Boil red currant jelly for 8 minutes. Jelly from fresh juice of red currant without boiling

When currant bushes begin to be covered with red berries on your site, at first it is very difficult to harvest in jars, everything somehow goes more into the mouth. And it is directly felt how the body was filled with vitamins. But after all, it is necessary to save some of the vitamins for the winter period. How to do it so that it is tasty and healthy, fast and easy? The best option is to cook delicious redcurrant jelly for the winter.

When the cold weather comes, this preparation can be eaten as an independent dessert, and added to other delicious and original dishes.


  • water - 120 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • red currant - 600 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves optional.

How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter

First, clean the berries from the stalks. Then rinse them and pour them into a saucepan. The stalks can be dried and added to tea in winter for flavor.

Pour purified water into a saucepan and place over moderate heat.

Boil the currants for 10 minutes on the stove and move the saucepan to the table.

In a clean deep container, wipe the whole berry along with the liquid. From the cake, you can make fruit drinks or cook compote by pouring boiling water in a saucepan.

Pour over mashed currant back to the saucepan and add sugar to it.

To give additional flavor, you can throw a few leaves of currant or cherry there.

Boil the red currants over low heat for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam with a wooden spoon.

Discard the leaves from the finished jelly and pour it into small jars that need to be sterilized beforehand.

The very next day, a beautiful and bright blank for the winter hardens and the desired consistency is obtained.

You can serve this jelly with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream or just with tea as a snack.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Such a recipe is suitable for especially busy housewives, for whom every minute is worth its weight in gold. For 1 kg of currants, take 1.3 kg of sugar.

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

Turn the washed and dried currant berries into puree. This should be done without the use of metal objects, a mortar and pestle are best suited.
Squeeze the resulting mass through a sieve, and you will get natural currant juice.
Now add sugar and, constantly stirring, bring it to complete dissolution in currant juice. To slightly speed up this process, heat the container with currants on fire, but it is only to a warm state, this jelly cannot be boiled and boiled.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, you can pour the jelly into jars, cork with nylon lids and send it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.
For this method of preparing jelly, the following proportions of products will be required: for 1 liter of currant juice, 1.5 g of granulated sugar.

What if the jelly doesn't set?

If you did everything right, then the jelly will begin to solidify already in the process of shifting it over the banks. The more it cools, the more jelly-like it becomes. But if you see that the jelly is fluid and does not solidify, pour it back into the container and boil for another 3 to 5 minutes.
How to determine that the jelly is already ready? Slightly tilt the dishes in which you cook currants in different directions. If the syrup begins to linger on the walls in the form of a pink viscous coating, then you can already lay out the jelly in jars.

Red currant blanks how to cook

There is another longer, but more reliable way. Pour some hot jelly into a bowl or cup and leave to cool completely, if it has not thickened, then it should be boiled even more or gelling additives should be added.

The reason that the currant mass does not thicken may lie in the small evaporation of the liquid or not a large amount of sugar. Add a little more granulated sugar, and in order for the liquid to evaporate better, take wide dishes for cooking, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the currant mass with air. The narrower and taller the dish, the longer it takes to cook the jelly.

You can use thickeners, add a little gelatin or gelfix. But it is best to use natural agar-agar. It has absolutely no extraneous specific smell and taste, the only drawback is that it can not always be found on the free market.

  • To speed up the process, you can not immediately cut off the branches, but boil the currants along with them. The main thing then, when you wipe through a sieve, is to prevent the twigs from getting into the jelly.
  • Always try to wipe the currants through a sieve while they are still hot, so you can squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the berries and the jelly does not start to harden yet.
  • According to the same recipes, you can cook assorted currant jelly. The basis of such an assortment should be red and white currant, since they contain the largest amount of gelling substances. For example, you need to take 3 glasses of them, and add one more glass each black currant and raspberries. You can also make currant jelly in combination with gooseberries, this berry also has excellent gelling properties.

  • Currant jelly can be used as a sauce for curd soufflé, cereals, dumplings or cottage cheese casserole.
  • For straining, use the finest sieve so that the jelly is transparent. If there is no such strainer, you can use multilayer gauze for this purpose or new (not too expensive) 40 den women's tights. Best Option there will be a piece of old nylon net tulle like "veil" or "organza". The tulle needs to be folded in half, the interlacing of the threads is quite dense, such a fabric will not stretch like gauze or tights, so it will be possible to strain the jelly at a time without the remains of cake.

Red currant jelly for the winter - excellent recipe homemade which will please everyone without exception. It is impossible to imagine winter without fragrant fruit jam and jam, and jelly will be a real surprise for your loved ones. To prepare jelly from grated berries or pure berry juice, thanks to the addition of a large amount of granulated sugar after cooling, the berry syrup is gelled even without the addition of gelatin, it turns out to be thick and surprisingly fragrant.

Redcurrant jelly: a recipe for the winter

If you are looking for an option on how to prepare red currant jelly for the winter, simple and the hassle-free recipe is sure to become your favorite, and take a place in your cookbook of favorite recipes that you will definitely recommend to your girlfriends. The delicacy after cooling has a dense structure, it can be literally spread on bread and cookies, eaten with fragrant tea and have fun every time a bowl with currant dessert appears on the table, anticipating its amazing taste. You can also use it to make delicious home baking, puffs and pies.

    Berries - 1 kg

    Granulated sugar - 1 kg

Let's start with the preparation of the berries: put them in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water under low pressure, so as not to destroy the integrity of the berries at the first stage. It is not at all necessary to clean all the berries from ponytails and thin twigs, we will do this at the next stage of preparation.

