Royal gooseberry jam (with vodka). Royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

If you want to replenish the collection of gooseberry dessert recipes, cook royal or emerald jam. With cherry leaves, walnuts, vodka. Dessert is deservedly titled, prepared unusually, looks amazing. The amber berries of the bush float in the clear syrup. Nothing to say about the taste!

There are several recipes for royal jam, the most popular are desserts cooked with the addition of cherry leaves and walnuts. Made with orange, cherry. But all recipes have one thing in common: seeds are chosen from gooseberries. When cooking, the freed space replaces the syrup, making the berries stunningly beautiful, emerald in color.

When to pick gooseberries

The dessert is brewed from green and red varieties of gooseberries. Important nuance- the berries are harvested unripe, since the cooking technology is quite complicated, requiring the removal of seeds from the fruit. Therefore, dense, not quite ripened fruits are taken.

Royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

But a truly luxurious jam, worthy of the royal table. Cherry will give a special flavor to the dessert, add a delicate green color to the dessert.

Would need:

  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Cherry leaves - a handful for soaking.
  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Step by step cooking recipe:

Sort the berries, sort, selecting the most dense.

Make a tiny cut at the stalk and select the seeds with a hairpin, or any other handy device.

Rinse the gooseberries again, drain the excess liquid.

Place the berries in a bowl. Lay out in layers, shifting cherry leaves, as in the photo.

You are free for 5-6 hours, do other things.

After a predetermined time, drain the liquid, do not pour it out, we will boil the syrup on it. Dry the berries a bit. The leaves are no longer useful.

Boil the syrup by adding sugar to the water infused on the leaves. Boil it, stirring, wait until the sweetness is completely dissolved.

Dip the gooseberries into the boiling syrup. Remove from the burner and be patient for 3-4 hours. Give the fruits time to soak in the syrup.

After the set time has elapsed, put it back on the stove. When the jam boils, note 5 minutes. Boil, remove from heat and leave to cool and soak.

Such cooking should be carried out 3-4 times for five minutes. then ready-made jam fill the jars, move to a place of permanent storage.

Royal gooseberry jam with vodka - the best recipe

Here is a variation of a dessert for the winter with cherry leaves, which I personally consider to be the best.


  • Gooseberries - kilogram.
  • Leaves - 100 gr.
  • Citric acid - a small spoon.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Vanillin - ½ teaspoon.
  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Water - 5 glasses.

Step by step preparation of jam:

  1. Remove the inner part from the fruit (a hairpin is very convenient). Fill with cool water and leave for 6 hours. Then discard the fruits in a colander.
  2. Pour water into the pan (the volume is indicated in the recipe), add the leaves, pour in the acid. After boiling, count 5 minutes and turn off.
  3. Remove the leaves from the pot. Add sugar in their place. Stir and let it boil again.
  4. After the final dissolution of sugar, pour in vodka, add vanillin.
  5. Pour the gooseberries with the resulting syrup. Wait 15-20 minutes. Return the syrup with berries to the pan, cook for 10 minutes. Fill the jars, roll up. Store the treat in a pantry or cellar.

Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts

A delicacy will become truly royal if you add a special ingredient to it - walnuts. In my opinion, this is the best recipe for gooseberry jam, although you have to work. Tip: try to select large berries, preferably a green variety.

  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Nuts are a guest.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to weld:

  1. Wash the fruits, cut at the stalk, pull the middle into a separate bowl.
  2. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve, getting rid of the grains.
  3. Place the puree in a small saucepan, put in a large, filled hot water. Pour in sugar and heat in the bath. When the sugar mass dissolves, turn off the gas. The syrup is ready.
  4. Put pieces of walnut into the gooseberry shell freed from the middle.
  5. Throw the "stuffed" gooseberries into the syrup. As in the recipe with cherry leaves, cooking is done in several approaches. The jam is allowed to boil, boiled for exactly 5 minutes, turned off and allowed to cool and soak.
  6. In total, plan 3-4 brews, then the dessert will become truly royal and emerald.

How to cook emerald jam for the winter

You will need:

  • Gooseberries - a liter jar.
  • Sugar is the same.
  • Water - 400 ml.


