The most delicious assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

A simple salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is a frequent guest on our tables. Of course, in winter you can buy fresh vegetables in any supermarket. But these taste winter varieties significantly inferior to cucumbers and tomatoes "just from the garden." Therefore, it is worth preparing a cucumber salad and a tomato for the winter in season. There are many recipes for this preparation.

To prepare a salad for the winter, you need to choose perfectly fresh and strong vegetables without the slightest sign of spoilage. In addition to cucumbers and tomatoes, other types of fruits and vegetables can be included in the salad. The most commonly used vegetables are onion and bell pepper. Also use carrots, cabbage, fresh green pea etc.

The workpiece is prepared in two ways. If the jars are supposed to be sterilized, then fresh vegetables are placed in them. If you plan to make a harvest without sterilization, then you need to stew the prepared vegetables. And then, hot, the prepared vegetable mass is packaged in sterile, not yet cooled jars and immediately sealed tightly.

Interesting facts: not many people know that from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are berries, and cucumbers are close relatives of melons.

Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with onions for the winter

  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 30 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

We clean and thoroughly wash all vegetables. He rubs carrots and cucumbers in long strips, as in the preparation of Korean salads.

Advice! Garlic and herbs can be added to the recipe for this salad if desired.

We heat the oil in a cauldron, dip the chopped onion into it, fry until translucent, then put the carrots and fry for another five minutes. It is necessary that the vegetables begin to settle, but not fried.

Add to cauldron Bell pepper cut into small cubes. Puree tomatoes with a blender. Grind the resulting tomato mass through a sieve so that it is homogeneous.

Add grated cucumbers and tomato mass to the cauldron, add spices and sugar, salt. Simmer at a low boil for about half an hour. At the very end of cooking, pour in the vinegar and remove the cauldron from the fire. We lay out the salad in a hot sterilized container and immediately close it hermetically. We cool without wrapping in a blanket, turning the jars upside down.

Read also: Apples for the winter - 12 simple blanks

Layered cucumber and tomato salad

This salad is not only delicious, it also looks very nice in a jar, as the vegetables are laid out in layers.

  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 gr. cucumbers;
  • 200 gr. sweet pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. Luke;
  • 50 gr. any greenery;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 50 gr. salt.

We clean all the vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers cut into slices, as in cooking regular salad. We chop the pepper into strips, the onion into thin halves of the rings. Finely chop greens and garlic.

Advice! Ideally, for this preparation, you need to use yellow bell pepper, then all the vegetables in the jars will be multi-colored.

In pre-sterilized and already cooled jars, lay out the vegetables in layers. First the onion, then the pepper. Next come the tomatoes and cucumbers. Sprinkle each layer a small amount herbs and chopped garlic.

Pour salt and sugar directly into the jars, pour vinegar. Then add boiling water to the top so that the water overflows a little. Then cover with lids and put in warm water for sterilization. We warm the jars in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then roll up, set upside down and leave to cool.

Salad "Assorted"

To prepare the Assorted salad, it is best to take green or brown tomatoes. But you can do this blank with red ones.

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 large carrots;
  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 10 large onions;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 100 gr. granulated sugar.

Pour oil and vinegar into a small saucepan, add bay leaves and peppercorns. Add sugar and salt. We put the mixture on the fire and, bringing to a boil, remove. The sugar in the marinade should have time to completely dissolve, so the mixture must be stirred when heated.

We clean and wash vegetables. Cut cucumbers into thin circles, tomatoes into slices. Three carrots, and cut the onion into thin rings. We mix everything, pour the marinade and cook at a very low boil for half an hour.

We lay out the hot salad in hot sterilized jars, immediately close hermetically. We cool "under a fur coat."

Salad "Hunter"

The "Hunter" salad turns out very tasty, it is prepared from a mixture of vegetables.

