Cucumbers with mustard for the winter. Canned Cucumbers with Dry Mustard - Recipe

Pickled or canned cucumbers with mustard for the winter is a popular winter dish that is loved by almost every family. The process of its preparation is known to every housewife and is passed down from generation to generation.

Sometimes recipes are supplemented and enriched with new ingredients. Of particular value are proven recipes, according to which even a beginner can cope with the task.

Cucumbers with mustard for the winter - general principles of preparation

For cooking canned cucumbers they must first be soaked in plenty of clean water for 4-12 hours, depending on the condition of the product. It is recommended to change the water 2-3 times. In a prepared clean and sterilized jar, greens are laid out at the bottom: parsley, garlic, dill and horseradish leaves. Soaked cucumbers are tightly packed in a jar to the very top. In some recipes, they need to be cut lengthwise into several parts. Dill branches with seeds are laid on top, and poured with marinade.

It is the marinade that gives the product its unique taste. It is prepared separately in a saucepan, and then poured into a jar. To prepare the marinade, you need pure water, sugar, salt, mustard, vinegar and individual ingredients for each recipe. The water is brought to a boil, the components are poured and cucumbers in a jar are poured with a ready-made boiling solution.

In some recipes, jars of cucumbers and marinade stand for several days, in others they are rolled up and sterilized immediately, after which they are warmed to cool.

Cucumbers with mustard for the winter - preparing food and dishes

For cucumbers, it is usually required to prepare a large number of greens, horseradish and garlic. Parsley and dill are thoroughly washed with running water and dried. Sometimes they need to be cut. The leaves and roots of horseradish are washed and also cut. Garlic is peeled, if the cloves are large, they are divided in half. Cucumbers are soaked.

Dishes for preservation must be selected and prepared in advance. To do this, choose banks of 1-3 liters. They are thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized with lids. The glass must not be damaged, otherwise the jar may burst, and all labor and products will be lost.

The saucepan for preparing the marinade is taken enameled or steel. Its size depends on the number of prepared cucumbers with mustard for the winter.

Recipe 1: Whole Mustard Cucumbers

This is a simple recipe that will take 2-3 hours to prepare, if you do not take into account the preparation of cucumbers. finished product it turns out crispy, has a spicy taste, suitable for use in pure form or as a savory part of a salad.


Whole mustard seeds - 6 tsp;

Green cucumbers - 6 kg;

Large rock salt- 10 tbsp. l.;

Sugar sand - 10 tablespoons;

Head of garlic - 2 pcs.;

Greens - horseradish leaves, sprigs of dill and parsley;

Banks with a volume of 1 liter;


Let's go over the basic principles first. After the laying of the top dill has passed, 2-3 cloves of garlic are added to it, depending on the size. A full jar is filled with boiling water and, without rolling, close the lid. Let it brew for 15 minutes, after which the water is carefully drained, you can use a special nylon cover with holes. The operation is repeated 1 more time.

The marinade is prepared separately for each jar. To do this, decant water from a jar into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, 1 tbsp each. and boil. Half a teaspoon of mustard seeds and one teaspoon of vinegar are poured into a jar. From above, everything is poured with a boiling prepared solution. The jar is rolled up with pre-prepared and sterilized lids.

All containers are placed on lids, wrapped in warm blankets and pillows and left for 20-30 hours so that the preservation cools down and can be moved to a cooler place.

Recipe 2: Cucumbers with Dry Mustard

This recipe contains vegetable oil, which gives cucumbers with mustard for the winter tenderness, a light oily taste. The manufacturing process takes longer, but the results exceed all expectations.


Dry powdered mustard - 2 tablespoons;

Green cucumbers - 4 kg;

Sand sugar - 1 glass;

Vinegar - 1 cup;

Sunflower oil - 1 glass;

Ground pepper 1 tbsp;

Coarse rock salt - ½ cup;

Banks with a volume of ½l;


After soaking, the cucumbers are cut lengthwise into 4 parts and laid out in a large saucepan. Salt, vegetable oil, sugar, pepper, vinegar and dry mustard are also poured there. All ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for 6 hours.

