How dark rum is made. Ways to make homemade rum from moonshine

Rum is very popular in many countries of the world, and even the most fastidious consumers have appreciated its taste qualities. It can be used as pure form(true gourmets will like this method more), and making wonderful “cocktails”, the taste of which cannot be forgotten after trying it only once.

Did you know? Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to reproduce real, branded rum at home, but many will be satisfied with simply making a top-quality drink that resembles famous counterparts in taste and aroma.

The preparation of the imitator will require the presence of many, however, quite affordable additives, which, during the fermentation process, will give the alcohol unforgettable aromatic and very mild flavor notes.

Cooking time: three weeks.
Servings: 450-500 ml.
Kitchenware: saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom; wooden spoon; measuring cup and kitchen scale; disposable syringe with a volume of at least 5 ml; glass liter and half-liter jars; plastic cover; gauze and cotton wool; large watering can; Glass bottle.

Required Components

  • It is best to opt for moonshine double distillation strength no more and no less than 45-50 degrees. This will allow you to get rid of the unpleasant odor and improve the quality of the alcohol created. Same moonshine will do, which has been aged for 3-5 months in an oak barrel or insisted on oak chips.
  • Oak bark can be purchased at specialized stores or pharmacies. The main task of the oak bark in the production of alcohol is to absorb fusel oils and unpleasant odors in the process of fermentation. It also makes a high degree less noticeable, softening the taste. alcoholic drink. Therefore, check the expiration date on the product packaging and in no case use an old or moldy product.

Step by step cooking

  1. First, let's prepare the caramel syrup. To do this, pour 35-40 g of granulated sugar into a saucepan and pour 45-50 ml of water into it.

  2. We heat the resulting mass over medium heat with intense and constant stirring.
  3. As soon as a white foam appears on the surface, immediately reduce the heat to a minimum and continue cooking.

  4. When the liquid becomes the color of tea leaves, and the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat and allow it to cool. The preparation of caramel syrup will take approximately 13-15 minutes.
  5. We collect 5 ml from the total mass of caramel syrup with a syringe. The remaining syrup is sent to the refrigerator.

  6. Pour 500 ml of moonshine into a liter glass container.

  7. We lower there 4 prunes, 3-5 g of oak bark and one pinch of ground black coffee.

  8. Carefully pour 5 ml of caramel syrup into a jar and mix everything well.

  9. Pour the resulting mixture into liter jar and seal it tightly with a plastic lid.
  10. We send the lid to a dark warm place for at least a week. Every day, without opening the lid, shake the contents of the jar.
  11. After a week, add spices to the jar: one clove bud, 3 peas of allspice, vanillin on the tip of a knife and one pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg each.

  12. Mix everything thoroughly and close the jar again with a lid. Then we return the tincture to a dark place for 7-10 days.

  13. Now you need to filter the present product. To do this, we install a watering can in the neck of the bottle, put a large piece of cotton wool on the bottom of the watering can, while not ramming it. After that, lay out 3-4 layers of gauze on top and pass the infused liquid through an impromptu filter.

  14. We remove the remaining caramel syrup from the refrigerator and pour it into a bottle with rum.
  15. We tightly close the bottle with a lid and send it to a dark place to infuse for about a week. If necessary, repeat the filtering procedure.

DIY homemade moonshine rum recipe video

If there is a desire to understand in more detail how to make high-quality rum from moonshine at home, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe on the video. The video tells not only about the details of the process, but also gives useful recommendations.

Cane molasses rum recipe

Cooking time: two weeks.
Servings: 4-5 liters.
Kitchenware: a large container with a lid, a volume of 25-30 liters; water seal; small bowl; drain device or hose; distillation cube; glass bottles.

Required Components

  • Cane molasses can be purchased from specialized liquor stores, including online. Molasses has a positive effect on taste and aroma homemade rum.
  • In order for homemade rum to turn out to be of high quality, it is advisable to use well or spring water when cooking, since it is precisely such a liquid that differs low content salts and minerals, and also has no foreign smell and taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 12 liters of water into a large tank and bring the liquid to a boil.