  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 250 gr. Sahara;
  • 80 gr. salt;
  • 250 ml of refined oil;
  • We prepare all vegetables - we wash, what is necessary - we clean. We take large saucepan and lay out in layers:

    • carrots, cut into thin circles;
    • shredded cabbage;
    • thin onion half rings;
    • wider half rings of bell pepper;
    • thin circles of cucumbers;
    • tomato slices.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 60 min

Now the time has come when there was plenty of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. But I want these vegetables to please not only in the summer, but also. Therefore, you need to take care of this in advance. An excellent solution to this issue would be a great salad that can be rolled up in jars and stored. all year round in a cool place. In order for your preservation to stand for a long time, for this you need to thoroughly wash all vegetables, sterilize jars, lids.

Preparing a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter.

- cucumbers - 5 kg,
- tomatoes - 2 kg,
- sweet pepper - 8 pieces,
- hot pepper - 2 pieces,
- garlic - 2 heads,
- sugar - 200 grams,
- salt - 2 tablespoons,
- vinegar - 200 grams.

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Output - 6 liters.

Step by step recipe with photo:

For a salad of tomatoes and peppers for the winter, take 5 kg fresh cucumbers. It is not necessary to take cucumbers all even. Cut them into circles of 3-5 cm each. If the cucumber is very large in diameter, then you can cut it in half.

Then cut into cubes of 5-7 cm 2 kg of tomatoes.

Take 8 sweet peppers, de-seed and cut into small strips, about 5 cm long and 3 cm wide.

Pre-peeled 2 heads of garlic and 2 pieces of hot pepper, finely chop in any shape.

Then prepare 200 grams of sugar, 200 grams of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

When all the ingredients are prepared, you can proceed to the very process of preparing a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Take a saucepan with a volume of about 8 liters.

First put the tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, hot peppers, salt, sugar and vinegar. Mix everything and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then put the cucumbers in the pan.

Tip: first put half of the cucumbers, mix, and then lay out the rest. Boil the cucumbers for another 15 minutes. You can determine the readiness of cucumbers by color. As soon as they become golden, the salad can be turned off and laid out in jars.
Be sure to sterilize the jars beforehand. To do this, pour some water into a metal kettle and bring to a boil. Remove the lid of the kettle and invert the jar over the steam so that it sterilizes well. Be careful not to burn your hands.

Tip: you can lower the ladle into the kettle and put a jar on it. Sterilize each jar for about three minutes. Lower the lids to the bottom of the kettle, so they will also be sterilized.

Order jars with metal lids and leave them to cool for a day. Later ready salad from cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers can be cleaned in a dark, cool place.
Recall that last time we stocked up

Here you want to serve to the table, as many of your various blanks as possible. Boast a little about the harvest (and why not), surprise guests, or maybe just eat deliciously. Here, just such a blank is suitable, like assorted tomatoes and cucumbers. Universal thing, I'll tell you.

Below I will share my secrets and tips on how to preserve unusual and delicious assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter. different ways and tell you what you need for this.

A few days earlier, I told you how to cook deliciously and quickly from fresh vegetables from the garden. Recipes for their preparation can be found on the website. Now we will talk about the most famous summer crops - tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as cooking recipes. delicious snacks of these vegetables for the winter.

Let's get started!

A classic recipe for assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with dill and garlic

Here we will preserve only two products, such an assortment without additives, but of course with spices. It's delicious, trust me!

Should be taken for harvesting:

  • Ripe cucumbers, but strong tomatoes without damage in the amount of 3 - x liter jar(you can take some fruits more, some less, or put products in equal shares).
  • 1.5 liters of water for each three-liter jar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 4 spoons of sugar.
  • 20 ml. table vinegar.
  • 2 dill tops (umbrellas).
  • Peppercorns (to taste, usually enough for a jar of 5-6 pieces).
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2-3 bay leaves.

Cucumbers, assorted tomatoes are best taken in small sizes and with a dense texture, overripe and rotten products in this case won't fit.

Action steps:

1. Rinse all containers under water with soda, and then sterilize them in a convenient way, both steam sterilization and microwave or oven sterilization are suitable.

2. The covers that will be used for harvesting must be new, plus they must be boiled for 5 minutes beforehand.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, in the latter in each fruit, cut off the tips on both sides.

4. Fill clean sterile containers with prepared fruits, while packing the ingredients as tightly as possible.

5. Boil the indicated amount of water, pour the jar with boiling water, let it stand for about fifteen minutes without covering.

