What are the best foods to take on a long journey? What is healthy and nutritious to cook on the road

It so happened that in the last 10 years I have been constantly traveling. And at work, in splendid isolation, and with a family of four. In general, I honestly admit that my desire to “see four different seasons in 100 countries”, made on the eve of the magical year 2000, is coming true by leaps and bounds. Complaining is a sin. True, there is one significant but: the problem of feeding yourself and your family while traveling.

Anyone who travels often will understand me. Not only is it on the road, but the choice is very limited. The further you fly, the more unusual the food, the more health problems and the more difficult it is to acclimatize.

But you have to go! So to soften Negative consequences such trips, I offer you my personal experience on nutrition along the way.

1. Stock up on water from home as much as possible

It may seem strange, but even just when traveling to a neighboring city, the water changes. Unless, of course, it is bottled from the store. Water seriously changes our entire digestion. And this is reflected in us in the form of bloating, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. The more familiar the water, the better.

That is why I bought beautiful plastic bottles for myself and all my family members. Before the trip, we always fill them to capacity.

Adult bottles - one liter, children's - 0.5 liters each.

2. Take fruit on the road

It's just great travel food. It does not stain, fits in any, even the smallest handbag, saturates, improves mood and energy levels. And all the fruits are so delicious! Fruits are loved by both adults and children.

I prefer to take bananas, apples, oranges or tangerines, pears with me. They don't stain, they are solid and won't be crushed by other luggage. In addition, after their use, a minimum of waste remains, which means that you do not have to urgently stop the car to find a trash can. Plus, they don't get your hands dirty.

3. If you go far, then take food with you

This will save you not only health, but also money. Prices at airports and train stations are impressive. At the same time, the assortment is not at all pleasing. Often the choice is between shawarma from yesterday's meat, a piece of cake, a well-worn salad or a pizza dripping with fat. They are also present in abundance.

I was lucky to read the composition of such "healthy" sandwiches. Surprise knew no bounds! Even in boiled egg(!) contained two E-numbers (preservative and antioxidant). I generally keep quiet about the rest of the ingredients ... Since then, I carefully wrap sandwiches at home in foil. Even though this is not such a super-diet food, but it certainly does not contain preservatives and other chemicals.

I also often cut into strips different vegetables, which are not very dirty, I put them in a plastic bag for freezing vegetables and take them with me.

Cucumber, carrots, bell peppers are well suited for these purposes.

Vegetable rations can be supplemented with nuts and dried fruits. I put them in small plastic containers with a lid: I ate it, closed it.

4. If you need to buy food (and without it, nowhere if the path is long), then choose familiar products

Don't be tempted by overseas delicacies already on the road. Choose more familiar dishes. You will still have time to try the local exotic cuisine during your stay in the country. After all, it is not known how the body will react to unfamiliar ingredients and seasonings.

I will never forget how, being in, I decided to try the local spicy dish. Not a tourist "spicy", but a local one. My unprepared body reacted with wild pain in the abdomen and vomiting, which did not stop, by my standards, for ages ... "Bonus" - a missed boat trip.

It’s good that all this happened to me when I had already entered the hotel, and I had the opportunity to recover. Imagine if this happened along the way. Oh, it's better not to imagine...

5. Choose low sugar foods

Why? Because if you eat something very sweet, your body will react with irresistible fatigue. After all, the level of glucose in the blood will rise sharply, and then just as sharply fall. The body already has stress due to a flight or a trip, and you also torment it. Yes, I understand that you want to pamper yourself. After all, it is not easy for you, you are on your way. And the reward in the form of an addition to a cup of cappuccino just asks for the table. But better control yourself. Then thank yourself.

Yes, I almost forgot: this also applies to products with sweeteners under the clever marketing name "". These foods affect blood sugar in the same deplorable way as regular sugar.

