included dried fruits in the recipe. This means you can take any to your taste. I have candied fruits, cranberries and papaya.

What you will need:

How to cook:

Let's prepare all the products first. We use raw eggs, so they must be thoroughly washed and dried with a napkin. Now carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Cottage cheese, as mentioned above, I passed through a meat grinder.

All products should be at room temperature. This way they mix better into a homogeneous mass.

I took out the butter in advance, cut it and left it warm to soften. Walnuts already peeled and crushed. You can simply wash dried fruits, or you can soak them in boiling water to make them softer.

Add one at a time to the bowl with cottage cheese. powdered sugar, butter and sour cream. I thoroughly stir and grind each ingredient. The result is a curd mass that is smooth and tender.

Add half the sugar to the yolks and whisk very intensively. Place the yolks in a bowl with cottage cheese. Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract is added there. Mix with rubbing movements.

In a separate bowl, beat the whites with the remaining sugar. This can be done with a whisk or using a mixer. It is not necessary to beat until fluffy foam. The main thing is that the sugar dissolves.

Now add proteins, dried fruits and nuts to the curd mass. Mix and you can put it in the mold.

Line the mold with several layers of gauze and place it in a container into which the liquid will drain.

The edges of the gauze should hang down significantly so that they can then cover the bottom of the Easter.

Spoon the curd mixture onto the cheesecloth and fold in each edge one at a time. We press down on top with oppression. I have a bowl of water. The form is put away in a cold place.

The next day we take out the structure and disassemble it. Place the product on a dish, carefully remove the gauze and decorate with candied fruits, raisins or berries. Can be sprinkled grated chocolate or confectionery sprinkles.

Easter cottage cheese, as the main dish of the festive table, is always served first. This is where they begin their first meal after fasting.

Simple recipe without eggs

For those who for some reason do not eat eggs at all or are afraid to eat them raw, you can prepare this holiday dessert without eggs. This will not spoil its taste at all.

Easter without eggs turns out white. If you don't like the white color of cottage cheese, add a drop of any food coloring or berry juice. If you add a spoonful of cocoa when making it, it will be pleasant chocolate color and taste.

What you will need:

  • 600 g homemade cottage cheese
  • 200 grams of sugar 2 p. vanilla sugar
  • 150 gr. sour cream (20%)
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 80 gr. raisins
  • 60 gr. walnuts
  • 60 gr. candied fruits
  • Mold
  • Gauze


We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass it through a meat grinder. You can grind it with a blender.

Pour regular and vanilla sugar into a bowl with sour cream and mix thoroughly until the grains are completely dissolved. Add this mixture to the cottage cheese and add the softened butter there. Beat all this stuff with a blender until it becomes paste-like.

If the candied fruits are large, you need to cut them smaller. I wash the raisins hot water. I crushed the nuts in a mortar. Now I mix them one by one into the curd mass.

Place the plastic mold in a deep plate. I line the inside with two layers of damp gauze.

Place the gauze in the mold so that the folds are in the corners and do not subsequently spoil the appearance of the finished dish.

Spread the curd mixture into the mold, lightly tamping it with a tablespoon. Cover the top with the edges of gauze.

If it turns out a little “slidey”, then don’t worry. As you squeeze out the whey will drain out of the curd. We will need to drain it periodically and within a couple of hours the slide will settle. Then you can put pressure on top and put the structure in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, the structure is disassembled, the cottage cheese Easter is placed on a dish and the gauze is carefully removed. The work is decorated in all possible ways and served on the festive table.

Tsarskaya custard with raisins, candied fruits and dried apricots

The curd mass for this dish will not be raw, but custard. We take a lot of dried fruits and candied fruits for her. Cottage cheese and sour cream are full-fat, preferably homemade.

Don't forget that all products must be at room temperature.

Experienced cooks can brew the curd mixture over low heat. And for those who are afraid that the food will burn, I advise you to take your time and brew the mixture in a water bath.