6. Drain the water into a saucepan, add all the ingredients necessary for preparing the marinade according to the list, mix, let the brine boil again.

7. Pour the boiled marinade back into the jar and now cork properly, turn over onto the lids, cover with any blanket and leave to cool in the room for a day. After such seaming procedures, you can open and put away in any place convenient for you for storage in the winter.

Assorted vegetables marinated with tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini

Like, I think, in any dacha or garden, that - that and the harvest of zucchini always succeeds well. That's really unpretentious culture, and good. So we add it to jars with assorted tomatoes and cucumbers. A little sweet aftertaste that the zucchini will give will not hurt, but will only give our workpiece a certain taste.

For the marinade we take (calculation for three three-liter containers):

  • Water - 5 liters.
  • Salt and sugar in equal number- 30 grams.
  • Table vinegar without flavors (9%) - 150 ml.

For salting:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes 2.5 kg each.
  • 2-3 small zucchini (zucchini), can be replaced with squash.
  • 3 bulbs.
  • An umbrella of dill in each container.
  • 6 bay leaves.
  • 3 peppercorns per container, total 9 pcs.
  • 2 peas of allspice, total 6 pcs.
  • 6 dry cloves.

How this assortment is prepared:

Pick up medium-sized vegetables, best of all young and strong in consistency. Wash them, cut zucchini and cucumbers into large circles.

Sterilize the jars, place dill, laurel, garlic, cloves and peppers in them at the very bottom, then lay them out as the gardener likes. You can alternate vegetables, or you can lay out layers.

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, pour boiling water over the products, then cover with lids and leave for ten minutes.

Drain all the liquid back, salt, sweeten, pour in the vinegar, send it back to the stove.

As soon as the marinade boils again, fill them with tomatoes and cucumbers, cover with new, sterilized lids and roll up for the winter.

Wrap the finished seamings well with a warm blanket, leave the container in the room until morning, and then put it away to be stored in the pantry or cellar.

Recipe for a delicious platter of tomatoes and cucumbers with bell peppers

It will be fragrant and delicious preparation for the winter. It is eaten at once, one has only to open the jar.

You need to prepare for cooking:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes (take the amount depending on the number of jars and their size).
  • Bulgarian pepper at the rate of one fruit per one jar.
  • Small head of garlic (4-5 cloves).
  • Horseradish leaf (one per container).
  • Umbrella dill.
  • 5 peppercorns.
  • A couple of sprigs of parsley.
  • A teaspoon of grain mustard.
  • 2-3 currant leaves.

To fill one three-liter:

  • 3 spoons of granulated sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons without a hill of coarse salt.
  • 1.5 liters of pure water.
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence.

Action algorithm:

Pre-sterilize all containers and lids for seaming.

Wash the vegetables from the garden, cut the tomatoes into large slices, if the variety is used small, you can leave them whole, peel the pepper from the internal partitions and seeds, cut into strips, use the gherkin cucumbers whole, cut large varieties into circles.

Wash the greens, dry, put on the bottom of the container, add peppercorns and mustard, put chopped garlic.

Tamp vegetables on top.

Pour boiling water over the workpiece for 20 minutes, which should then be drained into a saucepan.

Add sugar and salt to the brine, stir until these products are completely dissolved.

Pour jars with all this, add to each vinegar essence, roll up.

Until completely cooled, put in the room, turning the necks down and covering with a warm blanket.

Adding cauliflower to the recipe will add even more originality and piquancy to the preparation.

To prepare one liter assorted vegetables we take:

  • Three small cucumbers.
  • Five tomatoes (it is better to use medium-sized varieties).
  • Broccoli about 200 grams.
  • One bell pepper.
  • One medium sized onion.
  • Two carrots.
  • Four cloves of garlic.
  • Two cloves.
  • Two bay leaves.
  • Top-umbrella from dill.

For brine:

  • Vinegar nine percent - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Water - 700 ml.
  • Salt and sugar - a teaspoon.

