Ear from stellate sturgeon recipe. Sterlet ear: royal recipe and soup at home

Once I heard an amazing expression: "If this dish is served with vodka, then it's fish soup, and if without, then it's just fish soup." Ukha is a dish of Russian national cuisine that has no analogues in the world, and it differs from other fish soups national cuisines as a cooking method (absolutely clean and clear broth), and the composition of the products. Especially, no dressings are added - fried onions with carrots and other vegetables or butter. The fish in the ear goes exclusively freshly caught, in the sturgeon - live. For taste and aroma, various roots, spices and herbs are added.

To prepare sterlet soup at home, we need: sterlet, homemade gherkin cockerel (for broth), onion, carrots, potatoes, parsley root, dill, laurel, peppercorns, vodka, salt and lemon for serving.

Wash the cockerel under running water, put in a saucepan, pour water, put on the stove, bring to a boil, turn on the quietest fire. Constantly collecting foam, cook the cockerel for about 2 hours.

Peel the onion, cut it into four parts, but not completely, then it will be easier to catch it by the tail. Add laurel along with the onion.

Add coarsely chopped parsley or celery root.

After a few minutes, add the head and tail of the sterlet.

After the time set for cooking the broth, catch the cockerel, roots and fish, strain the broth. Disassemble the cockerel, throw away the bones and skin, the meat can be used in another dish or eaten with pleasure, by the time it is ready there will be a queue of those who wish))).

Add peeled and chopped potatoes and carrots to a clean broth.

While the potatoes and carrots are cooking, peel the fish carcass. In sterlet, you only need to cut off the spikes on the back and clean them along the sides. Remove the screech or chord that runs along the spine. If desired, cut off the fins.

cut fish big chunks. When the potatoes are half cooked, add the fish, you need to cook it for a maximum of 15 minutes, constantly collecting the foam.

Add a glass of vodka, cook for another 5 minutes, add chopped greens, immediately turn off the stove.

Serve sterlet soup with an ice glass and a slice of lemon. Well, just pure health! Enjoy!

Sterlet - commercial River fish from the sturgeon family. It is found in almost all rivers of our country. This is a unique fish because there are no carbohydrates in the composition. Cooked meals are rich in protein and amino acids, which human body replenishes from food. The inclusion of sterlet in the diet will help improve metabolism, lower cholesterol and protect against cardiovascular diseases. The content of omega-3 helps to cope with depression by affecting the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood of a person.

How to cut a sterlet

To cut the fish, you should prepare scissors and gloves to protect your hands from the sharp spikes that cover the carcass. Another feature of the sterlet is the mucus on the outside. You can get rid of it by simply pouring boiling water over it. Then wipe the fish and rinse under water. After such a procedure, it will be possible to remove the bone plate. Then you can move on to the section. It is not necessary to clean, it is enough to cut off the fins, tail and head. Remove gills and intestines. After half an hour of simmering, the scales will slide off and dissolve. Sterlet ear will receive a special aroma and richness. If you use a frozen carcass, potatoes are added to the soup while boiling.


Required products:

  • Sterlet weighing about 1 kg.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Medium sized bow.
  • Black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vodka.

Recipe with photo step by step:
1. Cut the fresh carcass, rinse and cut into medium-sized steaks. Put the pieces, sterlet heads and greens in a cauldron or in a saucepan. Put on medium heat, cook for no more than an hour.

2. As soon as the broth boils, add spices: pepper and salt. Boil for 4 more minutes.

3. Remove the finished dish from the stove and leave to languish for another 30 minutes.

5.Now the most interesting point: 1 glass of vodka must be added to the soup. Sterlet ear cooked in nature using river water requires disinfection. In this recipe for sterlet soup, alcohol will add piquancy, strength and whiteness to the broth.

6. The final stage is the serving of the finished dish to the table. For decoration, chop the parsley and onion, put the fish steak in each plate and pour the broth from the cauldron.


Necessary products for cooking royal soup:

  • Fish carcasses.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • Potato.
  • Salt / spices.

1. Cut the fish, rinse. Then cut into medium sized steaks.

2. Prepare vegetables with spices. Coarsely cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the carrots into slices, chop the onion. Together with the greens, put everything in a cauldron or in a saucepan. Fill everything with water to hide the food.

3. In a separate larger container, boil water with the addition of salt.

4. Now place the cauldron in the saucepan from point 3, close the lid, reduce the heat, and soak in a water bath for another 3 hours. In this case, you need to monitor the level of liquid in a large container. If necessary, top up.