6. Choose products with the least amount of chemicals


Do not be lazy, study the label of what you are buying (if it is packaged). Do not nullify all your healthy eating because of a business trip. If the stocked provisions are over, then it is better to order food in a cafe or restaurant.

7. Stock up on magnesium tablets

This excellent tool from constipation! And they are such frequent guests on trips due to water changes. The body really goes into a stupor. Even if you are eating healthy, digestion can be slowed down by one change of water, as it needs to get used to the new microflora.

In addition, magnesium preparations help to sleep better at night. They relax the muscles. If you travel often, you know how bad it is sometimes to sleep in hotels on other people's beds. Therefore, magnesium will come to your rescue here.

Dosage - 300 mg of magnesium per day at bedtime.

8. Be sure to take probiotics on the road

Probiotics are preparations with bifidobacteria. They will help your digestive system navigate faster in a new environment, as well as support your immunity during the trip. An added bonus is the prevention of constipation.

9. Do not abuse coffee and alcohol

These drinks will significantly impair the quality of your sleep and harm your digestion. This is especially true for alcohol. Yes, it sounds weird. After all, drinking a glass of wine before going to bed, you fall asleep faster. But the quality of such sleep is much worse than without wine.

In addition, it seriously undermines our immunity. And oh, how we need it on the way to fight all unfamiliar bacteria and viruses in unfamiliar conditions.

When it comes to coffee, the golden rule is no caffeine after 2pm (better even after 12pm). Moreover, this rule applies to all life, and not just to travel.

10. Only buy food from trusted places.

Minyoung Choi/Flickr.com

If you often visit the same places, then you probably have a lot of friends and favorite cafes where you can have a good and high-quality meal. If life throws you into different parts of the world, then you do not have such an opportunity.

Therefore, I suggest buying food in chains of famous world brands or in expensive restaurants (there are such in some airports).

These chains DO NOT include McDonalds, Burger King and the like. You don't need a bunch of empty calories and stomach pain exactly 30 minutes after eating, do you? As for expensive restaurants, they often cook real food from real products. And this is what we need.

Yes, it's more expensive. But you will have enough such food for a longer time in terms of saturation, and also do not have to spend money on antidiarrheals.

11. If there are no verified places, then it’s better not to eat anything at all

Yes, it sounds weird. But believe me, a person can live for 30 days without food. You'll definitely last a day or two. The main thing is to drink as much pure water and herbal teas as possible.

Don't be afraid, you won't starve to death. And even hunger will not be felt strongly. Tested on myself! Oddly enough, but there is not much desire to eat a day without food. Understanding how too we eat a lot in everyday life. And it turns out that we need so little ...

Newfangled diets like 5: 2, 4: 3 and so on, based on the principles, are conquering the world by leaps and bounds. Because fasting in moderation not only unloads our body from endless digestion of food and frees us from excess body fat, but also allows the body to switch to more important tasks - cell renewal and the fight against aging and disease.

So fast for health. Arrive at your destination - catch up if you want.

Here are some simple tips. I hope they help you easily move the road wherever you go.

Good health to you!

Russian railway transport does not indulge in comfort, requiring proper preparation from passengers. First of all, this applies to food. Storage conditions in cars are rarely provided for, so the choice of the travel menu should be approached responsibly. Of course, this is more true for long trips that take several days, but even a day can be a real test for a beginner. Thus, it is quite logical that questions arise about what to take on the train from food, and what is better to refrain from. At first glance, the solution is simple, but when the train starts moving, it will no longer be possible to change the list of products.

General requirements for products

For each person, it is desirable to draw up a list of requirements individually, in accordance with his gastronomic preferences, but there is General characteristics products that it is desirable to take into account in the collection process:

  • Opportunity long-term storage. Anything that spoils within a few hours without a refrigerator is not worth taking.
  • Save the form. Compared to a car or a bus, the train provides some space for placing food, but despite this, the food should not crumble, wrinkle and melt much.
  • Ready for use. Again, there are no special conditions for cooking in the wagons, so the food components should be washed, chopped, cooked, etc. at home.
  • Full of calories and vitamins. Many believe that a day is quite possible to do without saturating the body with useful elements. But, for example, thiamine and carbohydrates give vigor and energize, which will be useful on a grueling trip.
  • When compiling a list, you should also focus on its volume with weight, because in addition to food, you will also need to carry luggage.