After the time has passed, the cucumbers are laid out in jars and poured with the resulting marinade. Before rolling, the jars are sterilized for 40 minutes.

Recipe 3: Oak Leaf Cucumbers

This recipe contains oak leaf. Adding it to pickles and preservation preserves the firm texture of cucumbers with mustard for the winter and makes them crispy.


Dry mustard - 0.5 tbsp;

Green cucumbers - 4 kg;

Oak leaves - 40 pcs.;

Dill greens - 2 bunches;

Coarse rock salt - 2 tablespoons;

Garlic - 1 head;

Horseradish root - 1 pc.;

Pepper put to taste;


The first stages of preparation are general rules. Cucumbers are laid out in a jar with spices, oak leaves and herbs. The brine is prepared separately from 1 liter of water, mustard and salt. The resulting solution is cooled to a temperature of 20-23 degrees and poured into jars, which are left to infuse for 2-3 days. The containers are left in the room at room temperature to speed up the fermentation process. After, the brine must be drained and brought to a boil again. Banks are filled and rolled up again.

Recipe 4: Original Cucumbers

Cucumbers with mustard for the winter according to this recipe are especially fragrant. This happens due to the addition of celery and tarragon to the cooking process. Such cucumbers can be used both independently and in salads.


Dry mustard - 160 g;

Green cucumbers - 4 kg;

Dill with seeds - 4 pcs.;

Dill greens - 6 branches;

Parsley greens - 4 sprigs;

Celery greens - 4 sprigs;

Tarragon greens - 4 sprigs;

Garlic - 6 cloves;

Water - 4 liters;

Coarse rock salt - 260 g;


Cucumbers are selected as uniform as possible. Together with the greens, which are distributed equally, they are laid out in layers in jars. First you need to prepare a brine from water, salt and mustard, and cool it. Jars with herbs, spices and cucumbers are poured with cold brine and fermented for 3 days. The same brine is drained, brought to a boil, and again poured into jars, sterilized for 30 minutes and rolled up.

Recipe 5: Canned Cucumbers with Onions

This is an old and proven recipe. Cucumbers are firm and fragrant, they go great as a separate cold appetizer or combined with other ingredients in salads. Also very tasty is the onion, which is preserved with cucumbers.


Ground mustard - 300 g;

Green cucumbers - 3 kg;

Onion - 300 g;

Sand sugar - 1 glass;

Coarse rock salt - 4 tablespoons;

Dill greens - 2 bunches;

Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;

Ground black pepper is added to taste;

Water - 3l;

Vinegar - ½ cup


The preparation of this recipe does not follow the usual plan. Prepared cucumbers are laid out in a large saucepan, poured there required amount water and add all the ingredients. Onions and dill must first be finely chopped. The solution, together with cucumbers, is boiled for 15 minutes at a minimum heat.

Further, the cucumbers are taken out and laid out in prepared, pre-sterilized jars. Top with boiling marinade, which remained in the pan, to the top. Rolled jars are turned over on lids and wrapped in a warm blanket for a day.

Recipe 6: Spicy cucumbers with mustard for the winter

For lovers of spicy cold snacks and savory canned cucumbers developed this recipe. Thanks to hot pepper, which is preserved along with the rest of the ingredients, the taste is pleasantly spicy.


Ground mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;

Green cucumbers - 5 kg;

Dill with seeds - 300 g;

Horseradish - 30 g;

Hot pepper pods - 2 pcs.;

Garlic - 1 head;

Water - 2.5 l;

Coarse rock salt - 250 g;


The first stages of preparation are carried out according to general rules. Washed and prepared cucumbers are laid out in jars along with herbs and spices. Hot pepper is placed at the bottom of each jar. The marinade is prepared standard recipe, cool and fill each jar. After 3 days, the liquid is drained from the cans, brought to a boil. Bottles of cucumbers are filled with boiling brine and rolled up.

Recipe 7: Cucumbers with mustard for the winter with basil

For lovers of basil, these cucumbers will be to your taste. Delicious, crispy, with a pleasant aroma, they can be served as a separate dish. Cooking is not difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations.


