We drink and brew pu-erh in tablets and pressed correctly. How to brew pu-erh at home

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It so happened that a person is closer to the familiar classics, well-established canons, the unchanging order of well-known things. Such conservatism is often transferred to culinary preferences. Morning cup of coffee, a mug of black or green tea between lunch and dinner. Variety is more about the order than the type of drinks consumed.

Meanwhile, in the homeland of tea, in China, hundreds of its varieties and processing methods are known. The painstaking people use all stages of tea leaf growth, fix all degrees of fermentation, use natural processes and microorganisms, turn to ancient technologies and invent new ones. The result is the same tea, but each time - with unique properties and taste.

Pu-erh is one of the varieties of long-fermented tea.

Chinese Pu-erh tea is a post-fermented tea produced in limited regions of China. It is produced according to a specific technology, when maturation during the fermentation procedure does not occur in a generally accepted way (with the help of natural tea leaf enzymes), but as a result of complex factors, including the work of microorganisms.

A distinctive feature of Pu-erh is also the final stage of production - pressing. This facilitates its storage, transportation, and also affects the taste of brewed tea.

There are two types of pu-erh:

  • Raw (Shu). This refers to the technology of fermentation. Dried and twisted tea leaves are piled up and filled with water. This allows you to increase the temperature inside, speed up the fermentation process. It has special characteristics. The taste of "earthy" tea only improves over the years, bitterness and heaviness disappear, nobility appears. Tea is stored for 20 or more years.
  • Cooked (Shen). Forcing the fermentation process with water is not used. The fermentation process takes place naturally up to a certain level, it is carefully monitored. Fermentation is stopped by the next stage - drying.

The last stage of manufacturing is pressing. There are several methods of pressing, the main ones are as follows:

How to choose the best Pu-erh for brewing

To brew pressed Pu-erh tea and enjoy it, you need to know its features, be able to listen to your own feelings, and not chase cheapness. Preliminary assessment of the quality of tea can be done by only two parameters:

  1. Pleasant appearance. Despite the strongly pressed forms, whole leaves should be clearly visible in cakes and bricks. Color may be slightly uneven. Shu puer is darker, Sher puer is light brown with greenish hues. Foreign inclusions, garbage are not allowed.
  2. Pleasant specific smell. Puer is called "earthy" tea. But notes of earth and wood should not be predominant. The aroma is obligatory tobacco, nutty notes. The smell of dampness should suggest that storage conditions have been violated. This tea is not of good quality.

If you are going to cook Pu-erh for the first time, give preference to a good, not the cheapest variety. Otherwise, excessive roughness and strength of taste, not the most refined aroma, may repel. Pu-erhs have different packaging. Buy a "nest" or "square" at a time, follow all the rules of preparation and find the tea to your liking. The degree of vivacity, freshness, and taste ratings depend on how to brew earthen tea.

There are special tools for separating a portion of tea for brewing

Brewing tea

The rule for making Pu-erh is 5-15 brews. Rule of use - do not take before bedtime and on an empty stomach. Water should be taken of the best quality, at one time brew the amount of tea that will definitely be drunk.

The preparation of Pu-erh involves the use of special utensils:

  • Big kettle.
  • Gaiwan. Special deep cup with lid. Instead, you can use a special small teapot for Pu-erh with a volume of 150 ml.
  • Strainer. When separating a part from a large pressed cake, too much will inevitably appear. small pieces, dust.
  • Chahay. A device that replaces the milk jug. But it is used not for milk, but for uniform mixing of the infusion.
  • Bowls of small volume.

A feature of the preparation is the soaking of Pu-erh. Enough 10 g per 100 ml of water. It is customary to scrape right amount tea with a knife or break off with your fingers. Tea is prepared in the following sequence:

  • Soak dry brew. The required amount is put into the gaiwan, poured cold water. Time - 5 minutes. Drain the water. It turns dark, and the tea is ready for further use. Water is no longer used. It is believed that the tea is washed.
  • In a large kettle bring water to a boil, pour into a thermos to maintain the desired temperature. Tea is brewed with water at 95°.
  • Pour pu-erh with water from a thermos and drain immediately. Rinse with drained water and heat cups and tea. Leave the Pu-erh in the gaiwan, cover with a lid. Wait 30 seconds. The vapors begin to wake up the tea, it swells slightly, preparing to give off aromas.
  • Pour the tea leaves with a new portion of water. After 5-10 seconds, pour into the chahai and immediately into the cups. This is the first brewing of tea, tea drinking begins with it.
  • The next brew is shorter by a couple of seconds. It gives an amazing rich shade, strong taste, the aroma becomes richer.
  • Each subsequent brewing may be longer than the previous one. It depends on the preferences of the guests and the host. How many times to brew Pu-erh, experience will tell over time. It depends on the variety and favorite concentration of tea leaves.