What we need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 150 ml.
  • sugar - 100 gr
  • butter - 75g.
  • dried apricots - 100g.
  • raisins - 80g.
  • candied fruits - 80 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  • Pour boiling water over dried fruits. Leave to steam for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse and let the water drain.
  • Rub the cottage cheese through a metal strainer. It will become tender and airy. Mix it with sour cream and soft butter.
  • Beat the egg with sugar. Add the resulting mixture to the cottage cheese, add vanilla sugar. We send candied fruits, dried apricots and raisins there too.
  • Transfer the mixture into a saucepan and put on fire or water bath. Heat the mixture gradually, stirring constantly. As soon as the first bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat and leave to cool.
  • Place the bean box on a plate, line it big piece gauze so that the edges hang down. When the mixture has cooled completely, transfer it to the prepared pan and close the edges. Press down on top and put in the refrigerator until tomorrow. Don't forget to drain the whey from the plate from time to time.
  • The next day, take out this structure and disassemble it. Place Easter on a plate and carefully remove the gauze.
  • You can use the same candied fruits or pieces for decoration. fresh fruit and berries.

Creamy Easter recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

In this video, Yulia shows and tells a simple recipe for making a creamy cottage cheese Easter dessert.

I love this show. Watching Yulia cook is already a pleasure! And all the dishes according to her recipes turn out tasty and original.

Recipe for baking cottage cheese Easter in the oven

If you don’t like raw cottage cheese at all, the option of cooking Easter in the oven is suitable for you. The color of the finished product is no longer white, but slightly orange. That's why they call her Red.

Add a little semolina to the curd mass. Other products as shown wet Easter. You can take any dried fruits you like. We will also cover the top of the product with glaze, which we will learn how to make ourselves.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, I brew dried apricots, raisins and candied fruits with boiling water. The butter is pre-cut into pieces and kept warm.
  2. My cottage cheese is fatty and soft. I rub it through a metal strainer twice.
  3. I put the softened butter in the cottage cheese and add semolina. I add the washed dried fruits there too. I chopped the chocolate bar into half pieces. You can also grate it. Mixed everything well.
  4. Using a mixer, beat the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla. I combine the beaten yolks with cottage cheese.
  5. Beat the egg whites with a mixer into a thick, white foam. I mixed everything with cottage cheese again.
  6. I transfer the curd dough into greased baking pans. I also sprinkle the greased molds with semolina so that I can easily remove the cakes from there later. The dough should not be slightly higher than half of the mold, otherwise it will come out.
  7. The oven is preheated to 150 degrees and I bake the eggs for 40 minutes.
  8. Then I turn off the oven and let them finish. I take it out when it has cooled down.
  9. I decorate the top with icing and colored confectionery sprinkles.

As you can see, all ingenious is simple. It turned out delicious and elegant. Similar to curd cakes. Red Easter cottage cheese tastes like a casserole. Children who do not really like raw cottage cheese eat such baked goods with pleasure.

Video on how to prepare Easter dessert with gelatin

In this video clip from the “Cooking Simply” channel, Olga Matvey prepares a jellied Easter dessert from cottage cheese with gelatin.

Products for cooking:

  • Cottage cheese - 600 gr.
  • Sour cream - 125g.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • Vanilla
  • Cream - 30g.
  • Candied fruits to taste
  • Gelatin -20 gr.

As you can see, cottage cheese Easter is very easy to prepare at home. Thank you to everyone who visited my website and cooked with me today!

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In this article you will learn how to prepare traditional Easter cottage cheese. I’ll tell you about the essence of this dish, its symbolism, and give useful tips. cooking tips, and I will also share a selection step by step recipes. I chose the most popular recipes, described everything in detail, clearly, step by step and with photos, and somewhere I also added a video.

For convenience and to save time, you can click on the desired item in the content of the article.

What kind of Easter dish is this?

Easter is special holiday dish made from cottage cheese. According to tradition, it is prepared once a year, namely for Orthodox Easter. And so that there is no confusion in the meaning of words, this dish is most often called “cottage cheese Easter”.

Also, do not confuse cottage cheese Easter with “paska”, which is the Ukrainian analogue of Russian ones. Kulich and paska are flour dishes, and Easter is made from cottage cheese.

