Fresh redcurrant jelly. Features of cold preparation of a bright and healthy treat

Redcurrant - the berry of youth, contains a lot of vitamin A (necessary for immune system, improves vision, skin and hair condition) and due to the presence of pectins, is an active antioxidant. In addition, red currant improves blood composition, strengthens cardiovascular system and removes cholesterol.
Red currants are low in calories, but rich in minerals in an easily digestible form. It is actively used in nutrition and cosmetology.

Red currant juice has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, laxative, hemostatic properties. Prevents nausea, improves intestinal motility.
Redcurrant is contraindicated for people suffering from hepatitis, ulcers and gastritis, as well as for hemophilia and low blood clotting.

How to make redcurrant jelly - what berries do you need

For jam, we need fresh red currants, preferably with large sweet berries. For sour currants, you will need more sugar.

Preparation of classic redcurrant jelly

To make jelly you need:

  • kilogram of red currant,
  • kilogram of sugar
  • enameled pot/bowl or stainless steel,
  • a sieve or colander with a fine metal mesh,
  • wooden spoon.

Jelly making process:

  • we sort currant berries, tear them off the twigs, stalks and wash them,
  • put in a saucepan / bowl, add a little water (about 0.5 cup - 1 cup per kilogram of berries),
  • bring the berries to a boil and cool slightly,
  • grind the boiled berries with a wooden spoon through a sieve / colander,
  • add sugar to the resulting juice,
  • the mass is slowly brought to a boil, then boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat. In the process of cooking, constantly stir the jelly and remove the resulting foam,
  • pour the finished redcurrant jelly into sterilized jars,
  • close the lids scalded with boiling water, turn the jars over,
  • wrap with a towel and leave to cool for a day.

Preparation of super-vitamin redcurrant jelly

  • Squeeze out the juice from fresh washed red currants. To do this, we fold a piece of clean nylon fabric or gauze in several layers, put about 1-2 tablespoons of currants, twist it into a bag and squeeze the juice into an enameled or stainless steel pan / bowl. We throw away the cake (we leave it for making compotes). And repeat the procedure until we squeeze out all the juice from the berries.
  • Add sugar to the resulting juice and stir vigorously with a spoon for about 10 minutes. You will notice how the juice will thicken right before your eyes.
  • We lay out the finished jelly in dry, chilled sterilized jars. Store in refrigerator or cellar.

Currant jelly should be savored spoon by spoon, drinking warm tea with cold winter evenings. Such jelly can become a sauce for pancakes, pancakes and cottage cheese desserts. Delight your family and friends with a beautiful, tasty and healthy dessert.

When currant bushes begin to be covered with red berries on your site, at first it is very difficult to harvest in jars, everything somehow goes more into the mouth. And it is directly felt how the body was filled with vitamins. But you need some vitamins for winter period save. How to do it so that it is tasty and healthy, fast and easy? The best option is to prepare delicious jelly from red currant for the winter.

When the cold weather comes, this preparation can be eaten as an independent dessert, and added to other delicious and original dishes.


  • water - 120 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • red currant - 600 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves optional.

How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter

First, clean the berries from the stalks. Then rinse them and pour them into a saucepan. The stalks can be dried and added to tea in winter for flavor.

Pour purified water into a saucepan and place over moderate heat.

Boil the currants for 10 minutes on the stove and move the saucepan to the table.

In a clean deep container, wipe the whole berry along with the liquid. From the cake, you can make fruit drinks or cook compote by pouring boiling water in a saucepan.

Pour over mashed currant back to the saucepan and add sugar to it.

To give additional flavor, you can throw a few leaves of currant or cherry there.

Boil the red currants over low heat for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam with a wooden spoon.

Discard the leaves from the finished jelly and pour it into small jars that need to be sterilized beforehand.

The very next day, a beautiful and bright blank for the winter hardens and the desired consistency is obtained.

You can serve this jelly with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream or just with tea as a snack.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Such a recipe is suitable for especially busy housewives, for whom every minute is worth its weight in gold. For 1 kg of currants, take 1.3 kg of sugar.

