Sliced ​​apricot jam. Thick apricot jam for the winter with nucleoli

Summer is a time not only for vacations and recreation, but also delicious ones. How to cook apricot jam slices, learn from this article.

How to cook apricot jam slices?


  • unripe apricots - 1.6 kg;
  • purified water - 450 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.


Wash the apricots well and pat dry. We remove the seeds from the fruits. Place the fruit halves in a bowl, cut side up. At the same time, we sprinkle the layers with sugar. Set aside to extract juice. Then pour cold boiled water. We put the dishes with apricots on the stove and cook in 3 doses over low heat - 5 minutes after boiling at intervals of 3 hours. And in order for the apricots to remain intact, it is better not to stir the jam with a spoon, but to shake the container or sway from side to side. Hot jam is immediately poured into jars, rolled up and sent to cool.

How much to cook apricot jam slices - recipe


  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 500 ml;
  • slightly unripe apricots - 1 kg.


Apricots are divided into 2 halves. We lower their minutes by 3 in hot water and then refrigerate. Pour the prepared apricots with hot syrup, boiled from water and sugar. Let stand for 3 hours. After that, cook apricot slices in 2 doses of 10 minutes each and let stand between them for about half an hour. Then pour the jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Apricot jam slices in syrup - recipe


  • water - 450 ml;
  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 500 g.


Wash not quite ripe apricots with water, divide them into slices, prick them with a toothpick in several places. We make syrup from sugar and water, pour apricots over them and let them stand for a day. Then we drain the syrup, boil again, pour apricots over it again and let it brew for a day again. On the third day, cook the apricots in this syrup until transparent. We lay out the apricot jam slices in jars and roll up.

Apricot jam with orange slices


  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.


Wash apricots, cut in half and remove pits. We pierce each slice in several places wooden skewer so that the juice comes out well. We prepare syrup from sugar and water. Fill them with prepared fruits and leave for a day. After that, drain the liquid and boil. Pour apricots again with syrup and leave for another day. After that, we put the apricots together with the syrup on the fire, pour in the juice squeezed out of the orange, and warm it up to a boil. Reduce the heat to minimum and boil the jam for a quarter of an hour. We lay out the jam in jars, cork and cool in an inverted state.

Apricot jam slices with kernels


  • purified water - 200 ml;
  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g.


Dry washed apricots. We clean them from the bones and disassemble them into slices. We split the bones, and clean the kernels from the skin. Pour sugar into water and boil the syrup. We place the apricots in a saucepan, sprinkling with nucleoli from the stones. Top it all with syrup and bring to a boil. Remove the mass from the stove and cool. In this case, the syrup must be drained and cooled separately. We repeat this procedure twice, that is, boiled - cooled, and again all over again. For the third time, let it boil and boil for about a quarter of an hour over low heat. Now we pour the jam into jars and roll it up.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Apricot jam is not only very tasty, but also very beautiful. Its color is amazing - orange-amber. I did last year. Well, this year I will make apricot jam so that the slices remain whole - they do not boil. To achieve this, the jam is boiled in several stages, then the cooking is gentle. Apricot jam in slices is not very thick, but the berries remain whole. They can be used to decorate cakes, to make desserts, and just have a bite to eat with tea.

For jam, which will be prepared in this way, strong fruits are needed, you can even use slightly unripe ones. Overripe apricots will not work, they will boil quickly. If the fruits are very acidic, then more sugar may be needed.

To prepare apricot jam, remove the seeds from the fruits with slices. We weigh pitted apricots and focus on a 1: 1 ratio - we take a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries.

Add sugar, a little water and set aside the jam for an hour or two until the sugar dissolves. We try not to mix the fruits in order to maintain their integrity. Shake to distribute sugar.

When the sugar dissolves, you can put the jam on the fire. Heat to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, collect the foam, and then set aside until the jam has cooled.

Put the completely cooled jam back on the fire, bring it to a boil again, cook for 5 minutes and set aside again to cool. We repeat the procedure again. In total, we cook the jam three times.

After the third cooking, lay out the apricot jam slices in boiled jars.

Roll up with sterilized lids.

We turn over.

Our apricot jam is ready for the winter. We are guaranteed satisfaction.

