What to add to an alcoholic cocktail. Preparing a cocktail "Sex on the Beach" is very simple

Now it's time for New Year's Eve parties. Well, alcoholic cocktails, as you know, reign at festive events of any format: cocktails are drunk with pleasure in a nightclub, at home, and in a restaurant.

Today we have selected for you 15 most popular alcoholic cocktails which you can easily prepare yourself.

No matter how strange it may seem, but all the cocktails that are so popular today are, in fact, a modern interpretation of classic drinks or a modified version of medicines. This once again confirms the truth of the expression "Everything new is well forgotten old." However, some changes in the recipe of the cocktails did not affect either their taste or their popularity.

This drink was first introduced to the public in the 80s of the last century in a restaurant in South Florida. He began to gain his popularity in the 90s, after the release of the famous series "Sex and the City" on the big screens. That is why Cosmopolitan is considered a truly feminine cocktail. Its composition resembles an improved version of the classic "Screwdriver": vodka, triple sec liqueur, lime juice and cranberry juice. A characteristic feature of a well-prepared Cosmopolitan is astringency, softening the taste of alcohol.

  • plain or vodka with lemon flavor - 45 ml;
  • Cointreau orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • fresh lime juice - 7-8 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 30 ml.

14. Mojito

The history of this cocktail began back in 1586, when sailors from the expedition of Francis Drake landed in Cuba in search of cures for scurvy and dysentery. The Cubans provided them with such medicine. It is from the ingredients of this medicine that the famous Mojito is prepared all over the world today. The popularity of this drink can be explained by the fact that the fresh taste of lime and mint perfectly quenches thirst and saves from the summer heat. White rum, sugar, soda, mint and lime in their combination will not leave indifferent lovers of low-alcohol cocktails.

  • lime (in extreme cases, lemon) - 1 piece;
  • white rum - 30 ml;
  • soda (sprite) - 60 ml;
  • sugar (preferably cane) - 1 tablespoon.
  • fresh mint - 5-6 leaves;
  • ice cubes - 100 grams.

13. Mai Tai

There are many versions of who is the "ancestor" of this cocktail. The first person to claim copyright is the owner of a California business. According to him, he prepared Mai Tai for friends who had just arrived from Tahiti. One of them was so impressed with the taste of the drink that he exclaimed "Maita'i", which means "very good". Since then, the name has stuck to the cocktail tightly. Mai Tai is a symbol of Tahitian culture. This is a Polynesian fruit drink, most popular in the western United States. It contains dark and light rum, lime juice and orange curacao.

  • white rum - 40 ml;
  • black rum - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • lime juice - 15 ml;
  • almond syrup - 10 ml.
  • pineapple wedge, mint sprig and cocktail cherry (optional)

12. Mint julep

The mint julep is rightfully considered the official drink of the main race sport event in the United States - the Kentucky Derby. This cocktail is a traditional variation on the use of bourbon, which is produced in huge quantities in the southern United States. In the 18th century, Mint julep was a combination of whiskey, gin and brandy in different proportions, and only in 1938 did its modern variation appear - with the addition of bourbon.

  • bourbon - 60 ml;
  • mint - 12 fresh leaves;
  • powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • water (without gas) - 2 teaspoons;
  • crushed ice - 150 grams.

11. Caipirinha

At the beginning of the 20th century, the local population of Brazil used a special drink to fight the "Spanish flu". It consisted of cachaça (an alcoholic concentrate made from sugar cane), sugar and lime juice. Now this drink is popular all over the world and is called Caipirinha. It is worth remembering that the cocktail is very insidious: the composition of sugar and lime miraculously "masks" the taste of alcohol.

  • cachaca - 50 ml;
  • lime - 1 half;
  • cane sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • crushed ice.

10. Margarita

Perhaps this is the most popular cocktail in the United States. The classic Margarita contains tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. Usually all the ingredients are simply mixed in a mixer and served in special glasses with ice cubes. Some lovers like to experiment: instead of lime juice, they add any other juice. The history of Margarita is still not exactly known. It is only known that the birthplace of the cocktail is the southern regions of the United States.

  • silver tequila - 40 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 20 ml;
  • lime juice - 40 ml;
  • ice - 150 grams.

9. Pina Colada

It is believed that Piña Colada was first made by a Caribe Hilton hotel bartender in 1952, just after concentrated coconut milk appeared on the market. It is coconut milk combined with rum and pineapple juice that creates this incomparable original taste and aroma of a cocktail. For a long time, Pina Colada was considered the national drink of Puerto Rico, but today it is the property of the whole world.

