How to cook gooseberry jam with orange. "Raw" method of making jam

It is unlikely that you have ever tried such a jam. And if so, then now you will not doubt for a second. We will teach you how to choose the right ingredients and cope with cooking with a bang. Ready to start?

General principles of preparation

We all want to roll only the most delicious, the most ripe, healthy, sweet, and so on. We want our jam to be the best, right? Then it is important to remember everything that we will now tell you. And we will talk about how to choose the right oranges and gooseberries to fulfill your desire.

Gooseberries must be sweet, otherwise the jam may turn out sour. Of course, if you achieve this goal, if you like sour, then choose such berries on purpose. But if you are still a fan of traditional sweet jams, follow the advice.

There may be little difficulty with the choice "by eye", because there are many varieties of gooseberries and each of them should be a different color / shade during the period when it is fully ripe. For example, some varieties are ready to eat green. Others, in green form, are still quite “raw”.

If you do not understand gooseberry varieties at all, then we advise you to choose ripe fruits in a different way. When dark spots appear on the gooseberry, this indicates that the fruit has reached the peak of its ripening and it will definitely not be sweeter, you can safely take it!

Berries must be felt. They should not be too soft, but they cannot be hard either. In the first case, the berries will simply burst even with light processing, or they are overripe / begin to deteriorate. In the second case, you will buy an unripe product.

It is very important that the product is dry. If it is wet or damp, then some of the berries have burst, which means that they will soon begin to spoil, if they have not already begun. After this, the most unpleasant thing will follow - the beginning of the process of decay. And if this process has already started, then it very quickly “infects” everything that is around.

We advise you to choose berries that still have stalks. Firstly, they are stored longer and better, and secondly, they are much more useful this way. Don't worry, they can be prepared in this form for jam. We removed only in order to get a more presentable result.

Decide for yourself which variety of berries is better for you to choose. It is believed that the red variety is the sweetest, and the green variety is the most useful. But no matter which option you choose, the jam in any case will turn out to be unforgettably tasty.

A ripe orange is necessarily a bright color. If it is pale, it may still be immature, or it may simply have been stored in the wrong conditions. This item should no longer be available for sale. The color of a good orange is necessarily even and has many small dots.

Citrus should ideally be round, smooth and firm. A soft orange will only say that the inside has already begun to deteriorate and is about to turn into porridge. The aroma of the fruit should be pronounced.

As for weight, oranges should be juicy. And if they have a lot of juice, then they are heavy. Many people try to buy light citrus fruits in order to pay less. But the lighter your product is, the less juice it will contain. But this does not mean that you need to buy large oranges. Not big, but heavy!

Gooseberry jam with orange for the winter

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

Pretty simple and simple recipe conveying the taste of berries and the aroma of citrus fruits.

How to cook:

Tip: it is advisable to pour boiling water over the orange to wash off the wax coating from it and kill the bacteria.

Healthy treat without cooking

Due to the fact that the products are not subjected to heat treatment, they keep all their vitamins longer.

How long is 3 hours.

What is the calorie content - 214 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the berries under running water and cut off the tails with scissors or a small knife, remove all spoiled and rumpled grains;
  2. Wash oranges in warm water, then cut them into slices along with the peel. Cut thinly, pull out the bones. The fruits must be large;
  3. Both products should be pureed. This can be done with an immersion blender, and in a combine, and simply through a meat grinder;
  4. Transfer puree to large saucepan and add sugar in portions, constantly stirring the whole mass. It should become homogeneous;
  5. Hold for several hours in a cool place under a towel, you can put it in the refrigerator;
  6. After that, decompose into clean jars and continue to store in the refrigerator for no longer than one season.

Tip: it is not necessary to choose red berries, you can also use slightly unripe, tight, green ones.

Add Lemon to the Recipe

An amazing jam with a spicy citrus aroma.

How long - 3 hours 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 180 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the berries, remove the spoiled ones, rinse them, cut off the tails;
  2. Let dry on a towel;
  3. Remove the peel from the oranges, remove the white fibers too, cut into pieces of arbitrary size;
  4. Cut the lemon in the same way, you do not need to remove the peel, but it is necessary to wash the fruit;
  5. Sprinkle all the ingredients with sugar, leave for two hours to let the juice flow;
  6. Transfer to the stove and boil for about an hour on minimum heat, sometimes you need to interfere. During this time, a third of the mass will boil;
  7. Then immediately decompose into sterilized jars, tighten the lids;
  8. Allow to cool slowly under a blanket, then store in the refrigerator.

Tip: to make it easier to mash lemons, you can cut the zest and smash it separately, then mix it with the rest of the products.

Jam with oranges and kiwi

Emerald jam, which can be served as an independent dessert.

How much time - 5 hours 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 233 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse gooseberries. Rid him of litter, stalks, tails and spoiled berries;
  2. Cut the skin off the kiwi
  3. Wash the oranges and cut into several pieces together with the zest;
  4. Blend these ingredients into a homogeneous mass with a blender or use a meat grinder;
  5. Pour everything with sugar, mix a little and leave. The mixture should be infused for about five hours at room temperature so that the juice comes out and the grains of sugar dissolve;
  6. After that, spread the jam in small clean jars, close with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator for no more than two months.

Tip: Instead of an orange, you can take a few tangerines for a more delicate taste, but do not use their zest.

Spicy gooseberry jam with bananas

The most unusual of today's jam recipes. Such a jar can even be presented as a gift!

How much time - 2 hours 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 189 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the gooseberries under water, remove their tails, beat with a blender or meat grinder into gruel, transfer to a saucepan;
  2. Remove the zest and white film from the orange, also interrupt with a blender and add to the same pan;
  3. Peeled banana must be cut into small pieces and added to the rest of the ingredients;
  4. Pour sugar here, stir a little, let it brew for two hours;
  5. Then add spices and put on fire;
  6. Boil for about five minutes after boiling, pull out the cloves, send the mass to the jars, store in the refrigerator.

Tip: For flavor, cinnamon can be replaced with the same amount of ginger or nutmeg.

If you find it difficult to peel such citrus fruits, choose those with a thick peel. They can be distinguished by the fact that the skin is usually crumpled. Yes, you can easily remove it, but at the same time you will overpay for it - the choice is yours.