Properly brewed, this type of tea has a rich bouquet of aromas and invigorates well.

Pu-erh, especially well-aged varieties, has unique properties. By changing the time of brewing tea, they achieve lightness, vivacity, and arousal of appetite. A strong concentration of tea leaves quickly tones up all body systems, and can even cause the effect of intoxication. Pu-erh, due to its enzymatic composition, can be drunk by people with peptic ulcer. It improves digestion, cleanses blood vessels. European doctors even suggested that the low rate of Chinese cancer was achieved thanks to frequent use fermented teas.

Drink Pu-erh, try previously unknown foods and drinks. This expands our understanding of a foreign culture, makes the choice richer, and life more interesting.

There are hundreds of types of black, green, white and other teas in the world, and each of them requires special handling, or rather, following the rules of brewing. This is not a fashion, not a tradition, but the very condition under which a drink is obtained with its characteristic taste and aromatic qualities.

A little about tea

True Pu Er is one of the most expensive and strong teas, which is distinguished by production technology and, of course, taste. Before you buy it, you need to get acquainted with the properties and recommendations on how to properly brew Puerh tea. Let's start with what the product is. Puer is a tea with a long fermentation period, which can last for decades. The longer it is stored, the more valuable and diverse its taste. Few manufacturers today use the traditional technology for manufacturing this product, because it requires a minimum of 10-15 years. That is why today many people use accelerated production technology, which allows you to get tea that is similar in taste after 6 months.

  • Shu Pu Er - produced using accelerated technology, pressed, as traditional, into tablets, bricks and other forms;
  • Shen Pu Er aged - made according to traditional technology, involving post-fermentation. The color of the product is dark green. Taste with pronounced sweetness, multifaceted aroma;
  • Mao Cha - green leaves, not pressed, going to the production of Pu Er Shu and Shen.

The traditional, and therefore the most popular form of leaf pressing is a flat cake, which can weigh from 20-30 grams to a kilogram. The longer the cake is stored, the better the tea becomes. Under the action of microbes and enzymes, the leaf ripens, new organic compounds, sugars, tannins are formed in it, earthy notes disappear. Pu Er is an aged tea, which is also compared to cognac and cheese, which become even better over time.

Brewing rules

Why do you need to know how to brew Pu-erh tea? In order to appreciate its taste correctly. Many who have not tried this drink before often refuse to re-tasting it, and all because they brew it incorrectly and choose a non-optimal amount of tea leaves.

Tea cakes are stored in special conditions for a long time, so they require washing before direct brewing. It is better to break off a piece from the cake sharp knife, for this even special tea knives are sold. This must be done so that the cake itself does not crumble. About 1 tsp is needed for one serving of tea. tea leaves. Be sure to brew in a teapot.

This is how the color of the infusion changes from brew to brew

The technology is as follows:

  • put a broken piece of tea in a teapot;
  • boil water, let it cool to 90 degrees;
  • pour and wait 20 seconds to allow the sheet to open slightly and get rid of dust;
  • drain the water, pour again for 1 minute;
  • pour into cups.

The time of direct brewing may vary depending on the variety and the aging period. How much Pu-erh should be brewed on average? From 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes, and the longer the infusion period, the stronger the drink will be. It acquires astringency, slightly knits, but strongly invigorates and restores strength. Pu-erh in tablets is brewed in the same way, but before filling the tablet with water, it is better to knead it, so the drink will be richer in taste and aroma. Tableted tea, like classic tea, is brewed up to 10 times. You can drink it with dried fruits.