  • light (white) rum - 30 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • coconut milk (Malibu liqueur) - 30 ml;
  • ice cubes - 50 grams;
  • cream (11-15% fat) - 20 ml (optional);
  • a slice of pineapple or a cocktail cherry - 1 piece.

8 California

The California cocktail is one of the strongest of its kind, yet another Long Island variety. It contains vodka, rum, gin, tequila, orange liqueur and any citrus juice. The cocktail is decorated with an orange slice or a “serpentine” from its peel. The taste of California is incredibly bright - a mix of sweetness and strength.

7. Long Island Ice Tea

This cocktail will probably never go out of style. Every year it is more and more gaining popularity, especially among men. A characteristic feature of the “tea” Long Island is that there is no tea in it as such. The taste of cold tea is created by a combination of triple sec orange liqueur and Coca-Cola. The main ingredients of the drink are gin, vodka, rum and tequila. The origin of Long Island Ice Tea is still a matter of controversy. This is due to the existence of several interpretations of this cocktail, popular in different parts of America.

  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • golden rum - 20 ml;
  • gin - 20 ml;
  • silver tequila - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur (Cointreau or Triple Sec) - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • cola - 100 ml;
  • ice in cubes - 150-200 grams.

6. Apple martini

Apple martini is the muse of all gourmets. The cocktail gained its popularity due to the bright and “modern” combination of dry martini and apple schweppes (which in some cases is replaced with apple juice). A small amount of lime juice and an apple slice complete the drink in a very elegant way.

Interesting fact: the apple martini is the favorite cocktail of the famous American comedian Conan O'Brien.

  • vodka - 3 parts (30 ml);
  • apple schnapps - 1 part (10 ml);
  • Cointreau liqueur - 1 part (10 ml).

5. Bloody Mary

The cocktail was supposedly invented in 1939 by American George Jessel. The author suggested mixing vodka and tomato juice as a cure for a severe hangover. The modern International Bartending Association recommends the following recipe:

  • 45 ml of vodka (brand is unimportant)
  • 90 ml of tomato juice.
  • 2-3 drops Worcestershire sauce
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • Tabasco sauce to taste
  • Celery juice to taste
  • Black pepper

4. Screwdriver

A mixture of vodka and fruit juice was invented by American oilmen working in Saudi Arabia in the middle of the last century. In order to drink with impunity in a Muslim country, one had to be smart, and a screwdriver was born. The cocktail recipe is simple:

  • 3/10 vodka
  • 7/10 any fruit juice
  • orange slice for garnish

3. Martini Dry

The cocktail is named after its inventor, the famous Martini de Anna de Toggia. The classic recipe is:

  • 50% vermouth
  • 50% gin

Although today it is more common to combine three parts of gin with one part of vermouth. Garnish the cocktail with an olive and lemon zest.

2. Daiquiri

The drink got its name in honor of the Cuban town of Daiquiri. The classic cocktail recipe is as follows:

  • 9 parts rum
  • 1 part sugar
  • 4 parts lime juice

1. Tequila Sunrise

This extraordinarily beautiful cocktail was invented in the last century at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. The name "Dawn" a mixture of tequila, grenadine and orange juice received due to the gradation of colors in the glass, reminiscent of dawn. The recipe for Tequila Sunrise is as follows:

  • 45 ml tequila
  • 15 ml Grenadine syrup
  • 90 ml orange juice

Every day, bartenders around the world come up with more and more new combinations, invent new tastes, each of which will undoubtedly find its connoisseur. However, most people still choose classic cocktails. Whether it's vibrant California or a gourmet apple martini, they've all left their mark on the wine map of the world. They say, "you need to know the classics." And indeed it is.

Today, without cocktails, it is already impossible to imagine a party, meeting with friends in a bar or club. Such popularity of these drinks is not surprising. They look very nice, easy to drink, quickly give a feeling of joy, cheerfulness. Although cocktails appeared relatively recently, they quickly won their place in the ranks of alcoholic beverages. According to one version, it is believed that cocktails appeared in the 20s in the United States, where prohibition was then introduced. But underground bars did not want to lose customers because of this. The owners of the "pubs" bought alcohol of very poor quality. Therefore, in order to drown out its unpleasant taste, they decided to mix alcohol of various types, adding various ingredients to it, such as salt, juices, syrups, sugar, fruits. Among the first mixes, the famous "Bloody Mary" appeared, which the Americans really liked. After the First World War, the Americans began to actively visit Europe, brought cocktails with them, which very quickly conquered the Old World. Although there are other versions. For example, that the name "cocktail" comes from "coquetel". This was the name of the French liqueur on wine.