To get a beautiful emerald and at the same time transparent color of jam, it must be cooked in stages. After all, if you continuously torment the mass, it will become cloudy.

If you still decide to remove the gooseberry tails, then know that this will take you a lot of time. To quickly deal with this, you can use nail scissors.

When you decide to cook this jam, do not delay, get down to business soon. It is really very tasty and, you see, unusual. Cook it at least once to try. Trust me, you won't be able to live without it.

Gooseberry jam is very healthy and sweet, similar to marmalade.

Gooseberries are an incredible berry, because it is not only famous for its excellent taste, but is also a real treasure for those who want to improve their health. And everyone knows about it. Gooseberry jam also retains all the vitamins, so you should stock up on a little of this dessert.

There are a lot of varieties of such a berry, so everyone can find one that they like. From white berries to almost black (dark red). They are distinguished by color, mainly. It is difficult to find anything sweeter, tastier and more beloved than a fresh berry, just picked from a bush. However, the opportunity to enjoy it does not exist all year round. How to preserve all the properties of the berry, its taste? There is one solution - to cook jam from this berry. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the aroma of the berry all year round. But each of us so needs a piece of summer cold winter evening... That is why gooseberry jam recipe, which we suggest you cook today, will keep all the vitamins and the taste of summer. At the same time, the berry will turn out to be no less amazing, beautiful and fragrant than fresh. Of course, making jam always requires some effort, but it will be fully justified by the praise of those whom you treat them to. But this is the most important thing!

A set of products for making gooseberry jam:

sugar - 1 kg;
berry - 1 kg;

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Gooseberry Jam"

How to cook gooseberry jam? Rinse thoroughly, separate the sepals and cuttings from each berry, for starters. We pierce each gooseberry. This can be done with the tip of a knife or a toothpick.

Now, ready for cooking, we fill the berries with sugar. Let them stand until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The berry will definitely release juice, thanks to the fact that we pierced it. Now the main thing is to check whether the sugar has completely dissolved. It will be easier to do this by putting a couple of berries with syrup on a saucer.

After we have made sure that the sugar has completely dissolved, we continue to cook. At this stage, you can add water if the berry did not let the juice out well. With we put the red gooseberry jam to boil, bring to a boil over low heat. After that, cook for another 5 minutes. If foam appears, then remove it. This is best done with a spoon or slotted spoon. If desired, you can add vanillin (a little so that it does not interrupt the taste of the berry) during cooking.

Emerald, royal, royal, golden ... Homemade jam from ripe gooseberries is called the most honorable names. And not in vain! A long time ago, gooseberry delicacy conquered emperors and kings with a fantastic taste, saved ordinary people from insipid food, filled the soul with positive emotions, and the body with useful substances. Prepared according to the simplest recipes, fleecy berry jam with oranges, lemons and currants does not cease to amaze even today. Its taste is both sour and sweet, tart and soft, tender and sharp, rich and light. You won't find a more controversial preparation for winter.

If you still don’t know how to make gooseberry jam: look for recipes in our collection!

Fragrant gooseberry jam for the winter - a simple recipe for cooking step by step with a photo

Prickly berries, bristly grapes, goose peas… Gooseberries have unique folk names in every country in the world. But despite the abundance of names and characteristics, it always remains an equally useful and tasty gift from Mother Nature. Along with other popular summer berries, gooseberries have become famous as an amazing ingredient for all kinds of preparations for the winter, including fragrant jam according to classic or newfangled cooking recipes. We studied the most popular options in theory and tested in practice. It's your turn to prepare a vitamin delicacy for the winter.

The necessary ingredients for fragrant gooseberry jam for the winter

  • young green gooseberries -1 kg
  • large inflorescences of elderberry - 8 pcs.
  • granulated sugar -900 g
  • drinking water - 450 ml
  • vanilla bean - 1 pc.
  • star anise - 2 pcs.
  • nutmeg

Step-by-step preparation of fragrant gooseberry jam for the winter according to a simple recipe with a photo

Five-minute gooseberry jam through a meat grinder: the best recipes with photos

Tart gooseberries, as a very useful and unique berry, have been used since Ancient Russia. Initially, it was used as an additive to medicinal potions and poultices, and only over time they began to be eaten. Gooseberries were eaten raw, boiled, dried, dried, baked in pastries and prepared for the winter in jams, compotes strong tinctures. After all, the beneficial properties of such an amazing crop can hardly be overestimated. Gooseberries are full of vitamins, minerals, ascorbic acid and other trace elements necessary for a healthy body. The easiest way to save them for the winter is to make a five-minute jam according to the recipe with a photo of green gooseberries, passed through a meat grinder.

Necessary ingredients for five-minute gooseberry jam through a meat grinder

  • white sugar -500 g
  • water - 80 ml

Step-by-step preparation of five-minute gooseberry jam through a meat grinder

Royal emerald gooseberry jam: recipe with video

Emerald gooseberry jam is the most popular preparation for the winter from this unpredictable and very characteristic berry. The most notorious fan of sweet and sour delicacy was Catherine the Great. They say that more than two hundred years ago, the Empress gave a skillful cook a ring with a marvelous emerald, reminiscent of an unripe gooseberry, as a token of gratitude for an unusually tasty and delicate treat. Since then, royal jam from bristly grapes has been called "emerald".

Over the years, the recipe for making a luxurious dessert has undergone dozens of all kinds of changes. But the title gooseberry jam, as before, remained loud and majestic. Learn how to cook right emerald jam royal gooseberry in our recipe with video:

Unusual black gooseberry jam for the winter - a simple five-minute recipe

Gooseberry is an interesting shrub with marvelous fruits. He is a frequent resident in the gardens of Russian housewives, because he is easy to grow and does not need additional care. The same applies to gooseberry preparations for the winter. Unusual black gooseberry jam for the winter according to a simple “five-minute” recipe never leaves pantries and bins, but instantly disappears from the dining table during tea drinking. Fragrant berry delicacy ideally complements any pastry, crispy toast, tender pancakes, air cookies and lacy pancakes.

