Easter recipe from cottage cheese without a form. A quick Easter recipe from cottage cheese with condensed milk

We are preparing with special trepidation for one of the main Orthodox holidays. And many housewives try to make the treat (and Easter cakes) also special.

And for this, first of all, it is necessary that the products are fresh. We offer you master classes on cooking Easter from cottage cheese with citrus fruits and nuts, with raisins and candied fruits - we hope that everyone will find a recipe to their liking. Happy Easter!

1. Custard Easter with citrus aroma

Photo: Ekaterina Morgunova/BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 9 eggs
  • 250 g butter
  • 1 large lemon
  • 200 ml sour cream 20% fat
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 50 g chopped almonds and raisins


1. Wipe the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. Melt the butter, mix with cottage cheese and put on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, then remove from heat and let cool slightly. Whisk all the eggs into the mixture one at a time.


  • for Easter, you should take the freshest cottage cheese;
  • you need to combine it with warm oil gradually, in small portions;
  • when the custard curd-butter mass becomes warm, beat in the eggs, kneading thoroughly after adding each one.

2. Grate the zest of half a lemon on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Second - cut into thin slices. Add lemon juice, sour cream, cream to the curd-egg mass and mix thoroughly. Add chopped nuts and raisins.


  • peel from a lemon can be removed with a grater or a sharp knife;
  • be careful not to touch the white shell (it will give the dish bitterness);
  • in order to get the maximum amount of juice from a lemon, the fruit should first be poured over with boiling water.

3. Put the resulting mass into a pasochnik lined with damp gauze. Then gather the ends of the gauze at the top so that the mass does not flow out. Put under oppression, put in the refrigerator for a day. If the load is too heavy, the liquid flowing through the mold slits will become cloudy. If liquid does not appear at all, the load is too light.

4. Put the finished Easter on a beautiful plate.

5. Decorate it with lemon slices on top.

You will need:

  • 1.2 kg cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch vanilla sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g peeled almonds
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon


1. Mix cottage cheese with cream and place under the press for a day. Then drain the whey, transfer the cottage cheese to a large bowl.

2. Wipe the prepared cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve. Cut the butter into pieces and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes.

3. Beat the eggs with a mixer, put on a hot water bath gradually add sugar and vanilla sugar. Heat up, but do not bring to a boil.

4. Remove the egg mixture from heat and let cool. Beat the butter with a mixer and combine with the cooled egg mass.

5. Grind the nuts in a blender, add to the egg-oil mass along with the zest and lemon juice, add the cottage cheese, mix everything well.

6. Line the pasochnitsu with 2 layers of wet gauze. The resulting curd mass transfer to a pasochnitsu, cover with gauze ends on top and place under the press for a day.

7. Ready product garnish (optional) with almonds and lemon zest.

Photo: Dmitry Bayrak / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 800 g cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g candied fruit


1. Pour boiling water over raisins. Rub the cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve, mix with 100 g of powdered sugar and cream. Drain the water from the raisins, add it to the curd along with candied fruit and vanilla sugar.

2. Melt the butter and let it cool down a bit. Then mix it with the egg yolks and the remaining powdered sugar. Salt, beat well and combine with the curd mass.

3. Line a sieve or colander with damp gauze folded in half. Put the curd mass, lightly tamp, cover with gauze on top and refrigerate for 12 hours.

4. Decorate the finished Easter with fruits and candied fruits.

Just melts in your mouth!

Photo: K. Vinogradov/BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g sour cream 30% fat
  • 150 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 0.5 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 100 g small raisins


1. Rub the cottage cheese 2 times through a fine sieve. Add sour cream, melted butter, stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer. Combine the resulting creamy mass with the curd mixture, raisins, mix well.

3. Place the container with the mass in a hot water bath and stand, stirring, for 30 minutes.

Then put in a pasochnik lined with gauze, put oppression and put in the cold for 24 hours.

Classic cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits without baking is a real salvation for those who are busy at work. If you live in an eternal whirlwind of affairs, then it is difficult to find time to prepare for the solemn Easter meal. Easter cake can be bought, but for a simple cottage cheese easter worth looking for 10 minutes of free Saturday time.

Of course, Easter will have to spend the night in the refrigerator, but on Sunday morning you will remove the snow-white beauty from the mold and proudly place it in the center of the table. Instead of raisins, you should take multi-colored candied fruits to admire a beautiful cut with colorful patches of tropical sweet cubes.