Yixing clay teapot - ideal utensils for brewing

One of the main conditions delicious tea- soft water. All dishes are recommended to be warmed up before the ceremony. hot water, especially the kettle itself, because the higher the temperature in it, the better the leaf will steam and give the water more taste and aroma.

Some experts recommend crushing a piece of Pu-erh cut off from the cake, others advise putting it in the teapot as a whole. There is also an opinion that hot rinsing can be replaced by cold rinsing, that is, before putting tea into the teapot, it is washed by hand under running cold water.

If we are talking about Shen Pu-erh, then it can be brewed up to 15 times and with each new brew you get new notes in taste and aroma. But for this, each time pouring it with water, extend the infusion time by 10-20 seconds. You can not insist this tea for a long time, otherwise it will become bitter and astringent.

Properties of the finished drink

Every tea is good. If green is positioned as a drink of youth and longevity, then Pu-erh is positioned as a source of strength, vigor and healthy digestion. Due to the special production technology, this type of tea has a composition that is different from all the others, which allows us to talk about the benefits of the drink in certain areas of health.

  • Fights bad breath and prevents the development of caries.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduces pressure.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss.
  • It has an antioxidant effect, fights the development of tumors.
  • Stimulates the work of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Improves skin condition.

Puerh has less caffeine than coffee, but its stimulating effect is higher. Therefore, you can not drink more than 3 cups of weak tea per day. There are categories of people to whom it is contraindicated:

  • with kidney disease;
  • with stones in the gallbladder;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • hypotensive patients.

There are also individual signs of intolerance to this drink, which can be expressed in palpitations, flies in the eyes, skin allergies. It is not recommended to drink Pu-erh on an empty stomach. Pu-erh is a tea worth trying, but it must be done correctly and with an understanding of its essence. It is ideal to hold a real tea ceremony with all the attributes.

More than one article has already been written about amazing tonic and cleansing, so now we will not dwell on this. Another thing is important: if you really want to fall in love with this tea and reveal all its nuances, then, first of all, you must know how to prepare pu-erh correctly. Many do not pay due attention to this and then become disappointed in pu-erh. Meanwhile, its preparation is not very complicated. Below you will find various recipes, which will help you to fully master the art of brewing pu-erh tea.

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Traditional cooking method

First you need to purchase this tea, this can be done, for example, here - https://zakazat-chay.ru. The brewing method under consideration is rather concise. By following simple rules, you will get a delicious, fragrant and refreshing drink. Drink pu-erh without sugar. Take a porcelain or glass cup or teapot. Rinse the dishes with boiling water to warm them up - this way your pu-erh will brew faster and better. Separate required amount tea - usually about 5 grams. Place pu-erh leaves under boiling water and rinse thoroughly for a few seconds, then, draining it completely, leave the tea for about half a minute. This procedure will allow the tea leaf to soak with water and open its amazing taste and flavor to the fullest. After that, brew the tea with very hot (but not boiling) water. Pu-erh can be infused from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, and several times.

Drain the brewed tea completely. With each subsequent brewing, the taste of pu-erh will acquire new and new shades.

Milk pu-erh and milk-based pu-erh: what's the difference?

To avoid confusion, it should be noted that these are not the same thing at all. Milk pu-erh- This is one of the varieties of pu-erh, which has a delicate aftertaste with hints of caramel and milk. It can be cooked traditional way, which was described above. And pu-erh in milk is brewed warm fat milk, and infused for several minutes until the tea leaves subside (usually a little longer than with the usual way with water). It can also be "boiled" - for 500 ml of milk, take about 3 teaspoons of pu-erh and 20 grams of unsalted butter. The tea leaf is washed with cold water; it is better to do it several times. Put butter and tea into boiling milk. Boil the drink should be no longer than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of getting an unpleasant bitterness. The second time you can not use tea leaves.

In mandarin - for lovers of citrus shades

Pu-erh in mandarin is fermented in a special way using the whole peel of this fruit. The method of its preparation is almost the same as the usual one, but experts advise observing a few little things. So, let's figure out how to properly brew pu-erh in mandarin. Firstly, the water temperature for it should be slightly lower than usual - about 80 degrees. Secondly, this species pu-erh can not be washed before brewing. And finally, to enrich its flavor, put a small piece tangerine peel into the teapot.