Mustard - 100 g;

Green cucumbers - 5 kg;

Water 4.5 l;

Vinegar - 0.6 l;

Coarse rock salt - 100 g;

Sand sugar - 100 g;

Horseradish root - 1 pc.;

Dill inflorescence - 20 g;

Dried basil - 1 tbsp. l.;

Fresh basil - 5 branches;


Cucumbers and greens are prepared according to the general rules, washed and placed in a jar. Horseradish root, dry basil and mustard are also placed there.

Separately, it is necessary to prepare a marinade, which includes: water, salt, vinegar, sugar. First, salt and sugar are poured into boiling water, after they dissolve, vinegar is poured and the marinade is immediately removed from the stove.

Jars with cucumbers are poured with a hot ready-made solution, put in boiling water and sterilized for 10-15 minutes, after which they are rolled up.

Recipe 8: Canned Cucumbers with Vodka


Ground mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;

Green cucumbers - 3.5 kg;

Vodka - 3 tbsp. l.;

Dill greens - 1 bunch;

Allspice - 12 peas;

Horseradish greens - 2 sheets;

Garlic - 6 cloves;

Sweet pepper - 3 pcs.;

Hot pepper - 1 pc.;

Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;

Currant leaves - 12 pieces;

Cherry leaves - 12 pcs.;

Sugar sand - 150 g;

Coarse rock salt - 200 g;

Water - 3 l;

Vinegar - 150 ml;


Cucumbers are prepared according to the standard scheme. Sweet peppers are washed, cleaned from seeds and cut into pieces. Also coarsely chop the herbs and garlic. The ingredients are placed in a jar along with cucumbers according to the general rules: greens should be at the bottom and at the top of the jar. Gorky and Bell pepper laid out on the bottom on the greens.

Boil water, pour into jars and cover with lids. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Drain the water, bring to a boil again and repeat the process. The brine is prepared for each jar separately. To do this, pour water from the container with cucumbers into the pan, add sugar and salt, evenly distributing the entire specified volume to all jars. Before pouring the boiling marinade, mustard and vodka are poured into the bottles. Banks are rolled up, insulated for a day.

  • Oak and cherry leaves contain tannins, so they are often added to preservation to preserve the hardness of the product.
  • To correctly determine the salt concentration in the marinade, our grandmothers used raw egg. With a low salt concentration, the egg will lie at the bottom of the container, but if there is enough salt, it will float to the surface.
  • When canning cucumbers, the essential ingredients are salt, sugar, vinegar and mustard. The remaining spices and additional products can be put at will, experimenting with tastes annually.
  • If pieces of horseradish roots are put not only on the bottom, but also in upper part cans, this will prevent the formation of mold.

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Cucumbers with mustard for the winter: proven recipes for cucumbers with mustard for the winter 2015-10-20T11:56:15+00:00 adminhomemade preparationshomemade preparations, salads and snacks

Pickled or canned cucumbers with mustard for the winter is a popular winter dish that is loved by almost every family. The process of its preparation is known to every housewife and is passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes recipes are supplemented and enriched with new ingredients. Of particular value are proven recipes, according to which even ...

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First impressions of mustard cucumbers: spicier than just garlic, slightly sweet and spicy with a cheeky crunch. Our selfish interest in winter is to always have under hand light crispy snack. It allows you to freeze the worm and satisfy the capricious feeling of hunger without excess calories. All spicy low-calorie vegetables with sourness are perfect for this.

And how easy it is to cook! Understandable additions and the main character in an elegant cut, which takes 15 minutes at most, even when there are a lot of vegetables. Marinated vegetables without our participation. We will only have to decompose into banks and briefly sterilize.

Fast, tasty, unusual - without any exotic and extra costs. In a word, a super-preparation for every family.

