Cook apricot jam recipe. Pitted Apricot Jam: Royal Recipe

Nevertheless, it should not be completely excluded from the diet, since it contains many trace elements.

This product is especially useful for people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system, since it contains a lot of potassium salts, which is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle.

The history of the use of apricots as a medicine goes back over 5,000 years. For the first time, these fruits began to be used in, then they spread to,. The wide range of their medicinal uses contributed to the rapid spread of these amazing fruits. The presence in the fruits of iron, magnesium, carotene, easily digestible sugars, vitamins led to their use in diet food patients with diseases of anemia, hypertension, gastrointestinal tract. dried apricots- dried apricots
Photo: sailorr,

Dried apricots with pits are called apricots, and pitted halves are called dried apricots. But the most common way of apricots for future use is jam.

For making jam unripe, whole, undamaged fruits are used. Thoroughly washed and pitted apricots are placed in an enamel basin and poured with boiling syrup.

The syrup is prepared from the calculation: for 1 kg of fruit 800 g of sugar and 200 ml of water. In a separate saucepan, sugar is combined with water and brought to a boil.

Drenched apricots are placed in a cool place for 12 hours. Then the syrup is poured into the same saucepan, brought to a boil, the fruits are poured, after which they are again left in the same place for 12 hours. This procedure should be repeated at least three times. The more times apricots are poured with boiling syrup, the better the fruit will be preserved during cooking.

Photo: YayMicro/Ivonnewierink,

After pouring three times, the bowl is placed on slow fire and cook for forty minutes. The readiness of the product is determined by applying a thin stream of jam on a plate. If the trickle does not stop, and the jam does not spread on the plate, it's time to remove from heat.

While the jam is cooking, you need to prepare the dishes for packaging. Cleanly washed jars are sterilized by steam or in the oven. Then jam is laid out in a hot dish. Filled jars are hermetically sealed with sterile lids. Preparation for the winter is ready.

For very busy housewives, you can offer simpler jams.

Prepared apricots in a bowl are covered with sugar at the rate of one kilogram of fruit per kilogram of sugar. Fruits in sugar are left until the apricot juice covers them. Then the bowl is put on a slow fire and the contents are brought to a boil with gentle stirring.

Aromatic, delicious apricot jam pitted, similar in color to amber. The fragrant delicacy goes well with pancakes and pancakes and is found in almost every cellar of zealous housewives. Thanks to the natural acid of apricot, such a jam never turns out to be too cloying, but its consistency can be adjusted using different cooking technologies and a certain amount of sugar.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about how to cook pitted apricot jam. The most time-consuming process will be the preparation of fruits, and then it remains to trust the kitchen assistant-stove, not forgetting to stir the brew from time to time.

It is worth noting that slightly beaten apricots, that is, those that have fallen off the tree, can also be used to roll the jam (provided that they have retained their shape). The main thing is that the fruits are ripe and sweet. If, according to the recipe, it is provided that the dessert should consist of whole apricot halves, then in this case it is better to use intact fruits with dense pulp and preferably of the same size.

In order for the apricots not to fall apart and retain their shape, the jam is boiled in two or three batches in a few days, while not stirring it, but only shaking the cauldron.

An excellent filling for pies is obtained from pitted apricot jam, if gelatin is added to it, which must first be diluted in water. Of course, the fruits will lose their integrity, but the dessert will acquire a rather thick consistency and will not leak out of the pie or pie.

Apricot jam, cooked in three steps

To get a sweet and sour dessert, you need ripe apricots and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. If desired, the amount of sugar can be increased. It is more convenient to start preparing jam in the evening, so that by morning the apricots will release juice. Despite the fact that the whole process will take about two days, such pitted apricot jam is also called “five minutes”. This is due to the fact that the workpiece is boiled in several passes for the same time.

How to make five-minute jam:

If very sweet varieties of apricots were used, you can add a little citric acid to the jam at the end of cooking (1-2 g per kilogram of fruit).

Grated apricot jam for pies

This recipe for pitted apricot jam is more like jam - the treat turns out to be quite thick, so it can be used for filling in pies or pies. The highlight of the recipe is the preliminary boiling of fruits with their further grinding.

The amount of sugar depends on taste preferences. To make the jam with sourness, you need:

  • 2 kg apricot;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • some water.

For a sweeter jam, add 1.8 kg of sugar. By the way, in this case, it boils faster.

Step by step preparation:

Apricot jam with kernels

Enough original dessert it turns out if you add these very bones directly to the pitted for the winter, however, previously peeled. You can also use almonds or walnuts instead.

In the process of "extracting" the nucleoli, one should act very carefully and carefully. Firstly, the kernels must remain intact, and secondly, they must be carefully sorted out. A few bitter nucleoli can spoil the entire workpiece.

For jam you will need:

  • 1 kg of sugar and apricot;
  • half a lemon.

