Frozen strawberries kcal per 100 grams. Calorie content and useful properties - strawberries

Strawberries, garden strawberries are very tasty berries. However, in addition to this, they have many useful properties, which makes them useful dietary products.

Although ripe strawberries and wild strawberries seem very sweet, they contain only 40 calories per 100 grams of product . Therefore, if you eat only strawberries all day / for example, on a strawberry diet /, you can lose weight significantly. However, due to the high content of vitamin C, one should be wary of an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. It is for this reason that while following the strawberry diet, it is recommended to eat it with dairy products / cream, yogurt, kefir /. Strawberries are very useful in kidney diseases, as they have a pronounced diuretic effect.

In addition, strawberries contain salicylates, which reduce inflammation in the joints. Therefore, with arthritis, radiculitis, it will be useful to eat 300-400 grams of this delicious berry daily for at least 1-2 weeks. Try to eat strawberries in season. The berries that are sold all year round contain very few nutrients. Choose ripe, red berries not crushed berries. They contain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

It is interesting! One strawberry weighs from 12 to 50 grams. The largest strawberry in the world weighed 231 grams and was grown in the US state of Kent.

Below is a table of calories and nutritional value of strawberries.

The product's name Number of grams of the product Contains
Strawberry wild-strawberry 100g 41 kcal
1 berry 8 gram 3.3 kcal
frozen strawberries 100g 35 kcal
proteins in 100 grams 0,8 grams 6 kcal
fat in 100 grams 0.4 grams 85 cal
carbohydrates per 100 grams 7,5 gram 21 grams
dietary fiber 100g 2.2 gr.
water 100g 87.4 gr.

100 grams of strawberries, strawberries contain: Calcium 40 mg, Magnesium 18 mg, Sodium 18 mg, Potassium 161 mg, Chlorine 16 mg, Sulfur 12 m cobalt.

Hello dear readers. Many of us wait for the long-awaited summer year after year. Rest, sun, beach and, of course, seasonal fruits and berries. One of my favorite summer treats is strawberries. Do you agree? Therefore, today we will talk about it. Consider its calorie content, composition and other features.

Let's start the review of our product with calories. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and in particular, proper nutrition, is now in trend. Many follow the figure and count the calories of each piece eaten. But strawberries can be eaten safely, because it contains only 41 kcal per 100 grams. But this is if you take fresh. Frozen berry contains 35 kcal. Well, if there are no scales nearby, you can count by the piece. On average, one berry contains 3–3.5 kcal.

Detailed composition

Interested in a more detailed composition of strawberries? Then read on. 100 grams of the product contains:

  • 0.8 gr. squirrel;
  • 0.4 gr. fats;
  • 7.5 gr. carbohydrates;
  • 2.2 gr. dietary fiber;
  • 87 gr. water.

Despite the fact that strawberries are almost entirely water, they are extremely rich in various vitamins and other beneficial elements. The first ones include:

  • Choline;
  • Biotin (vitamin H);
  • beta carotene;
  • Vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin C, A, PP, K and E.

Given this amount of vitamins, we can safely say that strawberries will make your immunity stronger, help strengthen your eyesight, and so on. But for this you can’t do with vitamins, you will need additional elements, which are also enough in this berry. It contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, potassium, iron and many other guests of the Periodic Table of Mendeleev.

The properties that strawberries have on the body

Few people doubt the beneficial properties of strawberries. But here not everyone can say how they specifically affect the body. But now we will fix it.

So, first of all, it is worth noting that the berry is incredibly useful for the eyes and is not inferior to the same carrots in this. Firstly, the use of strawberries is an excellent prevention of visual impairment. Secondly, the product is able to get rid of dry eyes and other defects.

But this is not the only useful property of strawberries. We can safely add the following advantages to it, which help us feel better:

  • Eliminate the effect of free radicals on the body;
  • Removes toxins. This property is extremely useful, because an excess of toxic substances can lead to arthritis, degeneration of muscle tissue, loss of the desired fluid. In addition to toxins, the berry also removes salts that accumulate on the joints;
  • Especially this summer delicacy will be useful for the elderly, as the berry lowers blood pressure, has a positive effect on brain function and improves memory;
  • Strawberries inhibit the development of cancer cells. She will not be able to cure an oncological disease, but everyone should use it as a preventive measure.