The previous brewing methods are mainly used for pressed pu-erh. Them main feature lies in the fact that for the preparation of a truly delicious tea, you need to take into account various rules. The advantage of loose pu-erh is that it is not so picky about observing all the little things. The main thing for such tea is to choose the right amount of tea leaves. Like pressed pu-erh, it can also be used several times.

On this page:

In ancient times, in one of the Chinese provinces, in the city of Pu Er, teas were brought to sell from all over the celestial empire. They were collected from wild tea trees, not from cultivated bushes. This tea was distinguished by its rich color when brewed, strong aroma and expressive taste. The name behind him was fixed by the name of the city where he was sold.

Collection of high quality tea in the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan, the birthplace of the world famous tea.

Some time passed and pu-erh began to be called a special tea that underwent special processing and a special, long fermentation process. This amazing tea is sometimes compared to cheese due to the similar processing time of the two products.

Both of them require:

  • special ripening conditions,
  • certain temperature,
  • constant humidity and light.

The taste of both depends on the level of maturity.

Everyone knows that in order for tea to reveal all its wonderful properties, it must be properly brewed. But not everyone knows how to brew pu-erh properly. We will definitely talk about this in this article. But first, in our opinion, it would not be superfluous to talk a little about the types of this wonderful tea, its useful properties oh and contraindications.

What are the types of pu-erh tea?

There are only four types:

  1. Ma o cha- unpressed pu-erh tea leaves, used as a raw material for the manufacture of various pu-erhs.
  2. shen pu er- pressed ma o cha, which did not undergo any additional processing.
  3. Aged sheng pu er- obtained using traditional technologies with post-fermentation. It has dense dark green leaves, an expressive sweetish aftertaste, a persistent and bright flavor bouquet. It takes at least two to three years to obtain high-quality sheng pu er. During this period, bitterness disappears, bad smell, moldy taste and leaf stiffness.
  4. Shu pu er- pressed ma o cha, which has undergone special processing and accelerated fermentation. At long-term storage the taste of shu pu er is also changing for the better. The smell and taste of “wet heaps” disappears from it.

Useful properties of Chinese tea

In order for the beneficial properties to be fully manifested, you need to know some of the subtleties of how to brew pu-erh correctly. Applying them in practice, we will preserve all the characteristic properties that are inherent in this tea.

These are, in particular:

  • its feature is to increase tone and endurance,
  • beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract,
  • speed up the digestion process.

Here are some pronounced miraculous properties of pu-erh:

  • By using amazing drink we activate the functions of the liver, gallbladder, accelerate metabolism. This is the perfect drink after a heavy or fatty meal.
  • The presence of antioxidants inhibits the growth of cancer cells and the development of rheumatoid arthritis caused by free radicals. Antioxidants also make you stronger in the fight against the formation of tumors and the ability to repel the attacks of viruses and bacteria.
  • Puer having hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) properties, simultaneously removes toxins. As a result, the skin acquires a healthy freshness.
  • Another amazing opportunity amazing tea- the ability to increase blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is a good cholesterol-lowering remedy if taken three times a day.
  • Pu-erh tea has long been known as the "fat-burning king" as it speeds up the metabolism.
  • Tonic tea drink can help fight tooth decay and bad breath.

Tip: since any tea has an invigorating effect, and pu-erh is no exception, it is advisable to drink it in the morning or before a long drive, but not before going to bed.

Contraindications - when pu-erh is harmful and who should not drink it

If, of course, you store tea in improper conditions, do not brew it correctly, drink too much of it, then you will harm your health with almost a 100% guarantee, but there are some contraindications, even if everything is done properly.

Contraindicated Chinese tea:

  • during pregnancy,
  • at high temperature,
  • with kidney stones,
  • with eye diseases
  • small children (up to 10 years old).

Although properly brewed pu-erh contains significantly less caffeine than coffee and its effect is milder, nevertheless, if there is a dependence on caffeine, or its intolerance, then it should be used with caution. If after a cup of pu-erh you experience a rapid heartbeat, increased excitability, irritability, perhaps this is your case.

For the same reason, drinking Pu-erh for insomnia is also recommended with caution.

Tea has a tonic effect, and with a significant excess of the recommended dosages when brewing or drinking tea, this property is greatly enhanced. Therefore, tea intoxication similar to alcohol may occur.