So, to make jam with a light almond flavor:

Jam containing apricot kernels, you can store no more than one season.

Certainly, fresh fruits Always tastier than any conservation, but what if their season is very short? In this case, you can and should use them for a variety of winter preparations. Seedless apricot jam is not only a filling for pies, but also an independent delicious dessert. Such a seaming will never be superfluous on the shelves in the cellar! Bon appetit!

With the advent of autumn, our body begins to lack vitamins and minerals. The season of berries and fruits has already ended, and the new one will not be soon. Therefore, in order for our body all year round received nutrients, it is necessary to harvest fruits for the winter. Favorite treat and good medicine in our area from time immemorial there was apricot jam. It is easy to prepare and keeps for a long time. About him - in our article.

About the taste and benefits of apricot delicacy

To make it easier to assess how useful apricot jam can be, you should familiarize yourself with its composition.


  • retinol (A) - 0.025 mg;
  • beta-carotene (A) - 0.3 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 0.8 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 2.4 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.01 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.02 mg;
  • niacin (B3) - 0.2 mg.


  • potassium (K) - 152 mg;
  • calcium (Ca) - 12 mg;
  • magnesium (Mg) - 9 mg;
  • sodium (Na) - 2 mg;
  • phosphorus (P) - 18 mg.

From trace elements the product contains iron in the amount of 0.4 mg per 100 g of berries.

Thanks to this composition, the product acquires the following healing abilities:

  • normalizes bowel function;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • treats coughs and colds;
  • has an antipyretic effect;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • fights asthma;
  • is a good prophylactic against anemia and atherosclerosis.

It is pleasant to be treated with such a medicine, especially for children, because it tastes great, and there are practically no contraindications. The only thing that can harm jam is sugar. Therefore, it should be taken with caution by diabetics.

Did you know? Apricot came to us from Armenia. Its scientific name Prunus armeniaca translates as« Armenian plum» .

Apricot preparation

Harvested during the season, the harvest of fruits before conservation needs to be prepared. First, the apricots are moved. It is necessary to select ripe, but not soft, fruits without mechanical defects. Then they are thoroughly washed in a saucepan or under running water in a colander. After that, they are left to dry, spreading the fruits on a cotton cloth. When the apricots are dry, the pulp is separated from the stone and cut into slices of the required size.

Preparing jars and lids

While the fruits are drying, you can prepare the jars.

Lids are easy to sterilize. They must be immersed in a pan in which poured hot water, and boil for five minutes on fire. Then the lids are laid out on a towel to dry.

Thick apricot jam

The density of this product is achieved due to the duration of cooking. The dish turns out to be saturated and retains all the useful components of the fruit.


For jam you need:

  • apricots -1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

You will also need a saucepan liter jar and cover.

Important! Fruits should be weighed after pitting.


The jam takes three days to prepare. It should be more infused than boiled.

Let's describe the recipe step by step:

Video: recipe for thick apricot jam

Jam "Five minutes"

Although the jam is called "Five Minute", the duration of its preparation is much longer. It only boils for five minutes.


For its preparation it is necessary:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400/500 g.

From the dishes we need a saucepan, jars and lids.


We sort out the required number of apricots, wash and dry. Separate from the seeds, cutting the fruit with a knife. If the apricot is large, then each slice can still be cut into two parts.

Video: cooking apricot "Five Minute"

Jam with apricot kernels

Kernels make the taste of the dish more intense and piquant.


Jam Ingredients:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

And already traditional - a saucepan, a liter jar and a lid.


Important! A short heat treatment allows you to keep the apricot slices whole.

Video: recipe for making apricot jam with nucleoli

What can be combined with and what to add

We take 4 kg of apricots and 1 kg of oranges. We wash all the fruits, cut the oranges into small slices, and remove the seeds from the apricots. We fall asleep 2 kg of sugar and leave for two hours. Then bring to a boil over low heat and leave to cool. Then we boil again.

WITH . We take 100 g grated, 600 g apricots, a small piece of grated, 500 g powdered sugar, lemon juice, 100 g crushed almonds. IN three-liter pan pour water and throw carrots into it. We put on fire and cook until the carrots soften. Drain the water, add the apricots, peeled. We cook for five minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients, except for the nuts. Mix well and cook for 15 minutes. Pour the almonds into the jam and leave to cool the product. Pour the slightly cooled jam into jars and roll up the lids.

WITH . You need to take 1 kg of apricots, 300 g of peeled nuts, three glasses of sugar. Wash the fruits and separate from the pits. Place the slices in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. We mix everything. We leave to stand for a day. Then pour the raw materials into the pan and put on low heat. Cook for 15 minutes, cool. We put it on fire again and after a quarter of an hour we leave it to cool again. We repeat the procedure again. Add nuts and cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly the contents of the pan. hot product pour into jars and close.