  1. Sort, sort the gooseberries. Wash, remove the stalks with tails.
  2. Prick the fruit with a toothpick in several places.
  3. Boil sugar syrup with water. When it boils, pour over the gooseberries. Leave the berries soaked in syrup for 5 hours.
  4. Drain the syrup into a separate saucepan, boil. Again send to the berries. Let stand for the next 5 hours.
  5. Put the saucepan on the stove. Don't drain the syrup. Boil the jam, cook for 15 minutes. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Why is jam called royal

The stunning dessert was highly respected by Empress Catherine the Great. Getting up at dawn, Catherine was engaged in sovereign affairs. One day, the Empress spotted an old woman chasing a chicken through the window. Inquiring, I learned that a poor woman comes to the palace to her grandson, a cook. He then gave grandmother a chicken that escaped from a knapsack. She took pity on the old woman, ordered Catherine to give out a chicken every day, only a bat. So that her clucking does not interfere with solving state affairs.

The grateful old woman made some gooseberry jam. And that jam was emerald. Juice is a tear, berries are precious stones. The Great Empress liked the delicacy. She called the cook and gave her grandmother a ring with an emerald, the size of a gooseberry. In the family of the cook, the ring was carefully kept and always remembered about the royal favor. Catherine's favorite royal dessert began to be cooked at court.

Recipe Video royal jam from gooseberries. Enjoy your tea drinking on long winter evenings.

How to make gooseberry jam? Recipes for the winter and without cooking are easy to prepare, and gooseberry blanks are unusually tasty and full of vitamins. The beneficial properties of gooseberries do not depend on the variety and color of the berries: each gooseberry is rich in vitamin A, C, E, PP, B vitamins, micro and macro elements - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.

The benefits of gooseberries are enormous, the berries have a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative effect on the human body, are indicated for high blood pressure, bleeding and menstrual irregularities, gastritis with low acidity and diabetes. Eating gooseberries strengthens blood vessels and promotes rapid fat burning in obesity, helps fight anemia in pregnant women.

Gooseberries are contraindicated only in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers, enteritis or colitis. If no one in your family suffers from these diseases, be sure to choose a jam recipe to your liking and prepare this healthy berry.

First, let's talk about how to sterilize jars and prepare gooseberries for harvesting, and then move on to the 6 most the best recipes jams: five minutes, emerald with cherry leaves, royal with walnuts, orange, lemon and raw without cooking. The TestoVed site team hopes that each reader will find a recipe to their liking.

Sterilization of jars and preparation of gooseberries

If the jam rolls up for the winter, regardless of the recipe chosen, before starting cooking, it is imperative to prepare jars and lids. First you need to rinse both the jars and the lids with plenty of water. soapy water under hot water, and then sterilize them with your preferred method.

Testoved advises. There are many ways to sterilize jars, but one of the simplest and most convenient is sterilization using an oven.

To sterilize the jars, after washing, put them in a cold oven and heat it to 150 ° C. After 15 minutes, turn off the oven and do not remove the jars until you are ready to transfer the finished hot jam into them.

To sterilize the lids, boil water in a saucepan and boil the lids for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the lids in the water until you need them, but at least 10 minutes.

How to remove pits from gooseberries?

For cooking gooseberries, it is better to choose a slightly unripe, strong, with an elastic skin. Gooseberries, like, for example, apricots, are rich in natural pectin, therefore, according to any recipe, jam from it thickens perfectly without adding a store-bought thickener.

Read:, tasty and thick - detailed recipe+ tips.

Some recipes for jam with whole berries require you to remove the seeds (pits) from the gooseberries. To do this, in the washed berries, you need to cut off the tails and the edge of the lower part with a knife or scissors, and then carefully remove the seeds with the tip of a knife, a pin or a hairpin. To make the sugar better absorbed during cooking, the berries can be chipped with a toothpick.

4 hours to prepare

15 min to prepare

280 kcal per 100 g

Five-minute gooseberry jam is the easiest gooseberry harvest recipe for the winter.

Gooseberries are rich in natural pectin, so there is no need to add store-bought thickeners to the workpiece.