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

Turn the washed and dried currant berries into puree. This should be done without the use of metal objects, a mortar and pestle are best suited.
Squeeze the resulting mass through a sieve, and you will get a natural currant juice.
Now add sugar and, constantly stirring, bring it to complete dissolution in currant juice. To slightly speed up this process, heat the container with currants on fire, but it is only to a warm state, this jelly cannot be boiled and boiled.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, you can pour the jelly into jars, cork nylon lids and send for storage in the cellar or refrigerator.
For this method of preparing jelly, the following proportions of products will be required: for 1 liter of currant juice, 1.5 g of granulated sugar.

What if the jelly doesn't set?

If you did everything right, then the jelly will begin to solidify already in the process of shifting it over the banks. The more it cools, the more jelly-like it becomes. But if you see that the jelly is fluid and does not solidify, pour it back into the container and boil for another 3 to 5 minutes.
How to determine that the jelly is already ready? Slightly tilt the dishes in which you cook currants in different directions. If the syrup begins to linger on the walls in the form of a pink viscous coating, then you can already lay out the jelly in jars.

Red currant blanks how to cook

There is another longer, but more reliable way. Pour some hot jelly into a bowl or cup and leave to cool completely, if it has not thickened, then it should be boiled even more or gelling additives should be added.

The reason that the currant mass does not thicken may lie in the small evaporation of the liquid or not a large amount of sugar. Add a little more granulated sugar, and in order for the liquid to evaporate better, take wide dishes for cooking, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the currant mass with air. The narrower and taller the dish, the longer it takes to cook the jelly.

You can use thickeners, add a little gelatin or gelfix. But it is best to use natural agar-agar. It has absolutely no extraneous specific smell and taste, the only drawback is that it can not always be found on the free market.

  • To speed up the process, you can not immediately cut off the branches, but boil the currants along with them. The main thing then, when you wipe through a sieve, is to prevent the twigs from getting into the jelly.
  • Always try to wipe the currants through a sieve while they are still hot, so you can squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the berries and the jelly does not start to harden yet.
  • The same recipes can be used currant jelly-assorted. The basis of such an assortment should be red and white currant, because in them the largest number gelling agents. For example, you need to take 3 glasses of them, and add one more glass each black currant and raspberries. You can also make currant jelly in combination with gooseberries, this berry also has excellent gelling properties.

  • Currant jelly can be used as a sauce for cottage cheese soufflé, cereals, dumplings or cottage cheese casserole.
  • For straining, use the finest sieve so that the jelly is transparent. If there is no such strainer, you can use multilayer gauze for this purpose or new (not too expensive) 40 den women's tights. Best Option there will be a piece of old nylon net tulle like "veil" or "organza". The tulle needs to be folded in half, the interlacing of the threads is quite dense, such a fabric will not stretch like gauze or tights, so it will be possible to strain the jelly at a time without the remains of cake.

Redcurrant Jelly Ingredients:

1 kg redcurrant,
1 kg of sugar
small mug of water

V different varieties red currants have different pectin content, so jelly according to the same recipe can turn out to be of different thickness. Currant varieties with at least 6-7% pectin content are suitable for good gelling: Asya, Bayana, Valentinovka (10% pectin), Vika, Gazelle, Dana, Marmeladnitsa, Niva, Spark (11%), Orlovskaya Star (11%) , Orlovchanka (11%), Osipovskaya, Gift of Summer (11%), Rose (11%), Yuterborgskaya.

We sort out the red currant, wash it cold water. We boil a 200 milliliter glass of drinking water in a saucepan, pour currants there, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the berries burst and let the juice flow.

We wipe the currant through a sieve, discard the cake. Now we need a wide pan, the wider the better.

Pour the resulting juice into this pan, add sugar and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Do not cover with a lid, let the juice boil slowly and excess liquid evaporate. It should barely boil, because gelling substances are destroyed during active boiling. Your goal is to evaporate at least 1/3 of the water.

Pour hot jelly into sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over and wrap it with a blanket until it cools completely.

1 liter of jelly comes out of 1 kg of berries. The very next day after cooking, currant jelly turns into a real, thick one, as if with gelatin. And what a vibrant color! And the aroma! If there is not enough pectin in the berry, the jelly according to this recipe may thicken and only after 3-4 weeks, so do not panic if you still have juice in the jar the next day.