Strawberries also lower cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the heart muscle, lower sugar levels and replenish the body with iodine, which many often lack.

Are there any contraindications?

They are few, but they exist. It is better to refrain from using ulcers and those who suffer from individual intolerance. Allergy sufferers should also be careful, as strawberries can accumulate pollen on themselves.

But in general, the berry should be in everyone's diet, at least in summer. Then problems with various diseases will concern you much less often.

On the 100 g product accounts for:

What do you know about strawberries? Probably only that it is a very tasty summer berry, but do you know how many useful properties strawberries contain? Let's start with the fact that it is rich in vitamin C, for example, 100 grams of strawberries of this vitamin contain more than the usual daily allowance. And if we compare strawberries with other berries and fruits, then in terms of vitamin C content, it is second only to black currants. Take the following example: a large orange and 5 small strawberries - you will be surprised, but the amount of vitamin C in them will be the same. In raspberries and grapes, folic acid is much less than in strawberries. Therefore, to strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary to eat at least 100 grams of strawberries daily.

However, this is not all the useful properties of strawberries. It is also used as a medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the nasopharynx, and with the help of strawberries, you can easily get rid of bad breath in your mouth. Strawberries have powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Doctors sometimes prescribe it for stomach problems. When eating strawberries, the possibility of catching and developing the influenza virus is several times reduced. Strawberries are also useful for people who suffer from diabetes, as it has a sugar-lowering effect. Strawberries contain a certain amount of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, compensating for deficiencies in drinking water and food. In gallstone disease, it is very useful to take four to six tablespoons of fresh strawberry juice every morning on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to consume 400 grams of strawberries per day. Especially, eating strawberries is recommended for diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys, daily throughout the season. Strawberries are an excellent diuretic, so it is very useful for any kidney disorders to make a decoction from root strawberries. It also has a positive effect on the liver, so in case of liver disease or rheumatism, it is advisable to follow a special strawberry diet. The diet lasts about a week and includes a strict "strawberry" regime, that is, you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of strawberries every day. Strawberries contain a large amount of salicylic acid, which is so necessary for sore joints in order to recover faster and get rid of constant pain. Berries also contain iron, which is so necessary for anemia. And this is not all the useful properties of this "miracle berry" called "strawberry". It is used as a folk remedy for diseases such as diathesis, eczema, skin rashes, or the treatment of small wounds. To do this, you just need to crush the strawberries finely and apply it to the sore spot. You can make a decoction of strawberry leaves to normalize blood pressure and metabolism. Strawberries will also help get rid of insomnia. In addition to all of the above, strawberries are used in preventive measures against hypertension and atherosclerosis.

But for some people, the intake of strawberries must be limited, since strawberries are the strongest allergen. People who are prone to allergies should reduce their intake to avoid problems, or simply drink milk while taking strawberries. It is also not recommended for people with increased secretion of gastric juice, persistent hepatic and gastric colic. Pregnant women, as well as infants, should limit the use of strawberries and a decoction of its leaves.

When buying strawberries, you need to pay attention to bright red berries without dents, and if you pick them from the garden, leave tails so that the berries last longer. They can be frozen for a whole year or simply stored in the refrigerator, but the really tasty, fragrant and healthy strawberries are fresh!

Strawberries are one of the most favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. Arriving guest from distant South America perfectly adapted to the conditions of our latitudes and firmly settled in our menu. This berry is extremely tasty and fragrant. But the fair sex is concerned about a completely different question: is the calorie content of strawberries high, and is there a danger of losing their slimness and attractiveness of the figure. Indeed, the berry is quite sweet, and probably contains a lot of sugar. But let's not make hasty conclusions, but let's talk about everything in order.

vitamins in strawberries

Strawberries are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. So, only 100 grams of this juicy berry will provide your body with a full daily dose of vitamin C. The berry is second only to black currant in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid. Five berries may well replace the nutritional value of one large orange. If you are afraid that the calorie content of fresh strawberries that you eat will go off scale in your body, then you are deeply mistaken. Nutritionists have recognized strawberries as one of the dietary berries. So you can not be afraid to get fat, because you will get invaluable benefits from this miracle berry.