Keep in mind that gooseberries are reluctant to release juice, so be sure to add water to the recipe, and it is also advisable to fill the gooseberries with sugar in advance and leave them for several hours, and preferably all night, in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Let's prepare the berry. We sort out the gooseberries, discard the damaged fruits, remove the tails. Rinse thoroughly and lay out on a clean towel to dry. We transfer the dried gooseberries to an enameled pan, cover with sugar and put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight, so that the berries let the juice flow.
  2. We take out the pan and fill the berries with water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Pour the remaining granulated sugar, stir with a wooden spatula. Remove foam as needed.
  3. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Remove from heat, leave to cool completely.
  4. We boil the cooled mass again, cook for 5 minutes, then cool. We repeat the procedure for the third time, but do not leave it to cool, but immediately lay out the hot jam in prepared sterile jars and roll it up with metal lids. Turn over, wrap with a blanket and cool. We store in the winter in a cool place.

Emerald gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. The right gooseberry for emerald jam is large, but with elastic skin, sour in taste. Such gooseberries will keep whole berries in jam.

To make the jam acquire a beautiful emerald hue and fragrant aroma, fresh cherry leaves are added to the recipe.


  • gooseberries - 1.6 kg;
  • fresh cherry leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Let's prepare necessary ingredients: berries green gooseberry, fresh leaves cherries, water (preferably filtered) and sugar.
  2. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the gooseberry stalks and cut off the tails. Cut each berry and remove the seeds. As a result, about 1 kg of peeled pitted berries should remain.
  3. Lay the berries in layers enamelware sufficient capacity, alternating with cherry leaves. Fill with cold filtered water and leave for at least 6 hours.
  4. We drain the water through a colander (but do not pour it out!) And let the gooseberries dry a little. Strain water from gooseberries and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour sugar into boiled water and boil the syrup for 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the syrup from the heat and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, put the gooseberries in it. We leave at room temperature for 3 hours.
  7. When the berry mass is infused, again put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Again, leave at least 6 hours. Bring to a boil again, also boil for 5-8 minutes and again leave at room temperature for 5-6 hours. AT last time cook the jam for no more than 8 minutes.
  8. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids. We turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Store the workpiece preferably in a cool place.

Like emerald, royal gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. For making jam, gooseberries are suitable for both green and red, depending on the desired color of the workpiece.

As in the previous recipe, to achieve a beautiful emerald hue, royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves is prepared. For this green berry you need to pre-soak with cherry leaves, and then start making jam.

In classic royal recipe walnut jams are placed inside each berry, but this is a rather troublesome task and takes a lot of time, so we will fill only part of the berries with nuts and prepare jam with a surprise.


  • dense not overripe gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g (or more if desired);
  • sugar - 1.1 kg;
  • water - half a glass.


  1. We prepare the ingredients. We wash the berries, clean them from the sepals and stalks, take out the seeds. We don't throw away the seeds. We cut the nuts with a knife not too finely so that a piece of the nut fits into the berry.
  2. We fill the berries with nuts as much as enough. The more nuts you take, the more berries you can fill.
  3. Put the seeds together with the pulp in a saucepan, fill with water and cook for 5 minutes. After five minutes, wipe the seeds through a sieve and discard. Pour sugar into the remaining liquid and bring the syrup to a boil over low heat.
  4. After boiling, put the berries with nuts in the syrup. Mix carefully so that the nuts do not come out of the berries. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Leave at room temperature for 8-10 hours without closing the lid.
  5. After the specified time, boil the mass again, and then again set aside for 8-10 hours. Bring to a boil a third time, boil for 5 minutes.
  6. We lay out the jam in pre-sterilized jars and twist with metal lids or cork with nylon. Leave until completely cool. We store in a cool place.

If there is a desire and free time, for the recipe you can take large quantity walnuts and stuff each berry.