This is the easiest way to make currant jelly. If you have a juicer, you can first squeeze currant juice, then add sugar to it (250 g of sugar per 200 g of juice), bring to a boil, but do not boil, roll into sterilized jars.

This year I tried to reduce the cooking time from 30 minutes (as originally indicated in the recipe) to 15 minutes, the result is exactly the same - quite thick and tasty jelly, so I corrected the time in the recipe.

And now to understand the process. In some berries, and currants - red and black - among them, there are substances (pectins) that form gels in the presence of sugar and acid. There is acid in the berries, add sugar, leave to stand - here you have jelly, provided that there is enough sugar. If not gelled, add sugar and leave again. But if we boil the juice or dilute it with water, we reduce the amount of pectin. That is, if the juice is too diluted or boiled too much, it may not gel. But there is a way out in both cases - you need to reduce the water content in the broth. How? We heat the juice in a wide saucepan so that the excess liquid only boils slightly and evaporates, evaporate by half, leave in a cool place for gelling. In the process of gelling, do not touch, do not interfere with or move the jar, let the bonds form quietly. That, in fact, is all, now you will approach the process of cooking jelly from red, and any other, currant consciously.

If it didn’t work out, add a little sugar and again boil the juice one and a half or two times and you should get exactly jelly, it has been tested in practice!

Step-by-step recipes for making redcurrant, gooseberry, watermelon and pepper jelly

2018-07-04 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


53 gr.

212 kcal.

Option 1: Classic redcurrant jelly recipe for the winter

Berry jelly - favorite treat both adults and children. Of course it's easier to buy finished powder, dilute it with water and wait until the dessert hardens. But home-made jelly has a natural taste and incomparable benefits. In addition, his cooking does not take much effort. The delicacy can be eaten immediately, as soon as it cools, or rolled up in jars and left until winter.


  • 950-1000 gr. granulated sugar;
  • kilogram of red currant;
  • glass of water.

Step-by-step recipe for redcurrant jelly for the winter

Prepare currants: sort out the berries and leave the most ripe and whole. Rinse well using a colander. Remove all leaves and twigs.

Pour the currants into a wide-bottomed pan or an enamel basin. Pour water and put on the stove. Cook over moderate heat - when the berries begin to burst and release their juice, turn off the stove.

Squeeze the berries with your hands or through a layer of gauze. Grind them through a fine sieve into a separate bowl. You should not make too intense movements so that only the pulp remains in the cup, and not the grains with the skin.

Pour granulated sugar into the remaining juice and stir until the grains are completely dissolved in the liquid. Add currant pulp. Turn on the smallest fire and simmer the juice for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. The mass will be ready when it takes on a jelly-like shape and decreases in volume.

Sterilize glass jars and spread jelly over them. Immediately cork with metal caps using a special key. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a thick towel or blanket.

After a day, remove the jelly in the cold and leave until winter.

Option 2: A quick recipe for redcurrant jelly for the winter

Very simple and quick recipe currant jelly is useful for those who do not have time to prepare for the winter.


  • kilogram of sugar;
  • kilogram of red currant.

How to quickly make redcurrant jelly for the winter

Carefully sort out the currant berries - throw out those that are already spoiled or not fully ripe, remove the green twigs.

Rinse currants with cool water and spread in one layer on kitchen towel to absorb excess moisture.

Pour the berries into a wide container - a saucepan or basin - and mix with granulated sugar. Leave for 15 minutes.

Wash glass jars thoroughly. Boil water in a large container, and sterilize the jars over steam.

Dishes with currants and juice, which has already begun to stand out, put on the stove and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. When the mass begins to boil, wait 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

Throw the currant mass on a sieve and rub. Arrange the resulting jelly in jars and close with lids. Leave the jelly overnight room temperature and then refrigerate.

Jelly can be eaten about a day after it has stood in the refrigerator. Or put it in the cellar and open it in winter for tea.

Option 3: Redcurrant and Green Hot Pepper Jelly

The original jelly impresses not only with its unusual composition, but also with elegant appearance. It can be submitted to gala dinner or store in the refrigerator and decorate with it New Year's table.