Apricots, in my opinion, make the most beautiful jam. So bright, sunny and amazingly fragrant. With us, it is the first to disappear from the shelves of the pantry, so I try to harvest it more and in different variations. One of the versions is apricot jam in slices, I chose the easiest recipe with a photo to reproduce, because you do not have to deal with capricious syrup. Such apricot jam is made pitted, the slices are covered with sugar and, when the slices give juice, they are boiled in several stages. In fact, it takes a maximum of 20-30 minutes to prepare and cook. The rest of the time, the jam is simply infused.

whole apricot slices look, of course, very impressive. But it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Here it is very important to take strong apricots and cook jam over medium heat. Otherwise, the slices will boil, which, in general, will in no way affect the taste. ready jam. In any case, the jam turns out wonderful: bright, fragrant, with a slight sourness. Insanely delicious!


  • apricots (dense, maybe even slightly unripe) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp.

How to make apricot jam slices

First of all, the apricots should be thoroughly washed, then put in a colander and shaken vigorously several times - this will be enough to rid the fruits of excess moisture.

As soon as all the apricots are halved, sprinkle them with sugar. In parts, we put the halves immediately in a saucepan where the jam will be cooked (in this version of the recipe, than less fruit will move, the better). Sprinkle each part with sugar.

We shake the saucepan, close it and remove at least 5 hours so that the apricots give juice. If time is running out, you can put the pan somewhere warmer. Then right amount juice is formed already after 3-4 hours. If you leave apricots in sugar overnight, then the container should be put in the refrigerator.

After insisting, add citric acid to the apricots and send the pan to the stove.

We first turn on the maximum heating of the plate, but after the appearance of the first, smallest bubbles, we reduce it to medium (I have this 3 position out of 6). Boil the jam on medium heating of the stove for 5 minutes, closing the pan with a lid. During this short time, quite a lot of foam forms on the surface - you can not remove it yet, when the jam has cooled down, it will be much easier to deal with it. Important! During cooking (in each approach), we try not to stir the jam!

After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the pan from the stove and leave the jam to cool for at least 3 hours. During this time, the jam should cool completely. If not, increase the time allotted for cooling. As it cools down, we return the pan to the stove and boil everything in the same way as the first time: bring it to a boil at the maximum, turn down the heat and boil with a barely noticeable gurgle for another 5 minutes.

Let the jam cool again for a few hours, then boil it for the third time in the same way. After the second cooling, you can remove the foam from the jam - there will be very little of it left.

During the third boiling, we prepare jars and lids for jam: we sterilize them in any way convenient for you. I have my verified fast way: Boil the lids for 3-5 minutes. and fry the cans in the microwave at the maximum, pouring there a large number of water (somewhere 0.5-0.7 cm). I take small jars for jam - up to 500 ml.

After the third approach, the jam is ready! Pour it into prepared jars and seal with lids. Due to the fact that the jam is cooked for a very short time (namely, the boiling time), quite a lot of syrup is obtained. If desired, syrup and apricots can be poured into separate jars. Both that and another in the winter will leave with a bang.

Before cooling, we leave the jars under a warm blanket in the room, after which we put them in storage.

A wonderful healthy and natural vitamin delicacy - apricot jam will appeal to children and adults.

In the season of apricots, having eaten enough of these fruits, many people think about how else they can be used. During the big harvest great way preserve ripe fruits is to make jam from them. apricot jam- without a doubt healthy dessert, which contains many valuable elements. The use of these fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, brain, of cardio-vascular system and visual organs. Since basically any recipe fragrant dessert from apricot, which is prepared for the winter, offers their short heat treatment, jam also retains most of the nutrients.

To prepare delicious dish- apricot jam, no special costs are required. In addition to the fruits themselves in the most simple recipes only sugar and water are used. Some skilled housewives, who are ready to spend a little more time, make jam from fruits stuffed with nuts. Cooking such a delicacy is not difficult, but the effect that it will cause for tasters will exceed all expectations. For example, apricot jam, in which almonds will be in the middle instead of stones, will become a real star on your table.

Apricot jam recipes

Recipe 1. Pitted apricot jam

Ingredients: 900 g apricots, 900 g sugar.

My apricots. Break in half or cut open to remove the pits. If desired, chop the apricots, cutting into smaller pieces, or leave the fruit as is. We transfer the fruits into a deep container, cover with sugar. We stand in a cool place for about 12 hours - until the fruits release juice. You can skip this step by adding 190 ml of water. Quickly boil the contents of the container for 1 minute, remove the foam. We leave without heating for 11 hours. Having done slow fire, boil the jam for 12 minutes after boiling. Transfer to a sterile container, seal tightly.

Recipe 2. Apricot jam with kernels

Ingredients: 1350 g apricot, 1540 g sugar, 450 ml water.