Useful gooseberry jam with orange in winter perfectly improves immunity and helps fight beriberi due to the rich vitamin composition of gooseberries and oranges. Oranges, like gooseberries, contain vitamins A, C, E and PP, strengthen the immune system and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Gooseberry jam with orange turns out to be very thick due to the high concentration of pectin in the berry and gelling properties orange peels, so there is no need to add thickeners during cooking. Berries are better to take green, slightly underripe, elastic to the touch.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. We thoroughly wash the gooseberries, cut off or cut off the tails. Wash the oranges thoroughly, cut into slices and remove the pits. We don't peel oranges!
  2. Gooseberries, together with orange slices, are passed through a meat grinder until smooth.
  3. We spread the fruit mass in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn.
  4. After boiling, remove from the stove and set aside until the mass has completely cooled, at room temperature.
  5. When the jam has cooled, put the saucepan back on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Hot jam is immediately poured into sterile jars and sealed with metal or nylon lids. We turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

You can store jam at room temperature - the acid in oranges will ensure the safety of the workpiece throughout the winter.

Another very healthy jam- from gooseberries with lemon. Lemon is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in five different B vitamins, carotene and vitamin PP.

It is useful to eat jam not only in winter to combat beriberi, but also all year round- harvesting improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure and normalizes liver function.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 350 ml.


  1. As in the previous recipes, we will first prepare the berries. We sort out the gooseberries, rinse thoroughly, cut off the tails. It is also advisable to prick each berry with toothpicks.
  2. Cook the syrup: in a saucepan, mix water and sugar, bring to a boil. As soon as the syrup boils, put the gooseberries into it. Stir and cook for 20 minutes, skimming as needed.
  3. My lemon, cut in half. One half is peeled and cut into pieces along with the peel. Dip the lemon slices into the pan, mix again and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Find out right now:step-by-step instruction+ cooking tricks.

  4. Immediately lay out on previously sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap. Leave until the jars are completely cool.

If you want a more uniform, jelly-like consistency of the dessert without individual lemon pieces, you can skip the lemons with berries before cooking through a meat grinder.

Gooseberries are famous for their unique vitamin composition but part of it useful properties lost during cooking. Much more vitamins are stored in raw jam that has not undergone heat treatment.

Such a blank also has a minus - a short shelf life. Jam without cooking is not rolled under the lids and is stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. We wash the berries, remove the tails and rinse well. Lemons are also washed, and then poured over with boiling water. Cut into small pieces and remove the seeds from the lemons.
  2. We pass the berries together with slices of lemon through a meat grinder or chop with a combine. The resulting homogeneous mixture is transferred to a saucepan or bowl, covered with sugar and mixed. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Once again, mix well, lay out in dry sterile jars and close with nylon lids. We store strictly in the refrigerator.

As mentioned above, raw jam is not stored for a long time, so it is better to eat it right away and not leave it until winter.

Friends, what kind of gooseberry jam do you cook? Share your recipes, ideas and feedback with TestoVed in the comments!

Well, in his youth, already somehow not very much. Maybe it just didn't work for me. Study, the army, what kind of jams are there.

Many years passed and one day, when I was visiting, drinking tea with the hosts, I did not recognize the jam, or rather the jam that the hostess served. Of course, I asked what kind of berry the jam was made from. Well, then I felt ashamed. I did not recognize the gooseberry that I loved so much as a child.

Since then, I have become interested in gooseberries again. We began to cook jams, jams, compotes from it, in various options. Well, as they say, the old love is back. I want to show you some recipes various jams and gooseberry jam.

Delicious recipes for the winter. Royal gooseberry jam and other goodies

It is believed that one of the main gooseberry jams is royal or emerald jam. They prepare it differently. Someone puts nuts inside the berries, someone just takes out the seeds from the gooseberries, but we will do the classic.

Gooseberry jam with oranges is also very common. We will also consider it. We also have original jam with additives. And, of course, jam. Let's get started.

Gooseberry jam menu:

  1. Royal gooseberry jam or emerald jam

We will need:

  • Gooseberries - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 600 g.
  • Cherry leaves - 30 pcs.
  • Water - 2-3 cups


1. Gooseberries for this recipe should be Green colour, unripe, elastic and dense. Gooseberries must be washed and cleaned from the stalks.

2. Cook an infusion of cherry leaves. We leave 6-7 leaves, they will still be useful to us, and send the rest to the pan and fill it with water. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. The water will turn a light emerald color. Boil the leaves for 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour gooseberry berries into another pan and pour decoction of leaves filtered through a sieve.