Vegetables and fruits - the basis of the menu

The advantages of vegetables and fruits include not only the benefits for the intestines and other organs, but also the practicality of the content. Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes - this is the food base that will help out on a trip. These foods will also prevent indigestion and can dull the feeling of hunger. When choosing what kind of food to take on the train, it is worth considering the conditions for the further journey. If the arrival is scheduled for the night, then it is better to stock up on carrots - only 2 root crops will sharpen your eyesight at dusk, and will also contribute to acclimatization. Bananas are traditionally considered the favorite fruit of travelers. They provide a burst of energy, relieve heartburn, satisfy hunger and generally improve mood. Some varieties of apples and pears also reduce the risk of motion sickness. Well, in addition to this point, we can mention greens, which increase tone and have a calming effect.

Bread and pastries

From the point of view of benefits for the body, these are less preferred products, but you can’t do without them on the road. Bread, as you know, is the head of everything - it will allow you to saturate the stomach with a minimum set of other products. Also considering what to take on the train from food in this category, you can turn to buns, muffins and biscuits. It is better to choose products from shortcrust pastry because they last longer. But it is important to remember about the properties of the filling - it is desirable to exclude various jams, creams and cream. Experienced travelers are familiar with boredom on trains when there is nothing to do, and it is difficult to foresee other entertainment than newspapers with crossword puzzles. But a pack of crackers, crackers or cookies will help to distract.

Dairy products and eggs

When it comes to what you can take on the train from food in the dairy group, then the only suitable option would be cheese. It is the least risky for the body, but at the same time contains more than half daily allowance protein elements. For comparison, the nutritional value a slice of cheese is equivalent to 2 liters of milk. Since a whole head can lose its shape on the road, it is better to cut it into sandwiches.

Eggs are also considered one of the most convenient travel foods. They concentrate the necessary nutrients, including the same proteins, fats and various vitamins. But people suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, it is better to refrain from eggs. If the trip falls on hot weather, then it is recommended to eat this product at the first meal. But in no case should you cook an omelette or scrambled eggs. In this state, the product may not last until boarding the car. In any case, the risk of getting poisoned from such food is significantly increased.

Whether to take meat products?

In the absence of stomach diseases, it is worth taking raw smoked sausage, after wrapping it in paper, which will allow it to be stored longer. This the simplest option meat product for the road, but if you have time, you can cook meat dishes yourself. For example, baked chicken or pork under a good dressing with spices is a full-fledged preservative, and of natural origin. But you need to eat such dishes first of all, since they do not “live” for more than 3-4 hours.

If the question arose of what to take on the train from food in the form of seafood, then a good solution would be canned fish. True, there are some limitations here. For example, sprats in oil and smoked foods, beloved by Russians, pose a threat of indigestion. But other canned food should be approached with caution. They are certainly convenient for use on the train, but they do not last long when opened.

What to take from drinks?

Meaning plain water more on the road than food. Prevention of dehydration is the main function of the fluid in field conditions. It is best to take water in plastic bottles. At the same time, it is desirable that it does not contain gas. By the way, when deciding what to take on the train from food, it is better to immediately foresee the compatibility of drinks with food. For example, the mentioned flour products are best washed down with tea or coffee. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide for a lemon with sugar. Except palatability these additions will produce a relaxing and calming effect. Ginger drink with mint is also useful on the road. It relieves fatigue and helps those who suffer from seasickness cope with stress. The only disadvantage of the ginger drink is that it must be specially prepared by brewing the roots of the plant in boiled water.

What to take a child on a train from food?