They prepare Easter only in Russia, we can say that this is true Russian food. Easter cakes, painted eggs and Easter is an invariable attribute of the Easter table.

Easter is, in fact, a curd mass kept in a special mold (pasochnitsa) and decorated in accordance with Orthodox symbols.

A lot of recipes have been invented, there are even not quite classic options. For example, Easter can even be baked in the oven and look like some kind of familiar cottage cheese casserole.

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is rich in calcium and complete proteins. And this is just very useful after a long period of time. In one holiday you can compensate for the deficiency of nutrients!

Easter can be considered a dessert, since almost all recipes use sugar, dried fruits and other sweet fillings. And it looks almost like a cake! But I also have a fresh (or salty) cooking option in store for you. The taste is original, not everyone will understand, but there will always be connoisseurs.

Symbolism of the dish

Classic Easter looks like a pyramid truncated at the top. And this figure symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. Parallels are also drawn with Mount Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified.

For people far from religion, such information may be a little shocking: there is a cottage cheese coffin for the holiday.

Easter decoration in the form of the inscriptions “ХВ” - “Christ is Risen!” is also of great importance. After all, it was in the tomb that the miracle of resurrection took place.

They add images of a cross, a cane, a spear, sprouts and flowers, which symbolize all the suffering, as well as the resurrection of Christ.

The peculiarity is that all these inscriptions and drawings are convex; they appear thanks to the forms embossed from the inside in which the curd mass was kept.

These forms are called pasochnitsy. Previously they were made of wood, but now you can buy plastic ones. Bean bags consist of several parts, which are held together using wedges or rope.

There are holes at the bottom of the bowl to allow the whey to flow out of the curd. The curd will become denser and the shape of the dish will be more stable.

By the way, I advise you not to be lazy and buy a ready-made bean bag, do not reinvent the wheel, unless, of course, you are a jack of all trades. It's just that some people cook Easter in flower pots.

Cooking principles

Here I will talk about general principles Easter preparations. What are the types, stages and features.

I’ll say right away that preparing classic Easter cottage cheese is a long process. It must not only be made, but also left for at least 12 hours in a cold place (in our time this is a refrigerator).

But in general, Easter is very easy to prepare! You’ll do everything according to the instructions a couple of times, and then you’ll be able to improvise and come up with your own unique recipes.

Easter can be “raw” or “cooked”. Also called “cold” and “hot”.

  • In the first case, we simply grind the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass, add sweet fillings, put it in the bean box and wait until everything “gets stronger.”

Raw Easter is easier to prepare, but its shelf life is shorter - the cottage cheese turns sour. Therefore, this type of Easter is usually made in a small size.

  • Boiled Easter (or custard) is different in that the curd mass is placed on low heat (or a water bath) and cooked for 20-30 minutes until small bubbles form, stirring constantly. Then this saucepan is lowered into a basin with ice water. The curd mass is stirred until it cools completely. Only after this can the bean box be filled.

Before posting curd mass, the bean bag should be covered with gauze cloth. The edges of the gauze need to be turned up, and some small flat board is placed on them. They put “oppression” on the board - any object with decent weight. This is for pressing the curd and getting rid of excess liquid. Someone puts a jar of water, and someone puts an iron!

The filled mold should be placed in some kind of plate so that the whey flows into it.

Since cottage cheese is neutral in taste and quickly becomes boring, all sorts of sweet ingredients are almost always added to it. Usually raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, candied fruits and other dried fruits are used.

Again, nuts and dried fruits are used as decoration, and fresh berries and fruits are also added. Cover with jam, preserves, sugar or chocolate icing. Multi-colored confectionery toppings are often used, as for Easter cakes.


After looking at several recipes, you will understand that the algorithm is essentially the same everywhere. One could even do without photographs of dishes; as you can see, all Easter eggs look the same: white, in the shape of truncated pyramids, decorated with all sorts of sweet treats.

Royal custard Easter

This is the most common Easter cottage cheese recipe. Since it is “boiled”, it is stored for a long time. And it is called “royal” because dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits and other goodies are generously mixed into the cottage cheese.