  2. Pour 6 kg of cane molasses into a boiling liquid and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

  3. We pour a small amount of the resulting liquid and cool it to 30 degrees. Then we dissolve 50 g of dry yeast in the cooled liquid and leave them in this form for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Add the fermented yeast to the prepared mixture of water and molasses, mix well.

  5. Pour another 12 liters into the resulting mixture cold water and stir again. It is desirable that at least 10-13% of the tank volume remain free for carbon dioxide and foam.

  6. We tightly close the fermentation tank and install a water seal.
  7. We transfer the fermentation tank to a dark place with a temperature of 20-28 degrees and leave it there for seven days. Experienced winemakers believe that a two-week fermentation of molasses gives the final product a more subtle taste.
  8. As soon as the emission of gas bubbles stops and the liquid brightens a little, you can proceed to the next step. We merge ready mash using a hose or drainer, being careful not to touch the yeast sediment.

  9. Pour the resulting liquid into a moonshine still and distill it without separation into fractions. As soon as the fortress in the stream drops to 18-20%, we finish the selection of the distillate.
  10. We measure the strength of moonshine and dilute it with water up to 20 degrees.

  11. We distill the diluted moonshine a second time, collect the first 13-15% of the product yield in a separate bowl - you can’t drink them, they are very harmful to health.

  12. The rest of the resulting distillate is collected in three-liter jars. It is he who is ready-to-eat homemade rum.
  13. Dilute the liquid cold water up to 42-45% degrees, after which we pour the drink into glass bottles.
  14. Close the container tightly and leave it in a dark place for 4-5 days to stabilize the taste.

Video recipe for making rum at home

For a more detailed and visual understanding of how to make soft and light rum at home, view simple recipe on video. This material demonstrates step by step process, helpful tips and much more.

Useful information

  • I suppose that you will be interested in - with what they drink rum -. It would also be useful to find out what else rum is made of, in addition to the components used in the recipes just described.
  • Rum is a delicate drink, its varieties differ significantly in taste. In order to find your own taste of this drink, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of an unusually tasty Spanish rum or a very soft and fragrant Thai rum. Many men consider Cuban rum to be the best, while women prefer spiced rum. Select own version which will be the best for you!

So, I have offered you the most simple recipes making homemade rum. If you have a desire to experiment, then you can make rum with pineapple, various herbs, you can also take alcohol or vodka as a basis, but I like the kind of rum that I get by following my own recipes

Write in the comments if you and your friends liked the rum imitation made according to my recipe? Thank you for your attention and have a fun warm weekend with a glass of homemade rum!

On the Internet, you can find rum recipes based on the addition of essence and other flavors that only imitate the original aroma and taste, and not always successfully. To make rum at home, you need cane sugar or molasses. Nowadays, getting at least one of these ingredients is very simple, just place an order on the Internet. We will use an old Cuban recipe that is popular among the locals of the island.

Cane molasses is black molasses, waste sugar production, which is used in traditional rum production technology. Also, molasses is used to feed pets, in particular horses.

Cane molasses has a caramel flavor and a thick texture

Despite the fact that sugar cane grows only in South America, you can also buy cane molasses in Russia. This product is sold in some specialized online stores dealing with goods for distillers. Also, molasses sometimes appears in large supermarkets.

To replicate the original aroma of the best Cuban and Jamaican brands, it is better to use cane molasses to make homemade rum. But if molasses is not available, brown cane sugar will do. The organoleptic properties of the distillate will not be as pronounced as from molasses, but the technology is somewhat simpler.


  • brown cane sugar (or molasses) - 5 kg;
  • water - 20-25 liters;
  • yeast - 50-100 grams dry or 250-500 grams pressed.

About exit. Depending on the characteristics of production, the sugar content in molasses is 30-73% (in most cases 50%). This indicator should be obtained from the sellers, since it can be used to roughly calculate the theoretical distillate yield. From 1 kg cane sugar it turns out up to 1.2 liters of rum with a strength of 40 degrees. Accordingly, with 1 kg of molasses (50%), a maximum of 600 ml of a forty-degree drink comes out. In practice, the amount of rum will always be below theoretical values ​​by 8-15% for sugar and 15-25% for molasses.

Not all sugars (especially caramel) in molasses can be processed by yeast into alcohol, so in most cases, cane molasses mash remains sweet even after fermentation is over. Please note that the main sign of the readiness of the mash, the absence of a sweet aftertaste, does not work here.