Then the currant should be put in a large container and add one kilogram of granulated sugar to it. Sugar must be added in a 1 to 1 ratio, this will allow the jam to reach a properly gelled consistency. Therefore, if you initially took a larger amount of ripe fruits, then the amount of granulated sugar should be increased proportionally.

The berry-sugar mass should be stirred for ten minutes, during which time the berries will begin to secrete juice, and in the process of stirring the sugar should become pinkish in color, i.e. absorb the berry juice.

The next step is the key one in our recipe, it is it that distinguishes this cooking option from others that you may have known before, but did not allow you to achieve the desired consistency of the sweet product. Turn on a strong fire on the stove and put a container with a berry mass. We also need a wooden spoon with a long handle, which we will keep stirring the berry mass. We also need a timer or stopwatch, on which we need to set the time - 8 minutes, that's how much we need to spend on cooking the treat, and not a minute more.

While the berry mass is languishing over high heat, it must be stirred constantly. In the first minutes of boiling, a strong foam will rise, which will fall when stirring. After 5 minutes of cooking, the berry mass began to bubble, and the berries will burst. You need to stir intensively, if you stop for a second, then the mass will quickly burn, since the juice has not yet been released enough for the syrup, and we did not add water so that cook redcurrant jelly for the winter.

After 8 minutes, you must not only turn off the fire, but also remove the container from the hot stove. When the mass has cooled slightly, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve. After cooking, the berries become soft and you can easily cope with this stage of cooking.

You should get a homogeneous berry mass, without pieces of skin, seeds and twigs, all this cake remained in the sieve. Almost immediately you will notice that the mass began to gradually thicken, which means you can’t hesitate - you must immediately pour it into clean jars.

Making redcurrant jelly for the winter y has one more feature: you can not immediately close the jars iron lids, you need to leave the treat for the night so that it cools down and becomes thick, and a film appears on top.

In the morning, you can screw the jars with clean iron lids and store them in a cool place, but it is better to store the berry jelly in the refrigerator. The delicacy is moderately sweet and retains its natural sourness. At the same time, the berries retain their beneficial features, they retain vitamins, pectin and trace elements.

Most likely, you decide to prepare currant compote for the winter, but this drink can also be prepared in the summer season. In addition, for these purposes, you can use the berry cake that you have left after processing the berries into currant homogeneous mass. This cake can be filled with water and boiled for several minutes, you get a delicious currant drink.

Redcurrant juice jelly for the winter

The recipe changes slightly if you decide to cook redcurrant juice jelly for the winter. you can even say that this method is simpler, but it also has one more advantage - you do not have to continuously stand over boiling jam for 8 minutes. Our product turns out to be tasty and vitamin, very useful for children and adults, due to the content of a large amount of vitamins in red berries. In addition, if you are a true gourmet, then sweet jelly dessert from red currant you can use not only for making homemade cakes, but also for original decoration meat dishes, preparing a unique sweet sauce, as in the best restaurants capital Cities.

Extremely popular among housewives, so they try to come up with new original recipes and show off their sweet culinary masterpieces to their friends. They use recipes without cooking, keeping the maximum in the berry delicacy. useful substances, or with cooking, which allows the finished product to be stored for a long time (up to one year). The finished dessert will have a bright coral color, which immediately excites the appetite, it will turn out transparent, since we will prepare it from juice.

When you cook red currant jelly for the winter, step by step instructions with photos of the process will help you understand the key steps. In the photo you can see how the berries should be processed and what consistency the finished dessert should be.

It turns out no less tasty, this berry has a richer taste, and most often it is harvested grated with sugar without cooking, so that the fruits retain the entire palette of their useful components.

Making redcurrant jelly for the winter

You can make redcurrant jelly for the winter from juice, while you get this amount finished dessert how much granulated sugar did you use for this recipe. This conclusion was made by experienced hostesses who have been preparing currant jelly for more than a year. For a sample, you can prepare a whole liter of fragrant - the favorite delicacy of all the kids.

    Berries - 1500 g

    Granulated sugar - 1000 g

At the very beginning of cooking, you need to do berries - one of our two main ingredients. They should be thoroughly washed from debris and dirt, rinse the berries more thoroughly if you used special substances to prevent diseases in your crop. Washed berries should be left for some time in a colander or spread out on a clean kitchen towel to get rid of excess liquid.

Then the most time-consuming part of preparing currant treats awaits us: we need to sort through all the brushes and cut off the stalks from the berries.

At the next stage, we may need a blender, food processor or meat grinder with the finest mesh. Currants must be crushed into a puree, and then squeeze the juice from them. Try to chop the berries as finely as possible so that they give out more juice.

To separate the juice from the puree, we need a simple device: put a colander on a deep saucepan and line it with several layers of gauze (two or more, depending on the quality of the gauze and the density of the mesh). We put it in gauze a large number of puree and manually squeeze the juice. In the same way, all currant puree must be processed, so the cooking recipe can be called time-consuming.

You can simply send the remaining pomace to the trash can, but also experienced hostess there are probably a couple of interesting ideas on how to use the cake, for example, to make fragrant currant compote, which should be drunk chilled in summer.

Red currant jelly for the winter

We got pure currant juice without pulp and pieces of skin, to make it even more transparent, you can give the juice time to settle, and then drain the top layer so that all the sediment remains at the bottom. But this is completely unnecessary trouble, because our jelly will turn out to be transparent, richly coral in color with an amazing aroma.

The amount of juice obtained should be measured with a measuring cup in order to know exactly how much sugar we need to add. The amount of sugar depends on the storage conditions that you have determined for your blanks. If this is a cool dark place, like a basement or a refrigerator, then you can use a 1 to 1 ratio, but if you store jars in a city apartment, then there should be twice as much sugar - 1 to 2.