The fact is that in the old days, dried fruits, sweets, nuts and various spices and seasonings were rare and very expensive. Only wealthy classes could afford them, while peasants and the poor were content with an “empty” Easter.

Now there are plenty of all these products, they are inexpensive, and in stores they sell exactly the royal Easter.


  • Cottage cheese (the fattier the better) – 520 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 110 g.
  • Butter – 100 g.
  • Sugar – 110-130 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Raisins – 90-120 g.
  • Almonds – 70 g.
  • Lemon or orange zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • Candied fruits - to taste;


First you need to steam the raisins. Pour boiling water over it for 5-10 minutes, then drain the water and dry the raisins with a paper towel.

Now you need to rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. Some people even wipe it twice so that the curd mass is more homogeneous. You can also use a meat grinder if you have a small hole attachment.

Grind eggs with sugar, sour cream and softened butter. Add this egg mixture to the cottage cheese and beat well. You can use a mixer or blender. Someone is kneading the millet with a fork.

Transfer the entire mass into a saucepan. We make a water bath: place the saucepan with cottage cheese in a larger saucepan filled with hot water. Place this on the stove and turn on low heat. Cook and stir for about 20 minutes. The curd mass will first melt and then gradually begin to thicken.

You can, of course, without a water bath, just simmer over low heat, but there is a risk that the cottage cheese will burn. Here both the smell and the taste will deteriorate - the transfer of products.

Now place the pan with the hot curd mass in cold water(basin, sink or bathtub!), stir and wait until it cools completely.

Now add raisins, grate or chop almonds, and add fresh zest.

Place the bean bag on a plate and line the inside with 2 layers of gauze. Now you need to put the curd mass in this form, cover the top with the edges of gauze and place some kind of weight so that the whey gradually comes out.

Place Easter in this position in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours.

That's it, then you take it out, turn the bean bag over and carefully remove its bead box. You can decorate with the same almonds in combination with powdered sugar.

Baked cottage cheese Easter

And this is very simple and quick recipe. Easter cottage cheese baked in the oven, of course, is not something original and traditional, but it is still no less tasty! And you can cook it every day.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 10 pcs.
  • Condensed milk or sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Raisins – 150-200 g.
  • Sugar – 50-100 g (to taste);
  • Zest of half a lemon;

Let's start cooking

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Rinse the raisins and add to the cottage cheese. Drive it in there chicken eggs, add zest and condensed milk.
  2. Now this mass needs to be thoroughly kneaded, using a mixer. The result is a liquid curd mass.
  3. Pour the mixture into a baking dish - let it sit warm for about 30 minutes. Only then can you put it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Baking time – 30 minutes.
  4. Turn the mold over and carefully remove the Easter. You can decorate with confectionery sprinkles.

Easter with jelly and kiwi

Beautiful Easter, consisting of alternating layers of jelly and curd mass. But that's not all! Taste and appearance complemented with kiwi slices, both inside and outside.

It looks great, but is also a hassle to prepare.

If you wish, you can replace the kiwi with any other fruit: apple, banana, pineapple, etc.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Liquid cream (35% fat) – 500 ml.
  • Sugar – 160 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Gelatin – 20 g (1 sachet)
  • Kiwi – 5-6 pcs.
  • Grape (or apple) juice – 200 ml.
  • Water – 100 ml.


First you need to soak the gelatin, read the instructions on the package. Usually pour warm water and wait 30 minutes.

While the gelatin reaches, you need to rub all the cottage cheese through a sieve so that there is not a single lump. Add vanillin and put it in the refrigerator for now.

Pour sugar into liquid cream, pour in half of the swollen gelatin. Place over low heat and stir constantly until the gelatin pieces are completely dissolved. Then pour through a sieve, cool slightly and beat the egg into the cream.

Take out the cottage cheese, pour in the “jelly” cream, knead thoroughly until smooth.

Now let’s prepare the bean box: we fasten the walls, place it on a saucer, and line the inside with gauze. Pour the curd mixture into the mold and place it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

After a break and rest, you can proceed to the next step. Pour the juice and gelatin into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Let cool gradually.