5.When the royal ear is ready, garnish with fresh parsley and dill.

fish head soup

Required products:

  • Sturgeon heads.
  • Potatoes.
  • Greens
  • Wine, preferably dry white.
  • Carrot.
  • Spices/salt.
  • Fish bastard.

1. Sterlet soup at home can easily be made even from the head.

It is important to wash this part well, because there is mucus, blood clots on it.

2. You should also cut out the gills, eyes. Put everything in a pot filled with water. Wash fish fines and wrap in cotton cloth. You can skip the cleaning procedure - so the fish will taste the broth and make it rich.

3. Boil the fish on a not very strong fire. In this case, you should often remove the foam with a spoon. After a quarter of an hour, place a mix of spices and salt in the broth. Cook for another 35-45 minutes. During this time, you need to clean and cut the vegetables. The ear will be with potatoes, carrots and onions, chopped into cubes.

4. Get the welded trifle out of the broth. She's worn out and is no longer useful. Then pull out the fish head. Instead, put chopped vegetables into the pan.

5. Now peel off the sterlet meat from the heads and add to the ear. Pour after 10-15 minutes dry wine and take the pot off the heat.

6. Darken the soup closed with a lid for several minutes, then add chopped greens.

Economy Recipe

Required products:

  • Parts of a sterlet: heads, spine.
  • Potatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Tomato/paste.
  • Pepper/salt.

1. Remove the gills and eyes from the heads, rinse, place with the ridge in a cauldron with water. Put on the stove. When the liquid boils, a foam will appear, which should be removed. After an hour, pull out the ridge with the heads.

2. Peel and cut vegetables into cubes or cubes. Put everything in the broth, cook for half an hour.

3. During this time, wash the tomato. Then make holes with a toothpick. Throw in soup. The vegetable will add sourness to the taste and appetizing color to the broth.

4. After 10 minutes, pull out the tomato, add spices and salt. The soup is ready.

Like a fisherman

Required products:

  • Sterlet.
  • Potatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Greens. Parsley, you can use dill.
  • Vodka.
  • Spices/salt.

How to cook:
1. Wash the cut carcass and cut into large steaks.

2. Wash and peel vegetables. Leave the onion whole, cut the carrots and potatoes into bars.

3. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil over a strong fire. Put onion, potatoes and carrots in a container. After 5 minutes, add fish steaks. Boil for another quarter of an hour.

4. Finely chop the greens and throw into the bubbling water. Then add all the spices

5. Important step - adding a shot of vodka for disinfection of water, giving transparency and piquancy to the broth.

4. Put pieces of fish in a double boiler, put a piece of butter on each steak. Top with lemon slices.

5. Close the lid and turn on the “Steam” function and set the time to 20 minutes. In this mode, you do not have to remove the foam.

6. After cooking, you will get a broth with potatoes and steamed steaks.

7. You can serve fish separately on a plate or add it to the broth.

Delicious ear will turn out if you follow simple advice and prepare it properly:

  • When preparing sterlet soup, do not stir or use a fork. The meat of this fish is tender and can fall apart. To catch steaks, it is better to use a special slotted spoon.
  • Do not add a lot of spices. It is recommended to limit yourself to bay leaf, pepper and salt.
  • Added lemon juice and dry white wine will add piquancy and flavor to the dish.
  • It is better to serve the ear when it is sweated and infused for several minutes.
  • Fish soups go great with tomatoes. Therefore, it is recommended to add fresh vegetables or tomato paste.
  • When preparing royal fish soup, you can add other fish - pike perch or salmon.

The right ear is cooked on the fire. But sterlet soup turns out to be delicious at home, cooked on a regular stove.

Sterlet ear at the stake, prepared according to the recipe from our website, turns out to be surprisingly satisfying, fragrant and tasty. It is not at all difficult to prepare, but thanks to it, your outdoor recreation will be remembered by you and your friends for a long time. Of course, the sterlet for the soup is too royal fish, but that is why your ear will turn out especially tasty, fragrant and rich.

List of ingredients

  • large sterlet- 1 PC
  • potatoes - 2 pcs
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • vodka - 100 ml
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs
  • black peppercorns- 6 pcs
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method

Peel and wash vegetables. Leave the onion whole, cut the potatoes into cubes, and cut the carrots into strips. Gut the sterlet, wash thoroughly and cut into pieces.

Pour water into a cauldron and heat it to a boil over a strong fire. Add potatoes, whole onions and carrots to boiling water. Wait until the water boils and add the sterlet pieces. Cook for 15 minutes.