The juice should be poured into a bowl (in which you usually cook jams and jams) and put on moderate heat. The juice should not be brought to a boil, but only heated to a sufficient temperature so that the granulated sugar begins to dissolve quickly. Sugar should be poured into the juice in small portions, stirring the syrup. It is necessary to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

In this article, we forgot to mention that glass jars, into which you will pour a delicacy, be sure to sterilize with steam. Only in clean, sterilized jars, our currant dessert can be stored for a long time and will not deteriorate.

When the sugar is completely dissolved in the juice, our product is ready, and it can be poured into prepared jars. Now it is quite liquid and does not at all resemble the consistency of the product that we wanted to achieve. Already in jars, the mass will begin to cool and gel, it will gradually become thick. The jars must be closed tightly with lids, turned over and left under the covers until completely cooled so that air does not penetrate under the lids, from which the jars will swell. Cooled jars can be put in a place for permanent storage of your blanks.

Now it's up to you to choose which one you make. redcurrant jelly, recipe for the winter presented by us on the basis of juice also has its advantages.

Jelly from red, white currant for the winter

Unfortunately, the delicacy is not for everyone. Little preschoolers who are allergic to "red" fruits cannot eat and fresh berries and homemade preparations. Breeders have bred a unique currant variety with white berries that even those who suffer from diathesis can eat. And this berry can also be used to make homemade berry preparations, and you can add it to red berries.

Jelly from red, white currant for the winter prepared in a cold way, which allows you to save in the finished product a maximum of useful substances that are so necessary for our body in the cold season. We have already told several options available on how to use the finished product for making fillings for baking, sweet sauces for fine dining, and you can also use it as a currant concentrate for making mousses and compotes in winter for children.

Sometimes it seems to housewives that the berry delicacy turns out to be too liquid, and they strive to add gelatin to the list of ingredients, which they “dissolve” and mix with the currant mass. This step is completely unnecessary, because after cooling the delicacy will become the desired density.

most original blank from redcurrant is a jelly for the winter. When heated, the seeds of the berries gelulate the jam themselves, turning it into jam so that you do not need to add pectin, agar-agar, or gelatin when creating it! In addition, the longer you boil the pureed mass of these colorful berries, the thicker it will become when it cools.

You can store jelly in the refrigerator (prepared without heat treatment) or in the pantry (carefully sealed). Of course, you will need a little more time to prepare it, because you will have to grind the mass through a strainer, but the taste of the delicacy that you will try on cool winter days cannot be compared with anything!


You will need a 0.5 l container:

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 400 g granulated sugar

Cooking: step by step instructions

1. Ripe and fragrant red currant free from cuttings, leaves and rinse in water.

2. Pour all the berry mass into a pan with a non-stick bottom or a cauldron. Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil.

3. Then reduce the heat and boil for another 10 minutes.

4. Thoroughly grind the entire mass through a strainer, removing the cake with the pits. This long process will require a lot of patience from you, but remember that your efforts will be rewarded with a juicy taste of goodies!

5. By the way, do not throw out the currant cake, but freeze it for the winter - it will turn out very fragrant compote or kissel!

6. Pour the grated redcurrant puree into a saucepan or cauldron again and place the container on the stove. Pour sugar into it. Gently mix everything and simmer for about 10 minutes over medium heat. The longer you boil the jam, the thicker it will become, but be sure to keep an eye on it during this time period - the dessert may burn!

7. Scald jars and lids with boiling water and pour the prepared jelly into it - it pours easily when hot. Screw the lids on immediately and turn the containers upside down, leaving them to cool in this position.

8. Once the jam has completely cooled down - try turning the jars over to the bottom and you will see that it has turned into jelly. Be sure to keep some of this dessert for yourself to sample and place it in the refrigerator. So redcurrant jelly will become even thicker!

Note to the owner

1. It is advisable to freeze the cake in small portions - with the expectation of the volume of compote or jelly, which is usually prepared once per family. It is extremely difficult to break off a dose according to need from a solid block of an iced product.

2. Currant jelly without the threat of bloating and sourness is well worth it even in a very warm kitchen, but there is such a nuance: at high temperatures it will definitely exfoliate. After mixing, the consistency will become more uniform, but it will no longer be the same, flawless.

3. It is customary to consider such a preparation as a delicacy for tea or the basis of various desserts. Meanwhile, masters haute cuisine use it as a base berry sauces. Jelly does its job well when paired with wine, provencal herbs, crushed fragrant roots. As a result, the addition to the meat turns out to be slightly sweet, spicy, and the rest of the flavors depend on the accompanying components chosen by the cook. The hostess should not be afraid of innovations in the menu either - it is worth highlighting at least one jar to make seasoning for main courses from its contents. To get started, you can be guided by the simplest recipe: beat half a glass of jelly with 5 dessert spoons Riesling and 30 g finely chopped arugula.

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Take 150 g of red currant, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin, 1.5 cups of water

Now it remains to thoroughly mix the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Jelly with red currant without gelatin

And she also has a high gelling ability, so for the winter, not only compote or jam is made from berries, but also the most beautiful delicious jellies and saw.

  • 1 glass of water.
  • If you don’t want to think about the fact that redcurrant jelly can go bad, then you need to use a different recipe. it hot way, which involves heat treatment of the product. Its calorie content will be slightly less. For him we need:

Redcurrant jelly is a favorite dish for many children and adults. They can be enjoyed just like that or used in culinary experiments. For example, there is more than one recipe for cooking confectionery, soufflés and creams, cocktails and ice cream, fruit salads and fruit drinks, which include gelled jam. To in winter time replenish vitamins with the help of those substances that are carefully stored in berries, redcurrant jelly is served with dumplings and cottage cheese, pancakes and casseroles, cereals and pancakes. It's nice that the calorie content of the delicacy is low, so it will not harm the figure.