Write down the simplest recipe for Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits and raisins, it will definitely come in handy. Such a cottage cheese Easter is prepared quickly and simply from cottage cheese, sour cream and butter, this recipe is considered a classic.

Classic Easter from cottage cheese with candied fruit


  • cottage cheese - 550 g,
  • butter - 100 g,
  • fat sour cream - 120 g,
  • sugar 150 g,
  • candied fruits - 40 g,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp,
  • colored sprinkle.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits without baking - step by step recipe with photo:

Traditionally, Easter was made from the best homemade cottage cheese, with countless examples on the market. But now in supermarkets you can find very high-quality soft cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content.

When small amounts of food are involved, it's easy to get by with a deep bowl and an immersion blender.
First, they take care of the pleasant smell of the coming Easter - pour vanilla sugar into a bowl.

The fat content of sour cream should not be below 25%.

Butter is taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to become soft-soft. Hardened chilled butter can be put into the curd mass when preparing Easter, but it will be distributed unevenly, when Easter is served on the festive table, small oily lumps will be found here and there.

Put granulated sugar, sour cream and butter in a bowl. With a bowl filling the right ingredients you will have time to cope in 2 minutes, the next 2 minutes are allotted for whipping curd dough for easter blender.

Start whipping the curd at medium speed, then increase the speed to maximum. The blender is turned off when the curd becomes like a cream.

Tropical candied fruits are poured out, the cottage cheese whipped with a blender is quickly stirred.

It is necessary to ensure that the candied fruits are distributed evenly in the curd mass. No one wants to get a piece of Easter without a colored filler.

The form is not moistened and not lubricated. The walls of the Easter form are simply covered with a thin gauze cloth.

The curd mass with candied fruits is transferred to a mold, tamped and leveled. All gauze tips are lifted up, stacked on top of each other.

The selected load determines the texture of the Easter cottage cheese surface. If you take a light load, you get an Easter with smooth sides. A heavy load will become a powerful press, gauze cells will be imprinted on the surface of the Easter, it will look like an old canvas with an interesting interweaving of threads.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits in the form under load should be in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours. During this time, 50-100 milliliters of liquid will be baked from it, so the form is placed on a plate.

The finished Easter is turned over, the form is pulled together or taken apart. They take off the gauze. The top of Easter is sprinkled with colored sugar granules, and candied fruits are scattered at the base. Two or three small living flowers will revive the composition.

classic easter from cottage cheese with candied fruit is ready, you can treat guests. If you decide to cook cottage cheese for cooking Easter, below for you is a simple recipe for homemade cottage cheese from sour milk.

Curd Easter custard with sour cream and eggs

Preparing for the big Easter holiday requires a lot of expenses from the hostesses, what to cook, how to cook, to make it tastier and more interesting. Here I am, too, I was going to cook Easter cottage cheese, custard, I once tried it and really liked it. Tastes like ice cream. Great option for holiday table!


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 125 g sour cream;
  • 2 small eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • 70 gr. raisins;
  • nuts to taste.

How to cook custard Easter from cottage cheese without baking - step-by-step instruction:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add salt, sugar. Mix.
  2. Melt the butter, add sour cream and pour everything into the curd mass.
  3. Beat the eggs for 3-5 minutes, pour into the cottage cheese and beat again with a mixer.
  4. Transfer the whole mass to a bowl with a thick bottom, heat over medium heat until bubbles appear. Do not bring to a boil!
  5. We put the pan with the curd mass in a larger bowl filled with cold water with ice (you can also without ice).
  6. Stir until cool, changing cold water, 10-15 minutes.
  7. Line a mold for cottage cheese Easter or a colander with gauze (the edges of the gauze should hang down), pour out the mass. Let the whey drain a little, for compaction (10-15 minutes), wrap the edges of the gauze and put a press on top. Put in the refrigerator for 15-10 hours. Happy Easter!

Video: Curd Easter "Royal" with cream

How to make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk

Is your milk sour? It's okay, with whom it does not happen! Let's try to correct the situation and make good quality yogurt out of sour milk, and from it - homemade cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese can be prepared in different textures - crumbly or soft. You can adjust the fat content of homemade cottage cheese by using whole or skimmed milk for fermentation. Everything depends on your desire. But in any case, we can not do without yogurt.

