How delicious to cook a regular salad. Salads with salad are the most healthy snack. Salad with raspberries and feta cheese.

January 29, 2017 2178

Fans of diet salads have already heard about the benefits of lettuce leaves. Many are used in cooking various kinds salads - lettuce, watercress, romaine, iceberg, and this is only the smallest part.

It goes well with cheese, vegetables, fish, meat or poultry. As light dinner or a snack can be prepared delicious salad with lettuce leaves. It is not customary to season this dish with mayonnaise; as a rule, various sauces based on sour cream, olive oil or yogurt are used for dressing.

The bitter taste melanges as you move towards the pale center. Its robust leaves give a green crunch to mixed green salads. This is a bold choice of raw materials, with a rather bitter and spicy taste, which greatly improves when cooked. Try grilling or roasting it for a surprisingly sweet result.

Brassicas are members of the mustard family and are also referred to as cruciferous vegetables. In general, vegetables in this category are especially rich in nutrients - they contain a large number of phytonutrients that can prevent cancer and other diseases.

For those who have not yet had time to appreciate all the charm lettuce leaves, we present recipes for delicious and light salads.

Light lettuce and chicken salad


  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • city ​​bun or loaf;
  • chicken fillet;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of ground paprika;
  • a teaspoon of sesame;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Time is 50 minutes.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy arugula is to toss it into a light lemon vinaigrette and serve it over a simple fresh baked pizza. All the hype surrounding kale is unfounded: it's high in fiber and its nutrient content is off the charts. And we love its earthy, slightly grassy taste. Many varieties of kyle such as curly, baby, lacinato help ensure it never gets old even if you eat it several days a week.

Kale is as versatile as it is nutritious, great in salads, soups, pasta, smoothies. Lately, however, it's poignant a small amount of finds all his own. It usually grows along the banks of rivers and streams; for better taste Forage harvesters prefer to pluck leaves from those plants that are not yet flowering.

Nutritional value - 150 kilocalories.

Salad with lettuce and chicken should be prepared as follows:

, benefits and harms, how to properly prepare diet meals.

These greens may not belong to one of the more common families, but they all stand up on their own. From the amateur forage chaser to the popular spinach, here are some more delicious green salads. Its tiny, slightly velvety leaves taste sweet and almost nutty and lend themselves to a variety of salad preparations. It is especially rich in nutrients, too ounce for ounce, it contains even more iron than spinach.

But it's so common - you can find several pre-mixed salad bags and boxes at just about any grocery store in North America - that we thought we'd cover it here. Mesclun originated in France, and the word mesclun is thought to be derived from the French word mescla, which means "to mix". It can contain any number of salad-friendly greens, ranging from neutral to bitter flavors and feathery to crunchy textures. When you are not sure which green color to use in a salad, just go to a bag of mesclone - this will usually get you there.

jellied pie With canned fish with mayonnaise - unexpectedly baking.

Caesar salad"


  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • ten pieces of cherry tomatoes;
  • one bunch of lettuce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • five slices of city bread or loaf;
  • olive oil;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • two egg yolks;
  • dry herbs;
  • two teaspoons of granular mustard;
  • 100 grams of Parmesan.

Time is 30 minutes.

Often described as "juicy" and "lemony," the tiny gopher leaves make a unique salad all on their own, or they add wonderful flavor when scattered among other greens. By common sense, no other green is higher in fatty acids omega 3 than suslin.

Spinach is extremely nutrient-dense, and its mild, slightly herbal flavor makes it easy to plant in salads, wraps, and smoothies that even so-called spinach haters might not even know they are. There are several varieties, but the spinach that most of us are familiar with—both small-leafed baby spinach and adult spinach—has smooth, firm, deep green leaves.

Calorie content - 186 kilocalories.

Stages of cooking Caesar salad with lettuce and chicken step by step:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare garlic croutons. This can be done in several ways - bake in the oven or fry in a pan. Most importantly, crackers should acquire a garlic flavor. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a small bowl, cut the garlic into thin slices and beat off a little. Then add the garlic to the oil and heat in the microwave for half a minute. Cut the bun or loaf into cubes. Cover a baking sheet with foil, put crackers on it and coat with garlic butter, then bake in the oven;
  2. Wash the chicken fillet and dry. Then it must be cut into cubes and fried in vegetable oil;
  3. Now you need to prepare the sauce for Caesar. Boil chicken eggs in boiling water for about five minutes. The yolks must be separated from the proteins and carefully grind. Gradually pour in the olive oil, stirring constantly, add the lemon juice and beat well with a whisk or mixer. Then you need to add grated cheese, mustard and herbs;
  4. We tear lettuce leaves with our hands and distribute them along the bottom of the container. Drizzle them with caesar sauce. Arrange the chicken pieces and garlic croutons on top of the lettuce leaves. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add to the salad, pour the sauce on top.