In summer, we can enjoy red, fragrant, incomparable berries to our heart's content. This storehouse of vitamins is rich in vitamin B9, which is much more abundant in strawberries than in grapes and raspberries. Despite the rather low calorie content, strawberries, even in large quantities, will not harm the body, of course, if there are no contraindications and allergic reactions. It is recommended to consume strawberries daily to increase immunity, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart.

How many calories are in strawberries - the question does not scare, since the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of berries has been proven repeatedly. Fresh strawberries are an ideal assistant in the treatment of inflammation in the nasopharynx. It is actively used in the fight against unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, as well as viruses of colds.

Fragrant strawberries are able to regulate blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is an indispensable daily product for diabetic patients, despite its sweet and sour taste and low calorie content. Strawberries are rich in iodine, so they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Anemia will be successfully cured if consumed daily, saturating your body with the necessary iron. In summer, acute pain in the joints disappears if treated with fresh berries of this delicious fruit. Drinking just 5 tablespoons of strawberry juice on an empty stomach can treat gallstone disease.

The low calorie content of strawberries and their high vitamin content make them a rich source of strength and health for the human body. Strawberry mask perfectly nourishes the skin, tones it, therefore it is successfully used as one of the effective home skin care products.

Are there many calories in strawberries?

Strawberries are rightfully recognized as a valuable dietary product and are successfully used in various nutrition systems, strawberry mono-diet and fasting days. How many calories are in strawberries? This question worries those who obsessively monitor every gram of the portion eaten and carefully count the number of kilocalories that strive to get into the body. Satisfied with portions of sweet and sugar-free strawberries, the calories of this product should not disturb you, since 100 grams of the product in total produces 36 kcal. As you understand, the indicator is very low, and even after eating almost a kilogram of yummy, you will get a maximum of vitamins with a minimum energy value. The carbohydrates found in strawberries do not affect blood sugar levels, so you will not be able to gain weight with strawberries.

Due to their low calorie content, strawberries are a staple for the strawberry diet. Such a system for weight loss is designed for three days within a month. When consuming these berries in large quantities, do not forget that strawberries are a strong allergen.

Learn about the calorie content of fresh strawberries

Fresh strawberries, of course, can be enjoyed in the warm summer season. But summer is not forever, it ends. The vitamins of fresh, fragrant berries are also running out. Of course, supermarkets will fulfill your every desire, even give you strawberries in the winter cold. But frozen strawberries have the same beneficial properties compared to fresh ones? What is the calorie content of strawberries with sugar, fresh and frozen?

In order to pamper yourself with fragrant berries in winter and get a good portion of vitamins, strawberries are preserved in various ways. As you know, freezing foods preserves vitamins better than sterilizing them in jars, for example, jam. Frozen berries have all the same vitamins as fresh fruits, and the calorie content of fresh strawberries is slightly lower than the energy value of frozen berries. This is evidenced by digital indicators: the calorie content of frozen berries in one cup without sugar is 46-78 kcal. That is, even in winter, you may not wonder how many calories are in frozen strawberries by using this healthy product.

Strawberries with sugar: calories and slim figure

Fresh berries attract not only with a delicate aroma, but also with a sweet taste. You can eat these amazing fruits without even sprinkling them with sugar. And right! After all, the calorie content of strawberries with sugar is several times different from berries in their own juice without the use of a sweetener. You can arrange a fasting strawberry day for yourself by enriching your body with the necessary norm of various vitamins and minerals. But do not forget that, like any berry, strawberries have a sour taste, and oxalic acid in the berries, even in small quantities, causes a feeling of oscomy.