If adults can make some compromises when compiling a travel menu, then in the case of children, there can be no concessions in the quality and taste of food. Therefore, you should thoroughly approach the preparation for the gastronomic provision of your child. If possible, you should stock up on a mobile refrigerator and a thermos, which will allow you to save the ingredients for soups and cereals, and then fill them with live boiling water. The list of products should be baby food, bases for cereals, fruits and vegetables with nuts. Of course, in choosing a lot depends on the age of the young passenger. When deciding what is best to take on a train from food for a small child, you should not ignore various sweets in the form of sweets, cookies and chocolates. Since the conditions of the trip in the cars are stressful for children, they need to be reassured, and their favorite treats will help.

Seasonal features of the travel menu

Temperature greatly influences the choice of food for train travel. Winter time in this respect the most favorable. A small area near the window in frost can completely replace the refrigerator. Therefore, many restrictions on the storage of products are removed, or, in any case, the time of their maintenance is significantly extended. The situation is quite different in hot weather. Therefore, the calculation of what to take on the train from food in the summer is done with a hard exception perishable products. Even boiled vegetables during this period, it is advisable to eat quickly, until they start to smell doubtfully. A win-win choice during summer train journeys will be fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also provide fast food. They are cooked in the car, pouring boiling water.

Is it possible to eat at the stations and in the dining car?

It is rare and not for everyone to foresee everything in advance and not to turn to the services of sellers at the stations and in the cars in the future. Seductive scents smoked fish, appetizing type of fat, a variety of pickles, homemade cutlets with pies and sandwiches - all this is offered in abundance at almost every station. It would seem that you should not think about what kind of food you can take on the train from home. Everything you need is purchased on the road. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, no one will answer for the quality of these products, and cases of poisoning on trains with pasties and pastries have already become regular. At the very least, you should immediately exclude meat food. In terms of quality, eating in a restaurant car will be a good alternative, but the prices in such menus are sometimes 2-3 times higher than the cost of similar dishes in ordinary cafes.


Traveling by rail is very exhausting and tiring for passengers. And food has a high responsibility in providing an adequate set of beneficial trace elements. Unfortunately, to consider the question of what kind of food to take on the train for a day, one cannot bypass the nuances of the comfort of handling them. It is for reasons of convenience that a wide range of products is eliminated. But the main selection criterion is still safety. Choice should be made carefully meat dishes, do not abuse perishable food and do not forget about water. At the same time, the more varied the menu, the better. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, flour products - in stores you can find a lot of types of these products, which will provide the body with carbohydrates, fats and other elements. And for a daily trip, this diet is enough.

At the beginning of the school year, I always remember the always hungry students from my home university. We went hungry not because there were not enough rubles for lunch, but because there was especially nowhere to eat. The canteen and the food in it left much to be desired, hamburgers and hot dogs at the “collapses” were a gastronomic horror, there was nowhere to warm up the lunch brought from home. I don't know how for last years the quality of the food in the alma mater canteen has changed, but the signs of a good take-away meal don't exactly change.

The right student lunch is one that:

  • no need to warm up;
  • stored for a long time outside the refrigerator (and seven pairs had to serve);
  • replenishes the supply of energy and nutrients;
  • promotes brain activity;
  • delicious, naturally.

This list is fully consistent with the most different sandwiches, rolls and sandwiches, whatever they are called. To maintain brain activity, you need to take a dessert with you, and for a normal metabolism - tea or compote.

Sample menu for the school week - in order.

The first day


Let's start Monday with a regular beef patty hamburger. But for fun, so as not to be upset because of the past summer and the weekend, the sandwich will be in a bagel. Beef contains a lot of iron, zinc and creatine, necessary for muscle growth. great way recover after a long rest and tune in to work.



  • 1 wide bagel, preferably with sesame seeds;
  • 2 beef cutlets, 100 g each;
  • leaves of any salad (which you like best), other greens to taste;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 50 g of your favorite cheese;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened yogurt or sour cream.