Wash green onions and finely chop. Put the onion in a boiling ear, add peppercorns, salt and bay leaf. Pour in 100 ml of vodka and let the ear boil.

Prepare a birch log by charring it on a fire. In an almost ready ear, lower the prepared log into the ear for a couple of seconds and quickly remove it from the ear.

Pour the finished fish soup into deep metal plates and serve immediately. Separately, sour cream and finely chopped fresh herbs can be served with such an ear.

Sterlet ear at the stake is ready!

Most housewives do not admit that sterlet ear at home is as tasty as cooked in a pot over a fire. They call it "fish soup" and they are wrong. It is not necessary to follow all the traditions, such as dipping a smoldering log into the broth, to get delicious fish soup. There are a lot of recipes that have already been tested by time and many housewives, and you will surely find yours, tasty way cooking.

The most difficult thing about sterlet is its cleaning. The fish is covered with growths and mucus, which makes cleaning difficult.

Wipe the sterlet with paper towels, and when the fish does not slip out of your hands. With a sharp knife cut off the growths. There are no scales as such in the sterlet, so just rinse it under running water.

The vizigu can be removed and used for cooking other dishes or left as is. The fish is cleaned, it's time to choose a fish soup recipe.

Classic sterlet ear at home

Required Ingredients:

  • - 1 kg of chopped sterlet;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 parsley root, or celery;
  • - 3 bay leaves;
  • - 5 peas of black pepper;
  • - 3 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • - salt.
  • Cut the sterlet immediately into portioned pieces and put them in a saucepan. Peel the root vegetables, cut them into cubes, or wheels, as you prefer, and put them in the pan too. Fill with water, salt and set on the stove. Bring the ear to a boil, and place it on a splitter, or adjust the flame so that the ear barely bubbling. Sterlet scales boil soft and become invisible, but for this, you need to cook it on a very quiet fire and for at least an hour. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon so that the broth is clear.

    After boiling, remove the pan from the stove, add the bay leaf, pepper and pour in the vodka. Cover the pot with a lid and let it sit for another 10 minutes. Remove the pieces of fish from the pan with a slotted spoon, arrange them on plates, and pour over the broth. Remove the bay leaf, otherwise it will start to taste bitter.

    Sterlet ear with vegetables

    Someone may say that this is no longer fish soup, but fish soup, but this is their personal opinion. If you bought frozen sterlet, add vegetables for a richer taste.

  • - 0.5 kg of sterlet;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 parsley root;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • - 50 gr. butter;
  • - Bay leaf;
  • - peppercorns;
  • - salt.
  • Put the sterlet in a saucepan, add the peeled and chopped vegetables there and cover with water. The onion does not need to be peeled. Just rinse it in water and cut off the roots with scissors. Yes, it's a little weird, but onion peel gives the broth a golden color and a special aroma. Salt the ear and cook it for 40 minutes, over low heat. Do not forget to remove the foam, and do not let the ear boil violently. Sterlet meat is very tender and can fall apart.

    After cooking, fish out the onion, add bay leaf, pepper and butter to the ear. Cover the pan with a lid, and fry a couple of pieces of brown bread in the pan for now. Ukha with black bread is an unforgettable taste.

    Economical sterlet soup

    Sterlet - pretty dear fish but that's no reason to be upset. The same ear can be prepared from the head of a sterlet. In stores, sterlet ridges and heads are often sold separately, from which you can cook fish soup no worse, if not better, than in previous recipes.

    Ear from the head of a sterlet at home is particularly beneficial. Indeed, in the head and spine of the fish there are many gelling components, which is very useful for children, and adults too.

    For economical preparation of sterlet soup you need:

  • - 1 kg of heads and ridges of fish;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • - 1 celery root;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 tomato;
  • - Bay leaf;
  • - black peppercorns;
  • - salt.
  • Rinse the sterlet heads under running water and remove the gills. Put them in a saucepan along with the ridges, salt, cover with water and put on the stove. After boiling the broth, make the fire quieter, remove the foam, and cook it for an hour. Catch the heads, ridges with a slotted spoon and set them aside.

    Pour the peeled and chopped vegetables into the boiling broth and cook them until tender. 10 minutes before cooking, wash a ripe tomato, make a few punctures in it with a toothpick and also put it in your ear. Tomato will add sourness to the ear, and give a little color. Turn off the broth, catch and remove the tomato, and add the bay leaf and pepper. After 10 minutes, you can call everyone for dinner.