Homemade cottage cheese is prepared from goat's milk in the same way as from cow's milk. The only inconvenience is that you have to wait longer until the milk turns into yogurt. Goat milk, even without boiling and stored at room temperature, it does not sour for 4-5 days. I never use accelerators like citric acid, lemon juice or calcium chloride (ampoules are sold at the pharmacy). Of course, you can buy bags of dry rennet crystalline starter every time in pharmacies, but it will be quite expensive.

To speed up the process of turning milk into curdled milk, I use "live" fermented milk products. It is desirable that they have a short shelf life and have a BIO prefix - biokefir, bioyogurt, biosour cream, biobifidok.

The initial starter for milk is taken at the rate of 1:5, that is, for 1 liter of milk, you need to add 1 glass of good quality sour dairy product. This will be the primary, so-called mother sourdough.

It usually takes about 2 days to ferment milk (it is important not to overdo it!) at room temperature and always in a dark place (cover the jar with a thick cloth or put it in a cupboard).

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To obtain high-quality yogurt, only these three factors are important - sourdough with "live" sour-milk biocultures, ripening temperature and holding time.

Two days after fermentation, I drain the curdled milk from a 3-liter jar, leaving about 2-3 cups of the mother product at the bottom. Immediately after that, I add fresh goat's milk (you can do the same with store-bought cow's) milk to the jar. And again I put it on fermentation for two days.

And curdled milk goes straight to the fire for heating (not boiling!!!). It is necessary to heat curdled milk to no more than 70C. Otherwise, the grains of the future cottage cheese will turn out to be hard, as if “rubber”.

Yogurt on fire begins to curl up in lumps and delaminate. Everyone, it's time to turn off the fire.

Immediately we discard the curd mass on a sieve or colander with a very small cell. The liquid part will separate from the curd. The longer (up to 24 hours) your cottage cheese drains, the more dry and crumbly the final product is. I like to eat soft tender homemade cottage cheese, so I leave the cottage cheese to drain for no more than half an hour.

But if you plan to make in the future homemade cheese such as suluguni, mozzarella, cheese or Adyghe, then homemade cottage cheese should be very dry and dense. Not only is it allowed to drain very well and for a long time through a dense linen filter, but after that it is also placed under a press for complete squeezing.

From three-liter jar curdled milk I usually get 600 grams of soft homemade cottage cheese. It turns out tender, not sour, melting in the mouth. I will say even more, I started feeding my children at the age of 3 months with homemade cottage cheese. The quality is excellent! FROM store-bought cottage cheese is no comparison.

Our homemade cottage cheese is ready! You can add your favorite berries, honey or chocolate chips- anything to your liking.

One of the oldest Christian Easter dishes and a real decoration of any festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, cottage cheese (cheese) Easter (Paska), we love today. delicious tender cottage cheese, mixed with cream, sour cream, butter, sugar or honey, spices and candied fruits, laid out in the form of a truncated pyramid, symbolizing Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher. The sides of Easter are decorated with a cross and the letters ХВ, meaning the traditional Easter exclamation and greeting - "Christ is Risen!". This dish has another sacred meaning. Turning to Moses, the Lord promises his people "a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow." And cottage cheese Easter becomes for all of us a symbol of Easter fun, a foretaste of the fulfillment of a promise and a sweet heavenly life. Surely each of our readers will agree that a dish of such significance must literally be prepared in the best possible way. Let's try today to learn and remember how to cook Easter cottage cheese, cook it so that it becomes one of the most delicious and desired dishes on our Easter table.

You don't even have to try to count everything. great amount recipes for cooking Easter cheese, invented, improved and carefully preserved by our ancestors, because even at the beginning of the last century, cottage cheese Easter was cooked in every Russian house. Along with Easter cakes and colored eggs, Easter was an absolutely necessary attribute of the festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. According to the method of preparation, four types of Easter were distinguished - raw, boiled, baked and custard. Eggs, sour cream and cream, honey and syrups, candied fruits and nuts were added to the cottage cheese. They did not spare the spices either. Cinnamon and cloves, cardamom and lemon peel, ginger and vanilla - all these and many other sweet spices made a fabulous variety in the recipes of this holiday dish decorating Easter with thousands of new flavors. And it is all the more pleasant to watch today's revival of ancient traditions, returning cottage cheese Easter to our Easter tables.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in preparing Easter, but this is only at first glance. Like the recipes for preparing many other dishes, the Easter recipe is fraught with some secrets, without knowing which your dish may turn out to be not at all as tasty and appetizing as you would like. In order for Easter to come out truly beautiful and festive, you should pay attention to the quality original products, and on the sequence of their laying and mixing, and on the timing of keeping Easter in the form, on the quality of the form itself and on its preliminary processing.