You can peel the kiwi in advance, cut it into thin slices, pour boiling water over them (to make them more tender) and dry them with a paper towel. Put them in the refrigerator as well.

That's it, wait for the cottage cheese to ripen (only 7 hours).

Now you need to release the curd mixture and cut it into 3 parts.

Place the narrowest part back into the bowl, add a few slices of kiwi on top, then pour in a little grape gelatin. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes until the jelly hardens.

We took it out, put another piece of pressed cottage cheese and kiwi on top, pour gelatin over it. Place back in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens.

The third time we do the same thing and send last time in the refrigerator. For 2 hours.

After all this torment, you can release Easter, cut it and try it.

Salty Easter

As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, cottage cheese Easter can be not only sweet, but also salty. Fresh or salty - whichever you prefer. It turns out to be a kind of snack, an analogue of cheese, which can be added to a salad, side dish, meat, fish. You can eat soup like this with Easter.


  • Cottage cheese – 1100 g.
  • Butter (or margarine) – 110 g.
  • Sour cream – 220 g.
  • Egg yolks – 10 pcs.
  • Salt – 3-5 pinches;


  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, or grind with a blender.
  2. Add soft butter, sour cream and 10 raw chicken yolks. Add salt and whisk thoroughly until completely smooth.
  3. Now everything is according to the standard: cover the bean box with gauze, put cottage cheese on it, press it on top with a weight and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours
  4. Then carefully release it; if desired, you can decorate it with fresh herbs and various spices.

Lemon with ginger (without eggs)

Refreshing and fragrant Easter from lemon zest and ginger. Another feature is that Easter is prepared without whites, without yolks, in general, without eggs.


  • Cottage cheese – 360 g.
  • Sugar – 110 g.
  • Butter (or margarine) – 60 g.
  • Sour cream – 60 g.
  • Ginger root (fresh) – 15-20 g.
  • Half a lemon;


  1. Grind the cottage cheese using a sieve or blender.
  2. Add sour cream to the cottage cheese and beat thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Grind the slightly melted butter with sugar, add to the cottage cheese and mix again.
  4. Grate the lemon zest and ginger. Add them to the curd mass.
  5. Prepare a bean bag, line it with gauze, and place cottage cheese on it. Secure the edges of the gauze on top and press with something heavy. Place in the refrigerator for at least 12-16 hours. The bean bag should stand on some kind of dish so that the liquid can drain.

Easter with chocolate

If this Easter is chocolate, then why is it white? It's simple! In the photo we used white chocolate, which is what we will use in this recipe. But nothing stops you from doing the same with dark chocolate.


  • Cottage cheese – 460 g.
  • Butter (or spread) – 110 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Liquid cream – 100 ml.
  • Tile white chocolate– 90-100 g.
  • Candied fruits, dried apricots, raisins – 60 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;


  1. Since cottage cheese is grainy, it needs to be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve, maybe even 2 times.
  2. In a bowl, grind soft butter with vanilla and sugar. Add cream and mix well.
  3. Pour this creamy mixture into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Here you need to constantly stir and wait until the cream begins to thicken.
  4. Cool the cream and add it to the pureed cottage cheese. Knead until smooth.
  5. Pour boiling water over dried fruits for 5 minutes, rinse and, if necessary, cut into smaller pieces.
  6. Divide the chocolate bar in half, grate one of them into the cottage cheese, and add dried fruits there.
  7. Post all this sweet cottage cheese into a bean bag lined with two layers of gauze. Press down on top with something, such as a jar of water.
  8. That's it, put it in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours or even a whole day!
  9. Pour melted chocolate (from the remaining half) over the finished Easter.

Creamy with raisins and cookies

Delicate aromatic Easter with the addition of raisins and crispy cookies. Depending on which cookies are chosen, the overall taste will change. Chocolate, nut, creamy, oatmeal, with fudge - there are a million options!