Making rum from cane sugar is much easier. In fact, the technology is no different from the preparation of ordinary moonshine. You can also mix sugar and molasses, which will increase the yield and preserve the organoleptic properties. It is important to add the correct amount of water, the total sugar content of the wort should not exceed 20%.

Roma recipe at home

1. Calculate the parameters of the mash. For each kilogram of molasses, 5 liters of water (hydraulic ratio 1:5) and 10 grams of dry or 50 grams of pressed yeast are required. For cane sugar, the optimal hydromodule is 1:4 (4 liters of water per 1 kg) and 20 grams of dry (100 grams of pressed) baker's yeast.

The proportions are taken from a Cuban recipe, in which the amount of yeast for molasses is 2 times less than for sugar. It is believed that prolonged fermentation of molasses has a positive effect on the smell and taste of rum.

2. Boil half the water. Dissolve sugar or molasses in boiling water (stir until smooth). Cover, leave for 30 minutes, then pour into a fermentation container.

3. Dilute the yeast according to package instructions. As a nutrient medium, you can use the rum wort made at the previous stage, which must be cooled to 25-28 ° C.

4. Pour the second half of the water (cold, unboiled) into the wort. Mix. Check the temperature (must be below 30°C). Add diluted yeast. Mix again. It is desirable that at least 10-15% of the volume is left free for foam and carbon dioxide.

5. Install a water seal on the neck of the container. You can use a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce with a needle). Transfer the mash to a dark room (or cover) with a temperature of 18-28 ° C.

Factory water seal

Braga from pure cane sugar ferments for 5-10 days, then the sweetness disappears, the release of gas from the water seal stops (the glove deflates), which means that you can proceed to the next stage.

Often, molasses mash remains sweet even after fermentation is over, since the yeast is not able to process caramelized sugar. The only sign of readiness is the absence of gas from the water seal. I advise you to start distillation no earlier than 12-15 days from the date of laying the ingredients.

6. Drain the mash that has played out from the sediment (so that the solid particles do not burn during distillation). Distill for the first time on a conventional moonshine still without separation into fractions. Finish distillate extraction when the strength in the stream falls below 20%. Do not pour out the bard (the rest in the cube)!

7. Measure the strength of the collected cane moonshine. Determine the amount of pure alcohol (multiply the total volume by the percentage of the fortress and divide by 100).

A quarter of the water (25%) is replaced with liquid stillage from the cube (in the Cuban recipe for rum, the bard is called "thunder"). This technique will greatly improve the flavor. ready drink and add a slight hint of sweetness.

9. Distill the moonshine diluted with water and bard a second time. Collect the first 12-15% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol in a separate container. These are "heads" - a fraction that is harmful to health and should not be drunk.

10. Withdraw the main product until the strength in the jet falls below 45%.

11. The resulting distillate is a ready-to-drink homemade white rum. On this preparation, you can finish. It remains only to dilute the drink with water to 40-45%, pour into glass containers, close tightly and leave for 3-4 days to stabilize the taste after the end of chemical reactions.

white rum without exposure

If you want to make golden or dark rum, you will have to add caramel or keep the distillate in barrels (on oak chips).

12. The easiest way is to “paint over” homemade rum, the recipe of which was discussed earlier. For the preparation of caramel, it is desirable to use cane sugar.

The recommended strength of the drink before adding the dye is 40 degrees. In order not to spoil the whole batch, experiment with color on a small amount rum, starting with 3-5 ml of color per 1 liter. Before increasing the dosage, I advise you to wait 15-20 minutes.

After adding a caller

13. If you need oak notes, you should keep the rum for 6-18 months in a barrel (previously diluted to 50%) or insist the distillate with a strength of 40-45% on oak pegs (wood chips, chips).

During aging, the main thing is to periodically check the taste of rum. For a barrel at least once a month, for wood chips - at least once every 5 days. When distinct tannic notes appear, immediately pour the drink into bottles so that the characteristic taste of “plinth” does not appear. The exposure time on wood chips depends on individual characteristics wood, soaking and roast level. This figure ranges from a few weeks to six months.

