Buckwheat noodles: recipes for every day. Buckwheat soba noodles with chicken and vegetables, recipe with photos

Popularity Japanese cuisine amazing. Just think about sushi, which today is prepared in almost half of the cafes and restaurants. Buckwheat noodles came from the land of the rising sun. They have only recently begun to appear on the shelves of our stores. long pasta brown-gray in color with the outlandish name “dog”. But in essence, soba is the sister of our favorite buckwheat porridge. If you think that store-bought soba is expensive, here it is. There are many options for preparing such noodles. In this recipe, we suggest combining foreign noodles with products that are always in our kitchen: chicken, mushrooms, vegetables. Believe me, it will be very tasty!

Recipe information

Cuisine: Japanese.

Total cooking time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 2 servings.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 150-200 g dry buckwheat noodles
  • 200 g fresh champignons
  • 1 chicken fillet
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 juicy tomato
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric
  • salt, black pepper - to taste
  • A little vegetable oil for frying.


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
  2. Heat a frying pan, add a little oil and fry the chicken over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally to ensure it cooks evenly.
  3. While the chicken is frying, wash and cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces.
  4. When golden sides begin to appear on the chicken, add the mushrooms to the pan. Fry without turning down the heat.
  5. At this stage add salt, pepper and turmeric.
  6. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into thin strips.
  7. When the mushrooms are slightly cooked, add the peppers to the pan.
  8. Cut the tomato in half and grate it so that the skin remains in your hand. You should get a puree-like mass.
  9. Pour the tomato into the pan and simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  10. Boil water in a saucepan and boil the soba.
  11. Cook the noodles for 10-12 minutes, and when they are almost ready, drain them in a colander.
  12. Place the buckwheat noodles in the pan with the chicken, mushrooms and vegetables.
  13. Gently stir the noodles and let the dish simmer for another 3 minutes. During this time, the noodles will be ready and will be saturated with the resulting sauce.
  14. Serve the noodles in a deep bowl, sprinkled with some herbs.
  15. And to give the dish an oriental ambiance, you can eat it with chopsticks. Bon appetit! This is the Japanese answer to our

Peel the carrots and grate them on a Korean carrot grater.

Chicken breast cut into small pieces. There is no need to chop too finely, but also very large pieces There shouldn't be any meat.

Boil water for cooking noodles, add salt. Place the buckwheat noodles in boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat.

Add oil to a frying pan with high sides, heat well and add chopped chicken breast and grated carrots.

Wash the pepper, remove the stem and cut into long pieces. Separate broccoli into florets.

Add peppers and broccoli to the pan. Fry vegetables and breast for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Salt the chicken pieces with vegetables, add spices to taste, mix and add the prepared buckwheat noodles.

Stir and heat for 3 minutes, then add chopped garlic and mix well again. Cover the pan with a lid, remove from heat and let the dish rest for 3 minutes.

This is how you can easily and quickly prepare buckwheat noodles with chicken and vegetables. The dish turns out very tasty and satisfying, and is served hot.

Bon appetit!

Japanese dishes national cuisine are becoming more and more popular here. This is not surprising, because the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are distinguished by their health, longevity and look good even in old age.

All this is the result healthy eating. One of traditional dishes their cuisine is buckwheat noodles, which appeared on Russian market not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among consumers. In Japanese this dish is called "soba".

Benefits of buckwheat noodles

Buckwheat noodles Soba contains a small amount of fat. At the same time, in buckwheat includes the so-called slow carbohydrates, which break down over a long period and the feeling of satiety does not go away.

In addition, the noodles retain all the vitamins and minerals contained in the cereal. This product can be consumed during a diet, and the skin will look excellent, the hair will be silky, and the nails will be strong.

Buckwheat noodles, which contain 350 kilocalories, are quite nutritious. Despite this, you should not abuse this product. It is enough to prepare it 2-3 times a week to stay in shape.

Cooking noodles

You can buy ready-made buckwheat noodles in stores and cook them according to the instructions. But in Japan, soba is considered the best, which is prepared by the hands of the hostess and cooked according to the signature method. family recipe. Japanese women make noodles from two components: buckwheat flour and water.