Procurement stages:

Wash all greens and vegetables well. We cut the onion and carrot into circles, pepper strips, cut off the ends of the cucumbers, leave the tomatoes whole, disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences.

We sterilize the containers, put all the prepared greens, as well as spices and garlic, at the very bottom.

We fill the jars with vegetables, while laying out the ingredients as you like.

Pour boiling water into a container with ingredients, let it stand for a little, literally 10-15 minutes.

We drain the marinade, bring it to a boil again and fill the jars again. We repeat these actions one more time, after which we roll up the products, wrap them up and leave them warm until they cool completely.

An incredibly interesting preparation of assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with grapes

When you pull out of the bins such homemade, open it and invite guests to try this miracle of conservation, at first everyone will salivate, and then compliments will pour in your direction. The taste of such an assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers cannot be compared with classic version. You can say this - "Taste specific"!

You will need to prepare the filling:

  • Liter of pure water.
  • Tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • Two spoons of granulated sugar.
  • A spoonful of classic table vinegar.
  • Soy sauce 1 tbsp. l.

From vegetables and spices we take:

  • Tomatoes and cucumbers in equal quantities.
  • 150-200 gr. seedless green grapes
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 2 leaves of laurel.
  • Dill umbrella.
  • A quarter of ground or grated chili.
  • One bell pepper is the smallest.
  • Hell leaf.


Put all the cooked greens in sterile containers on the bottom, you must first wash it, add grated chili, chopped garlic or whole cloves, bay leaves.

Fill the jars with clean vegetables and grapes, while the seeds should be removed from the bell pepper. Also, this product can be cut in half, or you can lay it whole.

Put water to boil, add all the ingredients according to the recipe for the brine, except vinegar and sauce, boil for 2 minutes and pour into jars.

After ten minutes, drain the liquid, boil again, distribute into jars, add directly to the jars soy sauce, again withstand ten minutes and drain, repeat the procedure.

Pour marinade for the last time, add vinegar to the container and roll up.

Turn the jars over onto the lids, cover, leave for 24 hours.

Preservation of assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for beginners - a step-by-step video recipe from A to Z

Here, the aunt will really tell everything and show you how to act correctly, in what sequence. For those who are just starting to put their blanks, a good and understandable guide.

  1. Assorted gardening is best to choose small, firm, without signs of decay.
  2. Tomatoes are traditionally put whole in such blanks, but the rest of the ingredients can be cut or also used whole if desired.
  3. An excellent addition to assorted tomatoes and cucumbers can be eggplant, zucchini, squash, colored, white or Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, cranberries, currants, grapes, some other vegetables and berries.
  4. The most suitable greens and seasonings for such a preparation are parsley, dill, cherry tree leaves, currant, oak, horseradish, and tarragon.

Harvest large crops and cook a lot of delicious, home-made preparations for the winter.

Good luck and all the best!

Assorted vegetables among the recipes take first place. The hostesses are happy to consider them, combine different combinations of vegetables. They are in demand because of their versatility, speed of preparation. Such spins are well worth it, do not require special storage conditions.

Assorted for the winter a simple recipe

Pickled assorted looks beautiful. Can be put in a jar different vegetables which complement each other perfectly. Such spins allow you to quickly replenish stocks for the winter, save time and dishes.

Before you start canning, you need to prepare vegetables. We choose hard tomatoes, you can take not quite ripe ones, they will behave better in boiling syrup, they will not spread.

We prepare vegetables, wash them, clean them from tails, roots. You can make a curly cut using a special knife. If you have small children, they will be delighted with various pickled figurines.

We cut at our discretion. Standard: zucchini, carrots in slices across the width, tomato, cucumber, whole garlic, onion can be whole or divided, cauliflower can also be divided.

Layer prepared vegetables.

In a container we combine water, all components for the marinade. It needs to be boiled. Carefully fill the dishes. If you pour in all the liquid at once, the dishes may burst.

Bring water to a boil in a large bucket. We carefully place our dishes for sterilization. On the neck of the jar you need to put a processed lid. In bubbling boiling water, vegetables are sterilized for about 15 minutes. If the dishes are 2 liters in volume - you need 10 minutes, 1 liter - 5-7 minutes.