Today, the Culinary Eden website has collected and recorded for you the most important secrets, tips and recipes that will surely help even the most inexperienced housewives and easily tell you how to cook Easter cottage cheese.

1. To prepare Easter cottage cheese, you will need a special form - a pastry box. This form is easy to purchase in any church shop, and closer to Christ's Resurrection and in many supermarkets. Traditionally, beekeepers are made of wood, but nowadays you can also get a plastic mold. A plastic bee box is convenient because it is very easy to care for, wash and no special preparation is required before using it. If you decide to use a traditional wooden pastry box, then before laying the curd mass, such a form must be properly prepared. First of all, thoroughly rinse and scrub your mold with the rough side of a dishwashing sponge, and then soak the beaker in cool water for 5 to 8 hours. Before laying the curd mass, the form must be lined with slightly moistened gauze. Such preparation will allow you to easily remove the finished Easter from the bean box and completely preserve its shape and pattern.

2. It is easy to guess from the name that the main ingredient of the cottage cheese Easter is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be approached with special care, because first of all, the taste of your dish will depend on the quality and freshness of the cottage cheese. Try to buy cottage cheese as fresh as possible, preferably by weight.

3. In order for your Easter to turn out light, homogeneous and keep its shape well, the cottage cheese must be crushed as thoroughly as possible before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. Traditionally, cottage cheese is crushed by rubbing it twice through the most frequent sieve. You can go the easier way, just turning the cottage cheese twice or three times through a meat grinder with the finest mesh. Cottage cheese prepared in this way will turn out to be very tender, plastic and airy. And Easter made from such cottage cheese will perfectly retain its shape and pattern.

4. Pay attention to the preparation and other ingredients of your Passover. Sort the raisins and dried fruits thoroughly, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop large dried fruits and candied fruits. Pour boiling water over the nuts, soak for 20 minutes, then peel, dry slightly and chop. Grate the lemon and orange zest on the finest grater. Grind the spices in a coffee grinder, sift through a fine sieve and grind. Soften butter at room temperature. Gently melt the candied honey in a water bath and remove the resulting foam. Have all the decorations and sprinkles ready ahead of time so you have them on hand by the time your Easter is ready. Do not forget that Easter must be kept in a beekeeper under oppression for at least 12 hours.

5. The easiest way to cook raw Easter. Wipe one kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve. 100 gr. butter rub white with 150 gr. sugar or powdered sugar. Mix cottage cheese and sweet butter, add 120 gr. thick sour cream, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for one hour. Then add nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices according to your own taste, knead thoroughly and put the mass in a bowl. Cover the container with a lid, install the weight and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

6. It is a little more difficult to cook Easter boiled. But such an Easter turns out to be much tastier, denser and holds its shape better. Pass through a 600 gr sieve. cottage cheese, mix with 400 ml. heavy cream, add 50 gr. butter, two raw eggs, ½ cup washed and drained raisins and ½ cup sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom and, stirring constantly, bring almost to a boil. Do not let the mixture boil, otherwise your Easter will come out with lumps! Remove the saucepan with the curd mass from the stove, place it on ice or in very cold water and, continuing to stir constantly, cool the curd mixture. ready mix transfer to a beaker, set the oppression and leave in a cool place for 12 hours.

7. Custard curd Easter differs most delicate taste and aroma. In a small saucepan, combine two cups of milk, two raw egg yolks and ½ cup of sugar. In a water bath, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a thickening and remove from heat. Add 50 gr. to the hot mixture. butter, candied fruits, dried fruits, vanilla to taste and mix thoroughly. Then little by little, stirring constantly, add 500 gr. mashed curd. Thoroughly knead the curd mass until smooth, put in a mold, set the load and leave in a cool place for 6 hours.

8. Baked cottage cheese Easter has a very bright taste and aroma. Five egg yolks beat with a mixer until white with ½ cup sugar. Then add 100 gr. sour cream and continue beating until thick homogeneous mass. Add 700 gr. to the finished mass. grated cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum or cognac, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, raisins, nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a baking dish greased with butter. Bake your Easter in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 40 to 50 minutes, until golden brown. Refrigerate and serve.