In a sterilized container, pour well-washed fruits (possible with twigs) up to half the volume, then pour boiled water to the neck hot water, temporarily cover with lids and wait half an hour. Drain the entire contents of the jars into a saucepan, pour sugar and, when it boils, cook for about 5 minutes. During this time, add a third of a bag of vanillin to each container, pour the currant compote into jars and twist with sterilized lids, then turn it upside down, close it with a blanket and wait when the workpiece cools down.​

We wash the currant and sort it out. We knead those berries that have passed the “selection” and carefully squeeze the juice out of them. Mix currant juice with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Pour the jelly into jars and cover with parchment lids.​

Sugar - 200 g;

Currant jelly with gelatin

Currant - 500 g;

Jelly lovers, or low calorie desserts, will surely draw a few for themselves delicious recipes from this article, because today we are learning how to make currant jelly.​

  • It is necessary to pour gelatin for 30 minutes with cold (well, you can use room) water. Sort the red currant, rinse with warm boiled water, shake off and rub through a sieve. Pour the cake remaining in the sieve with hot water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the prepared red currant broth, dissolve sugar in it, heat to a boil. Remove the foam from the surface of the syrup and introduce the prepared swollen gelatin into it. Stir thoroughly so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour in the previously squeezed redcurrant juice, strain, pour into molds and cool in the refrigerator.​
  • In this case, it is important to use a wooden spoon.
  • This shrub came to us from Europe. It is interesting to find out what recipes they use for harvesting for the winter. Each country boasts its own culinary traditions. For example, in Germany, redcurrants are most often used to prepare cake fillers, which are wonderfully in harmony with custard or meringue. In Scandinavia, the berry is preferred to be used as part of fruit soups and puddings.
  • First of all, we will cook sugar syrup, into which we dip the washed berries removed from the branches. After boiling, it is necessary to boil the jam, no longer than five minutes. After that, the five-minute jam is stirred with a wooden spatula, and then again placed on the fire.
  • 1 kg of sugar;

To prepare a dessert, you can use a recipe according to which a delicacy is prepared without boiling red currants. When choosing this technology, more useful substances will remain in the product. True, it is worth storing the workpiece in a cold place.

To get a fruit drink, you will need about 50 g of sugar and half a liter of water for every half a kilo of berries. First, we grind the berries with a wooden pestle in a mesh colander over any deep container, put the juice (it will turn out about 300 grams per kilo of currants) to the side, and pour the cake with water and cook with sugar for about 5 minutes after boiling. We filter the resulting "compote" and, having cooled, mix with fresh juice. We bottle it and put it in the refrigerator until the next holiday or for the winter.​

Currant jelly according to this recipe will not be as elastic as in recipes containing gelatin, but its benefits will be much higher.

gelatin (granules) - 1 tbsp. spoon;

powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;

frozen currant jelly recipe

Getting currants in the season is not difficult, because many will certainly have a couple of bushes of this berry in the country. And even if you were not lucky enough to find a fresh berry, the opportunity to enjoy a currant dessert will not bypass you, since jelly can be easily prepared on the basis of frozen fruits.

  • In advance, whole redcurrant berries or other fruits or berries can be put into molds to taste. You can use fresh or canned fruits or berries.
  • After that, you can lay out the berry puree in sterilized jars. Close them with sterilized polyethylene lids. Store such jam in a cold place.
  • Jam, jam, redcurrant jelly are rich in vitamins and tasty
  • We lay out the finished jam in jars and roll up

1 kg currant;

To test this recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

​Very often various berries and their juice pure form necessary for the treatment of colds, and among them, red currants are especially valuable because they have many useful qualities.

Currant jelly without cooking

Among all possible medicinal plants red currant occupies not the last place, while greatly differing both in composition and properties from black. The easiest way is to leave the berries in their original form and freeze if your refrigerator has a quick freeze function. In the absence of such, you can prepare red currants in syrup made from part of the berries. They pour the remaining crop without twigs in containers, after which they remove the blanks for the winter in the refrigerator.

water - 500 ml.

gelatin - 15 g;

  • Well, let's move on to the recipes.
  • (By the way, I went even further! I put a few molds in the freezer and got the most delicious popsicles in the world!)​

If you are interested in the most simple recipes, that is, such and among those that relate to the processing of red currants. For example, you can try jam without rubbing.

In the winter cold, we warm ourselves with a seagull, under which it is great to eat a jar of jam. Let's cook it from the "berry of health" - that's what the people call small bright fruits. Using proven recipes, you can make red currant blanks that no one at home will be able to refuse.

This cooking procedure must be repeated three times. After that, the blanks can be quickly sent to jars and rolled up. We wrap the jam until it is completely cool, and then place it in the pantry or other place for storage.

Red currant - preparations for the winter of healthy sweet berries

What can be cooked from red currant

0.5 liters of water.

  • 4/5 cup redcurrant juice;
  • It is an excellent hemostatic agent, diaphoretic, and also saves with fever.
  • Planting red currant


port wine - 150 g;

Harvesting red currants without heat treatment


We do not cook, we twist the cleaned through a juicer and mix with sugar.

The berries must be separated from the twigs, washed, covered with sugar and brought to a boil.

Compote and juice from red currant

But first, let's talk about distinctive features work with this berry. In general, in making jam, it is no more difficult than others.

Five-minute jam is an invaluable source beneficial trace elements and vitamins, and it is very tasty. Due to the fact that there are a lot of gelling substances in red currant, it will resemble jelly in consistency, and its calorie content allows you to use a treat during a diet.