After insisting on oak chips

In hermetically sealed glass containers, the shelf life of homemade rum is unlimited. Fortress - 38-43%.

Rum is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 35 to 48 degrees. Some varieties of aged rum reach a strength of 75 degrees. Rum is obtained by fermenting sugar cane by-products (molasses, cane syrup, molasses) and further distillation. The distillate is then aged in oak barrels. Rum is produced in Australia, India, the Caribbean and South America. Bright burning taste drink goes well with fruit juices, which is why rum is often used as an alcohol base in many cocktails. To taste the famous Reviver it is not necessary to go to Havana - you can make rum at home.

All homemade rum recipes described on the net do not allow you to get an exact copy of the drink, but just an imitation that vaguely resembles the original. But in the described tinctures there are light rum notes that make it possible to compare them with real rum. At right technology and good exposure turns noble homemade alcohol, which can be used as an alcoholic base for cocktails and drunk in its pure form.

Classic homemade rum recipe

To make rum at home with the taste and aroma of expensive Cuban, Jamaican varieties, it is better to use real cane molasses.

Molasses (black molasses) is a syrupy liquid, a by-product of sugar production. Color dark brown, specific smell. Translated from French means black molasses. It is used in cooking, alcohol production and as a feed additive.

In case of its absence, you can take brown cane sugar. From cane sugar, cooking is much easier, according to the principle of ordinary sugar moonshine. Molasses contains about 50% sugar, so the output from 1 kg of molasses will be 600-700 ml of distillate with a strength of 40 °. It is possible, in order to save money, to mix some of the molasses with sugar, this will increase the yield and improve the organoleptic qualities of the product. If the mash for rum is made from molasses, then 5 liters are needed per 1 kg of molasses. water and 10 grams of dry yeast. If from cane sugar, then 4 liters are required for 1 kg of sugar. water and 20 grams of dry yeast. You can use pressed baker's yeast, increasing its amount by five times! It is better to use dry wine. The amount of sugar in the wort should be 18-20%.



  1. Boil 10 liters of water, add molasses, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Cover the container with a lid, after 20-40 minutes pour the syrup into fermentation tank, the volume of which should be 10-20% more than the entire must, that is, 40-50 liters.
  2. Ferment the yeast in the sweet wort, having cooled it first to 25-27°C.
  3. Pour 15 liters of cold water into a fermentation tank, stir, the temperature should be 25-30 degrees. Set prepared yeast.
  4. Close the fermentation tank, install a water seal or rubber glove in order to limit the contact of the wort with oxygen. Braga put in a warm room at room temperature. For heating, you can use an aquarium heater.
  5. Fermentation of mash lasts 7-10 days. The evolution of gas stops, the mash becomes noticeably lighter. If the mash is made from molasses, then a slight sweetness remains in the taste, since it contains non-fermentable sugars that the yeast does not process. It is generally accepted that prolonged fermentation of molasses gives the final product best taste. Therefore, it is advisable to distill the mash for rum in two weeks, it will not be able to deteriorate during this time.
  6. Drain the finished mash using a drainer or a regular hose without touching the yeast sediment. Pour into the cube of the distillation apparatus and overtake. Selection is carried out up to 20 degrees in the jet. The rest of the stillage in the cube, drain into a separate clean container!
  7. The resulting moonshine must be diluted to 20 degrees. To do this, you need to take three parts of water and one part of the poured stillage. This method will improve the quality and aroma of the finished rum.
  8. Distill the moonshine again fractionally with the separation of the head and tail fractions. Heads are selected at low power in the amount of 10-15% of absolute alcohol. The heads are used for technical purposes, in no case should you drink them!
  9. The selection of the drinking fraction of the "heart" is carried out at increased power up to 50-45 degrees in the jet. Then comes the unnecessary tail fraction, which is up to you to select or not.
  10. Bring the distillate to a drinking strength of 38-45 ° with clean water, pouring moonshine into the water! Such a drink is already ready to drink, but in order to get a more noble alcohol similar to rum, it must be aged in an oak barrel or on oak chips. The aging time depends on the volume of the barrel, usually it takes from 6 months to 3 years. Periodically, you need to take a sample so that the distillate does not absorb too much oak and does not become a “skirting board”. The barrel will give a unique taste and give the drink a rich color.
  11. The easiest and much faster way to add color and flavor to homemade rum is to color it with sugar. For color, it is also desirable to take cane sugar. Then fill the bottles with the finished drink and let it stand for several days before drinking. Can be used for rum cocktails at home.