  • Cottage cheese – 550 g.
  • Butter – 160 g.
  • Cream (liquid) – 160 g.
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar (preferably powdered) – 200 g.
  • Raisins – 150-200 g.
  • Cookies – 150-200 g.
  • Vanillin – 1-2 pinches;


  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a fine meat grinder, blender or sieve. You should get a soft mass.
  2. Add powdered sugar, cream and softened butter to the cottage cheese. Mix well, you can use a mixer.
  3. Beat in a couple of yolks and continue beating.
  4. Pour hot water over the raisins for 5-10 minutes, rinse and dry. Crush the cookies into small pieces. But not to the point of agony!
  5. Add cookies with raisins to cottage cheese, mix again.
  6. Place in a pan, put pressure on top, and place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Tsarskaya raw

If the first royal easter was “hot”, then this one is “cold”, that is, without heat treatment.


  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.
  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup;
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;
  • Liquid cream (from 20%) – 0.5 cups;
  • Butter (or margarine) – 200 g.
  • Raw yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Raisins and other additives – 1 handful;


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it is too wet, then it is advisable to squeeze it out a little more through cheesecloth.

Beat soft butter with sugar, vanilla, chicken yolks and cream.

Add the creamy mixture to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Steam the raisins and rinse with hot water, mix into the cottage cheese.

Collect the bean bag, cover it with gauze in 2-3 layers. Lay out the cottage cheese and place the weight on top.

Leave in the refrigerator (not freezer) for the next 12 hours.

Then carefully turn it over, remove the mold and gauze. Garnish with raisins and any other sweet ingredients.

Easter with carrots

An original recipe for lovers of all things carrot.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Carrots – 500 g.
  • Zest of one orange;
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 220 g.
  • Vanillin – 1-2 pinches;


Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it can be room temperature became softer.

Peel the carrots, wash them, add water and cook until tender. You can check with a fork. Soft means ready. If desired, carrots can be sweetened by adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the water.

While the carrots are cooking, you need to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it is grainy, you will have to wipe it 2-3 times.

Combine soft butter with sugar and vanilla. Grind well in a bowl.

Boiled and cooled carrots should be rubbed through a sieve in the same way as cottage cheese. Add orange zest to it.

Mix cottage cheese, carrot puree and butter. Stir until the color is even.

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, in which we first place gauze. Press down on top with a weight and place in the refrigerator to chill. It will take 12-15 hours.

Then we release, decorate and serve!

Easter with cocoa

Wonderful Easter custard with cocoa, chocolate and candied fruits.


  • Cottage cheese – 1000 g.
  • Milk chocolate – 220 g.
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar – 170 g.
  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Vanillin – 3 pinches;
  • Liquid cream – 400 ml.
  • Candied fruits – 200 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.


  1. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender or through a sieve. Mix with butter.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. Pour cream into a saucepan and add beaten eggs.
  3. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes. All this time you need to stir with a fork or whisk.
  4. Melt the chocolate and add cocoa to it. Pour into cooled cream.
  5. Combine cottage cheese with chocolate cream, add candied fruits and mix everything well. The result should be a homogeneous color mass.
  6. Line a special mold with gauze, place chocolate curd in it, saucer on the bottom, pressure on top. Place in the refrigerator for 12-13 hours.
  7. Ready culinary product can be served either without anything (as in the photo) or with confectionery sprinkles.

With pumpkin

If you have pumpkin lying around, you can make pumpkin Easter. Simple, bright, delicious! There are no eggs here, and this Easter is also made without cream. I didn’t give up butter so that there would be no “naked” cottage cheese at all.


  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Butter – 130 g.
  • Pumpkin – 320 g.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;
  • Cinnamon – 1 pinch;


Wash the pumpkin, remove the skin, cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. Add another 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the water. The pumpkin should become soft.

For now you can make cottage cheese. Pass it through a fine sieve until smooth and tender.

Place a piece of melted butter in a bowl, add sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Grind until sugar dissolves.

Add butter to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Cool the boiled pumpkin and mash it into a puree. Also stir it into the cottage cheese.

Place the resulting mass in the bean bag, with a weight on top.

Leave in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours.

On custard fudge

Delicate creamy Easter custard. It just melts in your mouth! For all lovers of dairy desserts.