Secrets of making homemade alcoholic cocktails

It is quite possible to make delicious mixes on your own. There are simple recipes, there are a lot of them. You need to know a few nuances, then you can become the king or queen of a home party.

  • Harmony of taste. When creating alcoholic cocktails at home, it is necessary to choose the ingredients in such a way that there is no clear taste of a single ingredient, especially alcohol. Bartenders most often combine 5 or 6 components. At home, especially if there is no experience, it is better to try connecting 2 or 3.
  • Ease of preparation. Bartenders prepare alcoholic cocktails based on gin, rum, tequila, bourbon. And for the preparation of home mixes, you can use vodka and liquor. Honey, cream, milk, juices, spices, fruits, berries are used as additives. Home recipes allow you not to observe the proportions of the components, but to vary them to your liking. It is better to mix cocktails in a shaker.
  • Decor. Of course, do not forget to decorate the drink with pieces of berries, fruits, citrus, mint leaves. Insert straw.

What do cocktails go with?

As snacks, light salads, seafood, fruit slices are best suited.

Important! The danger and insidiousness of alcoholic cocktails lies in the fact that they look beautiful, they are pleasant to drink, and sometimes you don’t even notice the presence of alcohol in the taste. You can get drunk very quickly, and besides, gain a few extra pounds, as some mixes are very high in calories. Especially if the recipe includes liqueurs, cream, syrups.

The easiest recipes for alcoholic cocktails

One of the most popular mixes, the recipe of which is easy to prepare. Required: 45 ml of white rum, a tablespoon of brown sugar, 23 ml of lime juice. All ingredients are mixed with ice. Then the drink is filtered, poured into glasses.

Mix in a shaker 50 ml of vodka, the same amount of grapefruit juice and 75 ml of cranberry juice, add a large amount of ice. Pour into a tall glass, which is pre-chilled. Garnish the drink with a grapefruit slice and cranberries.

Recipe includes: 150 ml of tonic water, 3 ice cubes, 90 ml of capital orange vodka, lime wedge. Mix vodka with tonic, add ice, decorate with a slice of lime.

45 ml of vodka is mixed with 300 ml of cold tea, ice is added, and garnished with a slice of lemon.

In order to make such a drink you will need: 30 ml of coconut liqueur, 90 ml of pineapple juice, 30 ml of light rum. Mix everything with a shaker, add crushed ice, pour into a glass.

The recipe is very simple. Required: 6 teaspoons of vodka, one and a half glasses of chocolate liqueur, one and a half glasses of very chilled cola. The glass is filled a third with crushed ice, alcohol is poured in, everything is mixed well and cola is added. The drink is pleasant to the taste, but it can quickly get drunk.

It will take one and a half tablespoons of heavy cream, the same amount of banana liquor and 6 teaspoons of cognac. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. It turns out a very thick, pleasant-tasting drink with a banana flavor.

The recipe includes: 50 grams of vodka and port wine, the same amount of honey, 2 cups of orange juice. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, poured into a jug, a few pieces of ice are added, left to infuse in a cool place for an hour. When serving, add a quarter of an orange slice. This mix is ​​suitable for a friendly party and intimate conversation.


The recipe for this drink includes white and dark chocolate. It is better if it is with mint flavor, but you can use the usual one. You will also need 50 ml of coffee and mint liquor, strong, high-quality coffee (350 ml), 50 ml of cream. Ingredients are for two servings. Liqueurs are poured into latte glasses, mixed well. Add hot, strong coffee. Top with whipped cream and chocolate broken into triangles.

"Free Cuba"

A legendary cocktail, the recipe of which was created back in 1900 in Havana. It consists of white rum Bacardi (30 ml), 120 ml of Coca-Cola, juice of half a lime. Pour half ice into a tall glass, squeeze lime juice, add rum. Mix everything thoroughly, top up with ice-cold Coca-Cola.

A strong drink based on bourbon and cranberry juice. In a shaker, mix 75 ml of bourbon with 25 ml of cranberry juice, add a large number of large ice cubes. Still stir again as long as possible so that the cocktail looks as frozen as possible. Pour into tall glasses, decorate with cranberries.