In clean, washed apricots, we make incisions of such a size that we can carefully pull out the stone without damaging the fruit itself. We split the bones with a hammer or garlic press, take out the kernels. Pour sugar into boiling water, boil the solution until its volume is reduced by a quarter. We place the kernels in the apricot fruits. Pour boiling syrup over them. We take a break for 12 hours. After we drain all the liquid, which we boil again. Pour boiling water over the stuffed apricots. We wait about 10 hours, cook until the liquid and the fruits themselves are transparent. Seal tightly in a sterile container.

Recipe 3. Apricot jam with almonds

Ingredients: 950 g apricot, 950 g sugar, 155 g almonds, 90 ml water.

Pour boiling water over the almonds, let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. We repeat these steps twice. We remove the shell from the nuts. My apricots, with the help of a long stick stuck into the place where the stalk is attached, squeeze out the seeds. Insert one almond into each hole. Pour sugar into the pan and fill it with water, cook, stirring, until dissolved. We transfer the stuffed fruits one by one into the syrup. After boiling, boil for 6 minutes. Leave until completely cool. Boil again, cook for 7 minutes. We pack according to prepared jars.

Recipe 4. Apricot jam with nuts

Ingredients: 1100 g apricots, 1100 g sugar, 420 ml water, 340 g walnuts, 2 g citric acid.

We clean the nuts, removing the shell, membranes. Turning nuts into homogeneous mass in a blender or meat grinder. In a copper basin or an enameled deep container, mix water with sugar, heat until the mixture is transparent. In another pan, heat 2-3 liters of water to 85 degrees. Washed apricots divided in half, from which the seeds were previously removed, are transferred to heated water for a couple of minutes. After we drain the infusion, and move the fruits into syrup. Keep on fire until boiling. We wait until the jam cools down. We boil again. Cook, stirring, until thickened. Pour citric acid, nuts. We transfer to sterile jars, cork.

Recipe 5. Apricot jam "Five minutes"

Ingredients: 900 g apricot, 700 g sugar, 45 ml lemon juice.

We wash the apricots, free from stones. Transfer to a glass container with high sides for cooking in microwave oven. Add citrus juice. We heat the mass in the microwave for 5 minutes, setting the highest power. We fall asleep with sugar, knead. Heat again in the microwave for 5 minutes. Stir, heat for another 5 minutes. We pack in prepared containers.

Recipe 6. Apricot jam slices

Ingredients: 950 g apricot, 1450 g sugar, 410 ml water.

We rinse the apricots, take out the seeds, dividing the fruits into slices. We heat the water in a saucepan, without bringing it to a boil, into which we transfer the apricots for 3 minutes. After the fruits are cooled with running water. We prick apricots, making 1-2 holes in each. We transfer sugar to water, boil it. Pour the fruit with the solution. We wait 3.5 hours. Boil twice for 12 minutes, stirring, with an interval of about 8 hours. The readiness of the jam is determined by the color of the apricot, which should become translucent. We lay out in sterile jars, roll up.

Recipe 7. Apricot jam Mix with apples

Ingredients: 620 g of apricots, 580 g of apples, 950 g of sugar, 130 g of lemon, a bag of Gelfix, Quittin or other gelling agent for making jam.

Wash fruits well. We clean from the stones, remove the skin from the apples, rub. We turn apricots into puree with a blender or in a meat grinder. Mix chopped fruits, squeeze citrus juice. Pour the gelling additive, 40 g of sugar. Stir, boil. Pour the remaining sugar, boil for 3 minutes. We lay out the jam in a sterile container, tightly roll it up.

Recipe 8. ginger jam with apricots

Ingredients: 1900 g apricot, 1350 g sugar, 20 g ginger.

Apricots are pitted. We cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. We transfer the fruits to a container for cooking, pour sugar. Cook, stirring, for about half an hour. During the cooking process, remove the foam. Ginger rub, transfer to the jam. We check the density of the dessert by dropping a drop on the saucer. If it does not spread, immediately pack the jam in sterile jars. Seal hermetically.

Recipe 9. Apricot jam with coffee

Ingredients: 1100 g apricots, 800 g sugar, 95 ml lemon or lime citrus juice, 12 g vanilla sugar, 60 g coffee beans.

We wash the apricots. We take out the bones. We turn half of the fruit into a puree state with a blender. The second part is cut not very large. We transfer all the fruits to the cooking container, cover with sugar, vanilla sugar, add citrus juice. We stir. Lightly grind the coffee beans in a mortar. We put the grains in a dense gauze. We tie, transfer to the apricot mass. We hold out for a couple of hours. Boil for about 15 minutes, stirring. We take out the coffee when the jam thickens. Pour into a sterile container, cork. Flip the jar upside down for 10 minutes.