For a lighter lunch option, the meat can be baked in the oven and a slice of baked beef can be used instead of a cutlet.


Cut the bagel in half horizontally. Fry the cutlets, and a minute before they are ready, put a slice of cheese on top of them so that it melts slightly. Place a lettuce leaf, a tomato, a cheese patty on a slice of a bagel, then repeat the layers in reverse order. At any time, you can pour yogurt over the burger or tomato paste, How do you like.


Since the burger itself is large and nutritious, a light dessert should be provided for it. It could be anyone fresh fruit, except for a banana (a banana is too high in calories, it’s too much for a burger).

Drink early in the week herbal teas with ginger and mint: these herbs and spices have a tonic effect, which is very useful for starting. Mint also pairs well with cardamom.

Second day


Take a sandwich with cheese and spinach.



  • 100 g soft cheese;
  • 4 pieces of grain bread;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 100 g spinach (fresh or defrosted);
  • butter;
  • seasonings to taste.


Finely chop the spinach and fry it for butter with spices. Put a mass of spinach, a piece of cheese and a tomato slice on the bread. You can add a few olives if you like.

If you do not like spinach, replace it with any grilled vegetables.


As a dessert for a light lunch, take marshmallows or marshmallow with you, and put raspberry leaves, cinnamon and orange peel They are great for toning up.

Day Three


Make a salad sandwich chicken breast or from any part of the chicken. Such sandwiches eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time. Nuts make the brain work better, and unusual sauce brings variety to the menu.


For salad:

  • 200 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 100 g celery;
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • bread.

For refueling:

  • ½ cup mayonnaise (can be replaced with yogurt);
  • 4 tablespoons of apple juice;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon of confectionery poppy;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.


Chop and mix the ingredients for the salad. Then mix until uniform consistency sauce ingredients, dress salad with them. The resulting mixture can be spread on bread or wrapped in pita bread.


For dessert on Wednesday there will also be sandwiches, but with bananas.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 banana;
  • ½ cup milk;
  • bread;
  • cinnamon.


Separate the whites from two eggs, mix them in a blender with a third egg, banana, milk and cinnamon. Dip the bread in this mixture and fry in a skillet until a crust appears.

Wash down this beauty with herbal tea with fennel and linden. These herbs help the immune system, which is very important in the fall.

Day four


Fish Day! The fish contains healthy fats and acids, as well as iodine, which is necessary for great mental stress.


  • 1 bun with bran;
  • canned tuna;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • lettuce and herbs to taste.


Mash fish from a jar with a fork or buy special canned food for salads. Chop the egg, add half to the fish. Mix with oil. Cut the bun in half, make an indentation in it, put the lettuce leaves, tomato slices and fish stuffing.


For dessert, try homemade apple chips.


  • 3 hard apples;
  • 2 hard pears;
  • 2 lemons;
  • ½ cup sugar.


Wash the fruit and cut into thin slices. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and dilute it with water (a quarter cup is enough). Add chopped fruits to this mixture. In a saucepan, combine a glass of water with sugar, bring to a boil and cook until the solution thickens (this will take about 7 minutes). Then add fruits to the syrup and wait until the liquid boils. Then place the fruits on a parchment-lined baking sheet and dry them for three hours in an oven at 100°C. After an hour and a half, the fruit must be turned over.

Put oregano in tea lemon peel and thyme. This combination relieves fatigue and helps nervous system cope with loads.

Day five


Healthy shawarma day. In general, you can wrap any salad in pita bread in order to transport and eat it with convenience. Just make sure it doesn't dry out.



  • chicken (breast is better, but any part is possible);
  • pita;
  • White cabbage;
  • 1 fresh carrot;
  • 1 tomato;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • processed cheese in jars;
  • 50 g ham.


Boil the chicken and cut into thin slices. They can be fried if desired. Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots coarse grater. Cut the ham into thin slices.