Recipe includes: 40 ml of blackcurrant cocktail, 400 ml of red champagne, 10 ml of orange juice, 100 grams of sugar, ice. The edge of the glass is moistened with orange juice, rotated in granulated sugar to form a "frost". Mix juice with liquor, add a few ice cubes. Topped up with champagne. Cocktail can be served. It is advisable to drink it at a time.

In addition to alcohol, there are simple recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails that are perfect for children's as well as adult parties. Moreover, the preparation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic mixes is a very simple matter, but very exciting. There are a huge number of mixes, but you can take a traditional recipe as a basis, add your own flavor note. If everything works out, then the mystical secret of the cocktail will be revealed - from ingredients that are not in harmony with each other, a surprisingly tasty drink suddenly turns out. You need to keep creating, surprising your loved ones and friends. With constant experimentation, you can make your perfect party recipe.

When it’s frosty and snowy outside, it’s just the right time to have a cocktail party at home. Warming alcoholic cocktails prepared according to simple recipes at home will help you return to the hot summer. There is nothing easier than mixing alcoholic drinks from a home bar with fruit, soda, juice or fruit drink and get great homemade cocktails! Arrange for friends, family and loved ones a real tropical paradise at home with a costume show and tasting of famous alcoholic cocktails! And the success of your fun event is guaranteed! So, it presents recipes for simple alcoholic cocktails that are easy to prepare at home with a photo.

Cuban summer

Cuba is hot and sunny. You immediately imagine dark-skinned women in bright multi-colored sundresses, the air filled with the sounds of guitars and the smell of rum. The island of freedom is famous not only for its huge cigars, incendiary music, but for the world's most popular cocktails "Daiquiri" and "Cuba Libre"


Classic "Daiquiri" consists of only two ingredients - rum and lemon juice. But the simplicity of this recipe is its main plus! Although you can experiment with a drink by adding any fruit and berry juices to it. According to the status of "Daiquiri", a martini glass in the form of an inverted cone on a high glass leg is required. I hope you have a bottle of Captain Morgan rum in your home bar, which is the best for various delicious and quick mixes in a glass. And now the recipe itself.


Rum «Captain Morgan» 50 ml

Sugar syrup - 20 ml

Lime juice - 30 ml


Mix all the ingredients in any suitable dish, shake, pour into a glass, in which you first put a few ice cubes on the bottom, and garnish with a circle of lime or an orange slice.

Enjoy your meal!

Cuba Libre

The Cuba Libre cocktail was first made on the island over a hundred years ago. Since then, the recipe for a drink with the taste of freedom in Cuban style has spread all over the world and has become a very popular cocktail far beyond the borders of the country. An extremely simple cocktail recipe has only two ingredients, one of which is the famous Pepsi-Cola soda, which tones and refreshes well. Rum and cola are served in a tall glass of regular cylindrical shape.


Rum "Captain Morgan" or "Oakheart" - 50 ml

Pepsi Cola - 150 ml


Mix the ingredients in a glass or tall glass, put ice cubes on the bottom, and decorate the glass itself with a lime wedge.

Enjoy your meal!

Under black sails

And now let's move to the Caribbean to taste the famous Pina Colada cocktail and the unsurpassed Mojito. The Caribbean Islands are a legendary habitat and hunting ground for the most dangerous sea robbers of the 17th century, which today is a heavenly resort place on the planet. In films and books about pirates, you have watched and read more than once about the fact that these sea robbers drink only rum and grog. Real pirates, like the inhabitants of the Caribbean, are much more inventive. And confirmation of this is two magnificent Caribbean recipes for alcoholic cocktails Pina Colada and Mojito, which we are in a hurry to introduce you to.

Pina colada

Christopher Columbus called the Caribbean the "Garden of Eden on Earth" for a reason. Pineapples, coconuts, passion fruit, mangoes, bananas, papayas are just a small part of the exotic fruits growing in the local garden. You can't deny good taste to Puerto Ricans: coconuts and pineapples flavored with rum! The combination of tropical fruits with almond flavor is a win-win! That's why Pina Colada is Puerto Rico's official cocktail. To prepare a famous drink, it is not necessary to have a machete (this is a special large knife) to chop a pineapple with it. We will use ready-made pineapple juice instead. The cocktail is served in a tall glass.


Rum "Captain Morgan" - 20 ml

Coconut liqueur - 20 ml

Coconut syrup - 20 ml

Cream (11% fat) - 20 ml

Pineapple juice - 90 ml


Mix all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, shake them. Pour ice cubes into a glass and garnish the cocktail on top with whipped cream and a slice of pineapple.