4. The broth should cover the berries completely. Cover with a lid and put in a relatively cool place for 12 hours (not in the refrigerator).

5. After 12 hours, again through a sieve, drain the broth from the berries. Pour one glass of broth into another pan. We don't need the rest.

6. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a glass of broth. Let's make syrup. Put on fire, stir and bring to a boil.

7. The syrup is boiling. Add gooseberries to it. Close the lid, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

8. After 5 minutes, after we closed the lid, remove it and check how it boils. And since you can’t interfere with the berries, just gently shake the pan from side to side. After a while, you can even lift the pan off the heat and shake it gently.

Be especially careful. Boiling sugar is worse than a hot stove.

9. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cherry leaves that we left and did not cook. They should boil with the berry. Dip the leaves into the water with a spoon. They must give us their color.

10. The jam was removed from the stove. We remove leaves from it.

Once again I want to remind you - you can’t interfere with the jam, just shake the pan, gently shaking it.

11. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.

12. Roll up with sterilized lids.

The jam is ready. We put it in storage.

Happy tea drinking in winter!

  1. Gooseberry jam, a simple but very tasty recipe


  • Gooseberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1/2 cup


1. Gooseberries must be sorted out, remove excess debris, remove the tails from the berries on both sides, wash.

2. Pour water into the gooseberries and pour out all the sugar.

Gooseberry jam can be cooked in enamelware.

3. We do not interfere. Shake in a saucepan so that the berries are mixed with sugar and the sugar sinks to the bottom of the saucepan. Just shake the pan from side to side and from bottom to top.

4. We put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and continue to cook, stirring occasionally.

5. Somewhere in 30 minutes we try to see if it is already ready. We put a drop on the plate, if it does not spread, then the jam is ready. We weren't ready. We try every 10 minutes.

Remember to stir every 3-5 minutes.

6. Finally, 50 minutes after the start of the boil, our jam is ready.

7. While the jam is hot, pour into jars. Pour full jars of jam, because when it cools it will settle a little. We do not close the lids, we are waiting for it to cool down.

8. After cooling, close the lids. Jars and lids must be sterilized.

From this amount, 2.5 liters of gooseberry jam were obtained.

You can not wait for winter, but already enjoy a little.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Raw gooseberry jam with oranges

I don’t know if it’s possible to call this goodies that we will cook now, but for some reason everyone calls it raw jam. Although jam from the word cook.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.


1. The gooseberries were sorted out, washed, the tails were removed from both sides.

2. Washed oranges. got cut large slices. We removed the peel from half of the slices, the second half was left as is. They were just afraid that if there were a lot of crusts, bitterness might appear.

3. We begin to grind gooseberries and oranges. We will grind in a blender. You can pass through a meat grinder.

4. We chopped gooseberries. We remove all the seeds from the orange, put the oranges both with the crust and without the crust into the blender bowl and chop.

5. Add crushed oranges to ground gooseberries. We mix everything.

6. Pour sugar into the berry. We pour it out little by little, constantly stirring, so it dissolves more easily. Of course, you can pour sugar and mix everything with a blender.

Whenever you work with a berry, use wooden spoons, spatulas.

7. Thoroughly mix everything. We tried it, bitterness is not felt, but we won’t add orange peels anymore, although there are a lot of vitamins there.

8. Leave the jam for 5 hours alone so that the sugar dissolves completely. After five hours, check to see if the sugar has dissolved. If not, mix thoroughly and let stand for more.

9. Sugar has dissolved, pour into jars.

10. raw jam gooseberries can be prepared in two versions, poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator,

or freeze in containers and make it like ice cream. Also very tasty.


Happy tea!

  1. Gooseberry jam for the winter with delicious additives


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp without a slide
  • Seedless raisins - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
  • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


In order to prevent the berries from bursting, we will first do the following:

1. Pour 150 g of sugar into one and a half liters of boiling water and immediately add citric acid. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. We prick each gooseberry with a needle. Our sugar has dissolved, the water has boiled again, pour the chopped gooseberries into our lemon-sugar mixture. Turn off the heat and keep the berry in this hot syrup for 2 minutes.

3. Two minutes have passed, our berries have become like olives. With a slotted spoon, we shift the berries into a container with cold water. If there is ice, you can add it. Shock chilling prevents the fruit from bursting.