To make apricot jam tasty, fruit pieces retain their shape, you need to know some of the subtleties of cooking and cooking this delicacy. For jam, apricots of medium maturity or slightly underripe are ideal. You should not take overripe fruits, as it will be problematic to remove the seeds and keep the apricots whole. When seaming fruits with seeds or kernels, it is better to use the jam within a year so that a substance called amygdalin does not accumulate, which can be converted into hydrocyanic acid. It is good to cook jam in a copper basin, if preference is given enamelware must be thoroughly mixed so that it does not burn.

By choosing one or another jam recipe, it is easy to prepare an excellent fruit dessert for the winter. With it, you can please guests with an unusual delicacy by adding nuts, lemon or even coffee and ginger to apricot jam. All the ingredients of this dish are different useful properties, big amount valuable elements for the body. Having opened a jar of prepared apricot jam in winter, the kitchen will be filled summer scent and warm homely atmosphere. This natural dessert, prepared by hand, will appeal to absolutely all lovers of sweets.

Greetings to all guests and subscribers of the blog! I don't know if you like apricots, but I just adore them. These fruits contain vitamins such as A and C, minerals - magnesium, iron, iodine and potassium, so eating juicy fruits is of great benefit to the entire human body.

But unfortunately we cannot all year round enjoy natural sweets, so you need to think about stocking fruits for the winter in the summer. And of course, the most popular type of harvesting apricots is a treat in the form of jam. Moreover, during the cooking process, a large amount of fruit pectin is released, which has a great effect on digestion.

There are a lot of recipes for making delicacies, but I really like to cook apricots with pitted slices or with nucleoli. It turns out very tasty, fragrant and presentable in appearance. This jam is stored for a long time, so winter evenings you will be happy to drink hot tea and eat with a spoonful of summer preparations.

In order to prepare fruits, be sure to select before the cooking process sunny fruits according to the following characteristics: they should be smooth, elastic and bright, as well as a little hard. It is from unripe fruits that you will be able to prepare a treat with whole and not boiled slices.

If you come across wrinkled and spoiled apricots, then put them aside, we will not need them. But you can make real jam out of them.

I also note that it takes a lot of time to cook, so you have to tinker to get a rich amber color and impeccable taste.


  • Apricots - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the fruits well. Then remove all bones.

2. Take a deep saucepan and pour sugar into it. Next, pour about 15 ml of water (this amount is taken per 1 kg) and put on medium heat. Continuously stirring the mass, let the sugar dissolve, and after boiling, boil the syrup for 5 minutes.

3. Pour the prepared berries with ready-made syrup and mix everything gently, distributing the slices evenly.

4. Cover our blank cling film or a lid and leave in this state at room temperature for a day.

5. The next day, the brew should release juice. It must be carefully drained into the pan, but for now, set the berries aside. Put the juice on a small fire and wait until the liquid boils, cook for 2-3 minutes after boiling, and the juice should boil all the time.

6. After the time has elapsed, remove the syrup from the heat and immediately pour the berries over it. Re-cover the bowl with cling film and leave again for a day.

7. After a day, repeat the procedure again: drain the syrup, boil and pour the fruits, leave for a day.

8. But on the 4th day, the delicacy should be immediately put on fire, boiled and boiled for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can add a little citric acid or squeeze the juice from a lemon. Pour hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and tightly tighten the lids.

9. Turn the jars upside down with lids and leave to cool completely. Store best in a dark and cool place.

On a note! To give unusual taste and aroma, you can add currant or cherry leaves.

Seedless apricot jam recipe for the winter

The next cooking technology differs from the previous one in that we will not cook sugar syrup separately, but immediately pour the fruit with sugar. And by the way, such a treat is made without water, that is, in its own juice.


  • Apricots and sugar in a 1:1 ratio (for example, take 2 kg of sugar for 2 kg of fruit).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits well and place on a towel to remove excess water.

3. Put the prepared apricots into a deep pan in layers, filling each layer with sugar. Cover and leave overnight for the berries to release their juice.

4. In the morning, gently shake the contents to mix the sugar that has settled to the bottom. Then put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes. Stir gently during the cooking process so that nothing burns.

After five minutes, turn off the heat and leave for 24 hours.

5. The procedure described in paragraph 4 must be repeated 2 times. But on the last run, increase the cooking time by 10-15 minutes to thicken the treat. Then immediately pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Turn the blanks upside down with lids and cover with a blanket. When the jars are completely cool, put them in a storage place.

To save palatability apricots and to increase the shelf life, you can add a little citric acid or lemon juice to the jam.