  • Cottage cheese – 520 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Liquid cream (as thick as possible) – 1 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Candied fruits, dried berries, nuts at your discretion;


  1. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve, add to it lemon juice and dried fruits. Mix.
  2. Beat eggs into a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat with a whisk, add cream and beat again.
  3. Place on low heat (or better yet, a water bath), simmer and stir until the mixture has the consistency of cream.
  4. This cream needs to be cooled and added to the cottage cheese. Mix well.
  5. Prepare a bowl (all according to the standard), put cottage cheese in it. Place in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  6. Then the finished Easter can be decorated with nuts, berries, etc. on top.

With condensed milk

Thanks to the condensed milk, this Easter tastes like ice cream. We do not add sugar, since condensed milk is already super sweet.


  • Cottage cheese – 550 g.
  • Condensed milk – 150 g.
  • Butter – 110 g.
  • Sour cream – 100 g.
  • Candied fruits and nuts – 100 g.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;


Stir melted butter with condensed milk, vanilla and sour cream.

Add them to the cottage cheese. Now you need to go through the blender thoroughly so that there are no even small lumps. If you don’t have a blender, first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Add candied fruits to this mixture and mix again.

Cover the pan with gauze, pour the whipped cottage cheese into it, and put pressure on top. Refrigerate for 15 hours.

Colored Easter

If you are bored with the usual white or cream shade, then I suggest making a striped Easter!

We get the color using fresh berries. In this example there will be blueberries. But if you wish, you can add: cherries, currants, raspberries, etc.


  • Fat cottage cheese – 850 g.
  • Butter – 100 g.
  • Sour cream – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar – 130 g.
  • Chicken yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Blueberries – 50-100 g.
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve a couple of times.
  2. Place the yolks in a cup, add sugar and vanillin. Cook and stir in a water bath until the color changes to lighter (and until thick). Place this bowl in a saucepan with water - this will be the bathhouse.
  3. Cool the yolk mass and mix with cottage cheese.
  4. Mash the berries in a separate saucepan and add the remaining sugar. Add a couple of tablespoons of water and cook for a few minutes over low heat.
  5. Divide the curd mass into 2 equal parts. The first one will be white - untouched. But in the second you should add sugar berries and sour cream.
  6. That's it - now we have 2 colors of curd mass.
  7. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, alternating white and berry. Place in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  8. You can decorate with berries and grated nuts.

Easter without cottage cheese

And this is the culmination of the entire collection of recipes. We will prepare Easter from milk without a single grain of cottage cheese. How is this possible? It's simple! We will make cottage cheese ourselves.

In terms of ingredients, it will not be very cheap, because you will have to compensate with other products.


  • Milk – 3 l.
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 350 g.
  • Sugar – 200 g.
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;


Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat.

Beat eggs with sour cream.

When the milk starts to boil, pour the egg-sour cream mixture into it.

Stir vigorously, cook and stir constantly. Wait until the milk begins to curdle. Pieces of curd and translucent whey will begin to appear.

IN large saucepan lay gauze, pour out liquid cottage cheese. Carefully collect and hang somewhere for a while until the whey leaves the curd. You can help with your hands, then you won’t have to wait long in the bean box.

Cover the bean box with gauze, put cottage cheese in it, pull up the edges of the gauze on top, and press them with a weight.

Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Why so “fast”? The cottage cheese has already been squeezed out thoroughly.

And then we take it out, turn it over, remove the walls of the beanbox and decorate it according to our preferences.

  • The most important thing in preparing such dishes is the freshness of the ingredients. Since the cottage cheese is pressed in molds for a long time, you just need to buy it as fresh as possible!
  • We always use gauze! Otherwise, the cottage cheese will simply stick to the walls of the bean box.
  • You can use sour cream instead thick yogurt, fermented baked milk or snowball.
  • The taste and color can be enriched with honey, fruit syrups, jam, vegetable and fruit juices.
  • Add aroma: cinnamon, vanillin, nutmeg.
  • Cream and sour cream should be as fat as possible - at least 20%.
  • I recommend not saving and buying natural butter. Since in this large quantities any margarines will be, to put it mildly, harmful.

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