Spin immediately. It is cooled upside down, it is necessary to cover. This will steam the vegetables better.

Assorted cucumbers the most delicious recipe for the winter

For this recipe, it is necessary to select small, dense fruits. We place them in water for 1.2-2 hours. During this time, bitterness will come out, if any, in cucumbers. After heat treatment, the fruits will be hard, crispy. Recipe without sterilization, preparation is designed for one 3-liter bowl.

Cooking begins with the processing of dishes, lids. By the time the vegetables are laid, it should cool down.

Wash greens and vegetables thoroughly. Peel the garlic, wash. Cut the stems off the cucumbers. So that during scalding the tomatoes do not burst, you need to pierce the skin with a toothpick.We fill the dishes first with greens, then with layers of cucumbers, tomatoes. We scald the fruits in a bowl with ordinary boiling water. We carry out this procedure twice.

We fill the dishes to the very top. We spin quickly. Remember that the lid must be processed.

Be sure to wrap, cools upside down.

Assorted tomatoes and cabbage for the winter

First you need to put the cabbage in warm salted water for three hours. During this time, bitterness, sand will come out, it will become softer.If there are small pests, under the influence of salt they will come to the surface.

After three hours of pickling, remove the cabbage, disassemble the head into small portions. They will go better with boiling water, the jars will not become cloudy during storage.

Chop the washed carrot into cubes, dissolve the pepper into strips. Remove stems from tomatoes. We put the prepared vegetables in a pre-treated dish. In a container, dilute all the ingredients for the marinade, boil. Pour boiling marinade, quickly twist. At the output we get 8 liters of assorted.

Marinated assorted vegetables for the winter

For the preparation of this recipe, vegetables are selected at your discretion. There is no categorical choice. The recipe is equally well suited for some positions separately. You can add what your family loves more.

Before moving on to vegetables. You should prepare the dishes, process it. Vegetables are laid only in a chilled dish.

We prepare vegetables. Remove stems from tomatoes, rinse. Pre-soak the cabbage in warm salted water, the recommended time is from 1 to 3 hours. Then it will need to be divided into parts, they should easily fit through the neck of the jar. Peel onions, carrots, beans, wash thoroughly. By the time of laying, they should not be water.

Tomatoes must be pierced with a toothpick, when exposed to boiling water, they will not burst. We add small cucumbers whole, large ones can be divided into several parts, so they marinate better. Break the pepper into strips. If you put zucchini, choose young ones, they contain a much smaller number of seeds. Small, young cut in width. If the fruits have a lot of seeds, thick skin, peel.

We fill the bottom of the dish with washed herbs. Layer all vegetables.

  • We fill the dishes with boiling water, to the very base. Cover with a processed lid, defend for 10 minutes.
  • After the allotted time for steaming, we drain the liquid. It may decrease when draining, due to the fact that the vegetables are slightly saturated with water. Add, bring it to a boil again, fill the dishes again, steam for another 10 minutes.
  • We carry out a drain, in a container we combine all the components for pickling, boil for about 5 minutes. We fill the dishes for the third time, quickly twist.

Cool wrapped upside down.

Pickled cucumber tomatoes for the winter

In preparation for the preservation of assorted, the choice of fruits is important. Cucumbers should be small, dense. Before laying in jars, they must be kept for several hours in cold water while they are saturated with liquid, they will become tender, crispy. Tomatoes are chosen small, slightly unripe, when exposed to boiling water, the skin will not burst.

If overripe tomatoes are caught, their skin will burst, the marinade will become cloudy, and the tomato itself will spread.

There may be more cucumbers or tomatoes in the jar, it depends solely on the taste preferences of your family.

We prepare vegetables. Rinse the pre-soaked cucumbers, remove the tails, also free the tomatoes from the tails, rinse, pierce with a toothpick. We lay the bottom in the bowl with greens, prepared leaves. Be sure to add garlic. Next, add the vegetables.

  • Fill the dishes with boiling water to the very top, steam the fruits for at least 10 minutes. We drain the liquid.
  • Pour a second time with boiling water, steam for at least 10 minutes. We drain the liquid.