Eating frozen strawberries is much tastier when sprinkled with sugar or sprinkled with honey. But how will this gastronomic pleasure affect the figure? The calorie content of frozen strawberries with sugar will certainly be much more than the calorie content of fresh strawberries and is 222 kcal per 100 g.

Contraindications to the strawberry diet

Strawberries are a strong allergen. Therefore, for those who are prone to allergic reactions, it is necessary to limit the use of delicious berries; a strawberry diet is out of the question. It is good for the purpose of prevention to drink strawberries with a fermented milk product or make low-fat yogurt.

Salicylic acid and oxalic acid, which are included in the composition, can provoke diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers. In addition, oxalic acid interacts with calcium and provokes caries, the development of urolithiasis, diseases of the genitourinary system.

Despite the low calorie content, strawberries are contraindicated in such cases:

  • if there are liver diseases and appendicitis, colitis and excessive secretion of gastric juice.
  • During pregnancy, as well as small children.

Therefore, lose weight for health, but not at the expense of your own health.

No, probably, in our menu berries are more popular than strawberries. They eat it fresh, cook compotes and jams from it, freeze it for the winter. But this berry not only has an excellent aroma and excellent taste, not only contains many useful substances, but is also a dietary, low-calorie product. The calorie content of strawberries is only 30 kcal per 100 g.

Despite the fact that there are so few calories in strawberries, this does not prevent it from being a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. So, for example, the daily requirement of vitamin C is contained in only 90 g of strawberries. This is comparable to traditional sources of this vitamin, such as oranges and black currants.

Strawberries are also a very good source of folic acid, which is necessary to improve immunity, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Its content in strawberries is higher than in traditional sources such as raspberries and grapes.

Due to the low calorie content of strawberries, they are used as the basis of a strawberry diet. You can eat for several days with strawberries alone. There is only one limitation - often strawberries cause allergies. Before switching to a strawberry diet, check if you are allergic to this berry. If not, you can safely use it in any quantity, because 30 calories in strawberries is a very small calorie indicator.

One very important indicator should be noted. In addition to the low calorie content of strawberries, it has a very useful property - it lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, it can be safely recommended not only to people with high blood sugar, but even to diabetics.

Arrange yourself a strawberry fasting day. Do not eat anything except strawberries, you can drink water. You can eat up to one and a half kilograms of fresh berries without harm to the body. (Of course, if you do not have allergies). Given that there are very few calories in strawberries, and, on the contrary, there are a lot of useful substances and vitamins, you get a feeling of satiety, lose weight, and even the taste of such a diet is simply wonderful!

Strawberries also cleanse the stomach, normalize metabolism. Helps with problems with the pancreas, with pancreatitis. Improves bowel function. In general, after a day of strawberry diet, you will not only lose weight, but also feel much better.

It is very good not to limit yourself to one day, but to try to stay on a strawberry diet for at least a week. During this time, you can lose up to 4 kilograms per week. Of course, one strawberry in this case is not enough. Just this berry should be the basis of nutrition this week. Add other low-calorie foods: low-fat yogurt or sour cream, fruit salads, plain crackers, no salt or spices. Of course, you need to exclude flour, fried, fatty.

It is good to freeze fresh strawberries in season for the winter. Frozen strawberries retain all the beneficial properties and taste, and also remain the same low-calorie.

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Comment, Review No. 1

Please tell us about the strawberry diet. How effective and safe is it?

Dear Sophia, strawberries can only become dangerous if you are allergic to them. In all other cases, the berry can be consumed without fear. The low calorie content of strawberries, only 30 kcal per 100 g, undoubtedly makes it possible to attribute it to dietary, low-calorie foods. Of course, for dietary nutrition, you should eat fresh berries, without sugar and cream. With such additives, the calorie content of strawberries increases dramatically and it turns from a dietary product into a delicacy. Pie with strawberry jam - also does not reduce weight. If you intend to limit yourself to a one-day diet, then it is better not to use anything other than water with strawberries. The number of berries is practically unlimited: a kilogram and a half a day. With a weekly diet, you can add low-fat yogurt, kefir, sour cream to the diet. By itself, strawberries are just a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances, so there is no need to be afraid that your body will not receive any useful substances.