You can not drink any kind of tea medicine. Tannin and other substances contained in it cause many medicines to precipitate and / or be poorly absorbed.

Tip: drinking tea, especially green tea, should be after a meal, as it aggressively affects the empty stomach mucosa.

Methods and rules for brewing pu-erh tea

Finally, we got to the most important question: how to brew pu-erh correctly, let's start with water and dishes.

What water is needed:
any will do, but the purer and softer, the brighter the taste and other properties of the tea will manifest.

What to brew:
Issin clay teapots are more suitable. But you can use dishes from any other materials. More important here is the volume of the brewer. Since Chinese teas are poured into cups without diluting and not leaving for later, therefore the quantity hot water should correspond to the total volume that will be drunk.

How to brew - basic rules

Black tea, or pu-erh as the Chinese call it, varies greatly in taste, color and strength. Someone who, namely the Chinese, knows all the intricacies of the process of proper brewing.

But not always and far from everyone has a couple of free hours for a tea ceremony. But even without this action, you can make tea that will show all its best properties. You just need to follow a few simple guidelines.

Rules without which real tea cannot be prepared:

  1. We use water that has not come to a boil or has cooled down after boiling, with a temperature of 85-95 degrees.
  2. Before brewing, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the kettle so that it warms up.
  3. Now you can pour tea, pour boiling water over it, leave for 10-20 seconds. and drain the liquid. So Puer tea washed out of dust.
  4. Fill again and let it brew. The infusion time depends on the variety, the desired strength of the drink and can last from 0.5 minutes to 4 minutes.

How to brew loose pu-erh

  1. Before brewing, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the tea leaves with very hot water. So we clean them from dust, as mentioned above, and spend preliminary training by moisturizing them. For washing, it is enough to fill the sheet for literally a few seconds and immediately drain.
  2. The teapot for brewing should be small, put one or two teaspoons of loose pu-erh tea into it.
  3. Boil for a couple of minutes.

If you need stronger, then insist a little longer.

How to brew pressed pu-erh tea

  1. For one small cup, take 1-1.5 teaspoons of pressed pu-erh, after separating it from a large cake with a special knife (a hybrid of an awl and a screwdriver).
  2. We fall asleep in the prepared kettle, pour for 10 seconds. boiling water, drain the water. The leaves become clean, softer and saturated with moisture. The most suitable is a transparent glass teapot, in which the whole process is visible.
  3. Water deserves special attention. It should be clean and soft. Then the taste will be the best.
  4. Refill for a minute. Particularly high quality Pu-erh is good even after fifteen brews, if all the above subtleties are observed.

We brew pu-erh in tablets: how to do it right

It will be correct exactly as described above, the classic way. But even the best tableted pu-erh can be brewed no more than ten times.

  1. For brewing, use purified and soft water.
  2. Before starting, gently knead the tablet, pour boiling water for a few seconds, drain.
  3. Then pour boiling water again (95 degrees), leave for about three minutes, pour into cups, enjoy the taste.

How to brew puer shu

Shu, or black pu-erh, should be filled with bubbling, about 100 degrees, water. Sometimes it is boiled for a short time. Such tea turns out to be almost black in color, with an earthy tinge of aroma and taste. You need to insist up to five minutes.

How to brew pu-erh for those for whom it is a profession

In this video:

  • tools and devices for brewing;
  • ways of picking a tea cake;
  • how and how much to rinse tea;
  • several ways of brewing, depending on the variety.

Advice from the video: raw pu-erhs are not brewed with boiling water, but black ones are acceptable and steep.

How many times to brew pu-erh tea

Essential positive property high-quality teas - the ability to brew them for one tea party several times in a row, following the rules below.

The number of pu-erh brews, as already mentioned, depends on the quality and type of tea leaf, as well as on the method.

There are several ways to brew tea, but the main two are:

  • European,
  • and Ping Cha.

Multiple European brewing

With the "European" brewing of tea, the tea leaves are infused for up to 15 minutes, and sometimes even longer.

  • first infusion extracts - 50% useful substances;
  • the second - 30%;
  • the third - only 10%;
  • the fourth - the last 1-3%.

Even in quality tea after the fourth brew, there is little that remains good. Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out further brewing: there are almost no useful substances, and sparingly soluble substances contained in small quantities harmful substances that come out last may already be in the drink.