In a container we combine all the ingredients for pickling. Boil 5 minutes. We fill the dishes to the very top, twist the processed lid.

You need to cool upside down, be sure to cover.

Assorted cucumber tomato cabbage for the winter

interesting and piquant taste have assorted tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers. Every hostess can do such a preparation.

Rinse the vegetables, remove the tails from the cucumbers, tomatoes, peel the garlic.

Cut the cabbage into small pieces.

Let's move on to the vegetables. Line the bottom with greens. Next we put cabbage, it is the densest, next we lay cucumbers, tomatoes at the very top. Do not forget, they must be pierced with a toothpick.

We fall asleep all the ingredients for the marinade. It is necessary to boil 1.5-2 liters of water. At the same time, we put a container with water for sterilization. The water should get very hot. Pour boiling water into a bowl with vegetables. Then sterilize for at least 20 minutes.

We twist, the twist wrapped is cooled, it is not necessary to turn it over.

Assorted zucchini and cucumbers for the winter

For cooking you need large quantity cucumber in relation to zucchini. You need to lay the cucumber from below, it is denser, first soak it in water for two hours. Zucchini is more tender, we spread it on top.

Zucchini is chosen young, it contains fewer seeds.

Rinse, cut in width, plump plate. Wash cucumbers, remove stems. We put greens, garlic, peppercorns in the dishes on the bottom. Next, put the cucumber, chopped zucchini under the top. We try to lay vegetables tightly to each other. We fall asleep to them all the ingredients for pickling. Pour boiling water to the very top.

Zucchini can be bookmarked in different ways, whole, cut.

Sterilize a large jar for at least 15-20 minutes. We twist with a steamed lid. Be sure to cover until completely cooled.

Assorted sweets for the winter

Such preservation can be closed strictly adhering to the weight given in this recipe. You can lay vegetables at your discretion, adhering only to the marinade recipe.

We start cooking by preparing the dishes. It must be steamed or fried in an oven, microwave - oven, at your discretion. Also, don't forget the lids. In a cooled dish, lay the washed greens, peppercorns, garlic.

We prepare vegetables. My, we release tomatoes from the tails, cucumbers from the roots, we divide the cabbage into small parts. We put the prepared vegetables tightly in a bowl. The denser the better, under the influence of water they will sit down. There will be plenty of free space.

In a container we combine all the ingredients for pickling. Bring to a boil, marinade should boil for at least 5 minutes. Pour the twist with boiling liquid. We put on sterilization. For a large jar, you need 15 minutes. We process 0.5-1 liter for 5-7 minutes. 2 liters 7-10 minutes.

After the allotted time, we twist the treated lid. Covering a small container is not necessary. But you need a big one.

Assorted vegetables for the winter in a jar cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions

Very original recipe. The spin is well worth it, the brine does not become cloudy over time. The combination of vegetables gives the preservation a piquant, unique taste. In one jar is the whole garden. Using this recipe, you save time, money for the purchase of expensive dishes. Each member of the family has the opportunity to choose exactly what he likes more.

We start cooking by preparing the dishes. Thoroughly wash, steam with the lid. Wash vegetables, clean well. Thoroughly clean the carrots. We remove the tails from tomatoes, cucumbers. Onion, garlic free from the husk.

We cut the carrot, pepper along the width into a thin layer. Greens, not chopped garlic, put on the bottom of the dishes. Cucumbers, followed by tomatoes, dissolve the pepper into strips, lay along the walls.

Combine all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. Bring to a boil. Strongly hot fill to the very base. Let's move on to sterilization. In a large container, pour water almost to the very neck of the jars. When the liquid begins to boil, lower the jars with freshly poured boiling water, sterilize for about 15 minutes. After the allotted time, we quickly roll up. Cool upside down.

If the cucumbers were laid large, the twist must be covered.

Assorted cauliflower for the winter

The cauliflower is very useful product, but in winter time very costly. In combination with vegetables, it has a delicate sweetish taste, which is why it is in great demand among housewives. To use it for conservation, you must first blanch it, it will become softer, the subsequent heat treatment will be better.