With spices. For jam, you need 800 g of apricots, 600 g of sugar, 50 ml of lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. ground, 150 g almonds. Washed and separated from the seeds, put the fruits in a saucepan and cover with sugar. We leave for three hours to let the juice go. After the specified time, add lemon juice, cinnamon. We put the pan on the fire and cook for 15 minutes. If necessary, remove the foam. After a quarter of an hour, remove the jam from the stove and beat with a blender. We insist 20 minutes. Bring to a boil again and add the almonds. Stirring, cook for 20 minutes over low heat. We pour into banks.

Where to add and what to serve

If you have cooked jam, preserving the integrity of the fruit, then it can be added to any sweet pastries . Whole slices will never leak out of closed flour products(pies, rolls). Their consistency does not change even when frozen. This allows you to use jam for making ice cream, yogurt, glazed curds, sweet curd mass.
Because of its amber color, apricot jam will look great as an independent sweet dish on any holiday table.
Suitable for jam and for cooking meat dishes. Here it acts as a marinade or glaze for the formation of a delicious crisp. For example, you can mix apricot jam With soy sauce, ketchup and add some water. This mixture is sprinkled rack of pork ribs during frying.

Did you know? « » - this is the name of the story of A. Solzhenitsyn, published in 1995. It does not describe the recipe for preparing the product, but tells about the hardships and wanderings of a peasant boy after the dispossession of his parents. Apricot jam in the story is a symbol of prosperity, stability, generous tea drinking.

Why lids on jars swell and how to prevent it

The reasons for this may be the following factors:

  • the fruits are poorly sorted and washed. Dust particles got into the jar and became a breeding ground for bacteria;
  • rotten or damaged fruits are caught;
  • little sugar is added to the jam, which acts as a preservative and prevents harmful microflora from developing;
  • short heat treatment, due to which not all bacteria died;
  • jars and lids are poorly sterilized;
  • lid not sealed.

How to avoid puffy lids on jars:

  • thoroughly wash and sort out raw materials for conservation;
  • well prepare jars and lids;
  • fall asleep as much as possible big amount sugar fruits;
  • cook the jam so that it is transparent, and the fruits are evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Jam is my favorite homemade smelling of summer and childhood. However, not every hostess can treat delicious treat: jam is either too thick with an unpleasant aftertaste of burnt sugar, or liquid and quickly turns sour. Sometimes sweet preservation covered with mold or candied. It's time to learn all the secrets delicious jam and learn to cook perfect jam from apricots.

  • dried apricots - 0.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • zest of 1 lemon

How to cook:

  1. Rinse dried apricots thoroughly and soak in 2 liters cold water. After 1 hour, drain the water and fill with fresh water. Leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place. Drain the water, put the dried apricots in a colander to remove excess moisture.
  2. Prepare lemon zest
  3. In a thick-walled saucepan, mix sugar and water and boil the syrup until the “thick thread” sample (see the beginning of the article)
  4. Put the softened dried apricots and zest into the syrup, mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil
  5. Remove from heat and let cool completely

Frozen apricot jam

Important: this jam cannot be stored for too long due to the low sugar content.

  • frozen pitted apricots - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 300 g

How to cook:

  1. Place the apricots in a suitable container and leave to defrost. Apricots should thaw slowly enough, so it is better to place a container with berries in the refrigerator.
  2. Gently mix the thawed berries with sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil
  3. As soon as the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook for 20-30 minutes
  4. Cool the finished jam, put it in a clean, dry jar, store in the refrigerator

Apricot jam without cooking

  • apricot - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 25 g

How to cook:

  1. Wash the berries, dry (required!), Free from stones
  2. Finely chop the apricots (using a blender or meat grinder). In fact, you should get a puree mass.
  3. Add sugar to grated apricots and citric acid mix thoroughly
  4. Cover the container with mashed apricots and refrigerate for 2-3 days. Stir the jam occasionally to speed up the dissolution of the sugar.
  5. Arrange the apricot puree in dry sterile jars "shoulder-deep". Top with sugar
  6. Close the jars with sterile nylon lids
  7. Store stock in the refrigerator

Apricot jam in a slow cooker

If you are going to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker, consider a few important points.

  • berries together with sugar should occupy ½ of the volume of the bowl
  • the slow cooker with the jam being prepared must not be left unattended
  • the lid of the multicooker must be ajar so as not to prevent the evaporation of excess liquid

photo 22 step by step photo making apricot jam in a slow cooker
  • pitted apricots - 0.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg
  • lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Place prepared berries in a multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar
  2. Set the "Baking" mode. Time: 60 minutes
  3. After the end of the program, pour in the lemon juice and set the “Steaming” mode and let the jam boil for 2-3 minutes
  4. Spread hot jam in dry sterile jars, close tin lids, roll up/tighten the lids immediately
  5. Put the jars of cooled jam in a dark, cool place.


Video: Microwave Apricot Jam Recipe