Enjoy your meal!


It is known for certain that in the 16th century this cocktail was drunk on pirate ships. And we can only be glad that the recipe for making a secret drink has come down to our days. You ask why secret? Because the real "Mojito" should have a bitterness, which is achieved by squeezing the lemon along with the zest. This cooking technology was kept secret, but later became available to all lovers of a soft drink.


Rum Bacardi - 50 ml

Schweppes Bitter Lemon - 50 ml

Lime (or lemon) - 3 slices

Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Mint leaves - 2-3 pieces

Soda - to taste


Place the lime wedges in the bottom of the glass, then the sugar, mint and lime cubes. Pour in the rum and schweppes, top with soda. Garnish the glass with mint leaves and a lime wedge.

Enjoy your meal!

Happy morning!

Ibiza is a tiny island, lost in the Mediterranean Sea, but the fun on it does not stop day or night. Tourists from all over the world travel to Ibiza to fall asleep dancing and wake up to music.


Shake off sleep and recharge for a long party will help you energy cocktail "Alarm Clock". This energizing elixir can be served in a variety of glasses, but a low rocks glass is best for it.


Vodka - 50 ml

Drink Adrenaline Juicy or Adrenaline Nature - 150 ml


Mix vodka with an energy drink, pour into a glass with cubes of people, garnish with lime or orange slices.

Enjoy your meal!

mask i know you

It's hard to imagine a better idea for a costume party than to invite guests to hide behind bright Venetian masks and treat themselves to a cocktail from the heart of this ancient city on the water. Venice - this amazingly beautiful Italian city is known not only for the rivers that flow everywhere instead of streets, but also for its carnival. Dumas and Shakespeare wrote about him in their works, many great artists depicted him on canvases, films were made about him.


The Bellini cocktail was invented in Venice at the end of the 20th century by the owner of the iconic Harry's Bar, Giuseppe Cipriane. Actors and writers often rested in this popular place. The drink is served in elegant flute glasses narrowed upwards, champagne glasses are also suitable.


Champagne "Abrau Durso" - 100 ml

Peach juice - 50 ml


Mix champagne with peach juice in a tall glass, at the bottom of which you must first place ice. Garnish the glass with a strawberry or peach wedge and a sprig of rosemary or mint.

Enjoy your meal!

Big city cocktails

Log Island

The main attraction of New York, one of the largest cities in America, is Times Square. More than 300 thousand people pass through it every day, for which it is also called the "Crossroads of the World". Here the lights of shop windows, the noise of cars and the voices of pedestrians, languages ​​and traditions from all over the world are mixed. If you want to cool down while walking along it and go to a cafe, then you can be offered a cocktail called Log Island.

This cocktail got its name in honor of the place of its birth. Log Island is an island part of New York located in the Pacific Ocean. The Log Island cocktail is drunk from tall glass goblets, which include a sufficient number of people. Coca-Cola, which is part of the drink, is responsible for its "tea" color. And Cordon,s gin gives the cocktail a subtle taste of juniper, coriander seeds, licorice and citrus zest.

If a trip to America is still an unfulfilled dream for you, then you can make such a cocktail at home and invite your friends to hold a party with a tasting of the Log Island cocktail, as well as two more famous American drinks, Tequila Sunrise and Cosmopolitan.


Vodka - 25 ml

Rum Captain Morgan - 25 ml

Gin Cordon,s -25 ml

Orange liqueur - 25 ml

Tequila Olmeca - 25 ml

Sauer - 30 ml

Coca-Cola - fill to the rim of the glass


Mix all the ingredients in a tall glass, put ice cubes and top up with Coca-Cola. Serve garnishing the glass with a lime wedge.

Enjoy your meal!

Tequila Sunrise

This recipe came to us from the 30s of the last century, at that time there was prohibition in the USA and therefore the cocktail was very popular both in America itself and in Mexico. The composition of the drink includes the famous cactus vodka. By the way, it takes 12 years for a cactus to grow into tequila! The heady sunrise looks most spectacular in a high tulip.


Tequila "Olmeca" - 50 ml

Orange juice - 150 ml

Grenadine - 20 ml


Pour the tequila, orange juice and grenadine into the bottom of a glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice.

Enjoy your meal!


Cosmopolitan is considered a women's cocktail, the TV series Sex and the City brought great popularity to the drink. Madonna once appeared in the frame with a glass of cosmopolitan, which helped to make it a favorite alcoholic drink among her large army of fans. And he successfully replaces the classic cocktail "(which includes only two ingredients: gin and martini). Most of all, a Margarita glass is suitable for the famous cocktail.