Multiple Ping Cha Brewing

Brewing tea using the Ping Cha method is characterized by the fact that you need to put a lot of tea leaves in a small volume, but little insist.

Almost any Chinese tea can be brewed this way three times, but the average is five. Very high-quality varieties more than 10 times, and collectible varieties up to 15. With such a number of tea leaves, this will be a large volume. It is more than enough for you and your guests.

Rules for multiple brewing:

  • it is recommended to take 3-5 g of tea leaves for every 100 ml of water, unless there are other recommendations for the variety you have;
  • subsequent brewing should begin when the brew is almost completely cooled;
  • each subsequent time, the infusion time should be increased from 15-30 seconds for the first times, up to one minute for the last.

If you do everything right, then tea will reveal its secrets and, with repeated brewing, will acquire new notes.

  1. If you do not like the pu-erh tea you bought because of an unpleasant smell resembling mold, then this indicates a violation of storage conditions. He's just spoiled.
  2. Pu-erh can sometimes have an earthy or musty smell. This indicates that the tea is immature. However, do not rush to throw it away. Hide for a year or two in a cool place with constant (about 70%) humidity and good ventilation, isolating from strong odors. It will ripen and you will get a nice drink. And if you manage to keep it for ten years in such conditions, you will get a tea masterpiece, since during this time a full cycle of natural fermentation will take place.

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Interesting about tea:

  • The recipe for brewing Puer tea - there are several ways ...
  • What is pu-erh tea - its properties, how it is grown and made, and what properties it has.
  • Green tea is harmful to health - if you do not know the measures when using it.
  • Drink green tea and the pressure will be normal - regular use green tea reduces pressure and maintains...
  • Green tea can be dangerous - when and who should drink it in small quantities or refuse it altogether.

  • How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication
  • How to brew pu-erh at home? cooking secrets
  • How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine
  • What defines the concept of real Chinese tea? Of course, this is, first of all, one that, in addition to its amazing taste and rich aroma, can benefit the body. Many of us, for example, know that black tea perfectly invigorates, and real green tea promotes weight loss and is a powerful antioxidant. Oolongs normalize metabolism, and fruit teas strengthen immunity, as they contain a large number of vitamins and essential trace elements. But few people know how useful pu-erh tea can be, but the Chinese know and not in vain call it a cure for all diseases. Why is pu-erh similar in characteristics to coffee, but much healthier than it? Why is this drink often compared to collection wines? What is the effect of tea intoxication and, of course, how to brew and drink pu-erh correctly, we will talk about all this in this article.

    What is Puer

    Chinese pu-erh belongs to post-fermented teas and is one of the most expensive varieties in the world. It is produced according to a certain technology and not everywhere, but only in certain provinces, the most popular of which are Yunnan and Sichuan. According to the degree of fermentation, there are two types of pu-erh.

    Shen- the technology of preparation of this variety is as follows. First, the leaves are slightly dried on fresh air, then dried and then pressed. After pressing, tea continues to ripen, this product does not have an expiration date, the older it is, the more expensive it is. Therefore, it is often compared with good wines that only get better with age.

    Shu- withered and slightly dried tea leaves are piled in large piles and poured with water. In this form, it is left for several days, stirring from time to time. Thanks to this technology, an active fermentation process begins in the tea leaf. Fermentation is accelerated and the maturation process is much faster. After that, shu is also pressed. In this form, it can be stored for more than twenty years. At the same time, the quality and taste of tea also improve with age. Bitterness and earthy aftertaste disappears, and an exquisite and unique aftertaste remains, for which gourmets appreciate it so much.

    There are several pressing methods:
    In the form of a cake or "tablet" - a pancake of a round shape, the weight is different.
    In the form of a nest - most often it is shu pu-erh that is pressed into this form.
    Brick is the most popular type of pressing.
    Like a square - weighing about two hundred grams.
    In the form of a mushroom - as a rule, they make such a form for Tibetan consumers.
    Pumpkin - in this form, tea was presented only to emperors and it was made from raw materials of the highest grade collected from Mount Yiwu.
    Lumpy - pressed in the form of lumps.