9. It's not at all difficult to prepare a delicate pink Easter. Mix 800 gr. cottage cheese with 5 tbsp. spoons cherry jam, and ½ cup of granulated sugar or powdered sugar. Wipe everything together through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Then add 3 eggs, 50 gr. butter, one glass of thick sour cream, one glass of colorful candied fruits, vanilla or rose water to taste. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a bowl, set the load and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

10. Curd Easter with orange jelly turns out to be very tasty and unusual. Pass through a sieve 800 gr. cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon orange peel, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Ten gr. soak gelatin for 10 minutes in 4 tbsp. spoons of cool water. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan. heavy cream, add 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and gelatin. Heat the mixture on the lowest heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through cheesecloth, add one egg and beat with a mixer. Beat the cooled cottage cheese quickly in a separate bowl, and then, stirring continuously, add the creamy mixture into it in a thin stream. Put the finished curd mass into a silicone or ceramic mold and refrigerate for 8 hours. Prepare the orange jelly separately. Squeeze juice from 2 oranges, add 10 gr. gelatin soaked in 100 ml. cold water. Heat the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved and cool slightly, not allowing the mixture to harden. Remove the finished curd mass from the mold and cut into three parts with a sharp, wet knife. Return the layers to the mold, lining with orange slices and drizzling with a little orange jelly. Return Easter to refrigerator for 2 hours.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook cottage cheese Easter.

Curd dessert called "Easter" in our country is one of the traditional attributes of the Light Sunday of Christ. Prepare "Easter" according to the most different recipes with the addition of candied fruits and dried fruits, fragrant spices, custard on yolks or even cocoa. Cooking methods are sometimes not inferior in complexity to the most skillful samples. haute cuisine. However, for the first experience, I want to take a recipe that certainly will not fail. Especially for beginners, we offer the simplest cottage cheese Easter recipe. A small set of ingredients: cottage cheese, butter, sugar and vanillin. Such Easter is guaranteed to keep its shape, will not crumble, will not crack or delaminate. Optionally, you can add small raisins, diced candied fruit to it. I made a basic version without additives so that nothing distracts you from mastering the technology. We will make Easter in a special form - a beekeeper. Now, before Easter, you can buy it in any dishware department.

To prepare a classic cottage cheese Easter, prepare the following products:

  • Cottage cheese natural granular - 700 gr.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar- 120 gr.
  • Vanillin - to taste.

Advice: to make the cottage cheese Easter a success, try not to save on cottage cheese. Ideally, buy cottage cheese on the market from a trusted supplier. Or choose a reliable brand. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is good quality- from natural milk without added vegetable fats.

Also you will need beekeeper volume of 1 l. and a piece of clean cotton or linen fabric measuring approximately 40x40 cm.

How easy it is to cook Easter from cottage cheese

First you need to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. If you have creamy dense cottage cheese, then you can skip this step and immediately proceed to the next one. The recipe says grainy cottage cheese, I rubbed it by hand, but if you wish, you can use a blender.

Add butter to grated cottage cheese room temperature, sugar (it is better to prepare powder from it first or take ready-made powder, which must be sifted through a sieve) and vanillin.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients with a fork or wooden spatula until a uniform mass is obtained, reminiscent of the consistency of the filling for glazed curds. If desired, you can use the mixer by turning it on at low speed. Knead the mass until it becomes soft and smooth. Taste for sweetness and add more sugar if needed.

When the mass is ready, assemble the pastry box and put a slightly moistened cloth inside it, this must be done so that the curd mass is evenly distributed inside the pastry box. Fill the pasta box with curd mass and carefully compact with a spoon.

Wrap the edges of the fabric inside, press it on top with some kind of load and send Easter to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. The time spent in the refrigerator depends on the moisture content of the curd. Periodically drain the whey that forms on the plate under Easter.

When the whey stops accumulating, Easter is ready. Gently invert it onto a plate and remove the cloth.

Decorate the finished Easter as you wish, for example, with confectionery beads, chocolate, nuts or candied fruits.

Serve ready-made Easter to the festive table.

Welcome to this page, dear guest! It's good that our thoughts converge. And on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, our tables will show off not only Easter cake, but also cottage cheese Easter. Have you already decided what kind of Easter you will cook from cottage cheese? Raw, brewed or boiled? Yes, they are all so delicious that it did not stop everyone from cooking one at a time! Moreover, they have different shelf life. So let's look at 5 simple recipes cottage cheese Easter with photos that you can easily do with your own hands at home!