Vodka - 50 ml

Orange liqueur - 25 ml

Sour - 10 ml

Cranberry juice - 30 ml


Mix all the ingredients and serve in a stylish glass for " ", which garnish with lime zest.

Enjoy your meal!

Friends, do you organize such parties for friends at home? What do you cook on the table, what appetizers and appetizers do you put on?

Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

The most popular cocktails in our time are, in fact, either modern variations of classic alcoholic mixes, or "light" versions of old medicines, which have been safely replaced by injections and tablets. However, changes in the recipe did not affect the taste of drinks, among which one can single out those that have been consistently popular with bar regulars and bartenders themselves for more than a dozen years.

An exquisite "apple martini" or a stunning "zombie" - whatever you choose, a cocktail can tell a lot more about you and serve as a kind of "calling card", telling about your character and preferences. In almost any bar you will be offered a martini, a screwdriver, a Bloody Mary and a traditional English cocktail, John Collins; moreover, such masterpieces as "Mimosa" and "Bellini" have already firmly entered the "must-have" lists of most bars. We bring to your attention the ten most popular cocktails.

1. Apple martini

The apple martini (or “appltini”) has won the hearts of gourmets around the world thanks to its unusual combination of dry martini with a touch of apple. Instead of gin, vodka is used as a base, which is supplemented with apple schweppes (as a substitute for apple juice and to obtain a more subtle taste). The Appletini is served with a little lemon juice and an apple wedge as opposed to a standard dry martini.

The apple martini has made a name for itself on television as well – the favorite drink of American comedian Conan O'Brien, the host of the late-night show, has repeatedly appeared in films and sitcoms. By the way, when you watch the Disney film Enchanted, pay attention to the cocktail that the main character Giselle almost drank. Learned?

2. Long Island Ice Tea

Long Island will never go out of style! One of the most popular cocktails is not losing ground - it is especially popular among men. A strong blend of rum, vodka, tequila, gin and triple sec orange liqueur, complemented by a sweet and sour composition of lemon juice and cola. Despite the name, you will not find tea in this cocktail - the drink gets its characteristic taste thanks to Coca-Cola.

The origin of the cocktail is a rather controversial issue, but one thing is certain: the name of the drink is strongly associated with the place name of Long Island. True, most of the disputes are around the exact location: some believe that we are talking about Long Island in Tennessee (near Kingsport), others are of the opinion that the modern version of the cocktail was invented in one of the bars of New York's Long Island in 1972. The confusion about the origin is most likely due to the fact that there are several variations of this drink, popular in different parts of the United States.

3 California

The California cocktail is a Long Island variant that is hugely popular on the West Coast! Mix of vodka, rum, tequila and gin with orange liqueur, lemon and orange (to taste) juice. To top it off - a circle of orange or a thin "serpentine" of orange peel. An unforgettable combination of strength and sweetness!

"California" - the cocktail is quite strong; citrus notes brought in by orange juice and liqueur are used to soften the alcohol mix. The original name - "Californication" - is consonant with the hit of the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers.

4. Pina Colada

A classic tropical cocktail with a bright original taste and aroma! Ideal for connoisseurs of a mild taste without a strong emphasis on the alcoholic component of the drink. A simple and yet sophisticated combination of rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice will take you to the hot, sun-drenched tropics ... however, it is not necessary to go to Cuba - you can also sip a Pina Colada at a party with friends.

The drink has Puerto Rican roots and for quite a long time was considered the national drink of this country. According to the official version, the cocktail was invented by a bartender at the Caribe Hilton hotel in 1952, shortly after Coco Lopez concentrated coconut milk appeared on the market. Every year on July 10, Puerto Ricans celebrate Pina Colada Day.

5. Margarita

"Margarita" - the most popular cocktail in the United States, the basis for which is tequila. A simple combination of tequila, triple sec and lime juice. Often mixed with ice in a shaker, but many prefer the classic serving option - with ice cubes in a glass. Glasses decorated with salt are also used for serving. Since the invention of the cocktail, various variations have appeared - instead of lime juice, you can use any fruit juice.
The origin of the drink has not yet been precisely determined - connoisseurs believe that this happened between the 1930s and 40s. XX century in the Mexican region of Baja California (somewhere between Tijuana and Ensenada). The refreshing cocktail is especially popular in the southern regions of the country.