Many housewives add seaweed and other ingredients to buckwheat noodles. secret ingredients that make their dishes special. Serve it with chicken, seafood or vegetables.

Traditional recipe

At home, it is better to prepare soba from a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour.

This way the product will taste better.

  • Buckwheat flour – 300 g
  • Wheat flour – 100 g
  • Water - about 200 ml

Every housewife can prepare this recipe.

  • Sift both types of flour thoroughly through a sieve and mix in a bowl.
  • Add water little by little, pouring in small portions and kneading. Depending on the quality of the flour, a little less water may be needed.
  • The dough should be dense, pliable, knead well and not stick to your hands. You need to knead for about 15 minutes until it becomes elastic.
  • Roll out a small piece of dough into a very thin layer, almost transparent. Then cut regular thin noodles.

Cook these noodles in boiling water with added salt for no more than five minutes. Drain the liquid and season the noodles with oil or sauce. Can be cooked in chicken broth.

If the recipe requires further stewing of the finished noodles with vegetables or chicken, then the cooking time is reduced to one minute.

On packages of ready-made noodles, the instructions say how to cook buckwheat noodles. When cooking store-bought noodles, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Cooked soba is, of course, healthy and tasty, but it is even tastier with vegetables, chicken, and seafood. Find mass interesting recipes How to cook buckwheat noodles with chicken and other ingredients is easy.

Soba with spicy sauce

Any recipe you like can be used as a sauce for buckwheat noodles. Is very successful flavor combination with spicy sauce.

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp
  • Anchovy sauce (fish) – 1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Fresh ginger - a small piece about the thickness of a finger
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  • Sesame seeds.

Even a novice housewife can handle the preparation.

  • You need to mix all the liquid ingredients and grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  • The sauce should sit for at least 15 minutes. After which it should be strained to remove the ginger shavings. The root has already given up all the beneficial and flavorful substances and will be inappropriate in the finished dish.
  • The sauce is served with the finished noodles.
  • To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The indicated amount of products is enough for 300 g of noodles.

The taste of the dish will be truly oriental. Ginger will add pungency to the sauce, honey – sweetness, soy – salty taste, and vinegar – sourness. Eastern cuisine It is famous for the fact that all shades of taste are present in one dish. The calorie content of noodles prepared according to this recipe is not high; you can safely eat it while on a diet. Boiled or fried chicken will also go well with this sauce.

Soba with vegetables

Buckwheat noodles with vegetables are very good. You can safely experiment by preparing buckwheat noodles with vegetables, the recipe is universal.

Simply add a variety of ingredients, sauté vegetables and serve a delicious, filling meal.

  • Buckwheat noodles – 350 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Small zucchini - half
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Vinegar – 1 tsp
  • Ginger on the tip of a teaspoon
  • To make the dish not only tasty, but also look impressive on the plate, it is recommended to grate all the vegetables on a Korean carrot grater.
  • Mix sugar, vinegar, soy and ginger in a separate bowl - this is the sauce.
  • Grate vegetables on the track
  • Simmer in oil, covered with a lid, over low heat. It will take 5 minutes.
  • Cook the noodles in boiling water for a minute.
  • Place the prepared soba and the infused sauce into the frying pan with the vegetables, stir.
  • Simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve to the table.

The dish is prepared quickly, it is very tasty and high in calories. This option is suitable for vegetarians and those on a diet. And meat eaters can supplement with chicken.

Soba with chicken

Of course, soba is delicious on its own or with vegetables, but in tandem with chicken it is simply delicious.

Buckwheat noodles with chicken are prepared from regular products:

  • Buckwheat noodles – 400 g
  • Bell pepper – 1-2 pcs
  • Chicken (preferably fillet, breast) – 300 g
  • Onion – 1
  • Carrots – 1
  • Soy sauce
  • Butter for seasoning noodles
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cucumber

Preparing this dish will take no more than 40 minutes.

This recipe is very useful for those who like to cook quickly.