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How to cook cucumbers with mustard for the winter

We need:

  • Cucumbers - 4 kg
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Unscented vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • Table vinegar, 9% - 1 cup
  • Salt (rock, without impurities) - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard (powder) - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Garlic (finely chopped or through a press) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper (powder) - 2 teaspoons

Optional (if you like, based on 1 jar):

  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf (small) - 1 pc.
  • Tarragon (tarragon), fresh sprigs - 1 pc.

Important details:

  • Conservation yield - about 4.5 l
  • It is convenient to use small jars - from 500 ml to 1 liter.
  • Buy black pepper and mustard as fresh as possible. The date of manufacture is on the packaging. Better in the store, where there is a higher chance that it was not stored in the sun. This will provide the desired vigor of key spices.
  • Do you like to add finely chopped greens? Stick to the classics: dill and/or parsley, 2 tbsp each. spoons.

1) Preparing and marinating vegetables.

We wash, but do not clean, cucumbers. Cut off both ends. It is advisable to soak them in this form in cold water - at least for 1 hour. This will give the workpiece juiciness and guarantee a crunch when finished.

Cut the cucumbers into "fingers". Cut in half along the vegetable, then cut each half in half. It turns out long quarters, as in the photo below.

We clean the garlic and finely chop. Or we pass through the press.

We choose a large convenient container where it is easy to mix the ingredients.

We lay the cucumber "fingers" and add all the spices listed in the recipe.

Once again, wash and dry our hands and alter the cucumbers and all the additives with our hands. Our task is to ensure that each piece is bathed in a spicy-sweet oily mixture.

It's time to be patient while the workpiece marinates. Leave the cut to brew for 3 hours.

2) Arrange in jars and fill with spicy juice.

If we use additional spices, we put peas and twigs on the bottom of sterile jars.

During marinating cucumbers will release juice. We pack the pieces in jars and fill each container with the resulting juice.

Try to stack the pieces vertically, but don't be afraid to pack the vegetables tightly. During sterilization, they will decrease slightly in size.

When all the quarters are in the jars, add to each formed sweet-spicy cucumber juice. First pour up to half the volume to make sure that there is enough liquid for each serving.

The rest of the juice is evenly topped up in the second circle.

Usually, a lot of juice is released during a 3-hour marination. It is enough to fill each jar almost to the top - about 2 cm from the edge of the neck. Don't worry: a small amount of air does not affect the taste and quality of seaming.

Having distributed all the juice, we simply cover the blanks with sterilized lids.

3) Sterilize and close the blanks.

Sterilization is simple. Need large saucepan with water, to the bottom - kitchen towel. We put the pot on the fire. Inside we place the jars so that the water reaches the shoulders.

We are waiting for the water to boil. Spotting sterilization time from the moment the water boils in the pan.

  • For 500-750 ml - 10-12 minutes.
  • For 850-1 liters - up to 20 minutes.

We take out and hermetically roll up any convenient lids. Turn the rolls upside down, cover and let cool. We store in a dark closet. Cucumbers with mustard for the winter are well stored at room temperature until spring.

The recipe with a photo is as simple as the preparation process. Try it, you won't regret it!

Four important points

  1. For a tangible sharpness, it is the mustard powder that is needed. Whole grains will give only a light spicy note and a subtle aroma. Don't be afraid to overdo it! The spiciness of this recipe is moderate, which will appeal to everyone.
  2. Pickled varieties of cucumbers will provide an ideal crispy result. They are distinguished by 2 features. Small and medium size, when the vegetable is reduced in the palm of an adult, and pimples on the skin.
  3. If you want to cut into circles, feel free to make this blank. The only caveat: do not grind, otherwise the vegetables may turn out to be too soft. It is better to cut into circles about 1 cm thick.
  4. Pay special attention to cleanliness during the preparation phase. Wash the baking soda bowl, take a clean knife, re-wash your hands before mixing. And be sure to cover the vegetables while marinating. Don't have a suitable large lid? Take a fresh towel.

Whole vegetables in a mustard marinade without sterilization

Another mustard recipe without sterilization with classic pickled leaves and citric acid instead of vinegar is presented in short video. Vegetables are placed in jars whole, which is beneficial for large containers of 1-3 liters. We sterilize the workpiece in 2 pours of boiling water (10 minutes each). Having drained the second water, immediately fill it with hot marinade and roll it up.