Warm appetizer with liver and lettuce

Time is 30 minutes.

Have we missed out on any great salad greens or crazy preparation ideas? Bright and light, this is one of the most popular greens used in the preparation of many, including popular ones such as Caesar Salad. It is said that the annual plant was first cultivated by the ancient Greeks, where it was of great importance and was also used for religious ceremonies. Over time, it made its way to the rest of Europe and gained popularity, and by the 18th century, various varieties lettuce.

P. Which differ not only in shape and color - from bright green to red and even gold, as well as jagged leaves - too. Because it is a delicate leafy green that has a short lifespan, it is always advisable to keep it fresh without keeping it too long. This is the best way to enjoy your crunch and delicate taste. You can, of course, with this one, but there are many other delightful ways you can use it to create a home. From healthy wraps and meat tacos to spring rolls, our 10 best recipes lettuce will spoil you for your choice.

Nutritional value - 179 kilocalories.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Lettuce leaves rinse, dry, chop with a knife or tear with your hands;
  2. Wash the mango, peel and pit, and finely chop;
  3. If a chicken liver frozen, you need to wait until it is completely thawed. We wash the liver well and clean it from films and veins. We cut the offal into pieces of medium size;
  4. Add oil to the pan, salt the liver and fry for half an hour over low heat. The liver should turn out tender and soft;
  5. Now you need to prepare the dressing. To do this, beat Dijon mustard with olive oil, add a couple of tablespoons of linden honey and mix well. Spicy lovers can add a little pepper;
  6. We form holiday salad. For a big beautiful dish spread the lettuce leaves, then place the mango pieces and warm fried liver. After that, the salad should be poured with honey-mustard dressing.

Recipe with tuna


We bring a beautiful dish to the table

Whether you collect them in sandwiches and burgers or use them as a filling wrap or cheesy topping, once you start experimenting with it, you'll be surprised at its versatility. And if you go the route, it makes the perfect party where you can serve it in place of crackers or pita bread to go along with a range of dips.

A popular Mexican treat gets a health spirit with salad replacing flour-based shells. Fill it with lip mix. Stuffed with vegetables and shrimp, these cold spring buns are best served with chili sauce and peanuts. Lettuce - lettuce leaves and leafy herbs, plants and shoots that are used in salads. The range of lettuce available in supermarkets is constantly improving. Where it once seemed like crunchy soft iceberg or soft round-leaf salads were the only option, now we can choose from a wide variety of textures, colors and flavors.

  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • eight cherry tomatoes or one large tomato;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • four quail eggs;
  • a can of canned tuna;
  • green onions;
  • three pieces of radish;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • bell pepper;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.

Time is 30 minutes.

Making a simple and easy mango salad

You only need one variety of lettuce to make a salad, although it can be delicious to mix three or four whose flavors complement each other; More than that and tastes will compete. Guide the mixture of leaf shape, texture, sweetness and color: a balanced shell with a soft, buttery lamb salad and a loose textured frieze and colorful oak leaf or lollo rosso to make a pretty ball of lettuce, then garnish with tender herbs such as dill.

Green salad with meat

Ready-made lettuce leaves are convenient but decompose quickly and are sometimes washed with chemical mixtures to extend their shelf life. Look instead for those who have only been washed in spring water, or buy unwashed leaves. Don't forget the "green traders and farmers" markets, which will feature more unusual options such as Dandelion, Doorman and Treviso when they are in season.

Calorie content - 80 kilocalories.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  1. Boil chicken and quail eggs, dip in cold water and peel. We cut chicken into four parts, and quail into two parts;
  2. We wash lettuce leaves and recline in a colander;
  3. Cherry tomatoes cut into halves, and a large tomato - into small cubes
  4. Green onion cut into rings;
  5. All prepared ingredients, except eggs, mix and season with lemon juice, salt, oil and pepper;
  6. Open a can of tuna and drain the oils. Mash the fish with a fork, add to the dish, mix and lay the egg on top.

Lettuce leaves with dirt still clinging to them can feel uncomfortable, but leaving them unwashed and, if necessary, attached to their stem is the best way keep them fresh. Store them in a plastic box or in a sealed bag in the salad bowl of the refrigerator.

Light lettuce and chicken salad

To prepare lettuce leaves, separate them from the stem, if necessary, and remove any discolored spots. Gently swirl the leaves in cold water. The tissue will help you dry them quickly and gently - you must dry the leaves thoroughly before using them so that they do not thin the dressing.

Salad with turkey and tofu


  • 200 grams of turkey;
  • 100 grams of tofu;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • glass of water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • two tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • lemon;
  • celery;
  • a tablespoon of Dijon mustard;
  • a teaspoon of oyster sauce;
  • a teaspoon of sesame oil;
  • a teaspoon of soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic.

Time - 40 minutes.