Take pita bread and brush it with a thin layer of cheese. Top the cheese with lettuce, cabbage, carrots, ham slices and chicken. Wrap it up and take it with you.


For dessert, take homemade, as well as tea with chamomile and lemon balm to relax before the weekend.

When you are going on a trip, you start to think about what to cook on the road, what kind of food is more convenient and practical to take? Many foods spoil quickly, while others do not spoil, but are harmful to health. Using the advice of experienced travelers, we have compiled a list of recommendations on this topic.

What to take in the drog from food?

The biggest problem is the heat and shaking. Few products can survive them with dignity.

But there is a way out, it is possible to choose unpretentious and tasty food:

  • Vacuum-packed raw smoked sausage, smoked meat;
  • For a snack and tea, cookies, bread, crackers, crackers are suitable;
  • Dried fruits - great option. They do not spoil for a long time, they are tasty and healthy;
  • Bread. But it is important to pack it properly, it should be paper, not a bag. It is much more convenient to take bread instead of bread, they are more compact and do not crumble so much;
  • Nuts, but not salty, as they make you want to drink;
  • Cheese in individual packaging, sliced, can be processed;
  • From vegetables, you can take cucumbers, they are unpretentious, and tomatoes. But, as for the latter, it is better to take cherry tomatoes packed in a box;
  • Tea or coffee bags;
  • From fresh fruit give preference to apples, pears, bananas.

If, according to an old habit, you take home-cooked food on the road:

  • boiled eggs;
  • Potato;
  • Meat or poultry.

remember, that you can store them for no more than 5 hours, and even less under other conditions. Therefore, eat eggs and potatoes first, they are great for this.

What to feed children on a trip?

This is a separate problem, kids often cannot eat what adults eat. Often they begin to get sick, and then in general the problem with the diet becomes acute.

What to take for a child with you in a car, bus or train?

  1. If the trip is short, take soup, porridge or mashed potatoes. The same dishes are suitable for the first snack on a long journey;
  2. You can also take cereals in instant bags, which you only need to pour boiling water or milk;
  3. Fruit purees, packed in jars or soft bags, for one feeding;
  4. Fruits: apples, bananas, citrus fruits;
  5. Dried fruits;
  6. So that the work of the intestines is not disturbed, and this often happens on the road and the child starts having problems from this, grab small portioned jars of yogurt or kefir, berries. Berries should be taken hard: currants, gooseberries, dried cranberries;
  7. You definitely need water, there should be plenty of it. Some take juices, it is possible, but ordinary water is best. She, like nothing else, quenches thirst, if necessary, she can wash her face, wash her hands.

From sweets, you can take lollipops and cookies, but it is better to refuse chocolate, all kinds of marmalades and bars. All this is stored for a short time and ends quickly.

What to cook on the road by car?

If you go on a trip by car, then the range can be significantly expanded. After all, you have the opportunity to take with you a cooler bag and a gas burner:

  • Any food prepared at home will do. And boiled eggs, and potatoes, and even soup, poured into jars, will be stored in a refrigerator bag for quite a long time;
  • In a thermos you can pour tea or coffee, compote. Any drink to your liking;
  • For tea, take homemade cakes;
  • Sliced ​​bread, sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Clean drinking water.

Be sure to purchase a gas portable stove, it will help you out more than once. It can be used for both heating and cooking. To do this, you will also need dishes, metal bowls, a bowler hat or any saucepan, mugs are better suited. It would be nice to have a mug with double walls - a thermo-glass, it allows you to hold it without burning yourself, and does not allow the drink to cool down quickly.

It is impractical to take disposable dishes on the one hand, as they quickly deteriorate, break and heat up. On the other hand, it can be easily thrown away and does not need to be washed.

What foods should be avoided?