Do not pour out the syrup from which we took the berry. On its basis, you can cook any compote. Yes, and we will need a glass for the base of our jam.

4. Pour the syrup into another container. Pour a glass of syrup separately. Pour a separately poured glass (200 ml) of syrup into the vacated pan and pour 1.2 kg into it. Sahara.

5. Mix sugar with a glass of syrup very carefully with a slotted spoon or spatula and turn on the fire. We turn on the fire small so that the sugar dissolves. As the sugar dissolves, we can add a little fire.

6. The syrup boiled with us, reduce the heat to the very minimum and add a glass of raisins. We took half a glass of dark and half a glass of light raisins. But this is not particularly important. Take what is. We stir.

7. As soon as the syrup with raisins begins to boil again, and this will happen very quickly, almost immediately after you stop stirring, we will add spices. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon ground ginger. Mix the spices well into the syrup. They must be completely dissolved.

Let's start cooking gooseberries

8. After stirring, our spice syrup will quickly begin to boil again, add the gooseberries there, removing it from cold water a couple of minutes before. And then turn off the stove. Raise the pan with jam and gently shake it so that the berry is distributed more evenly.

9. Set aside the jam from the stove. Do not close the lid, otherwise it may become steamy. You can put some sticks or skewers on the pan, and on them parchment paper or a newspaper so that some midges and dust do not fly in. We leave for 5 hours.

10. After five hours, we send the pot of jam to the refrigerator overnight.

11. In the morning, bring the jam to a boil again and immediately turn off the fire again and let the berries soak in juice for another 5 hours. Until it cools down completely.

If you have an electric stove, do not just turn off the stove, but remove the pan from the burner.

12. Now we need to boil the jam for the third time, but right before that, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the jam.

13. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil, but continue to cook the third time for 8-10 minutes after boiling, and do not immediately turn off the stove.

14. Completely cool the jam and pour it cold into sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

Our berries turned out whole and transparent. Without triple jam and complete cooling, you will not get such berries.

The jam is beautiful, fragrant and of course very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Gooseberry jam is very thick and tasty


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 cup (200 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


1. We clean the gooseberries from the tails and wash them. Of course, the work is boring, but what can you do. We fall asleep in a thick-walled pan or cast iron and add a glass of water. Cook until tender over medium heat. Once it boils, cook for another 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

2. The berry boiled well in 10 minutes. Do not think that we have a cherry, this is a kind of gooseberry. We have two varieties here.

3. Pour sugar into the berry. Mix everything and cook for another 15-25 minutes. We check the readiness by dripping jam on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then it is ready. They tried to drip after 15 minutes, the drop spread. After 20 too. And finally, after 25 minutes, the drop no longer spreads, the jam is ready.

4. Grind the berry with a blender.

5. It turned out a jam of good density.

6. Pour hot into sterilized jars. Let the jars cool down in the refrigerator.

7. Like this thick jam we got it. The spoon stands, but stands in the refrigerator, it will be even thicker.

Jam is ready. Smear on bread for the kids, they will be very pleased. I remember myself.

Highly delicious jam gooseberry is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Emerald gooseberry jam is not a simple, but a very troublesome and painstaking recipe. Only the extraction from each gooseberry for cooking seeds without pulp is worth something. But the resulting one will fully justify the hopes for a successful and tasty jam recipe with an amazing emerald transparent color. And for a qualitative transformation of taste and smell, we are guaranteed to help cherry leaves.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg.

For decoction:

  • water - three glasses,
  • cherry leaves - 100 grams.

For syrup:

  • sugar - 1.4 kg,
  • water - 2 glasses.

Recipe for gooseberry jam

Wash hard unripe gooseberries, cut off the sepals and stalks. Withstand in cold water 10-11 hours. If desired, to preserve the color, we additionally blanch the berries a little in boiling water with fresh cherry leaves. And only then we extract the seeds through a side incision with the tip of a knife or a hairpin.