Apricot jam slices in syrup

If you adore homemade cakes, then the next video is definitely for you. Because the delicacy prepared according to this plot turns out to be quite dense, which means that such slices are 100% suitable for filling in various rich products.

It is better not to mix the delicacy with a spoon, just shake the cooking container from side to side, so you keep all the slices intact.

Recipe for apricot jam for the winter "Lick your fingers" with orange

For a change, you can always add citrus notes to apricot jam by adding crushed lemons or oranges, or maybe both. Plus, I also love to add walnuts, in my opinion this is the most successful cooking technology.


  • Apricots - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Orange - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Walnuts - 400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly under water, wait until the water drains, and then remove the seeds.

2. Now prepare the sugar syrup: add sugar to the water and put the liquid on a slow fire. Bring the syrup to a boil and wait until all the sugar has dissolved.

Be careful not to burn the sugar.

3. Hot sugar syrup pour over the berries and leave everything to cool completely.

4. Peel citrus fruits from peel, films and seeds. Then, using a blender, grind them to a homogeneous consistency.

5. Clean walnuts and chop them up a bit. Then add to the cooled apricot brew, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil again. Let it cool down again.

6. At the last stage, add the lemon-orange mixture and bring the treat to a boil again. Then immediately pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

It turns out everything is insanely tasty and beautiful!

Amber apricot jam video recipe

For this recipe, you will need dense and not overripe fruits. And to check whether the brew is ready or not, just put a drop of syrup on the edge of a cold saucer. If the drop does not spread, that is, it keeps its shape well, then the jam is ready and it can be removed from the heat.

How to make apricot jam in slices so that it is transparent

I also want to note that basically the preparation is made on the basis of 1: 1 proportions, but for many it turns out to be too sweet a treat. Therefore, you can put less sugar, focusing on your taste preferences.


  • Apricots - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the berries, cut in half and remove the seeds.

If you have very large fruits, then additionally cut the halves into two more parts.

3. In the meantime, sterilize the jars in the usual way for you.

4. When 4 hours have passed, put the workpiece on a slow fire and warm the contents, and then gently mix everything from top to bottom.

5. Slowly continue heating the mass. The sugar needs to be completely dissolved. And when the jam boils, then boil it for 7 minutes and pour it into prepared jars.

6. Close the lids and turn over, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.

If you have syrup left, then make a fruit drink out of it or pour it over it, soak the biscuits!

7. So that the delicacy does not darken, it is best to store it in a dark and cool place.

Method for making jam with seed grains (with nucleoli)

This option is loved by my whole family, and even the guests, tasting the delicacy, do not immediately understand what it is made of, but they gobble it up on both cheeks, because it’s impossible to come off, it’s very tasty!


  • Apricots - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Kernels - 200 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry the fruits. Divide into halves and remove the bones. Put the halves in a basin and cover them with sugar, leave for 5-6 hours. Next, put the workpiece on a slow fire and wait for it to boil. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours to cool completely.

2. In the meantime, prepare the grains. apricot kernels wash and dry. Carefully split the bones and remove the nucleoli.

Taste the kernels, if they are bitter, then it is better not to add them, but replace them with walnuts or almonds.

3. When the brew has cooled completely, add the nucleoli to it and carefully distribute them throughout the volume.

It is better not to mix the treat with a spoon, but to shake the cooking container a little from side to side, so you keep the slices intact.

4. Bring the apricots with kernels to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and cool again, leaving the workpiece for 12 hours.

5. After the time has elapsed, bring the delicacy to a boil for the third time and boil for 10 minutes.

Pour the hot treat into sterile jars and roll up.

Apricot jam for the winter without water

Here's another one popular recipe. Thanks to quick repeated cooking, the slices remain intact and do not turn into gruel, but the vitamins are all preserved.


  • Apricots - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, wash and dry fruits. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.

2. Put the finished slices in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Put on a slow fire and bring the contents to a boil. Steam for 15 minutes and turn off. Leave the workpiece to cool completely.

3. This procedure must be repeated 2 times. And then pour the sweetness into sterilized jars and roll up. Then turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Wait for it to cool completely and store until winter.

Choose hot canning, so the product will be stored much longer.

After reading all the recipes, I think you noticed that the cooking technology is similar and consists of several stages: infusion in sugar, fast cooking, which alternates with cooling. There is nothing difficult, the main thing is not to rush.

If you choose the option with kernels, then do not remove the film from them, because it is she who gives a delicious almond shade. I hope your apricot jam with slices will always be very tasty, bright and fragrant! Enjoy your meal!