Necessary ingredients for five-minute black gooseberry jam for the winter

  • gooseberry black -2 kg
  • water - 500 ml
  • juice of one lemon
  • granulated sugar -500 g

Step-by-step preparation of five-minute black gooseberry jam according to a simple recipe for winter

Sweet and sour jam with gooseberries and orange without cooking: video recipe

Even at the height of the harvest season, gooseberries cannot be found on supermarket shelves. The reason for this is the unusual, slightly tart sweet and sour taste of the product. But market stalls and granny baskets still treat everyone with pot-bellied berries from summer to summer. Therefore, in order to prepare sweet and sour jam with gooseberries and orange without boiling for the winter, you will have to look for ingredients exclusively in spontaneous markets or in own garden. And we have already chosen the preparations for sweet and sour gooseberry jam with oranges and published them for you below.

Golden gooseberry jam with orange and lemon for the winter - step by step recipes

If this year's gooseberry harvest is too large to eat raw, but too small to make one-component jam, mix the berries with other suitable ingredients and prepare an extraordinary vitamin meal for the cold season. Golden gooseberry jam with orange and lemon will help strengthen the immune system and fill the body useful substances even in the midst of a bitter winter. The main thing is to follow the cooking technology. After all, most of the vitamins and minerals are destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

Essential Ingredients for Golden Gooseberry Jam with Oranges and Lemons

  • green gooseberry -3 kg
  • orange -700 g
  • lemon -200 g
  • sugar -2.5 kg
  • water - 100 ml

Step-by-step preparation of gooseberry, lemon and orange jam according to the recipe for the winter

  1. All fruits and berries indicated in the recipe, thoroughly wash and dry. Cut citrus fruits into small cubes (1 cm by 1 cm) along with the zest.
  2. Put gooseberries in enamel pan, fill with water and sprinkle with sugar. Boil the berry mass in syrup for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add lemon cubes and orange to the preparation, continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Set aside the pot of jam overnight in a dark place.
  4. After 12-24 hours, boil the treat again for 20-30 minutes. If the consistency of the workpiece is not thick enough, repeat the process again after a day. At the last stage, you can add your favorite spices and spices to the dessert. For example: vanilla, anise, tarragon, ginger, etc.
  5. Pack hot golden gooseberry jam with orange and lemon for the winter according to a step-by-step recipe in sterile jars and cork with tin lids.

Royal gooseberry jam for the winter - recipes with photos

Today you rarely meet a hostess who is able to cook royal gooseberry jam for the winter. And it's not about a complex recipe or multi-stage cooking of the workpiece. The only negative feature of the berry delicacy is the long and monotonous preparation of the main ingredient. Otherwise, royal gooseberry jam is characterized exclusively by positive traits: amazing look, delicate aroma, powerful vitamin and mineral composition, etc.

Essential Ingredients for Royal Gooseberry Jam for the Winter

  • green gooseberry -1 kg
  • chopped walnuts -150 g
  • cherry leaves - 20 pcs.
  • sugar -1.3 kg
  • drinking water - 2 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation of royal gooseberry jam according to a recipe for winter

Gooseberry jam with oranges, white currants and cane sugar

Of course, gooseberry jam, like any other preparation for the winter, can be boring and one-sided. But if you try hard and pick up a good recipe, you can create a real masterpiece from a sour fluffy berry, alluring with an unexpected aroma and dozens of flavors. For example, gooseberry jam with oranges, white currants and cane sugar. Even on a 10-point scale, its palatability deserves a full 11 points.

Essential Ingredients for Gooseberry Jam with Whitecurrant, Orange and Cane Sugar

  • ripe gooseberries -800 g
  • orange -200 g
  • white currant -500 g
  • cane sugar -1.5 kg
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of gooseberry, white currant and orange jam for the winter

  1. For such a jam, only ripe gooseberries are suitable. There is not too much sugar in the recipe, so the green berries in the preparation are at risk of remaining sour. First rinse and dry everything. the right ingredients excluding spices and sweetener.
  2. gooseberry and white currant process with a submersible blender, cut the oranges together with the peel into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a deep saucepan, sprinkle with cane sugar and set off the taste of the future jam with a pinch of ground cinnamon.
  4. Cook the workpiece over low heat for at least 30 minutes after boiling.
  5. After half an hour, remove the saucepan from the burner and pour the gooseberry jam with oranges, white currants and cane sugar into small mayonnaise jars. Seal the treat with steamed tight lids and hide in the refrigerator until winter.

homemade jam from gooseberries, the recipes of which we have listed above, will surely find dozens of different uses in your kitchen. Delicious gooseberry jam with oranges, lemons or black currants will be an excellent impregnation for cakes and muffins, filling for buns and pastries, topping for toasts, cheesecakes, pancakes and cookies. Royal emerald jam is delicious in itself, as a separate dessert. You already know how to cook it, it remains to collect the berries and boldly get down to business.

I suggest you cook gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter, and I enclose the recipes, you can choose to your taste. By the way, gooseberry jam was Catherine the Great's favorite. I don’t know how it was cooked for her, but now there are a lot of cooking recipes, and each is good in its own way.

Gooseberries are often combined with other berries, and this does not make the jam worse, but only improves its taste. An ideal friendship for a berry of a prickly bush is obtained with black currants, bananas, raspberries, lemons and with the closest relative - kiwi.

There are recipes in which nuts and even spices are among the ingredients. But we will make a dessert with the addition of oranges.
What laudatory definitions were not awarded to the gooseberry delicacy! Royal, royal, emerald! And in fact, when you pick up a jar winter harvest, it is difficult to resist words of admiration.

How to cook gooseberry jam with oranges

To save the benefits of berries (read) and get a wonderful dessert at the end, follow my advice:

  • Experienced hostesses for cooking always choose a slightly unripe berry, elastic and dense, so that it swims beautifully in syrup. An exception is jam without cooking, raw.
  • The correct cooking utensils are enameled, aluminum is not suitable, a bad reaction of berries with metal is possible.
  • The orange goes into the preparation directly with the zest, only the seeds and white partitions need to be removed, otherwise they will add bitterness.
  • Are you planning to add spices to the delicacy? Put them in a cloth bag and lay them when cooking. Then it will be very convenient to pull them out.
  • If you cook a delicacy from a whole gooseberry, so that the berries do not crack during cooking and retain their integrity, pierce each with a toothpick.
  • Do not digest jam with oranges, you risk losing the unforgettable aroma, the taste will not be so bright, and the color will suffer.