Comment, review number 2

Here again - another panacea for weight loss. My wife read somewhere about the strawberry diet, and now she eats one strawberry all day. Says it has almost no calories. Is such a diet harmful to the body?

Dear Valery, your fears are in vain. Apparently, your wife is not allergic to strawberries. Therefore, there are no contraindications. As for the calorie content, we can reassure you here too: 30 kcal in strawberries is not at all the indicator that can make you worry. Even after eating a whole kilogram of strawberries, it is impossible to gain excess weight. Of course, if we are talking about fresh berries without the addition of sugar, cream, fat sour cream, and so on. And at the same time - a lot of useful substances, trace elements, especially vitamin C. So, there is no reason for concern. Such a diet is not a fashionable advertising panacea. A good, tasty and very useful remedy for weight loss. There are very few kcal in strawberries, only 30. And the content of vitamin C, folic acid, iodine, iron and other useful substances is very high. In addition, strawberries dull hunger, give a feeling of satiety, are very tasty on their own, and therefore are one of the best foods for a diet.

Valery Savichev

Comment, review number 3

So I decided, while summer, to lose a couple of extra pounds. I can’t sit on empty cereals, so I was delighted to learn that strawberries can help. Is it true that there are very few calories? And yet, I doubt about sugar: I have it elevated, and strawberries are sweet.

Just want to reassure you about sugar. Strawberries are a unique fruit. Despite its sweet taste, it not only does not increase the level of sugar in the body, but vice versa, it reduces it. Therefore, even patients with diabetes are recommended to eat strawberries. So, about sugar - do not hesitate. And there are very few calories in fresh strawberries, only 30 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, this berry is so good for various diets. It perfectly cleanses the stomach, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and normalizes metabolism. Strawberries are best taken with a low-fat fermented milk product - kefir, yogurt. And, of course, no sugar.

Ekaterina Maksimovna

Comment, review number 4

Why are strawberries so good for a diet? This question is asked by many, so I will try to answer all the numerous questions. So, first and foremost - low calorie content. 30 kcal in fresh strawberries without additives is a very low figure. Thus, you can eat a large number of berries, get all the valuable substances, and at the same time, a minimum of calories. The second is the exceptional benefits of fresh berries. The richest content of vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, iron, folic acid, organic acids and trace elements. Thirdly, strawberries have almost no contraindications. Caution should be observed only for people with hypersensitivity - allergies, as well as pregnant women and young children. It is highly recommended to drink strawberries with fat-free kefir. Further, despite the low content of kcal in strawberries, they have nutritional properties and can quickly dull the feeling of hunger. You can safely eat a large amount of berries, up to one and a half kilograms a day. In the absence of an allergic reaction, this is quite enough to get the necessary daily intake of vitamins, carbohydrates and trace elements.

Nutritionist, Alexey Kudryavtsev.

Comment, review number 5

Summer is coming, the season of vegetables, fruits and berries. The body is tired of heavy food, I want to unload, lose a couple of extra pounds. What low-calorie fruit or berry would you recommend for the basis of the diet?

Margarita, there are a lot of different diets based on fruits and berries. Apple, banana, citrus - you can't list them all. However, all these diets are almost year-round. And in the summer season, an excellent diet is strawberry. The fact is that the calorie content of fresh strawberries is very low - only 30 kcal per 100 g. This berry has an excellent taste, has almost no contraindications, contains many useful vitamins and minerals, and if apples and bananas can be put off for the winter, then in the summer it is better to eat fresh strawberries.


Commentary, Review No. 6

I read about the benefits of the strawberry diet, I wanted to try it. But the strawberry itself is unsweetened, a friend advised me to eat it with sugar. I'm just afraid. That it will increase calories.