    Useful properties of pu-erh tea

    In addition to outstanding taste features, the drink has a lot of useful properties. He is considered morning tea, because he does not invigorate worse than coffee, and the benefits of it are much more.

    • Actively stimulates digestion proper weight loss
    • Reduces cholesterol
    • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins
    • Tones up
    • Helps to concentrate
    • Increases mental and physical activity
    • Stabilizes pressure
    • Improves the condition of the body, saturating it useful trace elements
    • It has proven itself well as a tool that helps to recover faster the next day after a feast.

    How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication

    In order to get the same drink when brewing pu-erh, the taste of which is legendary, and to be able to enjoy the effect of tea intoxication, or, as they sometimes say, “to insert”, you need to know what you should pay attention to when making a purchase of this product. We want to say right away that the effect of tea intoxication has nothing to do with alcohol. First of all, we are talking about the fact that the drink gives a huge charge of vivacity, tones, uplifts the mood and improves brain activity. With him you are capable of anything!

    So, the main characteristics of real pu-erh:

    • It cannot be cheap, first of all, the high price is associated with production costs.
    • Despite the fact that it is pressed, whole leaves should be clearly visible in the forms.
    • Colour. Shu - noticeably darker, shen - have a light brown and greenish tint.
    • Foreign additives and impurities are not allowed.
    • The aroma should clearly feel woody, tobacco and nutty notes.
    • If you feel a strong smell of dampness, this indicates a violation of storage conditions. This tea is not worth it.

    Pu-erh is rarely recommended to people who are just starting their acquaintance with elite varieties of tea. If you nevertheless ventured to start with it, then it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the rules for brewing this drink, since the taste, aroma, strength and effect that properly brewed tea gives depends on this process.

    How to brew pu-erh at home? cooking secrets

    It is recommended to use water to prepare this drink. good quality, it is best to use spring water for these purposes. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to buy bottled.

    For brewing elite varieties, which undoubtedly include chinese pu-erh, it is advisable to use special dishes, namely:
    Porcelain or glass teapot.
    Gaiwan - a special cup with a lid and a saucer.
    Chahai is a cup where brewed tea is poured before pouring it into bowls.

    Tea quantity:
    Ten grams of pu-erh is usually enough for one hundred grams of water, cut off with a knife or break off with your fingers the required amount of tea leaves and you can start cooking.

    The process of brewing a noble drink:
    To begin with, the pu-erh should be washed. To do this, put the right amount of tea in a gaiwan, fill it with cold water and leave it like that for five minutes, then drain the water.
    Put the kettle on the fire and heat the water. Remember, for brewing shu pu-erh, the temperature should be 95 degrees, for sheng - 75-80 degrees.
    Pour hot water over the tea and immediately drain it, then cover the pu-erh with a lid and leave it like that for thirty seconds. During this time, pour hot water over chahai and bowls. Then pour hot water over the pu-erh again and pour the drink into the chahai, and then pour it into bowls. Everyone, you can start drinking!

    Pressed pu-erh tablets

    Place the tablet in the gaiwan, after dousing the bowl with hot water. Gently mash it with a spoon and pour boiling water over it. After a couple of seconds, drain the first water, then fill it with new water and let it brew for two minutes. And then already act according to your own taste preferences, if the drink turned out to be rather weak, increase the infusion time, if on the contrary it is strong, then reduce it. Wild pu-erh is also brewed in the same way.

    How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine

    Recently, this method of preparation has become very popular. There are no special secrets here. About five grams of tea is taken per half liter of water. AT loose, as a rule, they sell shu pu-erh, so optimum temperature water - 95 degrees. The peculiarity lies only in the fact that, along with tea leaves, dried mandarin peel is added to the teapot. The infusion time is about 5 minutes, resulting in a drink with a wonderful citrus taste and rich aroma.

    How many times can you brew

    High-quality real pu-erh can withstand from five to fifteen brews. It has an amazing feature, with each brewing the drink will reveal new facets, you will feel a whole palette of aromas and feel a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

    Video: How to brew pu-erh

    Where to buy high quality pu-erh tea?

    We tried to reveal all the secrets of this wonderful drink. There is a wide variety of varieties this tea. You can always get acquainted with each of them and which you like on our website. We wish you easy shopping and pleasant tea drinking!