  • Boil the noodles until half cooked, rinse and season with oil.
  • Cut the onion and chicken into strips and fry in hot oil.
  • Separately, fry the grated carrots and chopped pepper until soft.
  • Mix with prepared chicken and noodles, add soy sauce and sesame. Simmer this entire mixture for 5 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
  • Cut the cucumber into strips and add to the prepared noodles with chicken and stir again.

An unusual combination of ordinary products gives this dish a spicy twist. Fresh cucumber gives chicken noodles a delicate freshness and the aroma of spring.

Soba as a snack for beer

Buckwheat noodles can be used not only to prepare dishes with vegetables and chicken.

Beer lovers can prepare this version of a crispy and original snack:

  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Soba – 300 g
  • Soy sauce

You can prepare crispies quickly and without much effort.

  • Boil the noodles for 1 minute until half cooked and rinse.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan
  • Cut the garlic cloves into several pieces and fry for a couple of minutes in hot oil until it is saturated with garlic aroma. After this, catch the pieces.
  • Place noodles in a frying pan and fry, stirring. Ready dish sprinkle with soy sauce.

Guests will not immediately guess what was served as an appetizer. Of course, this recipe can be prepared without beer. More hearty option: Mix with fried chicken.

Homemade noodles can be air dried and stored in a dry container. To prevent the soba from sticking, it must be sprinkled with wheat flour. Finished product can be stored for no more than a week.

If instead wheat flour Add rice or soybean to the dough, then such noodles can be stored for up to a month. Adding different components gives different results. When cooking at home, you can experiment and find the best option.

Buckwheat noodle recipes traditionally include soy sauce.

If buckwheat noodles are served with chicken and vegetables, beef or other meat, it is recommended to cook it in broth. This way the taste of the dish will be richer, but the caloric content will also be higher.

Soba goes well with various seeds: sesame, peeled sunflower, pumpkin or flax seeds. All these additives will enrich the taste of the finished dish, add zest to it, and increase calorie content.

Store-bought noodles must be cooked according to the instructions. These noodles may contain starch, dried seaweed and other ingredients that change the cooking time.

Buckwheat noodles can be called soba if they contain at least 30% buckwheat flour. It is served with any vegetables, but is especially good with radishes and fresh cucumbers.

You can also make soup with buckwheat noodles. Add ingredients to the prepared chicken broth traditional recipe. A couple of minutes before turning off the soup, soba is added to it. You can’t cook it any longer, otherwise the noodles will simply spread out. It won't ruin the taste.

And here appearance- Yes. You can cook not only with chicken broth, but also with any meat broth.

Original dishes made from new products will enrich your diet. TO traditional vegetables with chicken or meat, why not serve buckwheat noodles as a side dish? The recipes are universal and simple. It's tasty, healthy and new.

Today, I want to offer a recipe for one of the traditional dishes of Japanese cuisine - soba with vegetables and chicken. Soba is noodles made from buckwheat flour. In Japan, the word "Soba" is used to describe different types thin noodles, so for clarification, buckwheat is called “nihonsoba”. Asians love combining buckwheat noodles with different foods, such as mushrooms, vegetables, legumes, meat or seafood.
My family also loves oriental dishes. Most often, I cook buckwheat noodles in combination with tender chicken breast, champignons, bell peppers, carrots and onions. The product range is very popular and affordable. And the end result is a very light, bright and tasty dish - soba noodles with chicken and vegetables!


  • 100 g buckwheat noodles;
  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 150 g champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 50 g soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. l. rice vinegar.

1. Wash the chicken breast in running water, dry it with paper towels and cut into small slices.

2. Fry the meat for 3-4 minutes hot frying pan with vegetable oil until formed golden crust. Season with spices.

3. All vegetables: carrots, onions and bell peppers, washed, peeled and cut into thin strips.

4. Place carrots and onions in the frying pan with the meat. Mix. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, clean and cut the champignons into slices.

6. Add mushrooms to chicken with vegetables. Stir and continue to simmer for 5-7 minutes.

7. Then lay out the bell pepper. Add salt, pepper and favorite spices to taste.

8. Place the buckwheat noodles in a pan of boiling salted water. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes (pay attention to the time indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging, stick to it).