How much to cook jam for the winter

Do you want to determine readiness? There are two ways:

  • Visual. The syrup became transparent, and berries float in it, while the foam began to accumulate in the center of the container.
  • Drop a little on a cold plate. If the droplet does not spread, then cooking can be completed.

Gooseberry jam with oranges

Classic recipe cooking treats. The dessert is not twisted, boiled with whole berries, it turns out a very beautiful color, and the taste is excellent.


  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Water - ¾ cup.
  • Sugar - one and a half kg.
  • Orange - 2 pcs.


  1. From a clean gooseberry, pinch off the tails and pierce each berry with a toothpick.
  2. Pour sugar with water and put on the burner. Warm up, stirring constantly. Wait for it to dissolve.
  3. Remove the container from the burner and add the berries. Stir until sugar and gooseberries are evenly distributed and put back on the stove. Continue to cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. While the jam is cooking, cut citrus fruits randomly, select the seeds from them and send to boil.
  5. Before the dessert is ready, you need to cook for about 40 more minutes, no more. Do not forget to remove the foam, it is not needed in the dessert, it contributes to the rapid souring of the winter harvest.
  6. As soon as an openwork foam begins to gather in the center, remove the container from the burner. Pour dessert into jars while still hot, close under an iron lid.

Recipe for gooseberry jam with orange

The dessert will resemble jelly - it will be twisted - you will drive the berries and orange in a meat grinder or chop in a blender.


  • Berries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2.4 kg.
  • Orange - 5 pcs.
  1. Oranges do not need to be peeled, which gives a pronounced citrus flavor, just wash them and cut into slices. But be sure to remove the bones, you do not need them.
  2. Grind the berries prepared for cooking (wash and cut off the tails) - skip in a meat grinder, use a blender.
  3. Add orange slices to them and turn the whole mass into a puree.
    Transfer the puree to a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. I advise you to put it in small portions and stir immediately - the sugar will be distributed more quickly over the berries.
  4. Now start cooking. Let it boil and cook for a quarter of an hour.
    Then cool and close under the capron lids. Preferably keep refrigerated.

Raw gooseberry jam for the winter with orange

If you want to keep all the valuable vitamins in the dessert, cook it without cooking, I also heard they say - raw. To make the jam really healthy and lively, use only ripe, soft and juicy berries of the bush. One more piece of advice: if you intend to store the workpiece in an apartment, then 1 kg. berries add 2 kg. Sahara.


  • Berry - 1 kg.
  • Citrus - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Prepare the berries by washing and pinching off the stems. Then cut the oranges randomly and remove the seeds from them.
  2. Grind - grind the ingredients in a blender, meat grinder.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass. Pour in small portions and stir - more convenient. Stir until it becomes homogeneous mass and the sugar will dissolve completely.
  4. Set the container aside for 10 hours - the time needed to infuse live jam.
  5. Arrange in jars and cork under a nylon lid. Raw jam without cooking should be stored only in the cold.

Gooseberry jam with orange and kiwi

Love unusual ground jam - keep another recipe. You may not know, but kiwi and gooseberries are related, and therefore, the combination of them is not as strange as it might seem at first glance.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Citruses and kiwi - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Prepare all the fruits for work and chop them with a blender.
    Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Stir and set aside for an hour or two, the sugar will have time to dissolve.
  2. Jam should be boiled on the smallest fire, simmer, and when it boils, set aside from the burner and let cool.
  3. After that, repeat the cooking, but now after boiling, cook it for 20 minutes. If you see that the delicacy still does not have the desired density, cook a little more.
  4. Let the dessert cool and divide into jars.

Red gooseberry orange jam for the winter

Dessert is not in vain nicknamed "Ruby" because of its wonderful red color. You need to cook it from ripe berries.


  • Red gooseberry - 1 kg.
  • Citruses - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - ¾ cup.
  • Vanillin - to taste.


  1. Pass the orange and berries prepared for work through the meat grinder. According to the recipe, the zest of the orange must be peeled and rubbed on a grater. It is added to the jam before the end of cooking.
  2. Add sugar to the crushed berries, stir, pour water.
    Put to boil, and when the delicacy boils, add vanillin and cook it for 5 minutes.
  3. Cool the mass and cook again for 5 minutes
    During the third boil, add the grated zest and cook for another five minutes. Close the hot jam under the iron lid.

Assortment for the winter of gooseberries and orange with lemon

The following gooseberry dessert recipe is dedicated to sour lovers.


  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Lemon and orange - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Prepare berries and oranges for cooking: wash, remove tails and pits, cut citrus fruits with zest into pieces of arbitrary sizes.
  2. Grind in any way available to you - a blender, in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the resulting mass with sugar, stir well and leave for a couple of hours to dissolve the sugar.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil and then cook for exactly one hour. During this time, the mass will noticeably boil down, by about a third.
    Pour into jars and put away for winter storage in the cold.

Cooking delicious gooseberry jam with banana and orange

It would seem, where is the royal berry, and where is the banana? The difference is huge. But the combination of three fruit and berry representatives gives extraordinary taste. Try it and you won't regret it. Banana will add sweetness, and cinnamon and cloves will bring a wonderful oriental touch.


  • Bush berries - 1 kg.
  • Orange and banana - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon powder - 2 small spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Carnation sticks - 8 buds.


  1. Scroll the gooseberries prepared for work in a meat grinder or work with a blender. Grind the orange together with the peel in mashed potatoes, after cutting it into pieces and selecting the seeds. Banana needs to be peeled and cut into pieces.
  2. Combine everything and cover with sugar for a couple of hours so that it has time to dissolve.
  3. After 2 hours, start cooking, putting cinnamon and cloves in the workpiece. I advise you to put the cloves in a bag and put them in jam. At the end of cooking, it will be very convenient for you to remove it.
  4. After boiling, cook the dessert for 15 minutes and pour into hot containers under an iron lid.

I suggest you watch a video in which my friend Olya Orlova shows step by step cooking gooseberry jam for the winter. Happy preparations! With love… Galina Nekrasova.