It is better not to take such products on the road:

  • Fish will not fit in any form and no matter what you ride. It spoils quickly, gets very dirty and causes a lot of problems with processing and cooking;
  • Milk, even stored for a long time, can deteriorate and then there is a chance of poisoning them. Only a small packet is acceptable, which you will drink almost immediately;
  • Many, almost all, take with them noodles fast food. It's convenient, pour boiling water and you're done. But the amount of chemical additives that it contains is huge, why spoil the stomach when it is quite possible to get by with normal food;
  • watermelons And melons better not to eat on the road. They are easy to poison.

And be sure to collect a first aid kit in which you put:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Analgin;
  • Smecta;
  • Regidron;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bandage;
  • Alcohol wipes;
  • Suprastin.

And all individual medicines.

Food on the bus

Traveling by bus is comfortable, but as far as food is concerned, snacking on it is inconvenient. Therefore, the products that you take with you should not be dirty, not crumbly, without a strong smell, preferably divided into portions.

Salty and smoked food is also not suitable, as it causes thirst. Better grab:

  • Vegetables, chopped at home;
  • Bread;
  • Apples, pears;
  • drinking water;
  • It is possible to cut and put a salad, a piece of meat in the container, which will be delicious without heating;
  • In a thermos favorite drink;
  • Wrap several sandwiches in foil;
  • And a small bag of candies will help brighten up boredom.

To travel on a bus, food should be prepared for consumption as much as possible: opened, unwrapped, eaten and thrown away.

Do not forget to take wet wipes, they perfectly clean your hands from food debris.

Of course, everything is individual and depends on your preferences. Our tips on what to prepare for the trip are selected taking into account the options that will be available to travelers in one way or another.

Video: the right snacks on the go

In this video, Diana Protasova will tell you which products are best for a trip:

Catering on the train is one of the key tasks that you need to solve before traveling. If you eat on your own: tea, biscuits and doshirak are a budget type of food. But, if traveling with children, or health does not allow you to spend a couple of days on dry rations, you need to think about what to take with you on the road.

What to take with you on the train from food for 2 days to eat deliciously and not get poisoned? What products can be bought on the road, and what is better to do without, we will consider in this article.

But first, I suggest you take a break from watching our video about Venice)))

There are many myths about nutrition, some products that seem healthy and resistant to temperature changes deteriorate after a few hours. You can’t take these products with you on a long trip:

  • Chocolates and chocolates of any kind. This product melts from the heat, and it will be hot in the car. Moreover, it makes you want to drink, chocolate can provoke vomiting in children. Agree that there is little pleasant in this scenario;
  • Cakes, cakes, sweets with any cream. They deteriorate, melt from the heat, they can be poisoned;
  • boiled, fried chicken, duck, other meat. There is a theory that if the meat is wrapped in foil, then you can eat it for 2 days. In fact, this food causes poisoning on trains in 98% of cases. It spoils within 6 hours after preparation and lack of a refrigerator;
  • Boiled sausages and potatoes. After half a day of the road, food gets bad smell And sour taste. You may not be poisoned by a dish, but eating such food is definitely disgusting;
  • Dressed salads are best left at home or eaten before going out. Mayonnaise and other dressings do not withstand temperature changes, melt, spoil the taste. The smell of spoiled food will appear after a day, but you can get poisoned by it after a couple of hours of driving;
  • Alcohol. It is forbidden to drink on the train, and it is not known how the body will behave under the influence of degrees and heat in the car;
  • Pies with meat and other fillings. The filling deteriorates after a few hours;
  • Smoked products and hot smoked fish. Store-bought smoked products are not considered healthy, besides, they emit a nasty smell over time and stink not only your compartment, but the entire car. Other passengers will not say thank you for such an air freshener;
  • Cookies and crackers. Here you decide whether or not to take this product. With fillings custard Do not take cookies with you. If you take crackers or biscuits, then try to eat it over a newspaper or a bag. Otherwise, crumbs will fall, and then interfere with sleep;
  • Dairy products are best left at home. Without a refrigerator, such food quickly deteriorates, and it is easy to get poisoned by it. An exception may be yogurts that you eat on the same day that you bought them;
  • Soda and sugary drinks. On the train, such drinks will be superfluous. From them it can begin to stir up, the stomach will hurt and constantly want to drink;
  • Boiled potatoes and lard. Products quickly deteriorate and become not tasty over time;
  • Snacks, chips and seeds. Useful little, cause malfunctions digestive system leaving a lot of rubbish.