Raw can and should break the fast on the first day of the holiday. Custard indulge in a second. Well, on the third day and drink some tea with boiled tea. Class! But nothing prevents us from turning our cottage cheese dreams into reality.

getting ready cheese Easter quickly and without much hassle. Yes, and the recipes are all at hand - I specially selected the most diverse and according to all cooking methods. So read, choose and cook with pleasure.

Raw cottage cheese Easter with boiled condensed milk

This exceptionally delicious cottage cheese Easter belongs to raw products. This means that you need to store in the refrigerator, and even then not for long. The best option: consecrated in the church and eaten on the same day.

It differs from cheese counterparts by the addition of boiled condensed milk. It provides and gives sweetness extraordinary taste. I would even say chocolate, given the fact that the pasochka is sprinkled with grated chocolate. In a word, it's worth a try.

Before the beginning culinary process I would like to highlight the features of the preparation of festive products from a sour-milk product. They will help you navigate over time, and with the choice of products and kitchen utensils. So what do you need to pay attention to

  1. The form. According to Christian traditions, cottage cheese Easter should have the shape of a tall, truncated pyramid, reminiscent of the Holy Sepulcher. I assume that not every home has a special inventory. What do enterprising hostesses use? An ordinary sieve or colander, the holes of which allow excess moisture to be removed. And also a grater. Generally perfect option. And there are holes, and the pyramidal shape is suitable. So choose the inventory that is convenient for you.
  2. Time. In order for the product to acquire the necessary consistency, moisture must be removed from the curd. This is done with the help of a press for 10-15 hours. The drier the product, the less the product will be under pressure. Consider this nuance in order to prepare Easter on time.
  3. Cottage cheese. Choose oily, smooth and dry. And definitely fresh! Products will turn out tasty and the desired structure.

Now you can prepare the ingredients and start cooking.

Required set of products

  • Butter 250 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.
  • Cottage cheese 1 kg.
  • Dark chocolate 25 gr.
  • Pine nuts 50 gr.
  • Multi-colored candied fruit a small amount of according to your taste (approximately 100 gr.).

Cooking process

  1. Prepare a container that is not afraid of boiling water.
  2. Send candied fruits into it, pour them with boiling water. Let stand like this for 10 minutes, steam out.

  3. Start preparing the main ingredient. This is an important point that needs special attention. Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve, or twisted through a meat grinder. Do this twice if necessary.

  4. Skip the butter through a fine grater.
  5. Take a convenient dish, send the curd mass, butter into it. Mix well.

  6. Send here too boiled condensed milk, mix.

  7. Now you need to drain the water from the container with candied fruits. Squeeze out the colorful charm well.
  8. Add candied fruits and nuts to the total mass, mix thoroughly.

  9. Take a colander, cover large piece gauze in two layers. This must be done so that the edges hang outward.
  10. Put the mass in a colander, compacting and leveling with a spoon.

  11. Cover with prominent gauze edges.
  12. Place a plate on top with a circumference smaller than the size of the colander.
  13. Place the colander in a deep bowl.

  14. Put some kind of load on a plate, or at least a jar of water. Here you need to take into account the fact that all this heap will be sent to the refrigerator. So size up.

  15. Send the design to the refrigerator. Keep for 12 - 15 hours.
  16. After the time has elapsed, remove the sachet. Chop the chocolate with a grater. Rub them over the top of the curd Easter.

Extraordinarily beautiful and delicious easter ready to use. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for custard curd Easter with candied fruits, nuts and raisins

You know, friends, I’m sitting and thinking how to describe the virtues of custard cottage cheese Easter. This is a difficult task, but words are not enough. That it is very tasty, no need to explain, I guess. And the advantages, perhaps, include a longer shelf life, compared with raw. After all, here the eggs and cream are subjected to heat treatment. Let's see how this looks in practice.

Cooking food set

  • Cottage cheese 1 kg.
  • Butter 200 gr.
  • Cream 200 ml.
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Sugar glass two hundred grams
  • Vanillin 1 tsp
  • Candied fruits 100 gr.
  • Raisins 100 gr.
  • Walnuts shelled 100 gr.

How to cook a custard version of Easter cottage cheese

The letters "ХВ" can become a solemn decoration, announcing that Christ is Risen. At the sight of such beauty, everyone will answer “In truth, He is Risen!”