  • two pieces of green jalapeno;
  • 200 gr. red currant puree;
  • incomplete glass of water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • 4 drops of green food coloring;
  • half a teaspoon of agar-agar.

How to cook

To prepare currant puree, you need to sort the berries, put them in a glass cup and heat in microwave oven within 3-5 minutes.

Rub the berries through a fine sieve, transfer to a saucepan and mix with sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, about 3 minutes. The sugar should melt completely.

Place the glass jar so that it is at an angle. Pour the currant mass into it and put it in the cold until it hardens.

Wash the peppers, cut out the stalks with seeds and finely chop with a knife.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a separate bowl. Add water and food coloring to it, stir.

V last turn add chopped pepper to the tinted liquid, stir and heat over moderate heat for about 3 minutes.

Pour into green mass agar-agar, mix well and continue to cook for another 4-5 minutes.

When the mass of pepper begins to thicken, pour it in a thin stream into a jar of currant jelly, which has already hardened. Let cool at room temperature and put in the refrigerator.

For a festive evening, jelly can be prepared in transparent glasses or small salad bowls, and when served, decorate with mint sprigs and powdered sugar.

Option 4: Redcurrant and Gooseberry Jelly

Red currant goes well with gooseberries. Only gooseberries need to choose a red variety, not a green one. Jelly will turn out not only tasty, but also storing a lot of useful vitamins.


  • kilogram of red currant;
  • 600-650 gr. gooseberry;
  • 1000-1200 gr. granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Carefully sort out the currants - remove unripe and spoiled berries, cut off the leaves and green stalks. Rinse in running water and leave in a colander to drain all the liquid.

Remove ponytails and tassels from gooseberries - it is more convenient to do this with ordinary scissors. Pour into a colander and rinse well.

Pour the currants into a saucepan and mash well with a mashed potatoes. Squeeze out the released juice through several layers of gauze.

In a separate container, mash the gooseberries and rub it through a fine sieve. Cake of berries is not needed for jelly, but it can be used for compote.

Pour currant juice and gooseberry puree into a saucepan with a wide bottom. Add granulated sugar - the sweetness of the jelly will depend on its amount.

Stir the berry mixture and put on the stove over moderate heat. When the mass begins to boil, reduce the power of the fire to the smallest and cook for 40 minutes, from time to time not forgetting to stir.

Prepare dry glass jars of small volume and distribute the still hot berry mass over them. Seal immediately with metal lids.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm towel. Leave it like this until the jelly has completely cooled, and then put it away for storage in a dark, cool place.

If the jelly is not planned to be stored until winter, then after cooling it should be placed in the refrigerator and after cooling it can be served at the table.

Option 5: Redcurrant and Watermelon Jelly

An interesting, truly summery taste is obtained from jelly made from red currants and watermelon pulp. Currant sourness harmonizes perfectly with the sweetness of watermelon, creating a unique aroma.


  • kilogram of watermelon pulp;
  • kilogram of red currant;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar.

How to cook

Sort out the currants and leave only the most ripe, not spoiled berries. Remove stems and leaves. Transfer the currants to a colander and rinse well in running water. Leave the berries to drain the remaining moisture.

Remove all the seeds from the pulp of the watermelon and cut it into small pieces. To make the jelly delicious, you need to choose a very ripe and sweet watermelon.

Pour the berries into a saucepan or large basin and watermelon pulp. Put on the stove over moderate heat. When the mass starts up the juice and starts to boil, reduce the fire to the smallest power and simmer for 40-45 minutes, stirring often.

Pass the hot berry mass through a sieve so that the seeds and skin of the orth currant do not get into the jelly.

Pour the prepared homogeneous mass into sterilized dry glass jars. Immediately close them with metal lids and cork with a culinary key for blanks.

Put jars of jelly upside down and wrap in a blanket. After a day, the blanks will cool down - then you can put them away for storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

In winter, it will be very pleasant to open a small jar and enjoy berry jelly with the scent of summer.

Bon Appetit!

We continue to stock up. You can enjoy fresh red currants at the height of summer. And to enjoy the taste of these berries all year round, you should not only freeze them, but also cook by boiling with sugar. Thus, wonderful desserts are obtained in the form of jam, marmalade, preserves, jelly.