We wash greens, vegetables. We cut off the tails of the cucumbers, carefully clean the carrots, garlic. cauliflower it is necessary to disassemble into twigs, carrots, cut the pepper in width with a plate. We lay the garlic with a whole clove. We line the bottom with herbs, spices. We lay the prepared vegetables.

We divide the number of spices into three equal parts, lay in each jar. We do the same with vinegar. We boil water. Pour prepared jars with vegetables. Sterilize for 10 minutes. We twist. Cooled upside down, covered.

Marinated assortment for the winter without sterilization

Exists a large number of recipes for marinating assorted. There are two types, sterilization and a simpler, but lengthy method of steaming vegetables with boiling water. Both methods are good. The twist is equally great.

First, let's prepare the vegetables. Thoroughly clean and rinse. In our case, delicacy is the key to success. Preservation utensils, lids must be well processed. Don't forget to remove the stems from the cucumbers. Small side cuts will help them soak better.

Scald the contents of the jar with boiling water. Vegetables are steamed for 10 minutes. Do not forget to cover with a lid, steaming will be better.

After the allotted time, we drain the liquid. The procedure of scalding and draining is repeated twice.

We spin quickly. We cool the twist in an inverted state, always covered.

Videos winter assortment

This the recipe will do for those who need to solve a problem - how to close overgrown cucumbers for the winter, if only one and a half liter jars remained free. There you are great recipe: assorted for the winter of cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers. The preparation is not only very tasty, but also looks great. True, this is exactly what you dreamed of, looking at a bucket with hefty cucumbers? As you already understood, the solution is quite simple: we will cut the cucumbers into slices. And if you have smaller jars, then you can also divide these slices in half. Then other vegetables will need to be added more: take a pound of tomatoes, and six pieces of peppers. For taste, we will add a little garlic, onion and parsley to the assortment. Marinated such assorted without sterilization. The double pour method, which is familiar to almost everyone who has dealt with home canned vegetables.

Ingredients (for 3 cans of 1.5 l):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs. (small)
  • cream tomatoes - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • spicy capsicum- 0.3 pod
  • Marinade:
  • Water - 2 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp.
  • peppercorns - 12 peas
  • allspice - 9 peas

How to cook assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter

Before starting the process of pickling vegetables, you should take care of sterilizing jars and lids. We wash the jars (preferably with soda) and let the water drain. Then we resort to one of the many methods of sterilization. In this case, I used in the simplest way and sterilized the jars in the oven. To do this, I preheated the oven to 130 degrees and put the jars upside down on the grate. 15 minutes - and the banks are ready.

Boil the lids for 3 minutes.

My cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut each cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts. It should be noted that this only makes sense in the case of overgrown cucumbers, which in general take up too much space in the bank.

Carefully put the slices of cucumbers in "columns" in jars. If you, like me, are going to use one and a half liter jars, you will notice that there is enough empty space on top of the cucumbers to fill it with other vegetables. Put a quarter of an onion, a couple of garlic cloves, bell pepper slices and cream tomatoes in each jar. Do not forget about the bay leaf with a piece of hot pepper.

Fill a saucepan with 3 liters of water and put it on fire. After boiling, fill jars with assorted boiling water and cover them with sterilized lids on top. Leave the banks in this form for 10 minutes. If there is excess water left in the pan, pour it out.

Then take the covers off and set them aside. We close each jar in turn with a special plastic lid with holes and drain the water back into the pan.

Bring the water to a boil again. This time it will be not just boiling water, but a full-fledged marinade. Add 3 tablespoons of salt (without a slide), 6 tablespoons of sugar (without a slide) and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the water. Boiled marinade again fill the jars to the top, add peppers (black and allspice) and cover with lids. We roll up the assortment.

Turn the jars upside down. This is very important as this is how the final blockage will occur. Due to the hot brine, the rubber bands on the lids will swell and further prevent the passage of oxygen into the jar, therefore, this will eliminate the fermentation process.

We cover the jars with assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers with a blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely, and then put it in a dark, cool place (basement, pantry).