In the middle of summer you can buy gooseberries in the market. Basically it is taken in order to feast on delicious berry, but gooseberries make a very tasty jam. Its name is "Royal" and in addition to gooseberries, it uses other, quite affordable ingredients. We’ll make a reservation right away that the technology for making this jam is quite complicated, but it’s worth it to cook a couple of jars.

What products are needed for royal gooseberry jam

  • Ripe, but not very soft gooseberries of large size and green color - 5 glasses.
  • Fresh cherry leaves - 50 pcs.
  • Sugar-sand - 7 glasses.
  • Water - 7 glasses.

In addition to the products, also prepare a saucepan for boiling syrup, a basin for cooking jam, a wooden spoon for stirring jam. You will also need thin sharp knife and the smallest coffee spoon.

How to cook royal gooseberry jam

Precise jam preparation technology:

  • Wash the cherry leaves under running water and put them in a saucepan. Fill the leaves with all the water and send the dishes to a small fire. Boil the leaves in water for 15 minutes, and then set aside this decoction to cool. After two hours, strain the decoction through a sieve and take only one and a half glasses of this fragrant water. Discard the leaves, leaving about five pieces for later use.
  • Pour sugar into a copper basin for cooking jam and fill it with a decoction of the leaves. Stir the sugar until it is almost completely dissolved, and then put the bowl on the stove. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, if during the cooking process a foam forms on the surface, be sure to remove it.
  • Cut off stems and sepals from clean gooseberries. With a thin knife, make a small cut on each berry, which is placed along the long side, i.e. along. Through this incision, take out the pulp with stones. You can use them for any other dishes, such as jelly.
  • Nuclei walnut chop to such a size that the piece fits completely inside the gooseberries, peeled from seeds.
  • Stuff each berry with a piece of walnut.
  • Dip gooseberries stuffed with nuts into ready-made hot syrup. Put there also five pieces of cherry leaves that remained after cooking.
  • Send a basin with gooseberries in syrup to the stove and bring the contents to a boil over very low heat. brew royal jam just 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the fire - if it is too large, then pieces of nuts may fall out of the gooseberries during a violent boil.
  • Arrange hot jam along with cherry leaves in sterilized jars and quickly roll up with hot lids. Let the jam in the jars cool completely, and only then transfer the workpiece to the cold.

This gooseberry jam is very fragrant due to the fact that the syrup is boiled on cherry leaves. They also give jam and an unusual emerald color. well and unusual taste jam is given mainly by walnuts, which are inside each berry. If desired, instead of a walnut, you can take a hazelnut or even cashews - this will be a completely different royal delicacy.

Step-by-step recipes for amazing gooseberry jam with orange and lemon, juice or nuts

2018-06-25 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Gooseberry Orange Jam Recipe

Not all housewives close gooseberry jam. Firstly, this berry cannot be called as popular as, for example, cherries, raspberries or strawberries. And, secondly, few people know how to do it correctly. Today we will tell you how to make gooseberry jam with orange and other ingredients.


  • large orange;
  • kilogram of fresh gooseberries;
  • kilogram of white sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for gooseberry jam with orange

Wash a large orange with the hard side of a sponge. Then put the fruit in a tall container. Pour boiling water, which should completely cover it.

After a few seconds, take out the orange. Cut into slices, removing hard bones in the process.

Now wash the whole gooseberry, cutting off or tearing off small tails and the remains of twigs. Lay out on a towel to dry quickly.

In parallel, boil the meat grinder. Wipe dry with paper towels and place on the table. Skip the gooseberries and orange slices with peel.

Pour the resulting berry mass into an enameled basin. Sprinkle with sugar. Move to a small burner.

Bring to a vigorous boil, stirring so that the mixture does not burn. Remove gooseberry jam with orange.

Set aside, covered with a lid or plate, for a couple of hours to infuse and cool. Then return to the fire and bring to a boil again.

Immediately pour the sweet mass into clean, sterilized jars. Roll up (or twist) and, having cooled, put in storage.

We suggest using oranges with the peel, so it is very important to wash the fruits well and keep them in boiling water for a short time. In addition, we recommend that you carefully review and remove the bones, which are unacceptable to get into the jam.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Gooseberry Orange Jam

In order not to waste time on insisting berries in syrup, we suggest that immediately after the first boiling, roll the jam into jars. But in this case, it is important to store them exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than a month.


  • kilogram of gooseberries;
  • 250 grams of oranges;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to quickly make gooseberry jam with orange

Rinse the gooseberries in a bowl of cool water. Remove all ponytails. Throw into the container of a blender (stationary).

Chop berries. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl. Add a kilogram of sugar and put on a burner with a small fire.

While the gooseberries are boiling, remove the small orange zest from the orange. Also squeeze the juice out of the fruit, discarding the bones that come across.

Pour the fragrant liquid into a bowl. Send the zest there. Stirring, simmer with low boiling for 5-6 minutes.

After turning off the stove, immediately pour the gooseberry and orange jam into sterilized glass jars.

Since we boil the mass once and not for long, we recommend scalding all parts of the blender before chopping gooseberries. But the orange needs to be washed as well as possible, because we will use the zest.

Option 3: Gooseberry Jam with Orange Juice

You can make jam in different ways. So, the ingredients can be ground or chopped. And berries can be boiled in purchased or squeezed juice. Which is what we will do right now.


  • a glass of orange juice;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • one and a half kilograms of gooseberries.

How to cook

Sort fresh gooseberries, removing soft tails in the process. Rinse the berries and grind in a scalded meat grinder.

Carefully pour the resulting mass into a bowl or pan. Then send all the planned sugar. Mix with a long spatula.

Pour not a full glass of orange juice. Boil the sweet mass to the desired density, which will take about a quarter of an hour.

Then turn off the stove. Pour gooseberry jam with orange into jars, roll up, sterilize and leave to cool.

For this option, you can use both freshly squeezed and purchased juice. Better, of course, the first. However, if you took the second one, try it for sugar. You may have to slightly reduce its amount in the jam.

Option 4: Gooseberry jam with orange peels

We propose to make the next version of gooseberry jam with small orange peel, which are important to pre-cook in a small volume of syrup.


  • kilogram of fine sugar;
  • kilogram of medium gooseberries;
  • large fresh orange;
  • water and sugar for crusts.

Step by step recipe

Cut off stems from gooseberries. Wash and spread in one layer on a woven fabric to dry.