We begin work with the processing of berries. It needs to be washed, dried and removed from the branches. After that, we combine the red currant with water and put on fire. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, immediately turn off the stove.

We prepare currants in our own juice and in the form of sauce

1 glass of sugar with a slide. Indispensable for diabetes, especially if prepared without added sugar. It is this recipe that will be offered further. Redcurrant top dressing

Soak gelatin in a glass of water for 1 hour. As soon as the gelatin swells, we dissolve it in a water bath.

cream - 150 ml.

redcurrant - 750 g;

Red currant jam

Wash, pick berries. Mash, add a little water. Put on fire, stirring. After boiling, keep on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Cool down. Rub through a sieve or squeeze juice in gauze. Boil juice in proportion with sugar 1/1 for 15-20 minutes. Pour into banks.

And for him we need to take:

The only difference is that traditionally the fruits are ground through a sieve when harvesting stocks, as most recipes require.

Some hostesses, when they first try out a recipe, worry that the delicacy will not harden. You can calm them down - even if something like juice remains in the jar in the first hours after preparation, most likely, after a day it will already have that desired mass. However, in some cases, the gelling process takes even longer, and the blanks take on their final form within a week.​

Red currant jelly without cooking - quick recipe

Features of cold preparation of a bright and healthy treat

Add sugar to a homogeneous mass and bring to a boil.

The berry must be washed and separated from the branches

So, all we need is well-washed berries without stalks. We put them in an enamel pan and heat them over low heat, or better - in a water bath until juice is formed. Next, we transfer the hot berries to sterilized jars and lightly crush them so that all the currants are immersed in the liquid. Pasteurize the container in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then it remains only to take the boiled lids and tightly cork the jars, cover them with a blanket and wait until they cool down. We clean in the cellar, pantry or on the mezzanine for the winter.

  • Blueberry compote
  • Boil the frozen currant berries together with sugar in boiling water for 1 minute. While stirring, pour the gelatin mixture into berry syrup. We filter the base for jelly through cheesecloth and pour into molds. Let it harden in the refrigerator for several hours.​


Sugar - 500 g.

​Use enamelware and the sieve is not metal! 1 kg of berries; This is not as difficult as it might seem, but after such work in any currant dessert you cannot find either a bone or a peel. Therefore, it will be very tender and tasty.

Some culinary experts believe that gelled jam should be obtained from redcurrant juice even in the process of transferring it to jars.

We have a red solution that needs to be filtered. We grind the boiled berries so that the valuable juice residues get into the mass. After cooling, filter the liquid, combine with sugar. Bring the mass to a boil, cook for half an hour, stirring all the time.

Hot way to make homemade jelly

Cooking begins with the preparation of berries. As the recipe says, they need to be washed and dried, then cut off from the branches without crushing. After that, the red currant must be mashed without using metal objects. Then we squeeze the mass through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Thus, we get natural fresh juice.​

  • Among other things, currant juice can be used as a sour sauce for fried meat or to fish. It is very easy to prepare. The juice is completely squeezed out of the berries with the help of gauze, for which they can be put additionally in a mesh colander and crushed. Next, pour the entire resulting volume of juice into an enamel pan, add 100 grams of sugar for each liter and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. When the liquid decreases in volume and remains about 1 third, pour the resulting thickened sauce into sterilized jars and close with boiled lids. We are waiting for it to cool down, and put it in the cellar or in the pantry for the winter.
  • We recommend you check out
  • Currant holds the record for vitamin C content, ahead of even citrus fruits in this parameter! Therefore, in order not to lose a valuable vitamin supply,

Before preparing currant jelly, gelatin must be poured with 5 tablespoons cold water, or milk, and leave to swell.


Juice + sugar boil for 5 minutes

1.5 cups of water;

Quick and Easy: Jelly Jam in 5 Minutes

Let's find out the most popular proven redcurrant jam recipes. The people became rich culinary traditions work with this berry. Therefore, the ways of preparing delicacies are the most diverse.

To do this, the mass must be boiled until it becomes thick and viscous, and a pink coating forms on the walls of the dishes. If such a sign is found, gelled jam is guaranteed.

Now you can pour the jelly into sterilized jars. Putting a tablespoon of sugar under the lid in blanks, roll them up. We put the jars in the pantry, and in winter we use a dish to decorate the table. beautiful jelly will be an excellent treat, and his low calorie will be the key to a beautiful figure.

  • Now you can combine the juice with sugar until the latter dissolves.
  • Currant cake can be added to dried fruits or fresh fruit when preparing compote, intended not for storage, but for quick consumption.​

For the rest, there are a lot of ways to prepare currants for storage, but you need to remember: the less the berries were subjected to heat treatment, the more they will have healing properties. Therefore, in what follows, we will consider options, starting with minimum quantity operations and ending with more complex methods of preparing fruits for long-term storage. In short, red currants can be harvested for the winter without cooking, being simply grated with sugar or even pickled, or jam, jam, marmalade, sambuk, compote or fruit drink are made from it.

We wash the currant berries and send them to a saucepan with a glass of water and 2/3 cup powdered sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and filter the syrup through a sieve.

On medium heat, heat 70 ml of water and lay the washed currant berries. We wait until all the berries begin to burst and give juice, we help them with this with a wooden spatula. The separated juice is boiled.

Secrets of successful harvesting from skilled chefs

Redcurrant jelly is the only jelly that is prepared in a "raw" way. No water and no heat treatment. Close with wax paper and store in the refrigerator.​

1.2 kg of sugar.