Pour the gooseberries with boiled, necessarily filtered broth, which we prepare as follows: pour fresh, well-washed cherry leaves with three glasses of cold water, bring to a boil and filter hot. The berries filled with hot broth are cooled in air and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

After that, we separate the gooseberries from the juice, and on the resulting juice we cook for the recipe sugar syrup. Pour the berries with ready-made syrup and boil for no more than 15 minutes (until the berries are light green). A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, put 10 pieces of well-washed, sorted cherry leaves into the syrup (they will remain in emerald).

finished product hot - 90-95 degrees, pour into jars. Jam bottled at a temperature of 80-90 degrees must be pasteurized at a temperature of 90-95 degrees: 0.5 liter containers - 8-10 minutes, 1 liter - 12-15 minutes. Our homemade for the winter transparent berries will have an emerald green color, which is why this gooseberry jam is called that.

The story would be incomplete if I didn't mention others. delicious recipes from gooseberries, like or royal. Read, do and eat well!


To prepare royal gooseberry jam, it will take no more time, effort and culinary experience than to cook any other dessert from other berries or fruits. Moreover, the cooking recipe is not at all some kind of exotic, but rather trivial, and more than one. But at the same time gooseberry jam when using quality ingredients always turns out consistently excellent and worthy of royalty.

It is believed that gooseberry jam was one of the favorite treats of the Russian Empress Catherine II (the Great). In any case, they say that it was always on her table during receptions and celebrations. And allegedly for this they called the royal gooseberry jam. How and when it first came to the table of the Empress - there is a separate story about this. But since then, such epithets have been attached to him, such as royal and royal - for the empress's addiction to him, and also emerald - for appearance berries. Due to their size and color, gooseberries in jam resemble emeralds.

Royal jam gooseberry

And that royal jam was not prepared for some reason. special recipe. It was just gooseberries. So we can safely say that any gooseberry jam is a "royal" delicacy.

But the “most” royal, nevertheless, should be considered a dessert cooked in the usual way only from gooseberries, one of the so-called classic recipes. This is how the Empress was treated. And according to the “most” royal taste, everyone will have their own gooseberry jam - the one that they like best. To decide on it, you will have to try many cooking recipes. In the process of such research, it will be possible to make sure more than once that gooseberry jam received the “title” of the royal one quite deservedly. Prepared according to any recipe, it will turn out to be extremely tasty, as well as delight in aroma and appearance. In addition, gooseberry jam is also very useful. Indeed, gooseberries contain many different vitamins and microelements necessary for the body and other biologically active substances.

It should immediately be noted that it is better not to use overripe gooseberries for making jam. It is more difficult to process it, and the taste of jam is not the same. The collected or purchased gooseberries must be thoroughly washed and then dried by laying them on a towel or paper towel. Even during washing, you should immediately, if possible, get rid of all rotten berries.

Making gooseberry jam

Then, carefully, in order to damage the fruits as little as possible, we remove the tails and stalks from the entire gooseberry. It is better not to pull them out, but to cut them off. The most suitable tool for this is nail scissors.

In the process of removing the tails and stalks, we simultaneously sort out the berries. Rotten, soft and even overripe gooseberries are discarded. We leave only elastic and dense fruits. And if the berries are of different degrees of maturity, then it is also recommended to sort them - put the unripe and ripe ones separately. Do not use both together for jam. Indeed, when used together, the degree of readiness (cooking) of ripe and unripe berries in jam will be different. And this will significantly affect the taste perception of the dessert. And the appearance of such a jam will be inferior to the beauty of only unripe or only ripe fruits.

In the berries sorted and prepared by the methods described above, it is necessary to remove the seeds. To do this, we make a small incision on the side of the fruit, and then carefully remove the seeds through it along with part of the pulp (it will not work differently). The most suitable tool for such an "operation" is a safety pin.

But many housewives do not bother with such "delicacies" as removing seeds. Then it is recommended to at least pierce each berry with the same pin or toothpick in several places. Otherwise, during cooking, the fruits are likely to crack or, even worse, burst.

After all the previous preparatory operations, we prepare the jam according to the selected recipe. Of course, regardless of the method of preparation, the requirements for dishes for its packaging and subsequent storage are the same. Wash jars and lids thoroughly and then sterilize.