In combination with any cream, currant jelly can be a filling for cakes, pastries, a layer for pies and sour cream.
Currant berries contain vitamin C, it is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for normal functioning many organs and systems of the body. It allows you to strengthen the immune system and increase defenses. It is enough to eat a couple of spoons a day to avoid colds.

Redcurrant jelly recipe for the winter

Red currant - 1 kg
Water - enough to cover the currant
Sugar - 2 kg (twice as much currant puree)

Sort the berries, rinse, remove the stalks.

Pour the berries with water and bring to a boil.

Rub hot berries through a sieve.

Mix the resulting currant puree with sugar. The proportions of berries and sugar are approximate. Remember that sugar will need twice as much currant puree. To do this, it is convenient to use a glass, measuring the amount of puree and sugar until the sugar crystals dissolve.

Arrange the resulting jelly in sterilized jars, let cool. Cover with lids and store in a dark, cool place.
You can use this jelly for baking, as well as ice cream, yogurt and drinks. Yes, and with a cup of tea, currant jelly is very fragrant! Help yourself!

Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking

How is your harvest of red currants? When there is a lot of it, you can make jelly without cooking from this miracle berry. Would you like a quick recipe for this recipe? Then get to know him.
200 g redcurrant juice (from 510 g berries)
250 g sugar or powdered sugar
Mix the juice with sugar until it is completely dissolved (about 2-3 minutes), leave it and after 12 hours you will get a great jelly.

Bon Appetit!

Redcurrant and watermelon jelly for the winter

Watermelon - 1 kg
Red currant - 1 kg
Sugar - as much as glasses of red currants

Sort the currants, crush with sugar, add the pulp of watermelon, cut into pieces and mix.
Bring to a boil and cook for 35-40 minutes.

Rub the hot mass through a sieve. Cool and arrange in jars. Close with capron lids.
The aroma and taste of watermelon will not kill the taste of red currant, you will get only a light watermelon shade. The taste is unusual. Try it too, you'll like it!

According to the same recipe, you can cook jelly with bananas. Replace watermelon pulp with 5 bananas. It turns out delicate taste with banana flavor. Bon Appetit!

On a note
Do not use aluminum containers, as harmful substances are released during oxidation.

Redcurrant jelly with vanilla for the winter

Jelly is great addition to pancakes, pancakes. It is good to use for a layer of cakes and pastries. Or you can just dilute it with water and drink.
1 kg sugar
1 kg red currant
0.5 l water
1 vanilla pod


Sort the red currant berries, separating them from the twigs. Rinse, put in a bowl for cooking jam, pour the berries with cold water, put on medium heat. Bring the mass to a boil and immediately turn it off until it begins to boil.

Strain the solution by discarding the berries on a sieve. Grate the berries with a wooden spoon. Hold the sieve over the filtered solution so that all the juice flows into it. Put the cake in cheesecloth, folded in three or four layers, and squeeze thoroughly.

When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it again through several layers of gauze. After that, add sugar, and put the pan on the fire. Bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, add the halved pod and vanilla seeds. And cook the jelly over low heat with a slight boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove the vanilla pod and pour hot jelly into prepared sterilized jars. Seal jars tightly with sterile lids.

Turn the jars upside down for 5-10 minutes, then put them with the lids up. Wrap and leave the jars to cool completely.
Store in a cool dry place.

The jelly is very fragrant, the maximum is preserved useful substances, thickens and has pleasant sourness. This method is suitable for all fruits and berries rich in pectin: cranberries, currants, gooseberries, peaches, plums, etc. Bon appetit!

On a note
So that the jelly does not run away, it is recommended to grease the edges of the container with vegetable oil.

Redcurrant jelly five minutes

Berries 1 kilogram
Purified water 1.5 cups
Granulated sugar 1.7 kilograms
Sorted and washed currants are poured into a pre-prepared syrup. Boil in syrup for five minutes. Remove from the stove and pack the hot liquid into jars and store.

Bon Appetit!

Redcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking video recipe

Bon Appetit!