Peel off the peel from a lightly washed orange. Chop it neat small cubes. Pour boiling water for ten minutes.

Boil the contents of the saucepan for 12-13 minutes. At this time, grind the whole gooseberry in a stationary blender or meat grinder.

Move the berry mass to the basin. Add pieces of skins along with viscous syrup. Enter the remaining sugar.

Mixing, simmer gooseberry jam with orange for about a third of an hour, and then pour into jars, where it will be stored until winter.

Choose the size of orange slices to your taste. If you want, chop them finely, then they will practically not be felt. Or cut into thin short bars that emphasize citrus hues.

Option 5: Gooseberry Jam with Nuts and Orange

Making royal gooseberry jam with nuts is not easy, but it will be discussed in the next recipe. Yes, it takes a little more time, but it's definitely worth it!


  • a kilogram of large gooseberries;
  • cup walnuts without shell;
  • three large oranges;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to cook

Whole large gooseberry wash, then remove the ponytails. Lay on a towel to dry briefly.

During this time, disassemble the kernels of nuts relatively small pieces. In addition, wash the oranges and squeeze the juice out of them, which is strained.

In turn, make a side cut with a narrow knife on each gooseberry. Lay a piece of walnut inside, trying to keep the pulp in place.

Place all berry preparations in a wide basin. Now, in a separate saucepan, dissolve the sugar in the orange juice.

Pour hot citrus syrup over berries. Put on a small fire. Simmer gooseberry jam with orange for a quarter of an hour.

At the end, place the berries with nuts in the jars, filling them three-quarters. Pour sweet liquid on top. Roll up and chill.

The indicated volume of juice should be enough for the syrup. However, if this is not enough, increase the amount or pour in a little filtered water. As for nuts, it is important to carefully review them so that hard and bitter partitions do not get into the jam.

Option 6: Gooseberry and Orange Lemon Jam

Both gooseberry and orange are quite sweet. Do you want to give a light acidity? Include a fresh lemon in the list of ingredients, remembering to remove the seeds.


  • medium lemon;
  • large orange;
  • kilogram of fine sugar;
  • kilogram of fresh gooseberries.

Step by step recipe

Wash orange and lemon thoroughly with a sponge or brush. Scald with boiling water, placing in a bowl.

At the same time, peel and wash all fresh gooseberries well. Get wet from moisture. Get citrus fruits and also wipe. Chop the latter into medium-sized slices.

In a sterilized meat grinder, grind the lemon, gooseberry and orange along with the skin. Immediately shift the berry mixture into a suitable basin.

Pour in white sugar. Stirring, cook gooseberry jam with orange for a third of an hour. If foam forms, remove carefully and discard.

Pour the mixture with a spoon into clean jars. Spin right away. Sterilize if the workpiece will be stored not in the refrigerator, but in the pantry or on the balcony.

Before cutting citrus fruits for further grinding, we recommend that you remove the bottoms on both sides. They are too hard and bitter. Also be sure to remove all the bones, for which you can use a narrow knife.

Option 7: Whole Gooseberry Jam with Orange

Before that, we talked about jam from grated berries. However, if you have small gooseberries, make sweet preparation whole berries.


  • two large fresh oranges;
  • kilogram of small gooseberries;
  • kilogram of white sugar.

How to cook

Remove the zest from thoroughly washed oranges. Also squeeze sweet Orange juice. Remove bones.

Now rinse all the berries in clean water. Cut off soft tails. Spread out on a dry towel in one layer. Gently roll with your palms so that excess moisture is absorbed into the canvas.

At the next stage, throw all the small berries into a wide enamel bowl. Add zest and stir.

Bring the juice to a boil in a separate saucepan. Pour in sugar. Dissolve the last one. Pour the syrup into a bowl with berries.

Cook gooseberry jam with orange for twenty minutes. If foam appears on the surface, remove with a spoon.

Pour the sweet preparation into scalded jars and roll up the lids. Once cooled, transfer to storage.

So that the berries do not boil soft, bursting in the process, try to choose small gooseberries. It is more elastic, which makes it perfect for this option.

Option 8: Pink Gooseberry Jam with Red Orange

Let's make the last jam from pink gooseberries with the addition of red orange. It will turn out both beautiful and unusually tasty.


  • two red oranges;
  • kilogram of pink gooseberries;
  • kilogram of white sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort out all the pink gooseberries. Take off the ponytails. Wash the berries and leave in a single layer on a towel to dry.

In a juicer, manually squeeze out the contents of the red oranges. In addition, remove the small zest.

Now chop the gooseberries poured into the blender container. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl. Pour in red orange juice and add sugar.

Simmer the gooseberry jam with orange over low heat for 19-20 minutes, stirring and removing the foam.

At the very end, pour the stunningly beautiful mass into jars. Close (roll up or twist) the lids and cool.

Since we use non-traditional varieties of berries, the color of this jam will turn out to be exceptionally beautiful. Yes, and the taste of jam will surprise you a little. Therefore, be sure to try to cook such a sweet preparation.

Gooseberry is amazing berry, which is able to cleanse the vessels and the entire body from radiation. At the moment there are many types of gooseberries, each of which has its own characteristics. This berry can be used to make compotes, jams and royal jams. Let's learn how to cook their gooseberry jam at home. See recipes with photos and do delicious preparations for the winter .

Gooseberry jam with oranges

gooseberry jam

Jam Ingredients:

  • Gooseberry
  • Orange
  • Sugar

The ratio of gooseberries and sugar should be 1:1, while adding two large oranges for every kg of gooseberries. First, rinse the berries and clean them from the tails. Then you will need to pass everything through a meat grinder. Grind the orange along with the peel. Stir the whole mixture well so that it is homogeneous. Now add sugar to it and put on fire.

Whole gooseberry jam

So that the jam does not burn, boil it in a bowl with a thick bottom. Keep in mind that it is important to retain at least some of the gooseberry nutrients, so the jam should be cooked for about 15 minutes after boiling.

Orange and gooseberry jam

Pour hot jam into prepared jars and roll up. If you wish, you can make assorted gooseberry and currant jam.