In general, it's best to tear the lettuce leaves to the desired size. If you're making shredded or shredded lettuce, be sure to use a sharp knife to prevent bruising. Be aware that the roots of some lettuce leaves, such as corn salad, lamb and mache salad, edible. To dress the salads, pour the dressing into a salad bowl, add the leaves, then gently toss with your hands until the leaves are evenly coated.

We all had one of those amazing salads that was so good we just had to keep the crowd in our mouths. Just greens, a vegan or two, and a drizzle. You eat it because you know it's good for you, and that's what it is. Complex does not necessarily mean complexity or laboriousness.

Calorie content - 205 kilocalories.

An exquisite salad is prepared in this way:

  1. Peel and finely chop the celery and asparagus;
  2. Tomatoes need to be dipped in boiling water, then remove the skin and remove the inside, cut the flesh into slices;
  3. Mix tomatoes with asparagus and celery;
  4. We tear lettuce leaves with our hands and add to vegetables;
  5. We cut the turkey into thin slices, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, grease with oil and stuff with garlic. Fry the fillet in a pan on both sides;
  6. Cut the tofu into chunks. From the flour cold water and salt we prepare the batter;
  7. We dip the tofu sticks into the batter and lightly fry in pre-heated oil;
  8. We're preparing the sauce. Mix oyster sauce, sesame oil, Dijon mustard, soy sauce, lemon juice, honey and vegetable oil;
  9. In a salad bowl, mix all the ingredients and season with the sauce.

My Perfect Salad Is A Combination Of These 5 Basic Elements

Lots of different textures - soft, crunchy, smooth, chewy, crunchy sauce blended well throughout the fresh, tasty salad mix, tastes sweet, salty, salty, sour, bitter. One or more other vegetables. Dressing. Spring greens mix, cooked cuban chicken, red pepper, red onion, cucumber, feta cheese, candied walnuts, homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

Torn romaine lettuce, black beans and chicken, shredded Monterey cheese, diced avocado, crumbled tortilla chips, red peppers, homemade ranch. Both were quick and easy to make and included a respectable base of greens and other vegetables. These are added proteins and a mixture different tastes which made each of them special and delicious in their own way.

With shrimps


  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • five pieces of cherry tomatoes;
  • two sun-dried tomatoes
  • one avocado;
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • mustard;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Time is 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 65 kilocalories.

Process of creation delicious dish with lettuce:

Freshness is key. No matter what type of greens you choose, fresh and vibrant flavors will be the best and most satisfying. There is nothing as unappealing as a wilted lettuce. Of course, the best you can get is greenery, straight from the garden. Anyone can grow salad cereals, even in a tiny tiny apartment with nothing but a balcony.

Photo of Stephen Jackson

But for those who don't have fresh greens, some other great options. Depending on the flavor you're going to use, you can stick to one type of green or mix them together to have a variety of textures and flavors throughout. Cucumbers avocados bells peppers tomatoes carrots broccoli or cauliflower raw onion radishes zucchini celery olives peas mushrooms. Fresh fruits- apple or pear pieces, oranges, peaches, grapes, peaches, strawberries. Good thin slices or small pieces slices are best for fruits like apple or pear. In addition, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds are carved.

  • Dried fruits- cranberries, raisins, cherries, apricots.
  • Candied nuts of some sort - these taste amazing on salads!
  • Sweet vegetables like Bell pepper or sweet onion.
The Internet is swarming good recipes lettuce, but here are a few that I like.

  1. Boil shrimp in salted boiling water for five minutes, cool and peel;
  2. We wash lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them with our hands;
  3. Cherry tomatoes cut into halves;
  4. Dried tomatoes cut into thin strips;
  5. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes;
  6. For the sauce, mix mustard, salt, soy sauce, lemon juice and olive oil;
  7. Put all the ingredients on a flat dish and season with sauce.

in Greek


  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • half a can of olives;
  • one red bell pepper;
  • one cucumber;
  • five cherry tomatoes;
  • one red onion;
  • two tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • olive oil;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of oregano;
  • salt pepper.

Time is 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 70 kilocalories.

How to cook the dish:

Enjoy your meal!

The recipe for lettuce salads can include completely different components. But most often such an appetizer is made using fresh vegetables and greenery. Although often boiled ingredients such as eggs, carrots or potatoes are added to the dishes mentioned.

Lettuce salad recipe step by step

It is no secret to anyone that they contain a large amount of vitamins and other elements that are beneficial to the body. Therefore, in the spring-summer season, culinary specialists do not miss the opportunity and make various dishes and snacks.