The choice of food for train travel must be conscious if you want to spend time on vacation as planned.

What food to take on the train

When there is no restaurant car on the train, and you don’t want to buy food at the stations, it’s better to take the entire food supply with you. You can bring the following items with you:

  • Instant porridge. There is boiling water in the carriage, so cooking will not create problems;
  • Instant soups. There is not much useful in them, but they satisfy hunger well. Hot soup better pies and snacks;
  • Fruit purees for children. Small jars will not take up much space. They satisfy hunger well, are nutritious, suitable for people of all ages;
  • Regular caramels. They can be used as sugar for tea;
  • Take tea and coffee in bags. It will be convenient to use on the road. It is better to take water without gas and 2-3 bottles. You can also buy water from the conductor, but often there is only one carbonated one left. As stated above, soda is not for the train;
  • The first dish in a thermos, up to 1 liter;
  • Rolls without filling and glaze, pies with jam and cabbage, they must be eaten on the very first day;
  • Cheese for slicing, choose hard varieties;
  • From fruits, it is better to take apples with a hard peel, bananas;
  • Cucumbers, carrots, greens are good for eating on the train. It is better to refuse tomatoes, they choke, deteriorate, and their juice does not wash well from clothes;
  • Pita or lavash will replace bread on the road. Bakery products quickly stale, in the case of pita bread this does not happen;
  • Pates can be taken with you on the train. At the same time, choose such a container so that after opening the can you eat everything. Keep open jar with the product is not possible;
  • From sweets, you can take the usual marshmallows, marshmallows or dried fruits. They perfectly tolerate the road and do not deteriorate within 48 hours.

How to pack a grocery basket on a train

Buy food where you have already done it. Before the trip, you should not experiment with stores, because you need confidence in the quality of products.

Do not buy anything in railway station shops and cafes. The cost of products here is high, the quality does not always meet the declared information. The calculation is that in a hurry a person will not return with complaints about the products. A large flow of people allows you to realize what it is high time to throw away.

Take on the train only food that is quickly prepared or already prepared. Ideally, foods that can be peeled and eaten immediately will come in handy. When choosing food, make sure that your grocery basket does not include food that melts in the sun and deteriorates under the influence of high temperatures for several hours.

The criteria for choosing food are simple: low weight, long term storage, fast cooking. Packing food in small containers will save you time and allow you to see at a glance where you have and what you have.

In addition, the products in the containers do not crumple and do not stain things lying nearby. The grocery basket is packed in a separate bough. Food should not be stored near clothes, cosmetics or books.

Take food with you essential oil and strong odour. Smoked meats, fish, products with garlic are best left at home. They are not as useful as they seem, and they will smell on the whole car. Buy on the train products that have little waste. There is no need to carry any extra rubbish with you.

If you take with you boiled eggs or chicken, they must eat these foods as soon as the train leaves. Don't forget to bring wet wipes with you. There should be several packs. You don’t have to run to wash your hands often, you can wipe your face or a stain on your clothes with napkins.

Take books, board games, or magazines with you so you don't get bored eating. The problem of food on the train is quickly solved if you approach it wisely.

What you can not buy on the train and what you can

Do not buy ready-made second and first courses, pies and other products that are offered to passengers by small merchants at the stations. You cannot be sure of the quality of such food; the sanitary standards for the preparation and storage of dishes are at the discretion of the seller. At the stations you can buy pastries without toppings, fruits, drinking water, cookies.

Carefully monitor the quality of the food you eat on the train, and the journey will be successful.