Many housewives are very fond of jam recipes in which the berries are not subjected to heat treatment. They are not only easier and faster to work with: due to the absence of thermal effects, the maximum of vitamins and microelements remains in the fruits. To do this healthy treat from red currant, we need the following ingredients:

Finally, consider one more piece of advice. Using any cooking recipe, it is worth boiling red currant blanks in a low dish. The ideal gelled jam or raw jelly will turn out in a wide basin - the liquid will boil away faster from it, and the mass will solidify.

Redcurrant - preparations for the winter

  • If you want to make homemade preparations in a minimum of time, you can use a quick cooking recipe. In fact, we get a five-minute gelled jam. It will be no less tasty and very useful.

Interesting and useful facts about ruby ​​red berries

To speed up the process, the recipe allows you to slightly heat the mass. However, it cannot be boiled, and it should not be brought to a hot state.

The most common preparations of berries are, of course, all kinds of jams, jams, marmalade, and preserves, without which not a single season of spins can do. Here, with the recipe of the latter, we will begin the next short list of ways to prepare red currants. So, let's start with the simplest - grinding berries with sugar. To do this, we need 1.8-2 kilos of granulated sugar for every kilogram of fruits, given that red currants are slightly tart and have a slightly sour taste. We clean the berries from leaves and twigs, after which we wash them well under cold water. We are waiting for them to dry completely (we do not need excess liquid in the workpiece), after which we pour half of each kilogram of fruit required amount sugar and grind.


To prepare the gelatin mixture for redcurrant jelly, you need to mix port wine, soaked gelatin and 2/3 cup of water in a saucepan. Cook the mixture over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, and then mix with currant syrup. Pour the jelly into molds and send it to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.​

Cooking delicious and tender jam

Add granulated sugar to the contents of the pan, mix and let it boil for another 3-4 minutes.

It doesn't need to be cooked. I scroll a berry through a meat grinder. I'm squeezing juice. For 1 liter of juice 800 grams of granulated sugar. This ratio gives very good jelly. Stir thoroughly, until the sand dissolves and immediately lay out in sterilized jars, it will seize, air will not get in. And if you lay out the jelly already, then there will definitely be a problem with air bubbles. I store in the refrigerator, the top of the jelly can be lightly powdered mustard powder This will prevent mold from growing. A frequent guest in unboiled berries.

This jam recipe is quick and easy to make. First you need to wash and dry the berries. Then we make syrup from sugar and water. When it boils, we gradually begin to introduce currants into it. Then we bring the jam to readiness and close it in the usual way.

1 kg of berries;

6 Redcurrant jelly jam

Maximum benefit in no-boil jam

We warn you that five-minute jam is not cooked for five minutes. It will take a little more time, and the calorie content of the dish will be 295 kcal. This treat will cook faster and easier than regular redcurrant jelly.​

  • Let the juice be barely warm, and the cook needs to stir it, helping to dissolve the sugar.
  • Traditionally, in order to make jam, red currants are ground, but here we will look at a way to keep the berries intact. To do this, we take approximately 1.2 kilos of granulated sugar and one and a half glasses of water for each kilogram of fruit. Fill in enamel saucepan sugar with water, bring to a boil and prepare the syrup, into which we then gently lower the berries in small portions. Cooking time - 5 minutes, then just as carefully pour the jam into sterilized jars with a ladle and close with boiled lids or parchment. Store blanks for the winter, preferably in a cool place.

As the mass softens, gradually add the remaining sugar, leaving a little for twisting. Then we lay out the currants in sterilized jars, cover with a thin layer of sugar and close. Storage preferably in a refrigerator or cellar. In a similar way, jelly is made without cooking, but first you need to grind the berries in a blender and only then mix it thoroughly with sugar, which must be taken in a 1: 1 mass ratio. We remove the finished mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then beat the chilled one again in a blender and transfer it to sterilized jars, close and put it in a cool place.

Currants - 200 g; You can make puree from the remaining berries, for this you should beat them in a blender along with the rest of the powdered sugar and cream. Serve the jelly, garnishing with fresh berries, mint leaves and currant puree. Strain the future currant jelly through gauze and pour into jars, cover nylon cover or parchment paper, and leave to solidify in the refrigerator.

A simple and quick way to prepare blanks for the winter

RAW RED CURRANT JELLY. Squeeze redcurrant juice and mix with sugar (1 liter of juice-1kg of sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour into sterilized jars, close with plastic lids. Store in a cool place.​

Remembering the high tendency for gelling that this berry has, let's study recipes on this topic. In cooking there different variants making jelly of amazing beauty. Moreover, you can use both one and several varieties of currants in different proportions.

2 kg sugar.

  • Although redcurrant is a close relative of blackcurrant, there are significant differences between them. They are not only in color or cultivation technology: the fruits of these shrubs have different composition, therefore, differ in their properties.​
  • Let's look at the recipe to find out what ingredients we need for one kilogram of red ripe currants;
  • When the syrup is ready, the cooking process is practically over. It remains to pour it into sterilized jars and cover with polyethylene roofs. Thus, the prepared redcurrant jelly can be preserved until spring, if it is put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar.

Very tasty jam, in which red currants are harvested for the winter by many housewives, since its storage does not require special conditions. To start, we need large saucepan filled almost to the top with water. After the water boils, we lower the colander with berries for blanching into the pan. We repeat the procedure until the entire crop of currants passes through boiling water. We transfer the processed fruits to an enameled basin, pouring 1.5 kilos of sugar for each kilogram and pouring 0.4 liters of water (also for each kg). Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, cooking time - until the volume is reduced by 2 times. We lay out in sterilized jars, which we lower into a pot of boiling water (there should be a folded towel at the bottom) for 15 minutes. We close the lids.