6. Caipirinha

The FIFA World Cup, held in the summer of 2014 in Brazil, contributed to the popularization of one of the most beloved Brazilian cocktails - Caipirinha. The composition of the drink includes cachaca (an alcoholic concentrate from sugar cane) or white rum, cane sugar and lime juice. But be careful: it is easy to get carried away with a cocktail, as the flavor composition surprisingly “masks” the taste of alcohol.

"Caipirinha" originated from a drink that was used by the local population in the early twentieth century as a medicine to treat the "Spanish" flu. The word "kaipira" refers to a person who was born in the countryside and is far from the rules of behavior and etiquette adopted in big cities. You can order a cocktail in almost every institution in Brazil, but it is just beginning to gain world fame. Most likely, the reason for this is problems with the supply to North America and Europe of the main raw material for the drink - cachaca.

7. Mint julep

The official drink of the Kentucky Derby, Mint Julep, is rightfully considered a symbol of the American South. The combination of bourbon, water, sugar and powdered sugar, and mint leaves has long been considered a traditional use for bourbon, which is produced in huge quantities in this region. It is thanks to one of the most striking events in the region - the Kentucky Derby - that this simple, and at the same time noble drink has gained the status of a national one.

The first mention of the "mint julep" is found at the end of the 18th century. According to written records, in the early 1800s, the drink consisted of gin, brandy and whiskey mixed in different proportions. The modern version using bourbon was first introduced at the Kentucky Derby (Churchill Downs Racecourse) in 1938. Today, about 120,000 "mint julep" drinks are drunk each year at the premier race event in the United States.

8. Mai Tai

Mai Tai is a classic tropical Polynesian fruit-flavoured cocktail especially popular in the western regions of the United States. The combination of dark and light rum, orange curacao and lime juice gave the world a wonderful drink that has become a symbol of Tahitian culture. The first peak of Mai Tai's popularity came in the 1950s and 1960s.

There are at least 10 cocktail recipes; the creator is considered the owner of Trader Vic's (Oakland, California, 1944). The cocktail was prepared for friends who had recently returned from Tahiti - after one of them exclaimed "Maita'i" (lit. "very good"), the name "tightly" stuck to the drink. The owner of rival firm Don the Beachcomber also claimed copyright, mentioning the creation in 1933 of an elaborate version of the modern Mai Tai. One thing is for sure - the birthplace of the drink is the sunny state of California.

9. Mohito

"Mojito" gained worldwide popularity due to the invigorating taste of fresh mint - the drink perfectly quenches thirst and saves from the summer heat. The combination of white rum, mint, lime juice, sugar and soda is perfect for fans of low-alcohol drinks with a pronounced fruity note. Often soda is replaced with Sprite or 7-UP soft drinks, which, however, does not affect the taste of the cocktail in any way. One of the secrets of making the right "mojito" is rubbing the mint leaves (not grinding with a knife) - this way the maximum amount of essential oils is released, giving the cocktail a pronounced minty taste and aroma.

Back in 1586, sailors from the expedition of Francis Drake landed in Cuba to search for a cure for scurvy and dysentery. The local population provided them with the ingredients from which today one of the most popular cocktails is prepared all over the world. There are other versions explaining the origin of the drink, but the facts confirming the rather early origin of the “mojito” testify in favor of the first. The famous writer Ernest Hemingway was a big fan of this cocktail.

10. Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan is an ultra-modern cocktail that has peaked in popularity over the past few decades. The spicy combination of vodka, triple sec liqueur, lime juice and cranberry juice was a pleasant surprise for lovers of the classic “screwdriver” - the tart taste of the cocktail softens the alcohol. All ingredients should be of high quality, but pay special attention to liquor and cranberry juice - the two main components of the drink.

Little is known about the origin of the drink - the modern version was first introduced to the public in the 80s in a restaurant in South Florida. According to other stories, the birthplace of the cocktail is Minneapolis (1975). Cosmopolitan is considered a classic women's cocktail - its popularity skyrocketed after the release of the famous TV series Sex and the City in the 1990s.

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An alcoholic cocktail is a drink in which alcoholic beverages are used as one or more ingredients. The cocktail itself is obtained by mixing several liquids, and sometimes with the addition of spices and fruits. What are the most popular cocktails?

What are cocktails? Cocktails are a mixture of several drinks (usually no more than 5 ingredients), plus additional ones used in very small quantities, such as salt, spices, bitters, etc. The composition of cocktails can be very different. Most cocktails are made with ice, so it should be given special attention. To make ice, it is better to use slightly mineralized or simply purified water. It should be completely transparent and without aftertaste.