9. After cooking, place the soba in a colander and rinse under running water.

11. Continue cooking over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 2 minutes.

12. This soba turned out so delicious and aromatic: with chicken, vegetables, and sauce for company! Serve the noodles hot, and top the dish with sesame seeds.
Bon appetit!

  1. For good delicious dish you need to choose quality buckwheat soba noodles. If soba was made only from buckwheat, it would fall apart very quickly. That's why the noodles contain wheat flour. And in some regions of China and Japan, seaweed and green tea. But it’s worth paying attention that good quality noodles should contain more than 30% buckwheat flour.
  2. You should be careful with salt. Chicken with vegetables should not be thoroughly salted, since the dish comes with a dressing that includes soy sauce. And it itself is very salty.
  3. Instead of champignons, you can take shiitake mushrooms, which will fit very harmoniously into a dish like soba with mushrooms.
  4. For vegetables good addition will green beans(you can use frozen) and celery. And if you like it spicy, then half a chili pepper will make your dish fiery.
  5. Any long noodles boiled in a saucepan run the risk of turning into one sticky lump. To prevent this from happening, there is one little trick. Just add a little vegetable oil to a pan of boiling water and follow the time indicated on the package.

The recipe for soba noodles with chicken is not at all complicated, but you will definitely be able to diversify your menu and pamper your household!

Did you like the recipe? Next time be sure to prepare rice noodles with beef in sweet and sour sauce, taste buds will be absolutely delighted!

Japanese national cuisine is becoming increasingly popular here too. This is not surprising, because the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are distinguished by their health, longevity and look good even in old age.

All this is the result of a healthy diet. One of the traditional dishes of their cuisine is buckwheat noodles, which appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among consumers. In Japanese this dish is called "soba".

Benefits of buckwheat noodles

Buckwheat soba noodles are low in fat. At the same time, buckwheat contains so-called slow carbohydrates, which are broken down over a long period and the feeling of fullness does not go away.

In addition, the noodles retain all the vitamins and minerals contained in the cereal. This product can be consumed during a diet, and the skin will look excellent, the hair will be silky, and the nails will be strong.

Buckwheat noodles, which contain 350 kilocalories, are quite nutritious. Despite this, you should not abuse this product. It is enough to prepare it 2-3 times a week to stay in shape.

Cooking noodles

You can buy ready-made buckwheat noodles in stores and cook them according to the instructions. But in Japan, soba is considered the best, which is prepared by the hands of the hostess and cooked according to a signature family recipe. Japanese women make noodles from two components: buckwheat flour and water.

Many housewives add seaweed and other secret ingredients to buckwheat noodles, which make their dishes special. Serve it with chicken, seafood or vegetables.

Traditional recipe

At home, it is better to prepare soba from a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour.

This way the product will taste better.

  • Buckwheat flour – 300 g
  • Wheat flour – 100 g
  • Water - about 200 ml

Every housewife can prepare this recipe.

  • Sift both types of flour thoroughly through a sieve and mix in a bowl.
  • Add water little by little, pouring in small portions and kneading. Depending on the quality of the flour, a little less water may be needed.
  • The dough should be dense, pliable, knead well and not stick to your hands. You need to knead for about 15 minutes until it becomes elastic.
  • Roll out a small piece of dough into a very thin layer, almost transparent. Then cut regular thin noodles.

Cook these noodles in boiling water with added salt for no more than five minutes. Drain the liquid and season the noodles with oil or sauce. Can be cooked in chicken broth.

If the recipe requires further stewing of the finished noodles with vegetables or chicken, then the cooking time is reduced to one minute.

On packages of ready-made noodles, the instructions say how to cook buckwheat noodles. When cooking store-bought noodles, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Cooked soba is, of course, healthy and tasty, but it is even tastier with vegetables, chicken, and seafood. It’s not difficult to find a lot of interesting recipes on how to cook buckwheat noodles with chicken and other ingredients.

Soba with spicy sauce

Any recipe you like can be used as a sauce for buckwheat noodles. The flavor combination with the spicy sauce is very successful.

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp
  • Anchovy sauce (fish) – 1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Fresh ginger - a small piece about the thickness of a finger
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  • Sesame seeds.