Bright red currant jelly: cooking methods

Interestingly, harvesting red currants for the winter can be done by pickling, that is, we need the same amount of sugar and 100 grams of vinegar, as well as half a liter of water for 1 kilogram of berries. We sterilize liter jars, in each we put 5 cloves, cinnamon and allspice in not large quantities, after which we lay the berries, leaving a couple of centimeters on top (along the "shoulders" of the cans). We mix vinegar with water and heat until bubbles form, that is, until a slight boil, after which we pour currants with ready-made hot marinade and close with sterilized lids. We turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and wait for cooling.

How to cook redcurrant jelly?

Amalia Zolotnikova

Sugar - 250 g.

Add unusual taste dish can be done with a small amount alcohol: table wine, high-quality port wine, or currant liqueur, will do an excellent job with this task.

Squeeze the juice from the currant, add sugar to taste. Dissolve gelatin in water and mix with currant juice. Place in the refrigerator and wait until the jelly forms (usually 3-4 hours, depending on the amount of gelatin used).​

I do this:

Alexander Nikishin

We begin work on jam with the processing of berries. They need to be sorted out, washed, dried, and then chopped. This can be done with a meat grinder or blender. After that, the mass is ground through a sieve and sugar is added to it.


It is curious that the amazingly beautiful berries that seem to glow in the sun on a summer day, our ancestors, until recently, much more appreciated for their healing abilities, and not for their taste. Therefore, red currants were grown in larger quantities than black currants.
1.5 kg of sugar;

Irina Raspopova

This dish is shown even if you follow a diet - its calorie content is 271 kcal. Raw jelly can be used during a cold. In a matter of seconds, a healthy vitamin drink is prepared from it.

Tatyana Egorova

And finally, redcurrant jelly is beautiful and delicious preparation. Pour the berries in an enamel saucepan with cold water (0.5 liters per kilogram), put on gas and bring to a boil, during which time the berries will give juice. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, remove the container from the stove and filter over another pan through a sieve. Next, grind the currants over a container with a decoction. We squeeze the cake, putting it in a gauze bag, then once again filter all the cooled liquid through a sieve, add sugar 1 to 1 and bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Before covering with boiled lids, we pour a layer of sugar to the rim, then we twist it and put it in the pantry for the winter.


Even in winter, not to mention the hot summer, it’s nice to quench your thirst with some kind of fruit drink, and compote is great for this. It can also become a decoration. holiday table. To prepare it from red currants, we need about 300 grams of sugar and 1 sachet of vanillin for 3 three-liter jars for each kilogram of berries.

Where and how to plant currants Where to plant currants

Redcurrant is valued for the content of a whole range of nutrients and trace elements. It contains pectin, folic acid, vitamin B complex, iron. In summer, the berry is available, but it will not work to freeze a large amount, but in winter, when the body is weakened by beriberi, you will not find it anymore. The best option is to make redcurrant jelly with my own hands. This is a very tasty, healthy delicacy for the whole family, which will support health in the cold season. The calorie content of the dish will not harm your figure.

Each housewife has her own secrets for preserving currant jelly. Some are cooked hot, others cold. Small cans are used, they are rolled up with a key or a euro cap. Here are some tips for making jelly:

  • Do not use metal objects to turn berries into puree, this increases the likelihood of fruit mass oxidation.
  • Instead of instant gelatin, use natural pectin, which is healthier than artificial powder.
  • Use to obtain a dense jelly structure. This ingredient will add an additional amount of useful substances to the finished product.
  • The berries themselves are sweet. Some cooks do not add sugar, being content with the glucose of the currant itself. Others prefer to sweeten the dish to reduce the risk of oxidation, spoilage of the blanks.
  • Before starting conservation, pay attention preliminary preparation wash containers, jars well, sterilize.
  • thick juice filter from berries through gauze, exclude cuttings or cake from getting into the finished mass.

How to make jelly without cooking

The process of making jelly begins with proper preparation. The berries should be washed well, cut off the cuttings, trying to crush the fruits.

  1. Then dry the currants well so that the remaining water does not get into the final product.
  2. To puree, use a wooden pestle, blender, or a quality juicer. You can not crush the berries with an iron object or twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Then carefully squeeze the resulting mass through a dense cheesecloth or sieve.
  4. Jelly juice is ready.
  5. Add sugar to the resulting liquid, stir until completely dissolved. A method of partial heating of the juice is known (a microwave is used with a mode not higher than 40 degrees), this increases the rate of dissolution of granulated sugar in the liquid.
  6. Pour the finished syrup into containers and close.
  7. The resulting sweetness will be stored until spring without significant loss of taste and benefits.

with gelatin

If you want to make a beautiful color jelly with a dense texture, use gelatin. The substance does not cause much harm to the body in limited doses. Gelatin will help the dish stay in its original shape longer (it is used to make marmalade). Necessary ingredients for making jelly:

  • red currant (150 grams);
  • gelatin (2 tablespoons);
  • water (600 ml);
  • lemon juice (1 tablespoon);
  • granulated sugar to taste.

step by step recipe:

  1. Before cooking, soak the gelatin in warm water 35 minutes. Take about 1 cup of water per 1 tablespoon of the substance.
  2. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add sugar to it, bring to a boil, let cool slightly.
  3. Grind the pre-washed and dried berries through a sieve, strain well.
  4. Mix the squeezed juice with a warm gelatin solution, to which add lemon juice.
  5. Stir the resulting mass until smooth. It is not necessary to heat and boil, the temperature of water with gelatin is enough for the complete dissolution of sugar in jelly.
  6. Pour the resulting product into containers until it cools completely.

Cold way through a juicer

The method of making jelly jam in five minutes with a juicer is faster and more convenient. Required components:

  • boiled water 0.3 l;
  • red raspberries 0.5 kg;
  • sugar 0.5.