You're right, Anyuta! If ordinary berries have a calorie content of 30 kcal per 100 g, then the calorie content of strawberries with sugar will be much higher - about 160 kcal per 100 g. Such a product cannot be called low-calorie. Let's try to figure out why sugar is added to strawberries and whether it should be done. Usually, if you are not afraid of extra calories, a small amount of sugar is added to the strawberries, left for a while so that the berry starts the syrup. This strawberry is very tasty. It should be noted right away that the addition of sugar does not reduce the beneficial properties of strawberries, all vitamins and trace elements remain in place. Only now the calories are greatly increased. Once or twice this can still be allowed, but if you want to choose strawberries as the main product for the diet, then you need to come up with other supplements, since the calorie content of strawberries with sugar is too high. You can add a little honey, walnuts, fat-free yogurt, kefir. But generally speaking, strawberries are delicious on their own.

Commentary, Review No. 7

Is it possible to eat strawberries with sugar for a diet?

By itself, strawberries are low in calories. It contains many useful substances, trace elements, vitamins. It has almost no contraindications, except for an allergy to this berry. The taste of strawberries is pleasant, it can be eaten quite a lot. Why is sugar added to it so often, because there are much more calories in strawberries with sugar, three and a half times. And all of them "grow" precisely at the expense of sugar. Well, first of all, not all people are ready to cut calories to the limit. For some of us, the taste of the finished product will be more important. Yes, and 160 calories in strawberries with sugar is not such a “lethal dose”. Still, it's better to eat a plate of strawberries with sugar than the same amount of fried potatoes. Sugar does not reduce the beneficial properties of strawberries. The syrup obtained by mixing berries with granulated sugar can be added to tea, semolina, and other dishes. Their taste improves significantly. And the berry itself becomes sweeter, as if soaked in this syrup. In general, this delicacy should not be abused, but sometimes it is quite possible to treat yourself to something delicious.

Commentary, Review No. 8

I love strawberries very much, but you can’t keep them fresh for the winter - the electricity is often cut off in our village. So we make jam. But does it have a lot of calories?

Yes, Anna Stepanovna, the calorie content of strawberry jam is much higher than that of fresh berries, and even than that of strawberries with sugar. This value is approximately 280 kcal per 100 g. Yes, this is a lot. But after all, if strawberries can be eaten in kilograms, then one teaspoon of jam is enough. In winter, you can add quite a bit of jam to tea, but the sweetness and aroma will be like in summer. Also, jam perfectly preserves all the beneficial properties of fresh berries, vitamins and trace elements. It, like raspberry, is usually kept in every family in case of illness or seasonal beriberi. Of course, as a basis for a diet, as is done with fresh berries, strawberry jam cannot be used. But a few spoons in the winter cold will not add extra calories to you.

Anna Stepanovna

Commentary, Review No. 9

In different sources I meet different values ​​​​of the calorie content of strawberry jam. Which one is the most accurate? And how much of this jam can be consumed?

Dear Marina, the average value of 280 calories in strawberry jam is generally accepted. The fact is that the exact value directly depends on the amount of sugar per kilogram of berries used for cooking. The more sugar is added, the higher the calorie content. And on the other hand - the more sugar - the sweeter the jam, and therefore its consumption is less. Therefore, the exact calorie content for jam is a relative concept. And how much jam to use is up to you. And if the number of calories in strawberry jam can still be calculated, then the consumption rate depends entirely on your body - on the level of sugar, the need for sweets, and simply on your mood. It is best to put one or two tablespoons of jam in tea instead of sugar in winter. Then the body will receive the right amount of useful substances, and excess calories will not be so terrible.

Commentary, Review No. 10

To what extent are the beneficial properties of strawberries digested in jam preserved in winter? And is it high in calories?

We can say, Natasha, that strawberry jam retains almost all the healing properties of fresh berries. But perhaps the most important thing is the B vitamins, and especially vitamin C. In winter, there is not enough light, heat, and the body, weakened by bad weather, especially needs this vitamin. The calorie content of strawberry jam is approximately 285 kcal per 100 g, but this product is not the basis for a diet. Strawberry jam is an excellent prophylactic against colds and various seasonal infections. In addition to vitamins, strawberries, and hence the jam from its berries, contain many trace elements, such as iron, iodine, calcium. All useful properties for improving digestion and cleansing the body are preserved.

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