If we cook the jam (and do not cook it in a cold way), then pour it into jars when it is ready, but still boiling (not letting it cool down) and immediately roll it up. Then we immediately place the sealed containers with gooseberry jam royally upside down on some warm, dense thing spread on the floor (towel, blanket, blanket, etc.), and wrap the same one on top. Then we let the boiled gooseberry dessert cool down until room temperature. And only after that we transfer it to a place for storage.

Store gooseberry jam, like any other, should be in a dark, cool place or room - on a loggia, in a refrigerator or basement, cellar and other similar places. Dessert prepared in a cold way is transferred there immediately.

As mentioned above, in order to cook the “real” royal gooseberry jam, you need to take unripe berries. And of the other ingredients, in addition to them, there should be only sugar and water. Then the color will turn out to look like emeralds, and the taste is the same (or almost) like that of jam, which Empress Catherine loved so much. Below are a couple of these recipes. However, they are also suitable for mature berries.

Recipe No. 1 - perhaps one of those that was prepared for the Empress. You will need:

  • unripe berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8–1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Gooseberries prepared for cooking

First of all, we prepare the syrup. We warm up in enamel saucepan water to a boil. Then dissolve sugar in boiling water. The syrup is ready and boiling. And immediately, with still boiling syrup, pour the gooseberries prepared for cooking, placed in an enameled container for cooking (cup, basin, and so on). After that, leave the berries for 5 hours. Then pour the syrup back into the pan, bring it to a boil again and pour the berries into it a second time. We leave the gooseberries in the syrup for another 5 hours. After that, the syrup from the berries is no longer separated. We put them together in a cooking pot on the stove and heat to a boil. Then cook on low heat for 15 minutes.

Recipe number 2 - modernized royal. You will need:

  • unripe berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1–1.5 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

We put the prepared gooseberries in a plastic container and lightly sprinkle water on top. Then we put it in this form in freezer for 20 minutes, after which we rearrange it in the general section of the refrigerator for the whole night.

The next day, preferably in the morning, first prepare the syrup, as described in the previous recipe. Then put the whole gooseberry into the boiling syrup, taking it from the refrigerator. Then we wait for the “future jam” to boil. As soon as this happens, immediately turn off the fire and leave the gooseberry dessert to cool. When it cools, it is necessary to separate the syrup from the berries. To do this, we filter the whole mass through a colander. Then we heat the syrup to a boil and pour the berries into it again, and then, when everything boils, turn off the fire again immediately and leave the “future jam” to cool.

This sequence of actions must be repeated 2 more times. At the same time, during all 4 cooking runs, it is impossible to interfere with the jam being prepared, otherwise the berries will crumple, losing their integrity, and the whole dessert will turn into “porridge”. You can only shake and shake the contents of the cookware, acting directly on it only. The last (fourth) brew is not limited to the moment of boiling. Its duration is 30 minutes.

"Semi-classical" recipes - how to make emerald jam from berries of any maturity

In these recipes, cherry leaves are added to give the jam a characteristic green (emerald) hue. So the degree of ripeness of the berries will not affect the appearance of the dessert. It will look like a truly royal one. In addition, cherry leaves will give the delicacy a special aroma and piquancy.

Gooseberries and cherry leaves

As in previous recipes, you can change the proposed proportions of the ingredients at your own discretion to your own taste. Therefore, only one recipe for such a cooking method is given below. You will need:

  • berries of any degree of maturity - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1–1.5 kg;
  • cherry leaves - as needed;
  • water - 400 ml.

We put prepared gooseberries in a container for cooking jam, shifting it with carefully washed cherry leaves. Pour everything with cold settled water (the one indicated in the recipe - 400 ml). Then we leave the berries with leaves like this for 5-6 hours. After that, throw them in a colander. At the same time, we filter the water into a saucepan. Then, on the basis of this water, we prepare syrup, as described in recipe No. 1, and take out all the leaves from the berries. Then we throw gooseberries into the boiled syrup and turn off the fire almost immediately.

We leave the "future jam" to infuse for 4-6 hours. Then we put it on the stove again, bring it to a boil, cook for 3 minutes on low heat, and then let it cool and infuse for 6 hours. Then we repeat the previous sequence of actions again, but after cooking for 3 minutes, immediately pour the jam into jars.