Even a novice housewife can handle the preparation.

  • You need to mix all the liquid ingredients and grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  • The sauce should sit for at least 15 minutes. After which it should be strained to remove the ginger shavings. The root has already given up all the beneficial and flavorful substances and will be inappropriate in the finished dish.
  • The sauce is served with the finished noodles.
  • To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The indicated amount of products is enough for 300 g of noodles.

The taste of the dish will be truly oriental. Ginger will add pungency to the sauce, honey – sweetness, soy – salty taste, and vinegar – sourness. Eastern cuisine is famous for the fact that all shades of taste are present in one dish. The calorie content of noodles prepared according to this recipe is not high; you can safely eat it while on a diet. Boiled or fried chicken will also go well with this sauce.

Soba with vegetables

Buckwheat noodles with vegetables are very good. You can safely experiment by preparing buckwheat noodles with vegetables, the recipe is universal.

Simply add a variety of ingredients, sauté vegetables and serve a delicious, filling meal.

  • Buckwheat noodles – 350 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Small zucchini - half
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Vinegar – 1 tsp
  • Ginger on the tip of a teaspoon

Cooking is easy.

  • To make the dish not only tasty, but also look impressive on the plate, it is recommended to grate all the vegetables on a Korean carrot grater.
  • Mix sugar, vinegar, soy and ginger in a separate bowl - this is the sauce.
  • Grate vegetables on the track
  • Simmer in oil, covered with a lid, over low heat. It will take 5 minutes.
  • Cook the noodles in boiling water for a minute.
  • Place the prepared soba and the infused sauce into the frying pan with the vegetables, stir.
  • Simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve to the table.

The dish is prepared quickly, it is very tasty and high in calories. This option is suitable for vegetarians and those on a diet. And meat eaters can supplement with chicken.

Soba with chicken

Of course, soba is delicious on its own or with vegetables, but in tandem with chicken it is simply delicious.

Buckwheat noodles with chicken are prepared from common products:

  • Buckwheat noodles – 400 g
  • Bell pepper – 1-2 pcs
  • Chicken (preferably fillet, breast) – 300 g
  • Onion – 1
  • Carrots – 1
  • Soy sauce
  • Butter for seasoning noodles
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cucumber

Preparing this dish will take no more than 40 minutes.

This recipe is very useful for those who like to cook quickly.

  • Boil the noodles until half cooked, rinse and season with oil.
  • Cut the onion and chicken into strips and fry in hot oil.
  • Separately, fry the grated carrots and chopped pepper until soft.
  • Mix with prepared chicken and noodles, add soy sauce and sesame seeds. Simmer this entire mixture for 5 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
  • Cut the cucumber into strips and add to the prepared noodles with chicken and stir again.

An unusual combination of ordinary products gives this dish a spicy twist. Fresh cucumber gives chicken noodles a delicate freshness and the aroma of spring.

Soba as a snack for beer

Buckwheat noodles can be used not only to prepare dishes with vegetables and chicken.

Beer lovers can prepare this version of a crispy and original snack:

  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Soba – 300 g
  • Soy sauce

You can prepare crispies quickly and without much effort.

  • Boil the noodles for 1 minute until half cooked and rinse.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan
  • Cut the garlic cloves into several pieces and fry for a couple of minutes in hot oil until it is saturated with garlic aroma. After this, catch the pieces.
  • Place noodles in a frying pan and fry, stirring. Sprinkle the finished dish with soy sauce.

Guests will not immediately guess what was served as an appetizer. Of course, this recipe can be prepared without beer. For a heartier option: mix with fried chicken.

Homemade noodles can be air dried and stored in a dry container. To prevent the soba from sticking, it must be sprinkled with wheat flour. The finished product can be stored for no more than a week.

If you add rice or soy flour to the dough instead of wheat flour, then such noodles can be stored for up to a month. Adding different components gives different results. When cooking at home, you can experiment and find the best option.

Buckwheat noodle recipes traditionally include soy sauce.

If buckwheat noodles are served with chicken and vegetables, beef or other meat, it is recommended to cook it in broth. This way the taste of the dish will be richer, but the caloric content will also be higher.