    Sterlet ear at home has many recipes, and each housewife adds something of her own. But here it is important not to overdo it with spices, so as not to clog the taste of the fish. if you love spicy taste, add spices directly to the plate. Then you can evaluate whether it is worth adding such spices, or is it better to limit yourself. original recipe uhi their sterlet.

    Ukha can be called a bright echo of village life, which is still tirelessly seeping into the urban consciousness, preventing the inhabitants of the “concrete” world from getting bogged down in everyday life and dullness. The most ardent manifestation of this echo is the sterlet's ear, which is rightfully considered the king-fish. It is on the basis of the sterlet that the ear turns out to be incredibly rich in tastes and aromas.

    Sterlet fish is distinguished by tough and rough skin, which is complemented by sharp spikes, "bugs", so it definitely will not work to clean it with bare hands.

    Before cleaning, make sure that the hand does not slip off during the cleaning process. To avoid this, cotton or rubber gloves. But it will not be superfluous to treat the surface of the fish with coarse salt. Worth a wash warm water. Salt removes mucus, which means it reduces the risk of slipping your hand over the fish.

    1. We start cleaning the sterlet by removing the spikes on the back. The process will go more fun if you start cutting from the tail.
    2. Lateral and abdominal "bugs" can be removed in two ways: by cutting them off and simply cleaning them off. We also remove the fins.
    3. Next, we clean the fish from the insides.
    4. The next part to be removed is the squeal. For this purpose, we make an incision in the place where the torso passes into the head. We cut the cartilage, grope for the screech. We make an incision in the tail area. We cling to the squeal in the head area with a convenient tool (pliers, fingers, hook) and pull it out, trying not to tear it.
    5. We cut off the head. But we do not throw it away, but we clean it from the gills.

    Note! All the "waste" in the form of a head, fins and spikes will be an excellent basis for the broth. Therefore, it is impossible to throw them away in any case.

    Classic sterlet fish soup in a saucepan

    The classic recipe is credited with obtaining a clear, rich broth. The second, one might say, the law of the classics is the presence in ready dish neat portioned pieces sterlet.

    Ingredients for 500 g sterlet and 2.5 liters of water:

    • onion - head;
    • potatoes - 300 g;
    • dill seeds - 10 g;
    • peppercorns - 2 g;
    • lavrushka - 1 pc.;
    • butter - 40 g;
    • regular salt - according to preference.

    To cook a tasty, proper fish soup and broth for it, we perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. First of all, we proceed to the implementation of the planned correct and rich broth. To do this, take the head of the sterlet, its tail and fins. Fill with water. We take an onion, wash it, remove the top layer of scales and send it to the pan to the fish. We send dill seeds, black peppercorns to the same place - in a saucepan.
    2. After waiting for the boil, regularly remove the foam. We turn off the fire. Remove from stove after 30 minutes to strain.
    3. Strain using a fine mesh sieve.
    4. We put it on fire again. We put the potatoes.
    5. We cut the sterlet into large steaks and put them into the broth in this form.
    6. We carefully monitor the resulting foam so that the ear turns out to be transparent without “feathers”.
    7. Let's try salt. Add a laurel leaf. We check the fish for readiness.
    8. Remove the finished fish from the fish soup, coat with butter. Let the oil soak in and put it back in the pan.
    9. Remove bay leaf.

    We check the readiness of fish soup by the readiness of potatoes and fish.

    Serve the sterlet fish soup with pieces of butter, half a hard-boiled egg, and herbs.

    From the head of a fish with millet

    We offer to cook a rich first course based on the fish soup, which the Cossacks of Alexander Pushkin himself rested on. The Cossacks had a lot of millet and sturgeon fish at their disposal. We will cook an ear from the head of a sterlet with millet.

    For 2 liters of water we take:

    • sterlet head and tail - 300 g;
    • millet - 100 g;
    • carrots - 70 g;
    • potatoes - 100 g;
    • onion - 30 g;
    • allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
    • dill (dried) - Art. l.;
    • greens (fresh) - to taste;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • salt - to taste.

    To cook sterlet fish soup with millet, you need to follow these steps:

    1. We put the fish in cold water and, adding spices, including pepper and dried dill, cook the broth. We filter when ready.
    2. We put it on the stove again. We put millet thoroughly washed to clear water in a saucepan. We cook millet in splendid isolation for at least 30 minutes. At the same time, do not forget about the foam.
    3. The next ingredients to add are onions and carrots. They can be fried in oil.
    4. After boiling the vegetables in the broth for 10 minutes, we send the potato cubes there.
    5. After adding the potatoes, you can add whole pieces of fish to your ear. They boil quickly.
    6. 5 minutes before turning off, add chopped greens to the soup.
    7. Turn off the soup, flavor it with butter.