Most of the lettuce leaves are those that are prepared using fresh vegetables. To implement this recipe, we need the following set of products:

  • fleshy tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • green lettuce leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • purple lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Feta cheese - about 90 g;
  • dill and parsley - several branches each;
  • red onion - head;
  • sesame seeds - use at discretion;
  • pitted olives - a standard jar;
  • fresh honey - dessert spoon (for dressing);
  • olive oil - 15 ml (for dressing);
  • lemon juice - a large spoon (for dressing);
  • wet mustard - 1/2 dessert spoon(for refueling);
  • pepper and salt - add to taste (for dressing).

Processing vegetables and herbs

Use from lettuce leaves should only be in the spring-summer season. After all, it is at this time of the year that a large amount of tasty vitamin greens ripen in the dachas.

So, to prepare the snack in question, it is necessary to process all the vegetables. They are well washed, and if necessary, peeled and peeled. After that, they start grinding them. Tomatoes, cucumbers and red sweet pepper chopped into large cubes. Concerning onion, then it is cut into very thin rings. Also, sprigs of parsley, dill and leaves of green and purple lettuce are chopped separately.

Among other things, Feta cheese is carefully removed from the package and chopped into beautiful cubes.

dressing preparation

Lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, cucumbers and sweet peppers are the main ingredients of a delicious and very beautiful snack called Greek Salad.

After all the components have been processed properly, proceed to the preparation of sweet dressing. To do this, put fresh honey, wet mustard, olive oil and lemon juice into a bowl. The ingredients are flavored with pepper and salt to taste, and then mix well.

lettuce formation process

Salad with lettuce and Feta cheese is formed quite quickly. To do this, take a deep bowl and lay out the following components in it: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, green and purple lettuce, parsley, dill and red. After that, the ingredients are flavored with the previously prepared dressing and mixed well.

Decorating a snack

Applying the recipe for salads from lettuce leaves, one should not forget about the beautiful serving of the dish to the festive table. To do this, a mixture of vegetables and herbs is laid out in a deep glass dish, and then covered with cubes of Feta cheese. Also, the salad is decorated with olives and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

We bring a beautiful dish to the table

After the Greek salad is formed properly, it is immediately presented to the table. Such an unusual and very beautiful dish is consumed along with a piece of bread and a hot lunch.

Making a simple and easy mango salad

Warm salad with chicken liver and mango - the perfect snack for holiday table. This dish will surely be appreciated by all your guests. To prepare it, we need:

  • frozen chicken liver - about 250 g;
  • soft ripe mango - about 350 g;
  • refined olive oil - 7 large spoons;
  • a mixture of lettuce leaves - about 75 g;
  • Dijon mustard - about 3 large spoons;
  • lime honey - 2 large spoons;
  • salt and ground black pepper - add to taste.

Preparing the Ingredients

How to prepare lettuce leaves for a warm appetizer? To do this, you just need to rinse them in a colander, shake vigorously and chop sharp knife(you can just break it with your hands). You should also wash the ripe and soft mango separately, peel it, cut the stone, and chop the pulp into small cubes. After that, you need to start processing the chicken liver. It is completely thawed and thoroughly washed, removing all unnecessary elements. Then the offal is chopped into medium pieces.

Frying the liver

To make the festive mango salad as fragrant as possible, do not boil it, but fry it in a pan. To do this, pour a little oil into the saucepan, and then spread the chopped offal and salt it to taste. Cook chicken liver over medium heat for about half an hour. Over this time meat ingredient should be as gentle and soft as possible.

After heat treatment offal is removed from the stove and immediately used for its intended purpose.

dressing preparation

To prepare the dressing, whisk in a small bowl while gradually adding olive oil to it. Having received homogeneous mass, it is sweetened with fresh honey and mixed well again. If desired, add a little hot pepper to the sauce.

We form a beautiful dish

For the formation holiday dish they take a large and beautiful plate with mango, and then spread the previously processed mixture of salads on it. After that, bright mango cubes are placed on the greens. Also, freshly fried liver is added to the salad.

At the end, all the ingredients are poured with mustard-honey dressing.

How to present to the table?

As you can see, lettuce leaves (herb recipes are presented in this article) are used in a completely different snacks. They give them not only a special aroma and taste, but also a beautiful appearance.

After the mango salad is ready, it is immediately presented to the table (until the chicken liver has cooled down and the greens have not gone limp). At the same time, each serving of the dish is additionally sprinkled with freshly ground black pepper.

simple and fast way preparing a nutritious salad.

If you want to do a quick but nutritious salad for dinner, we suggest using this recipe. To implement it, we need:

  • boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - a large bunch;
  • green onions - medium bunch;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • melted butter - 6 large spoons.

How to cook?

To make this appetizer chicken eggs pre-boiled, peeled and chopped into cubes. After that, lettuce leaves are also thoroughly washed (recipes using these ingredients should be known to all housewives), they are shaken strongly and finely chopped. Then both ingredients are combined in one bowl, flavored with salt and seasoned with melted butter.

After mixing the components, they are laid out in a salad bowl and served at the table along with a slice of bread.