History of the cocktail
The first legend, the most romantic, dates back to 1770. In those distant times, the owner of a bar located near New York lost his beloved rooster. The owner announced that whoever finds the loss will marry his daughter. After some time, one army officer brought his rooster to the owner of the bar, which by that time had managed to lose his tail. The owner had no choice but to announce to all the visitors of the bar about the upcoming wedding. His daughter, who worked in her father's establishment, was excited to mix different drinks, which they immediately began to call "cock tail" (cock tail) - a cock's tail.

The second legend says that in the 15th century in France, in the province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed, calling the mixture coquetelle (cocktail). From this subsequently came the cocktail itself.
The third legend tells that the first cocktail appeared in England. And the word "cocktail" itself is borrowed from the lexicon of racing enthusiasts, who called mixed-breed horses, that is, those with mixed blood, the nickname cock tail because of their tails sticking out like roosters.


  • 14 ml Triple Sec
  • 14 ml white rum
  • 14 ml gin
  • 14 ml vodka
  • 14 ml tequila
  • 28 ml tea
  • lemon wedge

Mix liquids in a Collins or Highball glass, add ice. Intervene. Add cola.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach"

This is a very popular alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), orange and cranberry juice. One of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association (IBA).

  • 2 parts (40 ml) vodka
  • 1 part (20 ml) peach liqueur (Peach Schnapps)
  • 2 parts (40 ml) orange juice
  • 2 parts (40 ml) cranberry juice

Shake all ingredients in a shaker and pour into a highball glass filled with ice. The cocktail is garnished with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.
In some variations, pineapple juice is also added to the cocktail. Sometimes Hurricane Glass is used instead of a highball glass for cooking.
Also sometimes a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. One fine day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave entered one of the bars in Havana, one of them, perhaps missing his homeland and bourbon, ordered a rum with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. Having received his cocktail, he drank it with such pleasure that he aroused genuine interest among his colleagues and they asked the bartender to prepare the same drink for them. The fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast “Por Cuba Libre!” in honor of Cuba's newfound freedom, "Cuba Libre!" the crowd took...

  • half a lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • 120 ml cola

Squeeze lime juice into Collins glass, add lime to glass, add ice. Pour in rum and cola. Mix.

And of course the famous Cocktail "Bloody Mary", which takes the first line in the top parade of the most popular cocktails in the world

This legendary cocktail is surrounded by many secrets and myths. Such famous people as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald beat the lover and admirer of the drink.
The cocktail received worldwide recognition in New York, when at the St. Regis, who works at the Petio bar, decided to experiment with adding Tabasco sauce to the drink. At the celebration of the anniversary of the cocktail, the honorable right to say the first toast in honor of the unique "Bloody Mary" fell to the granddaughter of the legendary bartender and the creator of this cocktail, Fernand Petiot.

In New York, December 1st was declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, the cocktail was offered at the price of 1933 - 99 cents.
Bloody Mary owes its birth to Fernando Petiot, a bartender who worked in the New York bar in Paris at the beginning of the last century.
Legends of the appearance of the Bloody Mary cocktail:
Legend has it that Fernand came up with the name “Red Snapper” for his cocktail, which means “Red Snapper” (there is such a fish). But one of the regular visitors to the bar called the drink "Bloody Mary", after which this name was fixed behind the cocktail. Another legend tells, on the contrary, Fernand Petio himself called the drink "Bloody Mary", but the administration of the bar "King Col" tried to rename it to "Red Snapper". Another legend tells that in Chicago there was a bar called the "Blood Bucket" and a charming girl Mary frequented it, and the Bloody Mary cocktail was named after her.

Initially, this drink was primitive, consisting only of vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after its invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to these simple ingredients.

  • 90 ml tomato juice
  • 45 ml vodka
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Optionally, you can splash and Tabasco sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour all liquids into highball, add ice. Stir. Add salt and pepper to taste. For those who like it spicier, you can use nuclear red pepper.

There is also a Bloody Maria variant, based on tequila instead of vodka:

  • 60 ml tequila
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 3 dashes Tabasco
  • 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • salt pepper
  • tomato juice

optionally add 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 dash of sherry or 30 ml clam juice
Put ice in a highball glass and pour in all the liquid ingredients. Top with tomato juice. Stir by pouring from one glass to another.
Especially for lovers of non-alcoholic - "Virgin Mary", a variation of a cocktail without vodka