A simple recipe for royal gooseberry jam

You don't have to use a whole orange to make the jam to give it a citrus flavor. We offer a recipe for royal gooseberry jam with orange peel. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1kg sugar
  • 1 kg gooseberries
  • 0.5 kg oranges
  • 20 ml vodka

Gooseberries are washed under running water, and then the tails are cut with scissors on both sides. If you want the jam to turn out juicy, then pierce each berry with a toothpick. After that, put all the berries in a bowl, add vodka and cover with a lid or towel. Leave the gooseberries for 5-6 hours, but for now, prepare the orange peel.

Remove the orange from the skin, preferably with your hands, not with a knife. Then soak it in plain water to get out the bitterness. After a few hours, you can pull out the peel, dry it slightly and cut into strips. You can try making jam with lemon instead of orange, it all depends on personal tastes and preferences.

When the berries and peel are prepared, you can combine them together and cover with sugar. Leave the mixture for a couple more hours. Then put on fire and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Then we recommend turning off the jam, cool and boil again. Now you can safely pour the delicacy into sterilized jars.

Preparations for the winter should be done in advance in order to remember the unique summer fragrances. Royal gooseberry jam with an orange or lemon, even a young housewife can cook at home.

The berries of the gooseberry are special - under the crispy peel there is a ready-made jelly mass with delicate taste and subtle scent. Ripe fruits are extremely tasty and refreshing in the heat. To enjoy your favorite delicacy all year round, it is harvested by the most different ways, combining with fruits, berries and spices.

Gooseberry jam with orange is one of the most successful canning options. It has a perfectly balanced taste, keeps well and is very healthy. Such a dessert is especially valuable in winter, when not only the taste of the product is important, but also its ability to support the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins and simply please with summer colors and aromas.

The principles of preparing a combined dessert

Gooseberry jam with oranges can be prepared according to different recipes, the result will always be successful. The combination of flavors in such a dessert is extremely harmonious: a delicate, delicate aroma of berries is complemented by citrus notes, a pronounced sourness appears. The consistency of the combined jam is noticeably thicker than when cooked separately, and the color becomes brighter and more transparent.

When combining fruits, it is important to follow a few rules:

  1. 1. Jam on syrup with prolonged heating becomes thicker, and crushed or mashed, on the contrary, may lose its jelly structure.
  2. 2. When using whole citrus fruits, they must get rid of excess bitterness. The easiest way is to remove the peel from the fruit and remove the white loose layer on the inside of the citrus.
  3. 3. Orange peel is rich in pectin and, in addition to flavor, adds viscosity to the dessert. If you use a significant amount of citrus fruits, you should not send all the zest removed to the jam, this can ruin the taste. It is enough to take a component from one orange per kilogram of berries.
  4. 4. Jelly-like preparations, jams and thick jam from gooseberries and oranges, it acquires its final consistency already in the jar, during storage. You should take this into account when cooking and do not warm up desserts longer than indicated in the recipes.

The pits removed from oranges can be used to make jam. This is done to thicken the product and give it a spicy bitterness. After soaking them for 10 hours in a small amount of water, the resulting jelly-like mass is introduced into the dessert during boiling.

When harvesting gooseberries for the winter, oranges and lemons act as additional preservatives. Their addition to recipes not only enriches the composition with vitamins, but also allows you to enjoy the product longer. The first important step, on which the quality of jam and its shelf life depends, is the preparation of fruits and berries.

How to prepare oranges and gooseberries?

Choose fruits and berries for jam according to your taste: color, size and variety can be anything. For gooseberries different types exist special recipes revealing the features of berries. The main thing is to properly prepare the ingredients so as not to accidentally spoil the fruits of your labors.

Rules for preparing gooseberries and oranges for processing:

  1. 1. Gooseberries for jam with whole fruits should be slightly unripe, overripe berries are taken for crushed or mashed blanks.
  2. 2. The berries are thoroughly washed, removing spoiled, unripe and covered with a grayish bloom specimens. Tails on both sides are cut with scissors.
  3. 3. It is recommended to remove seeds from large fruits: cut the gooseberries on one side and take out the contents, trying not to break the shape. Small fruits are pricked with a needle, so they do not crack during cooking and are evenly saturated with sugar.
  4. 4. There are several ways to remove bitterness from oranges: by soaking them entirely in water for 12 hours, by removing white layer under orange skin or blanching citruses in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  5. 5. Oranges, from which the zest is removed for dessert or processed with the peel, are washed especially carefully: with a brush, under running water, followed by scalding. This removes traces of possible chemical treatments during cultivation and storage.

Jam can also be made from frozen gooseberries. Processing in this case occurs before cooling, the already cleaned, washed product is subjected to freezing. Prepared fruits can be sent for canning according to any of the proposed recipes.

A simple recipe for gooseberry and orange jam

It is supposed to use fruits of any color and size, you can take a mixture different berries.The jam has a simple composition and proportions:

  • 1 part sugar;
  • 1 part gooseberry;
  • 2 medium oranges for every kilogram of mixture.

Preparation process:

  1. 1. Citruses are cut with peel into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. 2. Together with prepared berries, pass through a meat grinder or crumble in a blender.
  3. 3. The resulting mass is poured into enamelware for cooking or a thick-walled pan.
  4. 4. Pour the entire measured portion of sugar and slowly heat to a boil over low heat.
  5. 5. Boil with constant stirring for at least 20 minutes and immediately pour into sterile, warm jars.

Tightly twist hot blanks with special lids for conservation. Cool, wrapped warmly, to room temperature and sent to a dark, cool place. A properly prepared and canned dessert can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator in normal home conditions.

All kitchen utensils involved in conservation: jars, lids, pouring spoons - must be sterilized. When using untreated dishes, the likelihood of souring jam for several days increases.

Quick five-minute recipe

The quick method assumes that the heat treatment of the dessert is carried out for no longer than 5 minutes. The safety of the product is partly added by an increased amount of sugar, but it is still worth storing the “five-minute” in a cool place.

Required Ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • large oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses.

For this cooking method, a syrup is prepared separately from the total amount of sugar and water. The solution is brought to a boil immediately in a wide cooking pot. Oranges are cut into small cubes, preferably without peel. If desired, use the zest removed from one fruit.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. 1. Pour the prepared mixture of berries and orange slices into the boiling sugar solution.
  2. 2. Warm up quickly over high heat (no longer than 5 minutes) and set aside from the stove.
  3. 3. Let the mass brew for 8 to 10 hours, for uniform impregnation.
  4. 4. When the berries become almost transparent, heat the mixture and cook for another 5 minutes.