Video recipe for making rum.

Rum at home recipes with moonshine

Very simple and quick recipe based good moonshine. Moonshine can be replaced with vodka or diluted alcohol up to 40 -45 degrees. The composition includes rum essence, which makes moonshine rum very similar to natural drink. Essence for the recipe can be purchased at many online stores.


  • Moonshine 45 ° - 1 liter;
  • Cane sugar - 200 gr;
  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Essence of rum - 50-60 ml;
  • Pineapple essence - 10 ml;
  • Vanilla essence -10 ml;
  • Sugar for coloring - 1.5 tbsp.

How to make rum:

  1. Heat water in a saucepan to a boil, add cane sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Prepare a color from granulated sugar and add it to the syrup.
  3. Dissolve the essences in a jar of moonshine.
  4. After the syrup has cooled, add fragrant moonshine to it, shake well.
  5. Finished rum, made with your own hands from moonshine, close the lid and leave for a month in a dark place.
  6. Filter the infusion through gauze with cotton, pour into suitable container. The drink is ready for tasting!

To make rum at home, it is desirable to use sugar cane, but since this plant grows mainly in South America, in other climatic conditions it can be replaced with ordinary sugar. Mix regular granulated sugar with cane sugar in equal proportions. Instead of cane sugar, you can use beet molasses.

Pour raw materials into a saucepan - preferably enameled and melt over low heat. Should work thick syrup.

To make rum at home you will need alcohol yeast- they must be diluted with water at the rate of one gram per liter of liquid. In order for the yeast to ferment well, you need to take water room temperature not higher than 30 degrees.

For this homemade rum recipe, you need to take 4.5-5 liters boiled water. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water - no more than a liter, leave warm for 20-30 minutes until a slight foam appears. As soon as the starter begins to ferment, pour it into a large container with the syrup and the remaining water.

Mix well and then pour into a convenient glass container - this amount can be divided into two 5-liter bottles.

Close the mash with a water seal and leave for 7 days for fermentation. It is best to withstand the mash at a temperature of 27-32 degrees.

Optional, to give rum home cooking special aroma, you can add any spices to the mash - a little vanilla, cinnamon or cloves. When the mash is ready, the strength of the resulting wort is usually 8-10%. Carefully filter the wort for subsequent distillation - you can use a siphon or ordinary cheesecloth.

To make rum at home, you will need a distiller - moonshine. The distillation process must be continuous, then the drink will acquire the required strength of about 80%. It is very important not to skip the "heads" and "tails" - to select approximately 10% of the total volume for each fraction.

The homemade rum obtained after distillation must be kept for a certain time.

It is best to age the rum in wooden barrels oak or ash. Ash wood makes a lighter drink. From oak wood you will get a drink with a richer taste, a little tart. The longer the rum is aged, the brighter its taste and aroma will be.

After reaching the desired taste, the drink can be diluted with cold boiled water to a strength of 45-50%.

Other homemade rum recipes

If you don't have moonshine still, you can use a simpler rum recipe at home. This will require a good quality vodka, rum and vanilla essences, sugar and water.

Mix a liter of vodka with 50 ml of rum, add 10 ml of vanilla and pineapple essence, mix well and pour into a large glass container - it is best to take a three-liter bottle of dark glass. Melt a glass of sugar and bring to a boil over low heat to make a thick syrup. Pour the chilled syrup into a container for vodka, close tightly and shake well to mix the mixture. Insist in a dark cool place for at least a month.

Using homemade rum recipes, you can prepare an excellent alcoholic drink that will have a strength of at least 40-45 degrees. Drink rum cold with meat and fish snacks. Also, on the basis of this drink, it will be possible to prepare many wonderful cocktails for every taste.