That's all for today. Other spicy and spicy options are waiting for you in the Homemade / Easy Recipes section, and interesting updates are already being prepared for publication. Yummy things to you!

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Banks, banks, banks. Yes, we know how to roll them, probably even better than tantrums. Especially if the garden is at hand and every day you bring home new batches of freshly grown vegetables. Just have time to roll up, but change recipes. So today I decided to change my traditional recipe on pickled cucumbers with mustard. Haven't tried? Then write it down and do it. Cucumbers are excellent.

Pickled cucumbers in liter jars with mustard

Ingredients for 3 liter jars:

Fresh cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;

Dill umbrellas, currant leaves, herbs to taste;

Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;

Mustard powder or grains - 1 teaspoon;

Garlic - 2 heads;

Seasoning a mixture of peppercorns;

Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Wash cucumbers, sterilize jars and lids with boiling water. Banks can be in the microwave. Put on the gas pot with boiling water a little more than 2 liters. The amount of water depends on the density of filling the jars with cucumbers.

In each jar, put dill umbrellas, greens, blackcurrant leaves on the bottom.

Put tightly cucumbers in jars and put garlic cloves on top, if large, you can cut. I don’t cut, mine like pickled, it turns out whole tastier. Let the cucumbers stand for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water back into the jar. Now we have calculated the exact amount of water.

Pour salt and sugar into the water, while it boils in jars, add spices, pour peppercorns, distribute citric acid and mustard 1/3 per jar. If you want, you can add cloves and parsley. Again, it's up to taste. Some people don't like it when there are too many different seasonings.

Our brine boils, pour it into jars, pour it "with the top" so that there is no air left. Now it remains to roll up and send it upside down to cool under a fur coat. Such cucumbers are crispy with a point.

Cucumbers firmly occupy their place on our table. Salads, pickles, okroshka are inconceivable without fresh fragrant cucumber. And how many recipes exist for preparing crispy cucumbers for the winter! Experienced housewives they know that everything we prepare in the summer will please us on a cold winter day.

Canned or pickled cucumbers, fragrant, smelling of garlic and cherry leaves, crunching appetizingly on the teeth - the dream of any housewife.

Back in the 18th century, thrifty hostesses salted cucumbers in barrels for the winter. Each hostess had her own secret recipe inherited from mother or grandmother. Vegetables in barrels kept their taste qualities until the end of Lent. Cherry, currant and oak leaf, horseradish and garlic were added to the marinades.

Today we are harvesting cucumbers for the winter in jars, and to make them really tasty, we have our little secrets that we will share with you.

For seaming, you need to choose young cucumbers with thin skin, dark green in color with pimples. Ideally, if you can pick them up in size, no more than 8 cm in length. Of course, the best thing is the vegetables collected on your site, but if there is none, then when buying cucumbers in the market, be careful.

Before you start processing vegetables, they must be soaked. Put in a large container, pour cold water and leave for at least 8 hours. Remember what colder water, the more appetizing the cucumbers will be, so do not be lazy and change the water several times.

Be careful in the choice of spices and herbs: dill and parsley, if they are provided for in the recipe, cut off and, after rinsing with cold water several times, put to work. Do not get carried away with garlic, if you shift it, the crispy effect will disappear.

When choosing a recipe according to which you will cook vegetables for the winter, consider the taste preferences and wishes of your family. Cucumbers are preserved with vinegar and citric acid, without sterilization, by the method of hot threefold pouring, and together with zucchini, squash and tomatoes. Gherkins are poured tomato juice, with cucumbers they cook lecho and delicious salad from chopped cucumbers with onions.

Today we bring to your attention a recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard powder for the winter. mustard cucumbers have a piquant, spicy taste, they are crispy, firm and very appetizing.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for two liter jars:

  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • Dry mustard - one and a half tsp
  • Parsley - 1 bunch,
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 180 g,
  • Table vinegar 9% - 80 ml,
  • Black ground pepper- 0.5 tsp

How to cook pickled cucumbers in mustard in jars for the winter

Washed and soaked cucumbers are cut lengthwise into four parts.