The hot delicacy is packaged in sterile containers and cooled slowly. If you intend to store the workpiece at room temperature, the last cooking is extended to 10 minutes.

Gooseberry with orange without cooking

The cold method of making jam retains all the beneficial properties and the summer, fresh taste of the fruit. The dessert is prepared very quickly, it will take time only for the sugar grains to completely dissolve. Despite the increased sweetness, it is better to send the blank for storage in the refrigerator - the sweet berry mass in the heat is prone to fermentation.

For a dessert without cooking, the proportion of berries to sugar is 1: 2. For 1 kg of gooseberries add 2-3 oranges. If all the fruits are sweet enough, then in the composition one of the oranges can be replaced with lemon: from half to 1 whole. This will increase the vitamin value of the product and increase its shelf life.

The cooking process is not difficult. It is required to grind the prepared berries and citruses in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. After mixing the mass with sugar, it is necessary to wait for the dissolution of sweet crystals from 15 to 30 minutes. Arrange the product in sterile jars. It is not necessary to hermetically seal the workpieces, ordinary nylon caps. In this form healthy dessert sent to the refrigerator.

Ruby red berry jam

Orange peel added to gooseberry jam gives the preparation an amazing ruby ​​​​hue, thick texture and an interesting, rich taste. For this recipe, all you need is citrus peel. Unusual Ingredient ‒ a small amount of an alcoholic beverage that loses its properties during brewing. The alcohol evaporates, so the dessert can be consumed by children.

For unusual jam the following components will be required:

  • gooseberries of red varieties - 1 kg;
  • peel from two oranges;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • vodka, liqueur or tincture - 50 ml.

Oranges should be thoroughly washed, removing plaque. Sorted, washed gooseberries are removed from the tails and often pricked with a toothpick. So alcohol sweet impregnation will evenly penetrate into the berries. Next, prepare it like this:

  1. 1. The peel of oranges is soaked in water for at least 2 hours, during which time it will become softer and lose bitterness.
  2. 2. Cut the peel into thin neat straws, attractiveness will depend on its size appearance dessert.
  3. 3. The berries are placed in a cooking basin, chopped peel is added, covered with sugar and poured over with an alcoholic drink.
  4. 4. Leave the mass for 2 hours for impregnation. During this time, it should be gently mixed several times to evenly dissolve the sugar and form a syrup.
  5. 5. Put the workpiece on the smallest fire and slowly bring to a boil. You need to cook the product until the berries soften and the liquid evaporates.

If desired, the mass can be kneaded or chopped. The finished jam is preserved in the standard way or simply laid out in containers for storage in the refrigerator.

Jam with kiwi

An unusual dessert is obtained with kiwi fruits. Green tropical fruit very similar to gooseberries in texture and well emphasizes the shades of its color and taste. orange adds tender mass sharpness and transparency. For jam you will need the following products:

  • green gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • large oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • 5-6 ripe kiwi fruits;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Oranges are peeled and, if possible, dense films and partitions between the slices are removed. Kiwi is freed from the skin and cut into arbitrary pieces.

Cooking steps:

  1. 1. All prepared fruits are crushed with a meat grinder or blender.
  2. 2. The resulting puree is transferred to a saucepan and sugar is added. Leave the mass for several hours until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. 3. Slowly heat the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Before the next step, the workpiece must be completely cool.
  4. 4. Heat the mass a second time, stirring constantly. After waiting for the mixture to boil, boil it for 20 minutes.

The finished delicacy can be cooled slightly and then laid out in sterile jars with tight closures.

emerald jam

An exquisite shade will be obtained from a jam made from a dark green gooseberry variety, using one not-so-ordinary ingredient.

If you add a few cherry leaves to the water for soaking gooseberries or when blanching, then the berries will retain their color during cooking and their shade will become emerald.

To prepare beautiful healthy treats slightly unripe dark green berries are suitable. If you replace one of the oranges with lemon, the syrup will be more transparent, but the shade may turn pale. The jam is prepared in two stages and will require the following ingredients:

  • gooseberry fruits - 3 kg;
  • citrus fruits - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

The peculiarity of the recipe is also that it is proposed to use only the liquid fraction of oranges, without zest and pulp. Therefore, before cooking, citrus juice is squeezed out. Next steps:

  1. 1. Prepared gooseberries are laid out in a saucepan or cauldron, orange juice is poured into it and sugar is added.
  2. 2. The mixture is quickly brought to a boil and immediately turned off, set aside to infuse for 3-4 hours.
  3. 3. At the next heating after boiling, the workpiece is boiled for about an hour.
  4. 4. Leave the jam for 8 hours (for example, overnight) to infuse.
  5. 5. The third stage of heating may be short and depends on the desired thickness of the dessert.

Boiled delicacy is poured into jars. The proposed amount of products is enough to fill at least 10 jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. Hermetically sealed blanks, subject to the sterility of preservation, are well preserved at room temperature.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

A simple recipe with simple preparation is used in the presence of a modern kitchen unit - a multicooker. Putting food in the bowl, you can not worry about the temperature and heating time. The fruits will boil evenly and the syrup will be thick.

Bookmark Ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 700 g.

If there is no “jam” position on the multicooker panel, then you can set the “soup” or “stew” mode and the timer for 2 hours. The jam is prepared in small portions, because the bowl cannot be filled more than half the volume - the mass will foam and may overflow.


  1. 1. Grate the zest from the orange, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. 2. Transfer the prepared gooseberries, citruses and sugar to the bowl in layers.
  3. 3. Leave the mass in the unit for the night, and turn it on in the morning and, having boiled due time, pour into banks.

The method is very simple, when cooking, you only need to remove the foam several times. You don't have to pay more attention to cooking. To obtain a jam-like mass ready jam it is permissible to grind in a blender before preservation. For better preservation, such a product should be heated before packaging.

Ripe gooseberries are beautiful in any form. It can be consumed fresh and frozen, but still the most tasty way prepare it for the winter - make fragrant jam. The addition of orange helps to preserve the beneficial properties of berries and increases vitamin and nutritional value desserts.