Step-by-step instruction seaming jelly "five-minute":

  1. Peel the currants from cuttings, wash well under running water and dry. The ingress of raw water into the finished dish causes a fermentation process that will ruin all your preparations.
  2. Put water on fire and gradually add sugar to it (its amount can be reduced if the fruits are sweet).
  3. Pass the prepared berries through the juicer, mechanical processing is very fast. The juice is pure, it is used without additional filtration.
  4. Mix the resulting product with sugar syrup, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Sterilize the container before canning.
  6. Pour the resulting delicacy into jars (roll up tightly).
  7. Ready meal will keep in a cool place for up to 12 months.

No gelatin

Jelly from two types of currant looks spectacular and unusual (as in the photo in a glossy culinary magazine). For piquancy, you can leave whole berries of both varieties or one of your choice. Jelly Ingredients:

  • red currant 1 kg;
  • black currant 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar 1.5 kg;
  • white dry wine 100 ml.

Easy step by step recipe:

  1. Pre-prepare red currants, clean from legs, antennae, damaged areas. Grind it through a sieve or squeeze it with a meat grinder. Next, separate the juice through a tight cheesecloth (reserve two handfuls of whole berries for further decoration).
  2. Peel the blackcurrant thoroughly (following the example of the red one), leave it whole.
  3. Strained red currant juice mix until the sugar is completely dissolved. Better mass warm up to 40 degrees, this will allow you to quickly get a homogeneous syrup.
  4. Add black currants and red currants, half a glass of wine. Alcohol will allow the dissolved sugar to quickly penetrate into whole berries, the jelly will not deteriorate.
  5. Pour the dish cooled to room temperature, banks periodically turn over. This proportion will give a beautiful effect - the berries will be evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Jelly from a mixture of juices of red currant, raspberry and gooseberry

If you have raspberries and gooseberries at your disposal, make delicious platter with the addition of red currant juice. Mix Ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries 1 kg;
  • red currant 1 kg;
  • water 0.5 l;
  • gelatin 120 grams;
  • water 0.5 l.

Carry out the preparation according to the following scheme:

  1. Peel and rinse the berries under running water, remove all roots and rotten fruits, because of them the jelly runs the risk of becoming moldy.
  2. Soak gelatin in warm boiled water for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Process the berries individually in any convenient way (meat grinder, sieve, mortar and pestle), mix the resulting juices in turn, mixing with sugar.
  4. Let the liquid stand for 15 minutes, check the quality and completeness of the dissolution of the sand. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. Mix dissolved gelatin and juice.
  6. jelly dessert ready, it remains only to pour into containers.

Currant with oranges

Currant jelly with oranges is very useful in winter period, it retains the maximum amount of vitamins. Constituent components:

  • 5 kg of red currant;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of orange.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Prepare the berries.
  2. Wash and dry the oranges, cut off the stems.
  3. Pass the currant through a juicer.
  4. Grind citrus fruits in a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Mix the resulting puree and juice, adding sugar.
  6. Heat the mixture in an enamel saucepan to 60 degrees, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar. You can not cook the mass, it causes a loss of vitamins.
  7. Let the jelly cool and pour into a sterile container. Put the blanks in the refrigerator.

Instead of gelatin, order agar-agar, it is healthier and more practical to use. Required Ingredients:

  • red currant 1 kg;
  • water 300 g;
  • sugar 300 g (for sweet berry);
  • vanillin 1 g;
  • agar-agar 3 tsp

Step by step list of actions:

  1. Press and filter the berries through 4 layers of gauze.
  2. In hot boiled water, add 1/5 juice, vanillin, agar-agar; let the ingredient swell for an hour.
  3. Add sugar to juice and stir.
  4. We combine the obtained components and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  5. finished product pour into clean molds.

Diet without sugar on fructose

Low-calorie fructose redcurrant jelly will provide you with the opportunity to indulge your own body with a treat without fear of extra centimeters at the waist. This recipe is indispensable for diabetics. Jelly Ingredients:

  • currant 500 g;
  • fructose 150 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • dry wine (any - white or red) 100 ml;
  • boiled water 250 ml.

How to cook diet currant jelly on fructose:

  1. First, soak the gelatin for 40 minutes in warm water.
  2. While the soaking time has passed, peel and rinse the berries well. Do not leave cuttings on them, which will ruin the entire batch.
  3. Mix fructose with wine.
  4. Crush the currants with a wooden pestle in a mortar.
  5. Pour gelatin into the resulting liquid syrup and add fructose.
  6. Mix everything well and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, covering the dishes with a lid. Use only enamelware or ceramics.

What to do if the jelly does not freeze

Why does the jelly not thicken after several hours of waiting? Do not rush to panic, this dish freezes after 2-3 hours or even after a week. But if "woe" happened, there is a way out:

  • The problem arises from low-quality gelatin or a small amount of natural pectin. Pour the berry mass into a saucepan and heat a little, separately dilute an additional portion of gelatin in a small amount of water. Pour it into the heated juice, mix well and pour into molds.
  • Even the most strict observance of the recipe points does not guarantee the desired result, the reason for this is certain fruits. Citrus fruits and gooseberries contain a lot of acid, which dilutes the gelatinous mass. Before cooking, pour boiling water over the fruit, this will reduce the acidity of the environment of the final product.
  • Add to jelly quality wine, cheap alcohol under the influence of benzene compounds destroys the structure of gelatin and agar-agar algae. This will ruin your entire workpiece.
  • To “save” the jelly, make an additional portion of currant juice by adding an increased portion of the gelling agent to it. Combine both parts and mix well.