Rinse the parsley under running cold water, dry with a napkin and finely chop. Pour vinegar into vegetable oil, add salt, sugar, pepper and dry mustard there, and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour the marinade into a large cup (preferably enameled) and lay out the cucumbers. We try to make sure that the marinade completely covers the vegetables. We leave for 3 hours.

Cooking two liter cans: wash with baking soda, rinse, let the water drain. We put cucumbers in jars "standing".

We distribute the marinade equally among the jars with the juice released from the vegetables.

Pasteurize in the usual way. In a pan with a wide bottom, lay several layers of gauze or soft cloth, put the jars with the workpiece, pour water over the shoulders of the jars, cover them iron lids and boil for 20 minutes.

We take out the jars from the water, roll them up and put them on the lid. Wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely for 48 hours.

Delicious spicy cucumbers in mustard for the winter in jars ready. Hide them in the pantry and let them delight you in the winter. Enjoy your meal!

Salted cucumbers with mustard


With mustard, they are vigorous, incredibly crispy, prepared without much hassle and stored well. They go well with potatoes, they are used in pickles, salads, etc. Now we will tell you how to pickle cucumbers with mustard.

Salted cucumbers with mustard


  • cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • spices- taste;
  • spices;
  • dry mustard - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • water - 4 l;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Soak the cucumbers in cold water and leave to soak for about 6 hours, changing the water every 2 hours. Without wasting time in vain, we prepare the jars: we wash them, dry them and fill each with spices and herbs. Then we put the cucumbers and pour hot brine.

We leave the jars at room temperature for several days, after which we pour 2 tablespoons of dry mustard into each 3-liter jar, mix and leave for another 6 hours. This completes the process of pickling cucumbers with mustard, and they can be served on the table with boiled potatoes. If you are preparing a blank for the winter, then pour the brine into a saucepan, boil for 10 minutes, immediately pour it into jars, roll it up with lids, turn it over and wrap it in a warm blanket.


  • cucumbers - 10 kg;
  • young garlic - 150 g;
  • dill for preservation;
  • horseradish and cherry leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt - 350 g;
  • peppercorns;
  • water - 5 l;
  • mustard powder- 150 g;
  • red hot pepper - to taste.


To begin with, we wash the cucumbers and soak them for 6 hours with cold water. Meanwhile, boil water in a separate pan and cool it. Banks are pre-washed and sterilized. Then we put spicy herbs, peeled garlic and pepper in each jar at the very bottom. We tamp the cucumbers on top. Cooled down boiled water Add salt and stir well until completely dissolved. Pour the resulting brine into jars, add a spoonful of mustard on top and close it very tightly with a nylon lid. We remove the workpiece for storage in a cellar or other cool place. After about a month, pickles can already be eaten.


  • gherkins - 4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • mustard powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • grated ginger root - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • greens;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


To begin with, we wash the cucumbers well, put them in a large container, sprinkle with salt, chopped garlic, ground pepper, grated ginger root, sugar and mustard. Pour a little vinegar, vegetable oil and throw finely chopped fresh herbs. Mix everything well and leave to marinate for about 3 hours.

Next, we take sterilized liter jars, spread the prepared salad and pour the marinade on top. We sterilize each jar for 20 minutes, and then roll it up and leave it to cool upside down under a blanket.

Chopped cucumbers with mustard


  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • table vinegar- 250 ml;
  • dill greens;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard powder - 350 g;
  • Bay leaf.


First, wash the cucumbers well and dry them with a paper towel. Then we cut them into circles, add the onion, chopped in half rings and finely chopped dill. Next, we take a saucepan, pour table vinegar into it, throw dry, granulated sugar, bay leaf and pepper crushed in a mortar.

Bring to a boil and carefully place the cucumbers with onions and herbs in the brine. Stirring occasionally, bring everything back to a boil. After that, we shift the salad into sterilized jars, fill it with brine, roll it up and leave it to cool for about a night under a blanket.