Blackcurrant jelly five minutes

1 l fresh juice
1 kg sugar
Wash the berries in cool water, dry, scattering a thin layer on paper or a clean cloth. Rub in a wooden bowl with a wooden spatula. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth. Combine juice with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for three hours. Grind (preferably in earthenware) with a wooden spatula until thickened.

Transfer the prepared mixture into jars, close the lids. Bon Appetit!

On a note
There is a cake left from the berry good use. Spread it on a baking sheet and dry, then store in glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent fragrant tea.

Since red currants are sour for normal consumption, it is better to preserve them in the form of compote, jam, jam or jelly. Such a delicacy will be eaten with pleasure not only by adults, but also by kids.

Red currant jelly

Red currant - 1 kg
Water - 1 glass
Sugar - 1 kg

How to make redcurrant jelly


Rinse the berries, peel the roots and pour into a deep enamel pan. Add a glass of water to the currant.
Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over moderate heat for another 3-5 minutes. During cooking, a sufficient amount of juice is formed.

Remove the currant jam from the heat, chop with a blender or grind through a sieve. In the second variant finished product will be devoid of small bones and remnants of skins. Return the mass back to the pan, add sugar and cook for another 30-40 minutes.

Sterilization of jars

Sterilize clean half-liter jars in any convenient way. If there is no special device, you can use the old grandmother's method: place a container over boiling water on improvised items (wooden spatulas).

Divide the hot gelled jam into jars and cork with metal lids using a seaming key.

As it cools, the jam will thicken and harden. Mark the finished preservation with a label with the date of preparation and hide until winter in a dark, cool place.

Knowing how to make redcurrant jelly, you will not only start feeding your family with a tasty and healthy treat for tea, but you will also be able to use such preservation in cooking. various kinds desserts and pastries. Bon Appetit!

Redcurrant jelly for the winter a simple recipe

red currant berries
Sugar (1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice)

Place the berries in an enamel bowl, put on fire and heat until steam appears. Heated berries in a hot state, wipe through a sieve with a wooden spoon.

Add sugar to the pureed mass (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Put on fire, bring to a strong boil. Remove from heat for 15-20 minutes, remove the foam.

Put on fire again. Let it boil strongly and set aside for 20 minutes.

Then we put the basin on the fire and cook until the foam ceases to stand out.

Pour hot jelly into hot jars and leave open for 24 hours. After that, seal them hermetically with heated lids or cover parchment paper and tie.

This jelly is stored in a cool place. Bon Appetit!

For lovers savory dishes I offer the following recipe.

Redcurrant and green pepper jelly

Green jalapeno pepper - 2 pcs.
Red currant puree - 200 g
Water - 175 ml
Sugar - 50 g
Lemon - 1/2 pc.
Green food dye - 4 drops (or chlorophyll complex, water-soluble)
Agar-agar - 1/2 tsp


Heat the red currant in the microwave at maximum power for 4-5 minutes.

Rub it thoroughly through a sieve.

Pour sugar, put on the stove. And cook after boiling, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes.

Set the jar at an angle and pour currant jelly into it. Leave in the cold for a day, the currant will gel without gelling agents.

The next day, we make jalapeno jelly. Remove the stalks, membranes and seeds from the peppers and chop very finely.

Add to water lemon juice and sugar, boil for 5 minutes.

Before laying the pepper, be sure to tint the water with green food coloring or water-soluble chlorophyll. Otherwise, the hot pepper will lose its color and then even the dye will not help. So, first we tint the syrup, then add pepper and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Pour agar-agar, mix and cook again for 3-5 minutes. We take it off the fire.
Let the pepper jelly cool down a bit until it starts to thicken a little. And pour a thin layer over red currants. Thin, because if you pour everything at once, the layers can mix. We put it in the freezer for 5 minutes so that the jelly grabs faster.

We take out and now add all the remaining green jelly, cool. Be sure to store in the refrigerator!

Such original blank useful for the New Year's table, and as a gift.

Save the jar for the New Year's table, for hot and cold cold cuts. Bon Appetit!

As you can see, cook delicious and healthy dessert from currant is very simple. Try one of the cooking options. Bon Appetit!

Also for the home collection of blanks for the winter

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