Yes, I completely forgot: if necessary, raisins must be steamed beforehand. Suddenly you will come across dry. And nuts can be lightly fried. This will improve both the taste and appearance.

How to cook boiled cottage cheese Easter

You have already understood, for sure, that boiled cottage cheese Easter will require more heat treatment. Everything is correct. Therefore, it can be stored longer than others. curd options. Taste properties are excellent. It's the default, as they say.


  • Cottage cheese 1 kg.
  • Sour cream (20 percent fat) 3 tbsp
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Sugar two thirds of a glass (a glass of 200 ml.)
  • Vanilla sugar sachet
  • Candied fruits 100 gr.
  • Raisins 30 gr.
  • Any nuts gr.30 - 50.

Step-by-step cooking of boiled cottage cheese Easter with a photo

  1. We take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Rub the yolks with sugar, including vanilla.

  3. We bring the cottage cheese to a delicate texture. I passed 2 times through a meat grinder. This can also be done with a sieve. Some use a blender. But it must be run at the lowest speed.

  4. We take a saucepan, send processed cottage cheese, squirrels and sour cream into it. Mix the mass well. Choose a saucepan with such consideration that you would then boil it in it.
  5. Add softened butter to a container with yolks and sugar. We mix.

  6. We send the resulting mixture into a saucepan with cottage cheese. Mix well.

  7. Here we add candied fruits, nuts, raisins. Mix until smooth.

  8. We put the pan on the smallest fire. While stirring, heat the mass. When you see that from the bottom appear big bubbles, turn off the fire. Under no circumstances should you boil.
  9. While the pan is on fire, prepare a large basin or bowl of cold water. Here you will need to cool the curd mass.
  10. We lower the pan into a bowl of cold water. Cool, stirring frequently.
  11. The form is lined with gauze in two layers. Do not forget that the edges of the fabric should hang freely.

  12. We send the cooled curd composition into the form.

  13. We are constructing a structure: we put the form in a deep bowl. We put the load on top.
  14. We send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

  15. We take out the pasochka, decorate it.

What beauty we get, do not take your eyes off. The best Easter dessert ever!

Easter cottage cheese recipe without eggs

Delicious Easter on rustic products. I mean fatty homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. Prepared by raw way. If it is possible to purchase such products, be sure to use the recipe.

And one more feature: here I did not use any candied fruits or other industrial decorations. I tried to make a natural product.

Product List

  • Homemade cottage cheese 500g.
  • Powdered sugar 90 gr.
  • Village sour cream half a glass of two hundred grams
  • Butter 100 gr. (we need softened)
  • vanilla sachet
  • Raisin gr.30
  • Crushed hazelnut gr. thirty
  • Dried apricots gr. fifty
  • For decoration, a few nuts (pine nuts, cashews).

Cooking yummy

  1. First of all, scald raisins and dried apricots with boiling water. Then be sure to dry it.
  2. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. Combine sour cream with powder and vanilla, mix.
  4. Add the prepared sour cream and softened butter to the curd mass. Beat the resulting mixture lightly with a mixer.
  5. Add crushed nuts, dried apricots and raisins. Let's mix.
  6. The form is covered with gauze in 2 - 3 layers with hanging edges. I had a colander as a beekeeper.
  7. Lay out the curd “dough”, cover with the hanging edges of gauze.
  8. Place a flat plate on top.
  9. We place the filled colander in a deep bowl, put the load on a flat plate.
  10. We will send the device to the refrigerator for 12 - 15 hours.
  11. After that, we will release the pasochka, decorate with dried apricots and nuts.

We can only dedicate Easter and break the fast. Enjoy your meal and Happy Holidays to you!
By the way, the taste of Easter will be richer and richer if raisins and dried apricots are soaked in cognac.

Strawberry cottage cheese Easter

Great recipe. If you have dried or frozen strawberries, be sure to prepare such a pasta. You will not regret it - the taste and aroma is amazing!

Product composition

  • Cottage cheese 450 gr. (I had 9 percent)
  • Sugar 120 gr.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Salt a quarter tsp.
  • Zest from half a lemon
  • Dried strawberries 130 gr.
  • Vanilla essence half a teaspoon.


Well, have you chosen the right recipe? So that's great. As they say, always at your service. It remains to wish you a rich and refined table for Easter 2018! Come visit us, we'll cook some delicious treats!