Rum production technology was discovered by Caribbean slaves. AT this drink the romance of sea voyages, moments of glory and bloody riots are combined. The alcoholic drink made from sugar cane products. Previously, it was considered a drink of slaves and pirates, but over time, thanks to its exquisite qualities, it has earned unprecedented fame. Currently, rum is valued and produced on a huge scale. Basically, this alcohol is produced in the Caribbean and in South America. The production process of this drink is not laborious, but very long. There are no strict standards, so you can make it yourself. How to make rum correctly in order to achieve a refined taste and excellent quality?

How is rum made?

To make rum, you need to know what ingredients the drink consists of, and how much of each component it contains. The alcoholic drink has a strength of 35-85 degrees and is made by fermentation and subsequent distillation of sugar cane products, mainly cane molasses or syrup.

How is rum made at home? What ingredients are used to make an alcoholic drink? Leading rum companies include cane molasses, yeast and water in the composition of the alcoholic beverage. After fermentation and distillation, the resulting mixture is poured into oak barrels and insisted for a long period.

Ingredients for making homemade rum

  • purified moonshine or high-quality vodka (1 liter);
  • pineapple and vanilla essence (10 ml each);
  • rum essence (50 ml);
  • sugar (200 g);
  • water (500 ml).

Making rum at home should begin with the preparation of essences. You can simplify the cooking process and buy these ingredients, but many people prefer to do everything themselves. In order to prepare vanilla essence, you should take a vanilla stick (the pod should be hard but flexible) and cut it into small pieces. For 100 ml of vodka, this amount is more than enough. In the resulting mixture, you can add 2 tsp. granulated sugar and infuse it for 8 weeks in a dark glass container.

Pineapple essence is prepared in a similar way. As the main ingredient, it is recommended to take ripe or canned pineapple. For 0.5 bottles of vodka, it is enough to take 50-70 g of fruit. Pineapple should be cut into small pieces and poured with vodka or moonshine, then insist for 6-8 weeks in a place protected from sunlight.

Rum essence is recommended to be purchased ready-made, but if this is not possible, then you can cook given ingredient on one's own. To do this, you need to weld sugar syrup: add 50 ml of water to 200 g of cane sugar and heat the mixture on the stove until the color is transparent and small bubbles appear. The syrup should be allowed to cool, then pour 1 or 2 tbsp. l. table wine, cognac or rum.

Step by step cooking recipe

Because making rum on your own is not easy, you should first carefully study all stages of production in order to avoid mistakes. The production of such alcohol at factories involves such a stage as the infusion of the finished alcoholic beverage in wooden barrels made of high-quality oak. This saturates the rum with a woody taste and aroma, and also gives it a golden hue. At self-cooking there is no such possibility, so as an alternative, you can use oak bark which is sold in pharmacies. You should take 50 g of oak bark and insist for 2 hours, pouring 200 ml of vodka. Proportions can be calculated to prepare a smaller amount of concentrate, since it needs no more than 1-2 tsp.

Rum recipe:

  1. Melt a glass of cane sugar over low heat until a syrup is obtained.
  2. Mix ready and cooled syrup with vodka or moonshine and mix thoroughly by tightly closing the bottle and shaking it.
  3. Insist ready mix for 30 days.
  4. Mix 2 bottles of vodka or moonshine with vanilla, pineapple and rum essence.
  5. Stir the resulting mixture and pour into a large dark glass container.
  6. After 30 days, mix the syrup and essence mixture.

The resulting rum will have a strength of 40 degrees. Its aroma and taste will practically not differ from an alcoholic drink that is produced in factories.

Rum can be prepared without the addition of pineapple and vanilla essence. Such an alcoholic drink is an analogue of the well-known brand "Erebuni". To do this, you need to purchase wine alcohol (0.5 l) and add 4 tsp to the finished sugar syrup. burnt sugar. Wine alcohol is half diluted with boiled water, which allows you to get 48 degree rum.

Because you can make rum on your own without much effort, many connoisseurs of analogues of expensive alcoholic beverages do not particularly bother and do not even withstand the necessary time to infuse alcohol. This is a huge mistake, as rum prepared in this way will not have refined flavors. palatability and exquisite aroma.

Do not forget about the process of filtering an alcoholic beverage during production. Manufacturing companies use carbon filters for these purposes. At home, you can get by with ordinary gauze, which is recommended to be folded in several layers. This stage of production makes it possible to achieve the transparency of the finished drink, which is an important criterion for the quality of rum.