    We let the ear brew, after which we enjoy the excellent taste and rich aroma.

    An old royal recipe

    The royal recipe is called due to the fact that in the old days it was available only to noble people. Ordinary farm laborers and peasants could not afford first courses with such a rich flavor range, obtained through the use of a wide range of ingredients.

    For an old recipe, take:

    • vegetables (onions, carrots) - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - about 200 g;
    • millet - 100 g;
    • sterlet - 400 g;
    • various varieties of fish for broth - how much is available;
    • vodka - 50 ml;
    • salt - to taste;
    • pepper - to taste;
    • greens - to taste.

    To prepare the royal ear, you must follow the following instructions:

    1. We wrap whole perches and existing fish heads (for example, pike, ide, pike perch) in thick gauze. We put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, turn on the fire, cook.
    2. Together with the fish, do not forget to add an onion head for a rich broth.
    3. After boiling the broth, leave it on the fire for another 30 minutes, and then remove the cheesecloth with fish and onions.
    4. The first broth is ready.
    5. We cook the second one on the basis of the fillet of previously used fish: pike, ide. The second broth is cooked for about 20 minutes.
    6. We repeat the process of straining.
    7. We send washed millet to the strained broth, and a little later - potatoes, carrots and onions.
    8. In 30 minutes, in which the millet will reach readiness, we will prepare the sterlet fillet.
    9. Having sent the fillet to the broth, we note the time, since after 25 minutes it will be time for another ingredient - vodka.

    The royal ear is ready.

    Note! old recipe fish soup royally ascribes the fulfillment of one more nuance, which, under the conditions home cooking unfortunately not feasible. At the final stage, it was required to dip a smoldering birch firebrand into the ear. Literally in a minute, the ear was saturated with the aroma of a fire from it.

    Sterlet ear on the fire

    If fate presented a good opportunity, and you go to nature, be sure to take fish for soup or fishing rods with you if you have the skill to catch it.

    To cook a delicious, satisfying and fragrant fish soup at the stake, take:

    • sterlet - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 200 g;
    • onion - 140 g;
    • carrots - 75 g;
    • vodka - 100 ml;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
    • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
    • salt - to taste;
    • greens - to taste.

    We also stock up on birch firewood and gauze.

    Cooking method:

    1. Since in nature each component is worth its weight in gold, and this time we start cooking with broth. In gauze, put the head, tail and fins of the sterlet into the cauldron. Gauze is obligatory, since it is irrational to drag a sieve with you.
    2. Boil the broth, remove the fish. We put potatoes and other vegetables.
    3. The potatoes are almost ready. It's time for fish and vodka.
    4. 5 minutes before removing from heat, add bay leaf and black pepper. Laurel leaf is then necessarily removed from the soup.

    And, like a sweet note in a symphony, a charred birch firebrand. We dip it for a minute in the already prepared, but not removed from the open fire ear.

    Serve with chopped herbs.

    Rich soup in a slow cooker

    Of course, the use of a multi-cooker in the kitchen a priori excludes multi-stage and a large sequence of actions, but even in conditions of severe time constraints, one cannot deny oneself delicious dishes.


    • sterlet - 1 kg;
    • onion - head;
    • leek - 1 pc.;
    • celery root - 1 pc.;
    • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
    • peppercorns - a couple of peas;
    • salt - to taste.

    Sterlet ear in a slow cooker is prepared as follows:

    1. Put chopped fish, roots and onions into the multicooker bowl.
    2. Fill with 1.5 liters of water.
    3. We set the program "Soup" (in its absence - "Stew") for 40 minutes.
    4. Strain the finished broth.
    5. If the ear seems cloudy to you, we resort to a technique called a quickdraw. It will take 50 g of caviar, preferably granular. We grind it first. Then we introduce a tablespoon to it ice water: You should get the consistency of pancake dough. Pour another glass cold water followed by a glass of hot broth.
    6. The resulting guy is poured into several visits to the ear. And boil in the "extinguishing" mode for another 5 minutes.
    7. Lay potatoes, carrots, if desired, and cook until tender.
    8. The process of preparing fish soup with barley is basically the same as the recipe that tells about the method of cooking with millet, with one exception ... Barley is not needed long time boil separately from other ingredients.